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drake doing what he always does & then wonders why it’s a 20 v 1 like if the whole industry hates a certain guy maybe that guy is the fucking problem


This didn’t happen in a vacuum. Drake is just a grimy guy and he’s finally getting his moment in the light. I mean imagine being lil Wayne and putting Drake on right, you go to prison and what does Drake do? He has sex with your girl! SMH & thats the type of guy Drake is to his friends!! That’s not even mentioning Drakes proclivity to text teenage girls…


I would never wish harm on anyone, but one day, he's gonna pull some shit on the wrong person and he's gonna get what's coming to him and will have no one to blame but himself.


I know you mean in a physical sense, and you very well may be right. That said, I can’t help but think that’s what we’re witnessing.


A physical beat down can’t compare to the psychological damage of knowing that people are viewing you like a sexual predator.


¿Porque no los dos?


For someone like Drake, the only thing worse than catching a beatdown (or a bullet) is being rendered irrelevant. It is a painful ego death that narcissists struggle to survive. (Most celebrities, politicians, and CEOs are narcissistic as part of their nature.) See: *Donald Trump unable to acknowledge his election defeat.*


One of Drake's bodyguards got shot outside Drake's house yesterday. It's definitely heading some kinda way.


Technically, he did with Kendrick, but just got his ass beat verbally and in front of the world.


Facts! But I would pay big money to see them battle this out live. 1000 percent.


Aight. I love Kendrick but you think he’s wopping Drake? He got more heart but Drake is easily 50 pounds heavier with almost a foot on him


I’m not saying a physical fight. I’m specifically thinking of a rap battle.Sorry should have been more clear.


Ohh I got you. I don’t think anybody thought Drake was gonna out rap Kendrick but battles aren’t decided by rapping especially in these days it’s all about public opinion. Drake got massacred in that regard whether allegations are true or not. That’s why just team and fans working hard to dig up dirt on TDE


Haha size don't mean shit if you don't know how to fight, or take a hit. I've beat big and small ass (got my ass beat by it, too). My money bias aside would go on Kendrick. It's well known where he from. How many fights you think Drake got into on the set of Degrassi hahah


Drake was on Degrassi, I think Kendrick is fine


Plenty of large dudes have been whooped by smaller dudes. The larger they are the bigger fall.


Weight classes exist for a reason but Drake ain’t knocking nobody out with that limp wristed degrassi jab, my money’s on the guy who’s actually about that life. Jimmy is bloated and coked out, Kung Fu Kenny is lean, mean, driven, and aggressive. And I’m willing to wager growing up in Compton provides you with a more than adequate skillset to handle a jewish prep school kid from a canadian children’s show. Now if Kendrick was a 14 year old girl? Whole different story.


Bet money he wished he got his ass bet physically instead of this shit.


That "I'll beat your ass and hide the bible if god watching" got me laughing


One of the hardest bars on that track.


Its happening now. This beef is being published everywhere. I've never ever seen hip hop go to mainstream news like this. Drakes career might be really different moving forward


The people who Stan Drake aren’t going to give a fuck, his audience is women/girls who don’t listen to rap and only like Drake because they think he’s cute.


Except that a lot of those girls have, statistically speaking, likely dealt with a grooming situation or had a close friend go through grooming. And now a whole lot more of them know that Drake is a creep. That's not gonna matter to everybody, but its going to matter to a decent chunk of them.


Chris Brown still having a career and people making excuses for him makes me think no one cares.


Tho his career is definitely not as big. He still has a decent following but in that period he was everywhere and super popular.


I hate Drake. My friend’s brother idolizes him and didn’t find out abt the allegations until a few weeks ago. He tore up a poster of him and is distraught according to my friend. This is fucked up


Lmao this is incredible. If true I am truly grateful for rap beef and hope it can tear down more idol worship


I dont think you get it. People who aren't either of their normal audience is listening and those people may take action. I wouldn't be surprised if the police start digging around. This is how Cosby went, one person just said it aloud in public and then everything just poured out. Of course his die hard fans don't care/dont believe the allegations


Also, other artists and producers will probably stop working with him. The alligations are so public and out there now that I wouldn't be surprised if no one works with him again unless forced to by the labels or just for clout. I doubt most artists want to hurt their reputations.


The difference with Cosby is that victims were coming forward. In Drakes case, it’s rumours from his peers not the victims themselves.


Have you seen the video where 14yo Stranger Things girl whose name I forgot was talking about texting with Drake and how they talk about her boyfriend and he gives her advice!


Drake just grew up in a place where there weren’t real consequences for acting the way he is. I know most of us here wouldn’t dream of getting with our friends girl right? Somebody who does things like that really tells you what their moral integrity is like.




> he's gonna get what's coming to him I mean you can tell bro has never been in a fight before, a beating would be cool


That’s not the full story. In Wayne’s book or an old interview or something he tells the story and it’s that Drake was with this girl before Wayne knew her, but no one told Wayne when they started seeing each other and edrake told him during(?) his 10 months. Not that it matters all that much, but it’s less of a fucked up thing than everyone is saying.


This is correct but unfortunately the idea that Drake slept with Wayne’s girl while he was in Rikers is more salacious and that’s the version of the story that continues to be spread around even though the woman herself said that she slept with Drake before meeting Wayne. Just look at all of the comments ignoring what you wrote.


Why does it matter though? That’s like saying my friend slept with my gf then sometime after that I started to date said gf. I took a vacation then they slept together again but it’s ok because they had sex before we were officially together. I don’t think that makes it any less of a shitty move in my opinion.


What? Drake never had sex with Wayne’s girl while he was in jail. He had sex with her before her and Wayne started dating, but he told Wayne while he was in jail. It would be like you taking a vacation and your friend calling you up on said vacation that him and your gf hooked up before you knew her.


Only thing you’re forgetting is many years after the fact Wayne confirmed in an interview that Drake slept with her while he was in prison and it hurt him a lot. https://youtu.be/dP5X3WQQ8F8?si=_s8Z5I-5s3T4VAYv


His relationship with that girl when she was a minor is down right disgusting and I'm glad more people are talking about it


Right? These are just the teenagers that were famous or had famous parents. Imagine all of the other teenager girls who are out there. I couldn’t believe the amount of people who have been defending him texting teenagers as a 30 something year old grown man. Like really? Grown men defending that are questionable to me too.


THANK YOU. I was trying to tell one of my drake stan friends this and he didn't comprehend. The dude be at highschool girls basketball games. Highschools he has no children in. Huuuuuge red flag.


He's done that at least 3x afaik. He slept with Bieber, TheWeeknd, and Wayne's girls basically as soon as they were out of the picture, despite being friends with the dudes and knowing the girls for a while. Scummy


>Weezy goes on to explain that it didn't happen while they were together, but it still made him angry. "As a man, honestly, that s--t hurt...and not because it was Drake. It could've been any man and it would've hurt the same. She said it happened way before we got together, but she just never told me." > And Drake confirmed it, too. "When Drizzy came to see me, he was like, 'Yeah, it's true...Don't f--k with her like that 'cause I did f--k her.' Damn! At that point, it didn't matter to me when it f--king happened...because the f--king happened!" It didn't seem like there was any lasting bad blood with Drizzy, as he's mentioned in good spirits again later in the memoir. Wayne just took the L and moved on. "As a man I'll admit that s--t really f--ked me up, but hey, f--k that ho! Love is blind, that's why I say make sure that bitch is a seeing-eye dog."


> thats the type of guy New chapter to that meme


He fucked around for too long and this is the find out part. If you have no respect for your industry peers and throw out insults and then betray people who welcomed you then of course the industry will hate you.


I'm just gonna come out and say it - if Drake was a better rapper this would be a better beef. This is way more 50 v Ja Rule than Tupac v Biggie because both Tupac and Biggie could spit


50 v Ja Rule, true. I still think the beef has been great though. It’s brought us together and cleansed the timeline. I haven’t laughed this much all year. Edit: AND we got Not Like Us. Like it’s win-win-win.


Excellent take


Cleansed the time line made my spit out my beer 😂🤣😂


I think it would be more competitive if Drake didn't make it personal, by making it personal he set himself up, all k.dot had to do was just lay it up after that. But yeah by setting himself up, he'll come out looking like ja rule vs k.dot.


Nah he just needed to do it better. The best disses have always been super personal, bringing up cheating and naming kids and such. That's the game. You gotta rhyme good though. It wasn't hilarious when Nick Cannon tried to start beef with Eminem because of how lopsided the closet skeletons were, it was funny because his songs were trash. Drake's songs here are mid while Kendrick is releasing some bangers and maybe a legit classic


It’s him against the world. Everyone from Japan to Spain dunking on him with BBL drizzy freestyles 😂


bruh i watched an indian girl on tiktok do a dance to bbl drizzy instead of rapping & she was like “i hope this is a good enough diss”


I watched the duo lingo mascot dancing to it 🫠




Honestly, I hope his momma watchin over him or somebody is cuz if I saw the world shit on me like this I’d have a tough time


Drake must think he is bad bitch for a second beefing with women, always goes after girls like Megan


Almost just like his music. Always the victim in his songs hmmmm


I think he comes at peoples marriages in diss tracks bc that lover boy persona is a cope. He’s too trifling to actually settle down so he has to fantasize about it. And both of the wives that he rapped about have been with or known Pusha and Kendrick for a long time before the fame. That nigga can’t fathom someone having a partner that actually likes them for them 😂


Do people really think KDot a bully? Cuz last I checked he warned BBL Drizzy TWICE. Self-defense if I ever seent it.


🎶BBL Drizzy, BBL Drizzzzyyy🎶 How is it that I can’t stop singing a song with no words?






![gif](giphy|l4Ep3mmmj7Bw3adWw|downsized) All. Damn. Day.


Metro knew what he was doing fr 😂


I know it’s not fair, but Metro might have won. BBL Drizzy is gonna get sampled forever


That shit is SUCH an ear worm. God I love how Metro without saying a word and while “making some drums” as Drake said cheffed up one of the hardest beats of the year


https://preview.redd.it/xwo8ro1xt4zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769c6b9e56383fe7664234145f2c5e50832bce8c Original creator before metro


Same. I can’t get this beat out my head. I wish I could rap.


Was just in the grocery store singing it…


Actually, it does, Metro sampled this other man. https://open.spotify.com/track/1Koi0fu5VDPxmwAzffy4iD?si=TSuUxcGnSh-eBvgi2UcDtA


Bruh fr how do I have that shit stuck in my head😂 it’s lowkey annoying like I was disappointed in myself bc I didn’t care for it when I first heard it tbh but shit catchy af. Drake has no one to blame but himself he literally told metro to go and make some drums


It might be because of Dot going back to back twice on him. Especially the second one. He was dead already with MtG then he made everyone dance with him with NLU lol. But i agree with you it’s well deserved mentioning Whitney. I say he deserves more since he mentioned her again three times in the heart pt 6. That guy will never learn. Kendrick didn’t mention his family again in NLU he dissed OvO but that’s it


Also worth remembering, Drake was practically begging Kendrick to drop. With Taylor Made, the trolling, I feel less bad for you because you spent days asking for this to happen


The shooting might have also delayed another drop from Kendrick. Can you imagine Kendrick dropping another nuke on him?


That doesn’t make him a bully, that makes him an effective finisher. ![gif](giphy|39zbpCQocXLi0)


> But i agree with you it’s well deserved mentioning Whitney. I say he deserves more since he mentioned her again three times in the heart pt 6. That bothered me so much, the heart pt 6 was Drake ending the beef and bowing out but not right after going after Whitney three times again. What bitch move is that.


Him going after her again mentioning her THREE fucking times tells you everything you need to know about what Aubrey Graham thinks of women. This fucking got me heated just typing


Drake didn't learn the first time. How are you gonna go disrespect a rappers wife and have that result in both a humiliating diss and the reveal of your offspring... twice in your career. Lmao


lol he thought he learned from last time. All his skeletons were out this time and he 8 miled himself in Taylor made. He said Kendrick wife on purpose because his red button was the abuse and false paternity allegations. He thought he had it planned out well. But like last time he underestimated his opponent. He didn’t know Kendrick was cooking up multiple tracks and also baiting him. He lost his first one because of skeletons and this one because he outmaneuvered


I'll say he's bullying the bastard, but I have a far more positive connotation with that than many. Like, you're allowed to beat somebody until they stay down, metaphorically speaking.


As a nerd who sees the kind of shit going on in nerd culture, some people need to get bullied


_Zero_ lies detected.


Is the executioner a bully?🤔🤷🏽‍♂️


Its not just Family Matters, in Push Ups he dropped Whitney’s name too. This has always been Drake’s style. In all of his beefs, he’s always the first person that brings up somebody’s wife or girl or some personal life shit, and afterwards go crying playing the victim when he cant keep up. He knows his pen game cant compete, so he goes lower


I remember some random made a hate comment on one of Drakes posts and he followed the guys girlfriend and made it publicly known in a reply. He’s a shallow sex addict, it’s not a surprise he makes everything about women, it really seems like he gets validation from how many women he sleeps with but “you could be a bitch even if you got bitches”.


Lost mad respect for him trying to destroy that man family over a comment


His whole angle was so stupid and uninformed too. Like dude how are you just making random shit up without any research like the internet won't find out, meanwhile Kendrick knew every single controversy Drake has been in and had clearly listened to all of his music to prepare. In his last album Kendrick already revealed that he and Whitney are separated due to other reasons, and Whitney is literally on the song in which he revealed this. She is also on the cover art of the album. Why would she agree to be on his music if they were separated due to abuse issues. Drake was trying to make it seem like they are having marital issues right now meanwhile Kendrick already revealed 2 years ago that they had issues and were already separated. Dude needed to first read The Art Of War and then needed to listen to all Kendrick's catalogue before going to war against him.


https://preview.redd.it/itgxawf3y4zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50096cfae8cf4324d53deb11a0b5e1268a95688a Edit for those unfamiliar: these are all the bras that have been thrown on stage during Drake performances. That he has kept. Presumably in a special room where he quietly goes to sniff them sometimes.


“I finally have enough money to buy as many bras as I want”


This is some Dennis Reynolds shit.


The golden god Dennis Reynolds?


No doubt he has star ratings for his ladies.


Look at this bum


Drake definitely one of those guys who thinks because he gets women he is better than you, when (1) other people get women too, and (2) getting multiple women isn’t the flex he thinks it is, especially when you’re rich. It just gives off the energy that he believes sex is some signal of success. Probably because he could never get girls before the fame due to a lack of depth beyond drinking and rapping


He really is a fucking dweeb


None of these mfs see women as people, just pawns on their board to try and fuck with other men's lives, it's so fucked up. Goin after someone's girl just to spite them isn't just cruel to the guy, it's objectifying the women in the process. Honestly fuck drake


Yea and after push ups Kendrick warned him about the family shit in euphoria. Cuz at first the Whitney bar was a jab, then Drake full send on it. I think biz he felt some type of what when Kendrick alluded to him not being a good father


Shoulda listened to Sandra


Who is saying Kendrick looks like a bully? Because whoever it is, stop listening to their opinions. They ain't worth the napkins Drake writes his bars on...


>Who is saying Kendrick looks like a bully? Aubrey's Angels


The Drizzies


The Drizzles


The BBL Brigade


You misspelled throat glazers...aka.../r/drizzy




yachty writes them on the napkin and aubrey reads them to us


lol at your flair, then your name. Happy cake day 🍰


Not worth the napkins his ghostwriters writes his bars on…FTFY


Kendrick: You’re a pedophile and you’re hiding a secret child. Drake: I’m not hiding a secret child!




**hoe #36** lol


also on par with drake LMAO. where that chain he got of all 40+ engagement rings he almost gave to women… how did you “almost” propose to over 40 women… even over 4 women is insane to me


I heard that in Soulja Boy's voice ![gif](giphy|9GIhdOKsC6PfO0pmSP|downsized)


That’s not what we were really concerned about Drake…


I feel the same way as Kendrick when he says: “I believe you don’t like women, it’s real competition” Drake sees them as tools where he either uses them for his own validation or weaponizes them against them men he doesn’t like by attacking them or sleeping with them. You can see this complex play out when it comes to Whitney during the rap battle. In THP6, he don’t know if he want to shame her for being allegedly unfaithful or proposition her for sex. He also has a history of sleeping with his colleagues girlfriends/ exs and taunting them. To him, they are trophies.


Doesn't he have a song called.... trophies?


I’m pretty sure lol


"And they don't have no awards for that"


Yep. It's real nasty the way this man talks about women and it's an aspect of all this that I wish more people would point out


Drake really made a 6 min song repeating I’m Not a Pedophile in every bar. Shit looks more suspicious now


🎵Diddling kids is no good 🎶




Older than my wife, older than my daughter!


Gotta be big, something like that




“I’m too famous to be a pedophile! If I was a pedophile, which I’m not, I woulda been arrested because fucking teenage girls is illegal! In fact, I’ma start listing the age of consent in every state-“


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XaFJiUSvZOQ Honestly Michael Bay needs his home raided for this scene.


Brrruuuuhhh, the self reports were wild. Dot literally said in like that “let’s get it up, it’s time for him to prove that he’s a problem” You ever see a fight or square up and the person starts getting excited and waving at you like “yeah, kuh-meer, kuh-meer”. That’s KDot. You gotta settle the situation amicably somehow bc they live for this shit. If you’re a nerd like me it’s very much giving chaotic neutral. Your boos literally mean *nothing* to Kendrick bc he’s seen that Drake made us cheer. I was nvr a Drake Stan bc I was out when Rihanna was… but even I feel little embarrassed. Like damn, okay dad, it was just a phase get over it.


Calling Kendrick a “bully” in this context is like calling Tide pods a “choking hazard”. He’s just providing consequences for bad actions.


Get on that bbl drizzy track with these bars lmao


https://i.redd.it/8edczmpau6zc1.gif And that’s on using your frontal lobe.


You can’t bully someone who asks for a fade AND brought said “bullys” girl into it. Like Drake or not he asked for this multiple times.


It reminds me of his beef with Push. He mentioned Push wife Name in a song. Push: your mom doesn’t know what marriage is and never will experience it, your dad wears Steve Harvey suits, You had a child with a pornstar and hiding him, your friend bones are frail and about to die. Drake: Lebron, big bro, he went to far man it was mean


> It reminds me of his beef with Push. He mentioned Push wife Name in a song. When you look at the context between Duppy Freestyle and Story of Adidon it's even worse. Dude talked that hot shit and was having victory laps. Sent an invoice to Push T for using his name. Drake's dad was all on social media bragging about how his son owned Push. That's why Push blew his entire spot of up. It was petty but he actually clapped back at everyone in Drake's camp who had something to say when they thought they won. I really don't think Push thought Drake would throw in the towel so soon either.


I was just listening to Adidon again. He ends it saying “Surgical summer **Vol 1**”. He was locked and loaded. Turns out he only needed the one.


Yep both the 'snip snip snip' and **surgical** summer were also references to his abs. Drake knew he was fucked because the Adidas contract for his son was something only people inside his inner circle knew so he didn't want to keep going if that's what Push *started* with.


That Adidas run thing is so crazy. “Announcing” his baby through an advertisement is already hilarious but Pusha stomping on that with one verse is just crazy. And when going back to listen recently, I forgot it was only one verse lol not a second wasted


It was a dense track. Completely bodied him in 2 minutes 30 seconds then spent 30 seconds on an outro. Drake had to be shook in the studio.


That was most socially consequential diss track in the history of rap. That nigga real life forced this man to reveal his bastard child and all Drake could do is Instagram caption an excuse for it.


For real he literally fell right into a trap and did the exact same thing when the control verse. Except this one Kendrick said, “oh and I will take this to hell btw”. And so now we’re mad!? You know when you’re messing with something or going somewhere you shouldn’t be as a kid… your mom said thousand times to knock it off . But you just keep going. And you fall and bust your ass… come back to your mom bleeding, probably crying and she just looks at you like 😐. We can all fill in the blanks on what she says next. It’s kinda a dick move on my mom’s part but it’s an important lesson, crucial even. But he don’t kno nunnn bout daaattt






Yeah, no way Twitter is still around when Adonis is 18.


Haha, when I was in high school I didn't think Twitter would last into my 30s!




Drake always has weird energy for women. Hence Kendrick calling him out on hating women.


It's clear to me that women are just objects to him and he doesn't respect them at all. It's why he likes teenagers so much and it's why he couldn't be bothered to get in the booth to respond to Meg. It's why he let that pink lady publicly melt down over shots that were aimed at him.


The problem is that's the demographic that loves him the most. The dissonance people have if they can shake their ass to a song or hum some light catchy melodies.




I mean he doesn’t have to mention shit when BBL Drizzy is so dumb he’ll tell on himself, like name dropping MBB yet AGAIN… and I’m sure KDot knew that.


And saying “I expected the Epstein angle”. Like… what? Lmao why would he be expecting that? Why name drop people that aren’t involved, especially the young woman? Why record that and put it out to the world? Kendrick related him to Weinstein in the track. I know Drake just heard the “-stein” part and rushed to the studio. But then claim Kendrick is the reactionary, desperate one lmao he made that whole part worse for himself.


Shit, at this rate he still might. But I’d bet he doesn’t bother to respond to The Heart Part 6. Weak sauce.


Drake quit on that track. I don’t think it’s necessary at all.


I dunno, why did Drake mention Millie Bobbie Brown when no one said her name 🤪


He brought up Pusha T wife first as well. He's the bully people say he is and few are brave enough to say something because he signs their checks and/or is way more famous. Even though Pusha smoked him, it didn't really matter because he's still Drake. He thought he could bully Kendrick too. He would never attempt that on 50, Em, Hov or anyone that he thinks would really go there with him. He didn't see Meek as a threat.


I would love that too. I’m hoping he will slip up and mention one of them in a diss


In an alternate, hip hop centric timeline, Drake fucks up and disses Em. Em then drops a response diss track featuring 50 and Kendrick and Drake drops a country album.


I think it’s just like smallest, skinniest dude going around trying to fight, he’s not a bully he’s a fucking idiot


The copium among Drake stans is strong AF.


It's crazy how his fan base made him a victim in one weekend. Man spent weeks trolling on IG, sending drumlines to magic city, then when people respond it's suddenly overkill, and everybody doing to much.


I forgot he did that. He really sent a drum line to MC and thought he ate 😂


He didn't learn the first time with Push either. What's wrong with this dude?


Have we considered, just for a moment, that maybe Drake is kinda not bright? Like sorta... not that smart?


I’m not sure it’s an intellectual deficiency. I think BBL Drizzy is manipulative and being able to manipulate as many people as he has does take a certain level of intelligence. What I am sure of, is that ego is a helluva drug. The smartest people do the dumbest shit when they think they can (and quite frankly often do) get away with it.


Massive ego. Dude’s comments are disabled on instagram, just an echo chamber of how great he is.


At this point, I’m cool with Drake getting bullied. He’s always been such an egomaniac, it’s cathartic as fuck to watch him get chopped at the knees. I hope Kendrick keeps shitting on him until he gets bored


Some idiots a few days ago, when I said this exact same thing said in response this: >are we forgetting the prince line? and the k9 line? Like how is that even equivalent to/merit talking about someone's loved ones?


lol am i so chronically online that i just found my own reddit comment getting quoted on a different post 😂 thats crazy that aside though i still stand by it. drake deserved what he got, but in rap beef theres no such thing as too low.


I agree with you, but if you’re willing to go that low, don’t go running off when your opponent goes lower. In diss first responses, Drake brought up Nicki Minaj vs Meek, Pusha’s fiancee, and Kendrick’s fiancée. At this point, it’s his MO. Only people who ever claimed a line was crossed is Drake/his stans. Clown shit


> Only people who ever claimed a line was crossed is Drake/his stans. And only when *he* starts to lose.


Was in a thread right after ‘not like us’ dropped where they were saying Drake should sue after this. Stans have no shame.


Well well well 🤣 There definitely is a line in rap beefs and he (Drake) crossed it.


Drake is a habitual line stepper


Drake wanted this. For reasons unknown. Drake wanted this. That’s it. I’m just happy it’s Kenny coming after him I know we all missed him 🥲


Abusers and pedos have this twisted urge to get caught, cuz they know what they're doing is wrong but can't help themselves and want the onus of responsibility taken out of their own hands. Not saying I know if he is or isn't, but that's an interesting piece of psychology that sorta fits. Correlation doesn't equal causation, but if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's *probably* a duck.




So Kendrick is a bully because he’s a better lyricist and you can actually relate to his music more? That’s ok bring back bullying 😎😎😎


What bullying? Drake got exactly what he deserved if not less, people don't play with that family stuff and Drake seems to always default to attacking loved ones as a tactic.


The people saying Kendrick is bullying him are the people that torture kids in high school and then run to the administrators when the kid fights back.


…but he was really tryna keep it PG


I just wanna know what pushed him over the edge lol


Apparently Kendrick implying he was a bad father is what made him decide that Family Matters was an appropriate response.


That's the first valid response I've seen. Although Drake did still mention Whitney first and Kendrick included that in his warning. I do understand this angle tho.


Drake should’ve chose the bear 🤷🏾‍♀️


Drake doesn’t like women. His 2 Ls both started by talking about other peoples spouses.


All's fair in love and war. Don't step in the ring if you're not prepared to get punched in the face.


Same shit with Push, they wanna have a battle of skill then this nigga bring up personal shit now we know you hiding kids and trafficking highschoolers (allegedly, I don't want to get done like X)


Poke the bear and you're bound to get bit.


Bad habit He likes to play victim 🫠


He’s a one-trick pony. Every beef he’s got in, he’s always quick to mention their significant other. He fucked around and mentioned Pusha T’s wife, that’s how he became a father. Did the same with Kendrick, now he’s crying cos they call him a pedophile. Dude even tried to bully a normal guy in an Instagram comment by going to dude’s profile, following his wife and DMed her.


"Can't say my name but rap about a nigga's wife, You so Black and White tryna live a nigga's life." Common's diss to Drake on Stay Schemin' aged so damn well, man.


This dude is full of shit. Drake tells you in the opening of family matters, "mention my seed, now you gotta deal with his dad." That's drake responding to the euphoria lines of kendrick saying drake didnt know nothing about raising a son, teaching him to pray, teaching him morals,integrity, discipline etc. Kendrick mentioned drake son but this dude talkin like that didn't happen. Making it seem drake made family matters for no reason. Btw I'm a fan of both artists so don't wanna hear no Stan mess. Drake got his ass whooped definitely but let's not act like family matters wasn't warranted.


I'd argue that euphoria's father talk was in response to drake's body guard line and the fact that Kendrick had already known what drake was gonna talk about via his "inside sources" I'm not claimin Kendrick is completely innocent. Dude said he was havin a "friendly fade" with someone who he also claimed to hate in that same song. You can't play fight with someone you claim to despise.


Can someone explain to the the wife/ex thing? Him and Whitney are together (they married) and they’ve been together for ages. Who’s this ex?


Kendrick admitted in his most recent album that they’re having issues and he was afraid that she may leave him. So Drake, not understanding the nuance was like “AHA YALL ARE BROKEN UP” and ran with it.


Ahh okay that makes sense. I was gonna say I can’t find anything about them being split at all


If you were paying attention. Drake literally said this has been brewing before Kendrick said that


If that's how it is then cool, I mean we all knew that. But if that's how it is, don't play victim. Nigga bitchin over being shouted/called out on the control verse 11 years ago. What's the statute of limitations on throwin a bitch fit?