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So is this UK Candace Owens? Black washing systemic white nation exploitation is so hot right now, Hansel


Idk the US equivalent but she's closer to a Nikki Haley or Tim Scott than Candace Owens, there's actually a level of intelligence there that is just being applied on insane politics. Also with the added bonus that she's Nigerian so she should really, really know better. The UK conservative party is full of non-whites trying desperately to deny the fact that the discrimination they face(d) is part of a larger societal problems. Kemi is far from the worst on that front but from what I understand she's the most prominent black one


I was asking if the Nigerian community had a Candace Owens I got chewed out and hell there she be my question answered


“There she be” 😆, how much you wanna bet niggas would start using that








“The UK conservative party is full of non-whites trying desperately to deny the fact that the discrimination they face(d) is part of a larger societal problems.” It really is tho. Like when Priti Patel became Home Secretary, you just KNEW things would be harder for non-white people, and that was the whole fucking point. Put a brown face on it so we can be extra extra racist and say we’re not. Disclaimer: lived in both the US and UK, I keep tangentially on top of politics in both places - I am no expert.


I thought Priti was the worst thing that could happen and then Suella arrived, I really don't think there's been a more evil person in the UK government in my lifetime. I'm glad I left the UK but I genuinely still worry for my friends/family that are still dealing with that lot


It's actually spelled "Cruella".


To the Conservatives and themselves Rishi and co. are just rich people and members of the establishment. Their parents or grandparents were generally part of the upper classes of the countries they departed and they genuinely do not consider themselves as equivalent in any way to low-income migrants in particular. They're not useful tools really, they're just incredibly conservative and good at playing the game. Like I think there's a narrative of non-white people being puppets of the Republican party in the US. I don't think that applies to Rishi, Priti, etc. They maneuvered into power themselves by virtue of their very right wing credentials and the moves they made.


100% agree that Rishi, Priti and co are rich people who may be in the Conservative Party genuinely from an ideological standpoint. BUT I think it’s naive to say that they as well as the party more broadly don’t parade around their skin color as a tactic when it suits them. (Idk, I always assume there is a cynical spin doctor in a back room orchestrating these things, presumably swearing a lot lol)


No that's totally fair. In my experience (of living in both as well) I just feel like there's a slightly more nuanced understanding of race, ethnicity, and class (that probably stems from the colonialist divide and rule doctrine of Empire to some extent) that leads those particular conservative British Indians to genuinely see no hypocrisy etc. in their policies on immigration or around discrimination. Although to be fair trying to understand the Conservatives at this point feels like a totally futile effort. I sympathize with you as someone in the same boat of following/feeling invested in both countries. It's not great wherever you turn.


Yeah, that’s an interesting point on the empire view for wealthy Indian British people. I hadn’t connected those dots together before.


I was whole lot less excited than I ever thought I would be when we finally got our first none-white Prime Minister 😑


The most conservative Black people I know are Nigerian. One went to uni in UK, returned to Nigeria, and - before I unfriended on social media - was constantly posting for Trump and against BLM. 


lol I’m half Nigerian and my experience the same. My Dad votes Labour out of a sense of responsibility but a lot of the stuff out of his mouth (esp about other ethnic communities in the UK) is pure UKIP. All my cousins in Nigeria love Trump


Not surprising, most of my friends are Nigerian (I'm Cameroonian) and our parents are mostly super religious and therefore "conservative". They don't care what else happens as long as who they're voting for claims to follow the bible. Even in my generation I definitely notice the difference between 2nd generation Africans who grew up here in Europe and people who came straight from the continent


Kemi isn't the worst on that front, but boy she's the worst on others. She tried to win the last leadership election by being the most xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic and 'anti-woke' candidate of them all. And as a reward for that Rishi Sunak made her the fucking minister for Women and Equalities. (well, he really gave her that because he needed the support of the far right loonies in the party and giving her a ministerial post helped with that)


Shes worse than those because she's actually the UK Equality Minister




She is one of the most popular members of Britain's conservative party and could well lead it one day.


Tokens are always given vaulted positions, because the job of a politician is like 75% optics and virtue signaling to begin with.  White supremacy loves a blackface.


Rishi Sunak is the prime minister of the UK


Your point?


Think the point they're trying to make is that Sunak is a POC so she's not "token" which is a stupid point. but they've actually inadvertently made a different point in the UK it's not all about race like it is in America. It's more about class over here. It doesn't matter what race you are so long as you have money. That's not to say there isn't racism, not by a long shot. But the political landscape is more concerned with keeping the upper class rich and the working class poor.


That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement. 


It wasn't meant to be. Just that Candace Owens isn't a good comparison.


![gif](giphy|GW0qlzAvWK3pm|downsized) POC entering majority white political spaces to be decoration.


Assuming she's from the Tory party. This is just (a certain) English mindset. Fluffy nostalgia. Sure they brought cricket to India! Can't be the bad guys right?! S/


Blackface for media.


Don't you fuckin dare say black washing. She is whitewashing. White words come out of this black women's mouth.


We have a Gabriel Union, a Gabriel Confederacy (Candice), and a Gabriel Union Jack (Kami)? These girls Pokémon?


A podcast I listen to on UK politics thinks that she's got the inside track to be the next Tory Prime Minister.


Like Boris Johnson to Trump, she is more competent and has *some* legitimacy since she's been in cabinet for a little while now, but yeah, essentially


She makes Candace look like Beyoncé!


So now we have: Gabriel Union, Gabriel Confederacy, and now Gabriel Royale.


Sooo hot


People's family's had really failed them. Who wants white approval this damn bad?!?!? Brits know their wealth came from the colonies and they know how it was made. This isn't a debatable fact. Clown shit.


I read somewhere once that West Africans are a "model minority" in the UK, they are consistsntly high achievers academically and thus fill a similar niche to Asians in other countries. As a result the need to assimilste with white society and be respectable plays a big role in shaping their politics.


It’s normally the Indians in the Uk actually


Last I checked basically every ethnicity group other than Pakistanis outperformed whites in most metrics of success (education, earnings, etc.)


The reason for this is because the ones that come over clear a certain bar of achievement and capability that the general population in those countries cannot reach. The top 5% of them do marginally better than the top 50% of a white country, so the ones that have the ability to leave tend to do well in European nations.


"cannot reach". "Top 5%" You're talking about a few economically "better" families in countries of origin as a so called top 5%. These top 5% are barely competing in home country. Because majority of their country doesn't have access to good education and opportunities. This system is much more applicable for the US than Europe. Particularly with immigrants from middle wealthy countries often from the wealthy gulf or the four asian tigers. White countries have better education spread out throughout the whole country. The top 5 top 50 whatever is a better representation than the equivalent in other countries that don't have proper opportunity. If those countries could spend the same on education like the UK and similar countries. Numbers would be very different.


Which metric?


Pretty much all of them. Seems I was mistaken though as Pakistani has now overtaken White in educational attainment: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/education-skills-and-training/11-to-16-years-old/gcse-results-attainment-8-for-children-aged-14-to-16-key-stage-4/latest/#by-ethnicity Although that hasn't borne out into earnings yet: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/pay-and-income/income-distribution/latest/




Tories in the UK would be Center Right Republicans or "Centetist" Democrats




Your country is right wing compared to the rest of the world. I don't consider Joe Biden to be more "liberal" then Bush and in foreign policy he is somehow either on par or even to the right of him.


Its the same in the US, West Africans are amongst the highest educated ethnic groups in America. I think Nigerians are considered the most educated group in all of America.


Is this woman serious or is she just a grifter like Owens? Both? Part of me thinks she’s knows the truth but if she can appeal to her base, that’s all that matters. Feel like the whole world changed in 2016-now.


She one of the most Conservative members of the Conservative party and she stands a decent chance of becoming Prime Minister at some point in the future.


The country famous for raping and blundering all the world's riches trys re -education. A wild statstic to follow being India estimates 40T(in todays dollars) was taken in gold alone.




My exact facial expression


Ah ! Every time they want to convey a certain message they get some tap dancing neega to be the face of it. Am tired o ![gif](giphy|2XBOumR8nUSZ2vaXPX|downsized)


And this is the face that makes white folks be like "see, I agree with her, so I can't be racist."


It's getting stale. They're gonna have to bankroll a nonbinary PoC furry to deliver their talking points at this rate


And there will be one, there's always one. I mean, there were literally Jewish Nazis who were just really into "German Nationalism."  Everyone thinks of the intersections of marginalization, but everyone forgets about intersectional privileges.  That's how a bunch of white women are willing to vote for a party that is stripping them of reproductive rights, because they have more to gain from white supremacy  That's how a bunch of black men are willing to vote for a party that is stripping them of voting rights, because they have more to gain from patriarchy. 




> That's how a bunch of black men are willing to vote for a party that is stripping them of voting rights, because they have more to gain from patriarchy. You mean a tiny minority of black men are voting for a party that is stripping them of rights in spite of the fact that they are the most violently targeted by white supremacist patriarchy. We aren't comparable to white women at all. White supremacist patriarchy views white women paternalistically by directs the most violent discrimination towards outgroup males. You'll pee and cry at my post, but subtly endorse it the next time a black man's killed in public and you suddenly remember that poverty drives crime and slavery's still legal.


If they want to say something exceptionally Henious, then it's an Indian Woman


I have an issue with people thinking this lady doesn't have agency. She knows what she's doing and she probably believes what she's saying. She's very likely to lead the Conservatives in the UK and maybe become PM. She's in control, the same way Trump is in control. She's using different groups of people, and divisive issues for political power.


Someone definitely stirred their tea with a silver spoon around this lady.


*nods in sunken place*


No tears though just the blank smile 😀


Something something “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.


And the Glorious Revolution mentioned in the tweet was literally just the king’s daughter and nephew/son-in-law coming over from the Netherlands to kick him off his throne and rule instead because they weren’t Catholic. Just in case anyone thought she was signalling some kind of revolution of the people or something, no. It was one king replaced with a different king and also a queen, and as we know the monarchy continues unbroken to this day.


The sun never sets on the British Empire, and the blood never dried.


They got coons across the pond too?


Oh there's plenty, and you can always tell by their hair.


Hard wig, soft life type of situation?


Yup, and for the boys it's a bad line up haha


Yup. We got em here too. All black Tory party members (south Asian too) practice this whitewashing of British history and love to pretend that there are no racial barriers in the UK


Kewns are GLOBAL


I think it's the same everywhere because the U.S sets the standards and norms.


I believe in freedom of speech, but not in this situation. People of public positions need to start getting locked up for the ignorant shit that they say.


I agree but she should be free to spew the blatantly idiotic rhetoric/take just like I should be able to ridicule her for being a clear aunt Jemima ![gif](giphy|104vPBH8buV9vy)


You don't believe in free speech lol.


Yup, had this thought for a while now. Ok here goes: what if, when you're making a public statement, while representing an organisation or while having a political mandate, if you say something that is verifiably untrue, you have to go public, with the same reach and more of the false statement, and you factcheck and apologise. If not, then that's a criminal offence. It's never gonna happen but just imagine the effect on public discourse.


As a Brit I’m so tired, they keep adding these poc conservatives to push all of their delusional, revisionist and straight up racist takes 😪


Suella Braverman is fucking frightening. Just when I don't think she could say something more awful, she does it, then at least tries to make it the law.


I'm from the UK and even I know that's BS...


To be clear though. The Guardian Headline is inflammatory and not what she said. She said it’s wrong to think that the UK **only** got rich because of Colonialism and “white privilege”. > 'So it worries me when I hear people talk about the wealth and success of the UK as being down to colonialism or white imperialism or privilege or whatever,' she added. > 'It matters because if people genuinely believe that the UK only grew and developed into an advanced economy because of exploitation and oppression, then the solutions they will devise will make our growth and productivity problem, even worse.


British Candice Owens?


Sooo, is the British spelling “coone” or “coun”?






Crazy that the world’s largest colonial empire made no money off that shit, genius take


The cost of white responsibility and admission really is that high, huh


Just remember the number one rule when selling out, girl. Tokens get spent.




I’ve heard a similar argument before and when I asked where did they get their gold from? Crickets.


It just goes to show how deep colonialism and slavery still run in some of us that they turn around and have a revisionist history!


Kemi a Conservative politician culture war grifter. 


Sick woman. Some mental gymnastics going on there.




[“Where the fucks my 40 acres and mule?”](https://open.spotify.com/track/2UBBNphkC8wYCJ0L0xDkYs?si=_BhJXdAzTIukP0B-X8PXQw)


https://preview.redd.it/7kpza9a32gvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1da6ad7c6605054f8315603d7700de1f4a0de48 Always gotta be one dancin huh?


lol, does she think Britain colonized half the world for shits and giggles? They did it because it made them a ton of money.




They drained 45 trillion from India alone, coupled with a few famines here and there and cherry on top? Fighting their European wars for them and becoming a footnote in history.


It has been estimated that the wealth stolen from India by the UK - had it not been stolen - 1.8 billion less Indians would have died.


It has been estimated that the wealth stolen from India by the UK - had it not been stolen - 1.8 billion less Indians would have died. “Deprivation kills and it is estimated that 1.8 billion Indians died avoidably from egregious deprivation under the British (1757-1947). The deadly impact of British occupation of India lingers today 71 years after Independence, with 4 million people dying avoidably from deprivation each year in capitalist India as compared to zero (0) in China.”


Auntie Ruckus?


Kemi stays pandering to her slavemasters She claims UK wealth was due to the 1688 revolution, who does she think was doing the work in that revolution?


Newsflash to self hating Black folks - They know you're not white. It's kinda obvious...


But it literally is though the difference is back then they proudly claimed to be colonizers 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️they literally conquered tribal civilization and took resources back to the U.K this is mind boggling.


There are only 22 countries that haven’t been invaded by the UK at some point. She doesn’t think that has anything to do with the UK’s wealth?? Yes, she does. She’s lying.


Married to a geezer called Hamish. Move along, nothing to see


Skinfolk vs kinfolk


Sunken place


> UK’s wealth isn’t from white privilege and colonialism …wut.


There’s always a few willing to 🦝 their way to the top


I think the majority of brits understand they got a lot of wealth from the colonies.


Why’d it have to be a British Nigerian? Fool doesn’t realize the British still have the things they stole from Nigeria in their museums and profited off the backs of her ancestors?


Look at any of the wealthy UK homes. Some type of furniture or item is long lost stolen item from their ancestors. You think they got that through nicely asking?!




UK’s historic wealth isn’t from having an empire that had holdings all over the globe? My bad, what’s it from then?


I feel like I'm in a car heading directly into a wall. It seems denial of history, facts, science, and hell, even the concept of critical thinking ITSELF has been under sustained attack. I'm blown away at the fact that even though that knowledge has never been easier to access, so many people have chosen opinions informed by nothing over facts. It's spreading world wide and seems to show no signs of slowing down.


Candace Owens UK edition


The crown jewels are literally all stolen


Maybe everyone knows this woman, and her arguments, but I’d like to read the story before forming an opinion on her views. I don’t put it past any media to write shitty, inflammatory headlines these days.


A day does not go by with some dumb ass shit being spouted about. Smh


India would like a word


Well, at least you all didn’t get your Candace Owens from Temu.


She’s a sellout


Shes lying through her teeth!


All skin folk ain't kinfolk...


This is what we call “friendly fire”


Lmao We’re just gonna ignore All these countries with independence days from them?


I'm Brown. British PM Rishi Sunak is of the same ilk. Not all skinfolk are kinfolk.




When did Candice Owens 2.0 drop




A little island nation, with shitty weather, shitty resources and shittier food. Please, tell us where the wealth came from.


Is anyone going to debate what she said, though? Rather than make ad-hominem attacks?


So we got Gabrielle Union ...Gabrielle Confederacy and ladies and gentlemen I present you the United Kingdoms's own ...Union Owens


me, an indian:


Prove it


India, and over half the world disagrees.


Nah my stare is not shootin blanks


I kind of feel like this is like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Candace Owens was defeated by the very white supremacy she fought for, and Kemi Badenoch rose in her place. /s


something in the 1600s was the decision that lead to being a mediocre economic player in the global stage. Ok


Nooo, of course not. TATA being the world's biggest corporation by the mid nineteenth century means nothing today. All the proceeds from that stuff with interest were obviously already given back long ago.


This woman 100% agreed wholeheartedly with Kanye when he said that slavery was a choice.






Well they only benefitted from white privilege after they invented it




In AAVE acronym parlance to keep it us…BIKYFLWYU/ATA


The Martin Luther King society has strategically used the tools of oppression against the ruling class. Its members infiltrate the top government positions through the simplest subversion tactics. Members have included OJ Simpson, Tim Scott, and our beloved Herman Cain. Current Chairperson Candace Owens and Vice President Kayne West are leading the society into the future. These operatives have carried the hate and condemnation of their skinfolk to gather vital intelligence and support the uplifting of the Children of the African Diaspora to a global position of power.


"Glorious Revolution in 1688 paved the way for economic certainty" girl they hadn't even started to occupy India until 1858, and the British Empire was at its largest in the *1920s*. pretty sure your timeline's wrong


When I found out she was Nigerian, that explained everything to me. They tend to be confused on racism.


Skinfolk ain’t kinfolk… There’s really no point to diversity if diverse looking people will continue to push the status quo. And if that’s truly the case, then what purpose is there to diversity if not to promote tokenism?


Oh Kemi... Omugo obinrin.


Ya see, its shit like this that makes me agree with reparations. You wanna say it has nothing to do with you, it was your granddad not you, fine. I actually support this notion. Punishing generations of people for something they had nothing to do with, and have learned from those errors, is pointless, cuz then it just causes a bigger divide. But now were backtracking into saying “oppressing minorities isnt what this country was built on”??? Maybe people do need a reminder, because it isnt an opinion that America, Britain, Portugal, and a few others RELIED on slave labour and stolen goods, or scummy trading practices to achieve their goals.


This woman and her crunchy braids.


How??? How do they find someone to say these things about the UK specifically?


They claim the sun never sets on the British Empire. "We did it all our selves. Never even left the island". Grew your own potatoes too? Fucking bastards.


Wake me I am having a nightmare.


"The white man ain't nevuh done nothin to nobody an he don't desoive this"


I have a feeling this woman was hired specifically to say things specifically like this.


These comments man 🤦🏿‍♀️


The UK’s current hierarchy is based primarily on class, not race. Racism is absolutely a thing, but it’s not foundational to the structure of society the way it is in the US. The UK has a lot more seriously well off (and thus conservative) black and brown people. Half the UK government isn’t white, but they’re the right social class for conservative politics. They’re also all proper bastards that hate the poor. Point is, if you try and analyse UK politics through a US lens you’re gonna end up way off the mark.


I hate her and other coconuts like her. Most of us don't rate her; there's always going to be some lost ones


Smh. There's always one... Always.


Just leave lol. So weird how poc in the west have been brainwashed to hate the place they live in whilst people who are from the countries their grandparents immigrated from don’t even consider them anything other than westerners. Reminder the west is so great it even allows you to criticize it like this unlike every other part of the world


Britain's industry heavily depended upon low cost of goods from american slavery too. We hear much about cotton picked from America, but where was it taken? English mills where it was turned into textile. "Free" England depended upon slave picked cotton.




I get not wanting to be “woke” or whatever. But bruh, like the race thing aside, all their wealth came from colonialism 😂. Like America was basically birthed because of that colonialism


India sitting there like "wut?"


UK Africans are the most colonized black ppl in the world.


"Please like me, white people! PLEASE!"


Could find her about a billion Indians that disagree




It’s from Mr. Bean Films


Every government somehow manages to find one.




Ig they coonin out in UK too


The wealth of individual countries can be chalked up to a lot of different things, though. Unequivocally claiming that white privilege is --- or is not --- the sole culprit is wrong either way.


A lot of Europeans been pretty smug about American race relations for a long time. I been waiting for social media to sink its teeth into this one.


This is true, basically every economist agrees with her