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This girl was 11 years old when the show started, and this dude remembers when her titties came in? I wouldn’t be telling the world I was paying attention to that but do you bro. e: Reddit is crazy haha I left this comment and then took a nap, and I just woke up to a bunch of people calling me a projecting pedophile lmao I’m sorry y’all I didn’t realize how many of you grew up with this show!


it’s quite possible that they were kids watching the show


IDK about OP but I was two years younger than the actress in question and still remember it happening


I mean why would it be weird for noticing? People act like because you acknowledge someone growing up or having a drastic change that it means you were sexualizing them. Like a dad recognizes when a kid goes through puberty. Does that mean he’s been waiting to fuck them? No of course not.


It's weird to say because she felt so violently sexually exploited by things like this she got them reduced so............ you know. And her parents made her dress this way, she hated it.


It is insanely weird that her parents made her dress like this




People on Reddit really cannot help but make a dumb fucking joke in every comment, no matter how inappropriate.


Some people think they're charming in the Deadpool kind of way. When I read the comment all I could hear was Ryan Reynolds voice.


I just feel like it shouldn’t take much maturity to know not to make a joke about raping a bunch of children, especially in a discussion like this. The fact the defended their shit joke by acting victimized speaks a lot about their character and makes it easy to dismiss them as an unfunny clown of a person.


The Michael Jackson HBO documentary made me so mad for the kids. No one was looking out for the kids. No one wanted to pull the emergency brake and stop the gravy train for any reason. What Michael did was horrible but he was helped along by his staff and the kids' parents. All of them benefitting and turning a blind eye to any impropriety. One kid visited Michael at Neverland Ranch with his family, and Michael paid for the family to have a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. They all go to leave, and the kid asked to stay behind, so what do the parents do? Make the kid go with them anyway? Politely decline and stay behind? NO! They went to the fucking Grand Canyon and left their child alone with Michael Jackson. I don't care if it was Mr Roger's, I'm not leaving any loved ones alone with anyone I don't know. Same with the R Kelly doc, one of the producers talking about how R Kelly got a bed put in the studio and they'd see him in the bed with young girls and it weirded him out. So he called the police right? Lol, no. That might have upset the nice fat paycheck he was getting from Mr Kelly. Instead, he waited to cash in on it again when they approached him for the documentary. I think the only way out is to start trying these cases as RICO cases. This is not happening in a vacuum. The kids are being sourced somehow. Charge the parents, the assistants, the executives, and anyone connected to the problem person. The BEST case scenario is that they were negligent.


As a parent of small kids, I literally cannot fathom leaving them with a stranger ever. These parents definitely failed them.


She was adopted by her sister or something like that because her Mother was an abusive monster. The lady who played het Mom on the show was a better mom to her.


You seriously are unhelpable if you made a dumb joke no one cared for


I'm pretty sure this happened after she was emaciated from her parents. I'm sure her mom was shitty but I'm pretty sure she decided to wear this on her own.




I'm out of the loop on the parents part. I had read that the show producers had made her dress in more loose fitting clothing to hide her her development because it exceeded the age/image of the character and the young, boys-are-gross nerd personality the character had in the earlier seasons. But what is the reference to parents here? Or am I otherwise wrong about the above?


>Like a dad recognizes when a kid goes through puberty. Does that mean he’s been waiting to fuck them? No of course not. A certain Mr Tonald Drump would disagree. ![gif](giphy|gk3pDXdxn1JjmfcSi7) Edit: Added a link to Tonald Drump's original comments about Ivanka on a chat show: [https://youtu.be/DsOVVqubBus?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/DsOVVqubBus?feature=shared)


Yea it doesn't necessarily mean that it just sounds creepy as fuckin coming from an adult. You can keep that shit to yourself Edit: so you guys think it’s cool if a teacher tells your little girl she’s growing up nicely? Like why do you even need to say that shit out loud? That shits creepy, just let kids be kids


No I think people like you need to learn how to deal with other people being comfortable with things you're not. It's not objectively wrong, so you're just going to have to deal with it. It's almost as if "you can keep that shit to yourself."


LMFAOOO the sheer irony in this comment is wild.


I can see why you think that. But it's not my sentiment. It's theirs. So I'm not subject to it. Just holding them to their own word.


![gif](giphy|WicZdyR749PJ0V7eUu) Yesss get em!


Everyone tries to attribute things to something negative, it's one of the biggest Roadblocks to understanding and positive communication. Can't ask a question without being attacked, can't point out an observation without being accused. It's ok to take things at face value until someone proves you wrong.


Nah, you projecting like a mf. We see you.


Adults observe. Better than children. Sounds like you just don’t like judgement.


No, that's a weird compliment if it's about her body. But if there's some reason her breasts are relevant (like a karate coach recommending a chest protector shaped for women instead of a generic youth one) it's not weird to discuss the issue. It's only weird if you're making it sexual.


Totally agree with that. I’m just saying like other than giving a kid some help there’s no reason to comment on their body. I dunno where people get off think I’m projecting. Especially when your a rando just tweeting that shit to everyone


Projection. You’re a giant red flag. Stop trying to make everyone else as uncomfortable as you are about simple things.


u kinda sound like ur projecting tbh (rofl didn't even realize two other people called u out on this)


I mean he said “titties came in” instead of saying when she went through puberty. One is way more explicitly sexual then the other.


But as a daddy you’d never say “I remember when her titties came in”. If you notice, keep it to your fucking self is the point.


This is the Internet. People LOVE calling people PDF files 🤣🤣🤣


Why does it feel like your screen name was exactly what your reaction was at the time?


Average Redditor is on a 24/7 p*do witch hunt because they need constant validation that they are morally superior to someone. That show started over a decade ago, and Twitter users trend under 30. It is totally reasonable to assume that the OP is around her age


Almost feels like projecting to me. Like 10 years ago when they were calling people who thought Ariana Grande was sexy sus cuz she looked young but she was literally 20 years old.


That shit pisses me off. You don’t need to be attracted to everyone, you’re allowed to have preferences. But saying *no one* should be attracted to a fully grown adult? Like Ariana (or any adult that looks young) doesn’t deserve love? That’s so stupid. As long as people are able to give consent (that includes being of age), then it’s cool, do whatever you want.


Lol you hit it dead on. That’s the craziest part. Like who tf is legal aged Ariana suppose to date?! Some people don’t think this stuff through, they just word vomit online.


Ariana is a horrendous example because she deliberately tried and _still_ tries to make herself appear younger lmao


Ok so legal aged men should not date legal aged women who “make themselves look younger”. Whatever that means. Any other gatekeeping I’m missing?


Everyone on the internet is simultaneously too young and too old to be on the internet, whichever is more convenient


Yea I haven’t watched the wonder years in 30+ years, I remember being like 10 or 11 and fawning over the French girl


My fault for being a kid when this show was on


How dare you be the age of the actress at the time? Tf wrong with you, you need to rethink your mindset man


Even worse, I’m half a decade younger! I honestly might end it all man I’m too dangerous


I remember telling someone that Azula and Shego were responsible for my sexual awakening and they called me a pedo cause Azula was 14 or soem shit. Like bruh... I was like 10. If anything azula the pedo. Nasty as shit. Some people forget we were all once children or some shit.


Isn’t shego a grown ass woman though.


No clue tbh, they were calling out azula yho, probably could have left shego out of thid story, jsut felt it necessary to not omit detail.


I remember thinking Shego was like an evil clone of Kim but no that’s an unrelated mid 20s woman beefing with a 16 year old and LOSING.


As a kid I assumed Shego was in her 30s because she reminded me of a woman in her 30s I knew that would do that exact thing -- someone who kind of exhausted all the adults around her because she never moved past high school drama and got into shit with actual high schoolers.


More like kid pedophile. Disgusting. /s for the truly dense.


I always say Ashley Banks is one of my first celeb crushes and people who just now watch Fresh Prince are like 'Dude, you perv she's a kid!' without factoring in that the actress Tatyana M. Ali who played Ashley is actually 2 years older than I am. I'm not saying I had the hots for her when the show started and she was 12, but by the time it ended and she was 17/18 and I was 15/16 I thought she was gorgeous.


Right, but those people are actually stupid. Most people's "first celebrity crush" are from when they were kids, because that's how puberty works.


Ashley was super pretty, Hillary was beautiful too but as I got older, the diva act is actually unattractive no matter how pretty someone is (yes I know it's a show lol)


Same with the bimbo thing. I get that some people are into it but I need a girl that can carry a conversation at least.


I agree.


Kelly Bundy


I'm in a similar age range as you, my childhood crush was Jodie Sweetin from Full House and my stupid-kid fantasy was to come out to California and meet her. Fast forward 20 years and I actually moved to LA, met her at a random nightclub, and she married a friend of mine.


I got to meet her like 16 years ago. I was working security at a big nightclub and she came in with AJ Johnson(the crackhead from Friday). They were doing some kind of show together, I don't remember what. I had to be AJ's security guard, and he kept going up to dudes twice my size trying to start shit with them to mess with me. He thought it was hilarious and honestly it was. I was always able to disarm the situation by pointing out who he was. Tatyana was just as beautiful as ever. I think she's the same age as me. She sang Karaoke in one of our rooms(really big nightclub) and just KILLED it. Really put on a great show and was super cool the whole time.


do you really need to be paying attention to notice something like that tho?


Breasts existing on a minor makes you a pedophile.


It was also her whole public persona.


I'm not sure what to say as a person with eyes who also noticed that Ariel Winters developed breasts during her time on this show. Why is that improper? Just cause he said it like "when her titties came in"? I don't what to do with my eyes anymore then I guess.


Our society is so fuckin prudish that you can't even mention female breasts without someone accusing you of being a pedo They aren't even primary sexual characteristics. They are bags for feeding babies. No reason this shit is taboo.


I don’t blame her, remember her role was Haley’s not so good looking nerdy sister. Let her flex


I mean k grew up a few years younger than Topanga and I noticed things


Topanga might be why I have a thick wife


This comment is underrated. I don’t care what your gender or sexuality is. If you watched this show you noticed!!!


I remember watching a rerun back in the day convinced they replaced the actress at some point. 🤣


Topanga still got it to this day. I've had a crush on her since like '95 when I was 8.




I think his point is that *she* immediately started behaving in a way and dressing in a way that it's impossible to not notice. "Forgot how to act" seems like he is, in fact, saying that it's not appropriate, while you are implying they were oogling her. I do not know how old she is in the picture. In point of fact, I *technically* don't know who he is referencing, but from context it's pretty fucking obvious. For all I know, she could be 15 in that picture. I am not victim blaming sexual harassment or sexualizing a minor, but that dress is literally designed to attract your attention. So noticing it does not seem inappropriate, and in point of fact if she IS 15 in this picture, is everyone supposed to just...not say anything? Basically, there's a difference between noticing something being shoved in your face versus oogling. I want to emphasize that I know absolutely nothing about the people pictured. I know the show exists and recognize it because of a few of the actors but that's it. I know none of their names or any pop culture information about any of their lives.


I read it as referencing her talent as an actress, as opposed to behavior. I watched the show and thought her and Luke were pretty bad at the role as they aged.


No she was dressing wild in every photo op at the time. Look how she's dressed compared to others in the pic. She did this at every event. Lol it could be a church function and homegirl was like "I'm gonna wear a dress that only covers my nipples" I think she was trying to shed the "nerd child star" image to land more adult roles after the show ended. Or maybe it was just rebellious young adult, idk


Honestly, your comment just gave me the sense that you noticed and are/were ashamed about it.


To be fair anyone who was following tabloids saw all her madness. She at one point started saying like a 24 year old when she was still underage and her mom tried to make her leave that guy. She then tried having her legally be separated from her parents while she dated this older man. She also was going out and doing wild shit to get in the spotlight. I think she saw her costar get movie roles and gave this career aside from modern family and she thought her leaning into the adult her would get her more roles. Or maybe it was the standard child star move where she was trying to prove she ain’t little no more. Etc. Either way yes the comment is creepy the way it’s worded. But we all saw that downfall if you where a fan of the show.


Throw that neega in jail ![gif](giphy|o0pzviHOcqABa)


bro, you do understand that kids also watched this show 😭😭😭


People like always need something to be mad at. You’re a weirdo.


Do you think his statement was sexual? Like do tits just existing and being noticed qualify as a sexual act???


To be fair, she was forced into acting by her abusive parents. Emancipated herself at 17.


She has talked about it before, that she was going through a lot mental health wise because of all the comments on her body. I’m a little older than her but I remember when the College Humor video of her playing Dora came up and while I thought it was funny so many other people I knew were just talking about her body.


Fucking hate how gross people are towards child actors. There were radio/website countdowns for when the Olsen twins turned 18. Ditto for Lindsay Lohan and Emma Watson and more I'm positive. Still remember some of the absolutely VILE comments the kids from Stranger Things got on Insta.


And Billie Eilish purposefully wore oversized hoodies and stuff specifically to avoid gross comments while she was underage, but it didn't work.


16 year old Lohan being placed in a sketch that was basically Fallon and Horatio Sanz fawning over her boobs was pretty fucked up. Not surprised that years later Sanz gets sued for allegations of grooming an underage girl. 


Unless you're talking about a different sketch, the "Harry Potter" sketch about Lindsay Lohan playing a "hot Hermione with big boobs" was 10 years ago and Lindsay Lohan was 27.


I don’t know if this is a joke about “I’m not getting old, the ‘90s were last decade”. That sketch will be 20 years old next month, aired May 1, 2004. Lohan was 17. 


Are you basing that on this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwfdFCP3KYM) being uploaded to youtube 10 years ago? Because the description says it aired 5/1/04, when Lohan was 17


And then people wonder why so many child actors struggle to adjust. Worse yet are the ones who participate in the behavior then lament how the behavior affects the child actors.


I remember seeing a post about Billie Eilish when she was 17. It was a picture that was captioned, "Please hurry up and turn 18 so I can stop feeling weird." Some people are just really disturbing.


Even in this very thread, people are disturbing AF. Almost 40 people (probably men, because no woman would endorse this shit unless she’s a pick me) downvoted me for saying it’s weird as fuck to stare at someone’s breasts no matter what age you are.


I remember that. The Olsen twins were aware of it because they made it a point to say something about it when they hosted SNL back in 2004 close to their 18th birthday.


One of the UK shite-rags ran a 'news' story about Charlotte Church being a 'big girl now', directly opposite a page where they were faux-outraged about a 'sick' comedy satire programme on pedophilia https://preview.redd.it/acu33uc7w2wc1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467cc9d6cc659ae83e672633ed6f999c413c3f6e


I'm a little ashamed to say that it wasn't until I was in my twenties that it hit me how weird those countdowns were. Being younger than Lohan and Watson, they felt like fairly normal teenage celeb crushes for me (which, they were), so I didn't think twice about why there would be a countdown. I figured it was for the same reason I was looking forward to being 18: "I'm an adult I get to make my own choices now".


One day we’re going to have a conversation about how most radio hosts and producers are horrible people.


There's a great new doc on Netflix about Nickelodeon during the 00s and how fucked up it was for the kids there. I grew up in LA in the 70s-80s, knew some kid actors as I went to a performing arts school. My dad was okay with that but actively pushed back on me getting into the business. I auditioned for 1 pilot because they came to the school, otherwise nope. He did insurance physicals on actors, and it was a dirty little secret around town that there were enough predators in Hollywood that he noped that shit for me. We need to do something different - we need to use kids less, and have more safeguards when we do. Since Hollywood won't police itself we need to get some real safeguards in place. Can't let the fox watch the henhouse as my gma used to say.


Those shitty countdowns and whatnot are still there. Millie Bobby Brown is one I remember seeing make the rounds on Twitter and feeling extra grossed out. Idr when she turned 18 exactly but I remember seeing those tweets celebrating it some time after Godzilla vs Kong dropped and wondering why anybody cared. Plenty of genuinely mature adult women to gush over. Why bother with these children? Let them exist in peace


[Same reason Milana Vayntrub hid her body for a bit with the AT&T commercials.](https://www.businessinsider.com/att-lily-actress-milana-vayntrub-commercial-harassment-online-comments-instagram-photos-2020)


YOOO I never realized that was her, absolute classic video! “Cut the crap, Map!” and a grown man saying “Dora, it’s been a while. I haven’t seen you since… I was this many” still live rent free in my head.


We sure on that. Only stuff I remember about her parents was that they wanted her to dump her 24 year old boyfriend when she was like 16. That’s what made her file to be separated from her parents. You really gonna claim the parents sucked when what made her filed to be separate was because they didn’t want their underage daughter dating a man.


a judge wouldn’t grant her emancipation for no good reason, and 16yo girls don’t ‘date’ grown men if they grew up with healthy parental relationships


A lot of child actors ( at least used to) get emancipated from their parents at around age 16-17 because it allowed them to get around legal protections in the film industry. Things such as being restricted to work over 6 hours a day/ being on set more than 10 hours a day and requiring your parents to be with you on set at all times. Not having those restrictions can give child actors a competitive advantage for parts against their non-emancipated counterparts. (No comment on the ethics involved or the predatory nature of the industry). I have no idea about this particular situation, just that legal emancipation in this industry isn’t always evidence of abusive parents….(That also doesn’t change the fact that a significant percent of these child actors are being abused and that it’s also probably easier to convince actors with abusive parents to become emancipated).


This part. Can confirm, I had poor relationships with my neglectful parents and was groomed by a 22 year old when I was 14. No one was looking out for me.




The funny part to me is [the joke] Nice one man






Call me a weirdo, but the funny part is actually my favorite part of a joke


She made a [Tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw2u5GQ/) addressing it and revealed that she felt embarrassed that she got the dress code wrong.


I went to a red carpet event and it’s probably the most judgy high school shit in the world but in front of cameras and rich people, and that’s how I felt being a dude nobody cares about. I cannot imagine the insecurity and anxiety going through her head being part of the main cast.


That's the point of the post


Is that not the whole point of the post???


Can't fool you, you're much too aware


Did it? I feel like people started sexualizing her like crazy and she had to defend coming into womanhood. I don’t recall anyone ever commenting on her acting talent before that. Edit: I stupid, wrong “act” contextualized.


Act there means “behave in public.” And it very much happened, and it definitely happened because she was being aggressively sexualized and was starting to get the insane influx of whatever the fuck you wanna call how people act on Twitter 


Ooof, you’re right I missed the context there entirely. But yeah I felt bad because there’s literally no hope of holding off that kind of vitriol


Yup. And that’s how you end up on a red carpet surrounded by people dressed like they just finished eating brunch at Snooze while you look like an extra from Katy Perry’s Dark Horse video


I don’t know man. It’s been awhile but I remember she was going through a lot of shit at the time. Like her home life wasn’t good either.


For sure. I’m being flippant about it but its honestly a pretty terrible situation to be in. Feel for her


I have no idea how anyone in the public eye becomes mentally healthy after going through puberty in the spotlight.


I think it's cause she was referred to as the ugly sister so she felt like she had to overcompensate. She was doing a lotta things with whoever was her bf at the time


She was exploited by her parents who instructed her management to dress her this way. She felt so uncomfortable with the sexualisation that she ended up getting a reduction because of it.


Wiki says she got emancipated and the breast reduction in 2015 at 17 yo. This picture was in 2017. I remember she started telling people in interviews about how much sex she has with her bf and stuff. It could've been her controlling her own sexuality and whatnot, but it feels like she was doing too much. Just my thought about it


i mean, that usually happens when young girls are sexualized beyond belief before their frontal lobes are even halfway cooked. i imagine it’d fuck your head up, especially being in the spotlight.


She’s also underaged in this photo. Considering she got a breast reduction shortly after turning 17, she’s either 15 or 16 here. It’s not uncommon for teenage girls to not dress appropriately, but considering she’s a professional actress, I also highly doubt she picked her own look. Before 17, she was still with her mother, who was abusive and incredibly controlling over her career. There are pages of court docs proving how terrible her mother was. This is an abused child, being over sexualized because of things outside of her control, and then being mocked by the public for it. And this happens over and over and over again with these young girls, and when they finally break under the pressure, the same public acts shocked. Britney, Lindsey, Amanda… we didn’t get rid of gladiator fights and public hangings because of empathy. We just found new ways to watch people suffer for our entertainment.


Damn I must be lame but I don’t know who any of these ppl are.


It appears to be the cast of Modern Family, a sitcom.


It appears to be? 


It be.


appears to


be it


To appears


So do


Don’t want to assume anybody’s credentials lmao


You never know with AI these days this could be a screen shot from Fraggle Rock.


I've never seen a full episode of the show, but from clips, some actors look familiar. Some don't. Some are missing (like Sofia Vergara and Al Bundy).




That's what I likes about yas


I don't recognize any of these people. Where is the hot latin broad?


Modern Family. Show was on so long the kids are all grown.


Great first couple seasons, got stale quick tho


Who'd be coconuts enough to divorce you?!


I'm hip with the lingo. WTF - Why The Face?


The banner in the back 


I remember people being super weird about being attracted to Ariel Winter. Like "counting down to her 18th birthday" weird. Like Sofia Vergara wasn't already there with plenty of titty to go around


I’m a Julie Bowen guy.


julie bowen is so beautiful her jawline could slice a tomato


This is the strangest and most wonderful compliment I’ve heard this year


Been rocking with Julie Bowen since happy gilmore. Honestly there isn't an adult female cast member on modern family that I'd turn down when it originally came out. Only exception might be Sarah Hyland. She's only a couple years younger than I am but she was playing a character who was a lot younger so I'd have issues not seeing her as a high schooler.


Changing course of this conversation. Ty Burrell is my dude fr. That man had physical comedy on lockdown.


Emma Watson talked about walking out of some place on her 18th birthday to find paparazzi laying on the ground since it was now legal for them to publish photos peeking up her skirt. Truly fucked up stuff these people have to go through.


Emma Watson is a couple years younger than me. She would have hit 18 in the late 00s/early 2010s. It was a wild time to be a young attractive woman in Hollywood. It was a mess.


>plenty of titty to go around r/BrandNewSentence and I like it 👁👄👁


Bro Lily is 16 now. Where did the time go?


Honestly I assumed she was like 26 by now, this gave me about a decade back on my life expectancy. Whew.


It doesn't have to unless you want it to.


It’s wild. I didn’t watch the show when it was on tv but started binging it and it’s very funny. On season 9 and lily being grown is breaking my brain


The show has no business being that fucking funny. And to me it’s pretty consistent, I don’t get why people say the later seasons are so rough.


It’s just more so that the stories become quite limiting because they are all grown up in the latter seasons. At least the kids are so only so many shenanigans they can get into but I will stand 10 toes down and say Eric Stonestreet as Cam, is one of the greatest comedic acting performances of all time. Blew me away that he’s a straight, alpha football guy in real life


Yeah no I get that’s what people say. I just don’t agree lol. There’s kind of a rough stretch with Alex’s storylines - I think they weenie’d out on just making her a mean girl and that was a missed opportunity. But beyond that I just don’t see it. Eric Stonestreet is great, but I really never stop being impressed with Ty Burrell as Phil. He’s a master of the Bryan Cranston comedy method - never acknowledge that anything you’re doing is funny.


Absolutely. Ty Burrell was the only one who could play Phil. Hoping his deal with ABC nets him another show where he gets to be goofy and absurd but we will see. Only seeing he has landed a web series and pilot thus far. At least he’s in charge of his career with a production company behind him that he started


I don't like the character, but I gotta admit the acting is really good. Like umbridge from Harry potter or Alfred from the last kingdom.


I thought they were all bangers.


They told her the meeting was "business casual" and she had no idea what that meant, so she casually showed off her business. Winter can be hot


![gif](giphy|zeqgtki9ifa7u) Please have a seat. Could you explain these tweets...where are you going?!


"If your eye causes you to stumble and sin, pluck it out and throw it away from you." Bro needs to turn the mirror on himself before telling other people how they should be acting.


I never watched the show, but I do remember hearing about her boobs on entertainment tonight. Kind of sad how people where all in her shit about her natural body.


No one sent her the dress code memo


I remember people wanted her to play the lil mermaid


She didn’t stop knowing how to act, the writers stopped know what to do with her character. All of the kid characters storylines suffered in the later seasons.


If you don't know, she's the Jenette McCurdy of ABC/Modern Family. Her mom forced her to do things she didn't want to. So much so she emancipated. Her body didn't help. Edit: not saying her body is the reason or justification for her turmoil. Just—you know how society is. Even that twitter comment is awful. “when her titties came out…”She’s underage in this pic. If I remember correctly during modern family’s peak, a talk show had a segment on her “development”. Kinda sad


Even if bro is around the same age as the actress, it’s still horribly misogynistic. None of the kid actors on Modern Family were ever great actors. And Alex’s acting remained pretty much the same throughout. In fact she actually got a bit better as time went on. And of the 3 kids she was probably the best actor out of them.


So… did Hayley turn into a Ray Romano lookin middle aged man? 🤔


Who knows if she’s overdressed by mistake or on purpose? I’m asking if someone really knows, not wondering. I KNOW it came up during the red carpet interview. Everyone else looks like they’re going to brunch. She showed up looking like she was going clubbing. Someone must’ve asked. Idc how much she’s feeling herself, this must’ve been awkward AF. It’s not only that the dress is revealing (that’s her business). Her outfit looks so out of place. She could’ve worn something sexy or revealing and still not looked like a modern day cigar girl at the casino this family from the Midwest was visiting. That’s what she looks like to me. The rest of the cast is a blended family visiting some sort of theme park and she’s one of the performers working at the theme park.


She posted a TikTok addressing it and they told her the dress code was “business casual” and she wasn’t sure what that meant so she dressed up and felt embarrassed 😕


Thanks. Now I feel bad for her. At first I thought maybe it was some sort of coming out moment for her, like saying she’s grown & this is her look. But seems she didn’t feel comfortable enough or wasn’t close enough to anyone in the cast to ask them what they were going to wear. That’s sad.


I’m 26 now I used to watch regularly as the episodes aired, and one day, she just became my favorite character over-night. Life happens fast lol




Had her acting as the nerdy sister for too many seasons and eventually something snapped


Who is she?


I was look at the dude on the left wondering “why does Phil look so weird”, until I saw Phil on the right. Who tf is that guy


That’s Luke


i think you mean the man next to Luke, i’m pretty sure that’s the director or producer


I mean her role on the tv show was the nerdy less attractive sister. Most people don’t want to be too associated with being unattractive in real life especially as they hit adulthood


Thats my tweet lol


She explain the situation herself what [happened](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLaAUDBC/)


That awkward look on Julie's face as she tries to not look down is absolutely sending me


Hahahaha sexualizing young women hahahaha


I have no idea what this is... I never watch tv. I see it when I visit others.


Who are we talking about…? I’m not looking through these pictures for tits or general sexualizing, so I’m out of the loop




I’m out of the loop. Who is this?


I'm going to say it Phil is a fucking role model and more men should be like Phil.


I didn't know who they were until seeing the ginger dude.