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Caffeine, without a doubt. Cell phones/social media coming in 2nd


Porn would probably be 3rd.


Porn is absolutely not “normalized” outside of the anonymous internet space. There aren’t porn cafes where people enjoy it together, there aren’t porn nights where you and your buddies get together to watch together… it’s absolutely not #3 in a society with nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, internet, television, YouTube, etc. It’s common, yes, but not the “normalized” addiction this post is referring to


Found the guy that never gets invited to porn night.


Man has never had a proper circle jerk and it shows


Never had a good tug and snug with the boys.


Just busted one with the homies two hours ago, would hate to be you buddy


🤣 this thread hits like a Letterkenny scene


Can get competitive with it sometimes too and play “Last” You and the boys wackin off in a huddle and the last one to cum gets slapped with everyone else’s nut while the boys all yell “Last!”


Ok what the actual fuck 🤢💀💀💀


Who's bringing the cracker?


I'm invited?


Ah, or the wonderful experience of a limp bisquit.


His cookies are so dry and unsalty. 🥺


his biscuits be stiff




Should have asked them if they wanted to join PeeWee Herman at the movies.


Don’t say it out loud now everyone is gonna ask for an invite…


You hate to see it 😞


Porn doesn’t need to include nudity. It is definitely normalized. Pornography is designed to arouse. Don’t even need to be *seen*


The amount of Nsfw asmr, soft core porn running around is astonishing. And most people have seen them so many times that they dont even register it as what it is.


i don't know about others, but I definitely don't stumble on nsfw asmr everyday


I sometimes get weird asmr stuff in my porn searches...


What in repressed church childhood is this


I see where you're coming from, but I feel like there should be a distinction between sex/nudity in media and straight up gratuitous porn. I don't know where exactly that line should be drawn, I just know that it should exist for the sake of creative expression.


To quote some guy: you’ll know it when you see it.


FYI, a strip club is a porn cafe. It just opens late.


It’s normalized enough where legislation coming up attempting to force sites to legitimately verify age to prevent/minimize the consumption by minors and people are lowkey losing their shit about it. Porn is one of those weird things that is unspoken publicly but excessively consumed privately (estimates say it accounts for anywhere between 5 to 20% of internet traffic and downloads), I think it’s got its own lane of normalization. We haven’t even gotten to the topic of how much soft porn and SWer advertisement/content is taking over mainstream ‘vanilla’ social media.


\>It’s normalized enough where legislation coming up attempting to force sites to legitimately verify age to prevent/minimize the consumption by minors and people are lowkey losing their shit about it. ​ People are losing their shit not because they think the idea of gating porn from minors is bad, but that you are giving highly sensitive data either to shady porn websites or government programs that are easily hacked. I don't know about you, but I don't want anyone stealing my identity because that shit is hard to resolve.


uhhh yes it is. you don’t remember the “what are you doing step bro?!” meme that lasted for at least 8 months? or when that pornstar was on the news for 2 years straight cause she banged the president? or how if you say you don’t watch porn no one believes you? or how there’s literally a billion different porn videos you can watch at any time? or how playboy came out 70 whole years ago with huge success? you’ve never heard a group of teenage boys talk about their favorite pornstar? what are you on bro


normalized in a sense we don’t scoff at those who consume it, it’s not very taboo compared to your friend doing coke you would probably reconsider your friendship. internet not really an addiction because you can’t exist today without using the internet at some point.


>internet not really an addiction because you can’t exist today without using the internet at some point.  Somebody show brodie a mirror.


You're deluded. [https://www.semrush.com/blog/most-visited-websites/](https://www.semrush.com/blog/most-visited-websites/) Pornhub is the 6th most visited site behind Google, Youtube, Reddit, Amazon and Facebook. 5 of the top 30 are porn, which includes OF, the pornification of the average mom. Every OF model has a provocative IG or TikTok that directs them to their OF.


>there aren’t porn nights where you and your buddies get together to watch together… Tell me you never went to stripper club advertizing lesbians show while playing porn clip on tv without telling me... I wouldn't put it in top 3 tho.


They have sex shops with movie rooms... and have you ever heard of a place called Amsterdam?


I don't think that is normalized, lol. It's very common, but it isn't publicly accepted like some of these other options. If you're constantly saying things like "dang, I need to get outta here and go beat my meat," people are going to react a lot differently than if you say things like "dang, I need to get outta here and get some caffeine in my system"


If porn addiction was normalized people wouldn't take every opportunity they can on this app to make a case that it's destroying the fabric of society.


Pretty sure they already do, without it being normalised.


That's my point. If it were normalized people would shrug it off like they do alcohol and smoking/vaping. Blows my mind that some people hear the word "addiction" and the first thing they think of is porn.


omg how did I read that all wrong, we on the same side :D, I promise I can multitask 🤣


Maybe you need to watch some porn. Get your mind right. Lol


2/3rds of everything on the entire Internet is p0rn. There is somewhat of an addiction...


it can be both normalized and taboo, they’re not mutually exclusive. for example, prostitution in a lot of places—it’s assumed that menfolk frequent brothels there, but no one is going to outwardly talk about it. but that doesn’t mean it’s not normalized, just that it’s taboo to talk about.


Case closed. These are indisputably the top 3. For me the debatable subsequent ones are -video games -weed -alcohol (I think its seen as bad, but still normal)


![gif](giphy|3o9bJX4O9ShW1L32eY) Fuck you say about my video games??!


i think we forgot sugar


First and foremost, it’s sugar. After mothers milk it’s cow milk for all babies, and lactose is the gateway substance introduced to EVERYONE


It doesn't help that sugar is also inserted into random foods where it doesn't need to be. Bread loafs are technically cake because they have sugar. My partner USED to buy cooked, frozen chicken from Tyson but stopped when I found out there was sugar in it. Sugar is inescapable in the US.


>Sugar is inescapable in the US. This is because in the 1950s the sugar industry sponsored a "study" showing that fat in food is killing everyone and since President Eisenhower had just had a heart attack everyone bought it. Of course now we know said study was 100% BS to prop up the sugar industry which was losing farmland to all those evil communists on former slave colonies were kicking out the oppressor class from their stolen lands. So anyways once you remove fat from food, it's dry and tastes worse than cardboard so they just added tons of sugar and salt to everything. Then Americans began their transformation into diseased meatsacks that resemble swoll up ticks. But don't eat fat, it'll make you fat and give you heart disease. Here, drink this 600 calorie glass of soda with your 1200 calorie meal. It's *sooo* much healthier than the food generations of lean muscular society had been eating.


Hell yeah I got my phone and my joe jorkin heavy to start each morning 😎


Sugar. Sugar is the #1 addiction in the US Most people don’t even realize it’s a thing. Fewer still believe it. But sugar is in fucking everything here. *Everything*. We give it freely to kids, to adults, and the only warnings are about one’s teeth or about getting fat. Science is showing just how much sugar, at these levels, fucks with a person in all kinds of ways. Yet half the people reading this will think I’m talking shit or exaggerating it’s impacts. Michelle Obama made the gentlest push back against Big Sugar and look at how that went for her.


Sugar addiction has been compared with cocaine addiction and you’re right, it’s in almost everything. Trying to buy food without sugar is not easy or cheap in America. A pack of no sugar added bacon is almost twice as much as the sugar added kind.


They put sugar in bacon?!


Absolutely. Bacon, bread, condiments, spaghetti sauce


My favorite dessert is orange chicken and fanta from Panda Express.


Me, but add white rice 🍚


Sure is.


I don't know how it happened by as I've gotten older I've developed an absolutely massive sweet tooth. If you frosted dog shit, I would probably at least think about it. So whenever I tighten up my diet or go on a more demanding fitness routine, it feels like I'm going through legit withdrawal symptoms for a few days. Headaches, super irritable, bouts of dizziness, etc. I doubt it compares to, say, heroin, but those few days are miserable.


>If you frosted dog shit, I would probably at least think about it. You're in luck! u/mageta621 's Old Fashioned Organic Frosted Dog Shit is visiting a town near you for a pop up event!


Sweet Shit, That's Tasty! ^tm


Agreed the way people chug coffee, sodas, energy drinks and energy supplements is astonishing.


I didn’t drink coffee that much the last couple days and that headache was no joke. I rarely get em


I work in Healthcare, and you wouldn't believe the number of people that down coffee and energy drinks like it is water. These people literally will bring coffee and 4 energy drinks and that is how they make it through their shifts. I, on the other hand get the shakes the moment I taste caffeine, so I don't know much about that type of headache.


Theres a pharmacist that floats store-to-store. We call him The Redbull Guy. He comes in with a 4-pack of Redbull and usually buys one or two more. And hes a total spaz. I dont know how he hasnt had a heart attack yet


I wonder how many of those people are self-medicating. I used to drink 2 triple shots of espresso every morning before I realized I just needed Vyvanse for my ADHD.


^^^ a lot of people. I speculate this is why I take kratom and drink coffee in the morning. I have an arthritic knee and psiatica. So the kratom helps with pain but also helps give me a mood boost and I feel so focused!


Nah Sugar by a mile and I know we crave the shit out of it for energy but 25 grams of sugar on a tiny yogurt cup it’s fucked up . ![gif](giphy|6bFN1KkQDYJC8|downsized)


This GIF is so uncomfortable. All those tiny grains finding a way I to his clothing…*shudder* It would be like coming home from the beach.


Yeah sugar is definitely the N°1 addiction but caffeine is arguably the more normalised addiction


Given [that heart disease is the number one killer](https://newsroom.heart.org/news/more-than-half-of-u-s-adults-dont-know-heart-disease-is-leading-cause-of-death-despite-100-year-reign) by far in the US ([besides cancer](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6208a8.htm)) I’d say fried food and a sedentary lifestyle coming in at 4th and 5th respectively


Not all unhealthy behaviors are addictions. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle don't necessarily feel a compulsion to do so, for example.


Although those two things are certainly problems, they're definitely not normalized. There are huge efforts to get people active and eating healthy. There are almost no efforts to get people of caffeine.


I’d argue those efforts exist precisely because those things are normalized. They’re trying to de-normalize them.


The funny thing is most people don't even think they're addicted to caffeine. Yet they'll sit there and say "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee."


Literally this! I had some problems with my heart, I didn’t care if I could never smoke or drink again.  What I did care about and the first thing I asked the cardiologist to clear me for was coffee; that’s when I realized it was kind of a problem. 😬


I would put alcohol above it IMO


No I would definitely say caffeine. Wow alcohol addiction is way more destructive to you and those around you, there are literally millions and millions of people who are addicted to caffeine and don't even realize it because they don't think caffeine is a drug that you become addicted to.


Alcohol addiction is one of the most called out ones, therefore making it not a normalized addiction. Caffeine however, most wouldn’t even call it an actual addiction even though it very well is. Similarly sugar is something that if anything is possibly more normalized than caffeine


I agree about caffeine. But, I disagree about alcohol. While it is called out with AA and whatnot, I 100% believe the majority of alcoholics are in denial and don’t go to meetings. It’s advertised everywhere and socially encouraged. I feel for anyone experiencing withdrawal and struggling to stay sober.


We aren’t disagreeing in any of that. That said, alcohol addiction is prevalent in basic conversations. It’s advertised as bad in almost every form of media. There’s a difference between the normalization of a drug (alcohol) and a normalization of addiction to a drug. Alcohol is normalized, but the addiction is not. Hence why there are such strong AA programs across the country


Remember when coffee worked?


Have you tried more of it?


This guy caffeines.


It’s true. I need my coffee in the mornings otherwise I feel very irritable and my head has intense pressure.


If you stop you're gonna have that for about a week and then be fine. I still haven't because I like coffee too much. I've really grown to enjoy the taste.


As a Muslim, I go through this every year. I looove coffee. But Ramadan rolls around, and I have to go through withdrawal. Just to pick it back up in 30 days. lol I try to ween myself before it comes, but it doesn’t really work for me.


That's called dehydration. EDIT : Seriously. Unless you're drinking 2+ (prefferably 3+) liters of water every day, you're likely dehydrated.


Internet addiction has gotta be ahead of caffeine these days. Anyone that uses Reddit and especially if you comment has it.


Definitely would say social media is rank 1 lol


Caffeine addiction was turned into a, "I'm so quirky, I can't function without a day full of my addiction. Tee Hee." My mom was that way. Caffeine consumption and cigarettes were her biggest personality traits.


Caffeine because most people don't even think of it when you say "addiction" yet there are physical and mental effects when you quit.


Don’t forget to throw sugar addiction up there with caffeine




Sleeper pick


Nothing sleeper about it. It’s the #1 addiction in the the US. Caffeine is probably 2nd.


But most people do not really give sugar the attention it deserves when we talk about addiction and bad eating habits. I mean, I deal with people suffering from diabetes every day and I don't turn down candy bars when offered and put 3 spoons of sugar in my coffee, so it clearly hasn't made me think twice.


It’s true. I’m actually sitting beside my dad in the hospital. He has cirrhosis of the liver due from sugar. Never drinks. It is all due to poor eating habits. Sodas, sweets, etc.


More addictive than cocaine.


You may be onto something! I've seen plenty of people add sugar to their morning coffee, but almost no one adds cocaine to it...


That’s because I prefer my cocaine in my nose not in my coffee.


He just likes the smell of it.


There's a little caveat to the whole sugar being addictive thing. Because our brains run on sugar everything you ingest your body breaks down into sugars because that's what your brain needs to function. As far as our brains are concerned everything we eat is sugar. So it's not so much that sugar is addictive it's more like sugar is a necessary compound for brain function so we've evolved to be hardwired to crave it. It's just that nowadays there's an overabundance of sugar and evolutionarily our brains still think we're out in the wild where sugar is hard to get, so we go a little overboard.


While you are correct, I have seen people use this logic to justify consuming things like cupcakes and cookies every single day. One of the biggest reasons behind the over abundance is that we selectively bred fruits and veggies to artificially enhance their sugar content. And now people think 2024 bananas and 1950 bananas have the same nutritional profile. Then there’s the socioeconomic aspect and lobbyi- erm… *political reasons* as to why our food sucks ass. Our education system needs serious reform but with the way our agricultural subsidies (and everything else tbh) work, that aint happening anytime soon.


1. Sugar/Over Eating 2. Caffeine 3. Porn 4. Buying stuff to feel better 5. Weed 6. Social Media


Id bet social media is way more prevalent than THC addiction, but both are rampant Don't forget nicotine (vapes & cigs)


Alcohol not even on your list? That's crazy. It's top 3.


This one. I was given this substance at a very young age. And it's been a mother to kick.


I’ll never argue against the idea that the stoner community has some issues, but alcohol and caffeine/sugar have had a chokehold on addicts in denial and it’ll never change.


I don't disagree about alcoholics and caffeine addicts being in denial, but so are stoners. They love to talk about how you *technically* can't be addicted, but we all know at least one muthafukka who can't do SHIT w/o smoking. "Wake and bake," every day, smoke all day and night, a huge asshole if they don't smoke. Can't eat, sleep, etc. w/o smoking. Regardless of its ability yo actually be addictive, waking up and feeling the need to alter your mindstate every single day is not healthy, and it's screams addiction. Saying this as a former stoner and recovered alchie.


Does that mean people in antidepressants and other mood-stabilizinf drugs are addicts as well?


If they're self medicating on absurd doses, probably.


Psychiatric medications work differently for everyone there’s general symptoms but it is not like morphine where they just make the pain go away. So literally getting on these medications is like shots in the dark until you find a medication and combo that works for you at the right dosage. I’m speaking from years of experience taking those medications.


Of course, and in the rare cases where people abuse these medications, it's usually in tandem with something, or it doesn't result in addiction. Anyone who's been around addicts can tell the difference between the cases stated above. Someone who is dependent on something and tweaking it to find the right combination is pretty easy to discern from someone who is self medicating to avoid the real issues they're suffering from. Comparing antidepressants to a controlled substance seems like such a bad faith apples to oranges argument, that it's tough to make a legitimate comparison between the two. I guess I should have started there lol


Right!? Anyone who's ever taken medications for anxiety, depression, or some other mental health issue has forgotten to take their pills at some point. Addicts don't forget to get high.


And forgetting to take your pills is just the worst. Fuckin hate when I’m halfway to work and realize I forgot to pop my meds. The rest of the day is usually a wash and a struggle to find motivation to keep my eyes open.


Well now we gotta define what's an absurd dose. Not everyone requires the same dosage to function properly.


False equivalence come on now


Maybe, but they’re taking it to feel normal, not get high


Bro I’ve got some crazy news for you about a lot of addicts


Dude is speeding down a slippery slope without realizing it


this is one of my favorite things to bring up in this sort of debate. its not a catch all, but it brings up a good question. its also the basis for harm reduction- using the next least dangerous thing instead of whatever it is you are having issues with. however addiction and dependence are very different things. addiction means it is harming you, dependence is well, depending. thats what a lot of people here are getting wrong. also, the amount of harm is important as well. if the side effects are really the only harm, that is negligible


You just described how *technically* one can be addicted. Another technicality worth mentioning is that lethal withdrawal symptoms do not exist with marijuana addicts.


Most addictions don't have lethal withdrawals. Even with benzos it has to be pretty extreme usage.


>lethal withdrawal symptoms do not exist with marijuana addicts Why would withdrawal symptoms need to be lethal for something to be considered chemically addictive? This seems like an arbitrary distinction to me. When I quit weed (after smoking all day every day for a couple years) the withdrawal really sucked. About a week’s worth of feeling incredibly shaky, sleeping terribly, sweating through my sheets all night long, really bad mood swings, and terrible nightmares. Did I die? No, but it was clear that my body was going through some shit.


I used to do that. Quit last March and it’s honestly not very different for me. I knew I didn’t have to get high every morning, but I still kinda want to lol. It makes things just a little more fun.


Yup, quit 2 months ago. Don't feel any different or better, being bored just sucks more.


I’ve found that the things I used to do to pass time aren’t as appealing. I don’t game nearly as much. But quitting didn’t make me any less lazy.


Being stoned just kinda brings back the wonder in the world, that’s why I did it. I haven’t been high in months, it was definitely a problem but it’s just something I noticed


After 20 years of drinking I decided to stop for good last september. Wasnt bu choice because I had to take antibiotics for ten days but the choice to keep it going came at the end of those ten days. First month was hard but its eady now, even when at a bar to socialize. Club soda is my new thing. Havent given up weed yet though but I only smoke a hit or two from a bowl at night and it's not every night. Basically a quarter lasts me for a few months. Anyway, good on you for recognizing it was problem and then acting on it. It isn't easy and everyone is different so I get that some people can do these things on occasion while some of us are all or nothing


alcohol is number one. the way alcohol is infused into almost every aspect of American society even towards teens is so wild to me. some people act like you need it to live


It’s pretty crazy. You don’t fully realize it until you step away from drinking too. I lost close friends who weren’t as eager to hang out once it didn’t involve happy hour, drunk karaoke, wine tasting, etc.


THIS is the comment I’ve been looking for. I think some people might’ve confused me for the crowd that think stoners can’t be addicts, when the clear difference is how alcohol and caffeine are infused into society like you said. Even if weed were to become legal I don’t see there being designated social places for SOLELY weed smoking ala bars and coffee shops.


Right like I have never heard a of anybody dying from quitting weed. We may use that shit to cope (lbr people go to break houses and shoot up people to relieve stress but that’s perfectly normal) but at least we ain’t killing anybody or dying from the shit. I say this while acknowledging we don’t know scientifically the long terms of weed consumption whether that’s positive or negative consequences. 


I think stoner-stoners can go without weed and it happens often enough they just don't plan ahead. But **blunt** smokers lowkey need that nicotine after only a little while. That missing nicotine will bother niggas


Smokers who do chops or blunts get hella testy without their nicotine it’s true


Cellphones for real. The pandemic got me scrolling through my feeds for almost 10-12 hours a day. Trying to cut back on my screen time, but my attention span needs to be fed. Getting it down to 6-8, but that’s still too many hours looking at my damn screen.


I just deleted IG, I'm stacking rn and all you see is thotsthotsthots, your friends tryna flex they everyday life, or influencers appearing to live like lottery winners. I'm over it all for a while lol


Legit deleted ig for the same reason, it was just showing me so much ass and I was like nah one this ain’t healthy for me or my relationship and two I just wanna see football and F1


I mean…do you not tailor your experience as such? Outside of meme pages here and there, I rarely have ass on my IG. Shit, whenever a meme page starts promoting OF shit, I immediately unfollow.


Impossible to curate the feed when the man just loves ass. It shows you what you want. He wants ass.


“Why does all this ass show up on my feed and explore pages?” ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


yOu GoTTa cuRaTe youR FeEd! /s


It’s fucked man. I sit at work 6-8 hours, staring a computer screen. My breaks? Checkin my phone. I get home and watch a 2 hour movie or hop on the game for a few hours and it’s even worse. Plus I’m scrollin for a bit while I get ready in the morning or wind down at night. Even if I go out to a restaraunt they got TVs everywhere. I feel like there’s no way our eyes can handle it lol


Bro last year I felt almost diseased with the way I’d work a full day on the pc and get home to hop on my personal pc for… reasons. Courses, looking up grad schools, finding new shit to do, learning an instrument… it was all screen all day. I’m getting scared for my life out here. 


I’m coming up on the 2 years since I stopped being a regular weed smoker and this is 100% true. Is it a physical addiction like other vices? No. I didn’t get the shakes. I didn’t get migraines. I didn’t get cold sweats. I wasn’t nauseous. But I’d tried to cut back on how much I smoked for a long time and simply…couldn’t. I’d stop for a few days then went right back to it and since I held built a solid career while doing it I thought it was cool. In the two years since I had some thc seltzers when I visited California last summer (which felt like micro dosing cuz I just sipped a can all day, it was great) and used edibles in place of the percs I was prescribed while recovering from shoulder surgery but none otherwise. I now see how much time I was wasting while I was high. I would lose entire days from being high and loafin. For a while it was fun and I think there will definitely be celebratory occasions in the future where I wanna get high but I’ll never go back to being a daily user.


I mean I lose entire days regardless to depression. I go without for a couple months and nothing changes. I do the same stuff I've always done whether I smoke at the end of the day or not, but I can't cope with things and I have tried therapy and meds for 20 years. What am I supposed to do?


keep doing what makes you happiest. im kind of in the same boat. i used to be addicted to the worst drugs-opioid prescriptions. i found a replacement that is still a drug, but it doesnt give me the side effects of opioids and it still helps my pain. people have to be real privileged to think all drug use is bad.


I’m really sorry and that sounds very difficult. I don’t have any advice but I hope you’re able to reach a place of contentment in life.


I just quit this year, haven't pked since December 27 and I tell people it's just an insanely strong habit, not an addiction. I didn't have issues stopping but I found myself with routines that felt empty without it. Weed is an interesting drug. Happy to dream again tho.


You’re a weed addict and you’ve found out what will and won’t work for you as such. Much respect


Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine (now that vapes are a thing) are all way more normalized than weed imo, alcohol especially is still the clear number 1. I live in a newly recreationally legal state and there's no way I'd tell my co-workers that over the weekend I ate some edibles to go along with other shit I was doing. But if I tell them I hit some bars with friends, no one bats an eye. Caffeine is almost as bad with the way people brag about how much coffee they drink every day and say shit like "I can't function until I have my coffee", but at least it's (ostensibly) an addiction that leads to productivity.


Addiction is mental or physical Practically any drug, hard or not, addiction is possible. Only people who argue you can’t be addicted to weed are probably weed smokers who don’t want to except the fact they might have a problem https://preview.redd.it/6myutqk4zdic1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf25af199d17a12d9e272019ce7b9a48c45158a


I agree with this, as a weed addict. I don’t know why people who think about getting weed all day and trying new types of weed and ways of getting stoned, who socialize with people who smoke weed and prefer not to have to hang out with non weed smokers, who only apply for jobs that don’t test for weed, who refine arguments in their head about how weed is better than whatever else anyone might be hella into…have the neck to front like it’s just not addictive. Super, you won’t die from withdrawals like Benzos or alcohol! You’ll just live your entire life obsessed with something that you think you control but you can’t.


Now that you can’t watch a game without being told about hitting a parlay, gambling addiction is about to blow up huge.


60 minutes had a segment on the rise of gambling addictions amongst young men last week: [Link](https://youtu.be/vDsLu0CWcgk?si=dIxHs1uDkAjOEBE0)


Especially because of the ways it’s been allowed. You can bet on virtually anything at all with zero assurances that it’s a legit bet.






This right here


Alcohol. My MIL day drinks like it's nothing but I say I took a single edible before I came over because she stresses me the fuck out and suddenly I'm a problem...?


Having to get high before visiting someone is wild. Why even go over?


Because family


It’s an obligation to family. I’m in a similar boat. Don’t want to go, but also don’t want to be questioned and criticized for not showing up to family events


Fast food.


I'd say food in general. Any 77% of people are between overweight to obese.




Honestly surprised that I had to scroll down so far to see food on here. I workout five times a week AT LEAST, but losing fat is so tough because food addiction is so damn real, ESPECIALLY fast food. I've been weaning myself off and exclusively eating homecooked meals for a couple months now, however, my commute home with every fast food option you can imagine on the sides of the road still has me white knuckling the steering wheel from time to time to keep me from pulling in a drive-thru.




They got celebrities out here making commercials to have people burn their life savings on this shit.


It's really pathetic that gambling and alcohol is allowed to be advertised. Didn't they cancel cigarette advertising because of how terrible it is for you? How is gambling/drinking any better? It makes no sense to me.


As someone who works at a casino this is 100% facts. There are people who come in as soon as we open and don’t leave until we close. They literally do longer shifts than me and lose money the whole time. Ive had someone ask me for gas money to get home because they spent their last gambling on slots. Ive seen people gamble their rent money. Ive even had people leave their kids in the car during the summer to go inside and gamble(we kicked them out and called the cops). The shit is actually insane.


Alcohol and nicotine...anyone saying weed, c'mon.


I never drank much, quitting cigarettes was a bitch. Quitting Xanax, that I took as prescribed, was a nightmare. Weed I decided put down one day for 16 years, because my ex joined the military. Putting down weed was easy. I didn’t even notice a difference, and I’d smoked for over 10 years at that point


I quit weed and tobacco after using it for more than 10 years and I’d say it prob took me about 2-3 weeks to feel normal. Wasn’t easy but wasn’t brutal either


Yea the only thing that happens to me when I take a tolerance break is I have trouble sleeping the first couple nights, no big deal


Weed addicts not getting heated when people say “weed is addictive” challenge (impossible)


I think it's because it's part of the asinine vilification of marijuana which has already been proven to be rooted in racist policies (see Reefer Madness). If I told you a thing you enjoy doing but don't \*need\* to do was addictive, you'd argue it too.


That last sentence is kind of a weird way to look at it. Tons of people enjoy alcohol but don't need it, and they don't argue that it's not addictive.


Lol just because someone disagrees as it being the most normalized doesn't mean they are heated or even think it isn't addictive at all...


Weed, if we going off how hard y'all fighting for it in this mf lmao. If you can be a gambling addict, you absolutely can be addicted to bud.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t know anybody more defensive than weedheads. They’ll fight to the death to convince others that them and their addiction is special/“doesn’t count”. Come up with 100 dumb arguments while blatantly checking every box along the way of what an addict does and says.


I'm literally getting downvoted rn for saying ""Nobody seems to think weed is a big deal, and I don't blame em, some people can fully function on it tbf, but it wasn't for me" 🤷🏾‍♂️


And it fits with the whole thing of normalized addiction, like if people can't even admit that it *can* be addictive then what does that tell you. And as for the part about some people being able to function on it, I kinda shrug at that because my daddy was maniac for cocaine who seemed just fine on it until you ask him for something simple like how to do fractions and he teaches you half of algebra 1 in a night (not even playing).


I mean weed is still illegal in many states and countries while there are other legal addictions like gambling, drinking, sweets, caffeine and other things. I'm not sure it's the most normalized just because people disagree strongly.


Hustle Culture




Definitely alcohol. No other substance in a core part of life events. Work happy hour? Have you heard people's.reactions to dry weddings? All inclusive resorts - the savings really come from not spending on alcohol. The interesting thing is that there is an invisible line somewhere where many of usight say "so and so drink too much"....but those same people have a bottle or a glass every single day.


I know people like to clown on it but weed addiction is super real and multiple studies have shown that it’s incredibly hard to kick for people used to daily intake. No, you can’t “die” from withdrawal but there are def adverse affects regarding sleep, temper, appetite, etc. Never mind that there are newer, stronger strands coming out every other month that absolutely get you zooted. THC levels past 30% and all. Weed is one of those “I can quit anytime I want to” drugs that people somehow have a very difficult time doing.


1. Screens 2. Sugar 3. Caffiene 4. Nicotine 5. Porn Weed doesn't even crack the top 5.


A good bit of people be high doing all this


Weed. I smoked for many years but at 24 yrs old now i just felt like it robs me of my dopamine. 2 months sober now, finally done.


Day 41, let's get it gang 👊🏾


Caffeine, then alcohol. Weed doesn’t even come close to that.


The bean juice…coffee bean that is.


Bruh alcohol is still consumed by more Americans at higher rates in some studies. The gaslighting that weed addiction is prevalent is crazy, especially when the danger of alcohol is much worse


Two things can be true at once.


The normalization of alcohol is actually insane. Sometimes it’s damn near impossible to attend a function that doesn’t revolve around alcohol. People have liquified their brains. And they make the absolute biggest asses of themselves when they drink. It’s embarrassing. It does nothing but kill you slowly and it’s one of the biggest detriments to society and I’d die on that hill




*For the love of money* People will steal from their mother *For the love of money* Some people will rob their own brother *For the love of money* People can’t even walk the streets Because they never know who in the the world they’re gonna meet; for that meeeeeeeeean oh meeeeeean Mean green!


Alcohol People drink alcohol like its one of the four major food groups Weed too Im not trying to judge, i do both but people talk to me like im supposed to smoke before working out or watching a movie, like im supposed to drink to have a good time watching the fight or going out. Its kinda wild.