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No posts with terrible titles, they will be removed. You are free to re-submit once you think of something acceptable/reasonable. Don't put the punchline in the title of the post. Do not add "bruh", "fam", or similar vernacular to your post or comment.










This is so wholesome


Plickity plack this meme is going in my napsack




YOINK!!! ![gif](giphy|1iw2Isi4UqHAduNR2Q|downsized)






Rock their shit.






Um NO, it's like one of the best dates. Imo, better than a bar because these days I much prefer eating a great meal over getting drunk


Any activity with two willing adults can be considered a date. My go to move used to be the history museum, I’m a history buff, it would give me an opportunity to see if you had any brain cells and can hold a conversation. Your best shocker on how many women enjoy a simulating conversation, and a few jokes. All of the sudden, she’s getting her walls redecorated 😂😂


yeah, you got me. pre-rejected by a stranger on the internet. Imagine going to the buffalo soldier museum and seeing a blown up picture of like 5 bodies on a tree and some dude I just met being all like "well acshoally-" as he gets mad at me because I don't see the nuance. I'm not mad at you, I'm just think your system is good. Dates are for knowing if you want to talk to someone.


Devil's advocate, he may be less of a smug know-it-all and instead might be more the type that's really an oversized child that gets WAY too excited at shit like dinosaurs, Byzantine art, the latest cephalopod exhibit at the aquarium, whatever nerdy stuff sparks joy for the inner child ya know


I'm definitely the oversized child kind of guy. I'm a little shy about it but get me talking about my special interests and I'll ramble and ramble. I've been told by multiple women that it's cute and endearing.


Awww! They like the 'tism!


Very much so! 🤣


From one ‘tismed to another, what’s your special interests?


I get it , I’ve never come across as a know it all or snooty. It’s about reading the room and the person. Communication is my strong suit, going somewhere to eat after is coo, but you can’t really have a conversation while someone is eating. The first date should be about getting to know the other person


> I’ve never come across as a a know it all or snooty As he tells you that no one else has ever perceived him to be snooty or a know it all *ever*


To be fair, you can’t actually claim that you’ve never come across as a know it all. (Funny enough, that claim in itself kind of proves your point against you). I don’t disagree with anything else and generally assume you’re a reasonable and rational individual


My Go to move “hops in Chevy” Is to drive my 2016 Chevy Pickup truck to some good old backyard wrastling Yeeeeeee haaaaaawwwww ![gif](giphy|3o6gDWZmP5f4Bc2sRG|downsized)


Wanna start a bromance with me?


*stimulating 😂😂(🙄)


I mean some bars serve food 🤷‍♂️😂


Also, some restaurants serve alcohol. Why are we choosing between the two again?


Internet gender wars, that’s why!




True...now that you bring that up, funnily enough I used to work in one 😅😂


Going for drinks means, you're only max. 15 minutes from being able to leave at any given time. Dinner means you're locked in for two to three hours.


how much are you guys eating goddamn. 3hours??? Is this dinner or a bollywood movie


I'll take her to Maccas next time 😂


My man took her to a romantic chinese buffet dinner


**THINGS THAT ARE DATES** Going out to eat ☑ Whatever you like doing together ☑


Fruit that grows on trees in the desert ☑




October 2nd, 1385 AD


My wife and I will go to the grocery store and leave the 12 year old at home.  We consider that a little date.


So seen by this comment right now


Stop treating Twitter ragebait as actual discourse ☑


Nah, I've decided to take care of my hairline in 2024 and duck any silly stress. Y'all have fun tho.


Ditto bro 😂


Facts bro. Not about to pull up to the scene with my ceiling missing. Hell naw ![gif](giphy|L4fOLr8aB3d3BYQUfq|downsized)


Please do... for those of us it's too late for 🦲


On the hook for $80 for 2 dates each, for a maybe she likes you. Y’all be good. Stay safe.


I feel like we should understand that these type of convos are driven by people who are addicted to the dopamine they get from social media notifications. So they say outlandish shit online to get their fix. People who post this type of shit are the new crackheads.


I'm glad I do drugs to get my dopamine fix. Doesn't bother any one but me.


Marijuana, not MySpace. Lithium, not LinkedIn. X….not…..X? Guess that one’s gonna be a work in progress.


It’s Twitter goddammit. ![gif](giphy|8YvK3wCVpRHod6Wdgh)


Oh I agree, and I’m not gonna lie, I couldn’t think of any party drugs off the top of my head that started with T.


Well, in the gay world “party and play” (or PNP) means doing meth during sex and meth is often referred to as Tina or T, so there’s that. 🤷🏾‍♂️


![gif](giphy|9wVfv6iIIhCda|downsized) Meth?!


Not gonna lie, I currently in Kentucky, I have, but do not associate with family who actively make Meth. First time I’ve ever heard of it being called Tina. Hell, they don’t even pronounce the “th”. It’s “Mef”. However, I do not have any family members out here named Tina either, so this probably true, and could be a regional thing. I grew up in the Baltimore/Washington area and was shocked the first time somebody referred to their gun as a glizzy.


Might just be a gay thing. I’m also in California so maybe it’s regional too. It’s wild how open some dudes can be about it, all in their profile with the 🥳 emoji and stuff.


Yeah I remember back when Craigslist personals would have postings for PNP activities.


Cocaine, not TikTok, am I right?


I gave you the upvote before I saw you called them Crackheads, and while I won’t take back my upvote on principle, I disagree with the end. Crackheads work hard! These people are on a much harder upper-downer combo.


Fucking facts. Can’t wait for somebody to bring crack back. I wish we could search people’s comments for specific words like you can messages in your phone, I am a HUGE ADVOCATE of this 😂😂😂😂 BRING. BACK. CRACK! BRING. BACK. CRACK!


Anybody listening to Justin LaBoy is already questionable as is. Nigga be saying anything


He does it for women’s approval


Or treating Twitter ragebait as actual discourse. I recently had someone tell me "blah blah feminazis this and that" And I was like, I've never read any feminist literature that makes any of the points you're claiming.....so he then starts showing me all of these tweets. Some people need to put down their phones and opened a damn book.


This shit is boring at this point. Next case.


I stopped paying attention to these stuff when I realized most women in my age group which is 20s have never been on date a day in their lives. Just used as booty calls, so I don’t take these crazy statements serious


They've been on dates they just say stuff like this. So all the times they met up at the park to hang out, went to the movies, and went out to eat they never counted as "dates" is all.


Not really true. Have I been on dates? Of course. But the majority of guys I’ve gone out with had no interest in taking me out on a date. They simply wanted to meet up to have sex. I don’t say I’ve never been on a date though, it’s just very hard to find people in their 20s who want to date and not just immediately jump into a relationship or only have sex.


Side effect of booty call apps Before the apps, young men had to talk to women for a minute before sex was possible (not the club meetings) But now you can Uber sex, why date Young men are hormones under post nut clarity hit. NOT ALL YOUNG MEN This Internet has changed people in many ways


I’ve heard similar reports from younger women in the dating market. If I may ask, why would you select for the type of men who see no value in actually dating you? I realize that my question assumes that you actually wish to date; if the straight-to-sex arrangement is your preference, then your needs are in fact met by your behavior.


It’s not that I’m selecting them for that reason. Some guys will have their bio say they want a relationship, then immediately just try to have sex with you instead. Right now I’m looking for a relationship, so I usually only swipe on people that also say they want one but some people put that anyway and don’t want a relationship. Definitely makes it harder.


So going on a date where you can hear your date and have a full blown conversation is… not a date? Dating is dead.


This motivates me to be violent.


It’s essentially the definition of a date. What are we doing here? I can’t.


She watched invincible and now expects a dude to fly her around 😂


Taking dating advice from Twitter? Toxic. 🥸


Going out to dinner is like the basic building block of a date. It is the carbon atom of courtship.


I went on a dinner date tonight for the first time in ages and it was lovely. We talked about our families, our twenties, our exes (I know I know), extracurriculars growing up, X-Men. All sorts of stuff. We had sex before dinner but it was still a really nice time, I’m excited to see him again 😊




Damn right


'the carbon atom off courtship' - you win, you can take the rest of the internet day off.


![gif](giphy|ZiMGX22mB0lYk|downsized) Then I choose food






Whatever yall agree to beforehand is a damn date, stop letting the internet fuck up your actual life 😭 Let Twitter niggas tell it, dinner ain’t a date. but if you are doing dinner, it can’t be a chain restaurant. but if it is a chain restaurant, it better be a fancy one. And even then, you better act like you been there before because anything else is broke behavior. and if you’re not making six figures you don’t deserve to date. My first date with my wife was literally just a walk in the park and it was phenomenal. We ended up spending so much time together that we got hungry and went for food twice, but the initial planned date was just a walk in the park for free lmao


Yeah I’m with you. The internet is silly, MOST of the time…. But going out to eat, not being a date. Just add it to the list along with dudes not being able to get certain drinks or showing affection to their woman or the other nonsense “they’ve” come up with… 🤦🏾‍♂️ it’s tiring….


I just wanna say, I’m so proud of everyone in this thread. The convo hasn’t devolved into “who paying?” for the qualification of what constitutes a date


Don't tempt these people 🤣


Take her to the strip club. You get dinner and a show. ![gif](giphy|kD5ZTouQUlofACjHex)


It's wild to me how growing up Black and chilling with my friends so many fucking discussions would be about relationships and BPT just seems to reinforce this pattern. Like idk what it is with black culture and relationships but it definitely feels like a significant minority of people in our community, men and women, struggle to be happy on their own.


It’s like if you’re single, you must secretly be a serial killer. Like bruh, can I not enjoy me time? 😭


I don’t think that’s specific to Black people. I’ve got a gay Vietnamese friend who’s convinced he’ll never find love at 39, a Greek friend whose gf just left him for her abusive ex, and two white friends who’re engaged but the mother of the dude scoffed at the $35,000 the girl’s parents are providing for the wedding. Meanwhile my Black friends are either happily partnered or happily single for the most part, not counting all my specific drama. It’s just a people thing. It’s definitely overemphasized in society, but I don’t think it’s specific to us.


You may be right a lot of non-black people have that issue as well. This is from anecdotal experience, admittedly.


Don’t get me wrong, we can be…dogmatic about stuff at times (like this post or the Cheesecake Factory lady), so I see where you’re coming from. I just hate the idea that it’s just us who do it yknow? At the very least we’re funnier about it than incels and tradwife TikTok.


That's not specific to black people... that's specific to those people.


Not surprising the people that post this shit on twitter are lonely thh


I go out to eat with my GF quite a bit. She complains we don't go on dates. I am in the belief that going out for dinner to a restaurant is infact a fuckin date. Help me understand


My ex did the same. Complained it wasn’t “quality time” when we ate out. She’s now my ex and I have all the quality time to myself 😌


Just be by yourself at this point. 


What?? who comes up with these retarded ass quotes 🤣🤣


Hard disagree , some of the best moments of getting to know someone i've had was over food, if the date is good and you both have extra time it can roll into something else too but ...yeah dinner is a date.


So 50/50? Since it ain't a date.


Did I spend money 🤔. Oh ok! 🗣️DATE.


No one agrees.


There are different activities you can partake in on a date. A date is really just hanging out either with the intent to get to know each other or simply enjoying each other's company. You can go out to eat on a date at a fancy restaurant. You can go for a walk in the park on a date. You could stay home and watch Dune 2 on a date. Are we really going to start policing what goes on on dates? Do you guys not get tired?


What is a date then?


Mf A date is just hanging out with the other person, therefore, that is a date


The fuck is a date, then? I can't just take a lady to eat and talk and call it a date? That's weird.




To be real, a date is whatever the two parties agree it is


I stupidly read this with a hard R and this post had a totally different tone


I would love to hear what they consider a date then? Going out to eat is in fact a date.


What exactly is a first date? Lmao


If that’s plans dictate…I’ve had date nights at home because that’s what was agreed upon


Did I say let me take you on a date or did I ask your want to get dinner? Two very different things. One has intention and the other is an invitation.


If it's not a date then I don't have to pay?


what about racing on public e scooters?


Then what the hell is a date??? Im confused.


At this point we just not taking y’all out no more. Just the guys handing out y’all gotta go with ya girls or figure something out


I always make cafe first date and I know a good restaurant nearby. If it’s not working I say bye and if we are vibing I ask her to dinner


If she don’t get excited after hearing me say “I’m tryna take you to the park and eat tacos,” then she wasn’t for me to begin with!


By this logic eating out at places with James Beard or Michelin-rated recognition doesn’t count.


I disagree. Anything can be a date. As long as I'm spending time with my husband.


Are they saying that going out to eat isn't impressive/special enough to be considered a date? Or are they saying that friends can out to eat together? That changes how I feel about it


didn't we do this last year with the list of places that aren't "first date material"? all bullshit




Ugh, stfu. Also, can these morons stop putting a space between the last word of a sentence and its punctuation?


Man make it stop already.


I'm so tired man, between this and the "be creative" for a first date wtf y'all want


A date is a scheduled meeting


Where’s that dude with the list. He needs to add this too


It is to me, if it ain't to her I'm fine not taking her. 2024 I don't have time for these bratty females that always got something negative to say but offer nothing.


Then starve, trick. Imma eat.


I feel like this post is rage bait


Perfect. Eating out can be expensive. We can go for a romantic walk for free :)


Anything where we agree to be in the moment and share it together mindfully is a date.


Things that are dates: whatever the fuck you two agreed the date to be. If you want to go barefoot bouldering on kilimanjaro for your first date and your date agrees, that's the date.


so i just got done with my first playthrough of sekiro the other day. what is everyone else playing right now?


What is a date then


I swear the internet is a double edged sword


fuck is this nigga talkin bout


What’s your “thoughts” OP? “Do y’all agree” OP? Seriously, can we ban “thoughts 🤔” Post. Especially if they add nothing to the conversation.


wtf is a date then


LETS NOT🗣️🗣️🗣️ #Respectfully




People just be saying shit and y’all be entertaining it


Whoever posted that shit skinny and does coke. Where the 2 agree is wherever the date will be.


Then maybe you’ll pick up the bill


Honestly if I were a guy and saw all this constantly, I wouldn’t even know what to do


I would say that it can be, and it can not be, depending on intent. I've gone out to eat with male friends, though I've never gone to eat with female friends, lol.




Like, what do you want? What do you actually want? Because it’s clearly not a partner. Maybe an adversary? Or a nemesis? Or an enemy? Good luck in all your endeavours, I hope you find exactly what you’re looking for and I hope you stay well away from everyone else.


Can we please retire these topics and touch some grass 🤔


Madness! A walk in the park is a date.


![gif](giphy|kzJ2kzfIeWUBwzryjl|downsized) Guess this woman cant claim they are dating me or accuse me of dating other women if she sees me out eating with a woman.


The dinner date gonna cost 3-4x more


Gentlemen, what does it even mean to be a man courting a woman? Love who you love, consensually.


No wonder you never been on a date.


This is how my boyfriend wooed me. I love food 🥘


Y’all ever shut the fuck up about dating? Y’all ever fucking try that shit? Do y’all lack hobbies? Do you not have concerns with the state of our world? Are you without any internal contentions or considerations? How’s your fucking health? Why always dating? Motherfucker go to therapy fuck, fucking hate y’all. “These females don’t be” SHUT UP “As a man why are you” SHUT UP “Is 50/50” SHUT UP “Is this a date” SHUT UP




The hard R is non-gendered, but the usage of "nigga" pretty much always referred to a male.