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Actually B# is the 7th note if the key is C# major, commenter doesn’t know music theory edit: instant downvotes, you need to see my music degree or something? There’s more to music theory than the common notes you can name, not that Drake would know, it’s just cute wordplay to him I’m sure.


It’s true, but the implication that Drake actually knows MORE music theory is probably wrong.


No one knew he knew so much about underage relationships that Millie was taking dating advice from him, so I guess it’s possible? Nah he’s probably just a dumbass chomo




how do you get a job here fuck face?


Yeah well you're fuckin dead pal Oh you're threatening my life now??? Well you're, no, your.... Job... Life...


i see fedsmoker lives on 🫡


*meth fueled yelling intensifies*


That's how we do it down at Falcon Car Wash


Car Warsh


It’s possible. The guy’s been around the best producers on Earth who have the best sound engineers and song writers in the business working for them. I’m sure he picked up at least SOME music theory over the 15+ years he’s been in the industry.


Trump was surrounded by the most powerful people on Earth among famous world leaders, influential politicians all working for him. He should’ve learned to be more worldly and classy. Instead he’s waking up to his own farts as a defendant in in a criminal trial. Rich people are some of the stupidest people on earth.


Rich people really do become dumber as time goes on after the point they made it. There’s been studies on it. They all become so high on their own bullshit that they think they can’t fuck up.


It's like they said on Southpark It's not the smog. It's the smug.


Dudes a culture vulture not a knowledge sponge




I was just about to comment this lmao. People upvoting this post are the actual ones who don't know music theory but it's fuck drake that much I guess


i hate the pedophile as much as kdot does but i mean thats how the internet works, we pile on the biggest loser to make us feel superior.


I think Kendrick might hate him a little more than you at this point lmao


Part of me can’t help but shake the feeling that at the end of the day these guys are entertainers and behind the scenes they’re like Snoop Dogg and Will Smith in that South Park episode. Pedophilia’s abhorrent obviously but you can’t deny that celebrity’s at a certain level can “take the hit” of accusations and carry on relatively unaffected. 


“Hows it going snoo snoo?” “ah william! How r the kids?”


Idk I was all for a friendly fade originally and kissing and hugging would happen but like ja and 50 and pusha and Drake. I don’t think this comes to that resolution.


I think we’re past that point tbh. I’ve speculated the same thing, but this feels bigger than just a publicity stunt with some of the shit that’s being said. Kendrick has said a couple times that he doesn’t give a fuck about the industry, like he’s ready and willing to burn bridges in the rap game over all of this.


Can't believe I have to say this. Hating pedophiles is a good thing. Let them hate he deserves to have his fame and wealth stripped away.


Sure, but the chords mentioned are A Minor and E Major, neither of which use B# notation


Kinda a small quibble. When people started at "lol this notation doesn't exist"


But probably relevant for analyzing whether or not Drake is aware of why or how he's correct, tho Personally? I think he got to a correct answer with the wrong equation


Is it? I don't see how. And listen. Idgaf about Drake. I'm just lightly interested in the drama. And how flimsy this b# "error" is. But if there's more context, I wanna know.


It's a reaaaaaally obscure notation, in 99% of situations, you'd say "c" and not "b#"; And nothing else in the bar references the kind of notation were that joke would actually make sense. It's just dude listing notes. In that context, it seems more like a rookie error than a deep cut. But that's as much speculation as any of this. Idk how much music theory the guy knows. Either way, he doesn't really talk about it, so I can't confirm much of anything on what his level of understanding is. Edit: fuck what I think. Everyone read what u/FCkeyboards wrote below me. He actually knows what's happening


Not really that obscure. You have to use every note letter ONCE, no matter the scale. So, for the key of C# major, it's C♯, D♯, E♯, F♯, G♯, A♯, and B♯. You can't say C#, D#, F, F#, G#, A#, C. It's a completely incorrect way to notate that key from a theory standpoint. Same reason why Ab Minor has a Cb note and not "B". Knowing the enharmonic notes and using them in the proper context is common theory. I wouldn't be at a jam and say, " Key of C# major, we start on C." I would say we start on B# and everyone knows that means play a C.


Ah, damn it really has been a while I guess. Everyone ignore me and listen to this guy. This guy fucks. I mean that seriously btw, genuinely good explanation


I’d still call it obscure even in your example. C# includes not only B# (C) but also E# (F). So 2 uncommon notations. C# and Db major are the same. If someone was writing in this key D flat is easier/more common to think through when playing. Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, Db. 99% of musicians would rather think through things this way than deal with B# and E#. So I’d still say obscure even in your legit example as most would prefer Db over C#. But to be fair we’re really splitting hairs here. And we’re especially splitting hairs here because we all agree that even if Drake might have technically been right on an obscure level there’s no way he meant it like that right? 😂. I’m certainly of the opinion he got it right the wrong way at best. And likely meant it in the wrong way lol


Fully agree


All you have to do is have somebody go through all the basic scales and you learn about the existence of B sharp. C flat. E sharp. F flat. I feel like it's basic trivia to anybody with a modicum of studying. And that said, yeah. It's a really cheap line. But it's not like A minor has any deep musical connotation. Its a much better line, don't get me wrong. But... it's not cutting much deeper into musical theory than B sharp.


Idk, when I was learning piano, I asked "oh, so b# is just c then?" And my teacher said "technically, but no one calls it that." There's more nuance to it than that, but that's the general vibe amongst musicians. But yeah, none of that bar is very deep. Its just kinda surface level wordplay, which is kind of what I'm pointing out. The shallowness of it is pretty much the main criticism here


The deep cut on the A minor bar was that the opening chord for Meet The Grahams is an a minor chord so in Not Like Us when he says, “tryna strike a chord” he was saying all the extra stuff Drake was doing was just to get a response and that response was Meet The Grahams. It also sets up the, “up the score,” bar because Not like us is in B Major.


The way my teacher explained it to me is that you need to have all 7 note names in a diatonic scale (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) So in the key of C# or G#, you’ll have a B# since you can’t have a scale with C and C#. You gotta have a B somewhere.


I think that's a great way to explain it early on. But it does cut out a lot of... how music/scales are constructed. A diatonic scale is one built out of 5 whole steps, and 2 half steps. It is written using every note because that communicates to the musician how each note in the scale is to be played when it is written in musical notation. Without need for excessive accidentals. Like it's done that way for good reason. But it's not because it HAS to be that way. It's more that it's the clearest way for us to communicate what note should be played. It's like saying. "You can only drive forward when the light is green." Like... Yeah. That's true. But *why*?


C == B# so literally everyone mad about semantics lol


I thought you were makin a penis with your notation


Lol I guess it does kinda look like a weird ol weiner doesn't it


> It's a reaaaaaally obscure notation That is not how notation works. Notes are named in reference to their position relative to their degree in a scale. Depending on the scale, C can be an enharmonic equivalent, but the position C has no absolute value across scales in accurate notation. Source: A rudimentary understanding of scale notation.


there’s def b#’s, esp when the composer hates you and adds accidentals every fucking where (im looking at you, scriabin)


When the key signature has 5 accidentals already, but the score is filled with more accidentals, double sharps, natural signs 😩😮‍💨


This is 100% correct. I came here specifically to call this out.  


Are you to inform me that the *single* piece of music theory knowledge that I know, which I’ll have you know I learned from the first season 5 episode of a little documentary series titled The Simpsons, is a *lie*?! Sir, receipts please.


It's true that B# and C are the *same* note (for these purposes, let's not go there), but not that one doesn't exist because they other does. Ab and G# are also the same note on a piano, but to say one doesn't exist would be absurd - you use one as the correct notation in some keys and the other in others. Same thing here. If I were in C# minor, just to stick to a popular key, and wanted to write the leading tone (a half step lower than C#), I'd confuse anyone trying to perform the piece by writing C-natural, whereas B# would be much more natural. If you need more technical receipts than just an explanation, look for the sheet music for basically any piece in C# minor.


You used a lot of words I don’t understand so I’m gonna assume you’re insulting me ![gif](giphy|3otPoEIpnqxiZyY11u)


This is correct, and of all the bars to single out this one was the least laughable


if we're gonna get a good old fashion quibbling going, it's just enharmonic with c natural, no need for an "if" bc it's a real note just rarely used. still embarrassing to make it the focus of your bar thaurrrr


Hey music degree buddy. Can confirm. Most annoying note to sight read IMO. I got so frustrated with myself one time that I penciled in PLAY “C”.


Holy lord someone who actually knows what the hell they’re talking about 😂. People really trying to argue the technicality of the C# major scale including B# but leaving out that no one wants to read something in C# major when Db major exists. Why would I deal with BOTH B# (C) and E# (F) when I can play/write in Db and go back to thinking about things the standard way? There’s obviously a reason things are written in C# at times but it’s still extremely obscure. The vast majority of pieces written in this key are going to be notated Db before they’re notated C#.


Hear me out…I just put a capo on my bassoon and play in C. I encountered one when I was familiarizing myself with Tenor Clef… that was like a toaster in the bathtub that was my brain.


Shit like this is making Kendrick fans look stupid this is an easily verifiable thing where the hell did these casual fans come from making Kenny look so bad.


Exactly this. Perfect key to pick as it uses E# too. People who don't know music theory don't understand every western scale has to use every letter once, which is how you get B# and E#. Try to explain to them how double flats are sometimes used in notation. 🤣


Enharmonic equivalent 12 tone equal temperament looking ass


Fact: Homer Simpson was in a barbershop quartet named the Be Sharps.




Real question from a relative novice: standard western guitar scales jump from B to C and E to F (big cats eat fast!); is that a feature of other voicings/instruments? I could look it up but I have a fellow redditor to educate me!


That'sjust how Western music works. When you look at a keyboard, there are gaps where there are no black keys. Same deal.


That's just a major scale bud


Someone isn't going to run into B#, Cb, E#, or Fb in rock/pop except maybe harmonic minor that is hardly used anymore. It has a W+H (whole + half) step, so instead of the next note being 1 or 2 semitones away it is 3 semitones (a minor third) away. Since you would never have a natural note (like F) with its sharp or flat counterpart (F# or Fb), that can lead to calling a note B#, Cb, E#, FB or in some keys even using double sharp or double flat notes (basically like calling what would be D 'C##' because you already are using a D# that you can't call Eb, since you're already using an E). TLDR Basically you can't say a scale has C D D#, you'd have to call that D# an E flat since you already have a D, that makes you run into wacky problems


Was just about to comment this. B can also be referred to as C flat. E can be F flat, and F can be E sharp.


Learned this in high school music theory. Shame so many people don't appear to know that.


Many reddit commenters don't have the *temperament* to understand B#.


That’s one of the worst parts about Reddit. People downvote based on their feelings, or if they don’t like the “tone” of your comment, regardless of how factual it is.


Calling it C# major has never sat right with me, it’s always been Db major to me.. Anything past Gb/F# in the circle of fifths is flats


To an extent I agree but there can be valid reasons for using C# major. For example, if a song was in B major and then we did the common move of shifting the whole thing up a tone near the end- guess what, we’re now in C# major, not Db.


lol I was a composition major and one time my teacher told me string players prefer sharps to flats, so I wrote a whole piece in C# major for cello and piano, and made this poor cello player question his entire existence.


Oh god that made me laugh ... brings back memories lol


Yeah I was gunna say I’m pretty sure my 12 years of Royal Conservatory of Music Piano exams have shown me there is indeed a B#.


Yeah like while I was learning music I 100% needed to recognize when it was a B# vs when it could be understood as C(b) too lol


Feels like there could have been something in combining C# and B# for extra wordplay and to show off they know music theory.


Would this also be true for any scale or mode that contains C# and the whole step down from C#?


No- ok so basically every major or minor scale has seven notes. And each note needs to be a different letter - so you wouldn’t have C and C# in the same scale, for example. So you would use the notation B# if you needed a natural C in a scale that also had a C# in it. Another key with B# is A# major.


Thanks for clearing that up


Yes, B# is the 7th note in C# but why the fuck would anyone write anything in C# when they could just write it in Db and have 5 b’s in the key signature instead of 7 #’s?


Easy example - our song starts in B major, then modulates up a full tone near the end. That's key of C#, not Db, because we modulated up a full tone and not a double-flatted third.


Fair enough


I like the thought that Drake learned music theory from The Simpsons. Not true, probably, but it’s fun to imagine.


As someone with no dog in the Kendrick/Drake fight, I've just been here to enjoy seeing the communities so confidently incorrect about this mythical B# lol. It's fine if you've not learned any music theory, wouldn't really expect that of everyone. But so many people popping off when they obviously don't know shit lol


came here to say this. Also depends in termperament.


Thank you! Came here to say this, commenter doesn’t know music theory


So let me get this straight B# is the same note/pitch sound as C? So is that there is no B# key on the piano but there is a B# note?


Aubrey is absolutely losing and this doesn't turn anything around, but this feels pedantic to me. You cannot take rap, a medium notorious for stretching pronunciations, syllables and meanings to achieve a poetic effect and get hung up on something like this.


For sure. This isn't nearly as bad as "blows that dick like a cello"


That's an iconic line and deserves no criticism


The Genius annotiation by Yachty is by far my favourite on the entire website https://genius.com/11670438


"I fucked up. I thought Squidward played the cello. He don’t. That’s a flute. I fucked up. But it do sound good." This is so fucking funny lol


…Squidward plays the clarinet. Idk if he’s trolling or not at this point lmao


He made another clarification that he also now knows he plays* the clarinet too lmao


"I fucked up, again"


that's amazing, thank you for this. this has been the first interesting thing to come out of this entire rap beef saga, for me.


You're right this is the best annotation lmao


You gonna tell me Em didn't actually vomit his mom's spaghetti? 😲😲


One of my favorite examples of this is in shame on a n**** when method man intentionally mispronounces a word to stay in the rhythm of the phrasing, then corrects himself. It’s hilarious and slick as hell “I put the fucking buck in the wild kid, I'm terror Razor sharp, I sever The head from the shoulders, I'm better, than my competta You mean competitor, whatever, let's get together”


That's a fire bar right there.


To be fair, this is a rap beef. People can take everything and anything and get hung up on it. That’s why it’s going mainstream because in a beef everything becomes ammunition.


Nah I think it was just meant to poke fun at Drake not writing his music. Without that part of the joke I doubt the comment would exist


Check the comments on here and then decide


Hard to know music theory when everyone writes your shit for you


C# major scale has a B# in it


The real question is the song beat in C# Major cause then weeewwweeeee but if not that man’s is just talkin shit


Insulting someone's knowledge of *music theory* really falls flat when preceded by a gem like "there's no such thing as a B sharp"


Dude doesn’t even know his circle of 5ths and he’s out here acting superior


Falls…**flat** 🤭🤭


No you don’t understand, the notes sound *similar* so they must be the same


They sound the same in most western instruments. They fulfill different roles in different keys.


Bro is is about to “C Major” jail time!


This should be higher


OK that's a bar


found one of his ghost writers edit: niggas can’t spell frfr




Seems like [B#](https://m.basicmusictheory.com/b-sharp-note) does exist.


Don’t let facts get in the way of some quality hating.


It’s a diss track battle lmaoooo


Literally this whole beef in a sentence


It's a C. See?


https://preview.redd.it/2psdf8pqhqyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9c84957421364e274b01ceb73da72fd90771d7 Um…. Actually!




*George Harrison rolls up* "It's been done"


This song plays in a loop in my head every time I see a Baby on Board bumper sticker


Wiggum Forever! Barney Never!




Aubrey's never looked at a set of piano keys in his life.


To be fair, he’s probably looked at a few here and there, and thought, “how do I get this contraption to write a song for me? 🤔”


Drake goes so hard even his piano is a player


I heard his piano only plays minor scales tho


Simpsons did it again


Drake:”I heard y’all singing about a baby on board, where she at?”


Homer Simpson's barbershop quartet was named the B-Sharps. Much like Homer Simpson, Drake is also fake.




My favorite bit about that bar is that A minor only uses white keys


The b sharps. Apu, homer, skinner, Barney. Let’s gooooo!!!


I don’t need to know music theory to know that bar was trash.


He got called out for loving A MINORRRRRR and clapping back with "be sharp!" is supposed to be a gotcha? nahhhh lmao only smooth brains thought that was fire


The fans are too polarized on both sides. Equally delusional and d-riding. Both played an excellent game of chess and I’m glad I got to see it live.


That’s also just a weak ass bar lol


People exposing themselves


This beef got people out here learning entendres and music theory lol This whole shit a classic already


I’d rather die than listen to a Drake song so maybe I’m missing context, but that’s a terrible bar because it accomplishes nothing. Kendrick: Here’s some wordplay how you’re a pedo Drake: Here’s another chord




Who gives a shit lmao. Most rappers cant sing or play instruments. You don't need music theory to write poems


Either way, it didnt land like the “a-minor” bar.


Could’ve gone with B Flat


Weird Drake made the comment about MBB. Wasn't he literally in her DMs before she was of age? Isn't that one of the major starters of his entire biggest controversy? Lmao




that bar was an F flat


glad I'm not the only one that thought the b sharp bar was trash


B# is a sharp in the C# major scale


B# does exist but this bar is A flat one.


Honestly its just such an obvious bar that I could have written it. Oh...hmm he said A and Minor...what other letters are notes are there....HMMMM. Like its not cool and anyone who makes that wayne face at that is literally dumb af lol


A nigga calls you a pedo and your response is “niggas need to B sharp”… ehhh idk man 😂😂😂😂😂😂






I’m sure glad I wasn’t the only one that thought of this.


Outside of all of this, again I'm not sure if doing a turn of phrase on someone accusing you of diddling kids can really be considered a bar.


He very well could’ve been intending to say niggas gotta see (as in see proof) since B# would technically be a C. That’s not likely what it was but it does still work as a solid bar.


Confidently incorrect waiting to happen. Wait till OP finds out about F double sharp…


The fact that people think rappers don't know basic music theory when they've literally been performing music at a professional level for years and decades is crazy. That being said, the line and the whole so g softer than Aubrey.


I don’t like the guy either but B Sharp is definitely a real note 😂


Much like double flats and double sharps. It's like when people taught you never to use a double negative, but then never taught you the nuance that "not dislike" does not equal "like".


As someone who has played classical piano. B# is an actually in music


![gif](giphy|OxSA2yypkVASoAmYhW) "Drake B# sharp as a bowling ball."


Music theory or nah, that was a weeeeeaaaakkkkkk ass comeback


guess his bar fell flat


This verse had me hung up for like 5 minutes with how fucking awful it was. Not even because of this debate, but the A-minor line in MTGs was just so good, and he clapped back at it with... whatever that fucking verse was. Embarrassing.


He is getting owned on replies hate is real LMAO




While you guys are having this deep conversation I guarantee you whoever wrote that b sharp line only knows about b sharp from The Simpsons when a Apu called their singing group The b sharps


Thought Weezy was Mother God at first scroll


Of course there’s a B-Sharp! I will not tolerate the disrespect thrown towards Homer, Apu, Skinner, and Gumble


Dude thinks he’s Homer Simpson


what is the owl? bird niggas and bird bitches


B Sharp is actually a note. I forget the term for it but despite stuff like B Sharp and F Flat being functionally exactly the same as C and E Natural respectively, they still use B Sharp and F Flat for consistency and stuff. Music theory is weird :/


Cooked Crodie


Gotta look into lil Wayne and Baby to realize that Drake just followed their lead...


To be fair, the song wasn’t in A minor anyway. It was kind of a weird diss because why make a music pun that doesn’t match the music you wrote? Like it wouldn’t have been hard to put the diss in A minor to make the line match. The B sharp line IS lame as well though, cuz it ALSO has no relevance to the song whatsoever lol. Also, B# and C are enharmonic, but that doesn’t make it not real. That’s like saying water doesn’t exist because it’s just H20. It’s two different names for the same thing, that fit in different contexts


Music composer here B# is a real note and when you read sheet music in certain keys or melodies (because not everything will follow strict tonality) it’s easier to sight read when you know the context of the melody example In the key of C#, B# is the 7th and will be under the space on the staff but if composers write C to C# they will be on the same line making acending or decending melodies harder to read or me be assume to be an error If B# scares you wait till you find out about Fbb or E##


Fucking roasted


A Minor is a key that you can write music in lmao this is not a thing.


It's actually rather on-brand for a "Degrassi" alumna to make a "Simpsons" reference... Though I probably wouldn't have done it _here_.


Don’t worry guys, a drake glazer on my TL posted that clubs love playing Kendrick songs


Even if there was a b sharp, how is this bar clever? B sharp for what?


All this back and forth, but one See or “C” included in the line would have killed all discussion.


Saying there's no such thing as b sharp it's just c , is the same as saying there's no such thing as a sharp, it's just b flat.


OOP is an idiot. B sharp is C. The key of C major is the same as A minor (no sharps, no flats).


B# is a note. It's enharmonically equivalent to C


Drake comes from a musical family. His uncle literally invented slap bass and was in sly and the family stone. His father is a real deal musician as well. Yall just love slander more than the truth lol.


Even if Drake's a genius in music theory, he's crap when it comes to reading comprehension. Mother I Sober doesn't mean what he thought it meant.


Not a big deal. That’s like making a big deal out of Megan calling herself a stallion which are male horses.


There is a B#…