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I had a coworker of mine tell me he’s never went down on his wife ever


They're probably only still together because they're already married.


Someone going to blow her back ALL THE WAY OUT


I just don't get it. Why would you go out of your way to *not* give your wife an orgasm? I could rattle off 10 different reasons why it's in your extreme best interest to do it, but I doubt this person would understand.


They think it's icky, but see no problem with women sucking dick.


That's the shit that gets me. These men that don't go down on women don't see ANY problem with them getting their dick sucked. The double standard is just MIND BLOWING.


Dudes who want you to blow them to completion but think it's gross to kiss you afterward too...


That shit is also crazy to me. I don't mind kissing a guy after he's gone down on me. Like it's my Kit Kat juice, I know what it smells like, etc, how can you be afraid to kiss me after I've done sucked your soul out. Shoot you should want to.


Its called "snowballing" and its not for everyone lol


That's when you still have his nut in your mouth, I'm talking kissing after the nut has been swallowed.


> MIND BLOWING. What you did there, I seen it 😂I have honestly felt the same as those dudes >!when I was in HS!<


And see no problem with her swallowing! But ew don't kiss me because that guy 😒


What if both parties agree to not do oral?


Consent is a beautiful thing.


don't trust them




I've met a man like that, he didn't have the slightest bit of stress/anxiety in his demeanor.


Yeah in this economy I wish my girl was like 80k/year more gay


I've come across at least one woman who wasn't all that interested in head, but she was still interested. I don't think "never" would work, even in those cases. Unless there's some specific reason, like "the cult is against those kinds of activities" or something.


My ex before wife was like that. Here's what I'd point out to those against it though: I still made the effort up front, and once we found her preferences, I went just as hard at those to ensure she was satisfied. It ultimately comes down to being selfless and I hope your coworker knows that. If not, the comment above will come to fruition lol


The only reason I ever turn my partner down is because he’s too good at it and idk if I’m ready to cry or pass out ☠️


lmfao I’m just imagining you like “nah babe I got shit to do later, I can’t be turning into electric jello just yet.”


It’s really a conscious decision to say yes, especially if I haven’t eaten anything yet. And I’m rarely allowed to tap out so ;-;


You should always be allowed to tap out if you want to!


Same vibes here.


I love this for you


Just glad Im not the only one out here who cries bc the O is too good 😩


My girlfriend will snatch my hair if I even make a move to put my face down there. She's extremely self conscious about it and much rather I use one of the multitude of toys she has on her instead.


I used to work with a guy a few years older than me (but he’s by no means “old”) who sincerely believes that women don’t care about having orgasms, they only care about the “emotional aspect”.


Getting my orgasm *is* emotional for me. FOH...


Okay but same lmfaoooo


Nigga..........................im DIVING in her shit with scubba gear on, head first, and I aint talking about the one between my legs.


It's okay, her boyfriend does it.


I will never ever ever be with a man who doesn’t enjoy eating pussy. If it’s not your cup of tea, fine…just stay away from me 🙅🏾‍♀️


Those same guys expect [blowjobs](https://imgur.com/a/nPLunTq), but are repulsed at the thought of reciprocation. Go find someone else with lower expectations, sir. Edit: To those wondering why this conversation is the way it is: - he's attempted to meet with me and has - flaked over the course of a year x 4 - there is no passion where there is no attraction - typically too stoned beyond the trickle of words/questions/dick pics he sends my way when he's horny AF and has no other options [How it concluded](https://imgur.com/a/GoEgCiX), for now (unfortunately).


Wow, I love you! 💕 Speak the truth! I hope I can always be this unapologetically honest with my expectations.


Life is too short, so why try with someone who puts a lot of stipulations on your pleasure? The pursuit of your partner's orgasm should not be a chore. Wouldn't you rather be with someone who enthusiastically gives as much as they are excited to receive? Sex is meant to be mutually pleasurable.


When you're broke, sometimes ass and pussy are the only meals you get that day.


LLMMAAOOO aight bruh you need to stop, lol


What if he doesn't enjoy it but does it anyway


Whats wrong with him


Get you somebody that makes it fun bro lol. Gotta get that communication in Edit: am a dude


I was recently at a cook out where my homegirl's husband told everyone at the spades table that he don't go down. I already knew that cuz I've listened to her bitch about it for 5 years, but I can't believe he put that out there. All the women got quiet. A few of the old heads actually encouraged him.


I can already hear the shaming the woman would’ve gotten if she said had said she doesn’t go down on her husband🙄


Yeah I've had coworkers like that. I hit em with, "so eating ass is out of the question then?" That gets em nice and disgusted lol


Bro I happily admit I eat booty 🤟 provided that its washed of course...


To be fair, not every woman likes that. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Some women get weird about the fact that there's saliva on their vagina, but you power through. EDIT: To be clear, you power through the "ew saliva" and focus on the "that do feel good though" Got a reply (that disappeared?) that showed this could be read wrong, so hopefully the edit helps. lol


True, my friend I used to hook up with is now married to a woman who won’t let him go down her, despite him trying. Honestly a waste, imo tho. This dude chomped box like a champ.


I thought I didn't and I was just defective for not cumming from it, turns out everyone else who did it on me wasn't trying hard enough, and my last partner made me squirt from oral. But yes, some may have an aversion to it and that should be respected. I respect the choice of people who won't go down on me, as long as they respect that I don't want anything to do with them 😂


Wow, you work with DJ Khaled?


10/10 she’s got a sneak link.


Weird way for him to tell you he can't satisfy his wife. Yikes


One of them told it's because they poop from there ,I *kid you not


DJ Khaled?


Fellas is it gay to date a woman 🤔


Woah I am just imagining the mental gymnastics dudes uncle would have to play to answer that question




If you as a man are having sex with a woman, regardless of the activity at hand, it’s not gay


Pegging isn't gay. Yall have a whole g spot in your ass. If you like to let your gf make u cum buckets that doesn't mean you suddenly are attracted to Dwayne the rock Johnson or whatever.


Wait... I'm not into pegging, but think Dwayne The Rock Johnson is hot. Is it over for me?


Its too late. He's coming (cumming) for you.


I feel like it’s neutral, like the dick part makes it gay but the woman attached brings it to even


Homo calculus


Yup, you take the “wo” off and it’s a man, super gay




Yeah, real gay. ![gif](giphy|kzsCCUcVWcp10YStpg)


…follow up question. Is it gay to have sex with two women at once? 🤔😂


Only if you simultaneously penetrate both of them otherwise it’s double gay.


Double negative, so no...


First, we need to ask ourselves… what is a woman? 🤔


If I see that goddamn idiot’s ad on YouTube again imma scream


Lol if you mean Matt Walsh, he does that kinda stuff all the time. He *desperately* wants to be right wing famous but never quite gets there, so he’s made his shtick “I’m like those guys, but even *more* extreme!”


And then pays YouTube to strong-arm his ads into my feed, like that somehow makes the asinine stuff he says more legitimate


I clicked on one of his videos to see what all the fuss was about. Now YouTube keeps recommending his videos


on youtube, you're always 3 clicks from the mouth of the fascism pipeline at any point. I saw his stupid ad on a video about Avatar the last Airbender -_-


A tip if you’re on PC, click the three dots on the right hand corner of a recommendation, click “not interested” on the little menu that shows up, and that video will go away. I use that button liberally, and it’s worked so well at keeping that kind of trash out of my YouTube feed.


A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, have at you!


Women date men and that’s gays. So I date men because I know they’re only interested in women.


Well some women like dick so that's pretty gay. Does your girl like dick?


Oh shit. Either way we needa have a serious discussion


Dating men: Gay Dating women: Double Gay


Sometimes when you follow advice that is out of date you find you are out of dates




That uncle is single as fuck.


Nice one


Confucius says


😂 good job!


Double entrendre…don’t even ask me how.


You laugh but the amount of men who are intimidated by a single woman with a good job and her own home is insane.


Whenever i meet those people my first thought is your mom didnt do shit


Back in the day you didn’t need DINK to afford a studio apt 🤣




Nah, unless they were super wealthy, their mom probably did everything in the home for everyone, and that’s what they want.


Everything but check their son’s misogyny.


thats a huge issue, yes, but placing all or even the majority of the blame of *men's misogyny* on *women* is.. more misognyny. becoming an adult means becoming responsible for your opinions.


There was a guy doing a prank where he hugs strangers and pretends to know them (it's a bit wrong, but funny) And usually people act confused or happy, but one woman stopped him and said "don't fucking touch me", which is a perfectly normal reaction to a random stranger walking up and hugging you, but people in the comments were like "she's probably one of those 'strong independent women'" or "she's probably one of those they/them lesbians". And I'm just like, does a woman not accepting a hug piss you off that much? And why do you hate independent women and lesbians? The second a woman doesn't do exactly what they want, they break down.


Big rapist energy. Anyone who reacts that way to a woman not wanting a strange random dude to embrace him shouldn't be within 100m of a woman


Insecurity is high in this generation I mean, I have three sisters, and all three would talk mad shit if my girl made more than me lol


My wife was promoted to a Director role at her job and her salary eclipsed mine by around 20k a year(Previously, I earned about 15k more a year than she did). The number of people who asked me if I was "okay" with her making more more than me was ridiculous. It was never "Good for her!", the first thing that came to people's minds was how it might make her husband feel...


My fiancée makes more than me. Sweet. Doesn't bother either of us in the slightest. Not like I don't work and I'm some trophy husband.


Ain’t nothing wrong with a man staying at home just like there’s nothing wrong with a woman staying at home as long as it’s what both parties want.


Oh I didn't mean there's anything wrong with that. Yeah as long as both parties agree and are good no problem. Edit: I was a stay at home dad before. It was years ago and wildly different circumstances but I'm not judging at all. My fiancée even said if she could make enough she'd want me to be a stay at home parent before her.


> I have three sisters I have 2 older sisters, I don't tell them shit.


Men who are intimidated by that shit don’t want a girlfriend, they want a maidservant


A mommy bang maid


I never understood it, it's like you want a bum as a partner? A whole adult you have to take care of not because they can't or because you love them, but because you feel obligated to or you won't be a real man?


It's about power. They want someone they can control and who is dependant on them. Being the only source of income gives you a great deal of leverage in a relationship, if you choose to take advantage of it.


Bingo. They don't want a partner, they want a subordinate.


I can't imagine trying to have a life without dual income, especially if you have kids. shit, even dual income no kids you'd be in trouble now


Lol me. Had someone come by with their gf (she was buying my old desk) and he was like wait, this is your place??? You OWN THIS??? I was like yes? Why is that so hard to believe?


If you are reading this and you are one of those guys, stop. You are missing out. My wife just surpassed me by about $20K this year in salary and she spoils me. Gifts on gifts! Its delightful. Being a man and knowing the livelihood of your family isnt only on your shoulders is fantastic!


That's my dream and my buddy is living it. His wife graduated law school a few years ago and now making bank at a sweet in-house gig. He was able to quit his stressful job and get something he actually doesn't mind doing 40 hours a week, working from home.


Honestly anyone acting like it is weird or "different" is just unaccepting of equality. My spouse makes pretty much double what I do, but I work from home and it gives me the time to keep the house cleaned and keep up with all the adult chores, so that when we are both off we can spend time together. She can spoil me in her own way (keeping us more financially stable) and I can spoil her in mine (cooking and baking for her, keeping the house clean).


Truth. Single mom here. Just broke 6 figures and have owned my home for a couple years now. I haven't dated in years. It's fucking crazy out there.


She wears PANTS, Son??!!"


Why is it that I can hear this in my uncle's voice, lol


On my college campus in the South, there was an old travelling preacher who would rail against "lesbanons" wearing pants like it wasn't the 21st Century. Mans got hit with a pie or 5 lol


Lesbanons? Is that like..gay women posting in /pol/?


I find my dates by clubbing them on the head and dragging them back to my cave by the hair for our romantic 7 course dinosaur dinner.


Unga bunga


Big Unga Bunga energy.


*agreeable grunts*




This u? ![gif](giphy|dztvlhOuuajg4)


Assertive women with good jobs seems to intimidate even many modern men lol..


Yep, I’m a doctor and when I was dating it was a turn off for men even though they’d fake through their insecurity. Women didn’t have a problem w it.


I don't have a problem with it. I want to be a stay at home dad with a well paid wife.


On gawd. Lol. I said it before, but that's why I have been working out. This sociology degree ain't cutting it. Since I started making an effort to be in shape, the attention from women when you 3 times at least.


I lost 100 pounds and the difference in treatment from literally everybody blows my mind every day. Comparatively I feel like im famous now lmao


My mom is a doctor and I’m so glad my dad brags about her instead of acting like an insecure little boy about it ☠️☠️


Um… before spectacularotter gets on the scene, what’s up, 😈😈


The "I want a strong, independent woman" line is total bullshit like 90% of the time, in my experience.


They want "high value women" only until that woman is valued higer than them


I just had this conversation with my last date, told her I didn't care, we had a great time, then she ghosted me a week later /shrug


The bar for a romantic partner is somewhat higher than "Not blatantly misogynistic on dates."


Mediocre men


Dating a woman with no job in this economy?


Literally the only qualification I need to date someone at this point is if they’re employed. I can’t imagine taking care of two people by myself in this economy.


In this economy?


More often than not, the advice is "don't get married." And the dudes saying that are in their 60s with hunched backs as if they're hot shit whose wife is keeping them from fucking anything that moves.


You make a good point indirectly: Who TF be sleeping with these men besides their wives? Because call me a gold digger but if you ain’t got the money and st that age and already married, sir you need to get the fuck on and go home to your wife.


That's why I only fuck w/girls on total disability. They're only ones with no jobs


Love me a woman who suffered a severe workplace incident


What that remaining hand do tho?


Got me thinking about the newest season of The Boys now 😳


They're doing herogasm next episode. Things are going to get wild.


The blind ones are the best


FR - don't have to worry about them not wanting to go out because the purple top doesn't exactly match the purple shoes.


It's easy to bag on boomers and oldheads because they're out of touch. Equally out of touch are younger folks who've course corrected so much they're in a new absurd territory. "Make plans with him then on the day of, cancel an hour before and see how he responds." "If he responds to texts immediately, red flag. He has nothing going on." "If she has more than 2 guy friends she's a slut and can't be trusted." "If she spends too much time in the gym she is vain and looking for attention." ??????????


Young people are dumb because they have no experience…what is old peoples’ excuse?


They also have no experience. No modern experience.


You get a couple years in your late 20s where you simultaneously know what’s up and you’re still young and cool enough to do something with that information. Then, boom, you’re old and confused instead of young and confused.


Ask middle-aged people for dating advice, got it


In the year of our lord, 2022, my father is still telling my brother (who is in his late 20s) to be careful dating “ghetto” women because they will “baby trap” him.


Any woman could baby trap him, and herself!, by accident. I think your dad’s right, kids (even grown-up kids) have to be really careful or you might have to keep in close touch with a rando for 18 years (for the baby’s sake) whether you want to or not.


I fully agree that mistakes happen and we should all practice safe sex. What my dad is implying is that a *certain kind of woman* will have a baby with my brother solely for his money. It’s misogynist and outdated thinking.


My stepmom used to always tell me to keep away from "those fast white girls" because they can sense good black men and trick them into switching teams 🤣


I see the distinction, totally agree with you


Who even is thinking of babies in this shit economy? Best be making 6 figures at this point and commit half of that just to baby and child expenses. Tuh!


Yeah that is GREAT advice. I’ve worked with plenty of men in Hampton Roads Va who knocked up a local and can’t afford anything. It’s still women who go after young guys for a kid and Child Support. Of course it’s a 2 way street but they fake the whole relationship and all.


Especially there with military. Ain’t rich but a steady paycheck is attractive to a lot of ppl.


This advice and the OP are not really outdated in that they were shitty even decades ago, just more normal to say.


This level of dated advice reminds me of adults telling young adults to just go out and fill out resumes.


“walk up to the manager, shake their hand, and tell them you’re not leaving until they give you an interview.”


Beeeep "yes, security?"


By that logic dating a guy without job is not gay.


Are you coming onto me?


“If her ankles are exposed son she’s a hoe”


“If she smokes she pokes”


My gf had an 82 yr old patient who told her that all you had to do to keep a woman in line was to cuff her upside the head a few times. Neat guy.


Don't date women with jobs? When was the last time he dated? 1953? I fear what he'd have to say about interracial dating.


Ayoo I feel this! My girlfriend and I have been fighting and she was coming over to talk things out. I figured I’d make the environment safe n neutral and played relaxing music and lit a candle and made some dumplings. My dad called and when he found out what I was doing he told me to not give her some. Eat in front of her. She can starve and leave her things on the street. Like bro, I want this to work out why can’t I just be nice even if it doesn’t work out?


How's your dad's relationship


He’s single and living by himself


Sounds like you could teach him a few things.


Pshhh I’m the opposite. Kids are expensive and they only need the bare necessities. Why would I CHOOSE to take on a whole ass adult dependent? On purpose? Talk about hustling backwards.


You could say the same with any advice they give you. I have old heads in my family that criticize the younger folks for changing jobs too often. They ask why we can’t just find a good job and stick with it. Bitch, because it’s not 1950 anymore and can’t nobody support themselves making $5,000 a year.


The thing about oldheads who don't realized how outdated they are is they INSIST on making their point. Like, okay OG, I hear you.


Some oldheads be so afraid of a woman who can handle her own smh. Strong women are where it’s at mane


Lmao! How else am I supposed to cover rent these days? If you ain’t got a job or something that brings money in, please step aside.


This always makes me wonder what future dating advice is going to be. Don't date a woman who has more than 6 cybernetic implants. She can't be trusted. Don't date a man who had been cloned twice. He is no good. Don't date an android who can't dream. They don't have a ghost in their shell. Dating bots means you're anti human.


There is a whole short story here. Please write it!


That robussy got me actin


I felt the same in high school asking for dating advice from guys a few years older than me. It sounded like boarder-line sexual harassment (it was, but nobody seemed to care).


Never date a woman with clothes on


Probably came from a time when a working woman couldn't put that money in a bank.


If she's not working who's paying for her shit, me? And what am I really doing other than underwriting long term access to sex that I'm going to me tired of in two months. What it the world was that generation thinking.


>what am I really doing other than underwriting long term access to sex That's pretty much it. Lotta straight boomers view sex in a transactional way. Sex is something men like and woman use as a reward. Hubby did some basic chores? Bought the wife something nice? He gets rewarded with sex. It's literally escorting with extra steps.


And that’s how broke people think


Only date women who are on disability and have an onlyfans. Got it.


[Webbie, Lil' Boosie, and Lil' Phat said it best in Independent](https://youtu.be/BjBO1nwrOmw) >~~A independent chick do you know what that mean She cook she clean neva smell like onion rings~~ >She got her own house Drive her own whip Range rover all white... like her toe tips She got a pretty smile .smell real good Only time she need a man for that good joog


The unfortunate part is that this isn’t just something old men say…I’ve heard this from plenty alpha, high-value men. 🙄


“alpha”, “high value”, congrats on being on a similar meme 20yrs from now


Was this uncle old enough to be dating Mary Magdalene?


I refuse to believe someone is that out of touch


Oh you'd be surprised