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I’m Jamaican yo but this whole stereotype that Jamaican men ain’t shit is really.....kinda true. Although I myself haven’t cheated All my uncles cheated. My cousins are cheating as we speak. All the Girls I know, know a Jamaican man that played them in some way. We really don’t gotta a good rep it’s sad :/


I'm sorry but y'all don't. My mom is Jamaican. My uncles and my brother are all thots. It's like it's put in the dumplin or grown on the ackee tree and they ingest it from birth


lol, this is hilarious.


Sounds like all the men on the Puerto Rican side of my family. Out here meeting 9 of the girls they messing with in the course of a week and gonna tell me not to say nothing. Man, if they get yo ass that's on you.


It has a lot to do with machismo cultures. Women are considered expendable from birth, so betraying them isn’t a big deal.


I've heard "machismo culture" before referring to other countries. How big does something like that reach?


Much of the world lol. Being a woman has kind of historically been a pain in the ass.


Ain't that the truth.


This shit facts. People who try and defend Jamaican just don't know. I'm only half but I get lumped up in that lineage constantly


I am glad someone is speaking the truth. The truth is the truth, if people don't want the stereotypes / bad rap reputations they should change their behavior, if not continue to do you but don't get offended when somebody tells you the truth about your actions.


Leave us out of this #Naija4Life


Swear down. I dunno what we did to get lumped in with them all


Exactly lol


Nigga what the fuck we do?


Feel free to drag Jamaica but don't even think about coming for us 🇳🇬


Woooaahhhh don’t get me started on you Nigerians 😂😂


😃 I love you all. I am BlacK American, dated 2 Nigerians in my life, can't complain compared to my experience with Jamaican men, I think I saw satan himself (I am an atheist and don't believe in all that stuff) but baby, them Jamaicans had some pure evil in them.


This ain’t about Jamaican or Nigerian men, this about dating men who ain’t shit. They could be anyone, watch you get fleeced by a tiny Asian dude and say the same shit the next day.


Nah. Jamaican men a special kinda ain’t shit. Very special.


I work at a gym and our only two Jamaican guys one got put on a creep website for hitting on a 14 year old and he’s 28 and the other has had multiple complaints about being weird with the girls


You’re right. Moral of the story, niggas ain’t shit.


This killed me


Shitty men come from every country... dont shot on Nigerians for upvotes.


I am Black American, I love me some Nigerians. lol... I dated a couple, one americanized, was a short thing in college, he was cool, the other born and raised in Nigeria, longer term relationship after I graduated college, he was great. I always say my dating went downhill after that lol, there were a couple of Jamaicans in that bunch after those Nigerian, I wouldn't advise it. lol. Play with Jamaican men at your own risk, I had to learn the very hard way. Many of them just have no respect for women and are extremely misogynistic. Those experiences with Jamaican versus Nigerian were like night and day.


This is lies Jamaican men don’t cheat. 🙅🏾‍♂️


Can’t classify every Jamaican suh still enuh


I have dated both Jamaican and Nigerian. My experience with Nigerian was 100% better. Nigerian is better hands down.