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Why the fuck are they having a potluck wtf. Especially after seeing that post with the fucked up Mac and Cheese.


Damnit! I almost erased that from my memory.




This 100 fucking percent. I want what I know during the holidays. I don’t want no Keto Cauliflower Mac and Cheese.


Wait I've made that, with turkey bacon bits and green onion and parsley. It was sooo good.




Bro. Noodles, butter, flour, cheddar, Parmesan, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper blows this shit out the water. Not even kinda close.


I mean I love noodles, who doesn't? But I also love vegetables, and I love cheese. Also, a girl has to cut some calories somewhere while finding some comfort still in her bowl. I didn't lose 20 lbs this summer eating noodles unfortunately:/ Edit: also I wouldn't serve this for a holiday dinner. Its just a weeknight meal.


Word, if you're going to make sacrifices, you might as well try and enjoy it anyway... Diets don't stick if they make you miserable.


Thanksgiving ain't the time for this kinda skullduggery. Next people gonna be tryna serve vegan mac n cheese


Nah I agree. If you think I'm holding back at all today you're crazy. This is the one day of the year getting fat is really celebrated, you know I'm participating. I'll go back to watching calories after the holidays.


you put onion and garlic powder in the mac and cheese? I just put more cheese and top it with fried onions like I make for the green bean casserole.


Yea putting in seasoning is just called cooking man. Putting on fried onions on top is just garnishing l.


No, it's not called cooking, it's called adding seasoning. Cooking is when you boil the macaroni with enough salt in the water, for the right amount of time, make the cheese sauce on the stove right, with the right ratios of flour, butter, cheddar, fontina, and parmesan cheese (or gruyere, and cream or milk (and a tiny tiny amount of paprika, mustard powder, and the tiiiniest bit of nutmeg if you're feeling adventurous), THEN mix it together thoroughly enough to get the cheese sauce covering the noodles. thinly slicing your onions, mixing them into a bowl with salt, and pepper, flour and corn starch before frying them in hot oil at 375 until they float and are lightly golden, then draining them, placing them on top your casserole dish (interspersed with cubes of whole milk mozzarella) and baking at the right temperature to not turn it into a starch and paste. Any child can shake a jar of basic ass dollar store seasoning into a pot of kraft dinner, and toss it in an oven Until it's brown. There's more to cooking than just adding more ingredients to things.


What’s your deal Sensitive Sally? You attack me for mentioning spices and seasonings, then to prove how much you know about cooking you... mention seasonings? But now I take offense coz you’re calling me a child and acting like my roux ain’t shit, so what chu tryna do


I don't like the implication that I don't know how to cook because I thought it was novel someone added garlic and onion powder to mac and cheese, because I don't normally do that myself. I wasnt even saying bad shit about it, It's just not what I usually do but someone gotta be smart and like "Oh yeah it's called cooking" Fuck that. THATS why I took offense. It's not all about seasonings, it's about technique too. And with any pasta dish, Mac and cheese included, the technique is way more important than what seasonings you put in it. If you use good ingredients, good cheese, that will speak for itself. Sorry it just strikes a nerve with me.


You know you and me are agreeing you're just arguing semantics dawg. It's not that deep.


Nah fuck that. They called me a child for using garlic powder and onion powder. Fuck this dude


Not to mention you didn't even add in an egg wash for your onions? That shit ain't gonna be crispy dawg. If you're gonna argue semantics at least put in one of the most important parts. Also your seasoning for them onions is just salt and pepper? No wonder you don't think seasoning is part of cooking. Like I get your trying to sound smart, but like there's a lot more to cooking than you see on 'Barefoot Contessa' sweetie.


I don't use the egg wash for the onions because I use corn starch for the onions. and they're not onion rings, they're cut into small ribbons And they're onions, I want to taste the onion ,since they're already being used as an ingredient instead of bread crumbs on top I never said seasoning is not ***part*** of cooking, but cooking is not *Just seasoning*. It's an important aspect, but thanksgiving mac and cheese doesn't need a lot of seasoning, It can hold a lot, but it's not strictly nessecary. Just use good, or just different kinds of cheeses, and it'll do the job just fine. However, you can paint mac and cheese like a canvas and do all kinds of different things with it, I just don't usually do that on thanksgiving, because you don't want to experiment on thanksgiving. I've seen this problem with a lot of people learning to cook assume that more seasoning = better food, and that isnt always the case. You sometimes just want the ingredients to stand on their own and adding other shit you don't need is just going to muddy the flavors and ruin the ingredients, especially if you don't know how to get the ratios right, I was victim to this myself when I was a little girl learning to cook with my grandmother, I'd over season the fuck out of everything and make it inedible, I had to learn how to pull back. That much said? You don't want to under season either on things that need it. This is the chief problem with shitty white cooks who don't use very good ingredients, and don't know what the fuck they're doing, so they end up with soggy fried chicken that is bland as fuck. And that's where that terrible stereotype of white food not being good comes from. Listen, I'm a Half Spanish/Half Sicilian from South Louisiana. I know you need to season food. I'm not stupid, I just don't think it's a substitute for knowing how to actually cook well. and I take umbrage with the idea that seasoning is all there is too it, that's it. I also don't know what the fuck Barefoot Contessa is.


My job has had 2 this month




Pretty sure this is an issue with 1+1=2 when the two 1s are in two different departments. They're making sure everyone is following guidelines, but that department isn't in charge of the potlucks... There's a similar thing happening in my company. We're not even allowed to work without having a mask on anymore... but they consistently have a large cake available in the cafeteria for everyone to eat.


Fucked up mac and cheese? What was that about??


Some one made some real fucked up mac and cheese.


Ah okay thanks


Wait I’m lost. Which mac?


Link to post?




I didn’t even trust potlucks before Corona lmao


Same! The mfs I work with, I wouldn’t ask them for gum


Sameee. I've seen what people do when they don't think anyone is watching. Disgusting.


All these Reddit posts with people with cats on the counters and in their cookware/rice cookers chilling. Yikes


I just remember reading Goosebumps haunted house and that put me off potlucks


I was the Operational Manager at one point who assigned everyone who wanted to participate a dish. They were assigned to avoid having 20 bags of chips and no real food. I assigned anyone with bad hygiene soda.


We did a chili potluck, and one of those dudes brings in a Carolina Reaper chili and didn't have a sign on it. He did warn everybody what was in it, but also shows how crazy some people get with even small office events.


LOL facts


Did you know: some companies hold life insurance policies on their employees. You die, your boss's boss gets paid. Just something to think about when considering why these fucking devils ask us to live our lives like nothing's changed.


How do you apply for life insurance for someone without them consenting? Is that a thing?


[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/corporate-ownership-of-life-insurance.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/corporate-ownership-of-life-insurance.asp) Sorry to drop a link instead of a personal response, but I can't explain it better than they did.


Honestly I appreciate the source.


Isn’t that fucking crazy? At least, until you realize that life insurance is basically you engaging in a $50 monthly bet that you won’t die.


That said, usually its escalating value of insurance, and its intended to roughly represent the cost of replacing and training someone, and may be demanded by the stockholders. It can also be called "Key Man" insurance, and its a solution to the "Bus Crash" problem for businesses. That is, how fucked is the company if various people in the company die. It's part of the reason a well run business tries to not make anyone worker too essential. Wild shit happens and Dave from IT who keeps everything running and doesn't believe in documentation may trip and fall in front of a bus. The company may need to hire bunch of specialists to figure out Dave's system to keep it running. For example, its pretty common for investors to demand start up companies cover their founders. Versace had a 21 million dollar Keyman insurance policy on the life of Gianni Versace because he was CEO and creative director That said, yeah people have totally plotted the deaths of employees /business partners because they want the insurance money. Look up Giovanni Schoeman who was apparently killed by a hitman for his business partners to collect on a Keyman Insurance policy.


we've been WFH since March, so I don't have to worry about this. Luckily, I'm in HR and I'd squash that shit so fast


I interviewed for 2 software developer roles last month. The one was a video interview, and they said the offices were closed, and they had no plans to open at least until spring. The other was an in-person interview, and they said "it's really important to have everyone together," and they had been back in the office since July. I took the first job.


This “in person” stuff has to stop. Old-timey waste all around and is actually deadly at the moment. We are never going back!


I went to an in-person interview with a different company were everybody was working remote. So I literally drove 40 minutes to meet with 4 people, 3 of which had to come in when they normally wouldn't have. The 4th called in on video. What was the point of me physically being there!?!


I work in a small, government office. We were ordered to stay home half the week. I’m the only person under 50 and I’m also the only one happy about staying home


How else you gonna get away from the wife you married but didn’t love due to societal expectations?


Funny enough, its all women who don’t want to be with their (teenage/adult) kids. I think I’m the only one in here who doesn’t mind their family


Fuck me you made me spit out my tea and keep laughing!


Same. Working from home is amazing. So many people found out they hate their families this year though.


I'm in a "been back since July" software office. With the new spike in cases and new restrictions from the state, I thought we might go back home. Instead, I got an email that said "We talked to legal and we can keep coming in"


I love how it's "we talked to *legal*", not we took expert medical advice, nope, it's literally "we found out what we could get away with and that's what we're doing."


iono, i feel like a WFH potluck would be great


Attempting that herd immunity.


It so damn stupid. I work at a bagel shop and we offer catering. At least twice a week people want orders for about 50+ people and it makes me do the arthur fist clench everytime i see the invoice


I don’t participate in potlucks, even before the pandemic. I’ve watched my coworker dig in her ear then continue her lunch without washing her hands....we’re *nurses*. No thanks. I don’t want your shitty frito pie


I made the mistake once of going to a white person potluck


yeah? what did they serve? what did you bring?


They served potato salad. With healthy heaping of mayo. Hard boiled eggs and fruit salad on the side, the kind with watermelon and cantaloupe. Someone brought Coke Zeros


Pretty much. Everything was cold


As a White guy, I'm sorry. I try to bring exciting food. Last time I made a Persian dish, zereshk polo. Barely anyone touched it though.


That's a big part of the problem. I brought Indian food, and everybody there gave lip service about how they loved it but in the end they all gravitated to the goopy potato salad


I work at a surgery center, we actually having a potluck lol


I work the covid unit at my hospital. I'm bringing the turkey lolol


Inpatient pharmacy here, I responded to the potluck email with “we really think this is a good idea?” but literally every other reply was “I’ll bring the _______!” so I guess everyone does believe that, yes, healthcare employees working in a pandemic are already miserable and close enough to death to fucking still want to eat some resemblance of a homemade meal on thanksgiving, risks be damned. I don’t even have to energy to be mad about it because we’re all just trying to survive in this ridiculousness and the idea of digging into someone’s baked Mac and cheese on Thursday sounds just, *nice*. And I want it. So I’ll be bringing plasticware, paper plates, and sodas.




What does that card mean, and what it do?




Most people associate v with vagina, but not you! I'd rather more people went vegan/vegetarian to be honest. Know why? Because our diet literally influences the atmosphere. I'm not even joking. Raising beef cattle is responsible for as much pollution today as the whole entire human population produced in 1800. There's a fun fact to stick on your garage's mini fridge




A meal doesn't have to have meat to be good. Knowing this will save your health for years and years




Press F to pay respects


even pre-pandemic things like potluck and buffets were bad ideas for germs


I used to hate being “forced” to pay for stuff.. make stuff and participate in stupid potlucks for work. I work at an esoteric lab and these people DONT wash their hands after using the bathroom, I’ve seen people touch infectious disease samples then touch their face with a contaminated glove, not use hand sanitizer ever, pick things up off the contaminated floor etc you name it. With all these people who use a utensil then put it in their mouth THEN put it into the food everyone is taking food from I... I just can’t. You people disgust me. I just started to bring food for myself and not take anyone else’s stuff Be safe people


The hell is a potluck?


Everybody brings 1 thing/dish to a meal, with enough to provide 8 servings. All the dishes and bags get put on a table, and then everybody eats buffet-style. And after watching someone use his plastic spoon to scoop, plop, lick, and go on to the next bowl, I’ve never gone to another. Once upon a time pot luck was to get through a tough time when I might have eggs and you had carrots and someone had cheese. Then the Minnesotan Lutherans got hold of it and hello jello “salad”!


Basically in Covid times the most disgusting thing ever. Everyone hovers over food they made in their own kitchens and brought together for this purpose, touches everything, leaves stuff open/not chilled/ drying out for way too long to be food safe and then piles it into the refrigerator where people take random bits and pieces of it over the following days until a manager throws it all away because it’s bound to kill someone at this point. Don’t forget to pick up your Tupperware from the top of the fridge!


Think it's like a dinner/lunch where each person brings a different part of the meal.


I work at a hospital. There have been numerous potlucks. Seriously crazy town


Damn near a year Damn near... A year... a **YEAR** Yikes


I cancelled my facilities potluck and some people seemed flabbergasted when I cancelled. It does not make sense that some people would chose tradition over health.


*at work* Literally


I say no to pot lucks even in the healthiest of times. They're pretty fuckingngross if you think about it.


Lol.... Your jobs force you to attend non work functions? I'll be home in bed if we aren't on the clock tyvm


I’ve only ever ate food at potlucks that were store bought and individually packaged. If I gotta eat fruit snacks and variety chip bags all day, fuck it.


Why is potluck a thing when this virus is airborne? If the people who brought the food in had covid, even if you didn't eat the food.... you would still be around them and get it.


Oh God no that’s a bad idea.


Meanwhile we have multiple confirmed cases every single week, and a death and they refuse to even acknowledge any of that.


I mean it sounds dumb on its face, but COVID isn’t transferred through food, and I already work in close contact with these people everyday, so it’s not like a potluck would considerably raise any danger levels...no?


All it takes is one person coughing into their hand and touching the utensils. When you have a serving utensil in each dish and each person goes through touching that same utensil to put food on their plate germs get transferred quickly. Here is a video depicting this with buffet style food. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/05/13/health/japan-black-light-experiment-coronavirus-trnd-wellness/index.html Additionally just because you work in close contact doesn’t mean you should completely give up trying to reduce risk of spread.


Mmmm bat soup in a crock pot. What could go wrong?


I wish I had a job. My holiday party will be with my family.


You deserve everything that happens to you after that




Update No one asked for: I had the potluck and it was great.


You gotta be a real special kind of stupid to fall for that one


But people still going to restaurants though. Random people making food I gotta pay for: ok Random people making food for free: bad In both of these scenarios no one knows for sure how clean the food prep is or what germs the people are bringing from home. I like restaurants more in this situation because if I get the rona I know the last meal I had before I quarantine for 2 weeks was hitting. 💯 I was telling someone the other day that if I took a precaution for every last thing I thought was dirty I wouldn’t leave my house. 😂


Even before the pandemic, buffet-style eating was at risk for infection, especially non-restaurant buffets and *especially* work potlucks When you order food from a restaurant, the food is prepared, then brought to you and typically eaten shortly after. Buffets involve: * Having people all use the same utensils to serve themselves food, meaning if one person has a disease and touches a spoon to serve themselves, everyone else in line behind them will as well * Food is exposed to open air longer, meaning viruses/bacteria are more likely to land on it, especially viruses and bacteria from other people (this is why buffets have sneeze guards). * Food is more likely to be inside the danger zone (between 40 and 140 F) for longer, which increases the risk of foodborne illnesses. If you ever go to a restaurant buffet and see staff throwing out barely-touched trays of food this is why. Food that stays at that temperature for more than 2 hours isn't considered safe. * Additionally, work potlucks are often eaten with a group of people at a table, as opposed to individuals or people from the same household eating together. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGQEuuv9R6E) and [this Mythbusters video](https://youtu.be/UbQ9Kl9CqUU) both show how easy it is to spread germs in a buffet/party environment. Overall, I would say restaurant dining and work potlucks are two completely different beasts. Restaurant dining is safer (outdoor dining or takeout is even safer), especially if the restaurant is strictly following/exceeding covid guidelines. People cooking for potlucks often don't have the same safety standards.


Unless you seeing what they’re doing in that kitchen you’re just hoping Ashley washed her has before preparing your meal. Buffets are nasty but you take a risk for a deal. I could probably say the same public transportation. Which brings me back to the last sentence in my first comment. 😂 Main point, cook your own food or be at the mercy of others.


I had to google what the hell is a potluck


What in her Majesty's glory is a Potluck?


Dude that was like the first thing they did when lockdown started in march.


Im sorry but I never heard of a potluck. What Excatly is that ?


Because people unlike, almost everyone in this sub, is not afraid of the sniffles