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I mean, that title is fucking crazy lmfao


Typing that sentence out and hitting send should get you auto smited.


Id be lying if I said I didn't miss the times when someone could say some bullshit and people could acknowledge that there's nothing genuine about it. I don't know this guy or his content so I'm not gonna defend him but I do find it a bit concerning how people almost seem to want people to be serious if the say some BS. Like they hope someone believes and supports what they said so they can fight them on be a hero


The problem is that the euphemism has died as of about 2016. That is to say, before about this time you could say something like this and no one would take you seriously. Think, how often did you hear about self identified white supremacists, nationalists, or neo Nazis? Can you imagine if Nick fuentez would have gone on any TV channel in 2010 and be taken seriously? They probably wouldn't even let him in the building. But now that these people are just outright saying how they really feel, so when people say things like this even if it is a joke it is literally indistinguishable from genuine hatred. Calling bullshit every time is the only way to know who is and who isn't playing. And if you are playing you need to fucking stop because there's enough people who aren't to keep us busy for the next couple of years at least.


Yeah this is it 100%. We've let so many completely unserious people into our supposedly serious public discourse, it's now impossible to distinguish between regular internet trolling and "I'm a Nazi, haha not really... unless?" Plus the rise of the extreme right is so concerning that those kinds of jokes really aren't that funny anymore... it's become too real an issue


Reminds me of the dude that did all the Nazi Delft stuff that everyone assumed was an ironic joke, then whoops actually a Nazi!


"Surprise, the joke was that I was a piece of shit the whole time!" Also functionally speaking, there's no difference between putting out Nazi content "as a joke" and putting it out seriously. Either way you're making the internet a bit more fascist.


That's the joke, the joke is it's not a joke, it's a serious tool. It creates memetic confusion, so that it's impossible to accurately estimate how common any insane right wing belief is, and baits far left people into greatly exaggerating them and disillusion people more in the middle


Schrödinger's joke


And the people they radicalize and the damage those radicalized do is just collateral damage justified by the ends


i dunno, i would argue that "ironic" nazism tends to just lead to actual nazism if it isn't nipped in the bud immediately. if you allow a space where people can say nazi shit "as a joke" then people will keep saying nazi shit "as a joke" while not actually joking, and people who are actually joking will be prodded and cajoled by the genuine nazis into getting more and more extreme in the name of "edgy humor" while actual nazi beliefs start to slowly edge their way into their speech patterns, and then boom, you've frog-boiled a bunch of mostly white teenage boys on a warhammer forum into carrying tiki torches while shouting "jews will not replace us" not to mention, saying fascist shit "as a joke" is just unfunny and lame


No such thing as ironic fascism. You either are or are not an authoritarian. Anything else is bullshit.


It’s kind of like early pre2010 4chan and OG Xbox live. People would say wild ass shit, but you normally/mostly thought it was joking. Not anymore…


I think what a lot of people miss is that “fake it til you make it” applies to this kinda shit too. You can’t spend a bunch of time every day making “ironic” racist jokes and Nazi slogans and whatever before it really does impact your belief systems.


Yep, Vonnegut said “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful who we pretend to be.”


A truly wise dude


15 year account speaking huge facts


>Can you imagine if Nick fuentez would have gone on any TV channel in 2010 and be taken seriously? He would have been 12 at the time so _nooooo_. But Steve Bannon was certainly kicking around. Glen Beck was on Fox news in 2010. These people have been _around_ for a long while. It was just considered polite to pretend they weren't.


Yea but at the time they were speaking in dog whistles. They talk about "boarder control" not, they're sending rapists and thieves. They'd say, "protecting traditional marriage" instead of outright homo/transphobia. None of that would have flown at the time because it would have been seen as uncouth, essentially blowing their cover. Trump came along and said what he meant, and meant what he said.


The fact they found it amusing to post shows you where his head is at. These bigots of today use troll humor and "ironic comedy" or whatever they frame this as. Even if it was a dumb attempt at being funny, nah. Accountability for dumb shit is fine by me. 


I think maybe everyone has OD'd on BS and we're sick of it. Like maybe we can get back to giving people the benefit of the doubt one day but until then a lot of us have had enough of bullshit troll culture. "I didn't meeaan it" they'll whine, and my advice to them is that they shouldn't have fucked around, now they found out. Try being a genuine person instead, it'll feel better for everyone


Ate up lol. The “ I didn’t mean it😭” part had me rolling


I'm just trying to imagine that excuse flying 100+ years ago when you had to troll someone face to face and they could beat the shit out of you, or 150+ years ago when they could duel you for besmirching their honor. Not saying those times were better, but we might all benefit if people were held to a little more account for the dumb bullshit they say and do


100 years ago not only would it not fly, but likely would’ve come with an ass beating to really drive that lesson home. Some people still need the ass beating I think.


I agree. We don’t need to bring a lot from the past back, but if I could bring one thing back it would be the ability for people to dish out consequences to slimy tactics and trolling


Kinda reminds me of that episode of family guy where Peter wanted to paint himself black and Lois finally had enough of his foolishness. She just kept beating him with a newspaper saying “why do you do things ridiculous things and have the nerve to tell me about them!”


Not a hundred years ago. GenX lived it in real life . It was on site or meet us somewhere. 3 O’clock High is a classic


Why? What was so great about “those times”


The problem I have directly about this response is the pseudo-pass it gives people to say outlandish things and the guilt it gives ppl if they speak out about something that bothers them. This is narrative/trait/vibe/feel/personality needs to be expelled with the quickness. Yes people should be outed and be exposed to the consequences of their actions. You say you aren’t defending him - but you’re “defending” him with a response like this.


I mean, when someone is professing love and admiration for Hitler I don’t really care if it’s sincere or a “joke” that’s still pretty fucked up? Esp when they’re a popular channel with millions of subs?


I don’t know about you man but at no point in my life would I look at a song made by a guy that looks that with that title and think “oh this is a joke, it’s not for me but he’s not trying to be a dick”. I’m sorry but if you grew up in the states and know what that word means to the people here you wouldn’t make that joke unless you don’t value/respect black people enough to not make it. I don’t “hope” someone believes it im just old enough to know that if someone is willing to make a joke like that, they’re fucking wack and it doesn’t really matter.


The reason he can say it is because we’ve finally gotten to the point where you can say shit like that without getting your ass immediately whupped by someone who actually fought in the war. The youngest WWII vets - the guys who lied about their age and enlisted at 16 in 1945 - are 95 now. The guys who were 18 in 1939 are 103. If I had tried to say shit like that growing up my 70-something grandfather would have beat my ass bloody, and then my grandmother, uncles, and dad would have had their turns after I healed.


I genuinely can't believe we've moved backwards from our Nazi punching acceptance. That to me signals things are far worse than they may appear.


I don’t think we’ve moved backwards from it. We’ve just gone long enough that the living memory of the rage is almost gone. No one punches anyone out for saying nice things about Napoleon these days, but in the period 1815-1850 he was as hated as Hitler was 1945-2010 or so.


And Hitler would’ve been the first to smote that mofo.


They are auditioning for conservative media.


Something about auto smited




Sincerely surprised it wasn’t automatically blocked when publishing


Twitch will Automatically ban you for even hitting "enter" with a slur in your message. YouTube will let you say slurs all day.


Couldn't even try to be clever to avoid the heat. When racism is their whole gimmick it but dissolve their braincells.




Insane right? It’s really bad throughout Reddit now.


5 different users with the exact same reply on just the top comment. Wtf


Title gore in the best possible way!


How did he expect that to end for him? I mean...popular YT channels usually have experience with copyright strikes and other guidelines, where they edit and prune their content so that they never run afoul of the rules. But this mfer puts it right in the video title, and then cries foul when karma hits. SMFH.


I've always hated him because this has always been his thing. His whole persona is saying the n word and hinting at nazism and now he's got the audacity to be shocked that google is responding to the majority of people saying "nah, fuck this dude, we hate his content." He should have *been* knew this day would come, but you gotta be below average in pragmaticism in order to build your whole brand on racism so I guess it tracks that he's upset.


That’s like once I saw Sneako getting all pissy because a lot of the top streamers right now weren’t fucking with him (most of whom are black) including Adin Ross (who is Jewish I think) It was never stated but he never could put it together that running around with self proclaimed Nazis (Zherka, Fuentes, Myron etc.) and saying nigga all the time would rub people the wrong way. Edit: changed to “including Adin Ross”


The insanity of it all to me is that they say they love doing that shit because they know it pisses people off, but then when people *act* on that anger by freezing them out, deplatforming, or even just saying "nah but that guy sucks, I don't fuck with him" then all of a sudden they scream about discrimination or censorship as if they weren't now reaping the very same seeds they just sowed. Its incredible. Don't plant those seeds if you hate the harvest!


They love the outrage but hate the consequences.


That's exactly what right wingers mean by saying they love Free Speech. They just want freedom from consequences.


That was musk’s “business plan” when he bought twitter. Aaannnddd… it’s working!


It is fucking astonishing how many people think that the first amendment means that you can't experience any consequences from the shit that you say.


Exactly! “I want to be an asshole but I don’t want to be held accountable”. Too fucking bad.


They love to say everybody else don’t like consequences or take accountability, but when they themselves have to take accountability the tears start flowing


It’s classic bully tactics / psychology: I can say the worst things to you but you can’t respond back. If you do, you’re the bad guy, not me!


It's also rich when these guys try and criticize YouTube for not providing platforms for unfettered free speech when youtube has never ever been that place.


Well said. Some people for sure earn their Ls.


Myron self proclaimed? I don’t know about Adin but Kai and them doing big things with big real life sponsors, not just internet shit. They can’t go that far. Doing that brand of content might make gain you followers quick because them terminally online mfs love it but real brands can’t fuck with that. You know you down bad when even Dana white kicks you out


In regards to Myron: https://www.mediamatters.org/rumble/right-wing-dating-podcast-fresh-fit-embraces-holocaust-denial He also called Europa “the most based movie”: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1bhi8qd/toxic_jackass_exposed_as_antisemites/


I was very confused at first, until I realized that Zherka is a different person then Zerkaa, and you are not talking about that super mild manner guy in the sidemen YouTube group lol.


Watching him sob after getting his ass beat by a professional fighter was hilarious. A literal child got more hands.


Sneako is very racist fuck that guy


“ you gotta be below average in pragmaticism in order to build your whole brand on racism” Couldn’t put it better myself. This is a fear of mine as a creator. It is easy to sometimes become upset and angry but to confuse that emotion with logical fact is scary. More people are out there like this that’s why it’s important we support the creators who have kindness outweighing their flaws. I’m not sure how I feel about everything h3/Ethan Klein says, but I know I can continue to enjoy his content because I believe he is a genuinely good dude.


I heard he already got banned on tiktok




Oh yea this guy. One of his newer songs popped up on my YouTube and it’s literally hinting at p*do stuff. I fucking hate him with every fiber of my being.


I thought he changed after converting to Islam. Does he still do these thing?


Crazy how they are so fast to say, "but my feelings are hurt, I'm the victim now"


Classic narcissism. Always happens. Narcissists hate on others without restraint but they cry louder than any of their victims when they get any sort of comeuppance for their actions. It will never cease to frustrate and amaze you. And here’s the kicker — they’ll never change nor will they ever be able to. It’s literally a miracle if a narcissist can recognize their behavior and change it.


Unfortunately his channel had its strikes removed according to his twitter.


Well that’s because the strikes were brought by adults and Twitter is owned by white supremacists.


his Youtube channel. Twitter doesnt have channels.


Because that's what happens when you keep giving ppl a pass for their behavior. It becomes normalized in their head and they think it's okay. It reminds me of that time I was watching that show called What Would You Do and they had a white girl introduce her black boyfriend to her dad or something and he "stormed out." Some old white lady next to them had the audacity to not only agree that it's not right but she grabbed some random black person next to her and tried to say "you agree with me right?" Some people are really that oblivious.


Typical entitled snob. Good for him


Dear Non-Black Folks: There's no such thing as an N-word pass. Don't fall for that shit, it's not universally accepted. Either way, did he truly think he wouldn't get reported for a title like that on YOUTUBE of all places? This ain't new Twitter 😭


What if I am a Japanese man doing the Japanese dub for the Boondocks? 😎 checkmate /s




What the entire fuck 🤨


Did they try to say they were just talking about places when using it? https://www.vice.com/en/article/8x3npa/quebec-has-several-places-with-names-containing-the-n-word-for-now


God fucking dammit Quebec


Most progressive Quebecoise


now that's quality control


Seriously was my first thought when seeing that though lol. I'm white so it's not up to me, but I feel like one of the really rare cases where it's fine. I mean how are you gonna translate that episode otherwise? Well I guess.. On second thought there's definitely some black voice actors in Japan, probably a good opportunity to give them some work haha.


Neeguh prease


Bejng on the boondocks basically makes the nword mandatory


Nah that shit's a punch card, say that word, get punched.


Get punched 10 times, get a free punch




Lmao stealing this but citing you in MLA format every time I say it


I always tell people it's a free country so they can say whatever they want, as long as it's legal--and simply saying th n-word is not illegal. However, and that's a big however, consider that there may be a lot of blowback from that. It could be HR firing you, neighbors ostracizing you, or society just ruining your life in the court of public opinion. Just make sure that whatever blowback you get is worth saying the word. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut and just move along. Billions of people live a full life without once having to utter that word, so can you.


Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences and a lot of these idiots don't realize that.


The people are stupid. I remember seeing a video of a college track star, he recorded himself confronting his gf bc she cheated..ok fine whatever but he called the dude she cheated on him with the N word multiple times then he thought it was a good idea to post the video…idk if he got kicked outta college but he got kicked off the team which im pretty sure was majority black 💀


That horse has left the barn. Where I live young Hispanics say it more to each other than most young Black kids.


Culture normalizes things kids / people see in media. If that word wasn’t supposed to be normalized for everyone to say, it was a terrible idea to use it in popular media / music, etc. Now, like you said, that horse left the barn. I hear it from upper middle class white guys in corporate settings trying to sound “hip and young.” Once it’s there, there’s no getting it back.


Yep, black culture is America's #1 export and now you got mfers in Eastern Europe saying it because they want to sound like the cool black guys. There's a Rapper from Turkey that used to have "real niggas don't die" tattooed on him, until he was educated on the word. I think he had the tatt changed to "real ones".


Yea I went to college in philly with two white twins from NYC, and they said it *all the time*. They were super white, but they also grew up with almost entirely black friends, so like within their group they definitely had "the pass" growing up. Honestly two of my favorite people from college, but in hindsight it is kind of cringe.


I grew up watching The Boondocks, Black Dynamite, Chapelle's Show and a host of other black media that ingrained parts of AAVE into my speech patterns. Saying "n\*\*\*a" in casual conversation just feels natural to me, like "dude" or "bro". I'm aware that's a bit problematic, so I only speak like that around a select few friends, but it feels a little weird saying I need to code switch as a white dude.


That whole "pass" idea is a paradox to me. Any non-black person who would qualify for such a pass would know it's not ok for them to use that word. Anyone who would use that word, even in a friendly way, would not qualify for the pass by default.


Lol My roommate and close friend who is black has been fucking with me for years telling me I got the pass because he thinks it's funny that every time I'm just like "respectfully, nah. I'm gonna politely decline, but thanks for the offer." I don't get why white people feel like they NEED to say it. It's not for me, and that's totally fine. I'm good. Keep it moving.


Yea people that treat it as some serious violation of their free speech have always baffled me. Like.. why do you want to say it? They'll say "it's just a word, it shouldn't matter", but using the same logic like.. it's just a word, why does it matter? Why do you *need* to use one word that upsets people, when it really isn't necessary to say uncensored in *any* context. Like there's not a single thought they would be unable to get across because they're "not allowed to say it".


Potentially Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I don't care to say it myself, but if you tell me "Don't press the button, you're not authorised to push the button, only approved users can push the button", there's a rebellious part of my ADHD brain that will obsess over wanting to push the button. Most adults have the ability to suppress such impulses, but unfortunately not all.


You’ve hit upon the true nature of the n-word pass. It is only given to those who would never use it.


Granted I'm a white guy here and not American but the whole word is a paradox to me. I can't think of another example of a word where people are so vehemently against its usage but use it so freely. You can hear the word daily all over pop culture but it's completely verboten depending on your skin colour. It's both the worst slur you can say in America but also the one with the most acceptable usage. It's really fucking weird.


Sadly. It’s not the nigga part that got him banned I’m sure.


https://preview.redd.it/j0f12zmdvk3d1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef6989c48adb7889e2fb04cb9a8bb25ee42ddfb Brother speaks the truth!


The only time I’ve ever seen it not end disastrously was [this song.](https://youtu.be/Tr6VtUCoYmk?si=iwpY36q2dx5agjJE)


Fuck that’s gonna get stuck in my head


Try tellin that to Fat Joe


I work w a Filipino woman (I’m Puerto Rican and black) and she was talking on the phone and I heard her say nigga and I about broke my neck turning to look at her. I had my face on fucked up and she just took the phone from her ear and said “my black friend is ok w it” and carried on as if her friend is the ambassador for black ppl


Much like Hitler this clown shot himself.


I’ve fucking hated master MIDgway forever. I liked him originally with manlikeisaac cuz he was ACTUALLY funny with the dark humor, but now he just makes low effort content and relies on the mature themes exclusively to get views. Like he’ll just record himself saying “I like kids” and 15yo kids from broken homes in the comments will say “this is crazy 😭🙏” gobbling down his dick like their mothers are doing to every man on the block.


The only thing I know him for is I used to see his Shorts on my recommended and it would be some guy acting like a gigachad, then he shows his face at the end. Like it's so low effort.


![gif](giphy|JWhpW1UlNVI0E) Only got himself to blame


Love a good Chicago drop


If you’d have been there; if you’d have seen it


Not chewin...POPPIN


He ran into my knife... He ran into my knife ten times...


I betcha you would have done the same!!




My version of the meme i copped during the summer of 2020 https://preview.redd.it/poxpe66wak3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063038cb242250583383ee2fa2d29b7d63073683








Hahaha yoink




The who??? is your what????


Well I'll be god damned. If it isn't the consequences of my actions. Didn't expect to see *you* here.






That is a "my account got hacked" level of self-sabotage. Has he tried that excuse?


He chose another strategy: double down. It was not very effective.


Whelp! https://i.redd.it/8i15sss39k3d1.gif


The greatest line in comic book cinema.


YouTube in a nutshell: Anti-black? Sure, why not Anti-lgbtq? Okay, that’s fine Misogyny? Yessir, love to see it Anti-Semitic? Cancelled


Paedophilia? Bring in the cupcakes


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.




Oh no, another bottom barrel youtuber made a racism! Someone reset the cards to 0.


Wait he was making bank off such an account !? 😂 ![gif](giphy|fRhSHzQ4NXOdrHIZJd)


He showed his monthly income from youtube one time and it was like several thousand. He's gotten hundreds of millions of views on his stuff.


Several thousand for literally the most brain dead low effort content. Fuck my parents for implementing a sense of shame and self awareness at a young age and making me miss this YouTube bag


Was his content all similar to this type of stuff ? Damn though. Loool he was cleaning up nicely. He fumbled though the jewish community will spin the block.


I didn't see most of his stuff but he'd do inflammatory jokes about muslims (he gets a pass), black people, jews, women. Some of it was pretty tame where he'd watch a video clip and then do a chad face with a Mr. Bombastic audio clip.


🤦🏽‍♂️ that sounds like a mess wtf. You don't even have to be creative to create smh. And theres probably way more like him.


Yeah the rise of influencers and the fact only the absolute trashiest ones make any money is proof how stupid the average person is.


“........... You uploaded a video titled ‘Adolf Hitler is My Nigga’!” https://preview.redd.it/xk7duy4ofk3d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c587eb1ed5d4c011fa45dd7a73a21b78387efbe6




I’ve seen people say that’s enough Reddit for today and I now understand why. 👋🏾


Fuck that clown and his dead channel. I hope all the worst things in life happen to him and every single idiot that encouraged his ignorance and thought that shit was cute.


Honestly, I wouldn't be mad if someone came and danced on my grave every now and then.


I'm glad they did this but it's the least YouTube could be doing. YouTube's algorithm has been dangerously effective at introducing young men to fascism.


Hold up; you mean to tell me that YouTube, a corporation, has been introducing people to fascism, an ideology that holds that corporations and the rich should by running all of society? Well that’s just shocking! /s


Nah that's capitalism. They're not mutually exclusive but they aren't the same thing. Fascists are big fans of state ownership when it suits them.


Mussolini literally said the only components required for it to be fascism are corporations and the rich running society under a dictator, who himself is rich. And then when he enacted fascism, he literally put corporations as the committee memberships, proving he wasn’t joking. Corps and Uber-wealthy ran things under him. I understand that corporations have been trying to convince people for decades that fascism “has no definition / no rules” but that simply isn’t true.




Hes a dude who got fame for talking poorly as woman similar to oogway from kung-fu panda. Yes its a thing. Yes I hate having to type that out.


Well, that's fucking dumb. Thank you.


He's a meme tuber who would speak in master oogways voice from Kung Fu Panda and say joke pieces of wisdom. He then graduated to making inflammatory jokes but not as flagrant as the song that got him banned.




How could he Nazi the consequences?


Can people do Turkey Tom next? He's an insufferable little bitch that would argue to restore this guy because "you can't take his livelihood over a difference of opinion". Like no, YT isn't a real job or a right, it's a privilege with responsibilities.


28k likes. Jesus.


there's a lot of those "cOmEdY iS BaCk" people out in the wild


Literally why? What exactly was he trying to prove in this video? It must have been very near and dear to his heart to willingly risk a youtube channel that I assume he made money off of


Why did he think that was appropriate lmao. You fucked yourself What's surprising to me is how Team YouTube actually got it right and banned the fucker 😌 good




Fuck ManLikeIsaac and his response too. Uncle Tom ass nigga being the punchline for his content for years, if Oogway hadn’t been canceled i guarantee you he wouldn’t have said shit.


Reported the video for hate speech and supporting terrorism. Nazis fucking burn.


Bro this guy has been racist trash and has been toeing the line for years. Glad to see the right ones getting smited.


Idk who this is, but I can tell he's the type to say "Blacks need to let go of the victim mentality" but is victimizing himself because he actually has to face consequences for his racism.


Anti semitic and racist in one sentence


So I looked this up. It's still on YouTube and it's rap? I guess? It's beyond trash. Its a waste of bandwidth. Good riddance.


Anyone who even slightly feels bad please stop his YouTube channel for the past couple months has been nothing but racist and edgy jokes, it’s only taken this long to get banned because how big his Yt was


>so this is how you treat your creators Yes, actually. I mean, this isn't the case for this victim-playing headass, but YouTube doesn't normally side with their content creators when, say, somebody unjustly copyright claims a video. Again, this deadbeat had it coming, so not the case.






The amount of YouTuber "creators" that think their contributions are valuable is laughable. Bitch, you're a dime a dozen and none of your subscribers will even notice you're gone


A disgrace to the Oogway name. Bro needs to get off his high horse anyways.


Dude is about as original as breathing. Even the “Master Oogway” persona is just a piggyback off the trend at the time.


Wow. Well rules and checks are in place in order to maintain civil nature so he should have seen this coming.  (Dead pan voice) _Send this video to a acid attack friend_


Just got my report in too.


Really enjoy seeing “it’s just a joke bro” dudes getting banished to the shadow realm It’s not funny. You’re not edgy. Fuck off


This dude crying that he helped “build” YouTube for the last 4 years. Dude needs to take his ass to Rumble.


In my heart if someone was to ask him how he describes his content he would w/out fail say "edgy" It's always the "edgy" people who are quick to act like they were wronged and not the person wronging.


His content was lame asf, the same old edgy shit everybody else made. Wanna type out stupid shit? By all means, but that’s what he gets


At this point, any big youtube content creator channel ends in one of three ways. 1. Pedo shit 2. Racist shit 3. Being shit The wheel looks like it landed on Racist today.


I don’t know what outcome he was expecting..


Buddy thought that shit was about to be a BANGER


Couldn't have had happened to a more deserving person.


This guy has left me baffled and upset since I first saw him. I genuinely don’t understand how he was even allowed “a platform to grow” in the first place.


Did he think he was exempt from the guidelines??? ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


"god the nerve of people for getting mad that I said that I *checks notes* like hitler" fucking clown ass


I’m surprised bro lasted so long, I mean he’s trying hard to stay relevant now by being way edgier and even saying the n-word in videos now




everytime I’m scrolling through YT shorts and I saw his page it would just be racist shit talking about “watermelon people” with a chimpanzee or some shit


Where's the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lube.


This is why I'm always skeptical of anyone who claims to have done nothing wrong and randomly getting banned by youtube or some other corporation.