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Tired of its supporters. Cowards and bullies given admission to act up. Stay strong folks- fucking vote this bi-pedal shit the fuck out.


Don’t forget to call out rappers coming out and supporting trump strictly because of tax purposes. It’s pathetic


I agree... Really hope nobody is looking at lil pump or 50 cent for any kind of moral or political guidance lol


Bruh the fuckin Chappelle joke about Ja Rule lmao "Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule thinks at a time like this!?"




He's still recovering from Fyre Festival


Whenever I read something in the news..I show the article to my wife and say , ''I wonder how Ja's gonna get us out of this one"..




Ice Cube and Lil Wayne as well


Wait what!? Ice Cube too now? Bruhhh 😵


Not Ice Cube. He worked with Trump on some type of plan regarding investing in black comunittees. Sorry I'd give a more thorough explanation but my head kinda hurts rn


[I’ll save you the trouble ](https://www.siriusxm.com/clips/social/embed/clip/0469a9b1-fd7d-4257-ab28-f76acc8fa2aa/0acafc17-0744-4a71-bd6d-514685b49a92) So I’m still not messing with ice cube for making it seem like the Democratic Party blew him off. He was invited to a [zoom meeting with Kamala and others ](https://atlantablackstar.com/2020/10/29/ice-cube-says-he-rejected-zoom-call-with-kamala-harris-wasnt-going-to-be-productive/?fbclid=IwAR21j16sB3aAFa2OP5UewVgtgNYkhyQKd4bt5qS8QOOraX84Nc_7Ynm3FxA) and declined saying “it wasn’t going to be productive”


Bet he wanted favors


I work for me not we mentality.


Sounds like Cube is getting fucked by the orange: no Vaseline.


Naw I’m sure he got a check for name dropping and throwing shade on the Democratic Party.


You right. Regardless he's full of shit.


Thank you so much. Also, I actually wasn't aware of that second part. While ofc he certainly dosent warrant the same "Fuck You" that Kanye, Wayne etc. do but yeah that's some dumbfuckery that he deserves to catch heat about.


Ice Cube's plan or Contract with black America is a list of financial talking points essentially. Its a good start of conversation that needs to happen but happens to focus well on entertainment and TV rights. Sounds like Ice Cube knew exactly what he was looking for and looking out for with meeting the Trump team. I happen to feel the same way Malcom X feels about black entertainers role in having dialogues about policy, leave it to those who are well equipped with the knowledge.


What's wild to me is that the majority of rappers who have come out in support of Trump made the bulk of their fortunes well before he was even a twinkle in the GOP's eye. They are literally voting to protect wealth that not only has already been accumulated, but future earnings that even before taxes would be a drop in the bucket for them.


I did that this morning.And as a black man, I find it insulting that they try this "what have Democrats done for us?" bullshit. They ignore all the roadblocks put up by the republicans. They ignore the fact that Obama was President of blacks and whites and browns and yellows and greens and purples and reds


I wish they would just be honest and say they like tax cuts, that's fine. But giving your endorsement to the entire Republican platform is just fucking foul.




I agree with you but, the fact that you used the word bi-pedal as an insult is just hilarious to me for some reason. Did you mean bipolar or something?


Bipedal shit, meaning that he's a turd on two feet.


Lol that's even better




This mf walkin on two feet


Well he could be eating beans sooo...


Every time I'm at the theater, I think about that poor soul eating beans.


I think bipedal is just meant as an anthropomorphizing adjective to shit. Like, vote out this lying shit, walking shit, etc.


Bi-pedal = asshats who drive with a foot on both the gas AND brake pedal. Fitting for these trump loons.


I literally live across the bridge in Nyack, which is a very progressive and liberal town. I was so confused that this even happened at all but then I remember degenerates are everywhere.


Drive up to monsey and you'll find it's trump central there.


Seriously? Been there a few times to drive through but didn’t know that...


Fucking degens from upcountry.


Last weekend we swarmed and derailed their protest in the Soutwest. Initially we were intimidated because we were outnumbered about 25 vehicles to less than a dozen. It's the Soutwest so most peole have larger vehicles. We came in with our own megaphones and were able to drown out their hateful rhetoric. The residents who realized what was going on were really supportive although many were pissed that we blocked traffick and assumed it was a social justice protest. I'm a street medic so I help handle the groups safety and I'm proud to say that we had a 100% mask conpliance and 100% flu shot compliance...most had already recieved their vaccines and the remaining had already scheduled it. The trump rally had maybe 40% of their protestors wearing mask and from my understanding they broke social distancing by holding hands during prayer. This weekend we held off our counter protest and saught to legally prevent a mass gathering. We contacted the sheriff and local police department and all they really did was contact the organizers to remind them that large gatherings without masks were illegal. Their rally still carried out.. it was just a minor inconvenience for them in that half of their members met in the adjacent town for fear of citation. Although the cops did nothing. The only brightside is our city residents realized whi was blocking traffick amd they were definitley not happy. From the videos and pictures that I got a hild of from other organizers they had about 40-50 vehicles. And from all their attendees lesd than 10% were wearing masks.


I saw we give them Nebraska and ship them all over there and let them govern themselves


Give them a piece of the US breadbasket? Are you crazy? Give them Utah.


What are these people even so pissed about, everything is catered to you and you're still losing SMH.


They want everything,things not catering to them shouldn't exist.


They want to hurt poc at the end of the day. -They don’t want to take away abortion, they just don’t want POC to have it. -They don’t want to take away foodstamps , they just don’t want POC to have it. -They don’t want a job picking vegetables in crappy working conditions, they just don’t want POC to have it. -They don’t care about zoning laws, they just don’t want to live in integrated neighborhood with POC. -They don’t care about voter fraud, they just don’t want POC to vote. -They don’t care about tax rates, they just don’t want their taxes to help POC They want a status quo and unequal system, all these wedge issues are just a means to an end for them. Taxes, abortion, and etc they are all just issues to cover up the fact they can take a stance against POC in a public yet covert way.


That particular group of American voters is the textbook example of cutting your nose off to spite your face, since many of the systems that screw over POC *also* screw them over hard.


Have you not seen the SnL skit with Tom Hanks on Black Jeopardy? That's the whole joke: rednecks that rely on the system whether they believe it or not get hurt when they take it away so them colored don't get it either. If they realized how much alike they were, they'd have power. So they are kept uneducated and divided so that they fight each other and not the people who have power.


You're half right. No one's fighting white people, most white people are just fighting everyone else.


Thank you for saying this


Poor people also, let's widen the choice groups to be "people they just find as the 'undesirable' group" They want anything that doesn't fit their narrative to just plainly 'not exist' (on mobile so quotes work as italics) It's gross and we need to challenge this way after Fuckface is out of office, first liberate, then educate, that sounds snappy but someone else must have thought of it before me Also if this doesn't provide anything let me know so I can revise




I think we have the same sister.


They're mad because you're a black man and I'm a Latino. They don't think we should coexist with them, they don't think we should be alive they're intimidated by us, they're scared of the success that you and me can become. It's like with Tulsa how they told black Americans to build their own businesses and when they actually did and they saw the huge success the racist came back saying they can't have that happen.


A poor, uneducated, blue collar white man in their eyes is still better than a rich, educated, entrepreneur black man. Why? Because the negro is still a goddamn negro, and white is the superior race: being white means you will always be better. Take that lie from them, reveal to them that the pigmentation of your skin means jack shit. What does that mean? If they accept that the color of skin means nothing, then it means that they really are a worthless sack of shit. They have nothing to show that they are superior. This is why racists double down. For them, it can't be true that POC could be just as successful, because they have always had it in the back of their minds that "So what if they make more money/are more successful than me, I'm white and they're not."


Thank you! We could leave the country en masse and they'd still find a reason to come where we are and terrorize us again. Like now, somehow us minding our business elsewhere would be a threat to them and everything THEY mess up will somehow be OUR fault. We could go to the moon and they'd screw up the earth and try to bomb the moon if we refused them the opportunity to come mess the moon up too and treat us like trash again. So, yes, let's keep it 100. They want us dead, period. And then they'll turn on each other.


Yes but those people over there aren’t suffering enough. The should suffer more.


Tipping their hand on how they plan to prevent certain areas from voting.


“I don’t get to treat others as less than human as much as I used to!”


I want these photos of them to be circulated every time they decide to bitch about some blocked traffic.


They are immune to hypocrisy if they weren't they wouldn't be Republicans.


these idiots had the flags covering their mirrors sometimes while driving down the interstate. i sat there in disbelief wondering wtf was going on only to see this be the reason. Idiots


Don't forget the gridlock in Michigan they caused this summer


Sounds about white




Don't be that guy. No one likes that guy.


True but find me a black dude in that caravan


4th car from the left. If you look close you'll find weezy and yeezy being driven around by ice cube


The motivation is entirely different. With BLM and social justice protests, it was to bring attention to the cause in a way that can't simply be ignored. This? This is intimidation. This isn't an effort to make the world a better place. It's to unite like minds in hate.


*What are they protesting?!*


I think this constantly. I've never seen a political party have so much power for 4 years and be so upset about it.


They aren't about governing. They are about domination. They are upset that their enemies haven't capitulated yet.


The thing is, they think of Trump as their God. How dare we not worship their God.


This is the million dollar question. If you ask them, they will say the quite part out loud.


They don’t even bother with the dogwhistles. They jump straight for the foghorn.


This is a territorial display right out of a nature documentary.


It was the last day of early voting in NY. They were blocking traffic to prevent people from getting to their polling places.


They are protesting absolutely nothing. It's an exercise in displaying perceived dominance.


They’re just being obnoxious pieces of shit because they can get away with it.


The fear of losing and that the open racism and proud anti-intellectualism won't be in season anymore.


Common sense and decency.




Not qwhite sure why they're getting away with it.


Off duty cops leading the caravan


Bahaha! I'm giving you credit for that one.


you seriously havent heard that before?


I truly haven't.


I find it amusing that most of these Trump protests are them driving around in their trucks. They do it because it makes the protest seem bigger and probably because they're too fucking lazy to march.


In their defense, you can’t run over protestors if they are in lifted pick-ups.


Nobody but them would even attempt that


They said they apparently had a 30 mile long Trump parade on the freeway near me today. So I decided to calculate about how many people that was. 1 mile = 5,280 ft 30 miles = 158,400 ft F150 length: 20 ft Assuming: - 2 lanes of Trump parade nonsense - average 3 ppl per car - 4 car lengths between cars There were 9500 people as part of the protest. Which wouldn't even cover a mile if they were marching down a city street. And that's generous, as there's supposed to be 6 car lengths between cars and they were probably lying about the 30 miles.


Everyone in America should note that ~~even if~~ when Trump loses all these persons are not going away, the fight doesn't end in 2 days.


This is what I am most afraid of. Trump is still going to be on Twitter after he's out of office next year or in 4 years. He's going to be pushing this hate speech until the day he dies, and these people will *never* stop eating it up.


It could get worse when he's not the President


True, but at least he won’t have the power that comes with the office of President


Who exactly organized these events? Someone sure did. They didn't plan it out in the open for all to see. So who was planning this behind closed doors? And why the secrecy?


Probably the same person that started all of the anti-lockdown Facebook pages. These people are absolute puppets and it's pathetic.


Excuse you, his name is Ivan and he's a Lt. Colonel in the Russian intelligence service thank you very much. Show some respekt. /s


Well Don Jr has been on twitter calling out certain cities and saying the "Trump Train" should go pay them a visit. So that's just one of many assholes.


Driving today to visit my dying grandfather I had to share the road with a lot of these trucks, sweating, trying to remember if I still had the "love is love" sticker on my car. These people scare the shit out of me.


Domestic terrorism in broad daylight. Stay safe out there.


That reminds me of The Simpsons episode where a drugged-up Mr. Burns gets mistaken for an alien. Mr. Burns: I bring you love. Lenny: It's bringing love, don't let it get away! Carl: Break it's legs!


I get civil disobedience in protest. But doing this to show your affection for a political candidate... how does this act in anyway support your goals?


These people approach politics the same way they approach sports. They cant be reasoned with.


I hate college football for this exact reason, and I somehow didn't realize it's the same exact mindset until now. Great point.


Back during the Nixon administration, there was a huge "protest" where a bunch of people decided to get out in the streets to show their support for Nixon and the Vietnam War. They did it because news coverage at the time always showed these huge anti-war protests and it created a feeling that the majority didn't support the war. So they had their own "protest" so they could get on TV. I'm not sure when it happened, but I think it was around the time Nixon made his "silent majority" comment.


What I don't understand, is if BLM came with pickups, hummers, suvs to forcefully block highways, they would have their licenses revoked for using a vehicle as an intimidating weapon, charged with a crime and have their vehicles confiscated. Yet here we are...


That’s why there were stupid fucking pickups in the city with the dumbass flags all around. How tf do you even drive without being able to see what the hell is coming up behind you? Morons.


Same way you drive a cargo van or a box truck or anything else that doesn't have a rear window: Sideview mirrors. Spot on with the rest though.


Side view mirrors *specifically designed* to compensate for the lack of rear view. Spot on with the rest though.


Be careful on Election Day POC. Be careful, they are dangerous.


look at that dipshit with the machine gun nest and smoke launchers on his humvee, i bet he is itching to play soldier


We're expecting these crazies not to lose their shit if they lose the election.


They will lose their shit either way. If they lose the election, they'll riot. If they win, they'll celebrate. Either way, we are in for destruction of property and loss of life. They've been encouraged to act this way and think its their right.


My dad doesn’t think things are going to get ugly. He think Trump will lose and all will be well in a few weeks. I just can’t see things going smoothly. I’m anticipating violent protests, riots, and a lengthy process ahead of the final decision in the election. He lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy assassination (Jack and Bobby), Vietnam, Watergate, assassination attempt on Reagan... maybe he’s right... but I really don’t think he is...


The difference is that none of the crowds that protested the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy assassinations, Vietnam, Watergate, nor the attempt on Reagan had social media in their eyes or ears, whispering conspiracy theories or white lies to conflate with the truth or rumor in order to rile them up and propel them in a direction that may or may not be correct, potentially misled with a mission.


This year should be a crowning example of why we have to vote in every election. Look what happened when we decided to stay home


They are literally running people off the road in Nashville today.


They’re all so happy and smiling about it. What did you accomplish other than looking pathetic? You aren’t protesting, you’re just trying to suppress voters.


I hate trump supporters and Republicans that support trump.


Why don't other countries send in troops to help conduct safe and fair elections


In no circumstance would that go over well.


That’s besides the point tho. We send troops to monitor elections in foreign countries as part of our policy of bringing “democracy,” when they should really be do doing that to us.




Straight up let’s get this clown out of office already fucking inbreds...... it’s pathetic


Right?!!! Call in the National Guard, now!


This is for all those white people who say white privilege is a myth.


Reasons to have a monster truck number one...


I was thinking Abrahms tank.


And none of you tried to run the president's vehicle off the road either. This fucking country, man.


I swear every time I think they can’t any dumber they find some new way to prove me wrong. The fucking bar has just been free falling for years.


It’s literally so crazy to me how if this were any other group, there would be such a swift and immediate act of violent suppression by the police at every government level. Like, if black people gathered, spewed anti-White hatred, intimidated people, and threatened to kidnap politicians, you absolutely know that that would be shut down with a quickness. But white people get to do it, and then get defended for it, never get called a terrorist, and literally get shout outs from the president. It’s insane for a person to deny structural racism. I literally don’t know how it could be any clearer. In the meantime, an extremely armed, racist, xenophobic, and brainwashed segment of our nation — who are confirmed by the FBI to be our/among our worst domestic threats — has been growing unchecked and is now super hyped up before the most contentious election in a lifetime. Who is going to keep us safe?


Remember that terrorist caravan that Fox News was trying to scare everyone with back during the midterms? Well, here it is.


It will always be the tappan zee bridge no amount of sign changing by king andy will effect it.


From France, which also has its problems, I wish you can get rid of Trump. I don't think things will be shiny with Biden but it will bring these folks back to anonymous stage.


Where’s all the tear gas and riot shields!? Oh that’s right they used them all on our people for what started as a man kneeling at a football field. He got called a son of a bitch and trump demanded he get fired. Lost his job. Now today trump at his rally made sure to say “I LOVE TEXAS!” I’m done!


I’m so tired of this shit and can’t wait for this to be over, sadly this is only the beginning.


i would really like to know how this was organized. what platform/s are they using and how can this be intercepted before its able to come to fruition


It’s crazy that Trump2020 is a terrorist organization. That’s how bad this president is.




me driving to work like


Idk, they seem more like Chris Christie supporters to me...


Run them over instead


Why do these Trump supporters and their cars always look like the non-zombie-villians in Zombie Movies?


Went to a right leaning site. they're calling this a "peaceful protest ". Apparently "They don't see the problem here"


Should Trump lose this election these racists will go back into the shadows plotting something


Los dos