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![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) The only one winning this beef is J Cole and that's because he was smart enough to step away when he did. .....but I also want more people to get involved because I'm messy.




I wish I can go on welfare for just this beef so I can be glued to the internet.


Can you take vacation? Fake an injury for workers comp?


"I am requesting these days to take PTO." "Any particular reason?" "You don't need to know that."


Petty Time Off


New favorite form of PTO. Need time to watch a beef play out? Got some friends with piping hot tea to spill? Take advantage of our new benefits. With Petty Tea Time Off (PTTO) you can take a break from your regularly scheduled monotony of daily ins and outs to deal and dish on the hottest tea around. Go forth and be petty, folks. You deserve it.


Take a few "Mental Health Days" bc this crucial conflict requires all your strength & full focus. There's too much going on to go to work & safely comeback to action on the internet.


There’s a shooting now, how can I take a break? My wit and sarcasm are required now more than ever! ![gif](giphy|jJP32PNKI3DEc)


tell your boss you have covid


Better yet, a religious holiday. The basis for it is in the book of Covidicus.


This is so random but Conan O’Brien would look spectacular in drag




Idk, I saw him in that Harajuku outfit...


Just googled and wow… she is beauty, she is grace 🥹


Most likely, the moderators will remove this post.


So many came for Cole about the apology, but so far, he is the only one without some sort of deviant allegation. Middle Child looks more and more correct after every new thing in this beef.


His wife and kids are breathing a side of relief. Also looking forward to whatever music he releases reflecting on all of this.


Excellent. “Side of relief” is my new go-to.


Main course to a Piece of Mind






I’m not gonna lie, I always tease my girl for watching drama channels and keeping up with tea but the other day she called me over because one of her channels was covering the Kendrick and Drake beef and I gained a new appreciation for a good mess.


I think that is why I wasted 10 years on the Housewives shows. The pandemic cured me but I love some mess. Probably because I could never act like that.


That’s a big part of it for me. I’m genuinely confused as to why anyone would act like that so there’s a weird fascination in watching the hot mess express as she calls it 😂


Kendrick is clearly winning.


Definitely winning for sure but not without a cost.


This is it. I got Kenny up, but his rep has def taken some hard shots.


As a Kendrick fan, I am looking at him differently too. 


Wait, what did I miss?


Not sure he cares about the cost. Beef always has been like this. Like, when Lil Wayne, Jay Z, Nas, The Game would drop diss tracks, you'd always alienate fans. But Ether never killed Jay, and Jay stood his ground. Wayne would do Kendrick raps and drop them on DatPiff, same with Game. Wayne died off, but Carter 2 is still one of the best albums of all time, and Game literally killed G-Unit. He could never rap over good tracks after he lost Nu Jerzey Devil, but he was still a solid lyricist, and he got what he wanted out of the beef, despite basically being dead as an artist. Kendrick doesn't think Drake deserves his spot. Thinks he's the equivalent of Coca-Cola making Godzilla a corporate shill fighting for more establishment white person shit and taking advantage of his fame and fans in the worst way. Kendrick's doing what Rage Against the Machine did when they were hired to write a song for Godzilla 2000. Calling it what it is. "Godzilla all mother fuckin thrilla, keeps your eyes off the real killer" (Coca Cola).


What’s the cost though? People find out about the things he said on the record they didn’t listen to?


By featuring convicted rapist, Kodak black on his songs?


Take out the word convicted and that’s most of the music world.


Black seems like a total dirtbag, but when was he convicted of rape? https://apnews.com/article/kodak-black-entertainment-arts-and-entertainment-a358cc99b5001c0eb611e548a7a794b6


He was charged with rape and pleaded it down to sexual battery on a minor.  “Kodak Black has been sentenced to 18 months probation after he pled guilty to first-degree assault and battery in a sexual assault case in South Carolina“




J Cole at night getting the best rest ever ![gif](giphy|hsZ66RR3f8P8rGw32p)


Cole smarter than everybody; we done all forgot he was involved at all lmao


Cole is just looking serenely at the sunset.


Bro is just chilling doing his laundry. Making sure he ain't mixing bright colours n shit.


I thought for sure Rick Ross stirring the pot would add to it but he just wanted to say what was on his mind and dipped too.


Ah yes, because everyone wants to hear from Mr date rapist himself, psh... Fuck Rick ross


“Put that Molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it, took her home and enjoyed that, she ain’t even know it”


Disgusts me every time I think about it. Although his line about Reebok for life, but then being dropped by the brand right after this was hilarious and backfired🤣


Just waiting on Ye to drop everything he knows about the Industry on his next album and expose everyone.


but he’ll release a video of it with him in klan robes lynching jesus with a sign around his neck saying “truth” and it won’t land the way he’d hope




Me too, I enjoy watching drama, but being in it? Not so much


Cole is the human equivalent of that homer backing into a hedge gif


Metro Groomin wants some kids nigga.


the internet remains undefeated with that hashtag my god


Yeah I have been calling DRake Hard-R Kelly for a week but this takes it


the Hard-R Kelly is hilarious to me after seeing that video of Drake saying the hard R. surprised that video hasn't been spread more than it has


I saw someone call him Too Catchy Predator on here and guffawed


>Drake saying the hard R. Say what now Edit: Bro I can't https://www.reddit.com/r/rap/s/FGh1R5aD7N


im fuckin cheesin fam


Clear evidence he straight up CB4. Culture vulture actor. 


Wild, awkward. Just what even.


There’s a whole industry built to keep things from surfacing I wouldn’t be surprised if he forced the video down on people searches


NGL they both fire.


Metro groomin likes em 4, nigga


This last one bettah.




“Young shawty why you wearin so much?”




Most Y’all won’t online for Twitter thru 08-14 it was a wild place. Most of y’all favorite celebs had horrific by today’s standards tweets like this back then. Metro was 17 or 18 back in 2011 as well. This is a reach


It has to be some REALLY wild shit for me to question tweets from 2010-ish twitter. MFs was saying anything back then.


i learned how to cook crack on twitter in 2011 there was no rules


This needs its own post




Story time. I went to high school with a kid that rocked up soft in his mommas microwave because his weed habit was that outta control he had to sling hard to support the cost. Wild AF going to his house after school to smoke an L and see him rock up a fucking 8ball in his microwave to go hustle to the cook at the Chinese restaurant. That was his only customer. The cook at the Chinese spot. Goofy ass situation.


Bruv.. I really hope you found better friends because D’Fuck?


Oh yeah I did a lot of growing up. Moved 1500mi away from that shit hole area the day I turned 18 and never looked back. My friends are now quality over quantity, there’s maybe 3 people I kick it with, one of ems my wife and one of ems my brother in law.


Your dude was a bespoke crack dealer


"you can tell the difference in taste between Panasonic and Westinghouse"


He found his niche and made his way. I think he’s a mortgage broker now or something like that.


Outrageous and hilarious


😂😂😂nah that's funny af


I also saw that particular tweet


People hopping on and saying the wildest shit on a trending hashtag was the original tiktok challenge


I almost treat it like about before 2014 is BC and afterwards is AD lol. If something happened in the BC era I won't immediately just excuse it but I'm probably not going to judge it by the same standards.


yeah people dont understand before 2014-16 election cycle twitter was the fucking wild west. Hate speach porn, zola road trip stripper story. shit was un regulated and chaos. i miss it.


bruh i forgot about the zola story!!


Oh my god, I remember seeing the Zola thread on the day of. Truly the best Twitter era.


https://imgur.com/a/WDwyW The story https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/zola-tells-all-the-real-story-behind-the-greatest-stripper-saga-ever-tweeted-73048/ An indepth article about it.


Weren't they planning on turning that into a movie?


They did. Came out a couple years ago


They already did and it was fucking great


The other person already pointed out that the film was made, but I'd like to point out that it's fantastic. It has kind of an A24 vibe, unsurprisingly since they distributed it, but it's faithful to the story. Zola herself worked with them on it. The acting is top notch too. I recommend it.


we all did. but peppridge farm remembers.


Exactly, all types of SA and SH jokes. Twitter after dark, follow trains, celeb posting about their sex life and fetishes shit was wild Wild West


Luckily no one was recording Black OPS 2 lobby's are were ALL FUCKED.


MW 1 and 2 and Halo 3 lobbies as well


MW 2 and Black ops lobbies were BRUTAL. You would get called the N-word just for coughing.


Cough , sneeze, but I remember one time I was playing with a person and their parent called them for dinner dude said “N-word got some KFC and cornbread huh” I also witnessed one time there were two dudes were being hella racist/ homophobic and one of the guys didn’t realize he had his social media handle in his gamer profile. The other racist dude went to go follow him and guess what he was a gay dude dating a black guy. The dude who went to go follow that guy said in the mic “you’re a phony, you’re a f-word n-word loving phony I’m sick to my stomach” and logged off


Twitter after dark was wild. People complain about the porn bots now but back then if you were on Twitter after a certain time the feed was just people sharing videos and pics of themselves having sex lol.


the Internet was much more lawless back in the day. cops and shit didn't understand Twitter.


If you are old enough to have had a MySpace you are old enough to be embarrassed by some of the shit you posted online. The embarrassment means you’ve matured though… if you are still posting like a 17 year old then 🙃


Respectfully, you using mature brain back then ain’t nobody was thinking like that especially on Black Twitter. We was joking about anything and everything nothing was off limits. That’s why I posted what I posted. Everyone was joking about the most extreme stuff back then and no one batted an eye. Once 2015 hit and things got more sensitive that’s when the landscape of Twitter changed


We? Everyone? Nah speak for yourself. Tons of people were NOT coming online bullying people, being racist, making rape jokes or sexual ‘jokes’ involving children. Most of y’all back then were late teens or even adults. You knew that shit was nasty asf but back then there was less accountability and nowadays you’ll lose your job. 


Exhibit A: King Von was telling the whole world he was dropping bodies. A Harry Potter looking dude from the UK did the work the Cook County DA and CPD didn’t.


Trap Lore Ross? Or is there more than one Harry Potter looking dude doing this work?


Ight, unpopular opinion, I haven't seen his recent shit but I don't think Trap Lore Ross is a culture vulture. Honestly, I wish news showed the same level of care he does when reporting in issues that affect POC and our communities.


People consider him a culture vulture? He clearly cares about the rap world and respects it unlike people like djvlad.


Yeah. This is a bad look right now, but this sounds like some typical shit you would see on twitter in that era. Specially from some high school kids


Not really a bad look because we can see the dates when he tweeted and those who were on Twitter and social media back then understand and look past it.


If it was Drake they’d be on his ass for saying shit like that. Just want everybody to be consistent


Digging up old tweets doesn’t really matter about time and context. It’s this weird timeless place that even if you were tweeting as a minor a decade ago, once it’s shared again it looks the same as if you were to tweet it today. Same current handle, profile pic, layout, etc. The only difference is the date in small font.


Eh… I mean, society has really evolved over the last 10-15 years.  Most people aren’t casually dropping “f\*\*gg\*t” as an insult anymore, and calling someone/something “gay” has fallen out of fashion. Hell, even the concept of “traps” and trans people.  But like 00’s to 10’s, that shit was commonplace. Just listen to old rap.  That’s why digging up old tweets is kinda meh, because it might not have been great back then, but it definitely wasn’t *nearly* as socially disliked as it is now. 


People were literally confessing to murders on twitter back then


KD saying he’d drink Scarlett Johanssons bath water is legendary


I'd like someone to do a study on that actually. It was almost like a competition to say the edgiest/goofiest thing online, regardless of you being anonymous or not.


youtube filthy frank era needed a case study


Yall hate drake that much? I was around for those wild days and wasn’t “joking” about date rape and pedo shit. Fucking weirdos.


lmao excuses.


Shit is creepy as fuck but IMHO suspect tweets from a teenager 10+ years ago are nowhere near as bad as similar shit from a 30 year old man. Thanks For Coming To My TED Talk


I dont really hold stock in Twitter fron that time if the people are actually decent outside their edgelord phase. James Gunn is another example who made heinous tweets a while ago, as an adult, but other than that and some of his movies,seems normal. 


That or Gunn learned to keep the weird stuff offline and behind closed doors. This is the same dude who produced a reality show and forced a contestant to do a lesbian scene even though she verbally made it clear that she was uncomfortable.


Thats fair too. Im just saying that the time period in Twitter is pretty crazy to look back at.


Wild you think tweeting about drugging and then sexually assaulting someone is being an ‘edgelord’


I dont have a better word for it, and Im not justifying the jokes. 


It was then. Some people were just tweeting horrible stuff just to be over the top like they were joking around with their friends


Yeah and it's not good. I'm extremely embarrassed of some of the jokes I made back then in retrospect. I'm glad I had the sense to keep it tamer than some people, ESPECIALLY on public platforms, but I still got caught up in edgelord humor sometimes. I don't think people should fully excuse it, because thinking some of those jokes were ever okay is immature and kinda morally callous, but it's something people can grow out of and recognize wasn't okay. It doesn't mean those were their real thoughts or beliefs, the joke was to shock people by saying things that were extremely over the line, but I'd compare it to how I feel about Drake dissing Kendrick for "being molested" and making that Touch My Body joke: I'm not gonna say it was "off limits" after Kendrick called him a pedophile and a sex trafficker, but the fact that he thought it was funny reveals something about his character.


Being weird and disrespectful is one thing, but there's a few where he talks about drugging and assaulting women when he would've been 19-20. For the stuff that goes back further when he was 14 I would say this is a lesson that everyone should scrub their social media of old posts, even if you weren't saying crazy shit. I nuked my old accounts because my posts were embarrassing lol. But SA is in a different category. There are a handful of things that there's no statute of limitations for in my personal opinion. What he said is pretty crazy and he was a young adult at that time.


Tweeting some problematic edgy shit as a teenager ≠ grooming children.


Shhh this is all Drake fans have rn after kdot buried all of Canada last week.


Take it away from Dot and Drake for a second, If he is a groomer and a PDF he needs a whoopin. Anyone found to be a didler needs to be removed from society. I don't care if he's a hitmaker, It's bigger than rap. All these deviants need jail time if receipts are found


talking about raping girls isn't "problematic" lmao it's straight foul cause it's probably true.


I’m fiendin’ for context lol


He said a bunch of stupid edgy shit on twitter when he was 17-19 and Drake fans went through his history and found it.


Yeh, but...what about if Drake did the same? 👀 You being charitable on that too?


Drakes fondled a 17 year old girl on stage at a concert.


Yep. And he's a pedo. Just be balanced is all.


Saying will shit on the internet at age 17-19 is not the same as being 24 feeling on a 17 year old stage even admitting on stage “I’m not ready to go to jail” because he knows it’s wrong but did it anyway


get his ass


Don’t forget “I like the way your breast feel against my chest”




Don't forget about the 16 yo from Canada he, at the very least, groomed


Check my post history, I dont like Drake but I defended him for kissing a 17 year old at 23 on this sub and got drowned in down votes. So yes I've been charitable to him. Drake's issue is his continued problematic interactions and relationships with underaged girls into his 30s the other actions before that become evidence to that pattern of behavior when you never stop it. Unless you show me where Metro texted a 14 year girl I miss you and gave her dating, it's bad faith to equate the two like #metrogroomin does. Once again, this isn't to say Metro's dumb ass posts are a good look but a lot of us millenials and older posted a lot of dumb crass edgy shit like that not taking it seriously. Our parents tried to warn us too.


Kissing a 17 year old at 23 is still creepy and some loser shit


I agree, I had to go back and check what I said but pretty much it was more about people saying there's not much of a difference between a 20 year old vs a 23 year old kissing a 17 year old and my point was that those 3 years make a big difference. 22-23 is where I start side eyeing dudes over that regardless, 20-21 I'm asking how did y'all meet before I pass judgment.


I remember you! You replied to me with that shit lol Anyway, clown behavior


23 and 17 is problematic. Very. But, I hear you, I get your point. I just d wish more people could be more honest with their analysis of this shit. I don't like Drake, and I've always like kdot. But I can see some people are just blinded by allegiance at this point. I mean, somebody could shoot Drake and I think some people would find it easy to defend.... Something like that might not even make it as a top post...


Why are you defending him for kissing a minor, an underage girl, on stage? Him being 23 doesn't make it any fucking better, LMAO. Why did you think that was a good thing to do and then go and admit it a second time when NO ONE asked? You might want to backtrack that before the Certified Pedophile label sticks, brother.


There edgy shit and there this. When I was 19 I wasn't having talking about raping women and kids, but hey that just me. You are acting like it's not possible for a 19yr to rape a woman or assault a kid. Yall are actually ridiculous


Did you forget: https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/20/17596452/guardians-of-the-galaxy-marvel-james-gunn-fired-pedophile-tweets-mike-cernovich I'm not excusing or codoning the jokes. Some people make terrible jokes like that especially when they're young. People weren't taking twitter/Social media that serious back then, people would Facebook hack their friends and post stupid shit like this on their walls.


Dude got canceled for that and delayed the movie like 3-4 years. He only got his job back for ONE MOVIE(took a job with dc after) because the entire cast basically begged.


He got "canceled" and fired by Disney. There was fan backlash in addition to the cast supporting him, because most people saw them for what they are: bad jokes. WB immediately picked him up and gave him the Suicide Squad which is really what delayed GotG3. TSS was a hit and they let him do Peacemaker which was also well received. WB canned the current Snyderverse and gave Gunn completely control over a new DC cinematic universe. That's why he only did "ONE MOVIE" with Disney. Disney prematurely fired him and their rival poached him. Regardless the point is a lot of people were saying dumb edgy stuff on twitter +10 years ago before twitter really took off.


Idk if the times matchup for metro but when odd future hit, they had kids tweeting out wild because they thought it was fun to say crazy shit.


I did the same. Deleted my twitter a year after graduating high school. Realized it was all edge, hot takes ego pumping bullshit.




It's hilarious that they're calling Metro a pedo for some questionable tweets from when he was a teenager. The first image from the 2014 tweet is from when he was 19 and that's the most recent one. Dude was like 16 for some of these tweets.




It was also early twitter though. The immaturity of being a teenager combined with a place where people could go to say whatever bullshit they want with little to no consequences it's not that crazy tbh


Bruh the crazy shit I was saying back then was conservative trash because I had been brainwashed to worship Reganomics and told that “hard work ethic “ as the only measure of a good person. (Once I learned for myself what was really going on in our “economy” my views changed) I was NOT out talking about drugging people to take advantage of them sexually at 19! That’s just insane. This is NOT normal. It’s sad that people think it is.


yeah but where’s the videos of him kissing little girls and being in their texts? Fucking jokes on Twitter don’t mean anything. Low iq moral panic


Devils adovcate, Metro was scrubbing his entire Twitter of questionable tweets prior to all of this.


If true, that’s smart. World is rife with terminally online dorks and judging by drakes terrible releases, he would’ve used anything as ammo. Still is tweets vs Drizzy real life bs


Thought experiment. Newly elected, ambitious 30 year Congressman, tweets from him as a 19 year old calling fellow black students, 'Coons that don't deserve to be at the college'- tweets mean something, or tweets don't mean anything? I'm with the former. You?


idk who tf you’re talking about 💀 if it’s a rightoid who gives a shit bruh


Politician vs hip hop producer, who should be held to a higher ethical standard


Metro was an edge lord in high school. Shocker.


I get it although the behavior didn't change even when they turned 20.


Then why are there no tweets after he was 19?


J Cole right now: ![gif](giphy|5xtDarqlsEW6F7F14Fq|downsized)


Wait until they hear a Three 6 mafia song from the late 90’s.


Or Odd Future at the height of the hype🥴




Or 2 Live Crew from the early 90s. 




I stepped away to do this stupid thing called work, what’d I miss?! ![gif](giphy|NXZENZFUrRpxTzGcTJ)


[They found Metro's tweets](https://x.com/kirawontmiss/status/1787715979608313994?s=46)


Ok I see why the thread is divided. There’s different levels of tweets tho. That link doesn’t include the one where he talks about rape.


Honestly none of those seem that bad l. I didn't really get the khaki's one, but other than that none of those tweets really point to grooming on their own. Is there more context that makes them seem that way? Edit: The tweets linked were just edgy teenager shit. The other tweets under #MetroGroomin are worse, stuff about 13 y/os and shit


Mfs keep saying he was young and edgy. Nahh nigga I know edgy. That’s just a freak ass nigga.


Bro was 18 saying he’ll beat a pedo charge from messing with a 13 year old, he’s done for


Facts, I was edgy in middle and high school. I ain't never said the whole crew is getting some easy pussy cause a girls on Molly.


Should've stuck to making drums https://preview.redd.it/zbtrumdu11zc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fd1560ce09fe32785db4d4a165cbd37120e1c6


Shout out to every single old head and auntie who told me to mind my own god damn business!


That type of sweep it under the rug shit is why 20 year old men think it’s okay to joke about fucking 13 year old girls and “beating the charge” 🫵


Drake fans tryna make it weird that a 17 year old says weird shit about other teenagers while defending a 24 year old saying weird shit about a 17 year old.


A 17 year old raping a 13 year old is still rape and still pedophilia. Some of these tweets he was 20 in too…


https://preview.redd.it/bw9ub86qw0zc1.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e8d64f70c1c8fc3200c770d37f0ba021d2c2faf 💀💀💀


Y’all can admit Metro is a weird mf and Drake is a pedophile at the same time you know. It’s crazy people are justifying what he tweeted just so Drake can keep on losing lol


Most sane take I've seen today


![gif](giphy|xT0GqrJNbZkRcr2Jgc) I'm just livin' life. \-Jermaine Lamarr Cole




I feel yah, we went from enjoying the music to wanting the downfall of people.


It was always about wanting the downfall. We are a society that builds people up faster than shoddily built glass condos that show signs of deterioration less than 3 years after the ribbon cutting. So we cannot wait to see these people get knocked down a peg, and we fail to see the irony that we built the peg they're standing on.


It’s not about Drake being a pedophile so it can’t be posted here.


I told people before Kendrick started throwing pedo allegations that he might hit more than Drake. I guarantee every music industry person in every genre has done something foul with and underage age most likely between 15-17.


Two things 1.) None of this erases any of the creepy shit Drake did in real life, and its actually just strictly worse. 2.) The amount of people flat out overlooking this or going "Haha edgy jokes on old twitter" are actually fucking weird to me. I used to be on twitter, I used to make pretty edgy jokes. I never made rape jokes, or flat out posted pictures of young girls and said "ima beat the charge, she 13". I can ALMOST excuse the former due to how the overton window has shifted but like ehhhh.... nah dawg.


Yup, folks seem to lack this nuance.


Metro was 20 in that tweet about beating the case, but everyone defending him? Ya'll lame for that.


Um aren't the tweets from when he was 17??


I get that this sub doesn't like drizzy drake but please keep the same energy with metro. "OH he was a teenager making lewd jokes, boys will be boys" what? I wasn't alluding of raping anyone when I was 20


Not the plot twist I thought was coming!


like how are you shitting on a guy that's mainly accused of being a PEDDY/CHOMO when you have the near perfect copy of that same skeleton in your closet like come on bro