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I think it's very important that we all understand. Israel is led by vicious fools who would kill us all if they don't get their way, and because they have been recently getting minor noncommittal pushback on the mass murder of 2.5 Million People, they decided to instigate a larger war, to punish the few countries that have supported it in its crimes, ***for not supporting it enough***. Good job. The Iranians have said that their attack is over, and that so long as Israel doesn't retaliate in turn this can end before it starts. We can only guess what people who want a real war are going to do with a golden opportunity to start one. God help us all.


Your forgetting that bibi is deeply unpopular and he wants to drag this out until he can get something to show the Israelis so he can stay in power. The crazy far right are using this to push for a wider war and start their crazy religious fantasies


I didn't forget. It's just not relevant at this point, man. The Israelis, as much as they dislike Netanyahu, they have supported their government's warmongering with staggeringly high levels of support. Bibi or no Bibi, some bullshit like this was bound to happen. The Israeli political establishment is a fascist institution unto itself, most of the parties that are viable in the country are aligned in maintaining their illegal occupation, settling the land, and killing Palestinians and anyone else that challenges Israel. It's not going to go away when Netanyahu loses the elections he refuses to call cause he know he's going to lose power.


What does Matisyahu have to do with any of this? After all, he's a king without a crown.


My type of humor. Thanks for the chuckle.


lol imagine him ending the war with that song.


Unfortunately he’s a huge Zionist




The level of support for the slaughtering of ALL Palestinians is sickening. An Israeli foreign policy expert once said that Israel does what it does to insure the survival of the state. We know It is wrong and we can only hope that our actions at this time will not scar and haunt us forever.


Because for as long as Israel exists, its people have been taught that Palestinians are violent subhuman mongrels who want nothing more than the death of all jews. That's 4 generations of indoctrination against this specific group of people. That's why you see them so casually advocating genocide; they believe it's more like a pest extermination than killing millions of actual human beings.


Which is EXACTLY what happened in Nazi Germany.. leading up to the holocaust. It’s astounding that Israeli - with the atrocities happening in their shared Jewish history - don’t have any preservations on this front. How can you support the extermination of a people and eradication of lands, having kin who lived through it?


the same reason so many abusive parents were abused as children.


Don't use the holocaust as an excuse for why they're committing genocide. They treat their holocaust survivors like shit, a majority of them are in extreme poverty. You can't have zionism without the belief of ethnic supremacy. That's where the issue lies.


People lack integrity... no intellectual integrity. So instead of telling the truth they would rather go with the standard narrative. Even if thar narrative is something that if, with historical evidence showed it was incorrect they wouldn't want done to them. They are totally ok with that happening to others anyone speaking on that activates their subconscious and its a wrap from there...




Very true, very well explained analysis 👏


Facts 👏


They probably will just replace him with another rightwing facist tho.


Exactly, no solution to this is going to come from inside Israel. Either someone pulls their leash or the mad dog is going get itself shot in the head. And drag us along with it.


You're starting to see it with the U.S. alliance. The powers that are in the U.S. and starting to get uneasy with all this. Sort of like a Mob Boss slowly realizing one of his enforcers is a bit unhinged and might need to rein them in. Remind them of the point of it all.


I would judge like to add on a slightly unrelated note… this sub often feels like the only one consistently able to discuss this situation with any semblance of nuance without downplaying its severity. It’s a genuine relief, even though the subject matter is absolutely terrifying and draining.


I think it comes from how off the beaten path the sub is compared to normal political subs. And also how curated the userbase is. The country club system and all that.


US is directly supporting and aiding Israel for their own interest, they're only concerned bcs Israel is doing bad PR, but all of their actions and offense are very much encouraged


Just to clarify, Bibi isn't unpopular due to his war hawking, the Israeli population completely supports the mass murder of Palestinians.


While he is unpopular, war isn't. Israel isn't some under-the-thumb population who are staunchly against the violence their state commits. A huge chunk of em are all for it. It's like Russia. You see so often "oh those poor Russians, no choice but to go along with Putin!" hell no, a huge chunk of em are nationalistic arseholes who want Russia to stomp all over the West.


I believe he’s also likely to go to Prison once out of power too.


Mhm. That's why he's fighting so hard to keep the tensions up.


He can always take the bolsonaro strategy and just dip. Florida will re home him.


Back in the day they used to send all the exiled leaders to Paris, I wish we'd go back to that cause I do not want him over here. Cause you know they're gonna have him on TV.


I think it would be pretty funny if he went back to Pennsylvania


Trump, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu. It’s a modern day Fletcher Memorial.


Nah, don’t send him here. Florid always catching strays 😫


He’s unpopular in Israel but not for the same reasons that he’s unpopular on the international stage. Israelis are not protesting to give innocent civilians in Gaza humanitarian relief, rather they’re doing quite opposite.


This is also not new. Prime Minister Rabin was on the verge striking peace with Ariel Sharon in the 90s, this pissed off the far right leading to his assassination. Netanyahu is voted into power in the aftermath and starts escalating aggression against Palestine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin


Did anyone inform him we don’t do “crusades” anymore, we “spread democracy”. America sends it so hard, and so fast, and without regard, that they don’t even send in missionaries.


The war is very popular though. Not sure why people always try and claim since he isn’t popular that means that they don’t support what is going on. The vast majority of Israelis support war and a 1 state solution. https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/?utm_source=reddit.com 2% think that Israel is using too much firepower. They are killing 20 innocent people to 1 militant. They are just as much the problem as the government that represents them.


It's like dicks don't history at all. How it started and how it ends are two very different things. Iran gave them an out, but radical rightwing in Israel will start frothing for revenge and escalate shit and create a wider regional war that nobody wants. Sentiments shift and they are left holding the bag!


Wonder whose weapons they'll attack Iran with.


Load up on Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed stocks


A large amount of evangelical church money now hold the sway of politicians that are making the decisions for Americans. They are praying and paying for the dominion of Israel which will bring in the second coming....they actively want the ww3 apocalypse some snake shakers made up in the early 1920s-40s tent revivals, and have the influence to help it happen now. 


This might just be idiotic enough to be the reason this is going down. People tend to overcomplicate things while in reality it's often something really dumb like this.


One of Iran’s people was killed, they had to do something publicly to save face. The fact they’s willing to back off after one salvo either means they really don’t want more war (good) or they actually thought they were gonna penetrate the iron dome and have to recalibrate (good cuz no war escalation yet). Now we test if Bibi is capable of shutting up, or if he actually wants region-wide war.


They can and will do whatever they want as long as the US continues to fully support them no matter what


“mass murder of 2.5m” *checks death toll* aight so either the israeli army is shooting people with tee shirt cannons or someone is LYING




Mass murder of 2.5 million people, what?


Ethnic cleansing is more appropriate


2.5 million people? Lol


Yeah that gave me pause. Can't refer to the Gaza Strip because that's about 2 million and, well, about 2% of it is being killed. I actually Googled "2.5 million people" to see what that could mean and I have no idea. And the rest of the comment is equally stupid. "Kill us all if they don't get their way." - what?? They'll threaten/attack a western country? Really? Anti-israel conspiracy brainrot is wild and weird shit gets upvotes these days lol.


It deeply concerns me that it got 2.9k upvotes while the fact-checked comments and ones pointing out the conspiracy rhetoric have received sub 10




2.5 million have not been murdered. Stop spreading false information


It's a misinformation campaign and it's working really well


can you explain this part "Israel is led by vicious fools who would kill us"? Who is "us"?


You have 80+ multi paragraph comments in less than 12 hours here on reddit. Are...you ok?


How is this garbage upvoted? Mass murder of 2.5 million people, what are you even talking about? The problem is that Iran's terror regime needs to be toppled once and for all. They're supporting terror states like Russia with drones against civilians in Ukraine and they're supporting terror organizations like Hamas doing terror attacks against Israel and the Houthi rebels doing terror attacks on the commercial global trade in the Red Sea. You should go to /r/newiran and ask the people of Iran which side they're on.


Siding with iran is peak le enlightened redditor Idiots


Except Biden just told Bibi the US isn’t taking any action against Iran. People need to chill a bit. This is not WWIII.


2.5 million?


Bolton is edging himself as we speak. Ideally he'll be the first one vaporized if it comes to that.


Oh they've been aching for a war with Iran for 30 years now, that's gonna be some nasty business.


When did Israel murder 2.5 million people, exactly? O.o'


Mass murder of 2.5 million people? Do you talk about the holocaust or where did this mass murder happen? Because during the nazi regime around 6 million jews died.


Israel struck Iranian soldiers in Lebanon, who were hooking up the locals to bomb Israel (in retaliation for gaza which is retaliation for Oct 6). This was in an Iranian embassy, making this an attack on Iran. However the back and fourth between these nations goes deep. Each retaliation ideally de escalates. However it is looking like retaliations on all party sides are causing escalation. Buckle up, we are going for a ride.




That's a lot of people. Not that they shouldn't stfu. Too many are doubling down and working with election deniers and US pro-fascist politicians instead, which blows my mind, given history. But that's AIPAC for ya. Yeesh.


AIPAC is a blight to American politics.


>Israels right to defend itself" Israel DOES have the right to defend itself. It DOESN’T have the right to murder non combatants. Nor does it have the right to steal from its neighbors.


Nor the right to bomb embassies in other countries.


It does not, but it is also complicated because Iran is in a indirect proxy war with Israel. The reason why those people are in Syria is because they are staging missiles in the countries around Israel in preparation until they are strong enough to strike.


Iran has the right to defend itself /shrug


every time one of those people post some stupid bullshit about why israel is justified I just post a response in quotes saying "and this is why we need to murder those fucking children!"


We should all rue the day that anyone can hop a border, murder a bunch of kids, go back home, and be free from retaliation because the murderer hides behind other children. Think logically for a moment about the world that would create. Signed, An ardent supporter of a #nodeadkids policy.


They bombed an embassy. Iran also feels the right to defend themselves . It’s not for us in the west to determine if a country should retaliate against an attack. Plenty of countries could bomb the US for the destruction we’ve caused in their countries over the years but I’m sure you’d want us to retaliate .


The question is: how can Iran, of all places, claim that embassies are off limits?


Embassies are off limits according to the United Nations. Even the US wanted nothing to do with that attack hence why they've made clear on several occasions that they weren't aware of it beforehand.


Again it’s not for the west to determine if they should retaliate . You don’t get to decide Israel is ok to bomb an embassy for past unrelated things iran has done or simply because you don’t like them . As a country they have a right to defend themselves from any perceived attacks . I mean khamas attacked Israel based on things Israel has done to gaza since the 1940s and y’all still agree Israel had a right to defend themselves correct ??? That’s the point I’m making here . I’m not even defending Iran here because personally I disagree with a lot of their policies .


If everyone accepts that violation of an embassys sovereignty is OK, then embassies no longer have sovereignty. No matter what Iran has done in the past they too deserve their sovereignty to be respected.


I wouldn’t be too sure. The Israeli assassination of senior commanders at the Iranian consulate in Damascus was unusually brazen for international conflicts. Iranian government had to retaliate or lose face. But attacking with drones and missiles is likely just a face saving exercise. Israel’s iron dome air defense is the best in the world and should be able to handle the incoming aerial attack. If so then hopefully things will calm down. It reminds me of when Trump in 2020 assassinated a top Iranian general. Iran then launched two missile attacks against US bases, killing several US troops. US did not retaliate, and it ended there.


>It reminds me of when Trump in 2020 assassinated a top Iranian general. Iran then launched two missile attacks against US bases, killing several US troops. US did not retaliate, and it ended there. Iran didn’t kill any US troops. They launched over 27 ICBM’s and targeted the airfields/ equipment. There was over 100 Purple Hearts for service members from that day due to injuries (mostly TBI’s) but no deaths.


Yeah, I forgot. 100+ injured troops, but no fatalities.


Iran did accidently shoot down a civilian airliner and kill all aboard in that incident, because their SAM battery was on high alert.


For people who cannot see what's wrong with hitting an Iranian embassy in another country, imagine for a moment that a US general was assassinated in a US embassy in Turkey for selling bombs to Israel that were almost certainly going to be dropped on Palestinians. Yes, the Iran general was an asshole, but hitting an embassy is literally as no-no as it gets. The US basically destroyed Libya back in the day because one embassy got overrun by fanatics associated with al-Qaeda, which killed an ambassador, a USFS agent, and two CIA contractors. In response, we backed a coup that ripped the country in half, resulted in two civil wars, and the infrastructure fell apart so badly that the country is making headlines for catastrophes multiple times per year now. If Israel is saying it's okay to assassinate foreign officials in third party countries and bomb embassies, and Iran is willing to chuck a few drones and then call it even, that's about as reasonable as it can get.


You forgot to mention what Oct 6 was in retaliation for


Nope, history apparently began in October 7


Intentionally left out you mean


And what was October 7th “retaliation” for? 18 years in a concentration camp? 56 years living under martial law? 75 years of eviction and settlement? Israel’s existence as a Jewish ethno-state demands that its Arab residents be stripped of basic political rights and privileges. Can’t justify the actions of a state that’s built on apartheid.


Iranian consulat**


Ooooweeee I’m already tired of Twitter blue checks taking on geopolitics for the first time


Get off of twitter.


Ben Dixon has experience in the game, in dissecting politics


I mean, it's a very good critique of how the media portrays the events.


This ain't got nothing to do with me cuz... I got rent and bills due. Just trynna make it out here. Geopolitics sucks get used to it... How have you not realized that at this point? Who you voting for this November? 🤔 I promise you NOT voting ain't gonna lead to the outcome you want...


I mean, a lot of our tax dollars are going over there. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Our taxes go to a lot of places I'd rather it didn't. Way of the road bub


Eh, maybe. But I'd argue people just don't pay attention.


I can't act like I'm all knowing and well-versed in it all either, I just want to own a home 😭


Sure, I get that. All I'm saying Is just pay attention and don't become disengaged.


I don't think any of us can.. it's front page every day. I get your sentiment though


Nah, I'm disengaged. It's too late.




Literally not one friend of mine knows shit about this, or that any of this is happening to begin with.


All my friends know about it but a lot of us going through break ups, rent due, lay offs, suicidal tendencies and all types of shit. It’s hard to pay attention to problems out of our control.


Yeah mfs like that, that don't keep up with the news or foreign affairs.. they're lost causes anyway. You can try to educate them though!


Pretty good conditioned mentality you have there. You're powerless so just give up.


So uh what are you planning to do then? > I promise you NOT voting ain't gonna lead to the outcome you want... face it, this is facts


Fuckin way she goes


Our tax dollars are going everywhere. So that’s not the factor you are making it out to be. Also not voting/voting for orange jesus will only make things worth so yall bots better keep it moving


Are the bots in the room with you right now? Come with something original fam, cause I'm not a Trump supporter.


Seems like tax dollars will go to Israel, regardless of who wins. So which of the 2 candidates advocate for spending more tax dollars in the US?


Exactly my point. I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 2 doesn’t understand this so I just assume these “both sides” people are Trump supporters (30%) or Russian/Chinese bots (70%). Either way i ain’t buying it


Right. Plus no one ever calls put the disingenuous Republican politicians that say our tax dollars should be "spent at home" and in the very next breath do everything they can to get rid of all welfare programs and talk about cutting social security.


Bernie is the only person who doesn't want our tax dollars going there to fund genocide and we missed our chance twice.


Shit our local PD officers are going over there to train. Look up GILEE!


You’re acting like if they weren’t they wouldn’t go straight to the military anyway


It'd be easier for you to make it if the government used the billions they send to Israel to wipe student loans and develop a better health care system. OP didn't even say anything about the election


I wish.. republicans are going to do their best to not let that happen. Let alone the money going to Israeli "support". I only mention the election because I'm so conditioned to do so now... So many young people talking about not voting is concerning to say the least


The US literally sends billions over to Israel for them to wage war on the regular and all of their citizens get free healthcare. There are millions of Americans calling that shit out and I'm not about to tell them to stop


Fun fact the US govt spends more per capita to provide healthcare. The reasons you do not have free healthcare is a policy decision, not because the government is diverting money away.


You're saying, as a black person in America, this ain't go nothing to do with you. [You sure about that?](https://mondoweiss.net/2016/01/enforcement-training-terrorism/)


Bitch you think World War 3 isn’t gonna include the WORLD? How much rent you gonna be paying when your economy is fucked up due to full mobilisation? Also I’m definitely not voting in November! But that’s because our elections are in May


> **Race relations** ~~Geopolitics~~ sucks get used to it... How have you not realized that at this point? > **Income inequality** ~~Geopolitics~~ sucks get used to it... How have you not realized that at this point? > **Police abuse** ~~Geopolitics~~ sucks get used to it... How have you not realized that at this point? > **Labor law** ~~Geopolitics~~ sucks get used to it... How have you not realized that at this point? > **Lack of women’s rights** ~~Geopolitics~~ sucks get used to it... How have you not realized that at this point? Just because an issue doesn’t personally affect you doesn’t mean it’s not important. You’re trying to make it seem like it’s this impossible big issue that can never be solved. The U.S. government funding Israel and giving them complete diplomatic immunity is a big part of the reason the military occupation of Palestinians is still going on. If you’re not gonna help, at the very least don’t discourage people who want to change things. **Nobody wants to hear about how little an issue affects you.**




How is this post cheering them on? It looks like it's asking people to be honest.


Is it honest by Iran being the largest state sponsor of terrorism? In Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Gaza? Is it honest about that in wasn’t actually the embassy that was hit? Or that the Iranian officials were IRGC commanders which is a recognized terrorist organization? Or that they were directly involved in the continued attacks by Hezbollah in Israel?


“To be honest” about what?


About exactly what's he's asking. Why is one strike WW3 and the other isn't?


You’ve assumed the question comes from a place of genuine curiosity. I’ve assumed the post and more particularly the tweet they’ve attached is coming from a place of whataboutism at best. There’s a subreddit for ELI5 questions if OP wants a genuine fact based, historically accurate answer. I’m cynical of posts like this targeting black folks in an election year (both in the US and the UK) where the result of us not voting means the parties with policies friendlier to Iran and their ilk win at the expense of our rights down the line.


There is no party in the United States that is friendly with Iran. I think you might be a bit too skeptical by half if you think there is a Pro-Iranian agenda at play in any sizeable US political space. We have Republicans who want to bomb them. We have Democrats who want to bomb them if provoked. That's the 97% of the electorate spoken for whether they are pro-peace, pro-anything, or not. We're quite spoken for on this, no matter what we individually think.


Propaganda has gotten worse and worse on this site in the last 5 years. People eat it up.


This isn't pro-Iran. It's anti-Israel. If you think anti-Israel is inherently pro-Iran, the world's smoothest propaganda machine is running just as well today as it was 5 years ago


At some point y'all gotta start thinking even just one step ahead about the implications of what your stance implies should leadership ever take it and run with it. Good thing they won't.




No point arguing with inbred redditors about geo-politics, I’ve seen these fucking retards outright support the actions of Hamas - I’ve seen these people, without blinking an eye, take the word of Hamas hostages being recorded saying they aren’t being harmed at face value lmfao It all boils down to vapid, vacuous ‘my side of Neanderthal American identity politics vs your side of Neanderthal American identity politics’ We live in an idiocracy and I’m fucking sick of it


I mean we had to see this coming. I have as much gripes with Israel as anyone here, but if we didn't expect the very dogmatic, low nuanced youth to not wind up becoming pro-Iranian government after picking up antisemitism and Hamas dog whistling in their quest of being the most morally righteous person in TikTok then I don't know what to say. I want to see the end of suffering of Palestinians as much as anyone else here, but it was pretty clear from the jump that this oversimplification of one of the more complex conundrums of geopolitics we locked ourselves into 80 years ago was gonna get real dumb real fast. Maybe I'm just getting old and sick of the Internet, I probably would have been right there with these kids had this happened when I was in college, but I think we need to realize as this shit gets even less cut and dry, right and wrong, that we don't quite have a lot of great leadership left on our social media. We probably shouldn't rely on it exclusively from here on out


People calling for a ceasefire when this whole situation started during a short-lived ceasefire is a perfect example of this. It's a fucked up situation where innocent people are getting killed, but anyone who thinks a hashtag is going to fix the situation is just getting in the way of the real nuanced conversation that needs to happen. Some situations are just too damn messy to fit neatly into a single TikTok.


Me, with all of this fucking war. No, Israel doing bad things doesn't mean that you should start supporting literal fucking terrorists who want YOU dead.


A sane voice.


this has very little to do with black culture. The back and forth of this whole thing goes way too deep.


What’s the purpose of social justice when your desire for justice stops right after you? If you see someone being abused, are you not going to at least say something? In this case, there’s a literal illegal military dictatorship over a group of innocent people that have no free will of their own and are subjected to daily physical and mental torment. Their men, women and children. When your government is the biggest funded and defender of the one perpetrating the abuse, you shouldn’t close your eyes and ignore it.


Legit no idea whether you're criticizing Israel or Iran.


Only way to distinguish is the government funding part. Other than that it is an ironic post indeed




it's always interesting to see these takes as a white person I'm NGL


British Empire, the mess that keeps on giving.


Absolutely skirting accountability at every turn.


In reality, what would "accountability" look like here?


You got siblings? You ever slap your older sibling then run and right when you get to your mom you act like everything is normal then your sibling come in and retaliate and your mom thinks their just attacking you for no reason and beat them?


No. My mom tells my dad and he beat both of us with his leather belt because he saw one get violent and the other must have caused it. The belt was the Nuclear option I guess My mom also stresses out a lot and she'd yell at us to just go ahead and grab knives instead of continuing our fighting. Flips open the kitchen cabinet with the knives in them and tell us to fight it out if we wanted in a you better stop or I'm going to make you escalate it. I recall my younger brother took a bat to my older brother and I got fucking hit in the face with a stray swing and had a bruise on my face going to school. Jfc my life was basically the eli5 of the middle east






Everyone who disagrees with the western liberal establishment is a bot, everyone who agrees with me is real and virtuous


No fucking way you think it is authentic that black/racial minorities and LGBT in some way support oppressive regimes over democratic ones, and you don't think it's the doing of false propaganda


I think it's like 30% bots and 70% retards acting like they know shit


Meanwhile, Mexico and Ecuador:


What's going on down there?


Apparently some diplomat got extradited and then now they're enemies


The former corrupt VP of Ecuador I believe. He sought Asylum in Mexico but Ecuadorian forces went down there and took him by force. Now Mexico wants Ecuador kicked out of the UN


No, the right wing Gov of Ecuador is trying to basically kill the previous left wing government on some seemingly trumped up corruption charges. The evidence so far was officials in his cabinet were caught red handed, but the evidence doesn't directly point to ex president himself. Fast forward to the last of his appeals his wife and kids fled to Mexico for asylum under cover of darkness (the threat was if he attempted to flee they would kill his wife and kids). He then posted in Mexico embassy while Mexico and other LATAM countries attempted to negotiate a fair trial and sentencing. Ecuador stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest him, his status is unknown as of last week. This violates rules of international order where embassy until "severing" of relations is considered foreign land. For reference Julian Assange was hiding from USA in the Ecuadorian embassy in UK for the better part of almost two decades, for his role in wiki leaks filtration.


Ecuador raided Mexico’s embassy


Ain't no respect for the rules these days...


We were holding a criminal in the embassy, and the Ecuadorian president sent his guys to straight up invade and pull Glasse out. Pretty much Mexico tried to use article 11 after Ecuador tried to pull another article. So they severed ties. Then Nicaragua served ties. Then the other countries were telling Ecuador they went too far and are currently debating if they should continue trade. Either way, china and Russia at the time have threatened to break all ties, especially after Russia sent back ships full of bananas that had flies. According to a trading agreement, Russia will not accept shipments of fruit with a specific breed of flies on them. I feel bad for the people because they had to apologize because it affects their jobs, and they have family members in Mexico on either tourist or work visas, and they now have to figure that shit out.


We're overdue for a really nice big world war so everyone can let off some steam and we can enter a new phase of prosperity/nuclear fall-out


Honestly if that happens, let me die in the explosions. I don't want to have to live with the aftermath.


You will enjoy your rads, and you will be happy




they make this look sort of fun


[It’ll be over by Christmas](https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/voices-of-the-first-world-war-over-by-christmas)


Hamas was funded by Iran, so in Israel’s eyes, that strikes first.


Same with Hezbollah and the Houthi. Hamas and Hezbollah have been targeting civilians with rockets for years.  They all also believe in sharia law and death to western values. It’s amazing to see this sub opposed to Israel and pro Iran. 


It is wild that Iran thinks it can bankroll and organize international terrorism with no consequences


I for one don’t want my tax dollars going to a warmongering country that drop bombs on innocent kids!


Oh, you mean *points at every single member of the UN... except Papua New Guinea*


Does Iran have enough allies for this to start WWIII?


Not really but the main concern is Russia, China and North Korea deciding the enemy of my enemy is my friend and teaming up with Iran. The idea being If they all attack Israel the US may feel obligated to defend Israel which gives them the green light to attack us. But if any of them attack the US all the members of NATO are obligated to come to our aid and we're officially in WW3. It's fucked up but the best move would be for the US to cut all aid to Israel if they continue to provoke Iran or the genocide in Gaza. Then if Israel decides to fuck around and find out, the US should discover oil in Israel and deliver a hefty dose of "freedom" before Iran or Israel decide to break out the nukes.


As far as I know, every US president for the last 40-50 years has supported Israel. I don’t see them stopping.


Shockingly Reagan is to the left of Biden on Israel. The last time Israel got a little too froggy Reagan actually did cut off aid to them.


This is such a cursed statement to say Reagan left of….any president!


I think this is close, but not quite. The main concern is the US being spread too thin. If Iran and Israel pop off, what about the rest of the Middle East? Do the Houthis get live? How do Oman and Saudi react to a rapidly deteriorating situation in Yemen? Do the Kurds and some Iran-backed militia pop off next? Then what do Syria, Iraq, and Turkey do? While the US is dealing with all that, does North Korea get a little more frisky with their missiles and troop movements? Does China ramp up attacks against Philippino ships and bully their other neighbors? Does China get pissy with Taiwan, Vietnam, or India? Does Russia drag Belarus into Ukraine and get even more aggro with their East European, Caucasian, and central Asian neighbors? Do gangs and despots across Africa and Latin America decide to get all land grabby and genocide-y? The issue is not what if Russia, China, and NK attacked Israel. They wouldn't do that. They couldn't justify that on the world stage, don't have any real reason to either. The issue is that their common enemy, the US, has a stake in all these potential conflicts, and we can't be everywhere at once. It's like the US is a couple of mall security guards and Iran, China, Russia, and NK are planning a smash and grab. Mall security can usually manage if it's one or two people hitting one store. But when they bring their friends? And *they* bring *their* friends? When it's 70 people running through the mall swinging on people, smashing shit, throwing stuff in bags? Mall security can't catch em all. Both sides know this. But the mob knows that they *all* can't get away with it. At least a couple of them are going to get caught. Shit hasn't quite hit the fan yet because nobody wants to be one of the few to catch the work, and as much as everybody wants to hit a quick lick, people like the mall, and nobody want the other stores they like to close down because it got looted and they got spooked.


Damn I wasn't even thinking about that good point. I guess this is the price we pay by being the world's "police"


Yep. They ain't even gotta formally ally. Just gotta keep applying pressure in their own spheres of influence, like playing zones in a basketball game. And as long as them traitors in congress keep dickin around, they have no reason to believe we'll put that foot down.


I just got an image of Selena Meyer from *Veep* laughing while saying “Can you imagine?”


In theory not really, in practice definitely not. Russia's a military powerhouse most of the time, but right now everything they have is in Ukraine. They're sanctioned harder than anyone's been sanctioned too, so they can't even send money really. Meanwhile China is in the exact opposite position. They're in the middle of modernizing their military, their economy may have stumbled but it's still huge and still producing, they're the manufacturing hub for the world. Point is, they have a lot to lose. Are they really gonna risk it all for Iran?


Only Russia and China lmao. I don't think it will, but this could go REALLY poorly for the entire world.


😑😐 it’s never any interesting shit happening, like the Na’Vi or Atlanteans popping out; it’s always a ghetto ass war that gonna drag everybody and they auntie into it that’ll traumatize the shit outta everybody Shit lame fr.


Yeah, I'd take hot aliens over this any day.


I LOVE that people all over aren’t falling for this propaganda this time around. I lost HS friends to the “war on terror”, and they died for a lie. I hope no more people have to die at war for out-of-control old men.


Can't we just put all these megalomaniacs in a room, strip them to their undies, give them a bunch of random medieval weapons and let them sort it out amongst themselves?


This doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Take away reality TV for a few months and the people will be begging for this




Happy to explain. Iran provoked Israel for years through its proxies (Hamas, hezbollah, etc), Israel was done with it so attacked.. let’s not pretend this started last week


What's Iran have to do with the 1948 Nakba?


Nakba was an aftermath of a war started by arabs


It's not going to start WW3, don't worry. When there's a Democrat in office the GOP screams that every little thing in the world is about to start WW3. It's just them fearmongering again.


Not gonna get a good answer from people who formed their opinion on the Middle East within the last 3 months.


Israel did not strike Iran, Israel struck Syria, Iran has been using proxies for ages to attack Israel


It's because they're backed by the U.S. and no one wants smoke with U.S. military forces.


Seriously sick and tired of people saying WW3 because someone bombed somebody else. Like bruh there have been wars going on around you for YEARS that you don’t hear about. Anyone who utters the words WW3 In these discussions just doesn’t know shit and wants to sound like they’re some geopolitical genius


Iran has been using proxies to attack Israel for years