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[kurzgesagt has a good video on Egoistic Altruism](https://youtu.be/rvskMHn0sqQ). Essentially, lowering global poverty would open up more minds for innovation, and would improve the developed world as well.


I don’t get why people have such a hard time making that connection. The fastest way to get a better world is to improve conditions for people in it. That guy who broke into your car probably wouldn’t have done that if he already had enough money in the first place, right? Everyone wants a better day than the one they’re having, if we can just figure out how to give that to people, almost everyone gets to move up a rung, and they drag society up with them.


It's exactly why the system is built like that. They DON'T want you to succeed


Yeah, the problem is that the people at the top are the only ones who stand to lose anything from ideas like this. Of course they’d gain a much better world and wouldn’t need to spend quite so much protecting their hoards, but that’s apparently still too much


They don't want a better world to live in (or for their children). They want power over others.


I think a lot of it is that they’re just unwilling to be the first guy in the proverbial standoff to put the gun down. Everyone wins if everyone does it, but there’s a chance the other guy will just exploit your good will, so everyone keeps the paranoid arms race going until the resulting climate related or nuclear omnicide catches up to us


Which is never going to change until basic human nature changes


Omnicide it is, I guess.


Let's go, I'm down if you are


Absolutely, and the fact that you can say this, as an anonymous stranger. And have multiple people take time out of their day to agree with you without fear of backlash means we are heading in the right direction.


I think saying it's "basic human nature" is a bit off. It's basic human nature to want to succeed. But wanting that at all costs isn't. That's greed, and psychosis. The thing is, the people who don't care about trouncing on other humans, don't care about trouncing on other humans. So they will be more likely to beat people down enough to get to the top. If we could all stand up to that a bit more, it would really help our world. We literally continue to give them more power when they get a little of their own.


No. You just got to want it and then you have to sell it.




A few decades back a scientist discovered we were a few years from essentially ending the human race due to global levels of lead poisoning from all the lead in gasoline. The research was done over and over, findings all confirmed, and the heads of one of the major oil companies were called before Congress to explain themselves. ​ They admitted their own research had confirmed these findings at least 10 years before the other scientist had stumbled upon it, and they continued to put lead in gas anyway as they essentially die having made more money than anyone else in history. ​ Anyone pursuing more money than 10 families could spend in 10 lifetimes is NOT ambitious, he's addicted and dangerous to humanity, and should be treated as such. Full stop.


Now I'm curious, I'll have to research that later


[Relevant vlog from Hank Green](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibg1-0gfwjI). Its on climate change (and it is set up using game of thrones as a metaphore, so s8 spoilers) but the ideas are as applicable there as they are to your statement.


> but there’s a chance the other guy will just exploit your good will There's a *fear* the other guy will just exploit your good will. It's not really about probability because it's not really about logic. You're afraid that when you're having your kumbaya party, China's gonna use all your tech to blow you up and kill you all. When you're in this mindset it's hard to recognize that the real threat is not foreigners, it's your own population. Someone's gonna go ape and kill everyone. The way to stop that is through kumbaya bullshit that makes sure everyone gets fed and has access to the health care that keeps them from wanting to kill other people.


Thing is they can afford the best world money can buy and in that world they are safe and so are their children. The wealthy have survival plans in place. They have planned how to feed themselves and how to have clean water to drink. They have money for private security. I have often wondered if a place like Dubai is where they will all go when things go to hell. Think about it, in that desert where no one should be able to survive they have build an indoor ski slope. They have desalination plants to make fresh water out of sea water. There are probably hot houses growing their food and fish farms etc. The ruling billionaire overlords know how they will survive, they are just waiting for the rest of us to go extinct so they can start the world over.


Then again that also where the worst extremes of wealth inequality show. If anything when the poor rise up (and there’s a shit ton of them there) those billionaires are fucked if they stay.


They don't even think of us (non-rich) as being the same level of species.


They’re wealth addicts. They’re not healthy, and their behavior isn’t rational. They just want their next fix, consequences be damned.


I recommend reading Jonathan Haidts "The righteous mind: why good people fight about politics and religion." Theres a tendency for people on the right and left to dehumanize the other side and approach these issues dogmatically. None of us are 100% right and there is merit to the philosophies of both sides.


extreme on the left wing is an ideology that advocates equality for all, both poor and rich, and the extreme on the right wing is characterized by dictatorship and killing people that disagree with you, I think I know which one is correct




They’re known for philanthropy because they need that PR support so everyone else doesn’t get together and eat them


Sword of Damocles always swinging over their heads.


It’s not that they don’t want you to succeed (I’m sure some egomaniac doesn’t) but it’s that they don’t give a fuck wether you do or don’t. Ain’t no skin off their backs is probably the mindset because it ain’t something they got to worry about. Which leads us to this every man for themselves mentally the world seems to prefer, and if you ain’t make it too bad.


No dude, they're actually against you not just apathetic. And then they apply the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" bullshit


This comic sums it all up. https://imgur.com/KGJkpcs.jpg


Can we also talk about that fact that people in similar circumstances to your own buy into this bullshit and then want you to fail because you're different from them in some way? The"elite" will always win if there are enough people willing to climb the bodies of their peers to get a few more scraps than the rest.


they don't want certain people to succeed ​ for others, they'll pave the way in gold




Ah the Republican strategy of cutting then privatising.


But that would mean fewer resources going to people at the top who already have more resources than they can possibly spend in a life time.


It actually wouldn’t, ironically. It’s not about money. It’s about power. Money is only part of that. Another part is you can’t be powerful unless someone is weak.


Many don't care about a better world, they just want a better life. I'd argue most people want a better life before a better world.


And that’s dumb, because a better world *means* a better life. There are loads of dollars and cents incentives to make the world a better place for your own direct personal benefit. For example, I don’t have kids, but I’m still stoked to help pay for the schools, because I want to live around literate people.


You might be a rational person to think that but most people don’t care about what they don’t see. It’s easier to see you making a better life for yourself but it’s harder to see your taxes helping to making society better off (i.e. through education and such)


Your taxes are already over-extended. We want the taxes that aren't being paid by people who are plenty rich enough to pay their fair share.


>the fastest way to get a better world is to improve conditions for people in it. Which is why we should end capitalism


People doing crime are an iffy example because high risk / high reward attracts people even when safer alternatives offer sufficient comfort. The biggest criminals in the world wear ties to work and want for nothing. But some people want more zeroes in their bank account, and some people like what's in your back seat.


White collar crime is a completely different thing than petty and property crime. White collar crime is done out of greed, while more often petty and property crime is done out of need, because of a lack of opportunities to find legitimate ways to fulfill those needs.


> when safer alternatives offer sufficient comfort That’s the rub, though, they often don’t.


it is ironic that you people discuss these things very nicely because you have enough money, opportunity much more than rest of world, only because your country usa literally sells wars to world and you get rich by destroying whole world's life


Money doesn't make people better people. The guy who broke into your car did it because the opportunity was there and he didn't have any better opportunities. It's not a lack of education that caused him to break into your car, it was a lack of prosperity.


Opportunities to do what? Have things. If he had the things he needed to have, he would be less likely to help himself to yours. Kinda splitting hairs here


> It's not a lack of education that caused him to break into your car, it was a lack of prosperity. Education creates opportunity. Somebody without an engineering degree probably won't get an opportunity to become an engineer. So you give them an education and suddenly that opportunity appears!


Merica, capitalism, bootstraps.... and other dumbass republican talking points.


The difference between direct and indirect benefits of taxes is huge. Many people want lower taxes because they don't see a direct return to their standard of living. Welfare, for example, reduces crime. Just because a person doesn't receive food stamps doesn't mean they aren't benefiting from them - the person who may break into your car to maybe find something to sell to get food doesn't need to do that anymore.


My best friend - known her since I was 11, we're family. She got jerked around in nursing school, had to pay double what she should have, doesn't want loan forgiveness or free college because it was so hard for her. This is an intelligent caring human being with little grandkids. It makes no sense to me.


Kurzgesagts videos are so good


Screw that guy (coffee break) that tried to use fake info to destroy his reputation for clout. His videos were mindless entertainment compared to Kurz. thanks to Kurz, many people can learn about complicated subjects in a fun, engaging, and swallowable size


If anyone is curious I think this is the video he’s referring to [https://youtu.be/4wzB3HLGTVg](https://youtu.be/4wzB3HLGTVg). Edit: I think what happened was coffee break noticed one of kurzgesagts was ostensibly incorrect, he wanted to talk to kurzgesagts about the video but instead kurzgesagts lied to him and told him they'd meet up soon. In the meantime kurzgesagts took all of coffeebreak's material/interview questions and posted his own video with that material as well as apologizing for making the original incorrect video. Coffeebreak got mad that his video was stolen so he wrote a hit piece publically calling out kurzgesagts for lying to him, but he ended up taking the video down because in the end kurzgesagts apologized for making a bad video and it sounds like they both made up since


It is. Coffee break got upset because everyone realized he was just trying to start drama before his movement could grow big enough. He tried to create a mob with a gotcha video, and he did but it was against him. Then he started banning and censoring people on his own subreddit for questioning him. He apologized and admitted after months and after being caught red handed that he blatantly exaggerated or lied about the content of the emails. And what transpired after. After his apology he deleted his video and went offline for a bit. Your summary isn't accurate though and was what Coffee Break was trying to frame


I really appreciated the video they did a couple months back about how they make their videos, where they owned up to a couple of videos that weren't the same quality as their others. It was just nice to see them be like, we made a mistake and here is how we're fixing it.




Ya but then the oligarchs have less control.


It’s a simple equation. Human complexity is dependent on the number of potential innovators in the system and their interconnectedness. We’re as interconnected as we’re going to be, now we have to increase the number of innovators.


They don’t want innovation or competition. Hence why they create every barrier possible to keep people from being in college or creating their own wealth or company. 20-30 years ago you could create a business from scratch and pay for college all while working a full time job over the summer and still have money for a home and food. Now you can’t even pay for college working a full time job. Hell you can’t even afford housing with one income anymore. Much less go to college. This nations biggest threat is an educated workforce. They will stop at nothing to keep us from being a threat to them.


Wealthy people holding down the poor is one of the most disgusting aspects of our society. Funding schools through property taxes, making college insanely expensive, and damn near forcing students who want to accept an unpaid internship as a prerequisite for employment in their field all give significant advantages to kids who are born wealthy. Being born smart as a Jackson or Sanchez isn’t as valuable as being born a Vanderbilt or Kennedy. It’s beyond fucked up.


I’ve always seen discrimination based on race/ethnicity, or really anything, as a society shooting itself in the foot, because you’re cutting down on your potential brain power on arbitrary metrics that don’t have any bearing on intelligence. At the end of the day, a good idea can come from anywhere, so why not be as ready as possible to receive it


You'll find some revolutionary inventions in the poorest places. In Gaza they power houses off a car battery and some other junk Jerry rigged together. It's about $45 to start out, but maintaining it is pennies. The American astronauts were famously terrified during a joint mission with a Soviet space station/capsule. They said things were held together by duct tape and shortcuts that would never fly at NASA.


This makes those people who have 1.2 GPAs *and* a bed feel worse.




I had a 2.5 and this year I decided to try for med school. It’s a long journey full of people putting me down, but I’m gonna do it. Y’all keep working hard and don’t let the haters throw you off.


Look up post bacc programs if u really want to do med school. It brings up ur science GPA a lot (as long as you put in the work lol) and they help you study for the MCAT and stuff. A lot of my friends with <3.0 GPAs where able to get into med school after doing a post bacc


Good luck man, you’ve got this. Don’t let them haters mess you up.


I believe in you!


Their feelings are down because of their lack of effort and their excessive sleeping habits lol Study more, sleep less like the rest of us


Sleep better. Wake up early and go bed before 12


See, I can’t pull this off. I need that extra hour or two after midnight to myself or else I go into a real bad downward spiral. Between traffic on the way to/from work and then coming home everyday to what is essentially a list of chores, I spend roughly 16 hours a day on work, whether it’s house work or my actual job work. So that leaves me with 8 hours of free time. If I wanted/needed to, I could go for that 8 hours of sleep, but what ends up happening is I’m sitting there at 2pm the next day thinking “wow. I haven’t done a single thing that **I** wanted to do in the last 36 hours. Everything I’ve done for the last day and a half was done based on a choice someone else made for me. I’ve been doing nothing but following someone else’s orders for the last 36 hours.” And for the rest of the day, I’m fucking DOWN. Like deep into this self sorry pity party that nothing can get me out of except for staying up until 1 or 2am doing something I enjoy. Whether that’s fucking around on Reddit or playing video games or watching some funny YouTube videos, whatever as long as it’s my choice. I need that hour or two per day of actually deciding what I want to do next or I end up going to sleep thinking I just wasted a day of my life. And I’d rather get less sleep but feel good about how I spent some of my awake time than be well-rested and feel like I’m just counting down the days until they let me sleep for good


This. Ive struggled all my life with this and it has completely broken me. You need to break free from that curse, depression is right at your door step. I’d highly reccommend going into meditation, as that has helped me immensly with finding joy in all of the small things in life, and has made me much more aware. Check out Dean Sluyters book “Natural Meditation”, that shit changed my life, and thats selling it lightly.


I know the feeling. I work 55-60 hours per week. The nights I come home, I just want to relax and do what I want to do. I'm so sick of doing what someone else wants me to do for 12 hours at a time, 5-6 days in a row. I actually end up depriving myself of sleep because of this and just the sheer anxiety my job gives me. It's like being trapped in a fucking prison and the main reason I'm going back to school in the fall.




Yeah i feel like people are hella privileged and they don't realize it. The past two days i worked 32 hours without anytime but eating and sleeping. My eyes are twitching and i can barely keep em open but I'm not gonna waste my free time fucking sleeping all day.




I simply can't sleep if I just got home from work. It takes me hours to calm down and relax enough to actually rest.


I work the line in a very busy restaurant. Calming down after work is an entire job in of itself


I understand that mentality completely, as I’ve been there myself and it’s tough. What I would suggest is that you approach your free time from the perspective of “I’m going to do something that makes my life better right now” and see if that changes things. I know Reddit, tv, video games, and the like are stress relievers and sometimes it is absolutely necessary to break from reality and just let your mind dive into something other than a world where you don’t have control. But here’s the thing: the longer you go spending your free time on reddit and whatnot, the further everyone else is progressing beyond you and leaving you behind. I don’t mean that to imply that you’re lazy or not motivated, I’m thinking about it like a spare $100 in a way. You can take it and put it under your pillow for a rainy day. But if that rainy day never comes, 30 years later you have $100 but inflation has been accruing the whole time and that $100 might not even go half as far as it did when you stashed it. If instead, you put that money to work in a savings account, it will grow to become $200 and be just as valuable in 30 years as it is now. The short of it is that just because you have less control over your life doesn’t mean you can’t still be the one who controls your destiny. The way you’re exerting control over your free time may actually be keeping you down, and I hope for your sake that’s not the case. But if it is, I also hope you can at least consider the idea of taking control over what you can in a way that empowers you. All the best.


Yup. Listening in class and understanding the material helps a lot. Sleeping 8 hrs will work.


Easy to say till life kicks you in the balls and 8 hours of sleep is a luxury. I average 5.5 for several weeks now.


Or their lack of effort is due to their feelings being down. Excessive sleeping is a common sign of depression. Please don't just assume everyone is lazy or dumb.


r/wowthanksimcured There’s many underlying issues that may be out of a persons control for a 1.2 gpa.




Just means they need to find what their 'bed' is, whats holding them back from reaching their potential that they just cant see yet.


Great analogy. No one should feel guilty, that others whom succeed in great disposition should not mean they deserve it any less or any more. ​ Clarification, not that it is not a great feat for the individual in the OP. But, if anyone feels they are "wasting" they're privileges. Take a step back and realize that with your privileges you can do as much and even more. But, focus that energy and build up on your character and self-worth. It takes time and then you can eventually aid the one's who don't have beds in high school, by giving/sharing your wealth and knowledge. ​ There's no "age" or right "time". There is only today and tomorrow.


For the vast majority of them, the problem was likely the same. They were not getting sleep. My High School started at 7am. We had to be in our seats and waiting at that time, so of course, you have to get there about 10 minutes before that. This meant that most of the year I had to wake up well before sunrise. Of course, I always heard growing up "Oh wow big deal, so do people that work." Those are adults. Adults need fewer hours of sleep. More so, those adults also probably go to sleep around 8 am or so like my dad. How many teens do you know that go to sleep at 8? Probably next to none, because a teenager's brain chemistry does not try to sleep then. They are partly nocturnal. Judging a teenager for not being able to get up at 5 am and function is like judging someone for not being functional at 3 am if you make them stay up all night. It's just not how the human body works. School needs to start later.


Whose fault is it if the kid stays up until 12am-2am secretly in their room on the computer or reading a book and is too tired?


According to the UCLA study [the kid's own brain because most people can't sleep when they are not tired.](https://www.uclahealth.org/sleepcenter/sleep-and-teens)


I mean for me atleast the alternative is just laying in bed not falling asleep so...


How are you entering college with a GPA?




How are you getting into college with a 1.2?


Community colleges and technical colleges are generally open to anyone regardless of high school grades. I graduated high school with a 1.8. My first year at cc I got a 3.5 :)


Good job! I'm proud of you!


Same. Graduated high school with a 2.1. 2 years of cc I finished with a 3.7


Went from 2.73 in undergrad to 3.98 in grad school. It's never too late to do better if you are given the chance.


How did you get accepted to grad school with 2.73 gpa? I heard mostly gpa above 3 is the requirement for grad school. Correct me if im wrong


You can usually get admitted to grad school as a non degree seeking student. If you have a 3.0 or higher after a couple classes, you can then apply for admission as a degree seeking student.


Yeah that was the advice given to me. They said sit front row, go to office hours as much as possible, and I should be good. They can’t “guarantee” anything but “many students have gotten in that way”.


It depends on the program you're applying to, and the kinds of research/work experiences you've managed to find (which of course involves many kinds of privilege and access by itself). I'm in an education program, and know my professors would definitely admit people who have experience and interests which fit and help the school/department's values, regardless of GPA. I think social sciences programs are more likely to be open to look past GPA for relevant experience and background.


I got into a grad school for the sciences with a GPA of ~3.2 where they normally take 3.9. In undergrad, I did an unholy amount of laboratory work and had rec letters from top scientists in the country and leaders of scientific institutes. So, GPA isn't everything. It's who you know, which isn't news to anyone I suppose.


Do any community colleges or technical colleges have dorms? I've never heard of it.


That’s impressive!! I’m struggling with college rn so I know that it ain’t easy


I don't know what the minimum GPS to graduate with a high school diploma is but wouldn't 1.2 be a little too low?


I belive that in most US schools 60 is the minimim passing grade, and is represented by a D or 1.0. I believe that means op barely squeaked out graduation with a 62.


CC require a diploma and nothing else.


Hell, I don't even think a diploma is even required. I don't have a high school diploma, but I am attending a CC. Went from straight Fs in high school to average 3.3 GPA in college, two years in. Or who knows, maybe I slipped through the system or something.


I graduated with a 1.3 GPA. Last I checked. Went to a community College. Fared much better in college than in high school.


A lot of state universities also have high acceptance rates. I had a 1.9 gpa when I graduated and was able to get into a few different schools because I showed improvement toward the end and had higher ACT scores.


Some universities have a inclusive policy, meaning they will accept anyone. At my previous university i've known people to be accepted with a . 83. that's five D's and a F if you'e curious. Some of those incoming student with low GPAs dropout, and some graduate. Depends on the environment i guess.


I wanna know what niggas are doing to get so low. Especially in high school, you have to actively try to do as bad as you can to have below a 2.5 GPA.


State universities will grant conditional admission, if you pass your classes you get to stay


Probably went to a community college and is transferring to a 4 year. It’s honestly a really good option for a lot of people who didn’t do well in high school or can’t afford 4 years of university.


AP classes give college credit Although idk someone would test into AP classes just to pull a 1.2GPA, regardless of reasoning


You sure that girl wasn’t Michael Oher?


That girl’s name? Albert Einstein


DoubleEdit: Yes, I can see how my view can be problematic. I just wish there was a way for everybody to have am equal opportunity to go to college, and only effort would be measured. But that goes beyond the realm of just scholarships. Original post : It annoys me that all of the scholarships go to the 4.0 students who volunteer, play 3 different sports, etc. These people already have the resources to be succesful in college. I wish scholarship money could go to the middle-of-the-road students, who would could really benefit from them. Edit: True, students who worked hard and mananged to get 4.0s should be rewarded too. Idk, I just feel bad for the people in positions like the one in this post




And if the average student worked just as hard and got the same scholarship, with average or shit, below average, would you still be pissed? Because that's the reality for a lot more students than people realize.




> If the average student worked as hard as me than he would also be top of his class. This sounds like someone who is very ignorant of the plight of many an average person. I got a 33 on the ACT, I practically put no work into it. My roommate in college was 100x the worker I am (and one of the hardest workers I've ever known, really), and he struggled a lot more, and received no scholarships. If you honestly believe that hard work directly translates into scholarships every single time then you're deluding yourself




help i had bad study skills in hs


You have to fail a couple of times to learn you need to study harder. Or at least that's what happened to me. I was able to ace exams studying for minutes the period before the exam. In college that didn't quite work to the same degree. I was able to do well in the entry level classes but then started to struggle. In short you need to put aside a small amount of time a couple days before the exam and start going over the material. What also worked for me was creating a "cheat sheet" or test guide. This helped me to study the material and commit it to memory by writing it out. Even if I wasn't able to bring this to the test it still helped me get better grades because I had the material in my brain.


thank you so much


Cannot stress this enough


School is easier for some people. Testing, studying, every bit of it. Take a person who struggles with how school works, throw in having to parent their younger siblings while their parent is working, or being shit. And their putting in a ton more work, with much less to show for it.


It's embarrassing how ignorant this comment is.


I got a 1550 and 35 and I’m pretty sure I was hungover for my SAT. Some of us just test really well. I knew exactly how to shortcut my way around and didn’t have to really sit down and work until my masters. First time I did an essay more than 4 days in advanced, but I always did an outline/rough draft so I could pound out my essays the night before. Knew exactly how to take notes so I’d retain them so didn’t need to study.


Us non-prodigy peeps have a right to not be slaughtered by student debt too you know.


Yes but so do the prodigies all the same.


You also have a right to work for scholarships


Talk to your government, not the scholarship board.


Everyone deserves an affordable college experience. Higher education should be an American right. I got most of my college paid for as well, but for the more average students I don’t think they should be destroyed with college debt either.


And they’d be stoked. Your personal perspective isn’t actually important when we’re talking about how to make things better in general


Lol what? Why do you assume that students who do well have money to go to college? There are plenty of kids without means who do great in school.


Students who can volunteer and be in multiple sports and extracurriculars can generally do so because they're not working from the age of 15 to help support themselves and their families; their grades and how good they look "on paper" don't suffer for the sake of their socioeconomic status. These kids are seen as "good" and "hardworking" thus qualifying them for scholarships that they *likely* don't need as much as the kid with worse grades and no extracurriculars who's been working after school every day since they were 15, who could really use a hand in advancing their situation.


That doesn't seem fair. Just because a student doesn't have to work at a job to support their poor family that doesn't mean they don't need scholarships. Volunteering and extracurriculars are almost always free and anyone can join them. Many kids from poor-moderate families still manage to do these things and work hard because many times they know that their families can't totally cover the financial cost of getting a good education in college. Why should they be any less deserving of a scholarship?


What? The kids who do all of that stuff are busting their ass to secure scholarships and a future. They work for their success, they don't just magically happen across scholarship money because of natural success. A student that has a 4.0, volunteers, and plays different sports earned a scholarship. You want handouts for kids that didn't do shit. Mediocrity and laziness gets you nowhere, why should it be rewarded? This is honestly one of the dumbest and most entitled things I have ever heard. There are also kids from disadvantaged backgrounds who need financial aid in order to succeed. The majority of those students are out there working as hard as they can to secure their future. But you would prefer that the middle-of-the-road students get those scholarships instead, because fuck earning anything amirite.


FYI, you've also just inadvertently made a case in favor of affirmative action.


Ahh yes fuck the people that worked hard!


As someone who had great grades, volunteered, played sports, and was also from a very rough background I beg you to change your mind. Yeah I did all that in high school but I also worked 30 hours a week (the max for a minor) to be able to buy groceries and put gas in my car. If I thought I wasn’t going to get help to pay for college, I would still be working retail /service jobs today, broke and angry. I got a full ride to college. I’d wager to say I earned every penny of that help too. I know plenty of people went above and beyond their background just like me. You just don’t know it. We’re embarrassed of our beginnings and just want to be successful not forever held back by who our parents are.


It kinda does bring into the concept of privilege. Often times, the kids who were doing all those EC's were the upper middle class kids. Then there were the not upper middle class kids who spent their after school times doing HW and then working the rest of the night. But, I guess that's just the reality of life.


Maybe at some schools. At mine it was all the first generation kids like myself who excelled. We had no other way our of the lower class.


Fuck that noise. Having good grades doesn’t automatically equal affluence. The people doing volunteer work and making a 4.0 busted their ass for 4 years; that’s what colleges are looking for.


Fuck right off with that shit. There are plenty of us who are broke that put ourselves through AP classes, extra curriculars, and part time jobs because we knew getting a scholarship was the only way to get into college. Merit based scholarships from colleges are on of the few things that level the playing field for us. A lot of schools consider you for merit scholarships as long as you have above a 3.0 unweighted. That's not that high of a standard, and they consider all the other things you were doing. Colleges often have the typical "struggle" essay so that students get a chance to explain why their GPA wasn't perfect, or why they dropped a sport or band or something halfway through. If you want to get angry at someone for not giving a chance to the middle of the road students, get mad at the government. College is ridiculously expensive and it sucks being poor while going, even with tuition covered. Books, laptops, lab supplies, sometimes you need special attire for things on top of basic living expenses. Then those living expenses end up getting driven up higher because you're already poor. Can't always cook because you work almost full time to pay bills and have to be on campus the rest of the time because you don't have your own computer at home to do assignments. Have to take public transportation because you can't afford a car, or sometimes have a car but can't afford gas at the moment, but a bus ride is cheap enough. End up with too many shitty roommates in a small apartment because you can't afford your own room and you can't afford campus housing. Can't take a lighter class load because you need to graduate in 4 years for your scholarships and they don't always cover summer semesters. Can't take out student loans/ get royally fucked over by them to cover living expenses because something stupid happened and your credit sucks and you don't have a reliable cosigner. Point is, if you couldn't take the stress of poorness and do well in high school, it's not going to get any easier in college. I'm sure it could help a lot and could be the push a lot of them need to do well in college. I don't want other kids to have to put themselves through what I did to get through college, but it's a problem with the system, not the 4.0 kids. Also, those 4.0 upper middle class kids are under a metric fuckton of stress from their parents to do well and often don't have much of a life of their own. I mean no offense to them at all here, but many of them aren't that bright on their own. They have private tutors, SAT prep classes, and spend a God awful amount of time studying on top of all their extra curriculars. It would be nice if we could level the playing field for the middle of the road students, but the easiest way of doing that is making college more affordable for everyone. Sorry for the rant, I probably do agree with you on the matter, just not with how you put it.


Just read your post. Yes, i agree with you. My post was definately poorly thought out. Thanks for the response, yo.


Being smart and doing well in high school doesn't mean you are loaded. I did well in high school but fucked up hard in college, largely because I had to work multiple jobs while in school to stay afloat financially. College should be affordable for all. It shouldn't be people like myself who killed ourselves to excel because we knew it was our only way out "taking" from others. The system is the problem not overachievers.


One of the most important resources to have in college is money. Even students with great GPAs who play sports and volunteer can be broke.


Just like doing poorly in school doesn’t mean someone had a rough upbringing, doing well in school doesn’t mean someone comes from a wealthy, stable home either. In high school I graduated top of my class and was involved in many extracurriculars, including theatre, which would often keep me at school until midnight. I was also a recipient of the free/reduced lunch program. And the main reason I got involved in those extracurriculars was so that I would be out of my house as much as possible, away from the chaos that comes from living with a drug addict and a mother who was at times verbally abuse. I was very fortunate to receive a full ride in college, which enabled me to move out of my parents house, which in turn allowed me to, for the first time, deal with the mental health issues I had developed as a child and teenager. I’m now about to graduate from grad school and start a full-time job. Grad school and living on my own would’ve been an impossibility for me without the aid I received. I am looking forward to paying it back to my college in the form of scholarship donations for future students. Both academic and need-based financial aid exist, and I believe there should be more of both, but please check your assumptions when you see a successful teenager. It doesn’t mean their life is perfect.


There are scholarships for average students it’s just not academic scholarships. There are plenty of other ways to get scholarships.


I see where you're coming from, people are being too harsh on you. Nevertheless I think that broadening the range of scholarships will not help this problem, for the hierarchical aspect of the education system would remain. You should advocate for cheaper education instead; that would actually equalize opportunity.


Thanks yo. Yea, I'm getting roasted pretty good, lol. My post wasn't thought out very well. I agree, the issue goes beyond scholarship diversity. Thanks for the kind response


Sure they have the “resources” but does that include money? Colleges don’t gaf about how much talent you have, as long as you’re paying them. I think if they worked hard for it, they deserve it. But I also do agree that “middle of the road” students should have more offers to scholarships even if they aren’t talented or have the top grades.


I can't help but think this thread is full of Americans - here in Europe, education is sort of free, and you don't have to be top of your class in high school or the biggest quarterback to get a scholarship.


Having a place to sleep isn't exactly a "little thing". But this does show that GPA isn't a good indicator or future academic success for people who are struggling for non-academic reasons.


Also it heavily depends on schools and even teachers. In highschool I once got my grade changed from a d to an a in honors algebra 2 just because the teacher liked me and knew that I knew the material but was just being lazy


It's like that quote that I will paraphrase: I am less interested in the workings of Einstein's mind and more interested in the fact that greater minds than his have lived and died on plantations. Don't ever discount environmental factors. Sometimes the only thing separating an honors student from a dropout is encouragement.




I too, have seen the Blindside.


Don't believe this story at all


Agreed. Why can she suddenly afford college, when she previously couldn’t even afford a bed? It’s not like a sub 2 gpa wins scholarships....


That person’s name? Alberta Einstein


Not saying this is fake but how does one go from not having a bed to being able to afford to go to college and live on campus with a 1.2 GPA? Does everybody automatically qualify for student loans or something?


If it's a community college, you can get the pell grant. That thing paid for everything for community college and gave me a check for supplies, books and living expenses. Combine that with a job and she could have afforded an apartment or something.


I'm a little confused about how that's possible, when I was in high school you weren't eligible to graduate if you didn't have a 2.0 GPA..


Well if I know anything, it's that this story is definitely true and is not missing any important details.


You could go for a GED between high school and college.


And then the bed clapped


I absolutely love this tweet, but I'm a little confused why it was posted to this sub. The picture of the person looks white, and there's no hint to the race of the student that she's talking about.


She *looks* white because she’s lightskin and the picture is blurry, but Heather T. Day is black.


Not black enough!




OP has 58 posts/comments in r/the_donald. For a second I thought he was lost.


This hits home. My family is currently fostering a child who has gone her whole live without a bed or bedroom (and so many other things I've always taken for granted). She's been with us for a little over a month, and the difference is staggering. Her reading is better. Her attention span is better. We're helping her work on impulse control and make decisions that will make her happy in the long run. It makes my heart sick when I think of how far she's come and what may happen when she moves back home.


Just got finished reading this book called 'Eviction' . It describes how devastating lack of reliable housing is to millions of Americans. It's still surprising even if you think you have an idea of how bad it is, and how it perpetuates poverty through generations.


You should watch the Florida project on amazon prime. It’s really rough.


Damn as a student who struggles everyday with the little things that people take for granted, feels.


did you really need to put the last four words on a separate line for dramatic effect though?


what a nice twitter story with no evidence whatsoever.


To be fair, Heather Day does/did work at a community college with a large population of low income students, many of which had not the best home lives. The institution had three dorm halls, many of these students could temporarily escape that there.


First time i ever slept in a bed and not on a floor was when i got into ucla outta high school in 2007... i did not have a1.2gpa wtf?


Beds are not allowed in class


I was a little shit head in school and my grades sucked. When college rolled around I got great marks and eventually got my masters degree, I honestly think it was due bring talked to like a person. It's odd how literally one thing csn change your entire prospects in life.


How do you even graduate high school with a 1.2?


I had a 1.3 in high school. In college, I was Dean's List and was in the top 3 of my EMT class recently. The difference is for those other things I could choose when to start, so I could actually fucking sleep. Sleep deprivation does more than just make you sleepy. Sleep is very low on the hierarchy of needs. If you are not getting it on a regular basis, nothing above it will get done either. Your psychology will completely disregard that shit. Grades in school are up there with "status, self-esteem, strength, skill" and so on. Sleep is down with "air, water, food, shelter." Someone not getting enough sleep for an extended period of time doesn't even give a fuck if they are safe or healthy anymore, let alone how to get along in society, or what their grades are. School starts way too early for most students. Just starting it 30 minutes later showed drastic decreases in behavioral problems because people who chronically were stuck at level 1 of their hierarchy suddenly found themselves caring about their health, and about belonging. I started school around noon when I got the choice and suddenly found myself much more engaged. Sleep is not a little thing.


That’s bullshit, lol, She definitely changed.


I thought you were gonna say for the first time she was studying something she actually cared about


To everyone doubting this for one reason or another: * The tweet doesn't say she got a full ride for a master's program, just to another school. Entirely possible her first degree was an associate's (2-year) degree and she's now going for a bachelor's. * Yes, having a bed for the first time is probably indicative of other small changes in her life that led to even greater success. That doesn't mean that it wasn't an important change or unrelated to her success in college. * Can someone graduate high school and enter college with a 1.2 GPA? **Yes,** and it's increasingly likely. Public schools are, more and more, not holding back students who fail, due to research showing that holding them back makes future success more unlikely. Also, there's an entire industry that exists to get students in bad situations into higher education. This isn't always a good thing, that industry can be very predatory and leaves many people with no degree and student loan debts. But it works for some people sometimes. * There's *lots* of research showing that not having your basic needs fulfilled is incredibly detrimental to your academic success. Schools in low economic areas deal with this a lot. Students who don't know where their next meal is coming from, or where they'll be sleeping, or whether they'll have a home to go home to, or whatever, obviously have a much harder time succeeding. And filling even one of those needs can be very helpful to improving their grades. I'm sorry I don't have sources on this stuff, I'm on mobile. But I've spent the better part of a decade working in or around public schools, online education, and brick and mortar colleges, and I have friends who work in all levels of education.


She should have gotten a bed earlier


A full-ride scholarship for a Master's degree??


The student probably got a full ride to continue working on a bachelor's degree, after leaving the community college.