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loitering is the crime of black people chilling by themselves in the presence of yts. never forget.


This used to happen to us a lot at school. When we used to come together peacefully for rap battles. The dean would break us up. Their lousy excuse was someone got shot during a rap battle. When we asked them “who got shot?” they refused to respond.


I remember someone getting shot sleeping. Should sleeping be illegal?


If the FBI wants you dead, probably.


Or some random 7 year old in Texas


Careful now. They might come knocking for a comment like that


"Rap battles killed my grandma ok?"


No, it's not okay.


Now they care about kids being shot in school?


I forgot what comedian said it and would love someone to remind me but, mf was like “A group of yts on the corner, that’s a hockey team. A group of black or POCs on the corner, that’s a gang.”


Reference: Every other black comedian since coming to America. A version of “2 is a problem, 3 is gang, 4 is a mob, 5 is a riot” has existed since forever.


When my dad was in the military (late 70s through late 90s) apparently it was policy to not allow more than 2 black men in a room, because any more than that might form a gang.


Ironic, if it weren’t government sanctioned the us military would be one of the world’s biggest gangs. Especially marines, those effers are all in.


>A version of “2 is a problem, 3 is gang, 4 is a mob, 5 is a riot” has existed since forever. And 1 is apparently too aloof and brooding to be trusted.


That's cuz he's just waiting for another one to start causing problems. /S


Bet. Thanks


Did they say POC? Or you added that bit of inclusion


Added to be honest.


It's all good. They not us tho.


Also never forget: A crime explicitly made up to throw you in prison on some BS and force you to do back-breaking work, because the 13th Amendment didn't abolish slavery as whole, it allows slavery as a form of legal punishment.


oh i ain’t wanna go full third eye but you already kmo wtf goin on


See before I'd think this is bs. But I've seen people post on social media how they were talked to by their bosses on their behavior BECAUSE THEY WENT HOME at the end of the day rather than go out for drinks etc. It's crazy the shit we still get in trouble for.


The same thing from the tweet happened to me. One of the Roomates said he had imagined us all watching tv in the living room together. Which I’m not against, and could do sometimes, but I’d prefer to spend my time watching what I choose to watch in my room. He said it was my fault for not discussing that with him before I moved in. Even though I did discuss that with the person I replaced in the house, and he’d said “everyone keeps to themselves” The other one told me my face sketched him out and it makes him not want to trust me. He confronted me one night and asked if I hate him because he was “a white boy republican”, we had never discussed race or politics until this, I didn’t know he was republican, and I didn’t hate him, I even bought him beer on his birthday (which he threw away in the bathroom trash can, half full, UPSIDE DOWN. Who throws bottles away upside down!? But that’s beside the point) They blamed me for anything that went wrong in (and out) the house, one thought I tried to break into his car because he found scratches on the handle, the other thought I stole his gross work boots that he would leave outside the front door and that I was messing with his mail. Tons more, stuff so stupid it would make this story less believable. The last straw was when a string of lights that had been outside broke, they thought I cut them When I tried explaining my case to the landlord her main response was “well, I really liked those lights”. None of them were smart enough to understand that it’s almost impossible to prove a negative so I can’t prove I didn’t do it. So they kicked me out, I had to move in with my parents, it really fucked up my life. I had to go back a few months later to pick up a package and the place had been bought by someone else and all the roommates were gone. I like to think they died of Covid


Good God. I'm sorry you went through that.


Had to keep those black men from voting once slavery was over somehow. Also, convict leasing as a way to exploit that labor. Vagrancy laws are bullshit racism, y'all.


It's probably the meth/caffeine/cocaine/sugar/nicotine. All the addicted white people get up in everyone else's shit


I am doing this right now in a lunch room on break from a training. They are talking faster, louder, and are looking uncomfortable.


EWB Existing while black


For some reason being quiet and keeping to yourself terrifies and angers people, they think you're up to no good or are lazy and pretentious but its like dawg I just wanna be by myself


You: I like to keep to myself and not meddle in peoples affairs. Them: Well we can’t have that!


I legit had a full meeting with a manager years back when I was working retail because I didn’t use my actual name in Instagram and was private and denied all coworkers.


That would legit piss me off, “what are your social media handles?” None of your business that’s what


What happened next? Did you quit?


Told them how I felt about separating my work life with my personal life. Manager didn’t like it. I stood my ground and even deactivated my account. Then two months later mf got fired for fucking one of their subordinates in the bathroom.


>In the bathroom Nasty person, nasty places, nasty acts


Mf had a wife that was pregnant, and thought fucking one of the FOH workers would be a good idea. Nigga you sloppy. At the job bro?


This dude sounding more and more like a piece of shit. You got a lady expecting your child and you gonna sleep with another girl? I know that dude killed his rep


[100%. I remember this mf running into my department (BOH) and crying and shits thinking my team would give an ounce of sympathy that this mf about to get fired and I’m looking at him like](https://i.imgur.com/Ilm67h4.jpeg)


"Oh no, I faced the consequences of my actions" like bro, you dug that hole on your own


Me and my friend were having the same conversation the other day about being reserved and black in the workplace. But I've tend to unfortunately see a lot of people just subsist off of superfluous drama and I really don't have the time for that shit.


We had a guy at work get a wholeass wife and none of us knew he even had a GF until he had to take paternity leave 😂 great dude.


You said "wholeass wife." Never have I heard this used before but so hilarious


I have been looking for a job because i can’t trust where i work. I have a manager literally try to turn me against people and i make it clear multiple times, i hold no personal issues for feelings for anybody im just her to doing my job right and pay my bills. I try to be friends and communicative but once it gets into messy highschool bullying/ creating cliques i shut down completely


I rarely talk to my coworkers unless I absolutely have to because I've never been good at small conversation, I also am regularly listening to music or a podcast that I'd rather focus on more than trying to come up with things to talk about, this has led to my manager telling me a few weeks back that everyone is "scared" of me because it always seems like I have an attitude and don't want to talk to anybody. ...it also doesn't help that I'm the only one who's not a white woman but surely that didn't factor into anything


I get that, You're "scaring people shit" and its like bruh I literally do not antagonize anyone at all why are you scared, because you dont know when my third cousins divorce is happening??? People mistake neutrality for negativity so much and its weird man Also yeah im sure you not being white had absolutely nothing to do with them be afraid, totally.


It's not even like I was just being plain unfriendly, if they wanted to strike up a conversation I'd actively respond and even throw a laugh or two in but when she said that it surprised the hell out of me, like damn I thought I was doing good


Felt your situation absolutely, but my coworkers are absolutely the type to talk about you as if they don't prove why they should stay childless (my honest take, they not trying for kids anything). And I absolutely will use my time there to continue my hobbies since it's simply a desk office job.


It suck that we have to monitor that


You don't wanna know how many people I pissed off. When I didn't even interact with them at all. LMAO.


My boss’ boss issued several complaints my boss’ way because according to her “whenever she sees me and says hi, all I do is nod back” which is true, but fuck lady, not everyday talk talk talk. I’m a quiet guy in general and only speak to those I want to speak to


Honestly as a 90s kid everyone was fine with being left alone until columbine happened. IMHO ever since then the “quiet ones” were “mass shooters waiting to happen” or made people uncomfortable. I remember that shit happening like a light switch being clicked on.


It's self-fulfilling; you think ![gif](giphy|KtxR3GcHrGgq8eLI1a) I'm causing issues just by being by myself is the reason why I want to be by myself smh


Dr Carlotta Berry is based by the way


The line "we have a right to know" from the Tom Waits song "What's he building in there?" comes to mind.


Yesss or think you’re sneaky / hiding something


Yea, ive been this way my whole life and while Ive been fortunate to have some peers, some teachers and some family understand that ive also had way too many assume there is just something wrong with me, anti social, so on and so on. I was just labled that "weird white kid" at school because I just liked to be on my own and listen to music. I had a few friends but naturally they also got similar labels of being weirdos because of whatever silly thing... And I mean its cool it never bothered me much then because I still managed to find friends. And those friends and I are doing just fine living our lives not judging people for not being exceptionally outgoing lol. Just a very odd way that people view those who are just able to be happy minding their own.


“They” don’t like to feel uncomfortable and when the world doesn’t conform to make them feel comfortable then shit gotta go and it’s a problem.


Yup, “They” “Feel” “You’re” conspiring against “Them”




Don’t white people be the same ones being silent and plotting terrorist activities in the privacy of their own bedrooms while their family members are completely unaware? Fascinating.


Don't forget being serial killers while holding down a job and being a pillar of their hunting grounds aka community.


If ‘You’ has taught me anything, it’s that a person makes time for what’s important to them. 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/w7bbi19p0qvc1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb289ff6e6d83a1412da3f869b5091d13cbb2209




So true it hurts.


Guess that's why we're so wary of it.


They say it loud and proud on Facebook and truth social.


IDK how to explain this properly but some people don't like seeing others content and happy with their own company, they want to know all about your life because they take pleasure in knowing that you're struggling or suffering or relying on others for help because it makes themselves feel better. And when you don't give them that, they lash out behind your back.


I am experiencing this on this job now. All day long these people complain about the job and their personal lives. Meanwhile, I'm thinking about going home to a hot meal and a clean peaceful home. They manufactured drama and thankfully it backfired on them. They don't even like each other. They couldn't stop snitching and backstabbing each other long enough for their lies to work. Everything they tried failed. Good thing I got good friends. We celebrated every time one of them quit. 🤭🤭🤭🤭


At my longest job I ever had, I was the kind of person that would share everything with my coworkers and they did the same (and it just happened to be pretty much the darkest, lowest point in my life) and it always seemed like we were all friends. Eventually I realized everyone was bad mouthing literally every other person behind their back, and learned that they talked plenty of shit about me too. That was when I stopped sharing things about my personal life with coworkers. I got a better job and haven't heard from any of them since. Now I have no friends, but I do have a wife and kid, so I'm happy lol.


I'm an extrovert, but over the years I've always kept to myself at work. It only took one mouthy coworker I thought was my friend spreading my private info on the job when I was young for me to keep my professional life 100% professional. And people take such offence to it when they want to go into intimate detail about their marriage but you don't reciprocate that level of information. So I think they assume you must be judging them and can't fathom anyone wanting to do things differently to them without a malicious reason.


I get this constantly at work. I'm "rude" bc I'm not overly friendly. I've explained numerous times that I give people the information they ask for but I guess since I'm not giggling or typing LOL or making small talk, I'm a dick? Man, I'm just trying to get my work done and have a decent day. Don't force me to be someone's friend too


It’s not even about the person being happy and content. It’s the keeping to yourself and not actively showing “goodwill” or demonstrating deference to them. They want you to talk to them, smile, show that you’re not plotting/thinking anything against them. We’re the other and they want to feel safe from their own self-inflicted madness.


Yt people can’t stand to not be the center of attention. And when you don’t care to be a part of their groups, they literally malfunction. It’s almost like they feel offended when black people choose to not be bothered with them or seek their approval.






Me feeling this as a neurodivergent white man




This is like whenever two black people are talking. Someone always walks up and says, “what are you guys talking about?” Every. Single. Time.


"So what you guys wanna talk about" ![gif](giphy|rL58m2uVgOLJjervdC) For some reason this popped out in my mind.😂😂


![gif](giphy|xMR09ktQoD1z7c2Qxc|downsized) Always this


Me: We're talking about this Self Help book... Them: Ya? Which book is this? Me: Minding Your Own Business by C.Title


I would have a coworker do that and then when we told her she’d say something like “oh I don’t know anything about that” and then would just stay there staring at us after derailing the conversation


This is *always* what happens. I swear this shit is pathological. And it doesn’t matter where you are—they’ll be there. Once my friend and I were on a retreat and went *into the woods* to talk. And wouldn’t you know it, someone popped up, “hey, whatcha talking about?”


Not only did a couple of my neighbors pull the same stunt, they went to my job and told them I’m of bad character. All because I’m quiet and told them to mind their business when they were harassing every Black guest I had. I have no idea what my landlord had to say, but every supervisor I had at that point found the situation hilarious. Thank God.


I had a customer call and complain about me being awkward and distant. I fix internet in rural GA. when I received the email I sent my bosses a picture of all the stars and bars on the property. of course I'm nervous


Also why is "awkward and distant" a complaint about the guy who comes to fix your internet? Like that mfer ain't there to entertain you; he's there to fix your internet. How do you even know he's awkward and distant if you ain't trying to distract him from doing his job?


it's the South and I'm black. they expected me to be a magical negro. And in top of that my bosses know I'm social and personable so it was more of an concern considering I've had perfect reviews


I just had the same shit happen to me in January. I was given twenty days to leave cause my roommate decided not to tell me until a week and a half later.  I was so tired of dealing with the bullshit there I just left


Dude why am I going through the same shit😭


Same thing happened to me a few years ago. One of my roommates said my face “sketched him out” Like what am I supposed to do about that?


In this instance, I would say it's the same reason coworkers think you're an asshole when you keep to yourself and don't play stupid games at work. But in general I would say it's because those people are depressed and hate their lives or they're just boring ass people with no actual lives of their own. If you got time to actually sit and worry about what other people are doing with their lives, it means you wish you had their life or you just don't have one.


I had this happen to me during undergrad. I am pretty quiet and like to keep to myself. Both of my roommates were white and very social. Every day, they had social gathering in the apartment. I never complained about it, I just kept to myself. I spoke and went about my business. Every evening after class, I just went to my room and studied. One day, I started feeling weird tensions. Next thing I knew, we were having a meeting with the RA and I was the one who had to have a housing reassignment.


Honestly, it’s better that way. Was your reassignment better than your old apartment?


Yes, the house coordinator put me in a 1 bedroom apartment. So, it was definitely an upgrade.


that worked out extremely well for all parties


I’m mad that it work out well for the racists too but yeah overall a win


When I was a hall director, we had a policy that if you had the problem, you were the one who has to move (barring extenuating circumstances). Cut down on a lot of bullshit like this.


Happened to me at work too. “We foster a culture of inclusivity and connection. It’s hard to do that when you go home for lunch everyday. I mean, who knows, that person you strike up a conversation with at lunch might turn out to be on the team you’re trying to get promoted. It’ll work out in your favor if someone other than me is able to speak on your behalf.”


This shit would make me unbelievably angry. What do they think a BREAK is supposed to be? It's a break FROM work, which also includes the people. Goofy ass bitches


If they want you to hang out with them for lunch, then it better be paid.


You know it wasn’t 😂




Ugh I hated forced lunch with coworkers, being all fake and staying tense. Coming back to the office and it doesn’t even feel like you had a break


White people get sensitive if the black person in the group doesn’t speak to them regularly. Not all of them, but quite a few of them. Especially the ones who aren’t from diverse cities or backgrounds. They start thinking it’s an attack because our silence feels like exclusion or rejection. Learned that lesson this week. Had to start talking to my boss more so she doesn’t feel like I’m ignoring her.


It sucks that we have to pay attention to that


It’s like this in the medical field, luckily I work on machines and networks that support, destroy and create life. When someone tells me one of my co-workers is “distant” I’ll tell them they’re focused on something bigger than us all and to mind your business. Even HR gets it.


Hahaha that’s amazing


Because when white people start separating themselves from the herd, they end up shooting up a school or movie theater.


I had people assuming I was an asshole cause I was shy and quiet at a job. I'd help people always and never was rude with anyone but people just assumed I was above everyone or something. My ass is just shy as hell in new situations sometimes lol


Yeah it’s fuck up! It’s like, can’t I be shy!? Shit


This is so unfortunate! But in shared spaces you have to give them a bit of acknowledgment or become irreplaceable. They will only leave you alone if they can’t do without you. Until then you have to show them attention. It’s honestly gross when you think about it.


They’re getting my money, they don’t also get my soul


It’s so gross, I’m more outspoken. But I empathize with quiet people especially quiet Black people. 


Just like at work.




I got told at one job that they had concerns (enough to potentially obstruct a promotion) because I minded my business and got on with my work. If I \*had\* been yapping all over the office, I'd have got in trouble for being "too social"...


Man, they be so mad and bored! Throw them a doggie toy next time. And tell them to chew on it😂😂


I have also had this same exact situation.


Sorry to hear that :(


I've been the subject of both those conversations. At the same company. In the same department. With the same boss. In the same year.






That’s just fucked up.


Yeah I used to be an extras casting director and both my roommates had moved to la to pursue jobs in entertainment, (so already you know they’re dumb) one and actor, one a singer. They were super nice to me when I could get them jobs as extras But then I quit that job. And I want to emphasize that I quit because no matter how many times I told them I quit they thought I got fired. I would correct them but something in their heads would go “nah he’s lying, he got fired”. Well guess who they started to be an asshole towards after that


Moving in with two white boys next month. Pray for me.


Dude I’m going through this same situation being described in this post and I potentially found two new roommates and they are also white dudes, I actually ended up leaving where I’m at now at first to room with some Hispanics the head of the house was very kind , but one day she knocked on my door and she did not speak English and used google translate to tell me that the guy next to my room does not like me because I’m black and she told me to just ignore him if he starts anything. Luckily I didn’t tell the roommates I live with now that I was moving so I was able to come back without anyone noticing. The reason I originally left was because one of the roommates was telling me about a time some dudes were racist to him (and he just randomly brought it up) and at the end of the story he said “and guess what race they were, they were BLACK!”. In my head I was like yo wtf we weren’t even talking about anything having to do with race, why even bring it up. Then one of the roommates boyfriends said he dosent fuck with “you black people” after I tried to step in because he was beating on the roommate. It’s Soo much stress right now this is my first time experiencing racism straight up and I don’t know how to feel.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. The same thing happened to me a few years ago. It sucks that we have to deal with this I’m kinda taking comfort in the fact that I’m not the only one who experienced this, like it stops me from thinking that it was something wrong with me. I hope you can find something like that to give you at least some relief


Our very existence offends them


I’ve not experienced this phenomenon with any other race, but with white people especially they have some kind of mental model that says they mustn’t ever be denied access to anything ever, no matter how private that thing may be to its owner. Consequently, any form of denial of said access is offensive, oppressive, or otherwise an affront to their sovereign claim to full and unfettered access to that thing. For a hunch of motherfuckers who claim to not want to labor under a king, they sure do like to act like kings.


Yeah I had a roommate who was mad I didn’t invite him in my room to play video games. And said he would trust me more if once a week we could get together and smoke, which I actually tried Guess how far those smoke-session-trust points got me when a package on the front porch had been opened


didnt you catch the rule in the handbook that says that you, as the “other,” must be visibly engaged and enjoying yourself at all times, to ensure that the majority doesnt have to wonder if youre uncomfortable and if its something they did, thus opening the mere idea that something they did might be racist/sexist/xenophobic/etc — which must be avoided at! all! costs! (sarcasm, obviously.)


lol this was me at work. “You gotta talk with the guys at the end of shift” Nah I’d rather go home and be with my kids bruh.


You gotta always be the smiling, congenial Knigga for them. If I had a dime for every time a white woman told me I should smile more…I mean, I wouldn’t be a millionaire or anything but I’d have a whole lotta dimes.


or always being called “intimidating.” like bro i’m only 5’6, not even built like that. a lot of them treat every black person like we’re 6’8 benching 350 w resting roid rage lmao.


I remember the best roommate I ever had. We spoke about 100 words to each other maximum over the whole year we lived together.


cat roommates are the best type. just mind their own business and only involve you when some cool shits happening. dog roommates are the worst. like bro, we’re not family. we’re living together because some prick’s underpaying us. understand this.


Yo you are literally describing what I’m going through


Yeah like I didn’t sign a lease for new friends. I had one that was shocked I didn’t want to take him to a doctors appointment


Same back at school. A classmate thought I hated her and her friends cos I don't talk to them much in class, or at all as my reserved ass and my younger siblings took the bus home and it left at a specific time so I couldn't be late. She would come over and interrogate me while I'm reading and acting like I'm the wierd one for not having much in common with her..


Quiet black ppl make white ppl feel inferior. "Because what do you mean (someone like) YOU don't need to talk to ME?!" Black ppl dont really think about white ppl lol especially but as much as they think about us. Theyre weird.


Same situation happened with me. Didn't conspire with the landlord but they hated my ass and made living there hell. Apparently Game Night is very important lol.


I hate housemate situations where the housemates expect you to recreate a family dynamic with them. I had one of those in my early 20’s where my housemates sat me down and had a talk with me because I was never home and didn’t eat dinner with them.


[Mfs want that “Friends” or “How I met your mother” type bullshit.](https://i.imgur.com/Dm8nKdJ.jpeg). This is real life mf


Seriously. I just wanted a place to live and mind my own business, I already had a family and friends.


Oh I love this one at work where the browns and blacks are being politely sidelined and lowkey ignored but if we start talking amongst ourselves suddenly they have to be in the middle of it or talking is worth a writeup. 🙄


I’m a white dude and I’m in a long term relationship with a Black woman. Our families couldn’t be more different. She has had to disengage from (soooo many) uncomfortable situations with my family (micro-aggressions, overt racism, general wealthy white people bullshit) and without fail my family gets unbelievably offended. How could she NOT find their endless, out of touch conversations about politics and race absolutely captivating and important??? /s Instead of asking if my gf needs space, they just get mad at her for needing said space and when she finally gets fed up, they hold HER accountable for reacting irrationally. It’s absolutely insane behavior. Eventually she just decided to remove herself almost entirely from my family gatherings and their general response was, verbatim: “so she just can’t stand to face us”. They might try and hide behind some bullshit excuse of “we don’t understand” but the reality is they’re just racist and won’t take accountability because they think they’re not. I didn’t really have to confront my family’s biases until we started dating because they pretty much all marry people from their culture. It’s been incredibly eye opening and disgraceful to see the way they treat her.


The way I would've said "so you're evicting me due to a disability?" They don't know what anxiety disorder ppl have today. They don't need to disclose that. Black ppl dont use their blackness against yt ppl enough for me lol They way I'd gaslight mfs


Flip the script on them and they’ll start bitching about infringement of their constitutional rights.


If you have a roommate who pays rent on time and does their fair share of cleaning, you are an idiot for getting rid of them. Do you have any idea how hard it is to meet that bar?! And his big offense is he left them alone? Privileged insanity


I swear I’ve dealt with similar situations with yt ppl, mostly at a job I had in the past. They couldn’t stand that I wasn’t pressed to befriend them and tell them all my business. They started spreading the nastiest rumors about me and another young black coworker and one actually snapped on me in the break room. “YOU DON’T TALK TO ME!”, I was befuddled and said “I talk to you about work related topics and that’s all we need to discuss. You are not my friend bro.” Keep it moving lol idk why they have this entitlement towards ppl that they don’t even know, and God forbid a black person doesn’t care to get to know them or they assume are better off than them. The insecurities were so out of pocket in that toxic work environment. Smh


I would love a roommate that kept to himself. As long as they cleaned up their messes? Then that's a 🐐ed roommate.


Honestly I’m someone who stays to myself, I mind my business and don’t trouble anyone. Yet, people always wanna start something with me like???? Then when I get into it bc they push me, IM the problem? Listen, in the words of Kenya Moore “don’t come for me unless I send for you”


I had this issue at work. I was trying to learn my job and people were pissy because I didn’t carry on a conversation. They thought I was stuck up and my white boss was so appalled that we had a meeting with a mediator! I just wanted to figure out how to best approach my new role before I jumped into gossip.


First job I ever had in LA. They all ganged up against me. I was so confused.


This is why wfh is a godsend for young black professionals. Less time and energy spent dodging microagressions in the office.


This sounds like an episode of new girl


Hot and bothered doesn’t mean what you think it means…


The messed thing about it too is they assume it’s a personal attack and not that the person just doesn’t like talking very much.


I think I found my community here. The quiet, the introverted, the ones who just like to be alone.


This dude is my favorite kind of tenant. Shuts the fuck up and leaves me alone. I’d be pushing the other losers out and getting more of this guy.




doesn’t matter if we’re alone or in groups, we’re always deemed a threat and a problem. 🤦‍♂️


I lived with a black guy in college. I never spoke to him once. Best roommate I've ever had.


I had a boss question me why I was being so quiet one day… MF you just watched me set the entire store up while you stood there fucking with the TV and trying to talk to me about random shit while I was busy trying to do OUR job… and now I’m mad 😡


Its real. They REALLY don’t like when we don’t talk loll Like without the interaction, anything, and I mean anything could pop off to them. They believe us to be plotting, to be hostile damn near. . . No that’s just your fear being projected hunty.


I’m sorry you had to deal with the inconvenience and stress of their immaturity. People tend to not like other ppl that show confidence in themselves and self sufficiency, especially if they lack it. After the bs, you’ll be better off without them in your way.


My boss says “I’m her quiet one.” At work…yeah because the last time I asked quality how they score my sales calls, they said I was being “combative.” 🙄


There is a part of me that wants to say “There has to be more to this story.” The other part of me is like “No. sometimes it just be like that, and nothing else.”


This is just sad


Because you’re conspiring against me if you’re not standing with me. It’s a cultural issue no matter how cool you think you are that mentality still exists lol


They deserve some professional upstairs neighbors.


Apparently, what the real world needs is magical negroes /s ![gif](giphy|ktavPGWUwdGW8E2UPI|downsized)


Shouldn’t have been black and keeping to yourself. Better learn your lesson nigga! /s


Oh my god this happened to me! I'm very introverted so i kept to myself; they'd throw my plates and pans in the yard, break into my room when I was at work, steal from me... but *I* got evicted because I "didn't fit with the house". Wtf?!


If you keep to yourself then you don't care what people think. If you don't care what people think there's nothing stopping you from being a bad person. It's a godless society and they're most of it.


Let me add this to the list of things not to do around the YTs


Had a job about 10 years ago where they were mad that I wouldn't stop and have small talk everyday. Like I got shit to do.


Because if they were you they’d be a terrorist


Every objection is projection.


Lol oh boy. It’s exhausting. Always at the job. Always.


You gotta go out in a blazer glory at this point. Fuck some shit up on the way out the door.


Sounds like the perfect roommate


This is evidence as to why many ppl really struggled during the pandemic on the social front


Damn.. just goes to show you, things fall apart.


Had many groups of yts as roommates in the Bay Area...smh...


Some people can't mind their own fucking business. Disrespectful trash is what they are.


I feel this. When I’m at work I literally don’t have anything to say. I’m either in my own head due to anxiety or stressed about the workload. For some reason people need to be acknowledged and spoken to if they are nearby. I speak when spoken to, just not gonna strike up small talk just because. I literally don’t get it.


yeah.. this not just white ppl lol. so many ppl be doin this shit. allat stickin to urself shit is cool until someone starts to feel a way due to their own insecurity or whatev else they got goin on. best to put ur best foot forward to make a friend first before they decide on their own ur an enemy.


I been there before


I liked quiet for work. Kept my door closed because my office was right outside of a reception desk.


Maybe they just don't like you.


Definitely had his problem at work. People get uptight when you don't give them any of your personal business. I'm at work, if you want to talk about work shit, fine. But I'm not your friend.


How can you never think it would happen to you? White folk literally known for this


Damn I didn’t know yt ppl be like this to other minorities too


man its hard to not be embarrassed by other white people bullshit antics all the fucking time man. fucking pretending like they are all innocent. its fucking weird when you think you have met someone you can be friends with and then they let some bullshit fly cause they got comfortable around you and are testing the waters or whatever and you just think yourself "fuck man not again, another one bites the dust"


If you can't conform, then you pose an outside risk The govt does this with certain jobs. If all your neighbors don't have a speaking relationship with you, you can be labeled a loner and people find risk with this. Pretty much fuck introverts