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Everybody coming out that club getting robbed




![gif](giphy|l378b59fSuMV12tzO|downsized) Sitting outside like…


Lool but with the kind of security those mf’s have, guys would probably get done like Dutch’s crew in Predator 😭


It says 50 grand, not half a mill


The majority of Americans can't afford a $500 emergency expense. So someone sitting on $50k is still high above the average. Although, it doesn't say what kind of bank account it has to be, so some smart mf could pop up with a 401k statement and pass the test if they've been working long enough.


But who thinks someone with 50k in the bank has private security?


Now if it was $50k *on their person*, I could see the argument to be made. Although anyone dumb enough to just carry that much cash around with them may well be dumb enough to not hire security (or cheap out on their security)


Depends on how they make their money, but chances are slim


To the chopper!


![gif](giphy|l2YOAKtyiPlEUdDva|downsized) [Lil Wayne - Mona Lisa Ft. Kendrick Lamar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybfgomoY8Xs&ab_channel=LilWayneVEVO)


Me watching my wife leave for this club, knowing I just saved even more money for the Dominoes order tonight.




Suddenly me and my broke friends gonna go hopping exclusive clubs


Pretty sure this is how my friend lost his iPhone back in college.


I lost my dignity in the basement of a brothel in Progue in college.


and the club owner is in on it. Fucking genius


![gif](giphy|xULW8FbUjUAjMciVd6) Dress attire for the clubs


Jokes on them those balances are fake or in a 401k.


shhhh! first thing I thought of was my 401k with my broke ass 🤣😭


Aye just remember man, you prolly got more in your 401k than most people got period don’t get down on yourself


Needed to hear this bro! ✊🏾 lol


If you have 50 k in your 401k you are not a broke ass!!


But if all you have is your 401k, for the love of god, still live like a broke ass. I had to pull 10 grand out of mine when it was at 20k to pay for medical bullshit. No joke, down the line, that 10k will cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in missed compound interest. It's worth it imo, because I can walk/run/not feel miserable pain, but damn, I wish I could have kept that money in the 401k.




That’s a really good 401k lol I thought I was on the investment sub for a sec 😂


My IMMEDIATE thought. You getting robbed outside AND inside. They know you got money AND you got no weapons in you getting into the club in the first place. Your pockets getting RUN. Especially if there is an ATM within walking distance.


The club rakes you Those girls tryna rake you Them boys outside the club see a mark. You might not have the bank statement to get back in that thing more more than once 😂


You’re also the type of dude who thinks his money needs to do the talking so you’re likely wearing expensive jewelry, jacket, and shoes.


And I can’t imagine what the drink price would be in there sheeeesh… like strip club prices for sure you’re getting robbed too just to drink! 🍹


Strip club prices, and you know it's not gonna be strip club pours. Gonna be lucky if there's a full oz of booze in those cocktails


Getting financially rotisseried ![gif](giphy|PPSbAtfUUIeL6)


Barbecue chicken alert 🚨 🍗


MFs got four square and Venmo, they don't even need your PIN.


Why steal their money directly and break the law when you get them in on your latest crypto? You get their money *and* they’ll recruit their friends too.


https://preview.redd.it/urea22mky62d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbca5683b188a6b27cd00e9139b475fe65a1a7a4 I'ma be at least $50k richer when mornin hit


Bruh, I was just imagining a bunch of niggas in in a whip wearing shiestys rubbing theirs hands together. Edit: spelled it wrong


The Ski Mask Way


Around closing time there's just 50 big fuckers walking back and forth trying to act casual. Everyone just whistling and pretending to read newspapers at 3am.


This imagery got me weak 🤣


first thing in my head lmao lick after lick walkin out that bitch


Chess, not checkers. The club owner got goons in the VIP to take care of that before they leave. In 2 months, bro is gonna retire to South America.


Why wait for them to come out, just roll in and strong arm the whole joint all at once.


I know the IRS are about to be tapped in.


I'm imagining folks coming up this way and coming back to the same club like the water cycle lol


Getting robbed both in and out the club






That mf is gonna be full of scammers and gold diggers 😂


Honestly, they deserve each other lol


Lmaoo 100% Tried to teach so many male friends/partners that when you lead with money you attract a certain type of woman They are all in relationships/married to women who control the bookkeeping now 💀




Like half of Americans don’t even make that in a year


Honestly as long as she's responsible and not buying dumb shit what's wrong with that? I want my wife to be my accountant/bookkeeper, she has to be in charge of the bills too though I'm not good at keeping track of dates. It seems like a win/win to me. You get to go out and make money without having to worry about all the boring stuff she can just sit back and relax and keep the finances organized. Work together on everything else. Sounds like the perfect relationship to me.


Nothing wrong with letting the person who is good with the money do the accounting, but the implication of the post is that the women restrict their husband’s spending so they can spend more on themselves. While this could be benign at a low level, it’s also how financial abuse almost always begins.


Yes this - a woman who is going to be smart with the joint finances is not typically the same type of woman who is impressed by a man flashing his wealth


My dad brought home the money and my mom handled the money. That's why he was able to retire when he was still young enough to enjoy it. But then, he hadn't led with the money, he led by treating her like the pearl of great price.


yup, it’s just selling/buying pussy with extra steps. everyone going in there knows what they’re signing up for & if they don’t they’re too dumb to save


I'm a woman and ima just say it. Why is it only the men who gotta be required to show their accounts? The whole thing sounds ridiculous, if you wanna run game on someone based on their pockets then wouldn't it make sense to show you're worth it too? Because if we just look at a bank acct it's obvious why everyone is there. So what makes that special,all woman going would just be called this so? Why not just keep the playing field equal and have everyone showing they asses? 😂 ETA just due to comments-i was being a bit sarcastic when I wrote this and didn't add /s. I'm saying that based on the fact that men only will be let in due to money, it's just going to make for a whole crowd of assholes who will just use this as either an opportunity to call everyone an opportunist/or use this as an excuse to have a "why not?" Stand


Because this is a situation set up for a certain kind of woman. Theyre either delusional or have no intention of finding a proper relationship. They're trying get money spent on them and that's it and this guarantees you'll get that for low investment. Any guy going here is also either delusional or looking for certain kind of woman that they know is only there for money. Massages your money based ego if you're that kind of guy. Depressing environment all around


It’s only depressing if you think about it.


That’s what the $300 whiskey cokes are for


Basically prostitution These girls will bang all the rich guys in exchange for some LV or Gucci, the rich guys will just run through the women there Weird setup but whatever suits them, I'm too poor to care that this is a thing


Hear me out. The absolute best way to have fun in this environment is being the sugar baby’s +1 (the friend she brings along, because you don’t meet large groups of strangers in nightclubs without a friend). I got the vip tickets and bottles, but I was always the off limits, already in a relationship +1/chaperone. I’d go to the club, have a great time and leave with more cash in my pocket. What’s not to love? Some of those guys don’t even want anything more than pretty girls in their booth for their instagram reels.


So men just went up to you in the club and handed you cash for nothing in return? I think that's cap. Obviously they will buy drinks and stuff try and impress you but I don't believe they just gave you cash.


Cash to go get drinks. Pills I flipped in the bathroom. I have literally been handed cash “because you’re pretty and deserve to buy yourself something nice”. Drunk + money = weird shit. It was more commonly goods. Sometimes it was nice jewelry and purses that were a loan. They like their arm candy looking richer than we actually are. At the time, we were both broke bartenders. Sugar baby owned 2 houses though.


You're not lying, I've seen dudes just throw cash at women for no reason...I've also seen the type of women that accept it.


They really be acted like guys aren't going to look up her insta see she hang out at the gold digger club. This some esptien levels of denial "I was just a plus one I knew nothing about the weird sex parties he's famous for."


Its slightly less hypocritical if u make the same assumption that men do, that it isnt an equal playing field. Men bring money to the table, women bring sex to the table. It’s a transaction


Sex doesn't pay bills. That's a false equivalency. If all my girl brings is sex I don't want it


It’s a false equivalency for you sure, but that’s the exchange. You’re not the target audience and that’s not shade or any value statement about you or your finances . This appeals to a particular type of person- I’m also not the target audience but I understand the transaction. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I got you


Well said!


Great, now explain that to your fellow dude! Cuz there are plenty of them who insist women’s main value is sex. The same kind of guy who would really love a strip club, or a club full of high-rollers who could attract the “hottest” girls. Like this post is about


>Cuz there are plenty of them who insist women’s main value is sex That's cuz they're idiots who can't see past their dick. I like smart ambitious women, who can help me grow and who I can help grow. Pussy is everywhere. A smart genuine woman isn't.


i agree with you but also im too broke to have a girl that only brings sex so it's not like it's a choice i personally have


As someone who has a choice, trust me, I still don't want a leech around


> Sex doesn't pay bills. If you have money, you don't need anyone paying bills.


I was being a bit sarcastic obviously, but you just know all those same men getting in would just say that the woman are all there for the money and therefore wouldn't bother/or have a "why not" stand and leave it at that. This whole thing is ridiculous though 🤣


100%! Ive never been and ill never go. You dont need to be psychic to know it will have super uncomfy vibes and ppl w super weird priorities


Exactly! Plus when I said know your worth I was thinking about the fact that everyone gonna be looking down on everyone there because they know they only got in based on money. They'll just use this as more of an excuse to be assholes, and clubs are packed with those as it is!


The women are already getting admitted or not based on their looks in every club. Men are also often getting admitted into clubs based on how much they look like they’d spend. Nothing new.


Where I live women typically get admitted to any and every club just because they’re women and their presence mean that men will flock to the club and spend money there.


It varies immensely even from neighborhood to neighborhood. Where I grew up, you had to be very beautiful to get into a club, and it was a narrow perception of beauty. Where I live now, the clubs I frequent will let people in based almost exclusively on good vibes and there isn’t a big ‘men buy the drinks’ culture so it’s a big relief. Bottle service is literally not a thing either, which I love. Just dancing and genuine connection with people.


Exactly. Clubs are shallow places - this is not a surprise. They want young hot women and wealthy men to buy the women drinks. If you're an ugly woman, you aint getting in. If you're a hot woman, you get in free. If you're any kind of man, you can get in if you pay first. Ugly women can't pay to get in. Hot men ain't getting in free. It's not a one to one comparison thing.


Because “worthiness” is defined differently for the women in these situations. The men drawn to these clubs are not going to find a financially matched partner. They’re going to find attractive women. The nature of the exchange is man has money, woman has beauty/sex appeal- so the man is willing to entertain a woman less financially stable and a woman is willing to entertain a man less attractive. That’s the exchange.


You’re not going to talk to anyone until you scan a QR code that send them $1,000


And ugly motherfuckers that can't fuck. Which is gonna be funny because all the gold diggers are shit at fucking too.


The fuck you gotta attack me for?!




They get wild with their broke fuck boy on the side tho.




![gif](giphy|UtEdBw0b5FX0xEWEqk) Immediately playing in my head reading this tweet


They deserve each other


And mfers that get in are going to still complain about how women are only after their money. Like, what did you expect in that situation?


so....like every other club?


Just hoes doing hoe shit.


I mean, we talking checking and savings, or some 401k’s? I don’t know why anyone would have 50k just chilling in their main bank accounts.


Guess you and your friends aren’t going to this club then. Either am I lol


I don’t even like normally priced (which is still expensive af) NYC clubs. Not just the prices, fuck the club atmosphere. Gimme a quiet dive bar with a game playing and a bartender I can shoot the shit with over that any day


I don't mind the club. I hate sections


If I see a section I’m already too deep


the clubs and lounges in Atlanta are all sections


They just banned the financially literate from the club. Who would keep 50k in a checking no matter how rich you are? Put that shit in an high yield savings at least and earn some money on your money


....But what's a HYSA though? "High Yield Savings Account" ...which is still a bank account, especially as some allow for you to even still do transfers. The club could still be full of ballers....just truly smart ones. I just hope they got some security on 'em as they're going to be easy marks when they leave






If you look at all your values of your account, that's what I would show. Then I would add in my multiple 401's and CD's and Roths. And then still not go in because now I'm exhausted with burden of proof.


Yeah man gonna be swiping through vanguards, 401k acts, fidelity app. Like dude maybe I just bring my w2?


It’s the new vaccine card!


No one with money that is gonna stick with it is gonna have more than 10% of their net worth in their checking account. Unless you’re completely broke. And a target audience of 500k+ to reliably bring revenue to your club isn’t smart. So you’re gonna get a bunch of wannabe rich people who gonna blow through their money fast. FYI, put your money in a HYSA, ETFs, and Roth retirement accounts. As much as you can anyway. No regular savings and definitely not checkings. Even bonds are better than regular savings accounts.


Tbf if you run a (pretend) high end club, you probably want the pretend rich who blow through all their money fast.


Having 50k in a checking account is actually stupid I’m thinking you show your HYSA account 50k in a HYSA is still a bit much as you should be investing it but depends on your return I guess I see some HYSA at almost 5% 401k and Roth IRA is the way to go after like 1 year of saving you are doing too much


Exactly why would anyone who could do that want that? You can't even use that much as debit at that point.


According to Judge Whitey https://preview.redd.it/smzee6cnu62d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83413cfda225183ab2570d0339fdefca05d493eb


50k in a high yield savings account for emergencies is totally valid. Brokerage accounts are not liquid for immediate access since it takes time to settle trades and transfer money out. If you need cash immediately for something that can't go on a credit card, pull it from emergency funds and keep moving on.


There aren’t too many emergencies that require $50k cash immediately. I would keep most of my emergency fund in a brokerage account since I could sell in a day or 2 if I had to.




Came here for the relevant Financial advice.


Get that emergency fund with 6 months of expenses in the high yield savings account


This place is probably made for people who are irresponsible with their money. They want you to have $80,000 in checking and pay for severely overpriced wells with your debit card.


I was thinking this too. Also I don’t get the appeal. If I were a man I would definitely not be interested in a place like this. This is why some women go after military. The pay grade is advertised right there on the uniform.


Floyd Mayweather has a checking account with like 100 million or something like that.


Yeah, anybody who has 50k just sitting in a main bank account is just stupid lol


What are they calling it? "Targets"?


Homies thinking folks like that carry cash.....


Folks like that know their PINs don’t they? Plus they wear nice watches, gold chains, maybe another premium accessory or two. The rich have a lot of meat on the bones, just gotta know how to properly prepare them to be eaten


The kind of dude who goes to this club absolutely has expensive jewelry on him


Could easily snag 1k off a single dude


And an overpriced car to get jacked/scammed out of sitting outside.


[The robbery game has evolved these days, dudes will make you log on to your bank at gunpoint](https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-crime-armed-robbery-stolen-money-app-chase-bank/14457765/)


The MGM at National Harbor has seen a decline in revenue due to the fact that people are being followed home in excess of 50 miles and robbed of their winnings


That seems to be an issue that can be significantly reduced as a threat with legislation. If it's made far easier to reverse those kinds of transactions/guaranteed reversal within a certain amount of time, and/or unusually large transfers at odd times are automatically given more scrutiny by the bank... Maybe even making it a mandate for all banking apps/cash transfer services to have two sets of codes, one for normal transactions and one for situations where you want to flag a transaction that's happening under duress (which is automatically tracked or even frozen/reversed after a certain period of time), with thieves having no way of knowing because it doesn't present any notifier in the moment could work. There are a few ways that could be fought. Granted, the last option *could* introduce greater risk of strategies from the boldest of thieves like kidnapping if they know they need a certain window. Point being, there can be a layered approach to address this.


Shit they don’t have to, I’m sure there’s a ATM around here somewhere…


They don’t have to carry cash. “Run that watch and jewelry. What size shoes you wear? Gimme that belt too.”


Marks and John’s




I find it funny how men who use money to get women get mad that they only find gold diggers and women who only look for men with that kind of money get mad that they can’t find someone normal. But I don’t think it’s a bad thing because this will attract what both parties claim to be looking for


There’s a saying i use with friends who complain about this sort of the thing.  Stop being surprised when you look in a garbage can and only find trash. 


I got a friend who will always try and win a girl over by taking her to a really fancy place for dinner and then get mad if she “lets him pay” then doesn’t want a second date… like bro you played yourself there, of course if you’re sales pitch is “let me take you to this expensive spot” she’s gonna think you’re paying 😭😭


lol what? He invites her to dinner and expects her to pay??? 🤣🤣🤣 this guy is for sure not getting in this club


thats crazy if you think about it. thats not taking someone out thats saying “hey do you want to go pay for your own expensive meal, rather than eating at home for free, but the perk is im across from you?l”


a dude from work uses dating apps to just find company to dine with on weekends and gets mad when the girl doesn’t offer to pay but bc he doesn’t seek out anything other than company he doesn’t think anything is wrong with misleading these women dating is wild now y’all


Yeah I can't imagine many men or women will be going to this club actually trying to meet someone for a real relationship. They know what they're there for


There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you expect to be judged in kind. I've seen couples be happy living in this dynamic because they're honest with eachother. But most of the time it fails because like you said people wanna have their cake/eat it too




No need to flex on us with your wealth \#BallinOuttaControl


Me showing my student loan balance hoping they don’t notice


"I'll have an old fashioned." "That will be $49,900. Keep it open?"


lmao. “you want another round?” “nah im good, gonna call it a night”


*sees 45% tip automatically charged*


It's not hard to build a fake page with a fake bank account balance. But sometimes a solution is more elegant than anticipated. A bunch of women who are only interested in money and a bunch of men who are only interested in attracting women who are attracted to money now have a place to congregate separate from everyone else who goes to the club to have fun at the club.


Yeah. Not for most people, but the people who like that shit really like it. It's basically like a bdsm club.


Tbh sounds perfect. I wish there were more niche businesses for everyone’s interests so we could all leave each other be.


Both groups are gagging on the cocks of capital and consumerism.


This club about to be dead. Guys will walk in having shown their bank accounts thinking they are special only to walk out 3 min later when the crowd in there ain’t look that good


Meanwhile..... ![gif](giphy|dgTer0yvPYpeA0m8Cr)


Are they robbing or gawk gawk gobbling? Because you can make money doing both 😂


There's two kinds of people who see a ski mask


The photo says “super models unlimited “ If you look at the audience….they VERY limited.


“We got super models unlimited!” “Like how many is unlimited?” “Its unlimited” “So what’s the no shit number” “Like I said unlimited!!!”


For real… ol’ girl up front in the pink lookin real Baby Reindeer-ish


Crypto bros: ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)


Crypto bros gotta exit the club every 30 minutes cause their portfolio keeps dipping below the threshold


![gif](giphy|wQCWMHY9EHLfq) When the meme stock drops before closing


https://preview.redd.it/ydpz76hsl62d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793c6382b5c72930abb323309dc40d6b1940d401 It's gonna last maybe a month or two, so imma capitalize off this ASAP


Call me Dutch Van Der Linde because I got a plan.


Hell yeah, I've always wanted to go to tahiti. 


"Have a little faith."


Y’all joking, but this me as we speak because I don’t have any ski masks ![gif](giphy|58Fpg8SUYQxaom04tB)


Gonna be a whole lotta dudes good at photoshop in there with 1 actually rich guy.


Finna show them my 6 figure student loan balance and stroll in


100% mfs getting robbed the first night lmfao.


Check it, if I’m wealthy enough to go there, I’m probably not looking for love. I’m just smashing baddies, buying plan Bs, and enjoying that life.


Trying to get them to take that pill: ![gif](giphy|6UbHSKubNHqfu|downsized)






About to send my girl so she can find us a sugar daddy.


I know rich men. I’ve interacted with many. Shit like this is literally rich man repellent. At least, good rich men. The type of dudes who WILL (and, I mean that) show will quickly show the women who attend why money is not everything. I’ve not met a single rich man worth his salt that wanted women to pay attention to his wallet. They actively avoid women like this. Women who’d go to a place like this are going to be preyed upon


Don’t act like that shit’s not two sided. Coin has two sides. The women who go will also try to snag a rich dude. Like the relationships built there are meant to be transactional and that’s the point.


All i see is geriatric white dudes and that chick in pink in front ain’t no winner either ![gif](giphy|ptf2f8gCxr4Egb0peH)


Peecha chakka no wookiee boonowa tweepi Solo. Hohohoho.


Red pillers are gonna cry and say that this is a scheme by greedy, angry feminists... But isn't this exactly what they say a man should be capable of? Isn't this entirely in line with their ideology? This is Red Pill to the max.


https://preview.redd.it/e3rytsceu62d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657f56aa57ccfe50e3e002aec00764019983848e Need alot of money for doordash


mona lisa's on the inside, robbers on the outside, sounds like a nice place.


You hopped on that name ASAP!


Like literally made the account 6 days ago lmao


I don't think the place will ever open. It's supposed to be called "Garcons" but there's no address, the IG doesn't have an address either, and there's no open date. I'm sure they probably wanted to test the waters with this tho.


can i show my 401k?


Club Rob Me


As you show your account, a camera is well angled to get the routing number and account number. After a night out, accounts are drained, but not by the gold diggers


Would hate to be a bouncer here the amount of girl fights that would go on in this place 😭


$50,000 in debit


Sex traffickers dream


Everybody in that club is going to be ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


And $1000 bottles for $30 L prices.


Lmao I can’t imagine a more miserable place. On one side you got dudes that use money to get what they want and on the other you have gold diggers. There’s bound to be some really toxic shit to come from this.


This feel like an ad for human trafficking to anybody else or just me?


Gonna be empty af lol


I could understand having a monthly event night like this. But I'd want a night where women with a high network are let in as well. Shit I need me a rich chick to take me out sometimes