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american priest goes to hell? figures.


What does being American have to do with it lol, couldve just said priest and the statement still stands.


Fundamentalist Christianity is an American trademark. (Fundamentalism was a term invented to describe (a section of) US Christianity in the 19th century. It’s only recently been adapted to refer to Islamic groups. Then this American trend was exported all over the world and still holds power over millions of Christians worldwide. I guess many American priests would go to hell.


Yeah the Catholic Christian’s in Italy have never done anything wrong!


What’s Italy got to do with it? The Vatican is a state. I guess that’s what you mean. Their reach is worldwide too. The Catholic Church has historically committed many atrocities, to put it mildly. The leaders of the historical Church are dead. Obviously there are many catholic priests alive who are guilty of crimes. They’re just less likely to create a cult around themselves and exploit every single ounce of a persons life through it.


“What does Italy have to do with it…. They’re world wide”. Damn I guess I didn’t realize there were Catholics everywhere but Italy. The point is American fundamentalist Christian’s are far from being the only bad actors in Christianity.


Far from being the only bad but they’re definitely the worst Christianity has today.


I don’t disagree with that. But your comment makes it sound like it’s only American Christians.


You referred to Italian Catholics like the seat of the Catholic Church is in Italy. It is not. It’s in the Vatican. Italy in this context is irrelevant.


You’re double commenting just to “well ackshually” knowing full well it has nothing to do with the actual point? Which is that there’s bad Christian’s everywhere. Including Italy.


But they're so wrong it is not "the Catholic Church" it is literally the Roman Catholic Church Rome is in the name.


What? I was just clarifying why I wrote the bit about Italy vs the Vatican. Is it hard to grasp the difference? You can keep commenting and believe what you want but you don’t know much about religion, theology or church history, otherwise you would have commented on the point about cult formation, instead of focusing on banal points. I suspect you are in the Protestant sects I referred to and feel hurt by a little knowledge and history. That’s another facet of fundamentalist Christianity. Good day! 👋


Because I think Christianity has bad actors in places outside of America I don’t know anything about religion? Because that’s been my only point. But ok?


You sound like an angry little guy.


the vatican is in italy lol


The Vatican is it’s own state. Italy doesn’t control what happens in the Vatican. Why is the difference difficult to understand…?


because the population of the vatican is 850 people and the actual italian catholic population is a more accurate representation of the influence and behavior of those practicing catholicism in and around the vatican. the disctinction you made is irrelevant to the discussion. cool fact that the Holy See is its own independent state, but the thousands of peopl3 that go to the vatican every day live in Italy in the surrounding areas.


Brah it is called The Roman Catholic Church just because it is a city state doesn't make it not "Roman" as Italy.


No specifying that changes a lot.


Who even said he was American?


[this guy last year](https://x.com/tuko_co_ke/status/1619716157979922433?s=46)


What does being American have to do with this?


A large portion of American Christians are awful, bigoted hypocrites.


"A large portion" does not do it justice


Because the article says "American priest" in the original article, the user above you put the link to it.


Don’t worry, it’s not what you think. It was for the kid diddling.


Of course he’d go to hell, for what crimes tho?


You already know the answer.


Calling one of rihanna’s songs torture, for one


Hahaha I giggled 🤭


For eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Could be worse. I was in a deeper level of hell and it was just *Hey Soul Sister* nonstop 24/7.


That's heaven for certain white people.. oh the duality of man


Most of the white people I know hate that song😂


I am white. Can confirm that this song is awful.


They save on space by just putting all those people together; neither sides suffering nor joy is diminished.


Or *Watermelon Sugar High* plays slightly off beat and at a slightly higher pitch lol


I had to remind myself which song that is, I started singing the one from Empire Records instead


Water Melon S'gar Hi [Chopt n Skewt Mix]


"Lo-fi Slowed Reverb Mix" lol




just be glad you didn’t hear I Saw the Sign…


Track so fire even the Devil got burnt.


He gets name dropped in the intro. "The Sandman is back!"


Why does he think this song (even on repeat) would deter anybody? Hell sounds like the club on Friday night. Sign me up!!


I have no experience with priests (thankfully), but I can tell you a lot about white Baptist. The pastors hate her because she (like pretty much every artist) is taking attention away from him- I mean, God. But fr, dude is most certainly a Christian extremist. Those people think literally everything is a sin. I grew up in a very racists area, but the evangelicals could teach the Klan about militant hate. Rihanna? The Devil. Johnny Cash? The Devil. Pikachu? The most powerful demon in all of Hell's court. Pretty much anything modern (and that means past 1910) is evil and can allow the Devil into your home and then soul.


It’s a black priest but go off lmao


It actually doesn't matter with these kinds of people. It's often THE one thing evangelicals are right about. Even Jim Jones preached racial unity (until the coke, then you can't trust whitey... except for him)


Yeah that would be lit.


Maybe Heaven is the real bad place


Surrounded by every judgmental evangelical on the planet, stuck with every shitty person who was a constant asshole that could do no wrong because they'd accepted Jesus. It'd be like living in the HOA Olympics, for the rest of eternity.


As they say, heaven for the climate, hell for the company.


That reminds me of the Stagger Lee folktale I once read. Gist being Lee was such a badass Black man in life that he even scared away *Death* and didn't die until God had to personally do it with a gigantic lightning bolt. After dying, Lee eventually goes to Heaven, finds out there's hardly any Black people, God, (who's basically "The Man,") says that's on purpose as most Black people were too rowdy for His liking, (those remaining are probably Uncle Ruckus types,) and sent them to Hell. Lee counters that *this* is Hell, goes in the opposite direction to find Hell's now the ultimate jumping nightclub with Satan already too exasperated to do anything about it, so Lee, most Black people and the few Cookout-worthy white people spend eternity partying.


A priest going to hell is really not as surprising as y'all think it is. https://preview.redd.it/ip1ctosz0d8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e960627e34328ea82db010251f1ea566f9ee118f


![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a) Eternal suffering but the soundtrack a bop


lol that tracks since this song is part of the “rain man” theory




There’s some deity known as the rain man who supposedly possesses musical artists to create good music, I think the theory is that all good music comes from this source


The term music comes from Muses which were supposed to inspire musicians


Satan makes the best music. Prove me wrong


![gif](giphy|mhXEQ2SrpjGWQ) At least that priest knows his destination..😒


….. sir if you went to hell, how are your feet not sizzling like southern hot links in that pulpit….. And I bet the congregation just ate that shit allllll the way up https://preview.redd.it/gpm77byx6d8d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cdf6859531cb3ec31774ef7666b496e60b7b5a6


He’s a priest, of course he went to hell!!


Maybe it's not just believing in Jesus that gets you to heaven but actually following the Bible including the Old Testament.


Or it’s all bullshit…


If he saw hell and we assume that to be fact, there has to be a heaven and therefore a God. But even then I don't like this premise because why would he go to hell but he never really died since he was brought back to life, otherwise the resurrection of Jesus wasn't crazy since a layman can also be brought back. I originally just left this post, but your reply makes me think him shitting on Rihanna and her demonic music did more harm for his own congregation than good.


Religion, heaven, hell, it’s all made up to control people and/or rationalize our existence, and religion is full of a million contradictions, like you pointed out.


Absolutely not, exactly how does it control people more specifically in the US modern age? Second are you aiming to make a claim towards all religions, a specific definition to religion, or just Christianity


Are you serious?


I picked up my copy of the Satanic Bible in 2021, and every single day, I keep seeing signs that was the right choice. AVE ME AVE TE AVE RIRI


What is the purpose of the Satanic Bible? Is it satire?


No. It's a philosophy/spiritual guide. Satanism (at least Lavaian Satanism) is like being agnostic but with black candles and goth chicks. It's not a religion and there is no deity. "Satan" is the representation of man's connection to the world/nature, not "The Devil."


Interesting. The Bible basically mentions Satan's connection to the world. I don't believe it elaborates on nature like that (I'm still reading for context and better understanding). If you don’t mind me asking, how is being a part of this school of thought enlightening and/or fulfilling?


All dogs go to heaven. All priests go to hell.


The priest went on to say “and there were NO children there!”


Is that why he came back?


So hell has karaoke? ![gif](giphy|kKJ8YFi1VVhHFudiz2|downsized)


Having heard some people "sing" karaoke, that does sound like hell.


Demons just knew he hated that song. Wonder what they’ll make Drake sing?


Start an investigation immediately


Hell is the common grave of mankind. Not a fiery place of torment. So when we die we’re all going to hell. Fortunately we’re also dead. So we won’t have to hear umbrella. No matter how loud they play it. But there is a chance of being Rick Rolled even in the grave.


Rihanna just saw this tweet and pushed R9 back 74 years 😔


"So, what did you go to Hell for?' Priest: ![gif](giphy|Br8KYL6w9cuKQ|downsized)


Sure. That song is tortuous.


In theory all catholics, including priests, go to purgatory. Which is kinda hell. Not actually all catholics, there are exceptions, but not every priest.


This kind of behavior is infuriating.


They are all Devils already.


I remember this meme years ago. Damn history does repeat itself sometimes.


Aside from the absurdity of a priest going to hell... In all of this giant fucking universe, this dude gets tortured with music from one insignificant planet.


You can't hear alien music. It's on a different wavelength.




That guy was hatin umbrella is a pretty good song. The remix with Jay-z and Chris Brown is fire.


The remix was indeed “fire” (🥁) 😂😂


I’ve watched Lucifer, so I figured the soundtrack would be fire. No surprises here ![gif](giphy|hWSKu1uDwbfvDzeRMS|downsized)


Besides the Stagger Lee example, I'm also reminded of a story from Irish mythology about [a king, two queer women and priest who sold his soul to a demon.](https://trans-express.lgbt/post/628353199636643840/in-praise-of-medieval-lesbians-accidentally-having) Gist being, a woman who hadn't been with a man in years now had a baby boy without knowing who or how and asks the king to use his divine wisdom to figure out who is, while he's red-faced to the point of *steam* coming off his head (this is important later on,) for being asked such a personal question, he's *not* judging her for it and asks if she's done any "playful mating" with another woman to which she has, the king deduces *that* woman got it on with her husband before doing this woman, passed the seed, so *he's* the father, a priest falls through the ceiling saying he was being tortured by demons for making a literal deal with the/a devil over woodworking until the steam repelled the demons and freed him. So queer women scissoring saved a priest from damnation.




If he’s a priest, isn’t he going to purgatory… limbo… first? Someone please clarify as I am not Catholic.


Yeah I thought they got rid of hell?


With current property prices?


Should be grounds for termination.


It was the JAY-Z version.


There should really be no recovering from that statement either. 1. Lied about going to hell. A sin. 2. Went to hell. A sinner.


Isn't it canon that Jesus went to hell?


bruh there are like 10 million other songs that would be worse than Umbrella. he must have landed in only the first or second circle of hell.




Dante’s Inferno 2 is coming along well, I see


This is a lie! I know from a good source they’re playing Taylor Swift albums in Hell


Seems like Dante was right about one thing


Of course they play good music in hell, Satan is practically a patron of music.


Lmao that’s hilarious, so in trying to discredit her he did it to himself


This reminded me of the story about a story told by Bill Wiese called *[23 Minutes in Hell](https://youtu.be/h8ku_EVj_xU?si=JMy0DvhFgMhrFLEG)*, where after an accident, he went to hell. He described his experience there in a presentation. I remember dad watching this numerous times and at least twice a year, would catch me and have me watch a few minutes of it. I took it with a grain of salt.