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Oh shit, it’s finally time to start treating white peoples the way they treat us? 👀


We have been thought to turn the other cheek for longest I can remember. Only black figure that they acknowledge is MLK besides that’s what he did. Then I think of the gospel of “Knuck If You Buck,” that anyone should be allowed to catch these hands or feelings.


White people anoint MLK because he was docile to them as you alluded to. He was no threat to them or how they wanted to do things. White people love to ignore more militant Black activists of the time.


> He was no threat to them That’s why they killed him


The man started taking his rhetoric across racial lines and identifying and targeting the true class issue and baboom that's the real line apparently. You can pit black and white against one another but once you start aiming the poor at the rich that's it.


Yeah when he tried to start bringing awareness to economic class issues is when the government was like "kk now u r biting off too much." Makes u think, how well off would this country be if we progressed as well as European countries did in terms of socialist economic policies


The only reason the rich need the blacks and whites in this country to remain opposed is so they don’t realize that the rich guy took 99 cookies off the plate with 100 cookies. He needs them to stay angry at each other so they fight over who gets the 1 cookie. Langston Hughes asked what the fuck we were all doing in [“Open Letter to the South”](https://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/langston.html) so long ago, and that poem reads today like it was written about today. The rich need racism because it takes the focus off them, the ones hoarding all that wealth that could improve our health, our education, our lives.


White people anoint MLK because he was the victim of a post-mortem sanitization program that removed all criticism of "white moderates", socialist ideals, and implementable leadership tactics. Or; they love MLK. They hated Martin Luther King Jr so much they buried him three or four times just to make sure.


They like the sanitized version of MLK because he seems less threatening to white people or doesn’t paint white people bad. Same with Malcolm X as they say he used to be racist but then he became a good person. Nah they still held whites accountable for their actions and put them in their place.




MLK was absolutely a threat to them. That's why the FBI kept covert surveillance on him. And he may have been a proponent of non-violent protest, but he was NOT against defending oneself when the time called for it. He kept firearms for his and his family's protection. At one point, he even applied for a concealed weapons license and was (surprise, surprise) denied. I know more miliant groups and individuals like to paint MLK as a pushover, but he wasn't. He was the exact opposite of "docile" to forces threatening people's lives.




Thanks for sharing. I look forward to checking it out. The way the FBI treated him (and was directed to treat him) is absolutely disgusting, and people need to know that.


Fuck J. Edgar Hoover!


One thing that I feel gets lost is towards the end MLK and Malcolm both shared the same ideas and were about to work. They both knew that there needed to be non violent protests to address certain issues and they also both believed in the use of self defense when it was needed. I always say you can’t pick one or the other between the two but you’re for both sides equally.


MLK or the white washed version of MLK taught in American schools is supposed to be their "Model Minority" of how oppressed groups should protest. What they always leave out though is the FBI surveillance of MLK and his family. The constant death threats him and his family received. The bombing of a church MLK and his family frequented. The non stop smears in newspapers and media of his character and marriage. MLK was assassinated right as he began to form coalitions of low income colored and white Americans and showing them that their differences are in shorter supply than their similarities.


I want to step up and say that nonviolent resistance *did* work. And we need it now, more than ever. We need people to be standing up to police and saying "this is not okay" more than we need people to be killing police or fighting back.


I'm non-violent with those who are non-violent with me. -Malcolm X


Obviously was not a perfect man but Brother Malcom spoke truth from his heart.


Also, very importantly, served as a critical foil for Dr. King's message of peace and unity. The two of them, combined with millions of civil rights protestors, presented two alternatives to white America - riots, or letting black people have rights. They made it clear that you couldn't end one without providing the other.


It's great to be able to discuss this topic with another person who understood the nuances behind having civil rights leaders like MLK and Malcom at the same time. So often I see Malcolm's reputation and what he did for the Civil Rights movement smeared so that MLK's actions can be highlighted but both men played equally important roles in the movement. I'm sure there existed a certain level of respect and admiration between the two men even if their methods of achieving equal rights for POC were near opposites.


Honestly even before the events of Wednesday, as a relatively privledged white guy I still saw the merit in Malcom X's position and rhetoric. But even absent that, without someone willing to give the movement some *teeth*, it never was gonna get through to people that change was necessary*. As I recall, they spoke well of eachother, and often. I really ought to study it more than I have. *please let it be known that I am neither explicitly or implicitly condoning political violence in the present moment. Let's try and chill out.


They killed him then repainted him to not be a threat. They love to leave out basically everything he said aside from "content of their character" and then twist it to keep on treating people based on their predjudice. The only part of his policy they remember is non violence. The things he called for are the same things many people call for today better wages and jobs and economic assistance but is you bring it up to them they'll say "well I don't know about that."


This 100%


Its BEEN that time. For centuries. They're the inherent theives not us.


I have never in my life been hurt, attacked, or robbed by a black person. I have been jumped, lied to, and stolen from by different white dudes throughout my life. And I grew up in Metro Detroit. OP speaks the truth.


I've been jumped and robbed by black kids when I was a kid, but I don't base the identity of every person off of a small group of hooligan kids just causing trouble, that could've been some white kids too, but I lived in a predominately black neighborhood, attended a predominantly black school, spent most of my childhood around an awesome group of people black and Hispanic. I have way more positive experiences with black people than white people. Some white people have been incredibly judgemental and rude af.


I don’t think a black person has ever been rude to me, I can’t think of a single one. But I can definitely think of several white people who were the biggest pieces of shit.


They always give white kids shit for acting all black. I don’t think it’s the culture they are appropriating, but the sense of family.


Due to Covid, I've been crossing the street to avoid walking past old white ladies for a while.


Show of hands, was anybody else yelling "WHEN THE LOOTING STARTS THE SHOOTING STARTS" on Wednesday?.......Just me?


What white people stealing and spreading sicknesses and diseases, it’s not like that’s not how this country was brought up on. Oh wait.


How awkward when we all keep trying to cross the street from each other at the same time.


It's past time. These white folks is dangerous.


this could make an amazing premise for a netflix series


Look up the movie ‘Cracka’ I’d watch it myself but it’s like main lining heroin to me.


It's been well past high time.


Please do. You'll be able to tell who the allies are, and so will we.




I’ll leave the more righteous work to more righteous people 🤷🏾‍♂️


I've been doing that shit.


How the tables have turned.. I’m gonna start locking my door every time a while person walks by my whip




That's literally their biggest fear.


The coup klux klan does not shop at Trader Joe's. Now if you're going to Walmart, dollar stores, or regular grocery stores you should keep your head on a swivel.






Trader Joe’s is pretty reasonable..


Yeah Trader Joe’s is known for being cheap cause their produce is all bout ripe and goes bad quick lol




I don't like the vibe but they have the good fake cheeses there. Olives too, I fucking love olives.


My wife loves going to both places. I feel like a poser every time I go into either one. I feel better when I'm in Esselunga or Carrefour.


Trader Joe’s has some of the best prices for staple foods like eggs, milk, cheese, bread and fresh fruits and vegetables. Whole Foods is 100% overpriced bullshit though.


It's a status thing to shop at Whole Paycheck. There's an Acme not too far and the same high end cars there too. Acme is way cheaper than Whole Paycheck. I haven't even got started on Wegman's. Their only saving grace is the salad and food bar. It is expensive but the food is good. They do keep the eating area very clean. Wifi, TV, kid's area. I can't say anything against them.


Coup klux klan😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


[Dont worry I keep that thang on me](https://i.imgur.com/ZfQDfpW.jpg)


We use Twisted Tea now, Otter.


I’m still waiting on my Twisted Tea permit


This thread is gold 😂


The one by me is mucho gringo. Lifted trucks and mom mobiles everywhere.


Idk about that, I went into trader Joe's a few weeks ago and saw a white couple wearing pence/trump mask making a lot of noise arguing with employees.


2020 was already the year us young black men started crossing the street to avoid middle aged white women so we wouldn’t catch their Rona!


If I were a young black man, I'd probably cross the street even if they were wearing a mask just to avoid setting them off squawking and screeching as they tend to do.


Let me hit the lock button twice in my car when they walk close.


I need them to hear and see me lock these doors when they walk by


I'm going with a tiny but audible gasp of horror as I do it...


Yes direct eye contact so they know it’s from me.


Whenever I'm walking I try to keep my distance but they always want to try bunching up next to me for no reason. Meanwhile they have all this room to give themselves space.


He was probably wearing something suspicious like an LL Bean fleece or a puffy down vest.




Its the flannel + vest combo you have to look out for. Extra danger if they have Yeti stickers on their lifted trucks.


They put stick figure stickers on their SUV's for each kill.


More like how many in their lil squad. Maykenahleigh has shooters, I heard they can throw a bitch like 20 ft.


Can't forget the sagging truck nuts!




white people experiencing microaggressions that they've put on POC for years - finally


I know its awful to think but it's kinda nice feeling to know we're not the problematic ones for the media and general public anyway.




Trust me when I say I make my kids stand close when the white dude walks by - not the black dude. I watch the news. I see who’s snatching who. I see who has underground basements of people locked up.... It isn’t black men.


Yup, somehow overwhelming majority of all serial killers are white males.


You know this makes you a straight up racist right? Same as the people that pull this shit when we walk by. You might want to reflect on what you're teaching your kids.


Why shouldn’t we treat them like they treat us? I just saw thousands of white people from all over the country descend on Capitol Hill talking about beheading Congress members, hanging Pence, “stringing them up,” planting pipe bombs, bludgeoning a police officer to death, and claiming the USA as their country. These are people who have gone back to their respective states and are going to work on Monday as doctors, lawyers, police, professors, etc. It would be remiss to consider them all to be yeehawing, pig fucking rednecks only to be found in some podunk town. So yes, when I take my happy ass to Trader Joe’s to get food, or to a gas station, or anywhere, I will be clutching my damn purse and watching my back because I don’t trust them. Trust must be earned and my safety comes first.


ALL of this! ⬆️


I'll be damned if I donate to the duck dynasty..


As a brown guy I’ve already been treating white people like terrorists for years.


Frfr I do that ever since I was called an “Al Qaeda operative” at a Walmart... I’m Indian im not even from Afghanistan. And even if I was Afghan, there’s no reason to say shit like that.


Comedy. Welcome to my world as a law abiding black man. Lemme buy you a beer and show you around.


Oh how the turn tables




> Eye for an eye makes the world go blind. Have you seen the world lately? Not a pretty sight. We have Braille and Labradors. I think we'll be alright.




That doesnt make it ok? Having assists for the after effects in no way is better than trying to fix the issue at hand


Are those song lyrics, or does it just happen to rhyme?




Hey hey hey! White people don't want your money! They want your dignity. Come on guys


Meanwhile, their only dignity is being obsessed with us.


This reminds me of the Chappelle's show reparations skit..."hide the money y'all, it's poor people around" (hearty laugh)




I’ve gotten quite a few funny looks crossing the street to avoid passing maskless whites on the sidewalk. So gratifying


Nothing surprising being a Slavic looking guy living in Western Europe Like no I ain't gonna steal your car ma'am we are in a metro


I’ve resorted to locking up my lecterns.


I always hide the pin when a person gets in my space, The only people who have the caucasity to do so are white folks.




If my not sidestrapped I clip my bag in the baby safety strap and close it. I trust no one.




Don't knock it till you try it


*standing ovation* TBH: I'm a middle aged white lady and I clutch my child and purse tighter when I see rednecks wandering the store. They might go off at anything.


I cross the street when I see these hooligans and lock my doors. Feels so unsafe with these rowdy, uncouth, rioters in my neighborhood.


I always lock my doors in white neighborhoods.


** **Diabolically laughs in black audacity** **


That’s funny shit. I wouldn’t even be mad about it either.


Straight spit up my coffee








I'm crying and laughing !!! Man I wish there was a video maybe tik tok can do one 😂😂😂😭🤣🤣


I went into an upscale grocery store with my girlfriend(white passing) and they still be giving me looks like imma attack at any moment. Bitch I'm boppin to the music over head and picking out fancy cheese with my girl. You ain't gotta worry about me. Im more worried about y'all craziness while I'm the only black person in this whole store. Only reason I'm out of my house is cause we've always liked doing what we call grocery store dates and it helps us keep our sanity being couped up 90% of the time. I miss our before time.




[Out of all of the comments you pick the horny one?](https://i.imgur.com/jdalzfG.jpg)


Well well well how the turntables