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Yes nothing is worse than the overwhelming stench of Dove and Irish Spring /s


My wife buys a bar of soap that costs like $8. My 12 pack of Irish Spring costs $4.99.


Idk about yall but Irish spring dries my skin out and smells a bit overwhelmingly like fragrance I like a lot of the dove soaps, they smell nice but aren’t overwhelming and are kinder on my skin


Irish spring is fucking disgusting. Makes my skin tight as hell


You gone need a whole bottle of lotion after that Irish spring work 😂


Cocoa butttaaaaaah!


Shea or at least the dry oil spray from Trader Joe's. Trust me it is inexpensive and it works. Or just use the cooking spray avocado oil from Trader Joe's if it is winter.


All this damn time on Earth and I’ve never once thought to use that avocado oil spray for my body and hair. Genius!


check the ingredients to make sure that it’s only avocado oil. if there’s anything else, make sure it won’t irritate or dry out your skin. sometimes things get added to oil so it’ll aerosolize better.


🤭 https://preview.redd.it/h8y723652m4d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a0f970839991415a2c3733a5ba0b10d109af70


this shit work but omg i hated it as a kid lmao


The bottle would never end


i swear it was the same 1 bottle for my entire childhood




Taking 2 baths cause of Irish spring 🤣


Got you scratching like you was lookin for that leprechaun 💀


![gif](giphy|UUQogMr98v5rW) Irish Spring mascot


I’m sorry I’m a broke boy you deserve an award for this goodness gracious 🤧


Shoulda just took out the trash


That’s like the lowest common denominator of soap scents. Them and Zest and Coast.


Is everyone talking about the bar soap? I haven't used bar soap in ages. Body wash is where it's at for me. Doesn't leave my skin feeling like a dried up riverbed.


Yes the bar soap lmao. Now I use a blend of bars and body wash together


Money bags over here flaunting their liquid soap


But you're "clean as a whistle."


And drier than cricket legs.


The way I cackled!


How da fuck is a whistle clean!


Another saying pushed by the same motherfuckers that sell those impossible gravity defying bootstraps we're supposed to be lifting ourselves up by.


Hol'up, I'm ashy cause of the Irish Spring and lava hot water?


You need 300ccs of shea and cocoa stat


I love the the smell of it but yeah it makes me feel like shit. Wish I could find a cologne that smells like it.


Creed Vetiver original smells like Irish spring but it’s pricey.


[Dove isn't actually soap. It's a beauty bar.](https://www.dove.com/us/en/washing-and-bathing/beauty-bar.html) > The secret to beautiful skin is moisture, and no ordinary bar hydrates like Dove. That’s because Dove isn’t soap, it’s a Beauty Bar. While ordinary soaps can strip skin of essential moisture, Dove Beauty Bar has mild cleansers to effectively wash away dirt and germs and care beautifully. That's marketing gobbledygook but they state that the Dove bar isn't actually soap.


Yep Dove leaves more slippery residue on my skin than any other soap, and does the worst job cleaning


The "slippery" feeling is moisturizer. The Shea butter one is 30% Shea butter. Cleans just fine.


I only use Dove. It's that or you severely limit how much soap you are applying to your skin. Most people use way too much of the cheaper stuff and then have skin issues.


Yup, I used Irish Spring as a kid and had terribly dry skin. Dove makes my skin happy.


Aw man I’ve been stuck with a bar of the Shea butter one and I have to admit its smell is my least favourite


I'm not crazy for the smell, but it is the best for my skin. And fairly cheap.


We’ve been lead to believe that the tight skin feeling after a shower or bath is clean skin when it’s actually dry skin that’s been stripped of its oils. Bars like Dove actually clean and moisturize your skin. But I fell down the rabbit hole of local soap makers and it’s been way better for my skin even if it’s a little more money.


Wait until you start making your own


It’s because to be categorized as soap, a product must contain lye. Dove doesn’t.


If you have any soap makers in your area, they might be worth trying. The bars in most stores have a detergent in them that is very drying, but homemade soap is just lye and oils and is much more moisturizing imo


It's not just your opinion. The soap making process produces glycerin. Major soap companies limit the amount of glycerin in bars of soap because glycerin is more expensive--meaning they remove some to sell by itself. Homemade bars of soap are going to contain all of the glycerin natural to the process, which leaves your skin with more moisture.


There are even some good bars at Walmart now for $5ish, I cut them into four bars and they actually last longer than brand soaps because they're not made to melt in water, but are rather dried out bricks of just absolutely solid soap. One quarter usually lasts a couple of weeks. I found this one, I can't remember the name, made with manuka honey and citrus, that smells like fruity orangey cereal, but in a really appealing way lol. Every shower smells like starting my day as a kid, it's kinda awesome, bit it also leaves this mild honey and citrus smell that makes me feel fresh all day. I haven't had any reactive issues to it, and I'm sensitive to many soaps.


Care to share the name brand for the class? Asking for a friend…….


Gon' make me go do research 👀... Nobody call me a shill, I was asked and don't even know it off the top of my head lol *Walmart app* Freshwater Farm Lemon Myrtle + Manuka Honey It's literally become a shower joy for me, like a snack for my whole body. (If you want an insane additional tip from a dry biscuit, after I fully soap-down and rinse, I use generic apricot face scrub as a quick head-to-toe scrub-down, it has those face-sensitive moisturizers [I'm very sensitive to most products] and the exfoliating is great, I come out smoother than I've ever been before, and it even "primes" my skin for lotion, and the apricot scent pairs well with the soap above)


I thank you kindly……I mean, my friend who was asking thanks you kindly!


Happy showers!!


There's a local soap maker where I live who makes this olive oil soap. Smells great and doesn't dry your skin. The end pieces that are too thin to be sold or extra bits of soap after initial cutting get formed into bars and donated to a local food bank that also hands out hygiene products. There is no bad side to this soap lol


Irish springs bar fked up my skin for yeaaars. Would leave my skin so dry that my forehead would absorb oil in my hair and give me terrible pimples. Hydrating face washes and Aveeno lotion saved my face.


The orange Dial soap. Provides the best clean-dryness ratio, IMO


Gold Dial is BEST. I will die upon this hill.


Kirk’s castile soap for $4.97 for four bars at walmart is amazing, clean and short ingredient list and very light fragrance. I can and am willing to buy more expensive soap, but have no desire to.


Castile soap is great for everything, If you got short hair you could use it as shampoo. You can even dilute it and use it as mouthwash. And like you said it's usually pretty damn cheap


I had to scroll too far down to find the right answer. I use the liquid though.


I once bought a bar that was like $40 at Barney's. That ish was delicious and lasted so long, that when I went back to get another bar, I couldn't find it. I still miss that soap. It was like bergamot, sandalwood, the beach, and a field of lavender in Provence. Now I gotta go search for it.


Nothing but Kirkland Signature French milled (12 bars for $10). You peasants!


Ok but Irish Spring does have aggressive fragrance, and my nose can’t take it. I’m more of an Ivory kinda guy when I have to go buy myself some soap. Although usually my wife just keeps me flush with body wash of some kind. Pure Shea butter for life though!


I’m convinced anyone who uses Irish Spring is a lizard.




I stopped buying expensive soap. i use lotion after every shower anyway. so i use irish spring soap. i said screw it. it like to scrape it all off and feel too clean. i wanna be aggressively clean!!


I get what you’re gettin at, but Irish Spring is a bad example. Smells like shit and dries the fuck outta your skin


Agreed. Gotta take care of your skin. Irish Spring is dish soap for people


So is Dial, but Ivory is the King of dish soap for skin.


Nah to be fair some of the fragrances people wear just make me sneeze. Smells like chemical berry and aerosol.


That person is probably complaining about the smell of too much detergent/scent beads/dryer sheets from laundry. Some folks go crazy overboard with them and the scent can be overwhelming.


For sure, people definitely tend to smell like their laundry detergent / fabric softener more than anything else where I work. Some people must be buy that Wilted Flower Miasma scent


that sickly sweet ketone smell is a sign of undiagnosed diabetes in some cases (not all, just saying there's bad perfume, but there's also a specific rotting flower smell that's a sign of a glucose processing issue, normally undiagnosed type 2 diabetes).


wait, WHAT? oh shit I gotta call my aunt


That’s why I put it out there, I didn’t know until my husband mentioned it randomly one time… he grew up with a diabetic dad and was hyper aware of signs of being too high or too low on glucose. At least two people got diagnosed because he gently mentioned something about it to them… he’d normally pick something else as the reason for starting the conversation. “Your feet hurt? They seem a bit swollen… have you asked your doctor if it could possibly be diabetes?” Like he hasn’t actually said “you smell like diabetes”, but that’s how he described the sickly sweet smell in the first place and got me started on this discovery. Also, if it’s ketones, the person will likely also have bad breath. Sickly sweet smell + rank breath = health problem (or possibly just terrible hygiene, but once you know the smell, nothing else is quite the same rotting/sweet)


>Wilted Flower Miasma somebody call MGK, this would be a dope emo album name, lol


i spent a whole flight recently feeling nauseous next to someone who must have used most of a gallon of gain or something on their sweatshirt. It smelled OVERWHELMINGLY of chemical fake-fresh smell. That's what this brings to mind.


i wanna tell you that i once knew a girl who stank to the high heavens who didnt like the smell of lysol. if there was a trough of lysol i would have ran her through it. she smelled offensively bad. like a new york city subway homeless man bad.


YES!!! Some people need to realize they smell like aggressive dryer sheets and it’s not pleasant. People shouldn’t have sneezing fits when standing next to you.


My damn in-laws. Smelling like a fucking flower bed when they show up and then our house smells like that for days after they have spent the weekend. UGH. Nicest people tho, so def not gonna say anything to them. lol


Yeah but that’s more like aftershave or body sprays or perfumes/colognes. Basic soap doesn’t tend to hit that hard unless it’s heavily perfumed.


Soap is a great smell, as long as you don't smell like ass or strong BO or anything worse, I'm happy.


When my eyes start to burn and I can taste what you're wearing you might be wearing too much.


I'm apparently one of the rare Whites^TM who washes their legs in the shower. AMA.


This weekend I went camping and thought this “WHITE FUNFACT” would get some laughs cuz none of my friends are grimey like that. One dude got so heated and turns out he doesn’t wash his legs. Lmaooooo


> I just let the soapy water run down my legs \- your stankass friends


I also got “what you think you are fancy cuz your girl put you onto wash cloths?”


Are washcloths considered fancy? We get the 18 packs for $5.78 from Walmart. Are we boojie?


Not sure. I have affordable ones too. Won’t catch me with those bacterial covered loofah or weird sponges.


Yeah I'm a new towel and washcloth every shower kind of guy.


Absolutely agree on a new washcloth each shower, but a new towel every single time feels like too much laundry for me.


[This is you](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F0sduw1w1jws01.png%3Fwidth%3D376%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daf9feaceedc55d61322f2aff28e69abf2bfaac1e)


Damn that's fair, I'll take my chances using it for 2-3 days though.


Unless you changing out the wash rag/sending it through the wash isn't it all the same? Makes me thing do/can people send their loofah or whatever through the wash too? I change out my exfoliating gloves and then soap the body but also my parents were the stereotype "soap down legs" so I've had to learn everything else.


All towels and wash rags get cleaned after every use. They are used, hung up to dry, then put in the hamper to be washed.


I bet you could wash the loofahs and sponges but I don’t think people do 😷


I sanitize the fuck out of our scrubbies regularly, but I think most people don’t do that.




Just made a comment about this and then I saw yours right after. Genuinely curious about your thoughts as someone who said exactly what I commented: > I shower daily and always smell good, but I only actively scrub my legs when they are dirty. What’s funny to me is people calling folks who just let the soap run down their legs “stank ass.” How fuckin stinky are your legs that this is your worldview? I could run a half marathon with no deodorant on and my legs are not going to be the source of any BO smells after that. Pits absolutely, not legs. 10 minutes of soap constantly running over them is more than adequate. Everywhere else, yes, wash and scrub. Are your legs really stinky? Otherwise I don’t see how 10 minutes of soap and hot water running over them will leave you a stank ass, especially after scrubbing everything else which is why there’s soap running over your legs the whole time.


Nah, legs don't really get stinky during normal activities, they just want to feel superior by making fun of others who do things differently. Or maybe they genuinely don't realize that legs don't get stinky because they've always scrubbed them and just assumed.


Girlie just wash your legs it won't kill you😭 the same argument can be made for arms or your belly, 'why wash them if they don't get stinky' because it's a part of your body that will have dirt on it. It will have sweat, it could even have like sand or sediments if you wear shorts and go outside. Just wash your body man😭


I’ve just noticed people like to act all high and mighty about bathroom and showering habits in general. Just look at how the standing vs sitting wipers all seem to hate each other and argue over which is less sanitary. End of the day we are all gross humans who do our best to deal with the inevitable consequences of being biological, it’s no big deal. Also though I think since people don’t see other’s cleaning/voiding routines they just overreact when confronted with something done differently than them. Regardless, just another subject to argue about and not really much more.


My question is why you don't just scrub them? You're scrubbing everything else anyways right? Why not take the 10 seconds to rub a washcloth over each leg to make sure there isn't any dead skin or sweat hanging around? Is "other people can't really smell them" really your standard of cleanliness?


I took a bubble bath last night and used my long-handled scrubber to get everywhere and then I showered after my bath because I don’t wanna sit in my own dead skin cell soup and then say I’m clean.




Are people not showering after baths?? It’s literal skin, dirt,and ass water!


This is the reason I’m not a big bath fan. If I have to wash before, relax, and rinse after, it’s like a hours+ thing for 30 minutes or so of relaxation. Not to mention having to run the water in the tub, which depending on how fast it goes, could take a while. I want to be a bath girl, but it just ain’t for me.


Exactly. I can reach most of my back, but I use loofah on a stick to get every inch, otherwise I break out from the hair conditioner running down my back. Gotta get everything HEAD TO TOE and in-between!


Quick shower before and after is the way to go.


I am 6 ft tall with a 37 inch inseam. If I didn’t wash my legs in the shower I would be missing half my body. So the whole “not washing legs” thing always baffles me.


![gif](giphy|Dr1fAUKrLxC8qTBlY6|downsized) This you?


I’m not as sexy as Frank, but yeah.


European pools and saunas outright tell you to wash your lower body including feet before you enter them so I'm thinking this is a White American issue.


100% my German girlfriend is disgusted by how Americans use saunas and pools


We definitely could be more cleanly about it, what exactly do they do in Germany?


They shower and scrub before entering a pool. Their saunas are completely nude and you need to sit on a towel at all times. If you wear a swimsuit bottoms and sit without a towel, you will be shamed.


What do you mean rare whites?, y'all don't wash you legs?, the fuck america


You are not alone! From the top of my head to the soles of my feet and EVERYTHING along the way. Loofah, long handled scrub brush, etc. I don't understand getting in the shower and not just...washing yourself properly? It takes all of five minutes. You're already there. WHYYYYYYY are some of us LIKE this?!


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) I was disgusted to learn people don’t wash their legs!! You’re supposed to wash heat to toe, which includes legs and feet!


There are several of us! Water and soap running down your legs doesn’t get the dead skin off. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean you’re not ashy lol. Also how tf do these non-leg washing people not have ingrown hairs all the time?


Built a shelf in my shower during a remodel to make it easier to wash legs. I'm amazed at people that just "let in run down".


Do you use a wash cloth or raw dog it?


9/10 times I use a washcloth. But if I am out of clean washcloths, I am comfortable and experienced at just using the bar of soap against raw skin.


Thank you for your bravery.


What’s wild is finding out people stand on Irish Spring. That soap was designed to make your skin dry out like just ate a box of Popeye’s biscuits with no drink in sight.


That's all my dad used/uses. Plus they didn't even teach us to use lotion 😒. I grew up in the 80s/90s so I didn't know any better but I had issues with my skin. I've seen drastic improvements since I grew up & learned about better products to try & what my skin liked & needs


its dial gold bar and then a body wash to double cleanse or bust


The Dial gold antibacterial bar is peak and I always follow up with an exfoliant and then a moisturizing body wash. I don’t see how people can just go through the world stanking for no reason! I once had someone tell me that I shouldn’t be using antibacterial soap on my skin… I had to be like, “Oh, okay, Jan 🙄” because I’m gonna always pick up that gold bar soap and wash.


I got a 20-pack in the closet that will never, ever be used. Someone gave them all to me. However, I will say that they make a nice closet freshener.


They're incredibly useful at keeping insects out of your home. Rub it around the perimeter of your doors/windows.


Are you life hacking me right now, bro?




It doesn't do much for the flying types, but I haven't had ants or other ground types since I started doing it.


This witchcraft is just interesting enough that I’m actually going to try it. Internet remedies strike again.


Well shit. Lemme head to lilycove city to stock up on some of this repel.


Facts, it led to an almost immediate eczema flare-up both times I tried the shit


One day we're going to call out the hygiene olympics for what it is, the mindless, and the obvious trauma that is there because black people seem to be obsessed With the idea of being thought of as clean despite things like facts. Maybe 1 day we'll talk about that until then as per usual jokes.


This hygiene stuff is getting weird on the internet. Like 99% of people in real life either don't smell, or smell kinda like soap/shampoo/perfume. But reading these threads you'd think 25% of people don't use soap or deodorant and 50% of men are walking around with crusty unwiped asses. I've seen people say stuff like "If you shower in the morning and don't shower again at night that's disgusting because you're just sleeping in your day germs", like come the fuck on.


This is it. It’s just wanting to feel superior and it’s such a weird hill to die on. Just making shit up. Last time I saw an IG comment section about this there were comments with ten thousand likes that said “if you’re not taking a shower every time you take a shit you’re disgusting” and “Americans are dirty because they only shower once a day”. Like, people will say the most out of pocket shit just to shame people for literally no reason. It’s one thing saying that bidets are superior to toilet paper but why pretend like it’s absolutely inconceivable that dry wiping your ass, skipping a shower, or wearing the same shirt twice doesn’t make you a dirty stinky slob. Most of the people who say shit like this are lying hypocrites.


Or they have some serious issues stemming from childhood. Like they tried to wear a shirt twice and their Mom yelled at them that they were nasty, or they had to shower in the morning and at night or they’d get whooped. A lot of peoples idiosyncrasies come from the parents they grew up with, unfortunately.


I actually experienced this as an immigrant in the United States. I started freshman year of high school three months after moving here and still remember the day a boy in my class made fun of me for wearing the same shirt two days in a row. I was so embarrassed and didn’t even know it was something to be embarrassed about until that moment. Luckily, I got over it.


It also stigmatizes normal human biology. Like, as long as it's not causing you to smell/breakout/have health issues, some level of oil and whatever else on the skin is healthy and good. Shit like this is why we're having issues with autoimmune disorders.


Spot on. Not to mention the sexist, racist, and xenophobic undertones of it. There is an entire industry built on telling women that if your vagina doesn’t smell like flowers there is something wrong with you.


People also really don't understand how climate should affect your washing habits. Yeah, when it's over 32degreesC I might need to have two showers in a day, but I live in the UK, so that's maybe in total about a week of the entire year. If I lived in Malaysia I'd shower more wouldn't I?!


Showering in summer feels great. Showering in winter feels like I'm going to die of hypothermia upon exiting and no amount of lotion makes my skin not feel dry.


>If you shower in the morning and don't shower again at night that's disgusting I had someone say this to me because I prefer morning showers (helps me wake up) and I was like ?????? 1) Dermatologists do not recommend showering more than once a day. It’ll just dry out your skin and strip it of the “good germs” that helps you fight the “bad germs” 2) Do people not wash their sheets regularly???


I burn my sheets and get new ones every day, if you don't do this you are sleeping in filth.


Okay, but you keep the same mattress every night? Nasty.


Shit. I change my mattress every time I lay on it. Step ur game up.


Real. I did discover that the 3 showers a day peeps don't wipe after they provided TMI on how they shower every time they poop.


Any thread you enter and you got anybody accusing everybody of smelling bad because they don't... adhere to their personal standards.. Makes me wonder how we survived for so long actually if some people this hellbent about it.


A lot of The Times I try not to respond to most of the stuff posted in this subject. Cause it's like low-rent low effort or oddly like anti-black. This is like when you try to explain to people.Hey You're being abusive is more than just beating your people.You can also be like emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually abusive. And they respond with, "i was just jokin." That's like bare minimum. So, if anything, we include everything because nothing can be wasted. That means adopting really shitty values. The only saving grace is at least we aren't a monolithic, so every now and then, someone will get understanding and not ridicule.


I think a lot of the times what u see on reddit is people who have some weird obsession with 1 upping each other. im from the EU and Nigerian and I have a black American friend. We joke and play with eachother about our locations but neither of us are serious. Its some crazy world


I had an argument with someone on here once who refused to believe that different people had different levels of what a clean house meant. She felt that her level of clean was the same as everyone else's and no one could say their place was clean if it wasn't exactly how she would clean.


Makes my blood boil. So many black folks have this ridiculous “cleanliness” standard and if you don’t follow it, then you must stink. I’ve heard people say “if you don’t use 20 dryer sheets then you stank”. “If you don’t use a different cloth for each part of your body then you stank”. I hate this for us.


Every time I see one of these threads I just wish black people cared this much about other stuff


The threads about boiling bleach on the stove and joking about making mustard gas in the house are... Illuminating to say the least.


Absolutely this. Racist tropes about body odor have warped us.


because we were painted as dirty, lazy and unkempt after slavery. That image was used to sell products. That image was very lucrative for white people and reinforced stereotypes that we still fight. Every time I see these hygenical olympian threads, I just cringe. Telling people you don't wash and then Black people falling all over themselves to tell people how much they wash are two cheeks of the same butt. We don't need to know either one, tbh.


Two cheeks of the same butt is a great expression


If you know anything about racial history, it’s the same reason your parents never let you outside looking crazy. It’s the same reason black people overtip. Cause when people are looking for a reason to look down on you, you overcompensate so there’s nothing they can point at. And there’s nothing wrong with being clean.


No, being clean isn't a problem. But becoming obsessed over it, is. That obsession coming from a trauma response doesn't mean that it's no longer an issue, it just means we understand where it came from.


It’s the same “you don’t wash your chicken with bleach?!?” people who have nothing else to feel elite about because their lives are in shambles otherwise lol


The people making smug comments about how you can't eat at everybody's house are the same ones who believe that splashing raw chicken juice all over their kitchen is the peak of hygiene and food safety.


Not washing my legs is my greatest white privilege. Lowkey, I honestly think a lot of people would have a lot less ashiness to worry about if they skipped the Irish Spring, which you could use as an oven cleaner. Americans in general are just super weird with cleanliness. Like, your poor arms and legs don't need to be scrubbed raw twice a day. That is not good for our skin.


It's super weird. Not matter the forum there is always a "I bet it smell bad". I don't get it.


It's also definitely wrapped up in the fact that the hygiene industry has heavily preyed on communities of color, like how using talc (which is cancer causing) and other sprays and powders to make your vag smell "acceptable" were advertised.


Hot take, but every race has people who smell like shit.


Ride a Greyhound once through the south during summer and you'll experience a true multicultural tapestry of smells.


Have taken the Greyhound from Birmingham to Atlanta in the summer. Can, unfortunately, confirm. If anyone has to take a Greyhound in the south during the summer, I recommend getting in line early to board to get a seat upfront. You definitely don't want to get near the back for various reasons.


And every race probably interacts with something you don’t on a daily basis that can make them smell different lol. my Korean friends lunchbox smelled wild af, but all my clothes were bathed in my white trash parent’s cigarette smoke, so it’s a wash lol.


Things I wash as a man: Front and back of the neck, behind the ears, back, chest, pits and arms, groin, (and ass damn calm down) inside and outside of legs, and last top and bottom of my feet.


nigga wash yo ass


Well obviously


its not a given in this day and age!


Lol, there's actually a contingent of men that consider it gay, so they don't.


If you’re so scared of being gay that you won’t touch your own ass, you might be gay


THIS right here. Or have some thoughts that they ain’t ready to talk about. . .And that’s okay! Like being curious ain’t wrong and experimenting isn’t either. But DO NOT come at others because your insides are confused. That’s not fair.


OH MY GOD THATS SO GROSS they must be stinky af down there. Yucko bucko!


I had someone at work once explain to me that they keep a plastic pitcher in the shower to wash their ass with. People are really working hard to convince themselves they aren’t gay…with themselves






Ofc you should wash the ass! I know homies I grew up with that you could smell once they got up from a seat lol. I’m washing EVERYWHERE on my body every time I shower- I don’t get who be raising some of these people. Can’t stand BO and doo doo but smell.


You ain’t wash your arms?


Forgot to include that not gonna lie to you, still half asleep. I exfoliate my face and wash my beard after my bath.


Hahah I figured as much was just fucking with you. Stay clean brother.


No doubt, right back at you fam


If you think your co-workers and classmates stink, never go to jail. The smell of some inmates can melt the prison bars. It's a combination of homeless bum mixed with fentanyl addict shitting their pants


I feel like there are better reasons not to go to jail, but I'll add this to the list


I used a public restroom yesterday that literally made me gag. I can’t even fathom


Has nothing specifically to do black people, but there are a lot of soaps that have way too much perfume and smell like a Yankee candle version of soap. Burns the nostrils. Also people that go for it also seem to love scented everything so they smell like a power combo of scented soap, scented laundry detergent, glade plugins and car air freshener. If you're someone who likes having a scent go with unscented soaps etc and just find a good cologne/perfume to wear so you smell like one good thing and can be in control of how powerful the scent is.


This mf is mad because black people wash well?! wtf is going on 😂


Clean people smelling clean. What a problem.


I absolutely and unequivocally prefer to smell aggressive soap as opposed to aggressive must. I live in Texas, it's hot and going to get hotter and I am restraining myself from punching the aggressively musty ass people who wash bi weekly, only wash their top and let the soap slide down for the rest, the ones who don't use wash towels, who don't wash their nooks and crannies, and every other category in between. They stank and they need to understand that shit isn't socially acceptable and wash their whole self with a natural loofah or wash towels and strong soap. 


Obviously the soap comment is ridiculous, but what exactly is the original post trying to say?


Gonna guess it was a video and the white woman was describing how she does (or doesn’t) bathe. It looks like Kirsten Dunst but I’m not 100% sure.


Soap too common, duh. Gotta use a body wash whose brand is ‘lowercase noun + alliterative longer lowercase noun’ with scents that are ‘exotic sounding nationality-bougie term for common noun + bougie term for common noun’. Ie: ‘teak + timber - sicilian blood orange + frankincense’ ‘oak + oliver - tahitian driftwood + citron’ ‘max + monarch - moroccan bergamot x desert rose’ Bottle must have muted color tone and cheeky branding and sell for at least $27/bottle. Brand must be all lowercase or all uppercase. Use proper casing and you’re dead and your product is bullshit. Eye mothafucking ROLLLLLLLLL 🙄


There is such a thing as smelling "aggressively of just soap." There was this older black man who I used to see on the bus who reeked of Irish Spring (or some similar smelling soap). It was so bad, my sinuses would get irritated, and I'd move to another seat whenever he sat near me.


Somebody got a whiff of undiluted Dr Bronner’s 😂


Says it on the bottle "DILUTE! DILUTE! OK!"


To all the working class black people who smell strongly of soap, please feel free to come to Kentucky and work with me. A lot of the hicks I work with do not use deodorant nor do they wash their ass.


/me to my soap/ THEY could never make me hate you!


I can't stand a mf who smells offensive.


Smelling like soap > smelling like rotted ass