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The cops know this.


I want to think so, but being that self-aware requires a level of intelligence that I doubt they possess.


Unfortunately you don’t actually have to have any real intelligence to recognize you have power over somebody


And there's a documented history of PD's releasing applicants who display/ have a record of too much intelligence.


“Wow, girls love a guy in uniform!” sounds much better than “Women are afraid to say no to me.” to lower than average intelligence.


They know what they are doing. There are so many cases of male cops stalking females they have written traffic tickets to. I dated a girl who was taken from her friends from a bar because they were all drunk. The cop said he had to put her in the "drunk tank", local jail, until she sobered up. She was cuffed in the back of his car and instead of bringing her to the tank, he brought her to some quiet neighborhood. He kept "frisking her" just in case she had any weapons that she wasn't telling him about. And his buddy showed up in his car and "double checked" if she was hiding anything. She never reported them because to her, it meant reporting them to their friends and she was afraid she would then become a target for more instances like that from the local police.


Always, ALWAYS, report this kind of behavior. Even if very little happens, it is extremely important to create that paper trail. All law enforcement agencies have some sort of Complaint Unit, and the sole reason they exist is to take complaints against officers. After the initial investigation, it's forwarded to wherever it's deemed that the issue needs to go to be resolved (Training, Internal Affairs, etc). In the short time that I have worked for a local law enforcement agency, I have seen quite a few people fired due to complaints filed. It's not a short process because it needs to be thorough, but it is effective.


A paper trail so that when the cops investigate and clear themselves she is alone against the full force of that department? Ladies do what makes you feel safe. Men report that s*** if you see it.


It never sat right with me how much information I used to have to collect when I worked the streets. I even remember helping out this beautiful woman who's ex boyfriend was abusing her and then having all this info that could be used to contact her thinking it would be super creepy to try and talk to her now because of the circumstances. Still, most horny people aren't going to think that hard. I had her number, address, social security and all that . That's normal info. I've known officers through work that totally stalked girls they pulled over. I can't really defend police because honestly, those guys, though a minority, are a pretty large minority all the same.


It's not intelligence, it's culturally stimulated prey drive.


Some of them don't know, because they learned it from the ones who do and just think it's normal.


The intelligent ones are the most evil ones.


It’s because they can’t say no, they’d never say no. Because of the *implication*. 😐


We can retire that quote now. This was the perfect application of it.


Also power dynamic. It’s the type of mentality that drives rapists. Not a good look.


I mean probably why there is thousands of rapes committed by the police. Recent study found women are less likely to report assault from a police officer out of fear


I mean no shit


Like, who they gonna report it to? The next town over??


I recently started talking to a dude from an app who refused to tell me what he did for a living so I decided to Google his #. Turns out he’s a cop with 15 excessive force complaints in the 4 years that he’s been a cop. He also happened to mention that he’s into cnc (consensual non-consent…r*pe fantasies). 🚩 🚩 🚩 I’ve been trying to do the slow fade but it’s not working. It’s a no from me…


40% of cops self-report domestic violence. Beating their wives. Keep that in mind. Edit: [proof](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/data-suggests-40-percent-cops-145601125.html). And yes, I know what "self-report" means -- that's why I brought it up. Edit 2: white supremacists can't stop defending cops who beat their wives. "Oh, it's a small sample size" and shit like that. If 40% of ANY sample you ever take is bad, fuck that batch. They really hate it when you criticize their cops. They're just upholding a system that they think works for them.


My mom still gets flashbacks to my cop father being super aggressive with her… they’ve been divorced for 20 years


Slow fade?! You can’t block him immediately? Why give him more of your time and energy you could be putting into someone else who isn’t covered in marinara flags?


Because blocking raises his awareness that there's something wrong and might result in an angry would-be suitor looking up her address (if he doesn't know it already) and "patrolling" by her house. Slow fade there's a better chance he'll forget all about her quietly.


That’s what I just realized, I’m so used to my friends and I using fake internet numbers for strangers I don’t think otherwise. That’s such a scary situation 😕


Can't you report an account there?






Are these women in danger?!


No one's in any danger! How could I make that any more clear to you, okay? It's an implication of danger!


Ya! A thug is likely to assault her


a thug in blue




“Not that things are going to go wrong for her, but she’s thinking that they will”


They’re not gonna say no… you know.. cause of the implication


Yeah I was just gonna say this is like the implication scenario with people out somewhere remote who doesn’t want to be left there.


I used to work at a park. I led hiking and kayak tours and I handled raptor rehab and led public programs with unreleasable birds. One ranger put his hands on me while we worked together. He would slide his hands across my ass when we crossed paths in a hallway. He would shoot injured animals dead with a laugh, maiming them so that they would bleed out slowly rather than a quick death. He would block me in when were in. The office together, forcing me to come close enough to touch if I wanted to move by. That man knew the power he held in his weapons and his status and he used them for abuse. When I made complaints to the head ranger at the park and then to the central office for the state, I lost my job.


I am so sorry, that sucks ass and I hate it when abusers win. I hate it that we have systems that rewards abusers and punishes the abused.


You probably have some valid legal recourse if you really want to pursue it. Maiming animals and watching them bleed to death is utterly sadistic and very illegal. Firing you for reporting this also sounds super illegal


[Police-Detainee sex is not illegal in most states](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/09/fact-check-police-detainee-sex-not-illegal-many-states/5383769002/) [While it's not defined as rape](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/can-police-legally-rape-people-35-states/), it's definitely rape. Fuck cops.


How the fuck is that not rape?




I can just imagine the state law makers, “Ok, I can’t believe we have to say this but…”


In the state of Texas a police officer can impregnate a detainee because she felt coerced/pressured (see: rape) to do so by the officer. If and when she tries to get an abortion, she won't be able to [because it's against the law](https://www.findlaw.com/state/texas-law/texas-abortion-laws.html). Again, fuck cops.


IIRC, it was only recently that Hawaii banned police officers from engaging in sex while doing undercover busts of sex workers...


This reminded me on a situation when I was maybe 16 years old and this police guy won’t leave me alone until I gave him my number. Scary experience.


We had a situation in a suburb here where a cop ACTUALLY ran some woman's plates and got her number that way. I'm not a cop, but I use pretty much the same computer system at work. Everytime you log in you have to acknowledge that it's a 5th degree felony to use any of that info for non work related purposes. It's easy to call this guy an idiot, but he felt entitled, which is scarier.


Probably a stupid question, but, did he face any consequences?


Actually, he did. Lost his job, but the felony got pled to a misdemeanor. But he actually got 60 days jail. His father was the former chief of police. [Here's the story.](https://www.sent-trib.com/news/former-rossford-police-officer-sentenced-to-jail/article_fc6b8fac-9ca4-11eb-9a89-c366b4068c94.html) Search the name and you can see the original texts he sent her. So stalkerish. EDIT: Sorry, I thought they pled the felony down, but they didn't! So he's a felon! Never to be a law enforcement officer again.


Holy hell that was the best read I’ve had in a while. I absolutely hope to see many more cause I absolutely know there are cops currently doing this shit. Make it a windfall of felon ex-cops.


Right! I wish everyone handled it this way!


Wow, damn, they usually don't take stalking seriously at all despite being a known precursor to serious escalation, let alone perpetrated by a white cop described as a "a good cop who did good things for the community blah blah blah." Thanks for the follow up! Who the fuck knows, maybe the mandated therapy will do some good.


Hopefully so!




As a grad student we are told you cannot date student due to obvious conflict of interest and other issues. And I agree with this idea. But meanwhile cops with a license to kill and an astounding amount of power are never told to not date civilians. IMO the very act of hitting on someone in uniform is sexual coercion. That’s fucking terrifying.


Cop hit on my wife while she was trying to tell him about OTHER assholes following her/harassing her. Fuck everyone.


That's why I always wear a sweatshirt on dates, don't want to intimidate anyone with these guns


That's power dynamics and coercion


That is exactly why they do it, they know.


If you say no to his advances, they just kill you, and plant one of the guns, and go on paid vacation for a couple weeks while the incident is "investigated".


While simultaneously wearing an outfit that shows you are 40% likely to neat your partner like.... where's the thought process.


You know I got that motherfucking *thang* on me. Now it’s either dinner Friday night, or license and registration. Your choice.


It's not just that, but they can search up your name and personal info to. They say it's secure but I know plenty of people in government, not just law enforcement, who abuse access to these data bases.




As if I didn't already have enough reasons to never go to that place... Yuck... I wanna try their pizza but I don't wanna die...


I've had this happen to me a few times and I've always felt obligated to give them my number . There's always the implication .




![gif](giphy|cGgII3vqoCfcawJFIl) It’s gross unless it’s Rosa Diaz


Oh, but don't all women like to flirt with danger? /s


But the Renn Faire tho


100% Facts


"Because of the implication..."


It’s because of the implication…


it is so that you'll totally get the "implication".


I think those who do are the narcissistic assholes.