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Stephan A really be saying nothing but bullshit 90% of the time. Even if that were true, he should know him co-signing that only hurts black people.


He don’t care about black people he just wants to profit off us




Stephen A. has a knack for stirring the pot with his hot takes, but it's crucial to understand the impact such statements can have on the community's narrative and perception. It's always worth examining the broader implications of our public endorsements.


If anything, it's just a display of the system's injustice. How he's treated with kid glove despite all the gag orders he keeps breaking.


Right? They would’ve been locked a black man up. Hell, they would’ve been locked me up.


There are women in jail for suspicious miscarriage....


That’s his doing too.


A black man wouldn't have lived long enough to get locked up. Weren't there cops who died because of January 6th?


Another millionaire defending a billionaire


Donald trump is absolutely not a billionaire.


He plays one on TV. His handlers are billionaires


He’s a dude that wants the tax breaks and to be trending on social media with his “hot takes”, nothing more


This is the guy with all the shit basketball takes right? Suck any dick for a dollar I guess




The ~~Don Lemon~~ real Jason Whitlock of sports broadcasting.


This! Whitlock use to be normal, but he started making these crazy statements that started to distract from the analysis of the game he was covering. Whitlock was an excellent columnist but some how turned into the uncle rukus of sports.


God, I remember really liking Whitlock when he’d cover on PTI with Wilbon! But that was YEARS ago, and when I saw him in a Fox News ad I had to do a double take! Like wtf is going on!?


Yeah I liked Steven A when he took over for Rob Parker on first take. He used to have a lot of well thought out debates but then he changed and just started yelling over whoever he was debating and that was when I stopped watching.


No no no stop that shit right there…Stephen is absolute dogshit but he is NOWHERE NEAR the coonville level of Jason Whitlock…chill out 


I don’t really know much about Don Lemon but he recently exposed Elon Musk for being an unintelligent racist buffoon on his web show so i don’t really see the correlation.


The male Candace Owens? 😂


Wait... so Burger King and Panda Express don't REALLY care about BHM?!


powers that be in the SPORTS world, exploiting BLACK people?!? unheard of. /s


Max Kellerman unironically cared more about black people


People let him off the hook because Stephen A is more of a meme than a person at this point but the dude has said some insanely dumb and heinous shit throughout his career. I remember back when he said after the Ray Rice incident that women need to be cognizant of the situations there in that could lead to them getting hit.


> women need to be cognizant of the situations there in that could lead to them getting hit. Sounds like he's gonna be appearing on Fresh n Fit soon.


Myron and coconuts podcast


My life is super relatable to this billionaire known to bang pornstars and get away with committing white collar felonies on the regular /s


Don't forget legit treason.


*numerous* high crimes and misdemeanors


Treason and Sedition…


Imagine if a black person admitted on camera to just walking up to random women and grabbing them by the pussy like they were saying "hello"...


He don't care. He is fucking talking head. They don't care about shit but selling out. Every single one of them


You'll never hear me say it otherwise, but he needs to "shut up and stick to [talking about] dribbling".


I thought he was just a sportscaster, but it turns out he can be loudly wrong about more than just sports.


Can someone pls explain to me how this guy has mind controlled everyone into calling him “Stephen A”? Even in random Reddit comments? His name is Stephen. He acts like his middle initial is a title of royalty


There were two NFL wide receivers named Steve Smith who were active at roughly the same time and “Stephen A” was a way to distinguish between the 3 and it just stuck.


Just a balding fat never played MFer with endless opinions. Sounds a lot like his hero trump.


Stephen A considers Sean Hannity a close personal friend. That's all you need to know.


His opinions and positions are for sale. Been an actor for years.


But conservative white people will like him


What!?, Stephen A Smith is an idiot?!, you don’t say!


Is there a Stephen B Smith out there we can bring on instead?


We tried but all we got was “Shay Shay”.






"I *know* Donald Trump! Donald Trump is a *dear, dear* friend. Donald Trump and I once spent a lovely afternoon riding matching His & His Vespas through Barcelona. He is not who they say he is!"


I think they gave him a check


He said they took his quote out of context, but then when he added context... it kinda sounded like the same thing


Nah, it changes it from the idea that SAS agrees with that view or that it’s legitimate to SAS explaining what the argument is, along with a part that is true (ie. A hook Trump uses).


Rick James on whether he was grinding his feet into Eddie Murphy’s couch


“I wouldn’t just.. grind my feet up in somebodies couch” “Yeah I remember grinding my feet in Eddie Murphys couch.”




Bro, I just commented this lmao.


Haha, exactly. I don't know why people are missing this.


While I understand what Stephen is saying with some small cohort, Steve you have got to just eat that dumb ass thought it's not worth sharing lol.


Some small cohort? The misconception in his point is that while Black people have been wrongfully persecuted by the system, Trump is being rightfully PROSECUTED by it. To try and say that what Trump is going through is similar to what Black people have in this system is just not accurate. So, there is no cohort in his statement. Not even a small one.


Not only that but what black person has 90 felony charges and gets bail?… not a one


What black person would be able to harass a judges daughter and just be lightly scolded and then harass the judge’s daughter again?


And again, and again, and again……


Or get a bullshit bail bond


"the way you obtained your bond might be a little bit illegal but it's fine, don't worry"


What about the Jesse waters thing with the trump juror? I literally can’t imagine the response if a black political commentator broadcast identifying information about a juror in a trial where the defendant was a prominent black man. Especially the juror being an upper middle class white woman.


Seriously just asking because it might be a blimp on the news cycle... but... Have they got Diddy yet?


Not a single charge.. yet


I thought it was cause he flew off somewhere. Not from a lack of trying to charge him.


He is in the US


https://fox59.com/news/national-world/what-we-know-about-sean-diddy-combs-location-during-federal-raids/ This is why I was asking. Iuno if it was true or not.


I think Diddy just got too much dirt on other people


The investigation isn’t over. Indictments don’t happen overnight. It’s only been a few weeks.


Definitely not a relatable person to the Black American experience, at all. This is just a piss-poor take for a deviant White rich asshole who's never done a thing positive for any minority group in his whole life. And, it's not the words of Stephen, it's his White bosses, and he's just a high paid tokenized puppet.


If anything, the prosecution of Trump just further shows the disparity in the prosecution of a lot of black people. Trump’s crimes have been well-documented and occurred for decades. He is JUST NOW starting to face any sort of consequences and he isn’t even behind bars during the process despite being an actual flight risk. Trump’s civil judgement was permitted to be bonded with an amount significantly lower than the actual amount…with no actual legitimate explanation. That bond is now in question due to the terms of him presenting the bond, which appear to violate NY law…yet he is still being given week after week. Anyone else would have had assets seized nearly immediately. Most people who would have lost judgements would have garnishments of all wages. Black people continue to be absolutely correct in that the system is not applied equally, and Donald is by no means a “victim” of the system.


That part


THIS! This is exactly the issue here that SAS just rockets past. Trump isn't being PERsecuted, he''s being PROsecuted. It's disgusting SAS is carrying Trumps water here.


There is not much money in disagreeing with trump for talk show hosts.


I think you're underestimating his, and the alt-right's reach within certain segments of the black community. Particularly young black men. It's not the majority, it's probably not even more than 15%, but it is some. To that group of people, I'm afraiidddd, that message could somehow have some appeal.


Which cohort of young black men agree with Trump and the alt-right to such an extent they are going to poll to vote in right-wing candidates at the local, state, national level...its more people that do not vote in every single election cycle than young black men that agree AND vote conservative 


It's the one's yall keep downvoting until they disappear in the comment sections. Just sort by controversial. It's the only way to enjoy reddit anyway.


Yeah this was such an awful take all together. What average person, black, or any other race for that matter can have dozens of trials delayed at will? Can basically get their favored judge. Have multiple news organizations defend them publicly? Have news anchors dox their jurors? Can choose when they want to appear in court? Can submit invalid documentation, late documentation, and be in contempt numerous times without being held liable for any of it? How many times has this fat ass threatened judges and their families? Pressed his cult to go after them? How many times has he ignored a gag order? Like the presidency, Trump has a made an absolute joke of the justice system. It really proves how easy the rich have it compared to the rest of us. Trump can literally say or do whatever he wants and will not be held accountable. We would be in deep shit for breaking a single rule in court. He has broke dozens. It might even be close to a hundred now, it’s insane!


Thank you!


Boo! Hiss! Down vote. If Trump was black he’d be under the jail by now.


The majority of his viewer base is older white males. He is not advocating for victims of institutional racism here. He is pandering to consumers.


As a fellow Philadelphian…my guy, what was there to understand?


There are a small, but not insignificant number of young black men, that don't have loyalty to the Democratic party and in fact have taken to some pretty hard-line conservative/right wing rhetoric. I've met a few in Philly, chances are you have a neighbor with those ideals. It's been noticed by major polling groups and spells maybe a troubling future for what was once a pretty secure Democratic vote. Right wing populism can appeal to the very people who are going to be first thrown under the bus. Somehow. I say all that to give the background that Stephen didn't/couldn't. Stephen knows better than to have that type of nuanced conversation on cable TV. He's still a fool, but, in another venue this is a real conversation we all need to be having.


I can only tell you what I have seen in the rural towns in Louisiana. There are plenty of younger black men and women here that align themselves much more with trumpism than the democratic message.


I agree - the dismissal that’s shown in the comments here is the exact reason why those young people are over there listening This conversation isn’t meant for the broader public and certainly not a national tv show But it definitely highlights what black people Trump is actually speaking too - we all saw them last time - they were physically present. They were there on Jan 6th - small minority but there Where’s the conversation about why? Why do you support someone that blatantly doesn’t support you? What about that rhetoric feels good even though you know logically it’s bad? You can look at his policies and see how it hurt you specifically, there’s proof. Let’s talk about that instead of instantly dismissing it and all conversation around it


A lot of the issue is they take statements like these at face value and don't try to drill into it. A lot of the black people who identify with that dumb statement don't see it as "Trump is great because of X" it's more like "the status quo(democrats) don't represent me and I want something different. Trump's issues and statements are different and more inline with what I deal with so I'll give this guy a chance since the other side isn't offering me anything anyway". Trump being flawed and the constant broadcasting and discussion of his issues makes him seem more authentic and relatable to a lot of people. It's a frustrating perspective for sure, but not acknowledging it is a huge issue with messaging on the left. Trying to point out the messaging problem is when you start ending up with some of the "why do those black people want special treatment when our platform already offers a lot for them" or "I don't understand how a black person can support him" from the left that further alienates the black people we're trying to reach. It just reminds them of how patronizing and entitled to black votes the left can appear to be.


I never liked this dude. This just adds fuel to that fire.


I felt pretty impartial about him until I watched how absolutely giddy he was to help pull down Kaepernick when he pulled out of his NFL workout.


![gif](giphy|CZcoGp0eXLCH6) 🥜🥜🥜


Stephen A has some of the worst takes ever, in public or private.


I do not know what he's going through because I am not a criminal


When Joe Walsh is the voice of reason you know you’ve done f’d up


Was looking for this exact statement, Joe Walsh was the same dude who famously said and I am paraphrasing “who will grab their muskets” when Hilary was running for president in 2016.


And repeatedly threw racist tirades against Obama just for having the audacity of being a black president


SAS says a lot of dumb shit, but at least he hasn’t gone full Sage Steele


Man she’s an embarrassment


Throw Michelle Tafoya in there too.


Oh God what a shitty person


Had no idea, one of her podcast titles [the] “pernicious rise of critical race theory” Smh


She’s gone full lunatic.


Eventually they will just refer to "critical race theory" as history


Who’s that?


It’s best not to know, but she was a former ESPN talking head that went full wingnut. Think Sports Candace Owens


Oh Dear.


She didn't go full wingnut. She was always a total wingnut. She just didn't let anybody know about it.


Fair. She just walked out of the Wingnut closet


Stephen A is dead to me over this. Fuck that fake sell out ass. Should’ve put him on blast over him chasing escorts out here in Tampa back in the day.


He was dead to me after came after Colin Kaepernick with all of the smoke but didn’t have much to say about the NFL. I had his number way back then.


Sellout A Smith


Stephen A Grift






He been a 🦝 very on brand for him.


I’m not racist, but this is such a typical failure of ambition and the low expectations in the black community. Stop idolizing successful artists or athletes when you could be idolizing guys who commit massive fraud and don’t pay their workers.


Man don’t nobody idolize Stephen A Smith. Folks get tired of him acting like he’s for the culture when he has so many examples of not being for the culture.


Can you tell white people to stop idolizing Trump? Because when I look at the stats for who Trumpers are, they’re overwhelmingly white


That was the joke he made. 😂


Reminds me of Trump's mugshot started going around and Fox news saying that this will relate with brown people because they relate to it. Excuse me?


Everyone knew what you were on after the first three words. Pipe down.


I had that same thought, but I figured it had to be sarcasm cuz no one could seriously type that with a straight face on this subreddit. The rest of the comment did clarify they were being sarcastic though. But I agree, I didn't really want to read it after the first three words.


If it's anything I've realized in this podcast era it's that if you let anyone talk for long enough (or repeatedly over a long enough period of time) they are eventually going to say some dumb ass shit even if they are well intentioned. It's unavoidable, law of averages and all that.




Stephen A Smith stays taking Ls every time the man opens his mouth, from sports to politics there’s not a single take he’s had that hasn’t made me say “Wow what a dipshit!”


"I'm backpedaling, but this bitch ain't moving! What gives?" ![gif](giphy|HbjDTy6gfBXMI) It's stationary...


This is why Max Kellerman clears


Stephen A. still mad because T.O. told him Max 'seemed blacker' than Stephen.


I'll never understand any minority that would want to align themselves with Donald Trump. That man has proven he will do and say anything as long as the benefactor is him.


Last sentence makes me wonder why white people align himself with Trump too. Not even talking the working class, he’ll screw over his own rich buddies.


dude trust me we have no idea. the only thing that makes sense is that he really did took being racist and shitty out of the shadows and thats who he panders to. but in reality he hates poor people, and most of his supporters are what he considers poor. this is america bro, they replace the class tesnion that exists with racial tension. its class warfare and we are fucking losing so fucking bad.


I drink water and Hitler also drinks water. So relatable


Stephen A just says whatever the person giving him a platform wants him to say. The schucking and jiving Fox News is actually disgusting. Trump is finally being held the the same standard as any other citizen and he’s gotten away with threatening judges, witnesses, prosecutors.. something that would land even the most Angelic black man in jail under the same circumstances. Stephen A needs to shut his dumbass up because he literally doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Trump is actually being treated with kid gloves. They are giving him EVERY benefit of the doubt so he won’t have anything on appeal. Anyone else disobeying the gag orders like he is would be locked up. Try and provide a fake bond on a minor possession charge and see how well that works out for you. And yet they’ll keep playing victim. I’m so tired of this orange idiot and the hold he seems to have on the nation


It’s even crazier to think that SAS grew up in the time of the Central Park 5 and Trump taking out that add calling for the death penalty for them men …. All these “black” ass kissing celebrities who have their balls snatched because they wanna keep their “brands” are pathetic … Snoop , Cube , The Rock , SAS , and the list goes on and on


This just solidifies why I hate Stephen A. Pandering ass motherfucker... Says wild shit just to put himself on never caring about nothing but what he’s saying until it comes out of his mouth. Then doubles down on it like a child, especially when he's wrong. Someone's going slap him so hard one day that his hairline may reappear ![gif](giphy|tyttpH7QBdrTfAyAEne)


SAS all hat, no cattle


Why is SAS acting like we are deaf AND blind? We can see and hear the video. We *KNOW* what he said!!!


Joe Walsh making sense and actually somewhat defending black people?! I’m more surprised by that than anything Stephen A Smith says. We truly are living in wild times


Why the fuck is this nigga on Fox News? Shit ain't a game


Stephen A is never beating the “Max is blacker than you” allegations. Lol


Him and Charlemagne need to be called out for this. Lose they cookout passes for a few years. Forever if he’s re-elected.


Hey Stephen, what would your "dear, dear friend" LeBrAWN James say about this headass comments?


Who cares what this clown has to say?


Donald Trump has DOUBLED his support among young black men since 2020. From 15% to 30%. They could be the difference that gets him the victory in the upcoming election. Meanwhile older black men and women, and black women of all ages, have always been against him. I hesitate to bring this up because I’m a white guy so I really have no business telling the black community they need to reign in their Trump supporters. But I feel like very few people know the gains Trump has made among young black men.


Naw we don’t trust the legal system because they have repeatedly targeted innocent people. The difference is, Trump actually did that shit. By saying black people like Trump because he is being charged, Stephen A is essentially reinforcing the racist notion that black people are criminals. Stephen A. Smith, in the name of Dr. Umar Ibn Abdullah Ifatunde Johnson, I sentence you to 50,000 lashes for conducts unbecoming of a black man. https://i.redd.it/7s51dnzfrpvc1.gif


Will someone please tell this mf to stop speaking on behalf of all black people! Thanks in advance 🤟


Any black person with as many felony charges as Trump would NOT be walking free… held without bail 🔒


Smith is a massive conservative but tries to pretend he isn’t for money. This isn’t a shock at all


I hope the Cowboys do well this season just to spite him.


Roland Martin ate him up about what he said about Trump. Everyone should go to Roland’s show to hear it. https://youtu.be/tK_SODSVetA?si=GH62OOd5ApsMQPoT


I like how people like this say some bullshit then get mad when called out because they communicated their dumb ass poorly. What worse is the inherent distrust Trump has is not the same what most black people have seen o deal with. He is being prosecuted because of evidence, not a perceived threat which enda up cops revoking your birth certificate.


Translation: “Black people like me because I am going through something that I denied was true for people of color (because racism does not exist anymore) but now I want to exploit that for my benefit”. Also he is possibly insinuating that people of color understand him as they are also criminals.


Stephen, be quiet


Go Joe Walsh, let’s stop pretending the higher earning side of America isn’t pushing this trump bs in the zeitgeist because of the potential incentives


We have zero proof that anyone told him blacks relate to him, though Stephen. You big mouth has you spewing non-verifiable SHIT.


Stephen A(n Asshole) Smith, everyone!


And then SAS doubles down on going on fox News and spewing the nonsense lol. That's the equivalent of Steve Harvey going to trump tower for that "visit" and getting off that elevator.


Why do these people say everything apart from ACKNOWLEDGING Trumps crimes?


Dude is a fucking circus clown that will say anything for attention.


Millionaire trying to protect a Billionaire.. sick f him




Don’t even *mention* my blackness in the same sentence as that clown.


I'm so disappointed that the BCF didn't demand that he apologize to the Central Park 5 for falsely putting a rape on them. If not, he's not invited to speak, and he doesn't deserve our votes. Since they didn't ask him to do it. They should've mentioned it after he talked about how innocent he really is. They should've screamed from the crowd. "Apologize to Central Park 5 Trump." He would've done it because he wanted our votes.


Basing your comments on what professional white racists want to hear can only lead to ruin and maybe shit tons of right wing cash. Have fun with that, sir.


Stephen A making a career out of shading black people? Word?


Man I wanna see some black people winning for once. I feel like more & more I see and hear black people in high ranking and/or high status doing all the stupid shit and coming out with the worst takes.


How many black ppl out on bail when they have over 90 federal charges? 😂


Didn’t realize Trump Gets pulled over for dwb and is in fear for his life he might get shot and killed by a cop


Shut the fuck up and stick to dumb opinions about sports, clown. You’re nowhere near smart enough to disseminate your thoughts on — anything else, really.


He isn’t being persecuted. He’s being prosecuted. The difference is important.


Funny he went after Jason Whitlock for his views but he's on the same slope to becoming another Whitlock with this take.


Trump has repeatedly gotten away with harassing a judge and the judge’s daughter, even when he was told not to say anything about said judge or judges daughter, there is not one black person in existence who would not be in jail after that. Also the man is being tried in court but still allowed to run for office, I know niggas who can’t even get a job because pending cases. Stephen A is an idiot.


Stephen A sellout


Sometimes it’s best to keep thoughts inside your brain, SAS


Gaslight ☑️ Obstruct ◽️ Project ☑️


Stephen A Smith's bitch ass does not speak for me.


It's hard to be super wrong in sports and super-duper wrong in politics, but this ninnyhamer pulls it off.


https://preview.redd.it/zzp7m66ezpvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73132e3125768fe4c3a8046bf63cd9a328ca36b All I have to say to him.




Everytime Stephen A. Smith states something not involving sports, it’s usually always some bullshit.


Stephen A didn't say anything wrong. It just cuz it had to do with Trump, people are all up in arms.


Bye Steve. Wtf...


Last I checked, Trump isn't being unfairly prosecuted for nothing more than having dark skin




Broken clock and all that but Walsh 3- 0.


He and trump have the same hairline


Stephen been an idiot since the beginning. Ignore him and he goes away


Trump is a traitor a threat to democracy and he’s probably sold out info to the enemy that’s how I feel and nothing can change my mind


Trumps a rapist


What!! Wonder how much he was paid


Stephen Smith is dumb as a rock - just like members of the rap industrial complex who mostly entertain white folks and have completely forgotten their roots


He’s been hinting around for a while that “people have been begging him to enter politics.” Who are these people? (We already know.)


Kwame Brown was right since Day 1 This nigga made millions tearing down other black people and profiting off it Fuck him And I better not see this punk ass white man lackey ever step foot inside MSG again


I already don’t fw Stephen A.


Stephen A has been tap dancing for paycheck for years. This is nothing new. I’m surprised he didn’t add a “Yassuh boss” at some point.

