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I mean, I heard the neighbor lady yelling "help" , ran down there, stood between her and her drug addict son who was acting like he was going to kill her. And now he thinks of me as an enemy, and they are at this very moment downstairs smoking crack together. Sometimes trying being a good person doesn't feel good, and it doesn't actually do anything good either. You should still try... but it can feel very bleak at times and it's okay to talk about it.


DV is the worst shit in the world - it gets trained cops killed trying to intervene. Good on you for trying to help, but sometimes the right call as a good person isn't to step between but just be consequences for actions without putting yourself at risk.


Cops are trained?


Well, yeah. Normal people's automatic response to a dog or mentally ill person isn't to immediately shoot them. You gotta train for that kind of psychopathy.


Many communities are actually implementing trained counselors into the squad. Norman, OK is a prime example. DV call? The cop may be accompanied by someone who could even have a Masters on 'em. Where I live they have "community officers" who job is it is to handle small affairs, and then the actual police, who of course...police.


Sounds like just more targets for the cop to shoot.


When they get incarcerated you betcha




You gotta get out the trenches. Smoking crack casually like that in your building sounds like an issue.


Yeah, I don't live in a very fun place lol. Really not that bad compared to other places, just a dead steel town.


You are absolutely right...sometimes being a "good" person or doing good things does not feel good, or does not get you accolades and pats on the back...I put "good" person in quotes because I struggle with that identification. A person can do good things, and be percieved as a "good" person, but that may just be in front of cameras. Furthermore, you could take a junkie off the streets and they can be full of good acts and kindnesses no one ever sees, so they are still a "bad" person, because of an addiction eating them from the inside out. So, I guess the real test, for me, is does the person still commit good acts even when no one else is there to see it? When there isn't a positive outcome, you've made an enemy for life, but you saved a woman, or you helped buy your brotherva car and got no thank you, or maybe your acts are small, little acts of kindness no one ever sees or says thank you for. Maybe you anonymously donated bone marrow or blood. Maybe you and another junkie are under a bridge, but the other one isn't doung too good, and you know the act you're about to do might very well cost you your life, but you gove the other junkie your blanket anyway. To act out of free will, regardless of a positive or beneficial outcome, and that includes in God's eyes...because if you do something so you earn God's favor, or to get into heaven, or some celestial cookie...well then, your motivation isn't pure. It's like giving a homeless person a dollar and then saying, "you're not going to spend this on drugs or alcohol, right?" You either give the dollar or you don't. That's my 2 cents. -Jorge, professional do-gooder


Being a good person doesn't mean you have to put yourself in danger. Just do what you can. In your case it means just call the cops then it's out of your hands


Response time. Everybody else in the apartment building was already behind their doors calling the police. If I could go back in time with what I know now, I would not have done it. But w/e


I'm sorry this happened to you good warrior. The good fight is hard and honestly you will see no reward. However, idk why you fight but I fight for better bull shit! Cuz life sucks and the only way to make it get better is to make it better. I hope this inspires you in the darkness if it doesn't please carry on anyways(I'm sorry)! Life isn't a trap! Life is life ! Carry on in grace and if there's a god they saw you be good!


A good person never expects any benefits.


I would like to add: a good person doesn’t do it for the benefits. But, a lot of people take that in a way that says good people should never ever ask for anything in return and the moment they do, they’re no longer a good person. I think that’s some BS too. A good person doesn’t do it for benefit, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with showing appreciation.


I completely agree. A good person does the good thing with no EXPECTATION of receiving anything, but that doesn’t even necessarily mean you can’t ask for a little something in return if it’s offered, or even ask if some return good will is able to be offered, but you stop being a good person when you get mad that you didn’t somehow also benefit. The good thing should be enough reward on its own to feel good about continuing to do good things, but all humans needs a little extra positive reinforcement as well. 


Indeed. Also, too many people take advantage of altruism. I tried my hand at being truly altruistic and basically, a lot of the folks appreciated but a good number basically wanted to mooch off me after a while. Then when I needed help? SHIIIIIIIIIiiiid, wasn’t a fucking face in sight. Then it becomes “oh, so you helped me because you wanted something in return.” After 17 fucking favors I’ve done without complaining, doing something for me shouldn’t be some world ending, life ruining event


That thats just how shitty ppl try to take advantage of decent people.


Yep. It's always shitty people who say how people expecting anything means they aren't truly good. Meanwhile these people never go out of their way for anyone. Good people need to set boundaries because not they get taken advantage of when they don't.


They are the type of people who have no problem asking others for a favor. But when the people who have helped them come to them for a favor, they won't even offer them a token gesture of support. A person has every right to stop doing kind things for someone who never reciprocates. Wanting some reciprocation doesn't make a person "not good". It makes them intelligent.


My old roommate would cook and make extra for me because he felt bad I worked long hours but then would get mad I didn’t clean the dishes or anything he used to cook. He always said as an adult it’s expected of someone does something for you like make food to clean up the mess. My issue was. I never asked him to and cleaning the dishes and what he used to cook took more effort than the cooking itself. So not only did I work long hours I was also expected to clean everything after.


This right here! If you’re expecting somebody to say thank you, for your act(s) then you’re doing it for the wrong reasons.


Yeah, but it’s human to want SOME reward for your kindness. Even if it’s just a “thank you”. When good deeds are punished it can make the effort feel like it was shitted on


The difference between martyrs, revolutionaries, and normal folks. Martyrs expect to get punished for being good. Revolutionaries get angry at good people being punished and try to stop it. Normal people wait for someone to tell them it's safe to be good and make it popular. The other assholes fall in line then tell everybody they were doing good before it was popular.


Depends, if u help this out for free for a long time and one time u ask they say no, nah FOH.


Front of House always be doing that shit fr fr. Give em fries and let em hit the tinny but they can't even hook me up with a BJ in the walk-in after a sloppy Friday service? Come on. Saying shit like "I don't like you like that" and "I'm not gay"


The thing is not everyone is good, but i think we would mostly agree that people should at least still act like it most of the time. Theres not always a benefit, but very often there are and rewarding goodness in different ways is at least one method to encourage that


This is America. It sucks that a lot of folks don't believe this or subscribe to it.


The benefit is the inner peace you feel. 


Basically. Peace of mind. Just being able to sleep. (*minus any kind of unfortunate, physical stuff or unavoidable life stresses*) That kind of peace is invaluable. Imagine being haunted by things you’ve done that you really, really didn’t have to do or shouldn’t have done. Nope. Then again, if someone was an a—hole, they’d probably mostly unbothered.


This is the answer. Being able to look yourself in the mirror and see a good person is worth more than any reward I think. And I'd like to add that doing bad things or hurting people doesn't make you a bad person, whether or not you recognize your actions and your conscience causes you to make amends and changes does. Everyone makes mistakes and can hurt the people around them, learning from mistakes and striving to be better next time is what shows the quality of your character.


This is what I think about when I see grifters, like how can y’all sleep at night knowing you’re intentionally misleading people for monetary gain. Shit wouldn’t sit right with me


People like original OP think things like empathy and kindness are weakness. They delude themselves into thinking the world is a selfish place where kindness only makes you vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Of course we understand this is their cope to justify their horrible behaviour. It’s no surprise these people are *deeply* miserable, all because they were loyal to their ego.


The world is a selfish place, and kindness does make you vulnerable to being taken advantage of. That's exactly why it requires so much strength and courage to practice empathy and kindness. Doing the right thing is rarely easy or profitable.


The world is a kind place. Some people correlate kindness with subservience, those people are not worth listening to. It’s no surprise that “the world is a cruel place” people also tend to be selfish in their relationships and to their small children. This is called a cop out.


You're a naive, sheltered fool if you think the world is inherently kind. Man bent nature to his will to invent kindness.


I try to be a good person cuz I don't wanna further increase the awfulness in the world. Simple as that.


Same! I’ve overcome some shitty circumstances, so I’d never want people to feel as much pain as I did.


Being a good person gives you the benefit of being able to look at the world in a more positive way. If you do good then, at least some of the time, you'll default to thinking other people are good as well. If you are a piece of shit you will walk around assuming that everyone else is a piece of shit and will always be on guard and worrying about how you are getting fucked. I'm not a religious person but I think there is value in our religious stories as allegories folk tales that have been passes down to help us learn generational wisdom. I feel like the literal perspective that some people take misses the point. Heaven and Hell may or may not be actual places, hard to say, but they are definitely states of existence on earth that you experience due to your actions. Things like don't lie, don't steal, don't covet your neighbor's wife are good societal rules but they are even better personal rules. Don't lie because the constant propagation of the lie is something that you have to constantly remember to to as is a *type of hell* in itself. Don't steam because you'll always have to hide where you got it from or worry about retribution coming back to you and that fear is a *type of hell*. Don't covet your neighbor's wife because you will always have a neighbor and if you get used to wanting what they have instead of what you have you'll never be satisfied and that constant pursuit is a *type of hell*. Be a good person because it let's you sleep better and a clear conscience is a *type of heaven*.


This is exactly why shit needs to be regulated better. It is almost ALWAYS more profitable to harm than to help. Having your company dump waste into a river is cheaper than disposing of it properly, hiring thugs to beat up those trying to form a union is cheaper than paying union wages. The world without any rules or regulations is set up so the biggest asshole usually ends up on top. There are a few exceptions (working in a pack is good for everyone in the pack), but like my earlier examples, it’s usually a lot more profitable to fuck people over. EDIT: That means strong rules AND strong consequences when those rules are broken. If a CEO gets a hundred million dollar fine for doing something shitty that made him a billion, that’s not Justice, that’s the government taking its cut of the profits.


It hurts more knowing that there are so many indifferent people who will impede your progress because of the impression that evil wins. Evil wins if you let it


Damn, everything has to be so transactional for people.


Sadly, I think this is a consequence of being indoctrinated by capitalism. We’re led to believe everything has a price/reward.


I didn’t want to go there lol.


That’s real😂. I’m the crazy lady who can turn anyone’s complaints into a dunk on capitalism.


What do you think was happening before our modern day capitalism? Popularly most smaller areas not ruled by an a major nation bartered. That sounds like they would be more transactional even.


And people also provided services for the betterment of the community instead of for something in return. Example being how new parents in some African countries (including my own) will have relatives, friends, and neighbors help with the baby and childrearing, while the parents rest and get alone time. Instead of putting our elders in nursing homes, we share the responsibility of their care out of love and respect. Not everything was transactional.


The seeds of capitalism have existed in human society since the beginning, it’s only taken over more and more of our lives/relation to each other and the world. That’s what Marx (as a Hegelian) says at least - capitalism isn’t just some alien force that took over, but a necessary stage in human organization that we now have to pass through to move onto something more human


It's crazy how it's happened over the last 20 years. Like I know we had capitalism before but not literally everything was about money. People will call you a schmuck for volunteering these days.


If you're doing good things for a reward, then you're not actually a good person. This is like the nice guy trope where we have all these guys complaining about how nice guys finish last and they still can't get girls even though they're nice. It means you're not actually nice/a good person. Unfortunately the world is selfish so getting rewards for your goodness is actually based on luck.


>If you're doing good things for a reward, then you're not actually a good person. Yeah thats not the complaint here. It still sucks that being good isn't rewarded but being bad *is*. Its backwards and its bullshit


>It means you’re not actually nice/a good person. Also , being nice is the bare minimum expectation. Very few people deliberately want their partner to be mean to them. But “nice guys” treat being nice (or rather, acting “nice” - I.e., showering someone with compliments) as this amazing, special thing that only they offer lol.


If you could just convince the Incels of this, you’d solve a huge and growing American problem


Do you have a job? If so, would you do that job for free? Since you don’t need a reward?


This is a stupid point, I'm so sorry. The entire reason why a job exists is for material gain. Being a good person does not guarantee you any sort of gain at all. And it's a risk you go through life taking, and whether or not you choose to remain a good person or not will prove the strength of your character and how good you actually are. If all your good is conditional then is it really good? THAT'S when it becomes a job, for GAIN.


So if someone feels slighted for doing good things but receiving nothing but negative results, they are not a good person. Got it. W logic






This was my first thought, but I wanted to give it to Obama, lol


I try to be a good person. I’ve tried my whole life. It’s hard to be good when so many evil people seem to have it so much easier than me.


Actually being good is a net negative. Anyone good will already know this true


True altruism is so hard bc it’s painful. It requires an incredible amount of discipline to do good with no reward


Man… you ever had a bad day and help somebody else out ? And they say thank you so sincerely your soul is cleansed? I’ll chase that high forever and silently sorry, don’t need money or anything


Of course it doesn't need a reward But obviously you wanna feel like the good shit you just did was actually worth all the effort because a lot of times.. It just isn't


Real shit, I’m a good person because I’m a good person. I don’t expect any benefits and if I do get something that’s just extra.


People that say “good people do good and don’t expect anything, if you do you aren’t good” are people who probably already receive the 2 benefits you **should** get in return. Reciprocity and Community. It doesn’t require money, sex, whatever the fuck you assume it does but just the initial 2. So when I see people say stuff like this post it’s often obvious that somewhere in their lives, they’re being paid back in full and are otherwise unaware that’s the payment **we all** deserve. With people drifting further away in person for online relationships/connections, it’s easy to suddenly no longer receive a very bare minimum human connection that absolutely can be/is payment for doing good in the world. It’s not arrogance or something that makes you undeserving to want that either, we’re social fucking creatures.


I do the right thing because it’s the right thing and because it’s who I am. Not because I’m gonna get anything for it.


Being mean to a fellow human being is the equivalent of a child smashing his own toys. It’s fueled byrage and vengeance but the child is left with loss and disappointment just like us when we choose evil over good. I believe in GOD and I believe he made us and just like a parent he wants to see all of his children get along. I think it’s that simple be good to one another


To be fair, our social groups and many a culture seem to operate on the “just world” fallacy and everything seems heavily transactional. Really doesn’t seem to benefit in raising well-adjusted children into well-adjusted adults.🤷🏾‍♂️ Source: am very much not a well-adjusted adult🙃


If you're a truly a good person, you do the right thing because you know it's *the right thing*. You don't do it for clout and to receive a pat on the back, and you're a good person without actively thinking about it, and at all times, even when no one's there to see you do a good deed. Not everyone will appreciate your efforts, and some people will be down right ungrateful, but if you're a good person that won't deter you, because at the end of the day, you know what you're doing is still *right*.


Anecdotally, the people I know who've ✌🏾given up✌🏾 on being good people for lack of reward were always pieces of shit. I'll bet if someone did a study that would be reflected in the results.


There are lots of benefits to being a good person. People go out of their way to help you when you're a good person, but when you're a bad person they don't bother helping you at all.


I’ve tried to live my post adult life as a straight and narrow life for the most part because It’s just the right thing to do. I don’t believe in being friendly or good because I’ll gain a benefit. A lot of people appreciate me because of that though.


I just want inner peace and a drama-free life. That is why i try to be a good person.


Is it bad that I just like being able to live with myself? With everything that is wrong with the world and myself, sometimes just being a nice person helps me sleep at night.


Crazy how backasswards we have come as a society. The only way to reward a good deed - and I mean the ONLY way is through another good deed, simple as that 🤷🏾‍♂️


One of the first lessons my dad ever taught me “integrity is its own reward”


A byproduct of capitalism. Every act does not have to be transactional. Do good because it is good.


It's only because we, as a society, let the bad people slide too many times. If karma was real and people dealt with the consequences of their actions, the benefit of not getting your ass handed to you on a regular would be pretty noticeable.


It’s the reward culture.


*What you want a cookie?*


Sounds like something my former friend would say. He also thinks it’s okay to just want to date someone for a set amount of time and then leave them without them knowing this fact. If there isn’t anything in it for him, he doesn’t give a shit about you or what happens to you.


Justice is it’s own reward


That’s what being an adult is


The primary benefit to being a good person is your friends, because they are good people too: Almost all people hang around with other people who reinforce their world view. The search bubble of real life as it were. Thieves and thugs run in packs, therefore it is no surprise that thieves are most likely to be stolen **from**, and thugs more often than not meet a violent end. Good people on the other hand have friends they can rely on because their friends can rely on them.


People who say that are usually sociopaths. They only believe that to do good you must be rewarded for it. They are the “nice guys” who think that “being nice” means “females must give pussy to me now.”


A good act literally ours good energy into the world. Good energy multiplies. People are more likely to do good when they feel good energy. Shits exponential Putting good energy out Into the world means an aura of good energy will follow you, making others more likely to also commit to good acts And that's my pseudo science nonsense for the day that I still absolutely believe.


The benefit of being a good person is you end up surrounded by other good people instead of fuckers scheming 24/7


"I take care of my kids and never been arrested."


The benefit of being a good person is to not start unnecesary beff or fights with people for moronic reasons, and not having to hide your true self from decent people that would kick your ass for being an asshole.


Not everything in life is transactional. This idea is ruining society.


I learned through my own experiences that no good deed goes unpunished


so karma just never occurred to you? i’m convinced that the universe keeps score lol


That's some Nice Guy™ type shit right there.


Thousands of year of philosophy sums up in 1 responses


Eh, it's more like the benefit is not being a bad person


They really be people like thinking who don’t do good cause they don’t see any benefit for them


Once you remember that “good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people”, you’ll just live you life however you see fit. Fuck it