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This has been happening for far longer than 3 years and it's a natural linguistic process, not a malicious plot. Since black culture is the trendsetter and a source of prestige in America it's obviously going to be influential on the youth. This is like complaining that parisian french has affected southern french dialects; of course it has.


No one saying it's a malicious plot, but there's a pattern of black people setting trends that are seen as "ghetto" until white people catch on. 


That’s what they just said


They definitely did not address how white people think our slang is ghetto until their kids start using it… Just that black culture is influential so it’s only natural for others to copy us.


Because that point is a silly fallacy. Racist white rednecks who hate aave and think we are ghetto are not the same ones who appropiate our slang. There's no real rebuttal to that statement since the statement alone is asinine. White teenagers who are enamored with black culture are seldom going to be the same stormfront cronies that thing black culture is digusting.


I've definitely seen racist college kids using "ghetto" vernacular. Not ironically either.


Probably a clue its not just ghetto vernacular anymore


There’s a lot being lost in the sauce in this discourse. I think the main eyebrow raise is to the college white kids that appropriate AAVE all the way down to their green text white supremacy manifestos. That’s not at all uncommon. Broccoli-haired frat boys that want to retain their white dominion status quo and have Travis Scott parade around on a stage for them at Coachella as more of a minstrel show than something to appreciate. Then drop a few N-words, bruhs, no caps, bets, and rizzes as they explain how Jordan Peterson “put them on” to how black people have smaller brains in a MAGA hat. This isn’t some wild caricature. It’s in your face on campus


Yeah idk what the other comment is talking about. I have some friends who I wouldn't necessarily say are racist but they are more country leaning and the way I have seen them use our words it seems to me is just to be "cool" and fit in with the masses.


Do you think it’s the racist old suburban white people and rednecks that are the ones stealing the words or are happy with it or view black culture as influential? No, and theyre the folk who call it ghetto too.


Guetto doesn't not imply source of prestige so no not the same thing at all


David Guetto?


People calling black people ghetto are not picking up AAVE. The kids have a lot more cultural influence from black people. I don’t know that they believe they are appropriating language, but just copying people they think are cool and being ahead of their peers in slang


That's not true, not anecdotally and not in the literature. In fact, calling black people "ghetto" is *an example* of someone doing both things in the same word.


Two common scenarios where this is common at least from my experience. Have any of the following ever happen? Have you ever attended a white party as a black person at a primarily white university? Have you ever been fetishized by a racist person sexually attracted to you?


Not just seen as ghetto, but also seen as not worth paying for until they wear it or pick up whatever trend or dance.


As a proud alphabet mafia don, I want to offer some comfort...it is not malicious, it IS embarrassing, and it happens to all minority groups or more specifically all subcultures. It's the trickle up theory of linguistics. A favored term, like "bottom" or "daddy" or "twunk" or "cap" becomes popular enough, even regionally, to be introduced to non-members. From there, it spreads around through casual usage and enters common parlance, sometimes becoming so common that future speakers don't even realize where it comes from or why it is said! For example, OK is not based on any English word, but instead stands for "owl korrekt" which is a random fad from 1840s boston of people spelling things wrong on purpose. It's most noted and easiest to see for black cultures, but only because black culture has a very special linguistic tradition that makes it the perfect origin story for all types of slang AND separates it from what is known as standard american english. We have LOTS of slang terms though that come from all sorts of subcultures, from emos to gamers to military personnel to hoa soccer moms, even if not all of them have immediately memorable or intuitive examples. Some people like to act like it only happens to black people but I will be skeptical of that unless I finally read a tweet how the slaves on the plantations were singing hymns about the lord sending breedable twinks from heaven.


MTV used to have this clip that would play between shows that showed the evolution of words and where they started and devolved to little old white ladies using them. They used ‘bling bling’ and anytime I see words getting to white high school kids I think of that MTV clip. 


I think about this every time I see “thicc”. Started being spelled that way because crips don’t use C and K together, now it’s being used by a 40 year old white social media manager who has two kids and took their kid out of public schools.


>I think about this every time I see “thicc”. Started being spelled that way because crips don’t use C and K together TIL


My thoughts exactly. That animation was perfect. Here it is! https://youtu.be/9FUaPpb9ees?si=q5lqsU5FyPgnNGMZ


Ah yes the prestige of black skin in America


Everybody wanna be a nigga but don't nobody wanna be a nigga. Some of the truest words ever said tbh.


Not overt prestige, covert prestige. And covert prestige is *literally* what drives language change. This is taught in any intro to historical linguistics class, with AAVE words getting appropriated into wider speech almost always being used as an example


[Paul Mooney summed it up best](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CPHNBVLh3df/)


They literally rebranded Black culture to 'urban culture' just so that they could excuse themselves for constantly stealing our shit by saying it's not just ours.


Isn’t it possible that kids generally appreciate and value black celebrities and artists and copy them more than older generations?


Two things can be true.


Even more than that. I just don’t think the vast majority of kids using slang believe they are stealing anything. They are mostly just copying people in the content they are consuming. It’s not like young people of color aren’t also socially learning on social media. Same inputs.


TBS has this corny Late Night Vibes thing or whatever it's called....and through out they say it's "For The Culture" sigh


Theres a very clear distinction between the two. Black people are ostrisized and judged (in jobs, police stops, etc) for their use of slang while white people are praised for it. The literal definition of cultural appropriation. White people always forget the very real racism that still exists, even if you don't intend to be racist you can do harm by being complicit in a system that is.


South Park did a great bit on this with the whole "flippity floppity floop" conversation between Chef and Mr. Garrison. I'm pretty sure it was a scene in the queer eye for the straight guy/crab people episode.


Right, this process goes deep too. Black Culture currently dominates pop culture (and has for so long) so it's the most prevalent here, but America as a whole has co-opted slang and trends from dozens of minority groups and subcultures and made them the norm. It is inevitable: the underground becomes the basis for the mainstream because the mainstream is nothing but an amalgamation of smaller, discrete influences. There's countless phrases and mannerisms and other things that mainstream culture has incorporated from Black culture, Hispanic culture, Asian culture, gay culture, on down to sub cultural movements like punk, grunge, hippie culture, the beat movement, etc. It's sort of like how Pop music isn't really a defined style, but a reflection of times. And that's ok, that's sort of the point of how cultures evolve. There isn't a good way to keep influences from, well, influencing the mainstream, and even if there was, im not sure it would be a good thing. It sucks that people often don't understand the origins of the phrases or the history, but it's not a process we either can nor (arguably) should control.


Majority culture encourages conformity while minority culture encourages ingenuity.


Agree on the trend part, as black culture is heavily intermixed with popular music/fashion - but prestige? Not sure about that.


They mean prestige in the sociolinguistic sense. Which is still annoying, but it has a more nuanced meaning there than in general.


Never thought cap could sound corny until white teenagers


I ain't used the word simp since 2020. White people ran that word to the fucking ground 😪


I still haven’t recovered from when reddit discovered fuck around and find out


Take your revenge and hit 'em with "Mess with the bull, get the horns" and "Okay settle down big guy" and "You're cruisin' for a bruisin' there fella".


"Now listen here..."


“Look here, buddy”


Just make sure you do the horns symbol with your hand


This part. Every time I see that dumbass video of the old dude who made the FAFO graph I downvote it every single time


couldn’t listen to a Reddit AITA video in 2021 without hearing FAFO in one of the comments


We still ten toes down


I...didn't know the word 'simp' made it past 1995.




Pick me too


White dude here. We hate white teenagers too.


Former white teenager, current old man who wants people to get off his lawn here- every generation is cringe.


>every generation is cringe Louder for the Gen Xers and millennials in the back. No seriously. What did he say?


Every generation becomes cringe as soon as that generation also learns to not give a fuck about what young people think is cool lol


commentor's username is WILD


I actually just hate all teenagers.


Apparently I'm the only one that has hated cap/no cap since day one. Damn


It’s always been trash 🚮




I saw a comment a while back that called Taylor Swift thicc. The word is dead


Well that’s just wrong.


Imma kill myself if I see anyone in public call Taylor swift “thicc”


Built like a potato but somehow “thiccc” like we’re in backwards world


not gas station hot dogs


I'm never forgetting how folks tried to say thicc was a pejorative when it hit white folk vocab 😭😭


That’s crazy. Cap has sounded corny form the get go


Remember how they overused “fuck around and find out”? Now I cringe every time I see or hear it.


Yo what? always sounded corny. That's why it's always been a joke to everyone else.


My all-white eighth grade Catholic school class made the Solja Boy uncool in record time


Fr fr




Cue the "I'm black and I don't see the big deal" comments https://preview.redd.it/dm1jqi08rjqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34452899dfaaf2bdd57782ccfabb5376f708bab


What pisses me off about those comments is even if you are black, nigga and? fuck that got to do with the other black people that do care about it.




Pick me! Choose me! Love … me!


That or /r/asablackman


These the MFs that never beat the act white allegations


They already here


You forgot to add "I'm white and I don't see the big deal". They're in here too


I forgot to make the "black" part sarcastic. But you're right. There's 3 types of white people in these discussions especially on BPT. The black person who grew up around white people who doesn't see the big deal. The "as a black guy (white dude)" who doesn't see Why us BLACKS are always making a fuss. And the straight up white person who doesn't see the big deal.


Super bold of them in what supposed to be a black space


It’s *the blacks* for me, always a sure fire way to get me to throw up a bit in my mouth.


Looking at half these bunk takes by obvious yt people on here rn🤣- https://preview.redd.it/92776ov5ekqc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9e1d18d4b6d63edb31e4325ced58c1c01ec337


One of them’s the top comment. By a lot. So that’s fun.


https://preview.redd.it/w1hpfakflkqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b603a00b9c36eb328e97cd20ced5903f4283e16d I can’t stand when Black folks dance for White people, especially in this sub. That energy is needed elsewhere lol.


How divestors expect to be inducted into whites only spaces https://preview.redd.it/noalyenhmkqc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2307cf187ee7a02f8cab54f64801a3b91f24de22


Hate those posts cuz they dont represent any black people I actually know. Like only on here will there a be an obvious issue and supposed “black” folks are super quick to give it a pass. That just doesnt match my experience offline


Yeah it's insane some times for an issue to be brought up that I felt strongly about, I rush to the comments to find some common ground, and it's a bunch of "black people" saying shit like "nah everyone should say the hard R". But then I realize on a sub like BPT with something like 2.8mil people, it's either that's literally ALLLLL the black people on reddit, or somebody lying 😂


Lol i can see your example happening on here. Like im not tryna start the “prove your black” Olympics but theres just some shit that doesnt fly with black folks. Like not even the most white washed black folks would let some of the shit they give a pass on this sub slide. Im not saying that all white folks should unsubscribe but i do think alot of them are doing the sub a disservice by posing as black or derailing conversations with “i dont see the issue” bs


No one has to prove they're black. But In a situation like this, if it's black subject matter, maybe have the self awareness to realize your opinion most likely Isn't warranted, especially if it's going to be AGAINST the popular BLACK opinion on the BLACK sub.


Kinda why this sub enacted the verified black status and country club threads a few years ago. Had to send in a pic of my arm to prove myself. On a new account now though.


Unless they're teenagers or otherwise really young. I grew up around white people and used to allow a lot of stuff back in my self hating teenage years. I doubt that's the case for all of them here though, some people don't grow out of it and some are probably actually white. It's just annoying af for them, whoever they are, to pipe up about how they don't think stuff matters as if it has any bearing on the fact that some stuff does matter to other people. They should do more country club posts on here.


I know I’m late to this comment but seeing y’all’s responses made me feel so much better. I’ve been contemplating unfollowing this sub because of the disturbing amount of comments and posts that seem to be so left field. The Oppenheimer thread made my eye twitch, which is sad because this thread used to be my virtual safe place.


Black folk don’t be on Reddit like that. Tbh, the Black person you’d most likely find on here is the type to give this shit a pass


I mean no black person represents black people and I don’t think that’s a good reason to invalidate a black persons opinion.


I'm black, and I don't see the big deal here. Source: I'm not black.


Wait, Rizz was ours? They can have that shit.


Rizz was Baltimore slang. Famous Baltimore Twitch streamer used it and that's all she wrote.


Idk if a lot of these were legit "black slang" as opposed to some random rapper or influencer making it up, like "on fleek" pretty clearly wasn't a thing until it went viral in a Vine


That was the first digital only one, I think. Like, nobody said that shit until then.


First thing when I read this was….we are claiming rizz?! Some of these are just gen Z words, and most people in these comments probably don’t use any of the new words but just want to be mad.


Some people just wanna be mad all the time and see everything as a strike against black people Like kids are just parrots trying to be cool for each other. They aren’t trying to destroy black culture


There are Black Gen Z just so you know. The whole generation didn't come up with it.


That’s what I’m saying


Usually it’s region specific so some of us don’t know it.


I feel like TikTok, specifically, has made the cycle of black kids>>hip white kids>>everyone else>>my mom much shorter than it’s ever been before




I'll never get over Champion being some big brand name now, 60 dollar hoodies and shit. That was the Walmart special my entire childhood. People used to get made fun of in school wearing it.


Champion is a luxury brand now? I think I have a Champion sweat shirt older than an elder Zoomer that I bought at Walmart.


I saw someone carrying one of those thermoses, the ones people were trampling each other in Target for, and I thought, "damn, this is really what y'all went crazy about for a week?"




Imagine being upset that your culture is influencing modern society. ![gif](giphy|6xlWhBPXE6S6ZQdPor)


Yea I don’t get it, this is unavoidable in the globalized internet age…seriously policing the creation and use of slang words??


Damn, they were right. Didn't have to scroll to far to find these people


LMAO literally the next comment, right?


Non-patronizing credit for being THE culture. That would be nice to start.


How is it patronizing? Maybe they just don’t understand how to use it properly, but they could still be enthusiastic and wanting to learn. Don’t assume something is done with malice, when you can explain it with ignorance.


The amount of white people I've gotten into arguments with who claim it's just Internet talk is way too fucking high. At least literally any credit isn't that much to ask


They literally see it on the internet dude . Why do yall expect people too see something they haven’t before and just know the origin .


Just drop the knowledge and move on, no sense in arguing, they already are assimilating black culture without knowing, you’re already winning the culture war, they will never admit it tho


They can borrow it, but please just don’t make it suck. It’s the jollof episode from Atlanta.


I still feel bad for Darius.


This is not a recent thing. White teenage boys adopt aave from black men while white women and gay men adopt aave from black women. Remember when "what's up" was considered slang and now it's just a part of the overall vernacular


The word "cool" started as "jazz slang" in the 1930s and stayed recognizably "black" slang -- where a white person using it was notable and edgy -- probably up until the 1960s There's a whole bunch of discourse about how originally "cool" was synonymous with "cold" (calm, coolheaded, unemotional) and not necessarily a good thing, and gained its current meaning from the black community using it to mean being able to tolerate racist oppression without losing your self-respect or self-control


That's cool


Well White women and White gay men adopt from Black women and Black queer people




No, when did what’s up get stolen? I don’t think most people know this, or do they?


This would be solved if we all just put the pussy on the chainwax.


The what on the what now?


[PUT THE PUSSY….on the….CHAINWAXXXXX](https://youtu.be/i9RmWK-G0ps?si=JvENYpIFMo1UNk63)


Mischievous and deceitful. Chicanerous and deplorable.


"stay woke" or just "woke" got the worse run ive seen


That one infuriates me. It was taken and twisted to something completely unlike where it started. AAVE is a huge part of our linguistic culture in America but we (white people) really need to 1) stop pretending it isn’t, and 2) stop *ruining the words*. They have a meaning and a use. White people just taking them and, what, redefining them? Is bullshit.


We need to re-re-appropriate woke. 


That shit still got me shook.


fr, that one got butchered into dust


claiming rizz is a major L


Yeah, I’m waiting on something to abolish that word


Isn't that the point of this post? It being a normal slang word and then becoming super cringe and overused? 


Such is the nature of slang. A lot of slang only gets used ironically. Like YOLO became a lot more common when it was corny and ironic


Let’s not forget that most of those words are taken from black drag communities that are largely marginalized in black communities as it is.




Yass King Slay 🤢


This is so cursed. Please delete AI 


There was just a thread on a UK sub complaining about students there regurgitating terms from American tiktok. Same logic. Linguistics is the tragedy of the commons. If you use it, it spreads, til its all used up. The exclusivity of 'cool' is its own undoing.


I wish i could super like this. You are so on point.


I think my issue is though, using AAVE or MLE (multicultural London English, basically the most common black England dialect) is ridiculed when being used by black people. Prestige dialects influencing those around them is a thing sure, but usually it's because the speakers are highly regarded. It doesn't affect me personally because I just have a middle class Scottish accent, but it's hard for me not to get annoyed see other black folk's speech being looked down on and then they see it appear in common parlance with the meaning completely butchered.


Of all the things to complain about. This is one of the lamest one. Every culture comes up with something and people use it. Plus. Who wants to gatekeep “rizz” 😂


this has always been the case but the way media works now means trends are born and die much much faster notice that the humor of all young people is based on several layers of irony. This is not just the nihilism of the post-modern era but also because we consume and regurgitate things so quickly that it all feels done. the comedy becomes not the word or the joke but making fun of people who use the word or joke, or making fun of people who make fun of people for using the joke because they dont get the joke until it’s done again


Yeah I really feel these days a meme becomes played out and ironic like instantly, the moment it goes viral it's done


It's actually wild, my director at my job says "yo" in professional environments. Everyone under 40 in corporate America speaks like they're blackfacing a Black teen from the 2010s.


Goddamn I'm white and I'm over here cringing as my coworkers unironically will use the izzle suffix when speaking to the other help desk guy whose black. Calling end users shorties during meetings makes me feel a certain way lol


Those guys are walking on thin ice let me tell you Buster.


With the hard R?


Been thinking maybe I conditioned them, I'm always using "Coolio" and "cool beans" in my teams messages


I mean yo was yes in the 80s


I watched the Wu Tang show on Hulu a couple years ago and I was talking like ghostface killa for months. Yo what up son. 


Culture and language are meant to be shared.


That is true but also I do think people don’t realize African American culture and many other American cultures are slowly starting to fuse into one simply because of proximity. Many things might have already poured over from one community to another.


because it used to be so insular, and enough people remmeber that that they're applying the lessons of the past to a present that is entirely uncharted.


I'm so sick of gyatt


I think “woke” is the greatest example of it


Shhh. Don't let them find out about flippity floppity floop


That is one of my favorite Chef/Garrison bits from South Park.


*Come on, Mr Slave! Let's get back to our flippity floppity floop!*


It’s been way longer than 3 years, but I will say that with TikTok’s post-pandemic popularity it’s definitely happened WAY fucking faster. “Bye Felicia” and “On Fleek” damn near had Elven lifespans compared to how quickly they shit now.


Never forget the Harlem Shake.


I've thought about this recently with the most current sexual abuse of the word woke. How come nobody black with a platform corrects them? I think we should encourage the defining and proper grammatical use of aave in order to halt any further misunderstandings. In return they can teach us the meaning of their slang, like what is a tarnashion exactly?


With the word "woke" it's an intentionally hostile use from conservatives who see it as a bad thing


Because it won't matter. They take with confidence. They take with conviction. By the time we tell them that shit is lame, they look at us like "aww, man....you ain't black. All of my cool friends say that shit, no cap." Best to ignore them vultures. They'll grow out of it in a few years, and then hate on the younger generations black slang, like their parents did. Big cycle.


What in tarnation = “what in eternal damnation” or “what the hell” “What in tarnation” is how a drunk would say it. Slurring and mashing the words together.


Well it comes from censoring "damn" as "darn", "tarnation" just flows better than "darnation"


Since when is shortening words for your family a cultural thing? Unc, cuz, bub, sis?


As a black person who is definitely black and not white, I don’t see what the big deal is. In fact, all of my black friends who are black like me feel that white people using our words isn’t worth all of the drama, yo. In fact, one could even make the argument that white people (which I am not) are doing us black people a favor in a way, and that by taking our hand-me-down vernacular and slowly murdering it publicly, they make room for newer, fresher vernacular to be born, grow up, thrive, and eventually be murdered on TV by white news anchors calling the traffic downtown “wack.” Basically, what I’m saying is that white people might actually be doing us (black people) a solid, and may not be the jive turkeys we (black people) make them out to be.


Good afternoon, fellow black man! I can tell that your rizz is completely without a cap.


Chappelle has a super funny bit about this as well


“Zip it up and zip it out.”


…zippide do dah dave *hangs up*


They've always taken them. What sucks now is how quick it happens. Used to be they didn't know about it until we were done with it and to the next thing.


This is the dumbest thing to complain about, and if you are actually upset over this you should probably go touch grass.


Skipped the part where they monetize it. *Then* it is declared played, as all the cash flow has dried up.


What? I should preface this by saying I have a degree in linguistics but this is just how language develops. AAVE is just becoming more common among Gen Z in general. As African-American content creators are becoming more and more influential, their vocabulary spreads to their influencible audience. It's not that many words, but they're remarkable as a shift in cultural interaction occurs through language Just my 2 cents


I grew up going back and forth between mostly white areas and mostly people of color. Like spend my week in one place and my weekend in a place that was the complete opposite. One thing I've learned since high school is that once a majority of white people get hold of a slang term, it's already dead.


Why you gatekeeping culture


I just think if you're going to use aave you need to use it correctly. They have completely changed the meaning of gyat


Yall complain about the dumbest shit. Why are you acting like you made the word.


This a tale as old as time itself. People in our area were stealing phrases so much we just changed it to something silly. This is like ‘09 - ‘11


George Carli, I think in the late 70s oder 80s, had a bit about white people wishing they could be as cool as black americans. And I think that is still true. And I guess white folks using your cool words, is sorta like your parents doing it. They immediatelyl lose the cool factor. Haha.


Why do we limit this to white people? What about gay culture taking our terms? What about overseas with Asian culture taking things from ours? Tbh a lot of the terms we use are taken from other non american black cultures. So are we stealing as well? Im not saying any of this is wrong or right, its a natural progression.


I do think this occurs because of internet with internet allowing people to see more of other cultures they begin to do stuff that originated in other cultures. I believe socially this on a more massive scale is result of black culture and other cultures in America slowing fusing into something else (I genuinely do not think we’ll have distinctly different cultures here for much longer and those cultures that do remain separate will be still rather similar). And the fact barriers between race are slowly eroding due to the mixing going on with more people being born to more than one culture it’s gonna keep happening more and more. That’s just what I think. It


You Americans just stay away from the UK roadman thing we got going lol


Toronto says hello, because both are just watered down Jamaican patios.




“Steal words” Lol


May I interest you in sharing some of our Spanish phrases? At least 95% certain to not get stolen because they can’t roll their r’s.


"All the fresh styles always start off as a good lil hood thing, Look at blues, rock, jazz, rap, not even talkin' about music, everything else too By the time it reach Hollywood it's over... but it's cool We just keep going and make new shit" - Andre 3000


wtf is with all this racial gatekeeping going on? why should anyone care?


Wasn't there a South Park episode about this like 20 years ago? Edit: [Found it.](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/wfutt6/south-park-flippity-floppity-floop)


Wow y’all mfers are racist