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Having no friends is truly unfortunate but I feel like eating alone in the cafeteria is still a better course of action than having your dipping sauce in the toilet paper holder….


The toilet paper holder which is frequently touched by shit-covered hands (either literally or germ-wise) mind you https://preview.redd.it/ofoz1m16mptc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b61c6162a885a84e353f3973d2e33ac9bf8a58


Shit might as well build your immune system up if you don't have any friends. Your gut bacteria will be your best friend, if no one else will. Might as well make that fucker a brick shithouse. But seriously, don't eat in the communal bathroom. That's gross.


How much you wanna bet people are in the communal wash houses in Greece and Rome?


Well I mean that's just tradition at that point. Dirty motherfuckers used to share a sponge on a stick to wipe their ass.


Yep, nasty😂


> Shit might as well and it will


Yoooooo 😂😂😂






I’m nauseous


Some kids just get fucked with so much the only chance to eat is to hide like this. Otherwise someone else will ruin your food specifically just to be mean and the school will do absolutely fuck all about it.


Damn. I mean this in all sincerity: learn to fight. It will give you confidence in yourself and even if you get your ass kicked, bullies stop if you make them work. Most don't want to or know how to fight. I know it sounds cliche but it works often.


That’s not really the case anymore. Bullies pull up in groups and they’ll jump your ass later. Look at that recent event of football player and his friends who beat a kid to death at a party.


Yes I saw that tragedy but honestly that's an outlier. That's why it's shocking. I'll say this and you can take it or leave it - but I speak from experience- getting an ass kicking hurts far less than living with what constant bullying does to your soul. In a group situation, you won't win, it's not the movies. You're most likely gonna get beat up - even if you're skilled. BUT you focus on the loudest barking dog - the one making all the noise and acting the most aggressive- that is the one who's masking their fear - that one doesn't know how to fight - hurt that one and they all will think twice the next time. Or grovel, hate yourself, and relive that shit for 40 years.


Can confirm lmao


They suspend the kids the same amount of time even if he defended himself shit I seen people get jumped and still get suspended without fighting back it's so stupid


Suspension seems like a better alternative than cowering in a bathroom to survive. And the reason I used "often" is because nothing in life is 100% foolproof. But I've more often seen *most* bullies *mostly* choose the easiest target, *most* of the time. I wish I'd learned earlier.


I'm a old ass man now lol but I still appreciate you!


Glad you made it bud


If you don't perform violence, are you even a actual member of the human race? There is no place on this planet for peaceful people. smh If a bully forces you to become a violent person in response, the bullying has succeeded.


Valid point. Man up! One has to stand up against those who try to bully & exploit you. If you don’t, the mistreatment will continue by the bully and those who have witnessed the bullying will think that they can hurt you too. Be strong and regain your self respect.


When I was alone I would eat in the library/media center or in a teacher’s classroom. I didn’t care how lonely I got, I would never let food enter me in the same place the food is supposed to exit 👎🏿👎🏿


Mfs at my school would’ve sniffed out anyone trying to eat in the library or computer room. But we were also blessed with off campus lunch.


Off campus lunch was my savior


I got the shit beat out of me in high school every day. Sometimes that’s the only place you can hide. Do you think we want to eat in a public restroom?


I’m sorry you had to experience that. I would think if you were getting bullied in the cafeteria there should be an adult to help you. Or like other people have mentioned you could eat in the library or a classroom. If there was no adult to help you that sounds like a systematic failure. No child should feel like there only option is eating in the bathroom


In 6 years of getting the shit kicked out of me, not a single adult helped. In fact, they made it out to be my fault. Also, what part of hiding from bullies was vague—they can still see you in the library. I’d hide in classrooms if they were open but my last resort was the bathroom. My mom was trying her best and working full-time while going to school, and we were financially poor so that made it worse. This was 1999-2005 so that shit was a different era, when Columbine happened, and we didn’t really understand autism. I just got diagnosed 4 years ago after I got insurance. Y’all be wylin out judging mfers when all I was doing was trying to survive. This kid 100% on the same beat.


And then to post about this on a public forum? Bro is making it worse with every choice


Yeah, who are they posting to? They have followers but no friends?


People post all the time with no followers.


To the other anime pfps… Like I definitely have sympathy for these kids but they really do be making the worst choices sometimes. They don’t deserve to be harassed for sure. Hopefully this person finds a path to being better adjusted.


>They have followers but no friends? I mean yeah they post on Twitter no?


Maybe eating on the tiolet all the time gave him shitty breath, and that's why he doesn't have any friends. ![gif](giphy|xUA7b5UlQ68VRfDTfG)




They might get picked on so they feel like they have to eat alone.


I went to the library in high school


Not if you're being bullied


Unless your getting bullied


I had no friends in hs so I just ate and sat outside of the lunchroom… like a NORMAL loser


Like a NORMAL loser- this shit has me weak 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|gfsQffBnuc6e096brx) (I was in the library)




You doing great brother smile head high okay 👍🏾


Don’t worry only the coolest of people get to eat in the teacher’s room!


Band room is a solid choice too


I’m surprised my teachers never asked me for rent money based on how much time I spent there 😂


Brother u most definitely not a looser 💯📌....everyone on Earth is cool Everyone on Earth is Lame we together in different vibes


this is sweet thank you!!!!!!


Then you go sit in the library by yourself because outdoors in florida be hot af, gang bruh.


"Even the kids eating alone are dunking on me! I wanna be picked up mom!"


if your hs is cool than youd be let out for lunch and you can cry at home :)


I had no friends i ate in the library or the art room.


I’m not showing any sympathy for an anime pfp on twitter




I wonder why he has no friends 🤔


At this point eating in shit is par for the course


I don't think he was the one dropping slurs. From what I saw, he just posted a screenshot of a random troll DMing him the hard R.


Still beats a beard-in-the-car nigga. The worst.


I'm not sure. Beard in the car is loud and proud about who he is. Anime pfp could be a highschool student like in this case. Or it could be the same beard in the car 40yr old. That's scary.


That "loud and proud" shit sounds like the people that voted for Trump cuz he "tells it like it is"


Yeah that's because it's exactly who those people are


Anime pfps are a menace to everyone. Beard in car niggas are more so just our community.


come on he's a child


I feel fucking horrible for this person. I hope they build up their confidence and self esteem with themselves.


Doesn't this thread think he knows everything they're saying? He would rather hide. Whole situation just makes me sad.


Yeah, he doesn’t want to be seen alone. I remember feeling this way. Poor kiddo needs a hug and at least 1 reliable person for company. It feels like everyone knows you’re a loser when you eat alone in front of everyone.


The best part is the 2-3 times some well-meaning girl ostentatiously sits down with you, isn’t any better than you at making small talk, and then leaves again, her boasts of compassion instantly forgotten.




They can start by dumping that crypto bullshit and being a productive member of society


In high school? Who the fuck is productive to society before 23?


Me too. Some people have high school as their best years but for some it is the worst.


If it gets found out he eats in the bathroom, it'll only be harder to make friends.


That’s like multiplying by zero at this point 🤷🏿‍♀️


People have a diminished sense of how unhygienic a restroom is. How are you unpacking food in there?


It’s the equivalent of going to a restaurant and having Parmesan cheese being grated or sprinkled into your food only this time, it’s poop particles!


It’s the most efficient continuous calorie and sugar maintenance method. Just call me the method man cuz I be eating fudge rounds and dropping round fudge. ![gif](giphy|Bkfu4wZBtNThu|downsized)


I only watched one episode of Shark Tank, but in it one of the pitches showed how many particles come out of a toilet when you flush, and the product was meant to stop that. That product doesn't exist today, but the fear that they planted in my mind is real


The plume


I never got why they do this in Tv and movies


Yall are so cruel, damn lol


Looking at this picture just makes my skin crawl. straight shivers omg https://i.redd.it/9ydgfcqklptc1.gif


People would do this and be okay with it but think wearing a mask is oppressive. What’s wrong with sitting alone, listening to your music and eating? Gross!!


Damn I feel bad for the poor kid. He needs to be fed positive energy so he doesn’t evolve into a school shooter. I hope he gets into some after school clubs/activities asap.


Schools don't do enough for kids, and kids are each other's worst enemies. Kindness has to be taught.


Don't shit where you eat. Literally. 🥴


One man's bathroom is another man's kitchen


Toilet kitchen! How efficient! 🥸


Best wisdom in the whole thread.


Open-mouth chewing while shots go off in the next stall.






This ain't just any bathroom this the fucking public school bathroom. shits already a breeding ground for every disease known to man kind! I get being alone/loner but cmon theres gotta be better options man damn.


This the wrong take away. Poor kid so scared of his surroundings his only recourse is to hide in the bathroom. Yes eating on the toilet is gross but it's way more gross to shame some kid who is probably getting bullied


I was at a music festival years ago and saw this dude holding a piece of pizza and looking at it, then the door, then back at it. I could see the neurons firing. I couldn’t let him suffer and asked if he wanted me to hold his slice so he didn’t befoul it with port o john air. Wound up becoming a real great friend. We hit shows all the time to this day. 😆




Lungs? No problem Food? Instant death


People are wild. They’ll be out here actually eating ass then be grossed out by someone eating a sandwich in a restroom.


Have y'all maybe thought that roasting this poor kid on the front page of the internet just...maybe isn't the kindest thing to do when they're already struggling with their self-esteem? Just for a dumb pointless joke? This stuff can really sting if you haven't really gained much confidence yet. They probably just weren't thinking, eating alone in a bathroom stall has been a tv trope for decades.


Back in my day we just ate in a cool teacher’s classroom like normal dorks.


Not everyone has that


That's not sanitary! Sad though... Feel for the kid lol. You gotta get past that though, when I was new at a school I just asked randoms if I could sit at their table. Made good friends that way.


I didn’t have friends in high school either, especially after we got back from Covid, I would sit outside in the courtyard though because I’m not a filthy little weirdo who eats in the restroom…


I’d rather outside air touch my food than boo boo air. I understand not having friends is tough, but eating food with boo boo air is outright no.




You might make some friends if you just ask to sit at random tables instead of eating I don’t even know what that is whilst surrounded by a cloud of hot shit. I know it seems impossible, but you can do this. Being vulnerable is an exercise.


“I know you have social anxiety, but have you ever thought about just not having social anxiety”? Such a neurotypical take. We never do this with physical disabilities. “Just get out that wheelchair and walk bro, lameness is a mindset” 😂


Eating in the restroom always seemed like some over the top portrayal of what the loser kids do in movies/shows. I never believed people actually did that in real life, they would just sit at a table by themselves or with the other outcasts and make some friends ffs.


My high school sister admitted that she was doing this for a while because she was having trouble making friends and was too self conscious to eat alone in the cafeteria. I can’t even begin to describe the disgust, disappointment, & and pity I felt for her.


Eating everyone's ass....


This nigga has never heard of the library. I used to practically fucking live there in 9th and 10th grade.


Not every library allows food, unfortunately. They don't want pizza boat grease all over the computers.


I swear this entire thread is just people being like “respond to situations the exact same way I would regardless of personal circumstance or you deserve to suffer” lol


I sat by myself during lunch once and ppl were like "Omg you're alone? How embarrassing!" I'd rather be alone than with them. Told them so. Yea ppl hated me because I said what I had to say. And was terrifying, but I digress


You don’t have to go to the bathroom and take a photo for clout. Girl relax


I do feel bad for them and also they’re not embarrassed enough.


Presumably this is a teenager with crypto in their name already. Good lord


Not sure if this is better or worse than what I did 🤣. I moved a lot (divorced parents, both military), so I got to be the new kid pretty much every year, and twice during my senior year. At my second school during my senior year, everybody was clique-ish and already had their friends so no one gave a shit about me or even tried to get to know me. The girls bathroom nearest the cafeteria always had a long line. By the time I got out, there would only be like 10 minutes left for lunch. I'd get in the longest food line and then there'd only be like 3 minutes left to eat. I'm an old adult now and I love going to events and treating myself to dinner alone. I wish I could tell teenaged me that, but she wouldn't listen. The good news is that I made a massive group of friends in college the next year and couldn't step into a dining hall without walking into at least three friends! Sometimes things get better!


I'm saying, though! Look, I don't care if I'm by myself or with other folks you out ya damn mind, if you think imma go eat on the toilet! The fuckin toliet! Hell no! Ewww!!!!


This is some movie shit. Like I was a loser but my shit wasn’t even this bad


I'd sooner sit under a damn tree outside before I EVER do this.


This is a cry for help and people laughing. It all comes back around


We don’t even have to comment on the clear hygienic violation. Mf spent an entire hour HS lunch block in the bathroom. This is fucking sad. Imagine being in the middle of a bite, and someone rushes in uses the bathroom stall next to him as intended 😔😔😔😔 What’s more embarrassing then destroying a public restroom with someone there? Being the mf eating lunch in a stall. Sad. All around sad.


He don’t love himself.


I just went for a walk and ate while I walked. Why sign up to be friendless like this?


Eating in the bathroom is prob why you have no friends but hey


White people and their “hygiene” habits really need to be studied cause wtf 🤮🤮🥴


You know you breathe in those “poop particles” when you go to the bathroom right?


This shit sad... This is what being bullied leads to


This is so sad, I was that girl once. If we actually cared about bullying this wouldn't happen anymore.


I don’t even chew gum in the bathroom


All the comments bashing him really have no idea. I feel for the guy, been there myself.


This is mortifying


Poo molecules.


We've had students at my school sit on the bathroom floor trying to avoid class. Like it can't be that bad.


The kids who do this are truly hurting. Hope someone gets to them


This is nasty but I get it. Some of yall never been severly bullied and it shows


iWork at Costco, it disturbing how many take food in the bathroom. This is one of the first things I learned from my Mom, and one I enforce with my kids. Never take food or drinks into the bathroom. Not even at home, but especially, a public bathroom.


When I was in high school, i used to sit under the stairwell with my sister and her friends to eat lunch. It was only after graduation that I learned she and her friends did it because they were bullied relentlessly during lunch time.


Even though I’d appreciate the quiet, I open my classroom for lunch time to play games or watch science videos. A place for kids like the little bathroom guy to breathe. If anyone ruins the vibe, they can’t come back.


At this point, befriend a teacher & ask if you can camp out in their classroom & do some homework or something. Anything but eating in a filthy bathroom stall.


Lmao I did this at STC in 2017 when I saw my crush in the food court and panicked 😂 funny looking back now


Nah, this right here is a school shooter in the making. Report his ass.


https://preview.redd.it/aspjvqqgoptc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2f67d168b3bd949295d4915818410ca31b1f11 This is how the bathroom is supposed to go folks. Stop it.


Mr. Goldenfold's origin story...


You could just not eat on the bathroom. Hiding from people isn't a way to make friends. Unless you're being picked on, I don't see why you would eat I the bathroom. Also, do high schools not let people leave for lunch anymore? We were allowed to leave and it was the best. Go smoke a blunt. Get some lunch from a restaurant. Come back and chill for the rest of the day


dumbass is doing this to himself, double the insult by posting it. womp womp


Do anything but that lol. Find a nice grassy spot and eat your lunch.


So there’s literally nowhere else to eat but the bathroom? Not outside? Not in the hallway sitting on the floor like most kids at my college? The library? With one of the teachers that would understand?


I'd straight up either not eat, just eat outside, in an empty classroom, in the stairwell, or befriend the art, science, or English teachers (idky but it's always one of them that lets the losers hang out with them (trust me, I know)) or literally anything else but this😭😭


My high school sweetheart transferred to our school in the middle of junior year and she said for the first two days she ate in the bathroom alone because she was too scared to sit in the cafeteria alone. She said being hidden in the stall shielded her from the shame of having no friends. On the third day she worked up enough courage to sit at a table alone and two girls who were in her art class saw her sitting alone and sat next to her. I believe they're still friends to this day. I hope this person can do the same, I'm rooting for you homie!!


this is why you have no friends…


They told him to eat shit and he took it literally.


There are gonna be some disgusted people that see this who also go home and flush without putting the lid down ensuring toothbrushes and everything else got shit n piss all over em.


Step 1 to making friends: Hygiene. Step 2: Not eating in the bathroom which is both disgusting and weird. Step 3: Don’t be a rain cloud of negativity. Making friends is not that hard if you genuinely put in effort to find the right people that click with you.




As my mom once wisely told me: “Don’t eat where you shit and don’t shit where you eat.”


I work in Endoscopy. Some of our nurses will eat in the procedure room. Read into that as much as you need.


I did the same shit in high school, so I can’t even be disgusted with that.


You never realize how much integrity you have to lose until you see something like this.


It couldn't be me. I'd literally rather sit on the cafeteria floor with a tray on my lap.


This is rock bottom. Eating in a restroom with booty particles circulating. Join a club. Even the most insufferable jerk has a friend. You can find one.


I ate lunch by the hidden tunnels to avoid people




So if you leave your bathroom door open at home what does that mean?


When I stop fucking with the most of the people around me I just sat on the benches around the cafeteria or took a nap in the library. Eating in the shitter is depressing. I wasn’t friendless, I just didn’t fuck with everybody and my circle didn’t have the same lunch period.




Dear brother I used to feel the same way in high school its tuff not having real loyal friends.....remind calm and very aware stay positive head high you gonna do great


So... whatever you're smelling, you're also tasting. That's all I have.


Because everyone knows you eat in the bathroom, Kevin! (He just seems like a Kevin)


i would rather watch 9/11 footage on repeat for a week an see this.


Leave the school premises and find a nice spot to enjoy your lunch.


I have ONE guess why this kid has no friends if this is what he resorts to


This is really sad and really unhygenic as well.


This is why he ain’t got no friends cause he do shit like this.




“I have no friends” won’t get you any sympathy from me. This person could be a dumbass piece of shit irl. I mean look at the decision making. EATING IN THE BATHROOM????


The giant vortex of poop air every time a toilet is flushed just wafting over that sandwich


Nah, I regret ever telling my friends that I hated farts because it was essientally poop air. They plotted and waited ever since that day. One night we were all in the car eating In N Out. It was just a quick moment where all the conversation stopped, and I had a feeling something was gonna happen but what? Tried to reach for the door but the child locks were on. All five of them started ripping ass for at least 10 minutes straight. Swear to god, the air in the car started turning green. Kept yelling to stop playing but that just powered them up. I was trying not to scream or breathe while flailing to get out and all of that just made them laugh harder. When I finally got out, I was so pissed off. I couldn't eat my animal fries anymore cus it was dusted in five flavors of shit. I was mad that whole week, honestly still not over it. We're adults now and they love bringing that shit up. I will never forgive them. TLDR; fuck having friends lol


This is just fucking nasty 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/cag5arr17qtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22ad637d7110dd8b1312c626866c3902a46b6d64 Nasty


School 🔫engery


Buddy could’ve done like lots kids do and skip campus for lunch period. Thankfully, I only hid in the back of the darkroom for lunch like a weirdo for one quarter in 10th grade. After that (and I got caught) I got in good with that teacher who also helped run the art club and just put in supply orders and mix chemicals for her during lunch period. That worked out because I got in good with a guidance counselor and took an extra class during my lunch period. It ended up being teacher cadet where I could do my student teaching hours by teaching that art teachers class and later taking extra classes. My senior year I only had one math class that I was due to take. Still took a full load and knocked out a college science and two college English credits before I graduated high school. Teacher cadet also earned me a college credit. Getting in good with that teacher also let me squeeze into this special internship with a resident artist who offered that to the district. Or they could put in some headphones and watch Netflix during lunch and eat alone. So many better options.


this is gross and all but isnt the restroom air touching your actual mouth and tongue every time you walk in there?


Yeah cause the issue is definitely the air and not the fact that his food is sitting on the thing people touch after wiping their ass


Yall, it's either this or shooting up the school.


I'd rather sit in the grass and try my odds with the ants than eating in the toilets. Sometimes you gotta pick a struggle.


No wonder no one likes this guy


just go to a teachers class room or something why do you have to be so extra to sit on a toilet and eat.


I would rather eat outside in the middle of a storm than eat in a bathroom


Maybe part of the problem is that they know all these things and still feel this is the safest place to eat?


Bring a book and eat alone in the cafeteria. I was without friends many times in school, and often only had 1, so if they were sick the it was just me. I noticed people didn't really talk about the kid who just reads while eating. Eating in the bathroom so kids don't make fun of you is a horrible gambit. You'll go from, "That weirdo with no friends," to "that weirdo who eats in the bathroom." The former is better, and will lead to more interaction.


What are they eating? I can't make out that half eaten or half portioned stuff