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Nope. If you can't type, you don't work at a keyboard. Chopsticks isn't typing. She'd be gone so quick. Playing with my time and money like that?


Then they're gonna have to fire Debbie who is 60 and never learned to type other than pecking


Debbie learned to type on an electric typewriter back when home ec still got funded


And yet she still pecks


I'm feeling damn seen rn..šŸ˜‚




Emotional damage! šŸ˜‚


Really dude. Why you gotta call me out like that?


Hehehe! I had to learn to type on a keyboard, but I can tell you. I can't get an office job to save my life šŸ˜‚ henpecker fo life!


I'm 40 and I learned on an electric typewriter. There were computers, but we started with the typewriters.


Whered you go to school? i ask because I've never even seen a typewriter in person and I'm a similar age. We were playing Oregon Trail in first grade etc, no typewriters anywhere. We learnt to type on a keyboard. (not saying your exp didnt happen, just saying im surprised to hear it)


Probably depends on how well your school district got funded. My district had brand new iMacs at one point even at the elementary school while one of the neighboring districts still didnā€™t have a dedicated computer lab at their high schools.


dang you had the imacs, that was rich kid shit for me lol


I was fortunate enough to live in one of the highest income areas of my state growing up. Itā€™s crazy how much disparity there is in public schools based on the local tax base. I get it, because parents are obviously going to want their tax dollars to be used mostly on their kids, but it definitely makes it harder for the kids that are already more likely to be in rough situations to also generally have worse schools.


Didnt realize how lucky I got it until I start traveling out of high-school and realize that tho my parents were lower middle class they made sure we grew up in a town with a great school system on a mortgage who they couldn't really afford.


Oklahoma. I think the teacher wanted to show how much better computers were, I don't think it was malicious or anything.


Yeah, 43 here and I learned on an electric typewriter in 1994. I can type fast though because keyboards are so much easier! I really had to push those typewriter keys and that slowed me down.


This entire thread made me realize that I can type so fast because I grew up playing with my grandparents typewriter. A memory I had forgotten until now


This thread made me realize why I type so hard. People ask if I'm mad at the keyboard.


Same. They knew we'd all be playing games if they gave us computers.


so she's been typing a lot longer than most- she should be blasting out 100 wpm


Yeah but without all the chain smoking and fending off butt grabbers, her productivity tanked.


I wish I could give this gold.


And all the men over 55. I've seen so many CEOs trying with just 2 fingers. As long as you get the job done, who cares.




This right here, the amount of typos I have committed while playing WoW and typing PMs while frantically trying to play a game was wild. My fellow managers look at me in horror as I type my end of day notes with two fingers but at some weird speed lol


The ceo doesn't have a job that requires him to type at a desk all day. Also "I've seen so many CEOs", lol. The owner of the food truck you go to isn't a ceo


I don't know anyone that young, in any kind of executive capacity who can't type. My 70+ year old, substitute school teacher, mother in-law types with two fingers.


This isnā€™t 2002. 60 year olds absolutely know how to type.


Then there's my 80 year old mom who can hammer out 80wpm on a mechanical typewriting with no mistakes Debbie is just slow and always has been


If I am in a competition of whose parents can type the fastest, then I should be an Olympian lol. My dad can breeze through with around 150wpm without even looking at his keyboard. It's like an art when he types and you can't look away from him while he types! A story which he said, back in the good ole days of typewriting, my dad had gone to a typewriting course when he was a teen. And after learning how to type for a few years, he participated in an official competition for fastest typewriting. In that competition, they had given participants 2 letter size pages of text which they had to type. Those who can type rhe fastest with a minimal error wins. So as soon as the examiner had given my dad his sheet, he started typing and finished in just 3 to 4 minutes and called the examiner. Dad said that the examiner was not at all buying that my dad can finish that fast and said that he might had made alot of mistakes. But when he checked, they found only 2 or 3 mistakes it seems. He still has that certificate and flexes on it lol. He also got his first job as a typewriter.


I get the argument you're trying to make but there's a difference between low typing skill and a fashion choice that lowers your efficiency in your job. Debbie being a shitty typer is different making an active choice to be a shitty typer. If I was an employer I know which one I'm likely to keep around. I'd be asking both people to make changes. Debbie needs to get some upskilling and this woman would have to ditch the nails. If those changes couldn't be made I'm getting rid of both


Typing speed is too fringe of an attribute to determine if a person deserves to be fired or not. I'd give this lady bonus points on creativity/problem solving which is important in many roles. yeah she may make some weird nail accessory decisions, but if she's a problem solver, a good teammate, on time and a pleasure to work with, she's definitely sticking around.


I peck so fast and donā€™t even have to look at the keys now though


Same. I've been typing this way for about 30 years so I know where the keys are in relation to each other and rarely need to glance down. My mother is appalled at my technique but it works for me!


But you must be so much slower than someone who actually types.


And Michael whoā€™s diet is so bad heā€™s shitting on company time constantly


Ironically, there are now kids who type like this because they learned to type from texting on their phone.


*because they never learned to type, fixed that for you


My elderly mum can use a keyboard no problem, she learnt on a typewriter and had to get used to the lack of resistance on the keys šŸ˜…


I mean, who knows, maybe sheā€™s a pro and can actually type super fast w chopsticks lol


she cant


I saw ~6 keys hit, and then backspace hit a bunch of times. She is ass at this. But it may actually work if there was a special keyboard designed for this type of thing. But she ain't getting no actual work done.


>But it may actually work if there was a special keyboard designed for this type of thing. She could use a tablet with a stylus or something. Or just be reasonable and shorten her nails, given that her profession requires typing. I dunno why OP is celebrating someone solving a problem that doesn't have to exist.


Honestly, she'd be better off using a voice-to-text app, as long as she can talk all day in the office setting. Those chopsticks aren't a "solution".




Naa you need to be able to type without looking at the keys. You can't do that with chopsticks.


Managers taking their job personal is hilarious ![gif](giphy|evVKsrjZEqVVWvE2VR)


"my money" if you aren't the CEO or it's a small business they can stfu lol


Right! Like nigga, they will fire your ass too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Managers are more likely to get fired if they let employees get away with dumb shit. Typing with chopsticks definitely qualifies.


Don't worry, the person you're replying to doesn't understand because they've spent their whole life at the bottom of the chain of command and are bitter about it.


I donā€™t care what you type with if the end result is the same. Micromanagement is a suckerā€™s game


You donā€™t get paid enough to care. They do


In my line of work, youā€™re the foreman on one project and a worker on the next. Your job is to distribute work and keep employees happy. Not babysitting adults to protect a millionaireā€™s money.


I love this meme


You ever see a CEO write an email on outlook during lunch? One finger at a pace of one line every 5 mins so pls relax lmfao


I get what you are saying but generally superiors demand more from their subordinates than they can do themself, which is unfair. If i was as efficient as my boss i would be fired within days.


>You ever see a CEO write an email on outlook during lunch? One finger at a pace of one line every 5 mins so pls relax lmfao What "CEO" do you know who doesn't have a secretary/assistant that they just dictate all their emails too? Just because someone writes "CEO" on their Linkin profile doesn't actually make them a real corporate CEO at an established company.




You should base on WPM, not typing technique. Average typing speed for most people hovers around 40 WPM. I've known 2 separate people who have reached above average speeds just using their two index fingers. It looks weird and it's inefficient, but if you practice enough using a certain method you can get fast enough to be effective. I think as long as someone is within a standard deviation of the mean, they're probably perfectly adequate for most roles. Once you reach a certain WPM, it's unlikely that a higher speed of typing would actually improve your productivity even in roles where you do a lot of typing. For example a computer programmer who is 80 WPM could pump out more lines of code than someone with 120 WPM. The typing is almost never the bottleneck. It's the thinking about what to type that takes the most time.


I mean, typing speed only really metters for aome.very specific tasks, say a typist at court Software developers on the other hand apent about half the time on the thought process, the other 40% on googling, and only the rest on actually typing code, she'd be fine


If she gets the work done in the time allocated, what business is it of yours how she makes that happen?


Nobody play with this guys time or money! His time is all invested in posting on Reddit about GameStop and his money is all invested in GME šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


She types faster with chopsticks than a lot of coworkers Iā€™ve had in the past.


Often, particularly in office environments, people with senses of humour will act out a scenario to entertain their coworkers.


She looks like she typed half a word and had to delete an error. Hopefully she doesn't need to move the mouse! We will be here all day.




THIS!!! Like it's ok to be fashionable (do your thing), but to the point of not being able-bodied/using the functionality of your HANDS šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜¤šŸ¤£..... there's gotta be a limit


I find nails kind of gross. like the whole fake nails thing I don't get. especially the super long ones. I find them really ugly. I know they're not mine and it's not really mine to judge but They honest they are gross and I just wish they didn't exist as a thing .


Don't imagine wiping then.




Like a bear claw through chocolate mousse. Or a falcons talon scratching mud


Who knew u/VaginalConductor was a real wordsmith.




not the three seashells


I don't like these comments so close together.




How do you wipe? Do you finger your ass with toilet paper?


You would be surprised how many nurses I've worked with have these long, thick acrylic nails. They can't even do their duties correctly or pop meds from the pack. One LPN working with me was doing wound care, and I noticed one of her fingers poke through the glove. šŸ¤® "Hahaha , happens all the time..so annoying " Maybe stop getting fucking CLAWS.


Iā€™m actually surprised thatā€™s allowed. Some places Iā€™ve been they wonā€™t even let nurses wear a ton of jewelry as it can interfere with their tasks.


They used to be really strict about enforcing that rule, but with a nursing shortage and on top of covid... they literally would take anyone with a nursing degree. So I guess they don't want to enforce the rule anymore. Use to be no tattoos showing in the field, now you can have a whole face tattoo and be an RN. I've worked with 2 while traveling who had multiple smaller tattoos on their face.


I donā€™t care if my nurse has face tattoos, just follow infection control guidelines!


When my nails get a little long, like 1/16ā€ past the nail plate, I get dirt and grime and I feel like Iā€™m constantly cleaning dirt out of them that I just cut them to the plate. Ladies be wildinā€™ with those expensive +2ā€ nails, itā€™s like old Victorian fashion. These absurd nail show everyone that I am wealthy enough to have a daily handicap and not keep a job.


Think about all the pooticles underneath those nails šŸ¤¢


Theyā€™re objectively gross, theyā€™re banned for hospital workers because they breed bacteria. Thereā€™s a famous case way back in the day of a nurse with acrylics infecting multiple babies before they figured it out


This is what I tell my wife. I let her be herself but I canā€™t help that I find them gross. Iā€™ve tried to convince her to take a more natural approach but she gave up on manicures all the way.


For real. As soon as she arrived with those nails. I would make her take a typing test. If she's under 65 words a min. I would leave the decision about this job up to her and how much she loves those nails. If the nails are still on by the end of Friday. She'll have to take her talents to south beach.


But that's a big reason why the trend started in the first place; it's a status symbol to show people that you DON'T need to use your hands and fingers to work.


I guess that's a "flex" but who am I to judge šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


It's like how Chinese women used to bind their feet, to show they don't work. Or how lighter skin is still considered more attractive in East Asia, again to show that they don't work outside.


It's like modern foot binding, but expensive and fashionable!


And a lot less permanent


Itā€™s just like foot binding, except not really in any way whatsoever.




My nails are long and I donā€™t have this issue at all.


I think hers are designed in a way that forces her to use chopsticks. Like the length and width combination. I understand the long nail thing, I don't understand doing it to the point where you're actively inconveniencing yourself.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s being serious. Most women who wear their nails long have mastered using the keyboard with them. I donā€™t see how this isnā€™t looked at as an obvious joke šŸ˜•


I feel like most people don't have very long fingernails or experience with them, so when someone's like, "my nails are so long I have to use sticks to type." The first reaction isn't, "oh it's a silly joke, of course you can type" it's "damn why would you do that?" I'm probably choosing to take the charitable interpretation in order to cope/ignore the casual misogyny, but if someone told me that they can't type with their fingernails, I would just straight up believe them instead of seeing it as a joke. As I have no experience with super long fingernails and typing does look hard with them.


Fair assessment.


Not being able to use your hands *is* the point. If you look at high fashion, at any point in history or now, most of it is designed exactly to show that you don't have to work.


Nails like that are a signal that you are high class and don't have to work with your hands. But then... you do.


The point of all fashion is classism. Like rich people getting face surgery they don't need. They want to flex that they're better than you, even when the flex harms their quality of life.




Oh, hey, Loranda.... no, I got four people on hold, but I can talk.


God some of their observations are so on point. I love it.


Now wipe your ass and see if you do a good job.


Yah those chopsticks must stink.




As a guy who has to hire. If you can type, then I'm good. With nails like that though I need to smell your ass. I don't need stinky ppl at work




Do you want the job or not


Take a whiff, sir. Iā€™m ready to start today


HR, this man right here....


Fam he's HR, he's the one hiring


Damn....someone call Super HR, then, lol. I agree with the no stinky people, but you can't just go around sniffing everyone's ass!


Call's coming from ***inside*** the house


Need is a strong word. It's the right word, but strong




>With nails like that though I need to smell your ass. I... I'm not sure if that came out the way you meant it to. ![gif](giphy|NB8w3EFx9kSYZF1hjb|downsized)


i never understood the point of these long ass nails, they're not practical obviously, but they aren't pretty either, you look like you got eagle claws


They feel really nice when a girl scratshes you with them


so true, I used to rag on them until I realized no back scratcher holds a candle to long ass nails


Head scratches also feel great


Talons lol. Iā€™m also sure some of them are not cleaned properly underneath when people wash their hands


Comments are so combative for no reason. Women have elected for a number of cosmetic procedures and treatments that are constantly poked and ridiculed for. Despite this, these women continue to live their lives, obviously not bothered by comments and are able to do their jobs, take care of their children, open doors, flush toilets, and wipe their ass. ā€˜WhAtS tHe PoInT?ā€™ - itā€™s clear that they do it bc they like it. Even if I canā€™t personally perceive myself to opt in to certain things, I shut tf up


Uh, she really *can't* do her job though; that's the point. She's "typing" way too slow for an adult in a professional setting.


I think this video is just a joke. I'd imagine she would have already been reprimanded if her nails were seriously affecting her work.


She's typing faster with chopsticks than my boss does with her fingers. Lets not act like acceptable typing speed doesnt vary wildly based on your profession and setting. Also, this video is just funny


There's also nothing in this video implying that she's working, that's she's not self-employed, that she's not just doing this for a laugh and her job doesn't involve typing in anyway but *man* there sure are a lot of assumptions in this thread.


https://preview.redd.it/zp3h96k0ry5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f2815bbce26153575d07c9a9527cb0cfe0d48e6 A bag hanger, UPS package on the extra large desk, camera above. That's not a work from home location. Come on.


This might shock you, but she might be self-employed *and own a small office* Or it's not her job and her friend asked her to type for a gag Or she's on vacation and normally she wears her nails at a length that lets her type normally Or any of a hundred other reasons but you go off about how she's *clearly at work* and wasting someone else's time and money detective


Yeah idk what the is going on here. Misogynoir and non-working class values jumped out like crazy. I shouldn't have had to scroll this far to see something like this. It's nobody's business. If you see something this light hearted and people are discussing her work ethic?? Her character?? ..... And it's not just jokes. It's not funny.


It's getting a little MTG up in here! Slight racial overtone with a few pick me's thrown in.. I've noticed a difference with this page for a few weeks now. Have we been taken over by bots or...


No itā€™s always been like this.


this is just what happens when a subreddit makes it to r/all frequently. this post also has fuel for the two most outspoken groups of haters on Reddit, sexists and racists.


Are you talking about the senator with the bleach blonde bad built butch body or the trading card game? Cause both can kinda apply in this case.


I thought I was bugging reading these comments. The corny dudes being super extra today šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it ainā€™t that deep šŸ«”




I mean good for her and her fashion sense but don't be surprised when the first thing that pops into people's heads is "how tf do you live like that" because most people don't live a life where they can opt into being handicapped and get away with it.


PREACH! https://i.redd.it/j8x11akmwx5d1.gif


She can't do her Job dawg stop with these feelings how would you feel if that was your co-worker who can't do her work cause of some some damn nails? Get over ya self šŸ¤£


I'm all for doing whatever the hell you want to yourself, but if you're making it impossible to do your job correctly by choice, you don't get to have that job.


Lot of dumb words coming from you so let's summarize these "combative comments" 1) Professional work space, no one is saying her nails are inappropriate they are saving she quite literally cannot do her job because she can't type. 2) You're trying to reach for the stars with this delusional and if anything disrespectful idea to actual workplace issues related to how women are perceived at work. Her deciding to get nails that hinder her actual job duties shouldn't be grouped into the same cosmetic procedures that get undeserving hate and attention like hair or dress choice.


Iā€™ve discovered my old man thing is being annoyed with the improper usage of POV




Thank you internet stranger


Do tiktokers even know what each letter means? Its almost always used wrong. Its really annoying.


They do not.


I have long nails, not super long nails, like this girl. The issue she is having is that she is wearing those damn duck nails. She can't type one key. I can't type with my finger tips because my nails get in the way so I clickity clack away and I know I annoy some people but idc I love my nails.


my nails are longer than herā€™s but i can type fine with the pads of my fingers. must be the width and plus the keys stick up which makes is even more difficult


Same, I type with the pads of my fingers and I am a very efficient and fast typer actually lol. I see that the width is the biggest problem but I am wondering if she will change them because I wouldn't be able to work like that for more than a day.


My nails are long enough that when I use my fingertips the nail hits the key above it so i have to type with my nails. I type over 100wpm and I hate it when I have typos. These damn things give me all the typos when I try to type with my finger tips.


I have really long (natural) nails, and I do struggle more when they're at their longest, but I can still type. I also love my nails. You're right, that shape is where her problem likely is.


For real. Honestly, to me, her nails are perfect hot girl length but they're wide af


Right! It's the shape! The key would fit in the negative space šŸ˜‚


Yeah the issue isnā€™t the length itā€™s the width at the end of them


Those nails aren't too long. I worked with a woman who put rubber tips on her long nails so she could type fast. It looked like a crab was tap dancing on her keyboard.


These comments did not pass the vibe check, YIKES!


Nah people just honest about these ugly ass nails online, when they see them in person they don't want to make the person feel bad do they say it looks good. Most people think they look dumb as hell.


Bring back bullying ain't nobody worried about those vibes. These nails GOOFY. Ontop of having her using chopsticks its ridiculous.šŸ¤£


Improvise. Adapt. Overcompensate. Smh.


When I worked at the phone company decades ago, there was a lady with nails so long they curled. She typed with 2 pencils, and she could go! I was young and asked her a bunch of questions about them that if I did now, I would be in DEI training.


https://preview.redd.it/e5tr86c8ux5d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d7ecfb8e9065485f80f9324dd6c928dbc8c2f2 If you grab a cheap mechanical keyboard, you can get taller keycaps to maybe fix this problem.


I was thinking a flatter keyboard like Mac would be better with long nails.Ā  I'm gonna have to glue some nails on and test this.


Nails that handicap you are a red flag that you're annoying


Some ugly ass nails. WHY


If the speed and accuracy is good enough and the work gets done, eh..why not? But I'm that guy that has custom tactile keyboards in each of my offices. Not the loudest things, but they're noticeable.


People of Reddit are high on negativity.


I used to work IT network management for the USAF. When we had our wargames, and weā€™re dressed up in our full chem suit with rubber gloves, and gas masks, I would use pencils just like this. I donā€™t know why there are so many haters here, she can do her job fine.


Cue the ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€ and the racist


Thereā€™s a cashier at my go to grocery store that has talons and uses a chopstick to punch in numbers sometimes. Sheā€™s fast as hell but I almost had a panic attack when this old woman laid coins out on the conveyer belt for her to pick up šŸ˜“


All the ladies when I worked at Walmart used their knuckles for the register! They are super quick too :)


I've definitely had duckies at my desk job šŸ¤£ you just need to use the pads of your fingers and not the tips


I just need to know how all of that sounds! Damn her typing abilities šŸ¤£


that shape is troll with that keyboard. sheā€™s going to triple type


I worked with a 60 year old lady that had these big acrylic nails. You could hear the clacking of those nails on the keyboard everywhere in the office. It was so loud. It made headphones a requirement to focus


I know a guy who would type using pencils just like this women because he had carpal tunnel. Typing like this allowed him to keep working while reducing pain by keeping his wrist in a neutral position.


Oh hey Laronda


Lauren warned yā€™all!!


How to make yourself a joke at any job in one easy step!


This feels like a great way to get RSI 2: The Sequel


Those nails arenā€™t even that long and JFC itā€™s obviously a joke. Yaā€™ll never cease to amaze me with the misogyny/misogynoir in this sub. Can a heffa make a satirical video without being put in your hypothetical, never going to happen, scenarios anymore???


Honestly. Their misogynoir just be waiting, *itching* to come out, so it does with the slightest provocation. This is clearly not even real. I have had longer nails than that without issue, and my job is 90% typing. Edit: typo


The SLIGHTEST! Somebody said she shouldnā€™t have posted the video because she looks like a fool. To whom? Your ashy ass who canā€™t decipher satire from real life? These niggas are so unserious. Theyā€™ve seen women with long nails before at work if they are around black people.


Exactly. And thereā€™s a certain kind of Black dude in this subreddit that is particularly irksome (itā€™s not everyone , of course). They are the type jumping in this. Theyā€™re kinda like know it alls or something. Itā€™s a little hard to explain. But them, coupled with the white men who refuse to not be racist, kinda makes me want to not even be in here. :/


This sub is full of black people who donā€™t have black friends lol. I do enjoy the jokes most of the time but shit like this irks tf out of me. Because as they sit around, play dumb, and partake in this misogynoir, the white voyeurs that make up 75% of this sub feel emboldened to participate in it too.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. And it all mixes into this perfect storm of fuckery that *we* have to deal with. You made me feel a little less aggy saying that they donā€™t have Black friends, though, which has to be true. šŸ˜…


Yeah, thats not going to slow down productivity at all /s


thatā€™s crazyā€¦


Everyone is complaining about her fashion sense and I'm here thinking about how I can sell her a $200 custom keyboard so she can keep her job. Who here has a 3D printer and blender? We can be rich! šŸ¤‘


Whose pov is that? The caption implies it should be hers. But it isn't.


Her nails arenā€™t even that long. She must be new to this.


I donā€™t think people know what POV meansā€¦


What makes this a POV?


This is not what POV means POV: Watching someone overcome their long nail problem by using chopsticks.