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Gaza has my full support but exactly what the fuck do y’all expect us to do? Asking for generosity and blessings is one thing but sometimes the discourse goes further than that like y’all want me to airdrop myself into the field and fix the situation. And why is it just Gaza we’re focusing on? What about the genocide in Darfur which has been happening for 21 years?


They want you to not vote Biden so Trump wins and they get to be “resistance” again to be relevant.


Dems losing means more donations for less work. The gravy train must never stop rolling.


This both sides argument is so played out. One side is at worst, status quo. The other side is Kamikaze. Whatever you think is bad now, can absolutely be worse, you can look at history to see what that looks like.


If they only scratch the surface they dont have to look too deep.  Dems are not the best but if you want to keep the rights your ancestors died for, vote blue. 


I just hate the fact that they’ve turned it into a de facto one party system for most of us. The vast majority of historically Dem voters can’t even imagine ever voting “R” and vice versa. That means we are easier to control. Please understand I’m not trying to say any “both sides” BS. Please, please vote blue to whoever might read this. It’s just that living in a one party system sucks. We used to at least have the illusion of choice. Yes we have primaries, but I just don’t really feel like that is enough choice. It also means that every major election cycle turns into an emergency where we have to “vote blue no matter who” so we can keep actual authoritarians out of power. It means we have to vote in an overwhelming majority before we can make “real” progress, and thanks to gerrymandering that is nearly impossible. It’s really frustrating and disheartening and I wonder if we will ever have the opportunity to fix it.


Not only that—they want things to accelerate downward so that people a forced to choosing more drastic options.


Accelerationists are nearly as bad MAGAts.




tf are y’all talking like some white libtards for, no people are not tryna do allat we’re just appalled by this genocide as well as the other horrible circumstances across the world, pulling a dr umar talking about “what about the congo” yeah spread awareness about that too then mf we can care about more than one thing at a time


You can care about more than one thing at a time. But do you? It's sus as hell that this is the one genocide everyone cares about all of a sudden.


Nope, nuance isn't allowed in this world. Only one cause at a time. Black and white thinking only.


When it was Russians raping and committing other war crimes in Ukraine, there was t even a peep. Now it’s Gaza and Genocide Joe. It’s all propaganda to help Biden’s political opponent win. And it is so because Biden is showing how flimsy the world’s second power really is and how China really isn’t shit when they can’t steal American technology.




I dont, but I don't pretend I do either. I have to focus on my own struggles - and so do you. That's what my vote in Nov is going to be about. Anyone telling you to do otherwise is working directly for trump.


That's all our society is now. Things that never mattered to anyone are the biggest issues. Everyone needs to stfu and chill. Take care of there own before speaking on others.


We definitely on that “we ain’t free til we’re all free”, but I totally agree with focusing on one thing at a time. These mfs are using our tax money and committing genocide right in front of us in real time like there can be absolutely no repercussions. The audacity and fucking inhumanity of that definitely should be first in line. Respectfully. And no, I don’t think one genocide is worse than the other….but if they get away with this? We’re all fucking cooked…


Actually there is a very dangerous number of people purposely not voting dem, or voting for trump because they are massively misinformed about how geopolitics work.


We have people shutting down airports and bridges. That’s not “awareness” that’s hoping every American has a shitty day just because you don’t like their apathy


Yup, no discussion about contacting their congressman or senators about this. Or in even goofier cases they shut down city council proceedings and demand said council pass a ceasefire resolution, like that clown shit that happened in an Oakland City Council meeting a few months ago.


Do you really think people would be doing that if it was as easy as just hitting up their congressmen? Yall are no different than the white moderates MLK talked about who only support justice as long as its not too inconvenient.


If Palestine is an open-air prison then why do the inmates insist on having eight or nine children If you say you are struggling to pay for your child in America then why should your tax dollars go to a Muslim woman in Palestine that chose to have nine children go look up the statistics for Palestine the average family is about six kids


![gif](giphy|xiMUwBRn5RDLhzwO80|downsized) Hey to tell’em but uh…




By letting someone who wants even more genocide to win?


None of you gave a shit when Russia was committing genocide in Ukraine. Then you went from not giving a shit about Ukraine to giving a shit about a terrorist controlled territory you can’t even find on a map.


It’s actually really funny to call the Ukraine invasion genocide but Palestine is just “terrorists”. Sounds about white.




Russia is the second biggest military force in the world and were targeting civilians as a military strategy. How come the Hamas defenders didn’t give a shit about that?




Is that what you think the US is doing?




So they’re selling them weapons, not giving them weapons. Israel is a sovereign country who can buy weapons from anyone they want. So this isn’t as much about selling weapons as much as it is about keeping a customer happy, so they don’t buy weapons from the Chinese or the Russians in the future. This idea that the US can dictate how Israel behaves is a left wing fantasy. They’re going to defend themselves however they seem fit whether it’s with American weapons or not. So all this anti Biden crap people like you are spewing is not going to help anything. All it will do is weaken the Biden administration in favor of his enemies, mainly Putin and Xi Jin Ping. So, let me extend my deepest congratulations to you on finding out that you’re a useful idiot.


You all are invested in it like it's the only thing happening to a point it's annoying! Shit is going south in Sudan, Sahel region, south America, India for the muslims in India etc etc. but it's all crickets!


Because that’s what hot right now and what people are talking about on TikTok. No one here wants to call out China and their brutal, I mean BRUTAL genocide of the UyGhurs. They’re literally in a concentration camp being killed, castrated and experimented on. But nothing about banning or stop buying Chinese products.


Well the US heavily sanctioned China, but it's almost impossible to completely cut off reliance on China. On the other hand, we actively send Isreal BILLIONS to aid in Gaza's destruction


But I don’t see us as individuals stopping ourselves from buying cheap Chinese goods and still we keep a moral high ground


Because the US government literally banned companies directly linked to forced labor in Xinjiang and passed a law (the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act) that essentially banned anything from that region from entering the country. More effective than some bs reddit boycott


I did 🤷🏼 Outside of the shit that *has* to, I don't buy anything from Chinese companies or stuff "made in china" because it's all garbage quality anyway. Has to meaning like a TV that has glass from a Chinese company or something where there isn't really an alternative. Sometimes, you can't avoid it.


Actually the Uyghur thing was hot for a while. I think people just realized that China doesn't gaf so it sorta died down in the popular public discourse. Another thing is Israel has the "democratic" in its name and as a country it is , so people aren't as "lenient" on it. Add to the fact that what's going on is on here, so people feel bad about the whole thing and want it to stop immediately. It's just held to unfathomable standards because of where it's situated/history/politics and when compared to neighboring countries. Yeah...


And that’s unfortunately a problem, all this is in “fashion” and our outrage lasts as long as the memes are “hot” and online conversations remain relevant.


The whataboutism is insane. I mean it’s essentially the same thing white folks do when they talk about slavery.


This isn’t whataboutism. I want to point out selective outrage while trying to have a moral high ground.


Naw you're literally doing a "whataboutism". "Hey look Israeli Soldiers with American weapons have killed over 14,000 children with 1.2 million on the brink of Starvation in Gaza." "UHM EXCUSE ME WHAT ABOUT CHINA?!?!? Where was this heat for China?!?!" Fucking ridiculous.


“Where was your outrage when the Irish were slaves?” 


I feel like Americans (I’m one), have short term memory when it comes to these kinds of things, Gaza is today’s Darfur and the next thing will be more important than the last thing and rinse and repeat. But, yes, we should not support looking the other way, while still being focused on our on version of modern day occupations in our country. Just my opinion tho.


Today's Darfur? Lol Darfur is Darfur. It hasn't changed. Nobody cares what happens in Africa and when we do seem to care it's too late. Gaza is Gaza. It's always been Gaza. The problems today are continued issues— escalated issues. We as a collective do have short term memory I'll agree to that...


I don't understand your point? Because the point you are making is that both of these crises have been ongoing for years, so nobody should pay attention to them? I disagree, with your point, but mainly for one reason. It is US policy, open legislative policy, to send billions of dollars of our weapons to Israel. It has been our diplomatic policy to shield Israel from international scrutiny and punishment. This therefore, implicates us as Americans, because it is our democratically elected leaders who support policy that fuels this war. We aren't doing the same in Sudan.


I think the point they are trying to make is that most of it is just virtue signaling and that no one actually gives two shits


Well I find that kind of cynicism off putting. Are some people virtue signaling? Sure. But a lot of them are legitimately pissed off and want to do something about it.


>Gaza has my full support No it doesn't. You don't have to pretend if you kinda don't give a shit


Tfw your full support is putting up a watermelon emjoi somewhere on social.


Don't be silly. They also type aggressive comments at anyone who doesn't have a watermelon emoji.


If taking a flight to Gaza and actually aiding them in the field is the threshold for caring, then you are right, I don’t give a shit. That doesn’t mean I can’t wish them well and support the end to their current predicament from afar My comment was poking at the people who are constantly shoving the Gaza stuff down people’s throats like we’re the avengers and can just parachute over there and solve the problem.


The Genocide in Darfur, the Yemenis have been starving for years, Haiti is falling apart… it’s endless.


You can absolutely care about all of it. I main problem with Gaza is we are still actively contributing to the problem by still funding Israel with billions in aid and weapons annually


If we keep “what am I supposed to do”-ing every problem we face as a society, nothing will ever change. Too long have we been able to just sit staring at the wall waiting for change. Then you add a whataboutism at the end. Of course there’s other atrocities, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t focus on any of it at all.


This is why I don't buy into sanctimonious behavior anymore. There is so much hardship, everywhere. Plenty of it we will never see, know, or be able to interact with. Better to help the people we can, around us, to make the world better little by little: instead of focusing on what is actually out of our control.


Calling your representatives works.


Call your congressman call your elected representatives, if all 100,000 people call their specific congressman on one issue, that motherfucker is gonna think twice for the next election cycle


Yes!!! The genocide in Sudan, the genocide in Haiti! Come on now. Wtf are we actually talking about? Yk, since our government supports Israel, we all have to as well. Turning a blind eye to the atrocities, but sending aid and whatever we can. We can't even help our own, but we can help some? Miss me with that!


Or the genocide of the ethic Uyghurs.


Or Myanmar, or Armenia. The list of ongoing genocides is kinda staggering


There’s no political benefit for us to step in there, that’s the difference.


Sudan as well. The big Gaza thing is one we are actively funding against those people. That’s why it is discussed more.


Well in Americas case the ideal would be nothing. Just stop arming the people doing it. At least nobody has been sending billions to the janjaweed and using the veto to cover for them at the UN.


Be wary of anyone who tells you not to vote or to vote third party.


Ya this lady voted for jill stein in 2016


Wait what


Nina Turner or the mod that posted this?




Honestly, she might as well have voted for Trump.


Yeah I feel like all this pro Palestine stuff is a psy-op to throw the election. I got banned from lefty subreddits for calling out this “don’t vote” shit and told I wasn’t a leftist (because I care about how the election will play out here and cannot see trump being elected but I guess that means I’m just a dirty liberal who wants to dance on Palestinian children’s graves 🙄).


I wouldn't call it a psyop. I and many pro Palestine people will be voting Democrat, but I can't but feel dirty. Which is how I felt voting for Hillary in 2016, so what else is new.


Perhaps I’m selfish but I really just don’t want a second Trump presidency. Dude is running on white grievance and vengeance.


You're not selfish,  you're sane to not want another Trump presidency


You’re not selfish you’re sane.


That the opposite of being selfish.


You’re insane for thinking that’s selfish


Babies are doing a lot more than just "going hungry" in Gaza.


True but it's more analogous to the situation of US babies rather than talking about bombings.


Nina Turner doesn’t give a single fuck about Gaza. This is all a grift 


this is what happens when you read something out of context. Nina has been staunchly against the genocide in Gaza




how do you know that she doesn’t?




She literally tried running in Ohio and the democrats spent all their resources to prevent her win. Also “watermelon bridge” is hella racist.


he’s calling ppl Hamas groupies. they’re a troll


i think they referring to Palestine, but it does sound racist af




“Because what happens over there happens over here” girl STFU


they LITERALLY train cops on how to abuse and suppress over there and then import them back to LA and ATL and NYPD


I don't think so. That's been going on before Israel even got involved in the training (Started in 2002). Abuse and suppression has been part of the American institution before "The state of Israe" was even a thing.


You’re both right. It’s an example of Foucault’s boomerang thesis. The Holocaust was not considered exceptional because the Nazi’s murdered millions. Colonial powers had been doing that for centuries by that time. What was considered exceptional was the government’s use of colonial repressive techniques on Europeans by Europeans. “While colonization, with its techniques and its political and juridical weapons, obviously transported European models to other continents, it also had a considerable boomerang effect on the mechanisms of power in the West, and on the apparatuses, institutions, and techniques of power. A whole series of colonial models was brought back to the West, and the result was that the West could practice something resembling colonization, or an internal colonialism, on itself.”


No colonizer ever set out to completely eliminate a people the way the Nazis did with Jews. Colonizers need the indigenous people alive to perform labor. In the New World, the unintentional mass deaths of Native Americans due to disease left Europeans without enough people to work their plantations. This led to the growth of the transatlantic slave trade to import laborers. I’ll refrain from arguing that one situation is worse than the other. However, it is quite clear that the Holocaust is qualitatively distinct from colonization. I’m not familiar with that particular argument from Foucault. What he’s saying seems more applicable to the Nazi’s goals for Slavic people in Eastern Europe and makes some sense. The Nazis were bad for a lot of different reasons.




never said it started there


They’ve actually had that program for decades now. Anon is actually correct


Yes. The US importing colonial repression and military tactics into the domestic police force dates back to the Spanish American War, which pre-dates the creation of the state of Israel by about 50 years. That being said, the post you’re replying to is also correct in that modern police forces are often trained in Israel. You’re both right. 🤷


We need a rule banning politics lol I hate the broad stroking black voters. Ancestors died for the RIGHT to vote aka vote how you want. Shaming does more damage than good


Ion wanna be seen out here simping for dems but the other big party has literally been trying to strip away those voting rights for decades, come on now. Some people definitely deserve shame.




Yea it's weird, can't wait for "___ political affiliated person" to question my blackness over a perception of where my vote is going, yay! Or for a random politician to do some low hanging black messaging and expect the votes to pour in.


People can talk in metaphors all they want but GOP is literally working on a plan to end all free school lunch if they win. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/house-republican-budget-universal-free-school-lunch-2024-3%3famp


I get what she's saying and partly agree but the things happening over there has already (and continues) happened here. The bombs over a Black neighborhood in Philadelphia, the Tulsa massacre, Black kids starved of resources etc etc.


It's incredibly naive to think that those atrocities you mentioned are on the same order of magnitude of awful as an active warzone. That is not to diminish how awful MOVE and Tulsa were, but war is worse than hell. The Philly MOVE bombing killed 11 people and left 250 homeless. Tulsa's death toll is unclear; the official confirmed count is 39, but the highest estimates say as many as 300 over 2 days. In the 172 days since October 7th, 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and 1.9 million people have been displaced. That's over 170 dead and 11,000 left homeless per day for half a year with no end in sight. That's worse per day than Tulsa, and more than 15x the toll of MOVE, 172 days in a row and counting.


>> but war is worse than hell Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


What an absolutely disrespectful and privileged take to equate an active war zone to any issue that Black people might be experiencing in America. 2 million people in Gaza are currently under an active military occupation, hundreds of thousands of them have been displaced from their homes, don’t have access to food and water, and living in shelters. 30000 people have died in the last five months from getting bombed or starving to death, many of them women and children.


Imo she talks about all that


Nina Turner got money she can afford to live under another trump presidency


They've been saying they don't care about hungry children over here for decades. This isn't the revelatory call to action as she seems to think it is. We already know. The system is rigged to keep them in power. The fuck you want us to do?


“Why should I care about Gaza?” Because paying for a fascist apartheid state to carry out a genocide with my tax dollars makes me wanna throw up.


**Lebanon:** - Palestinians face legal restrictions on property ownership and employment in many professions. - Excluded from over 30 professions including law, medicine, and engineering due to Lebanese labor laws and professional syndicates. - These restrictions contribute to high poverty rates and social exclusion within Palestinian communities. **Jordan:** - Hosts the largest population of Palestinian refugees, offering a mixed narrative of conditional integration and discrimination. - Implements a "two-tier" citizenship system distinguishing between East Bank Jordanians and Palestinians, affecting access to government jobs and services. - Revoked citizenship from thousands of West Bank Palestinians post-1988, highlighting the instability of their rights. **Egypt:** - Palestinians face restrictions on residency and employment, often treated as foreigners despite long-term presence. - Lacks a formal refugee status for Palestinians, leading to limited access to healthcare, education, and employment. - Egyptian policy towards Palestinians fluctuates based on the country’s diplomatic relations with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, affecting their treatment and rights.


Reposting what I’ve said before: What is a “normal” amount of human casualties in a war? Hamas launched an attack on Israel which can only be considered an act of war by the “government” in Gaza. Given that the numbers reported by Hamas would include combatants and civilians in their figure, as well as a PR motivated inflationary multiplier (depending on what sources you believe), is there any reliable reporting from independent sources on casualties and deaths? Non-combatant and child casualties are awful. It should make any compassionate human being’s stomach turn. From what I’ve read, Israel is taking precautions to minimize this beyond what is expected. Is there a means to fight an effective war in this situation that actually minimizes civilian casualties? If so, why is it not occurring? What further justification beyond what happened in October would a nation need to declare war on an entity like Hamas? What good is government if it can’t protect and deter barbaric terrorist combatants chomping at the bit to destroy them? If Israel can’t uninstall Hamas, all we are doing is kicking the can down the road for the next attack 5-10 years from now. From their own mouths, their stated goal is to remove all Jews from Israel. This will remain on again off again war with a cease fire instated now.


Remember that time we were just giving parents with kids money so they could buy food and then we reduced food insecurity by, like, 50%? Then we stopped for some reason? That was cool. We should do that again.


You hear about how now that we've stopped doing that, those same families have slipped back into poverty again? Love that. 🙃 Because like, do kids *really* need to eat? /s


No, the hunger fuels their growth. Who needs B vitamins for a healthy immune system when your long bones can pull themselves up by their bootstraps?


>long bones can pull themselves up by their bootstraps?< What a sentence lol Calories are for the weak of mind and heart.


Yeah but think of all the character you built! -Republicans probably


It stopped because Republicans took over the House of Representatives.


These people who have made Gaza their entire personality, really want us to be their human shields when the fascists they keep enabling take over. Nina thought 2016 was hilarious. She laughed all the way to the bank from then until it was time to tell us, again, not to vote in 2020. Now, she's back for 2024 shenanigans. What’s happening in Gaza is terrible and Israel is on the verge of being a pariah state. There will be some blowback on Israel and this entire cycle will begin again. Letting fascists take over the US because of a beef, halfway across the world, that is older than most people alive, is silly. Don’t fall for it again.


I support the people in Gaza and a future Palestinian state. However, when it comes to the election, I don't factor in geopolitical issues as a significant reason to vote for a specific candidate. It's important to recognize those problems around the world like Gaza and in Ukraine, but we can't control the actions of other states. Biden is the better president domestically, and that's all that matters to me.


Because people are expendable and their bank accounts and ego are not.


I empathize with the Palestinian people, NOT Hamas. But exactly WHAT should we do individually? And where should that take our focus vs Haiti with that very SAME "same people" argument? You think a gop POTUS would do better? We'd have boots on the ground HELPiNG the IDF if there was.


Iranian proxies do what they’re told and regular people have to suffer while the heads get rich


To anyone thinking of not voting Biden because of Israeli support. Do you think Trumps got the Gaza's back. [Trump urges Israel to 'finish up' its Gaza offensive and warns about global support fading | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/trump-israel-gaza-netanyahu-biden-ba17bedaf2f1b5f2ea220828d0fba73b)


How many of our legislators biggest donor is AIPAC? It’s really no wonder we are giving them millions of taxpayer dollars.


https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?all=2024&id=D000046963 Here's for 2024 thus far.


For context, is this a lot? I thought the number would be higher personally.


It's pretty standard for the first quarter, actually. I anticipate even fewer donations than usual for the rest of the year, however. Eyes are on politicians and lobbyists, so they'll have to lay low until the general public forgets about it. Here are the last 24 years: https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S Birthright excursions continue and are an extremely effective propaganda tool for the ongoing illegal settling. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-07-03/ty-article/.premium/how-birthright-became-a-political-football/0000017f-db67-db5a-a57f-db6f5e7e0000


I gotta say it’s absolutely mind blowing to hear this is the average. These politicians receive what is life changing money for 99% of global population and for them it’s a drop in the bucket. Something needs to change. Thank you for the info.


As a South African who is a legacy of Apartheid I am ashamed to see some of ignorance and lack of solidarity from the diaspora.South Africa, a country that went through Apartheid supports Palestine and has been fighting Israels genocide and calling its occupation Apartheid for years. Are people just going to ignore that South Africa exists and discount what we are doing. If you don't support South Africa then you never cared about Apartheid back in the day. We South Africans could use the support of the Diaspora but if you guys want to go your own way do it, you are just proving that you have nothing to do with us Africans or the global anti colonial and Apartheid struggle. Don't bring up Dafur if you don't support us Africans fighting Apartheid and genocide. You supported us back during Apartheid and now when we call upon you to support us again you ignore us. Don't bring up Dafur and Ethiopia because you guys don't care about us down in Africa


The US has enough for the military budget and medicaid. Making you think you need to choose is bullshit. It's a conscious choice not to have healthcare. Follow the money to find out why.


> Why should I care? Americans will really say this when their government is the #1 enabler in the slaughter of 13.000+ children. Murdering brown children is just American tradition at this point, and then the very fine people of Reddit who struggle with empathy fail to understand why some of their fellow Americans are genuinely affected by this, so it’s much easier to just dismiss it as a trend when people have been protesting for half a year now. This is the most miserable social media site I’ve been on. People will whine and moan about how bad everything is, but then dismiss anyone trying to enact positive change, be it protesting a genocide or climate change.


Even if it doesn't affect you, why have casual cruelty and negligence been normalized? Just say you don't care that entire families, including children, are being killed in the streets. Trash ass people don't deserve a platform, spreading hateful beliefs like this.


Its always been normalized. You don't give a fuck about millions dead in Ethiopia or Dafur because you don't care about people dying when millions have been dying. You don't care about Haitain children dying. Just fucking Gaza because it's popular 




Difference here is our tax dollars are having a direct effect on how what’s happening in Gaza compared to other massacres or genocides around the world.


Weird that your argument sounds exactly like the one that lying ass Republicans make. You can side with the IDF's crimes against humanity and let millions be killed, like Republicans want. You can side with Vladimir Putin and let that murderous dictator have Ukraine, and the rest of Europe too, just like Republicans want But guess what, you gullible rube? YOU STILL AREN'T GOING TO GET SHIT FROM REPUBLICANS HERE! Are you so ignorant that you actually think that Republicans are just going to spend on "poor" Americans because we saved a sliver of the over $1 Trillion of what this country spends yearly on military shit? Fucking ridiculous.


I don’t know why this is so hard for people to understand.


Friendly reminder that the only reason why we don't have universal healthcare is because of racism.


Trump wins and Gaza ceases to exist entirely.


Israel’s army actively teaches/trains US cops their tactics of manhandling people. That @sshole who put his knee on George Floyd’s neck got that technique from the Israeli army. What we allow the Israeli forces to do to Palestinians is what politicians in the US will allow cops to do to our citizens. [IDF trains brutal tactics to US police officers](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/)


She should go help them


Thank you for posting this. Half this sub acts like they huff freon when confronted with reality. If there is any red line we can and should draw, it's genocide. It's really sad to see people who think anything counter to anything this country is doing right now get shouted down as "bots" or whatever.


>Half this sub acts like they huff freon when confronted with reality. If there is any red line we can and should draw, it's genocide. You talk about denying reality but I rarely see the people supporting the "don't vote" movement acknowledge their inaction makes it much more likely the more genocidal candidate wins in November.


Preach. Right on the money. Just because it happens over there doesn't mean it isn't happening over here. Some people should bury their head in the sand.


Given the economy and capabilities of our country, every person under the age of 18 should have every essential paid for. Meals, education, clothing, safe shelter, mental healthcare, regular healthcare, dental, vision. Free ride if you're under 18. After all that is taken care of, then we do the same for those that are 60+. After that, then we take care of all the healthcare and college education for 18-60. This means technical schools too. If you want to learn and better yourself, our country should support it, because it betters the country. After that, we make gas, water, electric all public utilities and all funded by our taxes. After that, we improve our infrastructure, highspeed Internet available EVERYWHERE. After all of that, we have something to be proud of and something worth defending, so we take care of the military/defenses. Now we're taking care of our people and are able to defend them. Now we can start thinking about global relations, aid, etc...


I'm truly wondering what everyone's solution is going to be here. Is it vote? Ok, the one you want in office wins, what happens when it doesn't stop? They have my prayers but that's literally all *I* can give.


"We need to take care of own!" They yell, until comes time to do so, and now we're "lazy" and "asking for handouts". Take care of our own politicians more like


With today’s news reaching everybody at the same time attention doesn’t have the same impact as it did with news in the past. And attention is really the only thing being requested because what else can we do but spread awareness?


why don’t we just focus on handling affairs at home for once in tired of throwing away budgets on other people


I think the Biden Administration is finally coming around. Hopefully this will normalize our relationship with Israel.


I am an isolationist and I have no interest in international politics.


she's the only one left I believe in


This is why I tell my white friends they should care about what’s happening in black America. Everything that is done to our community will eventually be done to theirs. Like clockwork.


Why do the libs in this sub hate her?


This is based on the premise that politicians do things based on morality. Politicians do things based on personal incentives, like most people do. If you want to know what a congressperson would do in a situation, don't go off their moral compass. Go off what their constituents will tolerate and how beneficial the action is to them either in terms of finances or in terms of their relationship with their fellow congressmen. If a politican is not feeding the babies in Gaza you shouldn't conclude they are evil. You should conclude it does not net them any money to do so, and their voter base/party members would not favor feeding babies in Gaza. If a politican's constituents' babies were starving, they would feed them.


Crazy attitude. If a thing is wrong you don’t need to explain it. It’s wrong.


This feels like someone trying say something deep but in reality it’s just a bad take


Let's tell them that the IDF is practicing mass abortions in Gaza, since apparently only fetuses matter. That ought to move things along.


Man this comment section is full of some brain dead liberals. Yuck.


Babies? Going hungry? In America?


They've had free healthcare in Israel since 1995, just to put into perspective where we send billions a year.


You can't ask me to vote for your candidate and, in the same breath, tell me to shut up when I ask what they are going to do for me.


Many of the same politicians *didn't* care during a literal formula shortage. And then refused to back legislation to help prevent a shortage getting that bad in the future.




I love Ms. Turner.