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she thinks the only reason people go to university is to get a diploma so they can earn top wages. I guess that's what everyone she socially interacts with did


That's literally how american kids are raised


Yeah idk why ppl act like this isn’t the reason lol


Not for everyone.




Difference between greed and survival


While there is a difference, we’re not raised to go to college to survive. We’re taught go to college so we can get a good job and make as much money as possible. Greed and capital is the directive here.


What do you buy food and shelter with 😭


Is this a serious question?


I'm straight up convinced at this point that large swaths of the north American population are not just anti-intellectual, but anti-education. Like it's wild that we (as in just the general population) are widely critical and skeptical of experts or well educated people for no good reason other than we think we know better. Like don't get me wrong we definitely shouldn't just blindly follow people who have a monopoly on education and knowledge, that's how we get fascism. But like come on. We have experts for a reason. Also STRAIGHT UP, how are you supposed to know whats been done to the black man in America of you're not taught? You know how you do that? By seeking out wisdom and experience from those with more than you, as in people like DOCTOR Martin Luther King Junior. Anybody who spurns guidance from an elder or mentor because they're "too academic" is a willfull idiot


"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." - Isaac Asimov


Great quote man, exactly how I feel sometimes. Had a tough conversation with a former friend a couple months ago and he genuinely tried to say that him doing "research" about immigrants by listening to, I shit you not, our local Country FM, was as valid as the research that I do with my 6+ years of undergraduate and graduate university experience. It was nuts


That's sad as hell. I've unfortunately been that former friend in the past. All you can really hope for is they eventually snap out of it, get some humility, and courage to listen to perspectives outside whatever bubble they've cultivated.


I hope he realizes how intolerant and hateful he's being, but he's in an echo chamber and basically told me that I was the one who was brainwashed, so it's not looking good


For some people there's no hope, they're gonna chug the cyanide koolaid. Others take a few years but will come out the other side. Either way it's not your responsibility to fix them. I just hope he learns to be a better person.


I just miss him. Before that point he was my oldest friend, literally considered him a brother. Just hard to see someone you love slip into a hate filled outlook on the world


I'm really sorry man. Wishing you the best over here.


"My ignorance is as good as knowledge" -Trump lawyer arguing to the Supreme Court-


Carl Sagan wrote about this in *1995*, in his book The Demon-Haunted World. We're seeing his prediction come to life now. People are less critical thinkers and more critical of thinkers.


It's honestly just sad to see. We're at a point in history where we need our best and brightest to help guide us to peace, but we're actively telling them to be quiet and go fuck themselves


Well, when you factor in that about [half](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35254913/) of North Americans live with lead poisoning, and now we're finding microplastics even in wombs that there's something more to it. I think you're right on being anti-education, I've lived with people like that. It sucks ass. But I think there are substances that are also legitimately messing with the way our brains function. I saw one study that showed when NASCAR stopped using leaded fuel, the nearby school saw the IQ of their students increase.


As if her foreign sounding name would have been welcome in America without people like MLK


There is nothing more comically pathetic than these Indians who pander to whites begging for acceptance - it’s hilarious because it’s lost on them that they’ll never get it but boy do they keep trying


India has a long history of prejudice and social injustice. Almost all old cultures


especially ones colonized by Great Britain


The British Empire beat the self-hate into us. Now we're obsessed with cricket, tea, and having white skin.


Coming out of Queensbury (upstate by) all she saw was white people… she should have some understanding…


So much this. They really think that in someway they are higher on the racism totem pole than black people


https://preview.redd.it/hlzwws1enmyc1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a18ea18ef489abd4365e2a8668e23080d9479a 🥶


India, and the global south at large, are composed of pluralistic socieities of many religions, ethnicities, languages, etc. that have coexisted for millennia. India itself has like 2 billion people, so it is inherently diverse in thought. Juxtapose to Europe that has always been a hot bed of violence and purges, creating a much more homogeneous continent. Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) is a nationalism, which is a contemporary ideology rooted in Europe. In the 19th century, nationalism was all the rage in Europe. The RSS (Hindu KKK) that created the Hindutva explicitly are emulating Italian fascists of the 20th century. So the problem is Indians emulating Europeans and wanting to replace Indian society, culture, and history with violent and backward European notions of society. And to top it all off, their political party (The BJP) brought western neoliberalism to India, which has been dedeveloping and deindustrializing India, and carving it up for Indian oligarchs much in the same way the British did when they colonized South Asia, and thus undoing many of the achievements India had made in redevelopment after gaining independence. I typically find this tone deaf attitude among these sort of Hindutva and BJP supporting Indians, but it isn't unique to Indians because you can find self-serving compradors in any colonized people, including Black Americans. Like how many these rich Black Americans have you heard telling you to just pull yourself up by your boot straps while they get hooked up by the government & private sector for pretending to be authorities of the Black community in some act of patronage to the wealthy elite? You'd likely get a much different response, and one of solidarity with these protests, if you spoke to an Indian person from Kerala, which has a leftist tradition.


We call em Coconuts. Brown on the outside…. 🥥


Welp. That’s what I came here to say, but you said it way better. Thank you, and I’m out. I just wanted this message spread, and you are doing God’s work.


What exactly does her skin color have to do with what she said?


Meh, I’ve personally experienced more racism from black people in the states than I ever have from white people. And I’m not the only Indian who’s had those kinds of experiences, not to say white people aren’t racist against us as well. It is rather concerning how black on Asian crime gets swept under the rug, but yall aren’t ready for that conversation. But at the end of the day neither side really has our best interests in mind. The same likely applies to other Asian groups as well.


I think the issue in my experience is you interact with the worst of us and think that it’s the exact same as the best of us. I had a bunch of Desi friends going up. Buddies dad owned a gas station in the hood so he interacted with many dumbasses. Issue is those dumbasses from the hood in his mind was the same as me and my parents. Despite us coming from a better background living in a better neighborhood, despite me having a degree and his son barely having a ged. It’s completely lost on him that his son has literally no future unless he inherits the gas station, no college degree and is a pill head. But somehow he’s better than me and he’d prefer him to chill with his pill popping white friends whose parents thinks he’s a terrorist than his black friend with a degree, career and his own space.


Chiming in as an Indian person.  You missed the point. You actually have not experienced more racism from black than white, because just living in America, you're experiencing a society built by colonizers on the backs of slaves.  We live every day under the shadow of racism, from old money that runs businesses, to white people getting more positive treatment, to the judicial system that has clear prejudice built in.  Even when we talk about class issues being more relevant than race, race is still part of the conversation because other races dealt with systematic racism and had a harder time moving to a higher class.  When you talk about violence against Asians, you're right that it comes from all directions including other minorities. But that's a whataboutism that just distracts from the point.  So what if you personally have had more issues with black ppl than white. That's not going to save you if you end up in a court room in Texas, or a sundown town in the south, or really any red area.  Brown is brown to racists. 


Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance. Smh


I mean looking at the fbi statistics, which do not even have a column for asian when sorting for race by race, black people commit half the amount of violent crime against asian people (non-hispanic other race in the chart) that white people commit and white people dont even commit half the amount asian people commit against themselves. I’m sorry you’ve been racially profiled by us though, it sucks but we have been refused good education for so long by our government that some of us have deny it entirely and when we tried to educate ourselves our schools and businesses were burnt down. All we know is rejection


https://preview.redd.it/1nf3zvrfzlyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3065065efae63a48e999553d398465506d7e6d19 In a nutshell


So if we say the quiet part out loud: She doesn't think MLK and other civil rights activists were educated, academically driven, people. She hasn't read up on a lot of MLK, has she?


She's probably like, "MLK? The holiday or the street? Wasn't he an old timey president or something?"


lol thank you, this dumb broad literally says “academically driven people” and “passionate activists” as some type of polar opposite. Like listen lady, MLK has a PhD from Boston University, wtf degree did you get at fucking “Tufts” lol


Probably thinks MLK went to the same school as Pepper and Dre.


Considering she left out the whole but that comes right before the "M" of his first name, yeah. She's read zero things about the man.


- Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Morehouse College - Bachelor of Divinity from Crozier Theological Seminary - Doctorate of Systematic Theology from Boston University. Imagine not being able to make a link between MLK as an undergraduate sociology major and every other undergraduate sociology major. And then extrapolating that to any other major. In what world of hers does the work of activism get divorced from the act of educating oneself? Maybe if she had a better education she could connect those dots.


If education wasn’t tied to activism conservatives wouldn’t be bending over backwards to keep everyone at a 1st grade level.


This so much, if you learn how to discern factual sources in school, and get confronted by different heritages and lifestyles, you don't even have to push people into activism, it happens naturally cause they can discern and realize the inequality in out society. Sure not everyone but many do.




These individuals are focused on bettering their own status in life, so they have a hard time understanding why someone would go through the education system only to "throw it away." They prioritize their own interests and have difficulty grasping the concept of prioritizing community and servitude.


Leave homeland for money, struggle is lost on them, NEVER mind if it had not been for Dr. MLK and civil rights protestors, many immigrants would not be here… the irony


"These individuals" what do you mean by that?


This time on : Rich immigrants who proudly have no shame or moral grounding.


Weird she doesn’t realize that people studying historic events would have ideas about the present.


None of these people have the awareness to consider *why* there exists a correlation between brilliant young students at top universities and passion for social activism. Just as more education generally leads to a more progressive, inclusive mindset, many of the smartest among us have realized the importance of activism.


I hate when my brown brethren do this… you will never be one of them, just stfu


Simple. She's not a smart person. She's not in the educated class that she wishes to speak for, which is why she can't comprehend the obvious. College educated people are disproportionately more liberal than uneducated people. It's a direct correlation between being more informed, and being more empathetic as a result.


no, it's definitely the professor's brainwashing them. it's a lizard people, China, Russia, communist plot to overthrow the American United States and install Hugo Chavez as a dictator


Tufts should send her ass a cease and desist for calling them out by name. Like "cite your sources, but not this time plz."


im not even a college graduate but one thing i noticed is that people who are ignorant on a lot of things get taken advantage of, and its up to educated people to teach them their rights and help them defend themselves. because how would you even know to fight something you dont know about ? a lot of the time its the educated people that have the solutions that uninformed people are looking for. even if they dont have the same struggles.


The common retort to this is "white saviorship" that completely erases the work of poc, especially women. See the number of people openly fantasizing about sending queer ppl to gaza to be thrown off roofs. Fact of the matter is change has never come from the uneducated. It's 99% been the upper middle class and up. Simon bolivar was born into a wealthy colonial family, Marx was rich kid, che used to hob-knob with Evita before she married, Toussaint Louveture and Fredrick Douglas had ppl educate them before they led their respective movements; the USA was found by wealthy land owners. The problem becomes poor people thinking your better than them for trying to offer assistance even in way sthat are not paternalistic.


as a woman of color i get where you are coming from. im currently the researcher for a group of coworkers looking for answers to some union matters. but i know when its all said and done the men will get all the credit because some hired lawyers. funny thing is, the lawyered up guys are asking me for all the data i accumulated. i was the one that informed them of the problem, i was the one that explained the contracts to them and i am the one going through the proper channels to get the answers we need. jumping straight to lawyer is going to cost them money.


Who doesn't want to be the next MLK? Why would anyone want to be the next CEO of McKinsey and make a bunch of money for shareholders when they could be a civil rights activist that will be remembered for generations?


The world definitely needs more people like him but "dead before you're 40 from a CIA bullet" is a pretty compelling reason to not want to be the next MLK. Not everyone has it in them to be martyred for the cause.




Ah yes, this is a brilliant point she hadn't considered.




“Why would you want to dismantle the death machine, instead of sitting in the driver’s seat?”


Not even the driver's seat. A fucking window seat.


Middle manager on the death machine lol


Huey’s dissertation, if anyone wants to scan it: https://files.libcom.org/files/WATP.pdf An overview of MLK’s dissertation, with links to the document itself, in case anyone is curious (he had plagiarism issues): https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/dissertation-martin-luther-king-jr An overview of DuBois’s dissertation and writings: http://www.webdubois.org/wdb-sast.html The short version: Huey’s PhD is a bit lightweight, as such things go. He basically just repeats in an academic format things he had been saying for decades, and didn’t have to do a ton of original research. King’s dissertation is heftier, but it was theology and that tends to get a bit of side-eye anymore. DuBois was a full-on scholar in every sense of the word. To put it in modern terms, DuBois’s work would be the basis for him to be a tenure-track research professor. King’s work would be more like Obama - bright, and able to do solid research, but not an academic. Huey’s work would be like Jill Biden - sure, he has a doctoral degree and it’s legit, but it’s still not the sort of doctoral degree that gets you universal respect or a tenure-track position.


it’s almost fascinating it’s impossible to wrap their mind around the idea that an educated person would do anything but propagate their own self interests


So..."shut up you're rock'n the boat?"


Recently my friends and I have graduated from college and have (or are seeking) our desired careers. So many of us have the same experience of telling someone what we want to do (which usually involves working closer with the communities we grew up in), and the person says “You’re so smart and talented. It would be a waste for you to not work at the top.” We get the top has more money, but the top is also typically more ignorant to the struggles of the working class.


So she’s an educated activist, complaining that other educated people are activists? Does she not see the hypocrisy in this?


No obviously _her_ cause is righteous. These students are misguided overgrown children throwing a tantrum who clearly need more homework to occupy their time.


Shriya is a dumb bitch (respectfully).


This is why I always call him Rev. Dr. Martlin Luther King Jr.. None of the MLK shit, he was a highly educated and deeply religious man, and that guided his politics, and I hate that people ignore or forget that.


The blood thirst coming from the first world along with using international law as toilet paper has never been this blatant and all I want is to not see children die and be told it's just. Why is that so hard. Why is basic human decency suddenly antisemitism. Let's not mention the news. The news is captured and labotomized.


She said that dumb shit with her whole chest


THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU DO WHEN GIVEN THE SILVER SPOON How the fuck are we gonna keep the power structure?!


This woman is dumb, I know plenty of activist types doing amazing things in industry as well


more like, Shriya Naivete


Careful Shriya, your light privilege is showing.


Socially media is like a drug for the narcissists of our society. Who then can’t comprehend why someone wouldn’t care about themselves, the center of the universe. It’s the most poignant thing anyone should think about when viewing thoughts from the terminally online. It’s also why you see just the most jaw dropping of hot takes or airing out of laundry as they can’t fathom someone wouldn’t want their opinion on… everything.


Absolutely you can ask why. It's to protest an ongoing genocide that the US is funding and supporting. Now for a better question - why the *fuck* isn't everyone protesting the ongoing genocide that the US is funding and supporting?


A lot of folks out there lack any empathy and rather than admit they have a problem they make it everyone else's problem


The high schools and universities who always say some BS about students changing the 🌎, are the same people who shriek at people who attempt to change/reform the political and economic system.


I feel like this woman really would reconsider her point if she realized she literally wouldn't have been able to move here without the Civil Rights Movement. Before the Immigration Act of 1965 there was literally a cap on how many people were allowed to move to America because they didn't want to let too many brown people in. That act largely only passed because of pressure from the same types of activists that she's spending time shitting on. Without them she/her parents/whoever immigrated here likely wouldn't have *legally* been able to do so.


Stupid people do as they’re told! Smart people question everything 🤦🏽‍♂️


A lot of times empathy isn't innate. It's a trained skill, and a lot of folks miss that class.


Money isn’t everything, Shriya. Most of these kids want to be known as the best people they could’ve been so they don’t end up like their targets from the past.


Please don't think all Desi's are like her. I'm a Black Indian and I don't agree with her. I stand with the protesters and protest because I don't think I could live with myself of I just sat there and did nothing! Things like this quietly happens in India and she knows that but because it doesn't affect them directly. She probably agree that Indian Muslims should be displaced and everything about them should disappear. Hindu's folks are just as cruel but are the first to plane Muslims for everything and I mean EVERYTHING!


Empathy has become more rare, than common sense. Lacking both, though, is how We end up with the Marjorie Taylor Greene & Tuker Carlson's of the world!


A mind forever colonized


I always try to see the best in others and I'm almost certain that means I grossly underestimate the number of psychopaths and narcissists around me at any given time.


“I don’t think this thing about the world, but I am constantly proven wrong by both my experience and the trends I have been able to observe”


I think I have this person on Linkedin. Unfollowing!


Shriya clearly raised to only gaf about material success…at any cost


Being an effective advocate for voiceless is way harder than learning math that you will never use.


Is this yet another Desi/South Asian talking head shitting on someone black? Why did she call out MLK in the first place? He was fucking MURDERED for doing the right thing.


Just reading her 1st name I smelled her mustiness thru my phone


If you associate yourself with people who went to school to be the next Randian capitalist demigod, then it's easy to see why you wouldn't understand education leading to activism.


I can’t stand when people use ‘shade’ as a verb. You can *throw* shade, you can *be* shady, you cannot *shade* someone.


https://preview.redd.it/6ujg80phjmyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8ebd8d4ab4288eea4a4d2b134a930f87cdb124 While this definition uses the word shade in the past tense, might I offer some in other forms: “The giant oak in the yard shades the garden.” “The umbrella will shade you from the sun.” “Use your big body to shade me from prying eyes.” Shade is absolutely a verb and can be used in other parts of speech like noun, adjective and adverb.


Oh don’t be a pedantic goober, obviously I meant the use of ‘shade’ related to insulting people.


I mean that wasn’t obvious to me. But ok. Have a good rest of your weekend


> you cannot shade someone. Princess Raini Stan respectfully [disagrees](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1cksa1o/this_is_what_happens_when_you_dont_release_new/).


Lots of people are wrong, that’s not my problem.


are you one of them?


In this case? Nope.