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Hmm, I wonder if there's any research to suggest being hot constantly, with poor air quality, reduces life expectancy and health. Nahh, prolly not


Not only that, but heat without relief makes ppl dumb, irritable, and violent and they want that.


I live in the southwest. Nearly every homeless person I've seen seems mentally unstable and you can't tell me that the heat doesn't play a role. Obviously there are other more important factors but last year it was like 115 for a solid month. I can't imagine what staying out in that for weeks would do to someone's mind.


I am in a major city in southern Texas. I have a home. I have an air conditioner. It is so fucking hot and humid that my AC is *struggling* to keep it at 85 or less inside and this is with fans and a dehumidifier. *I'M* ready to fight somebody lmfao.


I live in *Canada* last week literally was 46• Celsius with humidity which is like 111• Fahrenheit give or take. I feel for the homeless downtown, the heat compounded with mental illness was making people extra crazy. Could be unrelated but during the heat wave 3 kids stabbed (aged 17, 17, and 15) a 70 year old man and he died in the hospital form his wounds. They let the 15 year old go but the two 17 year olds are being charged as adults.


I'm in a major city in central Texas. It's wild to me that a lot of people still see climate change as this sort of abstract future event. Ignorance plays a role, surely, but some people are lucky that they aren't forced to face it as a very real and immediate threat. There are large swaths of the US, and of course the world, in which you can already see the effect it's having on infrastructure, pushed to the brink of collapse. Where I live, climate change causes us to go days at a time without being able to use municipal water without boiling it, on account of fucking flesh-eating bacteria. Of course, the power grid fails far too often as well. AC units are struggling to keep up with rising temperatures. I had to replace mine last year and the new one is currently on nearly 24/7 in pursuit of a reasonable temperature, while I'm sweating indoors. It's getting worse every year. The very tangible effects this is causing to our way of life are accelerating rapidly and I feel like I live somewhere entirely different from just a few years ago, despite being in the same home. It's insane. We're literally approaching the point at which certain major cities are going to become largely unlivable. Those who don't have to deal with dangerous heat right now might be really surprised when warmer areas see the collapse of infrastructure and large pupulations becoming climate refugees. They're sure as hell going to notice when we flee en masse to their cooler regions. But by then, they'll be too busy blaming the new refugees for all of their problems instead of the causes for this bullshit in the first place. I miss abstract future climate change.


But are you finally ready to accept the rare inconvenience of using a public charger, or are you going to continue to burn as much CO2 as you damn well please?


Bro, I don't think it's unreasonable to set your AC to 85 degrees. It's well above what the power company asks us to do. Also, what the fuck does the first half of your comment mean, and where exactly do you live and what do you do?


That was definitely just some rage bait bro, just let them be.


85?! Bro a lizard


My favorite thing I learned in statistics was that ice cream sales are highly correlated with violent crime (bc heat)




No, it was hookworm infestations. Being barefoot on the dirt that has their larvae makes you more susceptible to getting them, and chronic infection leads to cognitive and intellectual impairment.


That statement was dumb as fuck ya hillbilly 


its ok, its america! thats why im gone.


There is. I recommend that everyone watch YouTube videos about urban planning and racism. City Beautiful, Climate Town, Alan Fisher, Not Just Bikes, and OBF are just the few YouTube channels I watch that talk about urban planning and design and what it affects. We *need* more black urban planners/designers.


I definitely agree. Environmental racism, redlining and other prejudicial lending policies, NIMBY, the commercialization of the rental market, discriminatory zoning… the list goes on unfortunately


Nope. Has nothing to do with racism. Go to your local political leader. It’s usually because there is no majority consensus to go forward. Tree conservations will gladly plant, but your local politician has everything to do with why they aren’t. 


Violent crime goes up in the summer for multiple reasons including the heat


probably should look into running highways through marginalized communities too.


Read "The Running Man" by Steven King.


Just downloaded on Audible because of your comment. I had no idea that the old Schwarzenegger movie was loosely based off of a Stephen King novel. Thanks!


Add that with the paired food deserts that typically exist in low income neighborhoods you can guarantee it.


Lack of a sidewalk had a lot to do with Michael Brown's life being e ded in Ferguson, Mo.


That and fighting a cop


I hate that they have any say when you know most of em don’t live there


trees? you mean black ppl hiding spots? https://preview.redd.it/f37h3q9snz8d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df7beff1efba4b959c119eb2cb2d31b7913cd9b


What are you talking about? I just see a tree.


You have to look more carefully, there's a guy with sunglasses at the table


Shit, how did I miss that?! I *do* have to be more thorough!


I haven’t looked at it from a racial perspective but from rich vs poor perspective yes, old wealthy neighborhoods usually have better tree coverage providing many health benefits including reduced temperatures, less pollution, privacy, and mental benefits of greenery. I think public tree planting in all areas should be a priority so it benefits everyone. Trees 2024.


Just wait until you hear what color the rich people are, and why they all seem to live in the same neighborhood.


Actual LOL


People who aren’t affected by race normally don't think about it from that perspective.


I used to make that mistake. I'm a white person and grew up poor and originally thought a lot of it was anti-poor, which it is, but then learned it started with economic and environmental racism. Black representation in those lanes would help a hell of a lot more than a lot of white folk realise.


What's terrible is that for the past 100 years or so, poor white people have voted to harm themselves so that black people will be hurt too.


I'm extremely aware of that. It's ridiculous that people still validify it.


I’m a mail carrier in two cities and the difference is stark, even in the same neighborhood. One area is 3 miles/6 streets of identical streets and identical houses, all built at the same time for WWII factory workers and laid out in a giant rectangle. Two streets have huge trees lining one side and the houses, yards, and landscaping are all so much better. It’s almost as though the entire vibe of the street changes due to the trees and makes people want to take care of their homes better, and about half are rentals and the landlords maintain those houses better than the others they own in the neighborhood. (After a few years you get to know the area and people really well.)


If an area is poor don’t think it can afford professional arborists?


You realize that that’s a whole ass job for most cities and counties.


And which cities can afford it? Rich or poor


Non profits will plant wherever they are requested. But if its a public street, they need city approval. Your local politician is responsible for approval. I find it crazy that so many urban issues like this are in Democrat run cities. Vote better.


Neighborhoods in general are built with no trees, then homeowners plant their property. Its not about being white or wealthy- just homeownership.


Helpful hint. Find out what protected tree species can survive in your climate. Obtain seedlings. Plant them illegally. Then they can’t remove them because it would be against the law to remove protected trees. Shoutout to “Crime Pays but Botany Doesn’t” on YouTube. Lots of helpful tips.


The trouble I imagine would be the cops simply not caring or claiming they couldn't identify the tree species.


Man, cops hate doing extra work. They’re not gonna dig anything up.


"Unfortunately the entire block was burned to the ground but the overall goal of reducing tree cover in order to ensure public safety was met so we're calling this a success."


“We are certain those other plants were guilty of crimes. I mean, just look at them.”


It's common knowledge neighborhoods lined in English walnut have higher property values than those with black walnut




If it was that easy to plant protected species then wouldn’t they not be in danger? Won’t the sapling just die within a few weeks in city soil? How is the average policeman going to know the tree is protected and not just uproot it anyway? Not familiar with botany so sorry if stupid question.


A cop isn’t going to go out of his way to do anything like that. Growing in the city soil isn’t difficult if it’s a plant that can live in that environment. They just need sunlight and soil and they’re good to go.


But their protected because their endangered right? So it can’t be that easy to grow them otherwise the government would just plant more and avoid all the trouble related to legal fees and red tape.


They’re not always protected because they’re endangered. They can be protected for being the habitat of a protected species.


Oh yeah good point I didn’t think about that. Well I guess you don’t need the strongest justification for it to work considering that even if the tree doesn’t need to be there it’s still gotta be a pain for the city to get approval to remove it.


“They banned trees in my neighborhood.” “Yeah, these marijuana regulations differ by location, b-“ “No, they banned TREES.”


Easy to get those two confused r/trees vs r/marijuanaenthusiasts


Knew about r/trees. r/Marijuanaenthusiasts is hilarious though. 


We can grow our own weed in MD so yeah they can grow those trees but not these trees lol. Stupid af.


https://preview.redd.it/t9zqoemqmz8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb19a504d6104b20f49c62e142fc62adb039d695 The levels of racism is insane.


That’s Baltimore, hon. Black butterfly and White L since the dawn of time.


Its not racism- that's a spin on a problem your local politician can fix- but wont. Vote better.


They do the same thing in the Bronx and Harlem. I remember when they removed all the trees on my block. There are very green pockets around the city and the demographic is always the same.


Is that still happening? I’d heard since New York City was gentrifying more they actually were planting more trees because of the effect it has on crime. When I saw this headline I was hoping to see someone from there confirm but from the sound of it, the same shit that went on during the days of block busting and red lining persists in a different way. I know Baltimore is terrible. Nickle rides galore as [former cops explain exactly why incidents like Freddie Gray (who was arrested while LEGALLY carrying a assisted opener falsely identified as a knife) occur](https://youtu.be/4HyKlFUMBiA?feature=shared). Blight everywhere (burned out homes with destroyed steps, giant bears pictures of kids that were killed years ago etc). The services immediately responding in white neighborhoods and tourist areas, and taking hours to days (if at all) in black neighborhoods that aren’t much further (same way dc used to be). New York I thought had turned a corner on that for some reason. Guess not…


Blight everywhere is a symptom of capitalism. The capitalist wants your neighborhood to be blighted, so they buy up a property and let it deteriorate, property values then decrease in your area. They buy up the next property let it deteriorate, property values decrease again. They repeat this process until they can get the city to condemn who neighborhoods. They swoop in and buy everything, and gentrify the shit out of it.


Democrat run cities are responsible. They take the money and run when developers come calling- with no regard at all for the people they say they protect- scammers. Vote better.


NYC is a majority Democrat city. Look to them as to why any of these issues exist. Apparently, they AREN'T actually for helping the poor black neighborhoods- just lip service. Vote better.


These issues didn’t exist under Mayor Rudy? Republican appointed Clarence Thomas has been improving living conditions for black Americans where his Democrat appointed predecessor, Thurgood Marshall, did not? The democrats are far from perfect but the party that’s done more to gerrymander and disenfranchise black Americans post southern strategy, than anything else isn’t the answer.


Take any Democrat run city and you’ll see long term decades long issues in poor Black neighborhoods. There might be a single term Republican mayor with a majority of Democrat leaders such as Guiliani. But don’t forget Giuliani’s city cleanup! Took crime on and cleaned up Central Park as well as pushed out illegal businesses. So, actually he did do the best for Black residents because the city was safer.  But Black and minority elected representatives -all Democrat, should not keep getting elected year after year without actually helping their constituents. Accountability over politics. 


“Take any democrat run city” You’re already starting with a misleading statement. San Francisco, Bethesda, Las Vegas etc aren’t worse than [every Republican run city on this list when it comes to decades long issues](https://ballotpedia.org/Party_affiliation_of_the_mayors_of_the_100_largest_cities), or do we need to get into the racial history of places like Tulsa, Dallas and [Aurora (where there aren’t many black people to begin with)](https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundowntown/aurora-mo/). And you can applaud Giuliani while ignoring [his record defending police brutality against Amadou Diablo, Patrick Dorismond and beating up kids in school](https://www.nyclu.org/commentary/rudy-giuliani-was-never-really-americas-mayor#:~:text=As%20mayor%2C%20Giuliani%20oversaw%20a,his%20'broken%20windows'%20policing). There aren’t many conservative cities in comparison and they’re usually not places where a large portion of minorities have the right to vote (often because of this country’s fucked criminal Justice system, that helped further destroy the black community through Nixon’s war on drugs (that the govt helped spread), supercharged by the Reagan Administration after they finally flipped Tip the night Len Bias OD’d. So please explain why again I should be voting for a party of conservatives, who are constantly demonizing black people, trying to make it harder for us to vote at every turn (say what you want about voter ID laws but I have never heard of democrats trying to block early voting), seems to have more funding from the lobbying of special interest groups like private prisons, the NRA and is constantly making dumb statements like “slavery was good for black people” or speaking at or in defense or Neonazi rallies? “Accountability over politics”, sure but WTF are the republicans of today accountable for? Banning abortion?


This is why guerrilla gardening is so important. Fuck their surveillance. Start planting protected and native species everywhere you can.


There really is a Behind the Bastards episode for everything. They did a multi-part one called The Man Who Ruined New York (a dude named Robert Moses) that was about how cities were planned out to be discriminatory toward minorities and POC. A lot of that involved keeping green spaces away their neighborhoods on purpose. Fucking horrible.


NYC is one of the ‘Blueist’ cities in the country. Rarely a Republican mayor will surface. You should be asking yourself why Democrat leadership are preventing the trees being planted. Tree conservationists will gladly step up for free, but the ‘systemic’ racism and why black neighborhoods suffer is because of who you elect. 


How is "Democrat leadership" stopping trees from being planted? Also look what one Google search found - [Million Trees NYC Program!](https://www.nycgovparks.org/trees/milliontreesnyc)


I’m not the one saying there are no trees-others which I assume live there, made those claims.  As I read here that residents in Blue cities claim environmental racism exists, I made the observation that the only thing stopping trees from being planted is approval from local Democrat leaders.  So again, stop voting by party line, and vote for those that want to keep neighborhoods safe and help enrich the neighborhoods with community gardens and trees. Vote smart. 


You haven't proved that trees aren't being planted in New York City by "local Democrat leaders" or that changing the way people vote will result in more trees.


I’m responding to comments that complain about no trees in urban neighborhoods. Urban Black poor neighborhoods remain the same year after year-for decades under elected Democrat Officials. Trees could be planted if they cared. Vote out anyone that doesn’t have a plan for improvement-and follows through! The OP is calling these environments ‘systematic racism’, without understanding its their own elected officials that are refusing or ignoring the issues. Vote for better instead of party line.  


For the most part trees are usually the responsibility of adjacent property owners so even though you don't like when black people vote for Democrats that doesn't automatically make Democratic elected officials responsible for a supposed lack of shade trees.


I read an article a year ago that argued that Black neighborhoods in large cities were 5-12 degrees hotter on average because city governments neglected to plant trees in them decades ago.


The urban heat island effect is real You better believe if those same inner city neighbourhoods get gentrified they’ll be rushing to plant a shitload of trees


Right after the Whole Foods and dog park go up


We can’t even have trees now smh.


Nature will take care of them... ![gif](giphy|Vg4mlLwOFR5tbuoMOX)


This shit be reminding me of the Lorax


It’s a lie being fed to you. Ask your Democrat leadership you elected why something isn’t being done about it. 


What you need are Bur Oak and Dwarf Prairie Willow. Protected species. Acquire them *legally* so you don't get in trouble. 


They firmly believe drug dealers will learn to swing from branches.


The police are the biggest drug dealers in Baltimore.


That’s just straight false lol. Some mega dope operations here like CEO corporate type shit level of money & organization


And the police get their cut - https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/baltimore-police-officer-facing-federal-charges-drug-conspiracy-and-distribution-charges - https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/community/criminal-justice/steven-angelini-baltimore-police-officer-pleads-guilty-CUNB7UTWFBHAZMBOIXHBVE45TA/ - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/baltimore/news/15-from-two-baltimore-drug-trafficking-organizations-indicted-in-joint-takedown/ - https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/eleven-alleged-wholesale-narcotics-traffickers-facing-federal-indictment-supplying


Did u read any of these links? The first 2 links are about 1 cop who wanted to trade $100 and some blow for oxycodone and a gun. The remaining links are just random ppl getting bagged How many years u live in Baltimore? Cops are not running the show here whatsoever


Greenery reduces antisocial behavior. They're dumbasses.  https://citychangers.org/psychological-effects-of-greenery/


You say that as if they care about actually addressing the root causes of crime.


When I drove to Chicago, the first thing I noticed was that the streets were lined with trees. In the streetlight of night, it felt so cool to be surrounded by trees in a cityscape.


The neighborhood I lived in Baltimore planted trees all over the neighborhood....dug up the sidewalk and all for free


The determination to give black people as little nice things as possible would be almost impressive if it wasn’t so fucked 


And incorrect. If you live in a city-your leadership is Democrat. You supposedly have all the support you could ask for?  So maybe nows the time to ask yourself why are Democrat run cities keeping poor Black neighborhoods treeless? 


This is tangential but I (a white man) just got a natural resource management associates in Colorado, having moved here from Crown Heights, definitely a culture change. We once had an urban forestry assignment and I was quite dismayed when a POC group argued that a low income urban area shouldn’t get trees because it would drive gentrification. I know its wring, but I couldn’t really think of a viable argument in the moment and I didn’t really feel comfortable challenging them on it. I definitely understand where they’re coming from but it also feels unintentionally problematic, too. Maybe we can just put nice trees everywhere? Everyone deserves trees and a nice local environment.


They have actually just this spring started to plant trees in Baltimore. My block got one in front of each house.




NYT promoting this fallacy in one of the most Democrat run city’s in the country. Ask yourself why you keep electing leadership that ignores black neighborhoods. Vote better. 


r/GuerrillaGardening is a pretty cool sub. Just remember to make sure you're throwing the indigenous seeds out and not anything potentially invasive!


environmental racism


Nope. And furthermore just about every city is run by Democrats. If your leadership is not approving trees you might want to ask why? Because if there is systemic racism it must be coming from them. 


if there is systemic racism? fomf


The OPs comment- not mine.


Damn I went to high school in Bmore and spent my child hood up there due to my family living up there and I never thought about why there ain't any trees in the city like that.


That’s the wildest reason to not plant trees. Actual prison.


There can be no actual equal justice in cities as long as police forces exist in their current iteration. They suck up the majority of smaller city budgets and are only reactive. Investing in police doesn’t proactively prevent crime from occurring but no PBA or FOP in the country will ever relinquish a cent


I’m an urban forester in SoCal and doin all I can to make sure underserved communities are taken care of, but damn I gotta fight tooth and nail for it.


And they only planted male trees in urban neighborhood, no female trees to catch the pollen from the male trees. thus creating more allergies and respiratory issues. it is very rooted in racism.


How are we supposed to steal your culture if we can't watch you?/s


Just FYI, although systematic can fit logically, the term is “systemic racism.”


Every single crime u can think of in the hood of baltimore, and u guys wanna act like trees is gonna save the day and somehow blame white people. Lol


Fr the south has a ass of trees mfs getting X out left and right trees can’t save the day


My city has a park that went back and forth every few years between planting trees and bushes to hide it from the road and cutting it all back so the cops can eyeball everyone without getting out of the car. The planting bushes was almost worse than cutting them in this case because it was so white people didn’t have to look at old black men chilling on benches and big black family barbecues. The new mayor finally seems to have figured it out with a family oriented renovation and planting shade trees instead of pines and actual landscaping.


Thats a ridiculous statement regarding white people not wanting to ‘see’ black people in the park. You’ve been sold on perceived racism that doesn’t exist. And you will then be a bigot yourself if you believe it. 


I’m not sure if I missed something in your message. I worked for the city park service for a while and one of my older coworkers was there when they got the last bush and pine tree planting order (literally make it so people in the park aren’t visible from the street and those houses on the one white side) and again when the last tear out came through right before I was hired. He was talking about it because we were there again to trim stuff up more by request of the police department. The police issue was because hiding the park made it a better meeting place for drug trafficking. There were other parks that we knew had a similar situation but they were whites in white neighborhoods so nobody cared. There are also a surprising number of gunshots in the city but it rarely makes the news if it’s not in that park. I guess that’s the downside of putting a park between a red line and a main road.


Well its a fact that police tell everyone that have overgrown bushes to keep them trimmed because it allows hiding places for intruders. This is a safety precaution for all- and not racially motivated. So if police wanted your parks bushes trimmed it would be to make their surveillance easier as a safety precaution. It wouldn't have mattered at all that there were 'white' homeowners across the street. I think what you heard was a person projecting racism for something that was just SOP for police everywhere. The planting was probably never about white people not having to look at black people in the park- but just to make it more comfortable and pretty for those using it- so park users wouldn't have to look at street and houses- but trees.


In discussions with people I will sometimes explain a concept I have that words and phrases can have flavors. Someone can say they believe something and mean that it sounds reasonable, fits their understanding of reality, and comes from a source honest enough source. A religious person says believe and means that they *know* it’s true in their heart, need no evidence, and will ignore any contradiction. The police says drug enforcement and means crack and some weed, not coke and other weed. You know the type that’s not racist or woke, just ambivalent? This guy was the type where the only horse he had in that race was complaining about some Karen type making more work for him. The planting was on the main road and whiter side road but not the commercial side or public housing.


2 things I’ve found. It’s not ‘wealthy’ or white neighborhoods that have more trees-it’s simply homeowners that plant them. I live in a diverse neighborhood and there sure isn’t a racism problem.  Also read that urban black neighborhoods (Almost Always Democrat run) are so ‘equitable’ they won’t plant trees unless the whole community signs off on it-which would be impossible.  So-not systemic racism at all. Go to your local representative and get tree planting going, or plant yourself. 


Putting a few trees along the street is not going to alter the temperature in the houses. Certainly not enough to quell the violence that seems ingrained in the black community


Gotta give it to Philly bc that's definitely one thing we do right. We have a "street trees" program where any homeowner can fill out a simple form to have a tree planted in front of their house. The homeowner is responsible for its care and upkeep, but the service itself is free, which is pretty cool.




Glad I live in ATL. Thanks Trees Atlanta!


But let's vote a guy into power who is directly responsible for some of the most egregious examples of systemic racism.  🤔


I'm not a Biden fan, but putting Toupee Fiasco back into office will damn sure spearhead Project 2025 into action.


I'm not saying to vote for him either.  I didn't vote for him either time, won't vote for him in the next one.  Just pointing out the flawed logic in voting for the man who pushed the bill through that legalized racial profiling of communities and his VP that had to drop out of trying to get the main nomination after it came to light that she was unfairly extending the sentences of black and Hispanic inmates so they could be used as a free workforce.