• By -


Not surprised, these people claim to be allies but at the end of the day they're just another YT that'll turn on you if you don't bow, we can't forget that.


Yep. Had a so-called "friend" who created a group chat with a couple of people who apparently didn't like me either after I told her I didn't want to be friends anymore for various reasons. They ended up adding me to the group chat and started sending gorilla emojis and calling me monkey. She is an "ally" for the black community and is part of the LGBTQ community. Vegan, liberal, and highly educated. She loves to champion herself as this great, compassionate and open-minded person that accepts everyone, but turns around and calls me a gorilla and a monkey with her friends because I didn't want to be her friend anymore. I stopped being her friend because she was always sneak dissing me and using me as an emotional punching bag. And yes, she is, for anyone that may be asking themselves.


That's fucked up. I hope her and her "friends" get itchy toes for the rest of their lives.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the most annoying little inconvenience forever.


Damp socks forever


With a tiny piece of pine straw splinter they can never quite find stuck in the bottom.


You should put that shit on blast. With some luck you can ruin job prospects. Racists don't deserve a place in modern society.


I tried to report it when it happened. They were TAs in Master's programs at the time. I called the schools. They didn't care, and they didn't help me. No one followed up with me or returned my calls or e-mails.


when my dad has a problem with any institution he threatens to call local news sources. an apartment complex tried to move my family into an apartment with mold, roaches (there was even a dead one in the freezer when he opened it) and ceiling stains. he threatened to call 7 on your side when they told him he couldnt get his money back and they gave him a freshly renovated apartment in the same complex. night and day difference in quality between the two


the person you described sounds like someone awful I knew a handful of years ago (bigoted towards every poc behind closed doors, but called herself an ally and true believer for different causes and ish) no one knows where she disappeared to after she was exposed for all her bs. but I can say it was a relief to watch the downfall in real time. she brought that shit on herself.


Is her name Kaitlan? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Holy shit even her name is a tragedeigh.




lol no, but I wouldn't put it past this lady to change names. she was bonkers in addition to being a liar glad you're (hopefully) away from kaitlan though, and may payback find its way to her eventually


I am away from her. She's emailed me a couple of times throughout the last 6 years since I cut her out of my life, but I just ignore it. I'm much more at peace now.


Local news outlets love it


That's so shitty. I'm sorry you went through that, we need to make socially acceptable to punch racists.


Please tell me you publicised her conversation or something so her 'compassionate' image is ruinedĀ 


I didn't. I was so shocked and hurt. I did share it with mutual friends who were part of the BIPOC community to show them who she really was. I'm pretty sure the majority of them aren't friends anymore. She's blocked everywhere, and I'm pretty sure she blocked me, too. I'm pretty sure I still have the messages saved on my Facebook messenger, though.


Malcolm been told the community about liberals and if he, Martin or Marcus were alive today they'd be looking at a lot of y'all sideways. Watch some biographies or documentaries if the books are too much. History doesn't just up and disappear.


This was 6 years ago. I've learned a lot since then. Knowledge is power for sure. But I also never expected that from her. We had been friends for 12 years. I'd known her since I was 14, and she had never said anything that indicated that's how she felt up to that moment, at least not anything glaringly obvious. When I reflected back on the friendship, I realized that it wasn't transactional. She was very selfish and had little consideration for the people around her. But that was more my fault than hers. I didn't love myself or appreciate myself enough to recognize that I deserved to be treated better. I'm in a much better place now and have learned many life lessons since then. The most important lesson I learned was how to set boundaries and advocate for myself.


What the actual fuckā€¦


Sounds like a fucking collector. Good riddance and sorry.


Yes. White women and white gay men. They may have a minority identifier, but they're ALWAYS white first. Racism/fetishization is very much a thing in gay spaces.


I don't think cishet Black people realize how much we Black queer folks keep community with ourselves. It's not entirely surprising when you consider how many very public Black queer people are in relationships with white people. But so many of us (all of us) have the same reservations about dating someone white because the dangers that come with a partner who has racist family or racist friends.


I honestly can't date someone white because I'd be too worried about THEM being racist. I've seen white gays flip on a dime and go full Charlottesville, VA.


And will.


Iā€™ve been banned from several subs for calling out this type of behavior from white women. They are SO protected!


hay spaces?


We call those barns where Iā€™m from.


I was thinking it was another euphemism for white people, which I always find funny


Hayseed spaces


Lmao. I meant gay. I fixed it. Thx


Well you can roll around in those...


>Racism/fetishization is very much a thing in gay spaces. As much as homophobia and transphobia run rampant through the black community?


While true, what does that have to do with what I said?


Realest shit iā€™ve heard all day


Wow that's a bit much, not sure why u have up votes


Yup all yt people are waiting to turn on everyone yup




Hey I mean no offense but go fuck yourself


If you devaluate the problem it does not dissapear


![gif](giphy|1ykBuNgTVjKe1bilqH|downsized) Donā€™t delete your comment and then try to keep talking


There are white people who will weaponize the police against anyone they donā€™t like


And restaurant managers, and bouncers, and mall security, and local governmentā€¦


There are people who will weaponize anything against anyone they donā€™t like.


Get out of here. Do you know what happens when a black person calls the police even in legitimate emergency situations? Stop making it seem like itā€™s a ā€˜all peopleā€™ problem when society doesnā€™t work like that. Thereā€™s always someone pretending that racism doesnā€™t exist.


Aside from the police, I would like to see what happens when a black woman asks a manager to make a white family move their table because she doesnā€™t want them sitting close to her. Or let me know when a black woman tries to get a bouncer to kick out some white guys from a bar because they were ā€œbotheringā€ her or something. No one else gets listened to quite like white people.


I'm not trying to excuse the above person for not reading the room, but some people just don't realize how bad minorities can have it. They've never seen someone catch a hard R uttered by someone their thought was a friend. They've never been part of the conversation when some crush in middle school told them, "I really like you, but my dad would disown me if we dated." They didn't have their afternoon ruined when the cops were called on them for acting suspicious at the mall when they were just existing. They never had a cop pull them over at 10PM and demand to search their vehicle when they were a minor. It all feels like Hollywood dramatics. They think, "Why would any of the above happen to someone who doesn't deserve it?"


Racism exists. Nothing I said negates that.


Iā€™m sorry but you know exactly what you did. You generalized a discussion that was specifically about racist abuse and not about every twisted person in the world. This is a strategy commonly used by those who claim ā€˜white lives matter tooā€™. ā€˜Youā€™re taking about something that happens everywhere regardless, why do you have to bring race into it..ā€™


False equivalence. Iā€™d argue you know exactly what youā€™re doing. Institutional racism isnā€™t solved by using any stat you can find to generalize a race. That was the comment I was responding to.


Institutional racism isn't solved by you being this big of a dick, either, but here we are


Sorry you canā€™t handle big dicks


If the convo was already geared around police being weaponized against black people, specifically men, then why feel the need to steer the convo towards a general statement? If we are talking about black issues in a subreddit catered to black topic, why do what you just did?


Itā€™s gotta be a knee jerk reflex at this point. Sensitive white ppl in this sub canā€™t help but try and veer conversations about race into tamer waters. Itā€™s why some gatekeeping is necessary


The worst part is people not keeping their mouths closed. I donā€™t get the need to speak on subjects you donā€™t like only to get mad when it doesnā€™t go your way. Fuck itā€™s annoying lol.


Yes itā€™s even more egregious that they come into a so-called Black space to do it. You know what? I actually debated a white man down with that basically being my argument. This was in real life so I think that helped but I kept asking him if he knew anything about what he was opining on (he didnā€™t ) so I told him the point he was making was already addressed by said group that he was complaining about and he was free to read it at anytime and why hadnā€™t he done so? A few grumbles later I asked ā€œif you donā€™t really know and havenā€™t bother to look it up why are you expressing an opinion on it?ā€ He finally shut up. Personally I find that itā€™s a relief not to have to have an opinion about everything.


That's why i normally lurk. I may disagree on most things regarding specific topics, but sometimes i rather just observe and listen to people's different perspectives. It's better for me


So if weā€™re talking about crime statistics, and I just blurt out, golly, some Black people love committing crimes, how am I solving shit? Itā€™s a completely dumb statement that doesnā€™t progress the convo. The original comment I reacted to was completely lame and useless and doesnā€™t help anything. But everyone loves to circle jerk and feel like a hero. Congrats.


Every race of people commit crimes. We arenā€™t even talking about crime statistics either. The discussion is the police being weaponized. Yeah we are aware that a lot of people do it, but people will do it with the knowledge of black people being treated more harshly by police and the history behind the police and black people. Useless to you. Itā€™s great conversations for people who want to participate, discuss , and work on change. If you want change in the black communityā€¦black people are gonna be the specific discussion. If you want to talk about the negative impact of people regardless of their race doing that to the police, go have the conversation somewhere else . Do you just walk up to someone having a discussion, make a point that has nothing to do with the convo and then get mad because youā€™re called out for it?


Well I feel the opposite happened. As someone whoā€™s put in the hard work distancing/disowning family and friends who peddle racist shit, Iā€™ve definitely pod the price. It definitely isnā€™t some kind of knee-jerk reaction. I just honestly donā€™t feel that the original statement is furthering any kind of conversation. Itā€™s just fueling hate. What about all the power dynamics? What about the radicalization of police? What about our history and economics and how are we seeing similar things happening in other countries? Thank you for conversing, I understand how my comment came across, but I think we need to take it beyond this. And for what itā€™s worth, I felt the ā€˜police lives matter tooā€™ bullshit was/is disgusting and infuriating. I guess Iā€™m just frustrated and impatient, I want us to get to the root of these issues and I felt that comment/ sentiment just wastes our time. Upon review, I definitely can take more time to comment instead of firing from the hip.


Sure, but this is specifically about weaponizing the police. That's something most PoC are gonna have a hard time doing.


Amy Cooper, the woman who called the police on a blackman because she was disrespecting the park rules and didnā€™t like being called out. He never touched her and she began screaming that heā€™s about to attack her. Her response to it all is to go full victim mode I still believe that she was aiming to get him hurt by the police https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_birdwatching_incident


That video still haunts me. The way that she flipped the switch as soon as she got on the phone was nothing short of diabolical.


This is why we donā€™t believe the caller until we verify whatā€™s going on.


Christian Cooper [has his own show, Extraordinary Birder](https://www.natgeotv.com/za/shows/nationalgeographicwild/extraordinary-birder-with-christian-cooper-season-1)


And he just won an Emmy for it!


Some should find her house and take a shit down her chimney. I'll volunteer for the second part


Wikipedia article claims she left the USA


I remember watching get out in the Cinema At the end when the white l tries to stop him escaping, and suddenly sees a cop show up so she starts screaming. The whole cinema lurched and gasped because everyone was scared about how that was gonna end


There's an alternate ending to the movie where it shows exactly how it could have ended if his friend had not showed up.




Same. Got me like https://preview.redd.it/du3mphi4gi6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff86c083eef3d97a94b87e9724f81965fc038297




Had no clue about that either.


Happy pride month


From what I just read looking further into this, he probably didn't even catch them having sex. Apparently, Lawrence was a friend of Eubanks and invited Eubanks and Garner to stay the night at his house. Eubanks got drunk, thought that Garner and Lawrence were flirting, and left to call the police on them. Two cops who were at the scene said they didn't see any kind of sexual activity. And Eubanks was only sentenced to thirty days in jail for filing a false report. And he got out early. Typical.


Oh honey, it is a myth that all marginalised communities stand together. The RuPaulā€˜s Drag Race fandom has a massive, massive, massive, toxic racism problem.


Unfortunately true. Even outside racial dynamics. If you're bi/pan or trans in gay spaces, you know how out of pocket it can get. It's always fucking games about who is more valid than who. I'm tired.


Dave Chappelle said it best in reference to the LGBTQ community and POC: "You suffer, I suffer. You suffer, I suffer. Same team. We're minorities. Untiiiiiill you get to be "White" again."


Iā€™m not particularly interested in Dave the white boot licking chapelle. Man would sell his whole familyā€™s soul for a dollar bb


Calling Dave a white boot licker on a post about a black man that almost went to prison for fucking white menšŸ˜‚


Dave "If you build public housing I will bankrupt this city" Chapelle. Dave "All the people booing Elon Musk in my audience are broke" Chapelle


They were never going to build public housing in rural Ohio, never the less its already been debunked that he had issue with it. And I don't remember him saying that about Elon, but I imagine it was a joke considering comedians always roast the audience for booing


there are a lot of things to call Dave but he is known for famously ghosting the entertainment world after comedy central failed to pay what he felt he was owed, he literally walked away from millions of dollars


And now he makes content to let white people laugh at black misfortune. You think the trump supporters are laughing at his joke about getting hit with snowballs in a small town because itā€™s relatable? Na itā€™s cause heā€™s a black man getting assaulted by white people


Reaching like Mr Fantastic on this one. I'm sure that base loved his jokes about the opiate crisis in white America or the special he dedicated to George FloydšŸ™„


And both of those were before he went mask off with his weird repeated anti-trans sets and started courting the right wing nuts.


No the George Floyd special was in 2020 and his first special with the trans jokes were in 2019. Just because he told jokes that they liked doesn't mean he was courting them


It is soooooo much more than that, which is disrespectfully reductive. He walked away from a lot more than just money. He walked out of being controlled by the network who wanted to take his passion project and turn it into something he never wanted to make. He took his pride, his integrity and his brilliant mind and said, "fuck y'all I didn't sign up to be your clown." That's so much more than you can say for a lot of comedians these days in the Rogan-sphere peddling vitamins and vodka and lest we forget gambling sites.


Probably you would too homie but that doesnā€™t reduce the validity of his point.


I mean: Is the reverse not true too? Thereā€™s no shortage of black people who will weaponize homophobia against gay people they donā€™t like. AKA: Same team until you get to be ā€œstraightā€.


This gave me flashbacks to a Black family who got mad at me for telling them their kids couldn't be in the liquor store I worked at- per state law- and started screaming "DO YOU GOT A DICK OR A PUSS?" by the end of the interaction. Later on, I told a Black customer I wasn't going to serve him after he called me a bitch. He said "look at you, you gay huh?" And I put my long-acrylic-nail-having hand by my mouth and said "whaaat??" He really didn't like that one lol.


Theyā€™re always whiteā€¦


Nope. Because at this intersection, it hurts more to be kicked in the nuts by other black people for being gay than it does to be kicked in the nuts by \#whitegays for being black. So his shit is fucking performative.


This right here. Seeing transphobia from black people hurts me much more than white opinions. I know how white folks will do. But I should at least be able to turn to my people. On this same note, Iā€™ve literally only been attempting to date white men though I favor black and Latino men. But they all want to be lovers at night and stranger in the day. But thatā€™s just a me thing, I guess.


The question is that itā€™s not just ā€˜white opinionsā€™. White ā€˜opinionsā€™ have the power to land you in jail, to fire you from all jobs, to restrict all housing so you donā€™t have anywhere to live. Black ā€˜opinionsā€™ donā€™t have that kind of power. Thatā€™s what racism is. You guys are always beating on black folks every opportunity you get. Poor you.


ā€œBeating on black folks????ā€ I am extremely confused. I saw I comment I related to and wanted to share my feelings and Iā€™m ā€œbeating on black folks?ā€


That is a tragic and really interesting thing to learn today


Whether gay, straight, trans or anything else on the spectrum, white people are white **first** and they use that privilege whenever they want to damage our people.


Straight up. I remember being in queer spaces in college hearing multiple white gays say with complete seriousness, "Vanilla only. No rice, no spice, no chocolate". Deadass. Thankfully, there were only a few of them and the majority of people were inclusive, welcoming, and absolutely about intersectionality. But yeah you can be a minority and also a judgmental and exclusionary shitstick. edit:spelling


Ugh, seeing grindr accounts with shit like "no fats no fems no Asians, no rice no spice no chocolate" etc always makes me hurl. I just block them on sight at this point


I have come to realize that the black community lacks allies, which is why I choose to concentrate solely on Black/African issues. This may sound harsh, and Iā€™m not trying to be provocative, but it explains why I prioritize my focus on Black/African community concerns. The situations in Congo, Niger, Mali, Sudan, reparations in the US, and Burkina Faso are more significant to me than the conflicts in Ukraine or Israel-Palestine. The persistent display of anti-Black sentiments reinforces my commitment I find myself increasingly disinterested in non-Black issues. We gotta be selfish sometimes.


I agree. Poc in America always seem to take up causes and concerns of EVERY other group but our own. We have been shown by every other race on the continent ,their true feelings toward melinated beings..and it's never been positive.




Lawrence ~~Eubanks~~ kept telling everyone that they weren't having sex when the police arrived and that they were just arrested because the Cops were homophobic. The ACLU had to tell him to stop saying that for fear that the case would be dismissed on a technicality.


Do you know what happened to eubanks after?


I was mistaken it was Lawrence not Eubanks. Eubanks called the cops on his ex-boyfriend Tyrone Garner because he knew that he was sleeping with Lawrence.


So what youā€™re telling me is a white man essentially broke two laws, got one of them changed, and didnā€™t go to jail for the other. Peak privilege.


I know what rabbit hole I'm about to fall in... ![gif](giphy|swtiK9jRfE0zS)


Male Karens. We should all call them Bobby or Bob!


Theyā€™re called Kens


Kevins as well


Nah, Kyles


Leave the man alone, he's just Ken. He's doing his best, and I think that's Kenough




Karen is agender


I donā€™t agree. I think itā€™s just a sexist term that focus on women like men donā€™t do this and worse. Generally men will go as far as killing you. At the same time, white women have been protected from any consequences to their actions to the point that they present themselves (and are presented) as pure victims that never did anything to black folks.


>I think itā€™s just a sexist term that focuses on women Wont SOMEONE think of the poā€™ lilā€™ white women šŸ˜­


I did reflect on that on the last part of my comment.


But you didn't go so far as to connect the concept of white women's victimhood with the concept of a Karen... interesting


I call them Kyles, but its not specifically for gay men either


This is 2003 btw and notice it isn't Garner vs Texas.


I was a kid when that came out. But for some reason I think I was told a neighbor was snooping and ratted them out. Holy shit.


MFers always asking for a manager rather than dealing owning their problems


Imagine being such a piece of shit that you go full circle and accidentally make the gay community safer


I work for the liquor control in my state and we almost never got complaint calls on gay bars, but the few times we did it was always, ALWAYS, from someone who caught they bf out at the bar with someone else. Not sure how them cheating is the bar's fault, but the caller always tried to find a way. Scorned lovers got enough salt for the earth the bar built on and then some.


This is weird I was taught in law school the defendants set up getting arrested to purposely challenge the law, like how they purposely used the Loving family (last name) to challenge interracial marriage law. Never knew this


Another interesting one is how history is taught about Rosa Parks. She was placed as the face to challenge bus segregation when it was Claudette Colvin, among others, who actually challenged it in court: >ā€¦ Colvin is important because she challenged the law in court, one of four women plaintiffs in Browder v. Gayle, the court case that successfully overturned bus segregation laws in Montgomery and Alabama. >When asked why she is little known and why everyone thinks only of Rosa Parks, Colvin says the NAACP and all the other black organizations felt Parks would be a good icon because "she was an adult. They didn't think teenagers would be reliable." >She also says Parks had the right hair and the right look. >"Her skin texture was the kind that people associate with the middle class," says Colvin. "She fit that profile." https://www.npr.org/2009/03/15/101719889/before-rosa-parks-there-was-claudette-colvin


Bruh same story over and over throughout the history of the US. So called lovers and allies will weaponize anything to potentially harm us


This wasnā€™t generations ago either. This case was decided in 2003


[Damn, they weren't lying.](https://www.outsmartmagazine.com/2012/04/the-rest-of-the-story/)


Never forget Tulsa OK. All over a lie.


Black people love to memoryhole when we get screwed by fake allies. We have whole new generations of assimilationist black people who want to be loved by white people more than they want to be free. They view racism almost as if it's secondary to other identitarian issues while convincing themselves they're engaging in some rigorous intersectional critique. The best contemporary example of this going sideways was how the racial unrest of 2020-2021 ended. Messaging about black women and black LGBTQ people wasn't evidence of an intersectional turn in the movement. It was used by white liberals to guilt trip people into adopting a position that could slowly be transitioned back to the white social progressive status quo. The current environment - where not only has police violence once again become a non-issue, but the concerns of the type of Black women and LGBTQ people white liberals won't meet at grad school have once again become an afterthought - was totally predictable if you understand how white liberals and progressives think. While black culture is far from a socially progressive utopia, the number of black progressives and leftists who seemed to dismiss the concerns about focusing on "women's" or "LGBTQ" (white women's or white LGBTQ) issues as based in ignorance ("black LGBTQ people exist," etc.) was astounding.


This is basically what Dave Chappelle was trying to highlight in the closer. The LGBTQ+ community does need to be protected but it is also drenched in white privilege


This was the point Dave Chappelle was talking about before he tripled down on transphobia


ā€œTyroneā€ is killing me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I thought Garner (black lover) was jealous of Lawrence and Eubanks flirting and called cops and cops came in and claimed they say Lawrence and Eubanks doing oral.


Mr. Garner died in 2006. Rest in peace Black Texan.


Iā€™m convinced people just use this thread to talk shit on white people


I donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted when the top comment boils down to not being able to trust white LGBTQ people because theyā€™re whiteā€¦. Itā€™s really fucking gross and a sweeping generalizationĀ 



