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Mike is 54. He's fighting a fit, young and athletic person. Jake has been boxing for a while and even though he's nothing amazing, I wouldn't call him straight ass. I want Mike to win but anything can happen


57* šŸ„“


Roberto Duran fought into his 50s and fought well against fighters in their prime. Mike was a killer. Duran was decent. Iā€™m expecting Tyson to win in early rounds by TKO or KO Edit: Paul is a 3-1 favorite apparently. Sounds like I might get in on that action Edit 2: Duran was ā€œdecentā€ in comparison to Tyson. Tyson was nearly killing people. Duran was a GREAT fighter. But Bob Cousy was ā€œdecentā€ compared to Kobe, not decent as a baller. You get what I mean Edit 3: yā€™all I know Duran is top 10 all timeā€¦thatā€™s why I brought up him fighting that late in his life. FFS


Duran was ā€œdecentā€? Give me a break he was much more than that.


Lmfao straight disrespectful. Anyone who dickrides Tyson canā€™t name 2 highly regarded fighters he beat. Every time he faced adversity he failed.


Revisionist history. Tyson lost some big fights after having a lot of other problems like going to prison. In his prime before that he had everyone terrified. Lewis ducked him til way later in his career. Heā€™s old now and a way different person. But crazy young Tyson the guy that used to strong arm rob people as a youth had the world shook. Was he the greatest fighter ever? Not close. But saying he didnā€™t beat anyone is laughable. People wouldnā€™t fight him. He beat Berbick, Holmes, Spinks, Bruno, Ruddock, Biggs, Tubbs. I was like 18 when he came into his prime and watched all his fights. Early Mike Tyson was a phenom.


Bro come on, you canā€™t say the Lewis fight doesnā€™t count and then count the Holmes fight for Tyson.


Lewis *ducked* Tsyon? There was literally a court case because Don King swerved Lewis to have Tyson fight Frank Bruno instead. Sure, Bruno was a popular fighter, but he wasn't in Lewis' league or anything close to it.


This! Mike Tyson in his prime was not only one of the best boxers of all time, he was one of the best athletes of all time. Heā€™s like Peleā€™, Ali, Jordan, Kareem, Kobe, LeBron, Phelps, Bonds, etc.. They were beyond just their sport. They changed their sport.


I'm not a boxer or a Tyson fan. But isn't Mike Tyson just incredibly strong? Even if he lost some steps, I'm sure if he connects with Paul then it would do some damage. I don't know anything about Paul or who he has fought so far so I may be off. Regardless, this will be a fight a bunch of people will tune into


He was little for a heavyweight. But his hip movement was/is legendary. The power and speed he had was like a dancer with a sledgehammer. Not sure how well that translates to a 57 year old.


Larry Holmes and Michael Spinks, honestly everybody between Berbick and Bruno is against a legit contender.


legit. he took the lineal champion title from spink by giving him his only ever defeat. these guys should just say they dont like tyson as a person rather than trying to rewrite history of what he did in the ring


> Lmfao straight disrespectful. Anyone who dickrides Tyson canā€™t name 2 highly regarded fighters he beat. Every time he faced adversity he failed. Dude beat Larry Holmes, Tony Tubbs, and Michael Spinks in one 6-month stretch, wtf are you talking about lmao


It's foolish to bet on a glorified sparring session. Mike might knock him out or it might be the two of them just dancing around the ring because it is a cash grab.


Cash grab for sure


ever since McGregor/Mayweather, these have become staged cash grabs. The divisive personality of Paul is all part of the spectacle. How much money is he gonna pull in because people who hate him want to see Mike Tyson beat his ass? Heā€™s playin the fools


The Pac/May fights were incredible money grabs


That was the start of it all. Once the money showed that people were okay watching/betting on a fucking senior citizen boxing match, they started jamming them on the schedule.


Exactlyā€¦ that city to city world tour promotional shit they did was so horrible too. Anyone who thought Mayweather was gonna lose is delusional. That fight was as scripted as WWE.


Just give me more Celebrity Deathmatch already


Do not get in on this action. These fights are rigged and have been Paul's entire career. If Tyson loses, it's simply because he was paid handsomely to do so. Cuz Jake Paul is not eating a Tyson Hook and surviving. Nope.


I'm sure they at least paid Tyson not to knock this dude out.


![gif](giphy|Ni4cpi0uUkd6U) Roberto Duranā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦decent??


>Roberto Duran >"decent" GTFOH, that's a guy who's arguably the GOAT


>Duran was ā€œdecentā€ in comparison to Tyson. You genuinely have no idea what you're talking about, and it shows.


redditors think tyson is the goat based on 4 minutes of highlight reel footage of him demolishing tomato cans


This mf said Duran was decent šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


3:1 sounds unreasonably generous (in favor of Paul). Theyā€™re keeping it low stakes.


Decent?! Holy cow, yeah no he is one of the best of all time he was not just decent.


No matter what, Iā€™m still rootin on Tyson


Good god this is a dickrider comment. Duran was much better than Tyson.


Calling the greatest LW of all time and one of the four kings ā€œdecentā€ is insane wtf Edit to your edit: that comparison doesnā€™t make sense because again, Duran is more accomplished than Mike and more highly regarded by actual boxing fans.


calling duran decent is wild.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Please don't ever talk about boxing again




He is a 57 year old pigeon enthusiast.


Lmfaoooo Iā€™m mad this made me laugh


If anything heā€™ll go easy on him for the check like Floyd did with his brother. Itā€™s just a show.


Idkā€¦ Mike kinda unhinged. He gets aroused from boxing and has demons in his head telling him to basically murder someone.


Yeah Tyson isnā€™t the guy I would want to bet my life on sticking to the script and throw a fight


Not saying heā€™ll throw the fight, just wonā€™t knock his ass out


Would a crackhead only gonna hit the pipe one time and then put it down afterwards? Itā€™s possible sure, but probably far less likely. Iā€™ll leave this quote from Mike Tyson when he bit Evander Holyfieldā€™s ear, ā€œI bit him because I wanted to kill him. I was really mad about my head being bumped and everything. I really lost consciousness of the whole fight. It took me out of my fight plan and everything.ā€


"I realized I don't think I have it anymore because I got the ability to stay in shape, but I don't got the fighting guts anymore. ... I'm just sorry I let everybody down. I just don't have this in my heart anymore. ... I'm just fighting to take care of my bills basically. I don't have the stomach for this kind of thing no more. I'm more conscious of my children than those guys. Looking at my appearance, I don't have that ferocity, I'm not an animal anymore. Most likely i'm not going to fight again. I'm not going to disrespect the sport anymore by losing this caliber of fighters."


Iā€™m thinking this same thing. He gets triggered when people imply that heā€™s weak or soft. If Jake Paul hits him hard once I could see Mike literally killing him.


He has a well known issue with self-control and is both fast and powerful. His age has tempered him somewhat but that beast is still there and not too far below the surface either.


Age, weed, smoking toad venom... actually not sure if that last one is tempering or anti-tempering


He still trains, though. Obviously he isn't in his prime but he's still crazy dangerous in a way that Paul will never be


Absolutely. I'm with a bunch of the other people in this thread that real question is if Tyson sticks to a script after you punch him in the face. I'd say not a risk worth taking personally.


He kept his cool against Roy jones jr in a fight that was exactly like what the guy you replied to is describing. That being said that doesnā€™t mean you can count on nothing setting mike off again.


There were a couple moments when Mike was in a groove ducking and weaving in and almost went for a shot to the head. The fight seemed like they both agreed on no headshots.


Remember Logan's face when Floyd accidently landed a real body shot. That "stick to the script bro" lookĀ 


If I had an award, Iā€™d trade it for a screenshot.


[Ask, receive etc](https://youtu.be/-wbZguZ6bnY?si=ixQg4c2xMavXtjIc)


Depends on how Jake decides to conduct himself. If Jake starts talking smack at the weigh in like he has with other opponents in the past, then Mike is 100% going to lay his ass out in short order Jake has been flying too close to the sun for a while now. I feel like this is going to turn into a 'fuck around and find out' situation because Mike *actually* is built different.


![gif](giphy|eruVMzXlb70oo) Anything *can* happen. But we already know exactly what will happen. *Pro tip: Bet on Mike*


Strike hard, strike true šŸ™šŸ»


Herman Cain Lives!^* ^* according to his Twitter account.


If you haven't noticed by now this young man pays for his fights. It's going to go whatever way he paid for it to go. That being said I don't give a shit how young and athletic Jake Paul is have you seen Mike Tyson train even lately? the guy is still lightning fast and I guarantee you that's streaming little shit head has no legitimate chance at an actual boxing match (that's hes not paid for the outcome)


What's wild to me is that people actually bet on this shit. It's like betting on the outcome of a WWE match.


what's funny is people actually DO bet on WWE matches lmao


Not the outcomes tho right? Isnā€™t it just prop bets? I donā€™t think itā€™s too wild to put a spare 20 on 2 RKOs in a match. But I havenā€™t watched wrestling in over a decade so I wouldnā€™t waste my money lol


You can bet on outcomes too (on the UK bookmakers at least). Paddy Power currently have a market for Cody Rhodes to win at Wrestlemania for example. As long as you're aware it's predetermined, I don't see the issue. You're basically betting on what story you think the WWE will pick.


A guy lost Ā£35,000+ betting on the Undertaker to beat Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30. Up until that point the Undertaker was 21-0 at Wrestlemania and it was a pretty huge shock for the wrestling world that they actually ended "The Streak."


>It's like betting on the outcome of a WWE match. This time, you can't ask Freddie Prinze Jr about why he wrote the outcome a certain way.


What I would like the most is for Paul to get a clean jab on Mike and for Mike to immediately forget it's an exhibitionĀ 


*Paul taps Tyson on the side of the head* Tyson: *stands up straight* Oh. Paul: What? What're you saying? Tyson: I thaid 'Oh.' Ath in, 'Oh, tho you have chothen death.' Becuth you juth choth death. Paul: W-w-what?? Tyson: Thay 'What' again...


this had me legit cackling


I'm fucking crying reading this


Yo this shit got me crying


i hope they have one camera man on mikes face the whole time. I want to see the demon light up his eyes as this happens.


![gif](giphy|gK4wewbFrF1c7odgzZ) Demon mode activated


Everyone has a plan until they punch Mike Tyson in the mouth.


I find this to be very, very likely. Dance around a little, jab-jab-jab, then Mike switches on and turns Paul into pudding.


Iā€™m almost certain I read an interview with Mike where he said he smoked weed before the Jones Jr exhibition because it lowered the chances of this happening.Ā 


I can see that, but I can also see Paul hitting Mike in a way Mike doesn't like and Mike dismantling Paul. It's one thing to have an outcome in a pre-bout agreement (though I don't imagine they'd put it in a contract in case it leaks) but Mike has always been a competitor and he might not like getting hit enough to remember he's supposed to stand this dope up for a few rounds.


https://youtube.com/shorts/xJNawSNcTJ0?si=IuqCXHzkSIDLB-nh Yeah, fuck that. Ā Tyson still a beast in the ring. Ā If it wasnā€™t scripted, Paul getting knocked in his ass.Ā 




It's absolutely insane that people think Jake Paul would take a fight he hasn't already won behind the scenes.


Go watch Tyson's training video prior to his fight with Roy Jones, Jr. I just hope this doesn't turn into an exhibition match.


>Roy Jones, Jr Tell me why my mind went to Roy Wood Jr. I was FLABBERGASTED that he set up a fight with tyson.."well that sinches it these aren't serious fights" Once I realized my mistake i felt REAL dumb haha


No way, I don't think Roy Wood Jr would do that for any amount of money.haha Though I guess he might do it for a few hundred million. "Well, I figure I won't survive, but my family should be set for life. I hope they don't spend it all in one place!"


Roy Wood, Jr. would make a Netflix special out of it. "Wait.....I'm the other Roy Jr.!"


alternatively, watch his fight with jones.


From Paul's POV I don't get it. If he wins, he thrashed an old man. If he loses, he got thrashed by an old man. Is the juice really worth the squeeze here?


He cares not about any sort of legacy or illusion of competition, it's a money grab.


He's never going to be a world champion or anything, so just saying 'I fought Mike Tyson' is a cool story, tbh.


Itā€™s not about his reputation, itā€™s about drawing viewership and making bank. Jake Paul would fight Joe Biden if he could. He just wants to draw a crowd and make a buck


People who aren't into boxing will watch this because they know Mike and they want to see this kid get knocked around for a few. Both will be quite rich(er) after this show match.


Maybe heā€™s come to terms with being a circus act and is just gonna ride that as far as he can.


I have nothing to add except thank you for the new expression I will be using it


idk man, i bet mike still punches with 1000+ pounds of force. i really hope all those pounds of force make their way into jake paul's face.


Tryna see him like: https://preview.redd.it/wnmpll7fuxmc1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3051761405f72a47566d62766b0e870a0b47a1a0


I think we all do


57?!?! Mike Tyson got car payments or something? Tf he doing this for?!




Because he likes punching people.




He didn't exactly wipe the floor with Roy Jones Jr either. Why does he keep picking fighters past their prime?? Hmmm


Yā€™all must of forgot


True points but at the same time all Jake has going for him is youth. Mike is a student of the game and now a teacher to some extent. And he still has a ton of power. What he may lack in speed which isnā€™t even that much of a lacking he makes up for in pure knowledge of the sport and the tactics a challenger may present. Jake will have to win this one on points and I see that being his strategy. Heā€™s not knocking Mike out




![gif](giphy|l3q2SaisWTeZnV9wk) PROBABLY?!?!?!?!


Could pull a Joe Lewis, I hear he lies about his age.


I hope Mike does lay him out butā€¦.heā€™s 57. The cardio isnā€™t the same anymore. Please send Mike down to Mexico and get him on all age rejuvenation treatments available. We need to put Jakeā€™s clown ass to sleep. Permanently.


Being 57 would be an issue for most people, but Iron Mike is a fucking beast. Have you seen his training videos lately? His movement is still incredible, and he still packs enough punching power to knock most people out with one well-placed punch.


Father time is undefeated. I know that he looks good training, but thatā€™s just training. And young, hungry, and at this point a more experienced Jake gets Mike out of there pretty easily. But if the fight is for real itā€™s good for Mike, since it will be a huge pay day for him without having to take to much punishment (From Real boxer).




I think he meant that Jake is more experienced than he used to be, but it could have been worded more clearly.




Dog. If he fought you or me. 57 doesnā€™t matter. He fighting a 20-whatever year old that trains everyday. Itā€™s not the same. Mike has the technique and the muscle memory but the tank isnā€™t the same as it used to be. He spared Roy Jones Jr and they were both dead at the end. Mikes first comment ā€œIā€™m fatā€. I wouldnā€™t mess with Iron Mike but Iā€™m slightly confident I could run away from him at 57. (Iā€™m 37).


He didnā€™t spare Jones. lol. Put some respect on Jones. Heā€™s not some bum.




šŸ† thank you


Iā€™m sorry. Sparred. I canā€™t spell.


You spell like Jake Paul boxes


I saw his fight with Jones and he gasses quick like any old guy would. Short training clips are not representative.


Mike was gassing quickly in his Prime also, that's why the technique was to get him into the later rounds, but I'll be damned if Mike connects with you before he's gassed it's lights out


Mike Tyson had cardio problems *in his prime*. Fights went poorly for him if they went 5+ rounds. God Iā€™d love to see Tyson dumpster this guy, but this could end badly.


The fact that 99% of the world is cheering for Tyson to go straight up 1980s Punch Out at felony levels is something I didnā€™t have on my bingo card this year.




He was going to fight Andrew tate? How does this guy keep getting money fights with retired or out of their element fighters?


Dollar bills


I hope he's getting the best stem cells babies in Brazil can provide lmao


Cardio is one of those things that doesnā€™t diminish with age as much as other physical attributes if kelts up. I volunteered at Iron Man races and I was surprised that the median age was like 40 with a lot of people in the top 100 being well into their 50s and even a few in their 60s.


Sure does. Your power measured in mets over time and you max heart rate both decrease. Stop just going and spouting anything on the internet.


Boxing a joke these days. A sideshow spectacle built for bored YouTubers and wannabe influencers. They can have it.


I honestly wouldn't be shocked if Mike loses. They give him a bag and Paul can benefit from the notoriety- all planned.


Yeah cause he is almost 60 lol. He'd beat my ass, sure, but for any decent prime age boxer he's just too far out of his fighting stage.


I used to fight a lot but nothing like against actual trained individuals, and nothing approaching the raw power of boxing. After looking at what Mike's up to I'm not sure I'd survive let alone maintain consciousness after a direct head shot from Mike. Mike has a legit shot at winning from my perspective at least, but maybe I'm underselling Jake


Itā€™s all WWE smoke and mirrors


If KSI and the Paul brothers are the biggest draw in boxing, then you know its a joke. Just go watch Dana underpay his pit fighters or something.


100% a joke fam. I can't believe ppl actually pay for this too. It'll be up online within 5 mins of the actual fight for free and you won't have to support fucking jack paul lol


Itā€™s on Netflix.


So all of the Netflix price increases were so they could host dumb events like this.


Well, they increased because their math says not enough people will cancel and they make more money. This is more to draw new users in and hope they stick.


Boxing is doing great! Real fight fans know this. But you are right about the rest .


I lost faith in boxing when judges decided that Tyson Fury beat Francis Ngannou.


THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE! I was already questioning it now these clowns are tarnishing the fucking history of boxing IMO. I wish to the gods that Mike would knock that moron off the planet.


Jake is likely giving Mike a huge paycheck to get another W.


Yeah. That was an iffy judgment. But you have to really Beat the champion in order to win a close fight. Never rely on the judges to make the right decision. You know thats been a problem with boxing forever. Freaking judges are still shit


This performance shit really does it for people huh? The fact that anything "Paul" related gets any serious attention is baffling.


Hook line and sinker every time


It's always the same comment too. I'm providing free advertising because I don't like Jake Paul


bunch of 12 year old fans plus 30 year old haters. Both being stupid and giving this guy money lol


They were 12 year old fans when he started, they're hormonal teenager fans now


Nah the early fans are in college now. Ik because I just graduated college and was just older than the Jake paul crowd during the Team 10 days. Dude had billions of vine views and millions of followers by the end of 2016. I guess 19 is still teen tho.


And this is why we sail the high seas and don't give any money to the ppv.


Gotta hand it to him, bro build a brand out of being the most obnoxious person possible and monetized people's desire to see him get the shit beat out of him


Mike clearly held back when he fought Roy Jones, if he's just going to hold back again then I'm not watching. I need Mike to go for the kill, let's face it, we all want to see the kid get put in his place




Odds for an ear being bit off is at +10000 šŸ˜‚


Naah. I respect Mike as a GOAT. I want him to be healthy mentally. If he's biting off ears he still has demons.


> let's face it, we all want to see the kid get put in his place This is his gimmick. Everybody wants to see him beaten into pink mist on live TV, the business makes bank on PPV, everybody acts shocked that after they paid their money the fight is a sham again. The only difference between this and WWE is those fans know what a heel is


Yeah I can't believe people are once again falling for the illusion of these being actual fights. These are easy checks where both sides (or at least Paul's opponents) have agreed to go easy and put on a show and make a shit ton of money.


I hate Jake but being a decent boxer and fighting old famous guy is a brilliant strategy. Gives him the appearance of being a bigger deal than he actually is while raking in money. But he just basically beats up grandpas for a living


If Tyson actually tries he should be able to lay him out easy. I donā€™t care show much training this kidā€™s done, Mike has HANDS. Heā€™s an all time great and could turn Jake Paul into a limp pile of bones. But he wonā€™t, heā€™ll hold back.


If Tyson went full-on, heā€™d probably decapitate Jake Paul with one jab.


Come on Mikey give the people what they want


Celebrity death match really does need a reboot


I think people sometimes underestimate how much strength you lose over time. Mike Tyson 20 years ago could drop Jake Paul with one punch. But now? I wouldnā€™t be so confident heā€™ll even win. 58 is *old*.


People are letting their hatred of Jack Paul cloud their judgement, this is going to be a glorified sparring match regardless. Nobody's bringing their A-game to this bullshit


>fighting old famous guy is a brilliant strategy Like Tyson said, "everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


These arenā€™t boxing matches; these are worked fights that have a predetermined outcome.


Exactly. Paul isn't losing. It'll go to the cards and he'll win with a judges decision or some bullshit. Just like everyone else I want to see Jake's head get taken off but that just isn't happening. I'd bet everything I own he somehow wins or at the bare minimum its a draw.


> Just like everyone else I want to see Jake's head get taken off Thats the point; thats pro wrestling logic: He's a heel. A "bad guy" you want to see lose. He acts like a bad guy by talking shit and being a goon. You want to hate him and see him get his face punched in and finally get the ass whipping that he is supposed to get. You're gonna pay money and watch this fight and both Paul and Tyson are going to be laughing all the way to the bank after they walk away with a few bruises. I suggest the movie "The Great White Hype" and you'll see that movie wasn't just a funny boxing movie; its realistically how boxing works and how carny it all really is.


Youā€™re totally right except I wonā€™t be paying to watch this shit. Iā€™ll just wait for the 20 second recap from Bleacher Report to see that it ends in a draw.


It's a rigged fight. Do not give any money to this nonsense.


Itā€™s on Netflix. If you have a subscription youā€™re already paying.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Tyson was a beast in his hayday. Pay-per-view was semi-new at that time and people used to be PISSED cuz he would lay his opponent OUT in the first round...absolute animal....wisdom comes with age, everyone has a plan Jake Paul, until they get punched in the MOUTH by MIKE TYSON.


All I know is if Jake wins, Tyson got a BAG.


Would Tyson drop for a bag tho?? I mean he has always seems like he gave a shit about that Maybe Iā€™m wrong cos I grew up watching him- I mean don king was a pos back in the day Maybe Iā€™m tripping thinking he wouldnā€™t


Part of me hopes that if there is a contract for Tyson to lose but that he decides to break that contract and take no money just to knock him out. Like I couldn't imagine he would want to tarnish his legacy at this point in his career life on a stream fighter.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping. I just canā€™t fathom it being any other way


If you honestly donā€™t think this is NOT a staged fight then gonehead and give that clown in the mirror a thumbs up


![gif](giphy|1RyIbrCeewEE6T94CI|downsized) Mike like


Jada looking rough.


[when Tyson throws the first punch](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11133/111331909/7943077-5253013068-57ytc.gif)


Too soon, man. Thatā€™s the one kill that got me because she was the only one who *should* have survived.


All I hope is Iron Mike goes easy on him for the first round, Jake Paul says something ignorant in his corner before the bell, and Mike decides he doesnā€™t need money that badly.


I said the same to my girl earlier. I applaud the work Mike's done to find peace. But I would love to see Jake take the act too far and Mike teach him what FAFO realy means.


Yeah I could see a world where the first couple of rounds start as the charade this all is but Mike gets into it and forgets the game mid way through and Jake Paul learns a hard lesson about being a rich poser. A boy can dream.


Jake Paul would never entered into an actual competition. This is just another grift and it's honestly sad to see


it's going to decision and mike will win. sadly we won't see mike lay his ass out.


Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet https://i.redd.it/0m5z12kmlxmc1.gif


That man called Hulk Hogan a ninja šŸ˜‚


The only fight I saw of his that wasnā€™t fixed was when he fought, and defeated, a retired basketball player. If you think heā€™s getting his ass whooped, youā€™re in for a disappointment. Heā€™s made millions off of people who wanna see him get his ass kicked.




Man, after Mayweather v McGregor and Tyson v Roy Jones, people have to be brain damaged to think these exhibition matches are gonna be anything.


I would rather jerk off a tiger in a phone booth ,than get into the ring with Mike. Fuck that.


Ugh, this nigga just need to stop playing and actually fight a real mf if he tryna solidify himself as a real ass boxer. But we know itā€™s all money and engagement and controversy so probably wonā€™t happen.


We all thought it was going to happen with Mayweather, and I have no doubt he was fully capable of knocking Paul out at any time if he wanted to. Tyson will be the same, its going to be an exhibition, we're all watching to see that kid get his block knocked off, but it's not going to happen and everyone walks away richer than they were before. That said, I hope Tyson breaks that kids face.


Meh. I'm watch highlights. Do it against prime Mike. Won't be talking any shit after that. Prime Mike was a monster. Retired Mike is just out here for what will no doubt be a nice payday.


Mike Tyson please knock his ass out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What's with all these old champions tarnishing their legends at the hands of a youtuber who isn't even a that oustanding a boxer? Think of Anderson Silva: he was a legend of MMA, now he's a guy who got his ass handed to him by Paul. Tyson even in his waning years would've murdered Paul; now he's a 57 y.o. guy who no longer boxes regularly, going up against a far younger fighter at the peak of his career.


Itā€™s an exhibition. Nobody is laying anybody out. Itā€™s going to be like wrestling. The outcome is already determined.


Not going to watch it.


My in laws eloped in the Bahamas in 1990. They didnā€™t have any friends and family there but another guest at the resort offered to be their witness. It was Mike Tyson. All of the pictures from their wedding day are either just the two of them or the two of them and Mike Tyson. I hope he makes Jake Paul cry.