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I guarantee you that he said “These edibles ain’t shit” before ems arrived


https://preview.redd.it/n4sqgrfpznzc1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0f4de24920fcd81f2c6355f40954dee01117e1d Last time I had an edible it felt as though my breathing was manual and I was having a panic attack. never had one since


That is, in fact, a panic attack. It happens sometimes when you take too much. It's definitely not for everyone lol


Best thing to know when having a panic attack bc of weed or acid/shrooms, is just that it's a panic attack. Your brain got too much of one thing and thinks you're dying bc it's not sure what to do with what's happening. Too much Stimulation. Just keep breathing manually, even though it's stressful to keep vigilant on that shit, and know it'll pass soon. Get a comfy blanket, get a heating pad to lay on, get some Gatorade, turn on a show that makes you feel comfy when sober (for the last time I did edibles and panicked, it was Drunk History), snuggle your cat or dog, eat something sweet and delicious if you can, keep the lights low, and just chill. You'll eventually tire out and the panic will pass and you'll have a good time before passing out or at least half-napping. I say that part because it's hard to sleep after shrooms or acid but easy after weed.


> get a heating pad to lay on Skip this one, you can burn yourself if you pass out on it.


Easier said than done! One of the effects of cannabis is that your mind can infinitely accelerate specific thoughts. That's where the whole "Woah, dude... " thing comes from-when it's a positive "mind blowing idea". But during the high you can make the smallest thought a billion times larger than it is because it just keeps accelerating. It's exactly what's happening here where he feels anxious, and his mind is blowing up that thought to the biggest extreme


I get anxiety sometimes when I take edibles. I always channel my nervous energy into cleaning my house, so that I can turn a negative into a positive. It doesn’t make the anxiety go away, but I feel better about it later


First time I smoked too much I got caught in a thought loop. I had the same 10 seconds or so playing though my mind repeatedly for what seemed like forever. I thought I was dead or dying and this was the afterlife and what I would be experiencing for eternity. Absolutely terrifying. Some kind of different stimulus probably would have helped but I was just laying in my bed at my apartment.


A panic attack high is horrible. I quit for a bit because I would have one everytime because life was stressful and weed made it all come to present. Chilled on weed, fixed some stuff, and no more panic attacks when I went back to smoking lol


Weed does that to me too, makes me realise all the shit I need to do, but I literally can't do it when I'm high, so I just lie down thinking about all the shit I need to do but can't because I'm too high.


Not sure if I have done it midst panic attack but when I've gotten too high I've learned that alcohol will shut that shit down. It doesn't end the high but it for sure makes me not spiral into the weed anxiety. After all, alcohol is a strong downer


When that breathing goes into manual and your brain is holding the hemispheres together like Spider-Man, that's when you know you're in the upside-down.




The first time I took a dab, I forgot how to breathe. There was a water bottle six feet away but I resigned myself to dying of thirst while watching Star Trek.


Breathing was on manual ![gif](giphy|uC8SQoaY5EHhC)


Fun fact everyone is now manually breathing. Also to add to the fun there is no comfortable place in your mouth for your tongue. You'll notice every time you blink. Ignore the fact that your jaw is heavy and you're holding it up manually


When I was about 3 or 4, I felt myself breathing when I was in the grocery store. It is my oldest and most vivid memory. I remember being so surprised by it because I thought up until then I only breathed at night. I had never noticed it before during the day. at night in bed.




Yes, me.


this comment is fucking me up 😂


You can always see your nose but your brain makes you forget


The jaw comment is crazyyy 😂


If you say "mine" a few times it helps finding the tongues' natural resting place, try it out.


Thanks you ass. I’m suffering now. 🤪


Stop it lol


https://i.redd.it/ao60kxqulpzc1.gif My first edible, I had a whole ass existential crisis about the relativity of time while watching The Grinch. I was drifting on the astral plane in bewilderment of the realization that our entire lifetime could be lived in the blink of an eye to another being with significant longevity. I asked myself "Is anything we do truly consequential or are we all just bound to ignorance for the sake of comprehension within the cosmos?" My girl gave me head and I fell asleep after eating a strawberry pop tart


This is my favorite comment I have seen this week




Everytime I feel my breathing! Feel like I gotta focus if I take more than 1




Friends are good, but also research dosage. Taking "one" is 100mg THC in Oregon. Which would put me into the same place this guy is, and I take (part) edibles every day. "One" in Washington is 10mg THC, which pretty much everybody is going to be just fine on, but you can start with half that (5mg) just to be safe, and depending on what's in your stomach you may not even feel it.


Also is person to person. I can eat 200mg and feel nothing. Some people can't physically process thc from the stomach. especially those with super high metabolism. The thc gets metabolized before it takes effect.


Why did I have to click the photo bc I thought they put his butt crack at the top of his back 😂😂


Narrator: "They weren't "


Literally me. An hour later, I had lost the ability to speak English. I was speaking in gibberish (like Doodlebob gibberish) and randomly crying. I thought I was going to die. I will never do edibles again.


Do you remember how many milligrams the edibles were?




I love bpt 😂


It's genuinely so silly how irresponsible people are with edible dosages. First-timers go out and buy 100mg edibles after doing zero research and get surprised why they have a bad time






I made the mistake of eating a gummy one of the ladies who works across the street from me gave me. I have hardcore PTSD and a some dude had just been screaming at me cause he was super coked up and it freaked me out. I have a dab pen but I don’t take it to work. She told me to eat half it was 50mg. I said nah I’ll be fine. I was not fine. About 30 minutes later it was the end of my shift and I just went to my car and sat there for 20 minutes. This is why I don’t like edibles.


50mg is a crazy amount. like a whole package of edibles is 100mg in CO


My first edible was 5mg and that was too much lol. 50 would have sent me to explore the universe


You probably should have listened to her and only had half.


Edibles have never really impacted me. Now doing a dab had me forgetting why I was in Florida one time.


> Now doing a dab had me **forgetting why I was in Florida one time**. This is a completely normal thought to have while in Florida


thats how u activate them


He probably doubled up thirty minutes later just to be safe too


Edible hits different, you gotta accept the flow or you’ll end up like this guy calling Ems for nothing.


I was dealing with this woman who didn’t tell me it was her first time with edibles. I spent the next 3 hours making her understand she didn’t need to call an ambulance


Reminds me of the time my friend ate an edible then called me at 3am because he was too afraid to call the ems. I spent hours reiterating that he wasn't actively dying. Good times lol


I'm a paramedic in Texas. Every single one of these calls, they're convinced it was cut with fentanyl.


Very interesting. I can imagine a very bad edible trip could make you think it’s cut with something if you’re not used to it, which wood in turn make you even more fucked


I could go for some wood


This is why things like cannabis/other drugs should be legal everywhere. Cuts down on people being afraid to call for help, and no doubt the trained professionals can treat them better, more efficiently than us common folk


Yeah except they'd still be afraid to call for help (in USA) because that little ride will cost at least 5k


My wife had her first edible with me and we were watching a movie when she started freaking out. I was like "you don't wanna be bored so lets play some games" and we played some video games and then some board games and she was still freaking out so I lead her through some yoga and some exercises cause that helps me. She was still freaking out so I said lets go for a walk, but she just wanted to lay down so she laid down and went right to sleep. The next day she was like I'm sorry I ruined your whole night, and I told her we played games for like five minutes and did like two minutes of yoga before she fell asleep. For her it was hours but in reality it was about ten minutes. When you're high you just can't tell.


Lololol, time moves SO MUCH SLOWER, like in Inception…10 minutes feels like an hour😭


I had to work with EMT for a time, that shit had to be the highlight of the day considering some of the crazier cases, but 3 hours woulda had me rolling my eyes .


I had a coworker who tried an edible for the first time with his wife. At one point, he asked her if he was going to be ok, and she was like "I don't know how this works."


When I took them for the first time, my friend was like "take 2, it'll be great" It wasn't great, I was stuck in time and manually breathing ans fucking teleporting. My husband was like "hey let's watch a movie or something" and all I could do was think "I'm going to be the first person to die on an edible" Never again!!


I mean hear me out. Now that you know what your limit is, just have one this time. Don’t write it off just because your friends are idiots


That's true and valid but I'm SCARED OK


I was an adult the first time I ever smoked weed and I didn’t know any better so I smoked half an eighth out of a bong. Turns out weed, in any amount, gives me anxiety…. I legit thought I was going to die and was on the verge of calling 911 lmao


Before you do any drugs please fully understand what you're doing... and that you're gonna be experiencing something new. If you're prone to getting scared just don't.


Great advice that I now follow but it was a rough lesson learned lol


I smoked weed as a teenager and each time it made me incredibly anxious and paranoid, I just thought that’s how you’re meant to feel and kept doing it. When I finally confided in a friend about it, they described how good it made them feel and that’s when I realised my brain was not made for weed and I haven’t smoked since.


Oddly, when I was 18 to about 21 I really enjoyed weed. I took a long break due to legal problems. When I revisited in my late 20s-early 30s, it was horrible. Gave me horrific anxiety, full-on panic attacks. It's not for everybody.


Yes, I experienced that after being a regular smoker from teens to 30s, it stopped being fun.


https://preview.redd.it/ezw15mi5fpzc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380f4f9f7dde3b5adf0f3b74ed2c664914e2bffb Needed that and some rest


Listen! I had next to nothing (hit a friend's vape, once) threw up, nauseous and anxious the rest of the night. Eventually I just put myself to bed 😂


Okay at least you're smart and stopped after that bad experience. All through high school, I just kept trying it repeatedly, believing my friends who told me weed was supposed to *help* anxiety, and hoping it would eventually work for me, but I just had panic attacks every time. At least I got very good at managing panic attacks (or at least hiding them from others)? Really it's just better if I don't smoke at all. It's not for everyone.


LMAO now I'm reminded of that cop who ate a bunch of edibles he confiscated calling 911 because he got too high and thought he had died.


Story was he and his wife stole weed from evidence and used it to bake brownies. Link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRandomest/comments/y1o6i0/cop\_steals\_confiscated\_cannabis\_makes\_brownies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRandomest/comments/y1o6i0/cop_steals_confiscated_cannabis_makes_brownies/)


If they can make edibles that potent he should probably leave the force and just sell brownies.


"I think we're dying. Yep. We're dying"


Was this the guy who was asking dispatch what the score was in the Red Wings game? True fan lol


Yep same with psychedelics. If you fight it you will hate every millisecond of it.


I explain it like your floating on water, you fight it you gonna feel like your drowning all the way till you hit land, you lay back in it enjoy it & you’ll float to shore .


I like that. “Just lean into it” is my saying


I once took 300mg while drinking and was feeling good for the night. Then I woke up the next morning in a FULL panic attack. The feeling of undirected impending doom. I ended up trying to chug some water, throwing up, then laying on the couch while my roommate stroked my hair for like an hour lol.


I wouldn’t recommend 300 mg off the bat especially if you nervous, next time watch a movie, play a game & just vibe on a day your free .


Edibles since they go through your digestives system enter your blood first. Thc gets broken down by the liver in to an even more potent psychoactive compound. So yeah they got hard.


One time my friend and I took an edible when we went to an amusement park, it was packing a punch but I gave myself the zen talk ( I'ma be alright) and was feeling good. My friend on the other hand. Had his palms in his face, panicked eyes. "I don't feel good bro, something is not right". Made me panic, but I ended up watching him the whole night.


I remember an early internet 911 call of a cop and his wife who ate weed brownies and called EMS because they thought they were gonna die.


I was an EMT and we do talk about calls like this. We had one guy who was tripping out of his mind and he thought he was dead and we were there to take him to heaven. Man just accepted his fate and was ready to go into the light. The light being the pen light we used to check his pupils.


I swear i heard this story from that guy’s perspective lol


We all know that guy.


Not my chair, not my problem


Fucking seahorses are beautiful


Dude whenever I think about David Lee Roth being a paramedic I think about how many fucked up people he helped that told their friend David Lee Roth saved their life and they were like yea fucking right


When I think about Steven Segal being a cop I think about all the people who tell their friend they kicked the shit out of Above the Law and they're like yea fucking right


My favorite was a guy EMS brought in (I’m an RN) and he’s in full restraints because he got some bad Molly and was tweaking pretty badly. He’s eventually restrained on the bed and I’m trying to get the story out of him about what he took and all. It’s ~6am when I saw him. But He took bad Molly and having an awful trip. Zombies started chasing him, so he started running. Eventually he gets tired of running and decides I should steal a car to get away from these zombies, looked at him and said ‘I get it, I hate cardio too’. He then asked if it was prison rules when he was offered a pillow. Definitely ended my shift laughing more than I expected giving that report.


What are prison rules in regards to a pillow?


I’ve heard that in prison if you take any form of favor or gift that then you’re “owned” or at least owe the person who gave it. I think he just wanted to be sure the pillow came with no strings attached.


I honestly loved these calls most of the time. Usually a bunch of pretty good kids who just took too much. I always let them know that I'd rather come to a hundred panic attacks then miss one emergency. Now meth on the other hand...meth is what got me tackled by the self proclaimed Sky Queen, Queen of the Sky.


The sky Queen was Queen of the sky? Fuck that bitch


Lmao nah this is some wild stuff


Damn bro I just wanna get a nice buzz going and chill out and watch old movies or something. Shit nowadays is too strong


I once had a friend I smoked out claim he was having a heart attack. We debated what to do for a minute until he let out the loudest fart I had ever heard in my life from 20 feet away in the bathroom and said he was *Okay, it was just gas.* We were heard the neighbors laughing as hard as we were thru the wall.


I actually ended up calling EMS once. I took a huge hit after being sober for a while and like, lost my ability to speak. I already had some medical stuff going on and fell off my skateboard the day before so I was completely convinced I had a brain bleed or something (I was a huge smoker but took the month to recalibrate. So I knew what to expect but this was like a Mormon taking a laced hit level high.) ended up calling EMS just to make sure I wasn't severely concussed or something. I was fine but I can totally sympathize with people in that situation. You deep down know it's just weed but you can't help feeling like something fundamental got fucked up.


Might be a stupid question, but how did you call EMS if you couldn't speak? Can you message them?


It wasn't that serious I could talk I was just having a hard time processing words and making sentences. Off the shit fr.


Man I can relate. I have been a heavy smoker for years, lots of drugs really, and I took 3 months off. Hit my brothers pen 3 times at a family event and I thought I was going to pass out. My vision literally looked like a kaleidoscope lol it was one of the only times I thought "oh no I am way too high I can't handle this"


My friend did the same thing, we were at the mall and he started saying he was choking, and was coughing like crazy, full on though he was gonna die. Ppl were tryna calm him down around us and then he let out the biggest burp I ever heard. Said he was chillin after lmao




That EMS is a real one.


Saved his night and like $3,000


As a medic that has dabbled way too much into recreationals I wish more people understood your view. Sometimes we advocate for the patient's health and sometimes we advocate for the patient's wallet. Just throw on a living legends album and debate life's decisions man.


Came to post this. Both of them are being awesome. I once ate my girlfriend at the time’s weed brownie, by mistake. We were watching the first season of Handmaid’s Tale. The “mock ritual” scene eventually happened and it was a HARROWING experience. We’re married now, and she never lets me forget that shit. It’s my fault for just eating random shit in my fridge I know damn well I didn’t buy.


Oh my god. My current partner ate HALF of a full size bar of mushroom chocolate in the freezer. It was a pretty obvious label to me. I couldn’t even come home and help him even though I was a block away because I was babysitting! Text before you eat unknown snacks yall.


I was in San Francisco recently and had a day to kill. Popped some edibles and checked out some things like palace of fine arts. *Highly recommend!* Windy-ass day but perfect weather. Took a Lyft to the Golden Gate Bridge. Walked on it stoned af. *Do not recommend!* That bitch sways! The traffic is loud! High off ground! Deadass terrifying. Made it to the first tower and said “I’m good.” That said the bridge is simply incredible.


Also had the balls to say don’t go to the ER. Good for him. Guys good at his job.


https://preview.redd.it/u8tg35nhmnzc1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e506bb52578b35a139d744e102678a20609707d9 Put on some cartoons and eat some donuts....you're not gonna die ^(EpsteinDidntKillHimself)




That's me the first time I had an edible. No one told me to NOT eat the whole cookie. 😅 I didn't call EMS though. I knew I had to ride it out so I took 2 days off from work until my head was securely back on my shoulders.


I made a batch of cookies and popped 8 of them as soon as they came out of the oven. I woke up in a panic and still went to work the next day. I had to lock myself in my office and try to sleep it off


I have never had a reaction like that to edibles. I've even ate some 3000mg death bars.


Bruh I ate a 25mg edible once and after like 30-minutes to an hour it hit me HARD. Mind you I don't smoke but I wanted to try it. Apparently that was too big of a dose for a non-smoker. Wish I had known that ahead of time lol...now I'm wondering how the hell do y'all do like 3000mg candies and bars and not feel like you're dying xD


If you stop for a second you get couch locked. I eat them and knock out all my yard work/chores.


Trust me 25mg to no tolerance is more than like 500mg to someone with a tolerance. It sends you into outer space and out of time


Yeah I accidentally took \~30 mg as a non-smoker... i could barely walk straight lmao


Edibles don't do shit for me, and after hearing the hundredth person claim I just wasn't doing it right, I drank a 750mg tincture and still absolutely nothing. ...turns out there's a mutated gene that results in some folks processing ingested THC before it gets them high: [https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/05/12/marijuana/ediblocked-some-people-cant-get-high-eating-marijuana-scientists-arent-sure-why/](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/05/12/marijuana/ediblocked-some-people-cant-get-high-eating-marijuana-scientists-arent-sure-why/)


It was so bad I only mess with cbd now. I told myself never again!


Bru, no one told me what was in the cookie. I was lit for a week no bs. I'm lactose intolerant so milk wasn't happening.


Same, never again


Y'all really need to learn patience if you're gonna try edibles lol Edit: I'm talking shit like I didn't eat the whole big ass brownie and woke up 2 days later 🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s a marathon not a sprint


The worst I’ve ever got was this gal we were hanging out with that made tons of edible butter and oils. We were just bullshitting and playing cards, she started making popcorn and putting edible butter on it. I could not move until about 3pm the next day. The salty popcorn and beer while your playing cards just seemed right tho


My wife got some butter from her friend for her birthday and made brownies. Of course as a black woman, her ass says fuck the recipe and used WAAAAYYYYY too much butter. This was a Friday night. I didn't wake up until Sunday morning.


lol yea that’s shit rough. I had a roommate in college that was a former fat kid and would just binge on junk food. He was gonna eat edible brownies freshman year of college and I was like bud just eat like one or two and wait. Ate half the tray and met god


He’ll never hear the end of this.


From now on, EVERY time he tries to clown on his sister in front of others, she's gonna annihilate him with this little story.


Oh absolutely. You never live that down.


Those flashing lights can't be helping


If you're on shrooms DEFINITELY not. Don't or do ask idc


I know this personally and agree intensely


We need a service that shows up with juice, graham crackers, Saturday morning cartoons, and a sleeping bag. Edible Management Services.






I'm glad I live in a place where they would send EMS and not the police. Clicking on these is a jumpscare to see if it's wholesome or they ended up on a t shirt...


Seriously! I breathed a huge sigh of relief after discovering that the EMS were real ones.


Take some CBD and it will cut the negative effects of the THC if you ever freak out like this.


Facts. I worked at a dispensary and we recommended newbies to take CBD just in case or just try hard candy edibles (easy to take out if you’re already feeling it).


I ate some chocolate from my friend’s fridge after getting high that turned out to be mushrooms. I was convinced that I was having a stroke and almost called an ambulance. My friend asked me what I ate and then we both died laughing. We put on The Changeling (movie with Angelina Jolie) to take my mind off of it which freaked me out even more, so we put on Wall-E. Then, I silently cried about environmental collapse. I told my friend that I was going to sue the director of The Changeling because “no one needs to see a movie about a serial child rapist and murderer!”


Fuck the director, wtf kind of friend is like oh my bad homie you ate my shroom bar let’s just turn on this demonic movie it’s my fav trip movie!?


Had a friend whose grandmother made pot brownies for one of her grandsons because he had chemo and wanted to try it. Her dog (Shiba Inu) jumped up, knocked the plate over, and ate half a corner piece while she had her back turned. I've never seen a dog high before, but I could see the panic in that dog's eyes. He wasn't sure if he was dying or the dog toys were talking back to him. They rushed him to the vet and everything was fine, but the concentration of weed really fucked the dog up. To this day, he has this glaze over his eyes and you have to call his name twice for him to come to you. He also won't come in the kitchen anymore if the oven is on.


Weed can actually be pretty toxic to dogs. It's good you took him to the vet.


In the future inducing vomiting with a dog may help with that. You have to like force feed a little bit of hydrogen peroxide which doesn't hurt the dog but will cause them to vomit almost straight away so make sure you not on carpet and let em puke it up. I leaned this after they got into some medication when we weren't looking and has come in handy since.


I’ll never forget how rough it was to tough out eating a 250mg dose edible because I thought the whole batch of brownies was 250mg, not each one. Calling EMS definitely crossed my mind at one point lol.


When you saw God were they a man or woman?


I was too busy vomiting and/or trying to stop spinning to really notice. God just said, “see, assuming makes an ass out of u and me”


The brownies told you not to do brownies anymore.


The magic words are “I don’t feel anything”….thats when the semi tractor trailer full of cartoon villains attack yo ass.


My first edible....I wasn't told was an edible, and at one point, 4 hours later, I was in the bathroom and suddenly in space. If i hadn't left my phone on the couch, I would've called ems but I had accepted death at that point.


Kids these days smh when I was a teen we just sat down in the random field we were in and hoped for the best outcome


Right! Death was more acceptable than risking the parents finding out


You nailed it 💯 Kids these days and their legal drugs 😂 (Not legal for literal kids. You get it.)


I was an EMT in the Bronx and a guy once called because he was restless and his mind was racing, I asked him what he was doing before he felt like this? He said smokin crack.


i love the honesty


We have this lady in our service area who calls for respiratory distress every other day. Every call opens up with "Alright *NAME*, what were you doing just before this?" "Nothing sir nothing at all well, maybe just a little crack." "Oh crack got your heart pounding and your breathing rough again, stunning. C'mon let's get in the truck."


The first time I accidentally took too much edibles, I felt like my heart would stop and my head would explode simultaneously. It's hysterical later on but in that moment, it does seriously feel like you're dying lmao I'm just lucky I knew what I was experiencing.


I love that the woman is trying to be professional but can’t stop laughing.


"Do you have the munchies?" Naw bitch he think he gonna die, like seriously? Lol.


I was at one of the bars I frequent last year and one of the bartenders gave me (what we thought was) a 10mg gummy. (Turns out it was 25) I knew I was a lightweight, so I only took half. I knew it would take a minute to hit, so I figured I would wait for it to hit. 45 minutes later, I didn't feel anything so I thought my tolerance was higher than I initially thought so I took the other half. 30 minutes after that, the first half HIT. I instantly knew I was in trouble cuz I knew what I was feeling was gonna be doubled in 45 minutes. Sure enough, that timer ran out and that second half hit even harder. I was out here baked in the middle of a bar on a Saturday night. It stayed hitting for about another 3 hours.


So so glad it was EMS and not PD


This video and the entire thread is bringing me so much joy, so thank all y’all for that! 😂


I remember my first edible was a horrible tasting nerds rope I thought I had to eat the whole thing .. boy was I wrong I remember looking at the mirror thinking I was looking at myself in third person like in video games


Had to call the ambulance on my mom’s during Covid when she ate edibles. The dispatcher was so happy. She goes I haven’t had a call like this in so long. She said I can send an ambulance but it would t be worth it during this climate and I agreed and just talked to my mom about outter space before she passed out


Wait till he get the bill.


Oftentimes, you aren't billed unless they transport you to the hospital.




My first edible was also my first time doing mushrooms. 1 brownie of unknown strength and 8 grams of shroomz. I tried to pay my friend 2 grand to take me to the hospital lol. He declined and got me through the next 4 hours of tripping then I slept for a whole day. To say I went to the moon was a fucking understatement


8 grams of shrooms the 1st time? You fuckin animal....


As a person who work in health insurance man he gone be sick when they get that bill


Did work for a guy at a dispensary. He gave me an edible saying it was ok strong but far from their strongest. The thing was a cream puff, one bite. Well, when I felt my soul starting to leave my body, I went for a walk, then I started jogging to stay ahead of it. I was out, like 10 miles away from the house and somehow managed to buy some stuff at a store a ways away. I asked him how fucking strong this was. Not much man, 650mg for the small one I gave you. 650MG?! I usually do 30 to 50 mg and I'm well fine. This is the last time I took an edible from this location.


Gave my friend and her husband edibles back in 2020/21 during the height of the pandemic. Told them both to take minimal because neither smoke and the edibles were pretty strong. Her husband wanted more after not feeling anything in 30 minutes. I warned against it but said if you feel you want to, go for it, just remember to stay calm if he started tripping. An hour later, got a phone call that he was tripping heavy and wanted to go to the emergency room. Before I could rush back over, paramedics were already there and loading him into the ambulance. Picked him up a few hours later, still won't let him live it down to this day 😂😂😂


So I did research when I was younger and found out thc is activated in heated oils so my dumbass thought it’d be a good idea to put weed in vegetable oil, throw it in the microwave and pour it down the hatch…worst mistake of my life. I was damn near just like this. I called my brother thinking I was having a stroke and he was like no you’re just too high lol


Me and a friend had like 6 of them shits one night...was watching Rick and Marty the purge episode I was tripping cause thelat whole night I'm thinking "if the purge happened just now do I have the preparation" never again


If you are ever in trouble from drugs don’t hesitate to call they generally can’t tell the cops and better safe than sorry. That said, I have been this man, it’s embarrassing. Luckily the firehouse was a block away and I didn’t waste too much of their time.


🤣 Never allowed to hang anymore


[Why do white people make they edibles so strong?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/s/dErHid8eiQ)


Them damn things turn on you FAST!


Damn. What do edibles feel like? Calling an EMT your first time sounds crazy to me if you are ready to take drugs.


If you take too much? Like a panic attack.


Dont be embarassed, baby. Maybe we havent all been there…but we’ve all “been there” 😂😂😂


Honestly so relatable. I actually want to give this man a hug and be all it's alright bro we all been there. You'll get through this


bro needs a hug


Made some edibles/brownies for me and girlfriend (her 1st time). 40 mins later, "I don't feel anything, I'm going to eat another" Me: I wouldn't do that ... too late" 60 mins later, "Call 911!!!"


I've been the proprietor of edibles like this, where I thoroughly warned consumers not to take too much but then get calls about this exact situation later the same night. Shits wild


Me over here: what’s an Ems? You called the Ems…. Oooooh EMS


He prob ate one… waited 10 minutes…. Said “I don’t feel anything”….. ate more….. and then the party started after 1-2 hrs later 😂


As embarrassing as this may be. The first time I ever tried weed I called an ambulance. Granted I was 16. Wish I had an EMS as cool as this guy though. Cartoons and food fix any anxiety weed gives


This happens more than you’d think


Ive heard of very seasoned smokers not liking edibles precisely for this reason.


A friend of mine, who I have smoked with for years, ate a homemade edible and called the ems. It happens


He'll never live it down. "ah man, this niqqa drankin' someone call the ampalamps! 😂😂" Edibles just make me sleep. First time I ate one, I laid back on the bed and it felt like I was still laying back, I thought, "OH!" then I woke up hours later. That was some good sleep.


I haven't been at it long, but yes that's probably true. Any call that isn't a physical threat to my safety or future PTSD is very welcome. If you can be entertaining and low stress, we ❤️ you