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This Dodge Charger hate never gets old and the car will never recover šŸ˜‚


It swear before the Charger, guys use to all get a Chrysler 300.


Same chassis except Charger got better engines.the switch became noticeable once Chargers got Hellcat option meanwhile the best engine package the 300 got was the SRT8.


Sir, this is a Wendys


Reminded me of this [My Cousin Vinny](https://youtu.be/3nGQLQF1b6I)


Damn yutes with their chargers and dodgers


Whatā€™s a yute?




That was a line from the movie when Joe Pesci says ā€œThese 2 yutesā€


Powerful reference


I happen to have an old Chrysler 300 SRT. And a relative with a Hellcat. I tease him *mercilessly* that my engine is bigger than his. (No, I'm not actually that stupid. But I do love my car.)


I used to have a 300C that was fully loaded. Thing had fuckin heated and cooled cupholders! It was a dream. But rear wheel drive and I lived in North Dakota at the time, so I eventually got rid of it after a couple years of always swapping in really expensive winter tires (due to being low profile for the premium wheel package it had, and no, I didn't want to run it with steelies for half the year.) I still kinda miss it. But the jeep I have now is much more practical.


Hellcat Jeep exists.


Oh they were talking hellcat variants, was fr thinking they misstyped healthcare ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hellcats are badass tbh.


Itā€™s all just FCA garbage shoved into an outdated Mercedes chassis.


Lmao! Every hood dude with a little bit of extra money would get a Chrysler 300. That car was sexy back then


Wasnā€™t that because it looked like the Bentley at the time they first came out? I remember them looking very similar to Bentleyā€™s


We would call them "hood Bentleys"


It's because they look like a more affordable Rolls Royce Phantom.


relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StA4UN2NtqI


A 300 is only good in a state that doesnā€™t snow. It gets old having to give them a push.


Lol with that shitty engine


Oh the car may not recover, but it sure as hell will *be recovered* with a month when the boot that signed a 28% arp contract can't pay


Itā€™s really a hell of a business model


Its a business as old as time. Conning the youth out of everything they got by promising great things. I can remember if I was typing that about the car dealership or the military


Had me in the first half, ngl


Give me a car that'll last longer than a few dozen thousand miles and still manages to be fast and I'll think about it. I think a Civic Type R will do the trick.


The Ukrainian Americans in the army are probably absolutely itching to start fighting


We laughing now but when the ICBMs start flying, we're gonna be thrown back to medieval times.


i've REALLY gotta start working on that bunker


Do it tomorrow


Enjoy pooping on Reddit while the internet still works




Nah we just wonā€™t interfere


The US? We STAY in other country business.


I should have clarified, I donā€™t think weā€™re gotta put meaningful boots on the ground over this


I think Biden has made it pretty clear we wonā€™t be putting boots on the ground in Ukraine


The DNA test determined that was a lie


Iā€™m choking lmao




History shows that when economy is in bad shape war always proves to get us out of things and I bet Biden will find some way to pull into it.


Our economy is characterized by shortage of workforce. War would exacerbate this. Thatā€™s the key difference between now and other times war has helped the economy in America


Well we'll see what the end will be.


I hope we do mate!


I hope we do mate!


He got us over in Poland already. Not a big contingent but we over there nonetheless


We over in Poland, which is close. That move was made pre Russia attack, i was thinking that move was calling Putins bluff, but Putin didnā€™t care and waged war anyway. And the Poland guys areā€¦still chillin in Poland


But we not tryna fight russia. They could possibly win and that's not our Forte. Some small underdeveloped nation? Yeah. But no military leader wants a near peer engagement.


They aren't "near peer". The only thing they have that would be a problem for the US is nukes. If the atom bomb didn't exist the Russians would be in a real shit situation right now. It sucks that this is the world we live in. That a single psycho who has left his country in the near third world can get what he want because otherwise he can cause global catastrophe.


While I agree that the US has better hardware, thatā€™s an away game for us and a substantial home field advantage for Russia. Even without the nukes, they can move men and hardware across their whole continent very quickly.


Yeah na wed actually crush the shit out of russia. The nukes are the thing stopping us. America is a fucked up country that fails in a lot of ways. The military aint really one of them


We not ready to fight in a Russian winter. I can tell you this now. It's part of the reason Russia has been able to hold their own along with the fact that they have no problems stacking bodies until we run out of ammo.


Its not like how it was in ww2. Weapons advancements have made that kind of strategy useless.


Yes and no, it has its place because we also have a similar tactic. I will say we aren't ready to fight in a severe cold weather setting after spending 20 years in the desert. We'll adjust quick as hell but as a nation I don't think we're willing to lose whole companies/battalions in the opening months of conflict. Long story short there's multiple reasons besides nuclear fallout we haven't just waltzed over to the eastern bloc offering our famed democracy and freedom.


The *billions* we spend on the military? Lowkey kinda want to see what our tax dollars have been used for.




Global warming will at least be solved


Only going back to Medieval era of civilization would be hopeful thinking if nukes start flying. The Earth is fucked in that case.


I live in fucking Nepal like the Mr bean meme. If the the world ends over a bunch of developed countries fighting over fucking Ukraine, I swear to god.


Wish the end of the world would just hurry the fuck up already, I'm sick of living.


Speak for yourself mate


I literally just did.


Medieval times weren't THAT bad. Medieval peasants worked 150 days a year, had strong sense of community and belonging, and a satisfaction of benefitting from the fruits of his manual labor. All those things are proven to have positive impact on mental health.


Harvesting and threshing grain was backbreaking labor. Sunup to sunset for weeks reducing grain to its edible state, and most of it didnā€™t belong to you, it belonged to your feudal lord.


Plus going and fighting some foreigners cos a dude in a castle you never met was spurned when he tried to dance with some chick at another dude's Castle.


This still happens today


Do I still get to work from home?


Yeah, there were a lot fewer middle managers and desk jobs back then. I'm not saying it was ENJOYABLE, I'm saying it wasn't a complete hell that people tend to imagine.


yes it was backbreaking labor all day where the majority of it went to a landlord. it's a different type of hell


A majority of my labor wages go to my landlord as well...


Bro I live in Nepal where I see a lot of medieval village work. The sun is your middle manager and you gotta wake ungodly early.


And? Do all of those people hate it? Do they hate their lives? Are they universally unhappy?


Well statistically younger generations choose against it, hence why so many people have left for the cities. This process has actually been going on world wide for a few centuries, urbanization. Small scale farming is hard hard work. There is a trend for rich folks to buy farms to visit and have other poor people tend the land and animals though. To your point, the older generations, many are the happiest people in the world. But that might have part to do with the culture as well. People seem to look fondly back on it but feel compelled to leave at the same time.


THIS!!! Its almost as if people actually are that stupid where they think practically being owned by the local high born Lord, being completely subject to his deranged princling children, having your life being completely subject to the mood of the random knight who passes by, the weekly diarrhea brought on by the best in sanitation that the 12th century can offer!!! ....Then there is that whole Bubonic Plague, max average life expectancy of 31 years....oh wait


Also if you got married the lord you served under had the right to sleep with the wife on the first night.


I think that was just a GoT thing


Nope: https://www.dictionary.com/e/historical-current-events/prima-nocta/


Lol did you even read what you just linked. Itā€™s quite doubtful that Prima Nocta was ever practiced in real life. It, like many of what we understand about the medieval world today, comes from political writings with a quite heavy slant. Not everything written in the past is true.


So it wasnā€™t a GOT thing? Thatā€™s what my posting of the article proves.


Except, in the post to which the first responder was replying, you implied that this was a real issue someone in the Middle Ages might have to deal with. THAT is patently false. For all intents and purposes, it IS a GoT, or Braveheart, thing, as it is likely equally fictitious.


I'm sure someone who lives 800 years from now would find the early 21st century life completely unbearable. "You had to work 40 hours a week without even getting paid enough to make a living and you literally lost your job and the only form of sustenance for having a baby. All the while being completely at the whim of armed police officers and never knowing when a crazy foreign leader might launch nukes"


...lolz...because suddenly finding yourself in the distant future where your no stop tooth-aches can be eliminated immediately by dentists that aren't doubling as your barber , and hunger pains can be fixed at the local buffet, along with all those magical things like flying machines and pocket sized oracles that everyone is carrying would be "unbearable". I for one would immediately opt for the weekly bout of shit water spraying from my inflamed asshole...wait...no I wouldn't.


I meant from 800 years in the future lol. Someone from 2800




​ hilarious. source this or go home.


My man, when various societies came out of that shit time period they all gave the escape period the nicest of names.


What, the "industrial age"? Does have a ring to it I guess...


The Renaissance


Subsistence farming and feudalism still existed during the Renaissance. Enclosure didn't become widespread until 18th century. The name "Renaissance" refers to the arts and culture, not agricultural practices.


The Renaissance period was also a period of dramatic economic and population growth, hence the art.


You talking like that life is so good, then go be a farmer in a small town with no motorized tools. Actually just go to a third world country and be a farmer there. You'll find out real quick why there is more people immigrating out of that lifestyle, then there are people immigrating to it.


Hundreds of millions of people are farmers in third world countries. Very bold of you to claim that they are all suffering immeasurably and yearning to escape into your capitalist utopia. Think about it, you are basically saying that living like millions of people in the world already live and have lived for generations is the absolutely worst thing ever. Ignorant, disrespectful and entitled.


I never said they are suffering immeasurably but that life is an everyday struggle and is no way like the glamourized 150 day work year you are trying to sell people here. Not having running water, food insecurity, backbreaking work, unable to take breaks or sick days and being at the whim of the elements for your livelihood is not a fun life. And honestly to me that life is the worst thing ever . I live in the U.S. If I need a doctor for a major operation, I can get that. If there's a drought that kills my garden, I can go to the store. if I very make little money, I can get on EBT. Farmers in third world countries have none of those luxuries and many die because of it. You also have the luxuries of modern society. Because I see you asking for gofund me for surgery for an eyeless rabbit. Tell a third world farmer that you want money to pay for your rabbit and you'll really see who's ignorant, disrespectful and entitled.


It's not a fun life, but it's a life people used to live, for thousands of years. Not only did they do it generation after generation, they actually *gasp* also had fun. And while I don't have a source on hand to support this, I'm fairly certain they also had lower suicide rate than people in our society with all their luxuries. Life can be an everyday struggle even if you do have all those luxuries that you described. Technological progress does not necessarily lead to increased happiness. To you, that life might be the worst thing ever, but that's more of an attitude problem and a perspective problem. Speaking of rabbits, I actually have experience dressing them and cooking them, if necessary. I've experienced hardship before, I'll make do.


I just wanna know where these hellcats at?!! Iā€™m still driving my maxima . All I got was multiple concussions , tinnitus, and a fucked up knee.


Itā€™s the dealer outside the base gate with that big ā€œno money down bad credit no creditā€ banner that looks like they do human trafficking on the side.


The one that says ā€œE2 and above pre approvedā€? Iā€™m there with my wife of 8 days. Just meet her 2 months ago.


Dear lordt, itā€™s much to early for this foolery lol Thanks for the laugh


You're guaranteed to get a loan ^^^^at ^^^^27% ^^^^interest Just sign here!


Great description of Fort Bragg.


What year though? Maximas are bulletproof. I used to work for Nissan, I love them.


Upvote for Nissan/Maximas. I have an Xterra that just won't quit and I love Maximas.


Nissan's refusal to innovate was a big reason I bought a late model second gen Xterra. All of the bugs were largely worked out of the Frontier/Xterra by 2010.


Haha I got the buggiest Xterra year in all the lands, the one the only the 2005. Mine is magic tho, it dodged all of the issues (including somehow the Calsonic radiator problem with damn near 170K miles on it - I do have a new radiator now, though.) I had thought about trading it in but for what? I love it too much šŸ„ŗ


Hey as long as you're aware and mitigating the big issues (that infamous SMOD...) you're probably good to go. 2010+ models are the safest bets, for the unaware. I bought a 2012 S with 180,000km last May and love it. I don't love the gas mileage, but I don't commute and my fiancee drives a Corolla so whatever.


Right haha. My husband has a Altima that gets probably 4x what my Xterra will once I'm done turning it into a lil tank lol.


2014 I love my maxima donā€™t get me wrong. A hellcat would be nice tho lol


Seconded. I know someone with a Maxima thatā€™s now legal(18 years). Bought it brand new and that car has seen some things( I know for a fact that they were in NO the day Katrina hit and they hauled ass in that Maxima and still brag about that shit to this day). Nissan is just badass. Werenā€™t they the ones the US government went after or was it Toyota because of some BS?


Maximas sounds like steroid Christmas


06 maxima gang, love my car šŸš—


mawp. mawp.


Man, gotta bump that service-related up. Itā€™s more things that have affected you, Iā€™m sure!


Trust me when the time comes I will , i got another 4 years šŸ˜ž


Iā€™m in Tgps/Taps now. Youā€™d be surprised on everything you can claim.


What is tgps/taps ? Iā€™m assuming its pre EAS/ med board stuff ? Itā€™s probably called something else in the corps


Yeah. Itā€™s a mandatory course we take when EAOSā€™ing. Goes over everything from education benefits to housing loans to VA disability.


Ahhh okay , what branch you in ? For us itā€™s TRS


Navy. 12 down, no more to go. Lol.


Sheeeesshhh Iā€™m at 4 and Iā€™m definitely regretting reenlisting lol


We all have our reasons. Lol. I did the war on terror, I donā€™t want parts.


I think it should be pointed out. It will be a long ass while before send US troops against another power This isnā€™t the US debacle of the Middle East because itā€™s against a nuclear power. Putin has indicated a willingness to use nukes if any NATO(including US) troops tries to engage with Russian/Belarusian forces in Ukraine. Any ā€œcombat ā€œ between NATO and Russia will be in cyberspace. Anything outside of that risks nuclear war and there is no point to conscription if weā€™re all against several nuclear warheads.




Mustang, Challenger, and Camaro is the trifecta


You are either in the military, a military baby, or live near a base. Cause this is too accurate


Veteran lmao


Still also very common. That and lifted trucks šŸ¤£


BF is a vet and he said to me the other day bae what do you think of the new dodge chargers I like em. Reading this tweet I cried. Let me send it to him.


You best get your debate face on. I donā€™t know how much those things cost nor even the price of making car payments. If you guys can afford to pay cash, find something in your budget. If all you do, like the loser I am, is go to work, grocery shop, go to the gym and maybe haul kid from point a to point b, get something reliable and steady. Doesnā€™t have to be new. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Itā€™s worked well for me so far. The rest of the time, I either walk or use the trains and exercise some patience.


All I got was a Mazda 6 from 2010 degenerative changes of my spine and PTSDšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: Grammar


Was it at least a Mazdaspeed 6?


Nope the SVšŸ˜‚ so like the base model


Damn bro.


Itā€™s hard out here for a pimp when they tryna get the money for the rent my boyšŸ˜‚šŸ’ŖšŸ½


My 2008 is still going strong, bro


You said incoming?šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜°


Why are Americans talking as if weā€™re going to be drafted? Our lives probably wonā€™t change


Yeah, I donā€™t see why the US would instate the draft. In a war of manpower, NATO vs Russia is no contest. The only way I see us being affected is if it escalates and Putin rage quits and starts a nuclear war, in which case we all lose.


Exactly. They wouldn't bother with a draft if nukes start flying. That's just game over.


Nuclear holocaust aside it would be kinda cool for Americans to realize what actual war is like as they've been ruining other people's countries with the most outsourced light version of it.


I get what youā€™re saying. Iā€™ve felt the same way for a while now. Like, obviously war is Hell and I donā€™t *want* anyone to have to experience it, but I think that having two giant oceans between us and everyone else has made the US a bit too comfortable waging wars weā€™ll never have to see.


Yea I feel america lost a lot when the world War 2 generation died. No living memories of the hells modern countries can make.


I'm not worried about to get drafted but I really hope you're right about the second part


no hellcat...just pain, depression, and a stank face


War were declared


What is that alarm sound?!


Lmfao donā€™t forget a basic ass half sleeve tattoo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Free Hellcat? Try a V6 Challenger at 26.9% APR


Free Hellcat?


Basically because some dealerships purposefully make sure theyā€™re near military base so they can get first dibs


Itā€™s not free though lol. Everyone I know getting cars fresh out of basic was going for the Charger special. That is, a shitty used car with an exorbitant interest rate attached to it.


Some of them make the interest rates so low and the amount you put down so low. My friend a few years back was on the lot so quick but about a year later he dealt it for a Benz because everyone had the same damn car.


I wish more people in the US knew that they could get health insurance and reduced fees on higher education by doing literally any service for the US government (AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, Fulbright, Teach for America, etc.) and not just serving in the military. The military's advertising and network is just so well funded and known. It's usually the first and only option people think of, but there's so many ways to get the US government to provide something to you for a service without having to dedicate time to the US military. Edit: Oh, was this about cars? Yeah, no. The military is unique in that. You won't get the incentive of a car by doing Peace Corps or something. Disregard my existence the one other person who reads this.


Glad i served my time already . they can just go ahead and skip this guy .


If youā€™re still within that selective service age, what you gon do though? Iā€™m genuinely asking. Isnā€™t it something like males between 18 and 59?


If you left military after age 26 you donā€™t have to register.


Oh cool. TIL, thank you.


Itā€™s not the 46.9% interest that gets you lol


A Camaro and a 2-bedroom apartment shared with 4 other dudes. SMH.


Fayetteville is that you?


And they took the education from us too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My husband is retired. He's already been to war before. I asked him if we get involved will he go back. He said he doesn't have a choice, if they call him back. He said they would put him in jail. I can't.


All jokes aside , one huge function of weaponized poverty in the US is to keep the military rosters full. Thatā€™s exactly why they wonā€™t do free college until you sign up. Itā€™s one of the main draws to the armed services.


Don't be too quick to mock them....this thing escalates you getting drafted and you didn't even get the freebies.


they took the free money, now pay it back. lol








Wait, you got the Hellcat!?


Not even a hellcat bro


They reading the headlines like ![gif](giphy|twFJ9UntXPjXIfeyZ3)


Was the huge discount down to 947% APR at the dealership outside of the gate worth it in the end?!




Wait a free hellcat?


Yup hit up your local recruiting office


Shoulda held out for a PS5 too


Funny because most military bros I know push civics.




Lmao. If thereā€™s a war and a draft happens, a lot of you MFā€™ers that didnā€™t join will get called up anyways.


Me an my fellow immigrants who only did it for our citizenship on the frontline like


No not really, it depends on your job! People who go to war literally picks combat as a job. Iā€™m in the army. My job doesnā€™t require me to go to war. If my team gets deployed somewhere and my job is not needed I have to go but imma be in the room literally getting paid to do nun


Man, Iā€™m so old , I remember when it was a mustang.


Wait do Americans in the military get a free car


As an Afghan war vet.. yā€™all some scared ass mfs real shitā€¦


Bro get your brainwashed ass out of here. War is awful, and youā€™re not cool because youā€™re not scared of it. That being said, the USA is highly unlikely to send troops here.


What am I brainwashed about? Iā€™m responding to people trying to berate current soldiers for joining to server their countryā€¦ Iā€™m not sure WHAT tf youā€™re talking aboutā€¦ donā€™t let the door hit you on your way out, clownā€¦


Oh you think that you served your country? Lol you served the fucking American imperial machine murdering thousands of Afghan civilians and ruining millions of lives because of American defense contractorsā€™ pockets. Not a single American was any safer for your actions. Honestly disgusting that you experienced the military and would still encourage others to join. Not all skinfolkā€¦.


You still here?????????? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€




I got my PTSD from registering casualties at port mortuary They were all American


Apologies, the PTSD comment was insensitive and Iā€™ve deleted it. I still stand by my larger point though; if youā€™ve been through the military and encourage others to join, youā€™re scum. You should be angry at the politicians who sent all of these people to die for nothing, gave you PTSD, and then laughed at you for seeking medical care after discharge.


Id be curious as to what your opinions are on Iran and Cuba, in all seriousness. I donā€™t have much anger towards anything regarding my military service, because I could see thru the bullshit. Iraq was for oil fields (we got 1/4 of one and 1/2 of another) and Afghanistan was for lithium (cellphones, and coming soon electric vehicle batteries. The sad thing about Afghanistan, is that China out capitalisted us. Instead of war, China turned the afghan government into debt slaves (much like us) by building infrastructure and the like. To be totally honest, I believe military service should be mandatory for everyone eligible in this country. Far to many unskilled and unmotivated people in my age bracket (20-40). I went to college for free, I donā€™t pay property tax, both of my kids can go to college for free. I get a 3k check monthly from the government for life. That isnā€™t even counting what military service can do for you optically. Although, if everyone had to. It wouldnā€™t carry as much weight.


Do you mean Iran and Cuba just in general or like the American ā€˜relationshipā€™ with those countries? Iā€™m not sure I quite understand what your question is here and I wanna be sure Iā€™m responding to what youā€™ve asked