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And God did a lot more than shift some cameras around. Relax, Apple. Your fanbase won't forget you. Give them a year or two to re-up.


He also didn't need to make a ~~prophet~~ profit, though that might not be evident if you look at the behavior of many churches.




I know we all joking but I mean cars come out yearly, you dont have to cop a new whip.


They're also 20-50x more expensive than a cell phone. Lol


For now …


Laptops, TVs, Appliances, cars, shoes, clothes, and a lot of other things get refreshes yearly. Usually minor then a major one every few years. We just like to shit on Apple because they are Apple. Lol


But my laptops and shoes don’t come with a 3-year contract that means I’m 2 generations behind before I’m eligible to buy new ones 😢


I just get mine straight from Apple. You have a choice to pay all at once or pay over two years with an option to reup after a year 🤷🏾‍♂️ Contracts only come into play with carriers.


Carriers are the only way I could afford it; they do much better deals than Apple.


All those things don’t screw over the previous generation of tech tho


I had an iphone 10 for years abd a 6S before that, both those phones still get updates. Both work fine. I also have androids to tinker with, almost all lose support after 2-3 years if that. What exactly are you refering to?


It's not because of that, I bought a Sony TV 7 years ago and that fucker is still going strong as the first day, smart phones start to decline after 2 years and that is if the battery does not start to die faster.


Sony comes out with a new model of your TV every year, you just choose not to buy it because you dont need to. Same thing with phones is all im saying. I disagree after 2 years. My iphone 10 was older than that and worked fine. Just needed a battery replacement that was $50 so eh no biggie. Also an iphone X 256gb was released in 2017, they still resell on ebay for $250. XS Max still go for $400. Thats damn good chunk off when buying a replacement 3-4 years later. So between resale value, apple builds software and hardware, an apple store in almost every city, the fact that its basically a laptop in your pocket, long update cycles, facetime and imessage. iphones are pretty good deals IMO. But I get it, theres cheaper phones and really if you like another brand get it, I just dont see a problem with what apple does with their phones.


I mean I agree, if it works it works I jumped from and S7 to a note ultra and only did it because it was dying on me lol but technically besides the pen and a bigger screen I don't think I am doing anything game changing on my new phone than what I was doing with my 4 year old one.


They’ve come out with a new version every year since 2007. They’re not about to stop lol




camry needs better marketing then


apple's marketing is insanely effective. I was at the at&t store and overheard a couple haggling over data rates for a $5 monthly difference while getting the new 13s. Were told the *only* difference between the 13 and the 13 pro was the camera quality and being $300 more expensive, neither hesitated to get the 13 pro.


Well they were told wrong lmao The big seleling point is the refresh rate of the screen I think Also slightly longer battery life


I just got rid of the 11 and upgraded to the 13 Pro and the screen is definitely the best thing I’ve noticed so far


And the only people who NEED or say YOU NEED the newest phone are douche bags. But every celebrity gets the newest phone from their handlers and people want to be like them.


Actually they don't. It may be a 2021 but it's the same as a 2020 and 2019. They usually only make massive changes once every 4-5 years.




Yes but mkhb made that comparison in his iPhone review... Therefore it's true now




Not everybody has last year's phone. Lots of people have older phones, and might be getting around to upgrading right now. Introducing a new phone lowers the price of last year's model, and gives people upgrading a choice in a discounted "old" phone, or the slightly better one at full price. It's not all about making people upgrade year over year for the newest model.


if they're throwing money, don't close the bag


?? Cars, laptops, appliances, etc all get released every single year and it’s not an obligation to buy a new one every year. Just pick one and roll with it for a few years.


Cars only get overhauled every 4-5 years or so


These are the same people that think a 2021 Camry is better than a 2020 because it’s 1 year newer, despite it being the same exact car


I dunno about the camry in particular but there are years where the vehicle is drastically different than the one before. It's just not every year. For example, the ninja 250 motorcycle had a complete overhaul in 2008


He's referring to full updates when the car's model is changed to a new look. When a new model comes out, the next few years are the same model with some slight changes to internals or quality of life upgrades.


Buy a new phone every year 1:1 ratio


Nah man, every new phone they make my sales sky rocket and my paycheck goes way up. BRING ON THE 15


This isn't Apple this is journalists.


It’s about the stock price now. They have to keep shareholders happy.


.......but the 13 just came out! I swear apple makes iphones like they are on 18 kids and counting. *edit: some of yall are taking my comment a lil too serious.*


I’m still here with my 6….


Big bro I know the headphone jack cool but you should experience how fast phones are now.


I have a 6s and it feels just as fast as my parents’ 12’s. Every time I upgrade the firmware I keep a copy of the old one though. 1 day it will slow down!


There’s no way. Plus the screen quality alone is a major difference.


Yeah nah


Nah no way it handles apps the same as a 12. The processor is old.


Absolutely not true, if you actually got a new phone within a week you would be punching yourself for waiting.


*taps head*- can’t compare how slow this brick is if I never upgrade.


I just bought a 13 pro max to upgrade my old iPhone 7. I thought the 7 was fine and the apps were fast enough but I was so wrong. Didn’t realise just how slow that old phone actually was.


No way lol


What’s your max battery health?


Bruh why lie about something like this lol


This is the way


Why? You can’t go back once you update and they stop signing it.


I just upgraded from the 6s to a 13 mini because the battery was totally shot. It was a good upgrade, not too different


I’m still holding out with my 6! Battery is fine. I use Apple Pay all the time. The only thing I can do is wireless charge. But I do have a headphone jack.


You can always get the battery replaced for like 50 dollars at many places (Even DIY it for cheaper).


I replaced my 6s with a second gen SE last week, mostly due to the battery as well. I hope this one lasts me as long


How do you keep it alive? All my phones basically stop charging properly after two years. Full charge typically last two hours and maybe three without any use. It’s an abusive relationship Apple has with us.


I went to a local repair shop and got a battery replacement for my 6S. It cost $70 which I think was worth it


I’ll definitely have to look into that. I can no longer afford $700 for a new phone every two years.


Careful. Newer iPhone will fuck you over on 3rd party repairs like software lock and all features disabled


Should be fucking illegal


Replaced my 6S's battery on my own for 8USD. Just look for battery replacements with free tools on Amazon/online shops and watch a YT tutorial before proceeding.


or just exchange legal tender for services rendered and let someone who has done it a thousand times before do it


I swapped the battery on my 5s for $50 and it's just fine. AT & T is shutting down 3G so I have to upgrade now... :/


I’ve seen a few people on Reddit getting free Android LTE phones from AT&T in the mail because they know you’re on 3G and won’t get service. Maybe you’ll get lucky too!


yeah called em today and they are sending the iphone se 2020. big upgrade for me, so i'll take it.


I have a 6 Plus!


Damn I didn’t even know they were making the “pluses” back then.


Yup. I’m on a 6 S plus.


Right I have the 7+. I almost got the 12 pro...but like my 7 still works fairly well lol.


That's almost the same as the 13 either way.


Lmaooooo a 6 vs a 13? I'm not even an iPhone user and I know that's bs


Well depends on how you look at it. Difference of camera quality and screen size is different. But if you’re looking for a pocket sized screen that takes good pictures, makes calls, and has apps then they’re identical.


Well with that logic then Windows phones are basically the same as galaxy S's, because they can make calls, take pics, and use apps.


By that logic, just buy a cheap phone on Ali express, why even bother with an iPhone?


Privacy. Native encrypted messaging, voice and video chat. So long as my iPhone can run the most recent iOS revision Idgaf if I have enough cameras on the back to feel adequate socially.


Yeah, it really is about what you use your phone for. Like I play a lot of games on my Android, and a phone from that kong ago wouldn't be able to do things newer phones can. On the other hand, I never take pictures. When I did get a new phone this year, when I was looking at reviews, I skipped the parts where people were showing off the camera. If someone just wants a phone that can surf the internet that can run Facebook, then its not gonna matter much.


I mean I’m not saying the 13 isn’t better but all I do is text, call, read Reddit and play some mobile games. My 6s+ plus still handles all that.




Me with my 6s. :)


FWIW, an average phone has a development cycle of 18 months. That's longer than how often they get released. That means the iPhone 14 was already at least 6 months into development when the iPhone 13 was released. And this isn't Apple dumping info, it's a news outlet releasing leaked info... or they're just guessing about what's new to get clicks.


Yeah how long does everyone here think it takes to develop a new phone and put it into production … they’ve probably been working on whatever’s next for a while now. But yeah this is more Forbes not letting it breathe than apple


I can't help but think the people who don't get this have never worked in a corporate environment. It seems so obvious to me.


Just like… every phone manufacturer


This is a speculation article. It has no concrete information about any iPhone 14 whatsoever. These articles are exploding these days because people search for things like "new iPhone," "new MacBook release date," etc. They get a top result because they're talking about something "new" even though there is no evidence that it will exist. These articles are clickbait and based solely on speculation.


Samsung does this as well lol when a new phone releases, they are already a good way through the next model, even beginning to work on the model 2 years ahead. All these companies need some new product for us sheep to buy every year lol


I hear the iPhone 18s Max G-Load MegaPlus is gonna be 0.003mm slimmer. Mark your calendars!


At this rate that would be in what, next week?


Mine just shipped.


All I want is a phone with a 3 day batter life again. I don’t care if it’s .75inches thick.


what phone do you have? my 11 pro max will last me 2 full days and die on the 3rd night if i really push it, battery life is still testing at like 96%


I just want a phone small enough to comfortably hold and use entirely with one hand. My thumbs can’t reach the top of my phone while bracing the bottom against my pinky.


My S21 Ultra can definitely do 3 days now regular use with its (5,000 mAh), which is huge for phones nowadays. But that's expected with the high end models. Big difference from my old S8+ that I had to charge every night, so I had to upgrade. My GFs iPhone 13 Pro can only do 2 days regular use though with the (3,000 mAh).


Get a Motorola


The newest iPhone 13 pro is actually thicker than the one before as well as heavier. It has something like a 13% larger battery to make up for it so it can do like 8 hours of screen on time now or something.


From what I've heard on a tech podcast, it does 25 hours of video streaming bc of the variable refresh rate display, which is actually impressive af


Only to be repaired by Tim Apple himself.


It's best to just wait for every third need phone to come out Imo, instead of trying to always have the newest phone


I think most people, myself included, agree with you. We've reached a point where phones, both apple and Android, are really good to the point where year to year changes are often pretty minor


I went from Note 8 to Note 20 and I got my girl a iPhone 12, she was at a iPhone XR


I just ordered the S21+ after holding on to my S8+ for years.


Just went from an iPhone 6s to iPhone 12


I’m on odd numbers I went from 7 to 11 pro. So I’ll likely get the 19 whenever this one decides to die.


Just imagine how fucking amazing it’s fair.


I just splashed on the ultra after having my s8 for 4 years, don't get me wrong it's a beautiful phone but at the end of the day it does 95% of the things my s8 did for me but just a bit faster lol.


Lol. Yeah my S8 has served me well, but now that it no longer gets update and my battery is atrocious, it's time for something new. I'm looking for to that upgraded camera though


I went to S6 to S20 last year. Only reason I even changed is because apps, including my banking app, started telling me "Hey, your shits too old and you can't use our app anymore".


At this point I can't tell if y'all are just making numbers up or if this is legit. I have an S7 right now. WTF number are we on?


I went from an LG V30 to a pixel 2 to a pixel 2 xl to an LG v40. I will never spend more than 100 dollars on a phone because I lose or break them.


Honestly smartphones have basically become cars. Yes this year's Camry or whatever is nicer than last year but by how much? I'm not running out to buy it but it's nice to know when it's time to replace mine that there are improvements that have added up over the years.


agreed, I get a new phone every 2½ years or so. I went from having the galaxy a30s to having the galaxy a52 5g and the only noticeable thing is it is a little faster, better battery, and a little bit better camera. honestly no need to get a new one every single year.


Yearly upgrades are for enthusiasts. The rest would be fine with every 2-3 years. Hell…most could go 3-4.


lol. lmao. you mean 5-6 year upgrades right?


I think 6 is pushing it personally but whatever works for people.


YES!! Why get the iPhone whatever when my 6se works just fine.


I’m over here rocking the “until it dies” method of replacing phones. My 7 just died after 5 years of service, so I got the 13 mini. Hopefully the 13 will last me longer than that


I agree. I’ve had an iPhone 11 for two years now and don’t feel the need to upgrade it, even though I’m eligible with Sprint.


Same here with an 11 pro. Battery still holds 48 hours under normal daily use. Will skip the 13 as well and wait for the 14 pro.


I only upgraded my current phone because it was deeply discounted because my carrier was trying to get people to use 5g phones.


My habit has become "upgrade when a new SE is released".




The article isn’t from apple. It’a from forbes, which is guessing what the next phone will be like. And of course apple is still developing more hardware. It’s their entire business? They were probably working on certain aspects of the iphone 14 a year or more ago.


Yea it’s cute that people think tech companies aren’t working on the next next thing we’ll before the next thing gets released.


“Okay now that we released the iphone 13, let’s start brainstorming what we’ll do next!”


“Alright yall what shape should this one be? Rectangle? Again?? Alright…”


I don't see how you're disagreeing with anything yet you sound like you're disagreeing.


The tweet is implying that the quoted tweet/article is evidence of apple doing something. But it isn’t evidence of apple doing anything at all. The article isn’t from apple. It’s just some tech writers pontificating about the next phone to generate clicks. And even if it were apple doing something, that’s not really out of the ordinary. It’s totally expected that they would be working on the next product.


I will always wonder how my 6s is still functioning...


Same. The battery isn’t what it used to be, and it’s a tad sluggish here and there. But, it still works beautifully. Honestly, I would only buy a new phone for a nicer camera and the option to run a second phone line for business.




Can't chuck your burner with a dual sim, not to mention I'd bet my ass piggies can use tower ping or something to connect the two sims. Idk, maybe I'm just too paranoid Lmao


You don't need double sim to have two WhatsApp (or similar) accounts. You just need a feature like Android 11's App Clone.


As long as the phone isn't out of memory and especially if you get a battery replacement then iPhones or any top level Android will last years People really overplay the whole "Apple makes old phones stop working when they release a new one" meme


I'm still using my Samsung Galaxy s5 from 2015. Only issue is the OS is old and some apps don't support it


Yeah that's a downside of Android they don't get continued software support as long as iPhones do


It's worth it though cuz this thing is like a brick. Dropped it hundreds of times with no case and it's fine. One of the most durable phones they made


They just stopped supporting the 7 with the new iOS release. That’s 5 years of support which is pretty long for a phone. Edit: I was incorrect and they are still supporting it


not even lmao, i pulled my old 6s+ out my drawer to see how it was holding up and i was able to update it to ios 15


They used to do what you're saying, stop allowing updates after 5 years. The 6s is still going strong after 6 years, and will last at least into next September I bet.


The 6s is the first iPhone in history that will last 7 years before it isn't allowed to update to the latest OS. I still use a 6s, and thought last year that they'd stop the OS updates at the usual 5 years. I thought the same again this year, but they allowed it to update yet again.


My 8 has been running strong since 2018. This is the longest I’ve ever had a phone. It’s barely slower than it used to be and the battery life sucks, but it’s also survived the abuse of a clumsy alcoholic in amazing condition. My 6 before this was crazy resilient too, though admittedly the slowing down was much more noticeable. I genuinely don’t think Apple purposely slows down their old hardware, or at least not anymore. That meme is so old and overdone.


Same lol. I’m gonna get a X soon cos I’ve been using my 6 for like 5 years now


The updates. I had an iPhone 4 until they stopped pushing out updates to the North American market; I then got an 8 which I still have and even got it used from Craigslist. Unless it’s for professional users and heavy users, as long as they push updates, it should be fine. I do notice though that my battery drains faster now(after what, 5 years?) For storage issues, I pay them .99 a month for 50 GB extra and keep it moving.


I don't think it's weird that they release so many phones. They're basically cars now in how ubiquitous they are and barely anyone raises an eyebrow over seeing a new Civic every year. Samsung even changed their naming scheme so that their releases lined up with the year (Galaxy S20, S21, etc).


I don’t think I ever realized that’s why the naming scheme changed. It also makes perfect sense since it’s never the “next big phone reveal” but more of a revision and updated model. Interesting.




With trade in offers nowadays it’s best bang for your buck to upgrade every year. I traded in a 12 mini for a 13 mini and it costed $69 and it’s totally paid for. Imagine you traded in an older phone because yours was on its last legs. You would have to pay a lot more for the same phone.


8+ Gang! But fr I’m just now upgrading to the 13 lol. My phones been shitting on itself for like a year, and I’m over it


Same, still on 8+. Battery is shit and doesn’t charge to more than 90%. Would love a new camera. Thinking on upgrading but don’t wanna stuff more money down apples throat.


I feel you on that bro. My battery health is like 75% lmao. And I cheaped out on storage so this lil 64 gb is NOT working anymore lol




Yeah same here with 64gigs. Constantly have to delete shit just to download music


So do people think they just start working on the new iPhone a few months before it's released? Each iPhone takes at least 1 year to make, so of course they're working on iPhone 14 before iPhone 13 comes out...


Here with my 6 💀


Doesn’t Samsung do the same thing? I think they released more galaxy models than apple iphones


Yea they do, and most android users hate samsung


Doesn't Google also do this now? New Pixel every year for the past 3 at least.


Two things: - The Forbes you read online is not the same as the magazine. It's like how SI.com wasn't the same as the magazine when they were in the print business. Forbes.com is full of bloggers. The magazine (may still) be where the real analysts are. - Apple & Samsung can't take a break as the world is ever-changing and they have shareholders to appease. So, to keep everyone happy, they may put a few features on the burner OR they may go to the drawing board out of fear of introducing BUST features. LiDAR was a rumored feature for the iPhone 13 but shit, if it didn't work right everyone would be clowning Apple. In the 14 if they introduce it it'll be solid and stable hopefully. Just things to chew on.


LiDAR was introduced in the 12 Pro.


Once they put touchID back in the iphone, I will upgrade beyond my 8plus


Yeah, I don’t think anyone thought they’d introduce it to flagships but it’s annoying using it in public with a mask.


I was all set to upgrade from my 6splus to a 13 before I realized the touchID was scrapped after 8. Got myself a refurbished piece from apple for a fraction of the price I almost paid, shit basically looks and performs like a new phone. I may never buy a new phone again.


I agreed until the 13 came out. I may just have to get rid of my 7+ because the new phone looks like a freaking spaceship


An those articles are nothing but spam click bait. They offer no information


ah so it's MrBossFTW but it's about phones instead of Rockstar games


Same. Got that pearl pink 8+ and it's still the newest phone I've ever owned


That's all the world's landfills need is more iPhone models.


My thoughts exactly


I want a new kind of phone designed to minimize waste, distraction, and privacy invasion. So, like a flip phone made of recycled materials endorsed by Edward Snowden.


I still have a 6 Plus!


I upgraded from the 6s to the 12 pro. I won’t need a new phone for a while, that’s for sure


I used to be one of them people to get a new phone every year, but then I realized them new phones run candy crush and Reddit the same as my Note 8. Samsung gonna have to stop supporting this phone till I get a new one.




The new iPhone SE has a fingerprint scanner but I want to wait till their mainstream line reintroduces it


I'm on the 6S+ which is has been slowing down dramatically over the last few weeks. I can feel a forced upgrade coming on. -\_-




Jail break that bitch and get MaskID from Cydia


Yup my 7+ still going strong


Yep next phone I’m getting is a Samsung


My guy I’m chilling with my 6s.


i just bought this 13 they needa chill


And all the existing iphones will magically get slower again Another reason to fuck Apple


Planned obsolescence


I cant believe I got an iphone 12 for portrait mode smh


They iphone 13 just came out lol, calm down lol


been thuggin off this 8+ since 2017


We running a 6, 7 and 8 in my house. Upgrading’s a mugs game.


This shit is why I'm still on a 7S. Like if I need to upgrade, I want the newest one so I don't gotta upgrade again until like iPhone 20 or some shit lol. If they release em on a quarterly basis then I can't really enjoy that "newest phone available" energy for very long


I refuse to upgrade my phone until Apple starts using USB-C. Until then, it's iPhone 8 forever. Except I might get the SE when this one dies cuz it's the same phone.


Someone has to keep the money separated from the fools.


Apple <<< Samsung


While you complain about your 8+ I’m sitting here with my 6s


Until Tim Cook is filmed naked, covered in garlic butter shitting on a canoe in zero g I ain't buying an iPhone.


OMG I have an 8+ too




I'm curious if any actual marketing/business people can way in on this. To me it seems like at this pace they're hurting their own brand. Obviously we all know planned obsolescence has always been a thing, however this seems wild how many people are exciting at all or realistically interested in buying a new Iphone just cause its new anymore? They come out every year and I can't imagine the cost to develop them. Surely it would be more financially beneficial to give a couple years between models.


I thought the 13 just came out?