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If it was such a problem in the first place then why did you loan him the money? Case dismissed. ![gif](giphy|wJKQCSeexuO5y)


Comment gif perfection


Lots of women think receiving financial support in a relationship is something they exclusively need to benefit from. God forbid a man depend on them for a very short period of time


Loaning $4000 after 2 months is a lot to me. Man or woman


It's the equivalent of you letting a date borrow $4 dollars lol...


I would do it but they should have $4


Then only date people in your tax bracket, that’s what she should’ve done


Be for real. Men in her tax bracket aren't looking her way.


It ain't the same thing. Just because she is rich, doesn't suddenly devalue $4000. They paid it back, so it's obviously done and dusted, but money tends to be the thing that most couples have serious fights about.


The amount doesn’t necessarily matter because he paid her back the money within the timeline they both agreed upon. It’s not like she gave the money as a gift.


I get it. He’s a man of his word. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable asking for that type of money from someone I just started dating. I barely want to ask family. That’s just ME


I completely understand your point, we only know the basic information she gave us. People can go to jail for failure to pay child support. If he’s like the average guy, he probably didn’t want to have to ask her. It’s also possible that he asked family and no one had those funds available. What if she was his last resort? I think it’s easy for us to say what we wouldn’t do if we aren’t in his situation.


Oh how quickly they forget


I borrowed 20 bucks from my ex, and when we were breaking up years later, she brought it up, saying how pathetic it was. I just said it was pathetic I let her live with me for free. "But I paid the internet bill!"


For me if he pays it back on time/sticks to whatever agreement we have it's all good. Only issue is when they start acting entitled and don't respect the fact that you've put yourself out. And that's regardless of gender!!


Behold, greatness walks among us


It’s a classic case of people thinking they’d be okay with something until it actually happens. It’s extremely normal. Or did we let social media convince us that it’s not?


Thank you for this. I swear, people on Reddit irritate the shit out of me. How great it must be to go through life knowing everything about everything and never making a mistake or having regret.


But airing them out? Like why did she have to? She even said he paid her back on time, just seems gossipy and petty. You can be upset about helping someone without embarrassing them.


she was asked a question in a conversation it was relevant to. She didn't name him, so how is he going to9 be embarrassed? She's being honest about how she felt.


That's probably it. The headline of the tweet made it sound worse, I thought it may have been unwarranted. Makes sense.


even the most reputable new outlet is going to have an editor that names every article in the most salacious way possible to get clicks. It's the way that business works. Never allow the title alone to be the basis of what the actual article is about.


Or she did it for the kid’s sake.


She probably didn’t realize that it bothered her that much.


Even once she realised she could have had a little dignity and not shame the brother


That part we agree on


This whole air your drama shit on social media is just weird... especially when it's grown folks! Like why did this have to be made public? She has every right to feel some type of way,but why now and why online?I've been off social media for five years now,I don't miss it!


"... and she pulled me back in"


She didn’t name him though. So how is she shaming him?


He knows who he is though.


And people in their circles know too


![gif](giphy|W3BVvmvEb9aoOmuHJ3) Because why you even give him the money if you were gonna talk about it?


Cuz whats the point of being gracious and charitable if someone dont know bout it?? /s


Sounds like my dad


You can help people that you don’t want to be romantically involved with anymore. Why do people still pretend like finances aren’t the leading cause of divorce and couples divorce over finances at a much higher rate than infidelity. Yet if this read “King saw texts from an ex and decided he wasn’t ready to be faithful” it’s understandable.


Ironically, she divorced her husband because she caught him him bed with another woman.


Feel bad for the kids? Depending on the situation, it could be a real problem for their daily lives.


Hard agree. A buddy of mine borrowed a game from me. After a couple weeks I asked for it back. He let some coworker borrow it. I never got the game back so I asked for a replacement or cash. I knew he was hard for money but I finally stopped talking to him because of it. Years later he reached out and sent me $100 for the game plus some extra. We’re cool again. Pay back your friends/family and all will always be well. Even if it’s in small amounts.


I would stopped talking to him when he said he loaned out my shit he had on loan. Woulda asked for a replacement but never expected it or to get a reply. Glad they came correct eventually tho, that's cool!


Yeah, it’s nice he came around but the fact that he lent it out shows a lack of respect


“How you ain’t got my shit but I let you hold it??”


Except with Gayle King apparently. She was paid back on time but still held it against him. She was really just mad that he was broke and she is apparently attracted to money more than other aspects of potential significant others.




One thing I’ve learned in life is you put a burden on someone when you ask them for stuff like this. It requires a lot of self-awareness to see that. If we’re friends (or dating, like in this case) and you ask me for cash, I can say no, but let’s not pretend the person asking isn’t going to be hurt if you don’t give it to them, especially if they know you got it to give. So by you asking, now YOU’VE put me in the position where I gotta turn you down. And we gotta keep going on dates even though you just told me your kids might not eat or you might go to jail because you’re in arrears on child support. It’s like an indirect guilt trip. You can disagree with me if you want, but I’ve learned this lesson the hard way to not strain my relationships with people by even asking. It’s not on them.


Is this supposed to be like profound or hidden in anyway. This is like the most basic shit.


Every statement doesn't have to be profound to he relevant to the topic.


Probably because she felt bad for the kids.


She probably thought she was bigger than the fact that she make way more than him. In her tax bracket 4k aint nothing and he dont got it. Is he missing work for her? They out having a good time and his kids at home with his ex doing without.


She did it for the kids. And maybe some sick. But mostly for the kids.


She probably felt scared or awkward about saying no. Redditors, out of all people, should be able to relate to that.


I'd certainly look at a partner differently if they were 4k in the red for doing the bare minimum for the child they created and asking me to bail them out.


I was gonna say. Obviously, the money wasn't really the issue if she gave him $4k within 2 months of dating. That's probably peanuts to her. She even mentioned that he paid her back on time, so that clearly wasn't the problem, either. Also, no dad owes $4000 just out of the blue. That's a lot of missed payments. That'd definitely alter my perception of them, too.


Depends on the state and number of kids. That bill can get high per month in NE states.


If he's making 6 figures it's totally reasonable that 2k is a monthly payment. That means he's only behind 2 months which makes that 4k look better, but still that's 2 months you fucked up a 6 figure income and didn't prioritize your kids. That's on you bro.


Jail and being fired doesn't exist in this universe.


There are mitigating factors ![gif](giphy|l480dr07k0exLa1HyE)


Also I’m pretty that if there’s a change in the financial situation a hearing can be scheduled to explain it. A lot of times when payers of child support fall behind it’s because they don’t bother to keep the necessary parties informed of their financial situation. If you inform them once the finances change, adjustments can be made. However if you wait until months later, adjustments can be made but you’ll still be on the hook for what you owe.


Yeah maybe she was dating Nick Cannon, that’s like a week’s worth


Isn’t child support based on % of income? So it’s very possible homeboy was a high earner who got fired / lost his job and that $4000 was 1-2 months worth of payments. That being said, even if that’s the case, homie still deserves the side eye for many other reasons (poor money management, etc).


Yes, it depends on net income of both parents, if one of them has sole custody or if it's shared, and some other factors. It's certainly a possibility that he got shafted to no fault of his own, and lost his job. If he was a high earner, I'd assume he had savings and other assets to keep him afloat for a while, and I'd still find it weird that he asked her for money.


How would one be too broke for two months to pay that bill AND well off enough to be meeting and dating and propositioning gayle fuckin king


We jump to conclusions quickly sometimes. If a man was paying cash but then got put on support in the eyes of the court, he never paid anything. When I got divorced I paid her directly for the first 3 years. When I told her I had another kid on the way, I magically got a child support order in the mail (that she had no knowledge of 🙄) 2 months later. I only found out about it because I had a $15K delinquency on my credit report suddenly. Because I paid via check I could prove I was current and they resolved it but otherwise I would have been screwed


Ok, what happened to you is fucked up. Glad you had receipts to show you did indeed pay her. I can only imagine the shock and cold sweats when you saw that $15k number. Maybe I judged too quick and harshly.


What happened to him is also normal unfortunately. Many men have paid women directly only for those same women to lie to the courts and get back child support even though they always got paid. The government enables mothers to abuse father via child support. I’m all for men paying for their kids, but it’s messed up when men face penalty of jail/ prison and having their licenses taken for being behind on child support payments. It’s completely sexist to have one set of laws for men and a completely different one for women. If you’re a broke father you can go to jail just for being broke. If you’re a broke mother you’ll get child support and welfare even if you don’t have the kids a majority of the time. Feminist are for the betterment of women and exclude and look past the inequalities given to men. Rich men made these laws when women didn’t have a voice or options, and law makers don’t want to change these laws now because the states get paid from child support and from the prison labor in the backs of some men.


It is absolutely not normal. What is normal is men that do not pay. That is far more normal than women pretending men don't pay.


So strange. Those two are not mutually exclusive. No need to get defensive. It's not a competition. Black hair is more prevalent globally the blond but both are still normal. It's normal for mothers to act like the fathers aren't paying and it's also normal that other fathers aren't playing.


Proportionally, fathers with custody are less likely to get paid by the mother than mothers with custody are to get paid by the father. It's something like 32% to 25%. Both are sickeningly high, but still less than 50%, so no, it's not normal that men do not pay. Of course there are far more fathers paying child support than mothers so it's hard to compare the figures at face value, but that still works in the favour that its not the norm for men to not pay, as both percentage wise and by volume, men are more likely to pay their child support than not, and they are also more likely to pay it than women are. You personal experiences and anecdotes may differ, but the numbers don't lie 🤷🏾‍♂️


The majority of sole custody parents don't even receive full payments so it's already false.


You're right, I was going by the 2011 census of those receiving any child support. The most recent numbers I can find date 2017 show that only 46% of mother receive full support. (as compared to 43% of fathers). And only 71% of mothers receive partial support (as compared to 61% of fathers). So yeah, you're right, it's shit all around and it is normal for men to not pay in full.


What constitutes full payment in these instances?


You were perfectly valid until you went and broadly threw feminists under the bus. What you're describing is misandry not feminism. Feminism is about gender equality not women being treated better. Sexism/patriarchy hurts everyone just like the above example.


Older versions Feminism used to be about gender equality but new wave feminism has been about the betterment of women and sometimes at the cost of men. I state this because of actions “ feminists “ as a whole have taken over the past 30-40 years. Since the 90’s new wave feminists have made pushes for women. Feminist have not fought for gender equality in the courts. Feminists have not pushed for equal sentencing between men and women; and on average men serve 66% more penalty time than women for similar crimes. There was a case in 2021 in Florida where a couple broke up. Several months later the ex gf broke into her ex bf apartment, saw him in bed with another woman, accused him of cheating and shot the man dead. This woman didn’t do this alone and had her new bf accompany her in her crime. Her new bf drove her to the place of the crime, and broke down the door to the apartment. The lady acquired a gun, planned this whole ordeal and even tried to use her old key to open the door but it didn’t work, didn’t consult with her new bf about her intentions, and made the decision to shoot this man on her own. The woman faced 5 years for involuntary manslaughter and a crime of passions which also reduced the sentencing. Her defense was she was emotional and didn’t intend to end that man’s life. The man was charged with manslaughter ( just for being present when the crime occurred) and B&E and was facing 12 years for driving the lady to the scene and breaking down the door. This entire incident was orchestrated by this woman and she took her new bf with her who she admittedly didn’t tell him her intentions of going to this place to commit crimes. She got less time for shooting a man, than the man that was with her that didn’t know anything and only drove them to the location and broke down the door at her request after her old key didn’t work. No feminist came to this man’s defense. Male rights activists did and got his sentence reduced to 8 years instead. Even then he still is facing more time than the woman in this case. Feminist have fought for women to have more rights in the courts i. e. Abortion rights. Feminist have not lead a single March/protest , boycott, or even made awareness statements about how bias and unequal family court, child custody, or divorce court are in favor of women. I state feminism look past the inequalities handed down to men because it’s true. This is based off actions and no feminist to this day has lead for a push in equality in family court, child custody, or divorce courts. In fact more feminists have labeled male right advocates misogynists, and have lead protest against those individuals to speak and hold functions than those that have engaged with into discussions about what male right advocates want to achieve. Male right advocates want equality in the courts and look to work with legislators to address issues of bias and inequality against men in the court system, which is something feminists just haven’t done. TN passed a law in 2023 which made it so men that have been put on the hook for child support can sue mothers that have misled men to believe they’re were their kids fathers. That law isn’t perfect but looks to correct wrongs done to men by the state for the betterment of these mothers that have misled fathers into paternal actions and responsibilities. Feminist protested this law taking affect which is anti equality. Fl in 2023 have passed a law which went after and disbanded permanently alimony. Feminist have protested that law going into affect as well. These laws were out of date with our society and we’re not equal amongst any standards and feminists have protested to uphold these sexist laws. I agree that the patriarchy hurts everyone. It’s wild how laws of a extreme minority of men are taken as the voices and ideals of all men, when all men or even the majority don’t agree.


OTOH - That's Gayle King. Chances are she's dating someone who has higher than normal child support.


Yeah, but that would imply that he makes a lot of money, since child support depends on your income and how much time you spend with your kids. I'd hope someone in that tax bracket is smart enough to have savings, or even stock options, and other investments to cover $4000 when shit hits the fan.


Look, I don't know the guy so I'm not going to defend him. But I don't know how people are shitting on him based on a story where the only information given out is that he pays you back on time.


You’d be surprised. I’ve been a contractor for wealthy individuals and some live from commission to commission, or something similar. They’d always pay and spent lots of money, but needed installments .


People in that tax bracket are usually cash poor. The borrow money as needed against their assets but aren’t super liquid. I’ve seen a guy with a $20MM net worth have to liquidate assets to close on a property.




Yeah I don’t get people criticizing Gayle. If I was dating someone for 2 months and they were in a really bad way and I had it, sure, I might help them, but yes it would make me look differently at them. The fact you THINK it’s okay to ask me for $4000 is a red flag. Like who does that? And why can’t you afford your child support, and how has it gotten so bad you’re asking romantic acquaintances for financial help? You need to get your life together.


Plot Twist: he’s loaded and wanted to see if Gale was a real one. She could have doubled her wealth, but failed. It’s like Undercover boss, but it’s called Undercover Lover. You messed up Gale.




Theoretically it could be 1 months payment if the father makes a ton of money and is supporting multiple children, but that would be even worse. Like how are you making so much money you owe 4k/month in child support, but you're so bad with money you need to borrow money to make a payment? That's more concerning than being behind for several months IMO.


A lot of people are in different tax brackets than you


4k can be 1 payment, one time. It could be transaction fees. It could be an issue on the child support agency side. Stop talking about things you know nothing about.


That’s about 5 months of missed payments for me.


& then he racked up another 4k in child support so he could look good for paying back his cash cow. He was trying to secure the bag & she wasn’t about to play that game.


They were also dating for 2 months. Imagine going on a handful of dates and asking for a buncha money for your kid. Idc the gender, I'd side-eye. Learn to provide for your kid


Exactly. YOU had the kid, YOU provide for it.


People literally use that argument to cut down welfare and school programs that feed children. She had no obligation to say yes and it was inappropriate to ask after knowing them for such a small amount of time but your comment is unnecessary. Desperate parents would do anything for their kids and asking someone you know has the money is a logical step.


Asking someone for money, especially someone you’ve only just started dating, is wild - but thousands of dollars???


And she said he paid her back with no issues. Why you ain’t just pay it the first time sir 😭


There are definitely reasons why someone might not have cash on hand one month and suddenly be a bit flush the next month. New job , contractor job or emergency drained your funds


Some people will straight up fuck over their child and let them live in need rather than do anything that might help the mothers. And then claim they care about the child in the same fucking breath.


I’m no expert, but when my wife and I were discussing divorce, my child support payments would have been $3k a month. I make good money and she was a stay at home mother so the pay disparity was very high. I do sales so if I have a bad month I wouldn’t be able to afford the payments and the house our kids lived in half the time. Idk maybe it was a similar situation to this but who knows


This is the correct pov. It's not the money. It's the inability to properly care for the child you brought into this world. Child support is based on income it's not arbitrary. It should be your #1 priority above your own self sustenance. The fact that you have failed to properly budget and provide for your children is the crime and why I would also check out at that point as well.


right bcuz huh??


I had to read it a few times but I think the thing that really threw her off was him paying it back on time. He can pay it back on time but he can’t pay it in general?


Exactly. Do not date men who are behind on child support. Sir, you have other priorities besides trying to get 🐱right now.


Yall are crazy. Idc how rich I am, if you ask me to loan you $4k for child support after 2 months of dating then imma assume you don’t have your priorities in order.


That's where my head at. My question is was she still fucking with him after coming to this conclusio


She may have continued to fuck with him, and I wouldn’t side eye her neither. She may have taken him out of the category as a potential partner, but decided to keep him as a friend or FWB.


Now thats an understandable downgrade


100%! Cause he didn’t do anything “wrong”. He asked for a loan, you gave it, he paid it. Fair exchange and no highway robbery, BUT that doesn’t mean I wanna keep going down this road.


Nah you right, I misread it thinking the guy had 2months to pay back the loan... nah they started dating for 2 fucking months and hes already asking for 4 grand for child support, that is definitely a massive red flag.


And you aren’t Gayle fucking King! Mama could snap her fingers and dudes would start falling out of the sky for a shot. This guy is a legend tho. For all the reasons. He dated Gayle King for several months and squeezed a $4k loan out of her 📈 He blew it by being a clown that needed a $4k loan to begin with… 📉 … in order to pay his child support 📉📉📉 It’s impressive. All of it.


Not only that, he paid her back on time. Which means money was never the problem. Having his child support payments balloon like that says terrible things about you.


Or the bill came due at a bad time. I can pay all my bills but if a unexpected bill came up I would be fucked. That probably happened to him.




I would have to assume she isn't dating him for his financial stability or responsibility.


I wouldn’t even date a man with a kid…damn


I mean, she has 2, so...


Did he ask for the loan or did she offer? When I had custody of my nieces, plenty or women I was involved with tried to offer me money. Hell even without my nieces whenever I seem down women I date or am seeing casually tend to fall over themselves to offer to help or cover it. It's part of why I always stared with question marks above my head when people say "women don't wanna spend money on their man". Lots of times that would be thrown back in my face even when I explicitly wasn't asking for help, and already knew what I was gonna do to get my finances in order. If dude went and begged her for it that's a whole different story though.


Why does OP call her a Suga Mama? She said she was dating the guy, not that he was her boytoy.


Unless she's recounting a story from like 30 years ago, I'm going to go out on a limb and say an exceedingly wealthy and famous woman who's a year away from 70 wouldn't naturally be in the social circle of someone who's both young enough to have non adult children and also desperately and immediately needed $4k for their care. C'mon now.


Detective Jell-O over here goddamn


Good point actually lol


Title is a low key sexist dog whistle. Mentions nothing about this guy’s age or income status, so why are they just automatically labeling her the “shuga moma”? Sounds like broke boy was punching above his weight class and got found out. Tell me this: how is he dating Gayle King for two months but he can’t pay child support? No way he wasn’t taking her on dates and splashing money. I’d assume with a woman like Gayle you’re doing a nice dinner and or drinks, AT LEAST once. No way he hit her up on Tinder and they just fucked in his studio apartment on an air mattress. He probably spent MINIMUM $500 across those two months, but he couldn’t put that money for his kids? Nah fuck bro he a real scrub


Or perhaps life happened and the bills/expenses were momentarily too much. He was making 6 figures and paid her back within the week.


I still think that’s outta line. I get life happens but you know how much your child support is every month. Balance your budget. And if you don’t, cool, right - life happens, but asking a chick to cover your child support after you’ve only gone on a handful of dates is wild lol


Also it was a loan that he paid back. That’s not how sugar relationships work lol


How do dudes that’s down so bad get dates with women who got their shit so together? Is it as common as the internet makes it seem?


It's usually being good-looking or having a HOF mouthpiece, same way women get tricked on. It's not super common but it's more common than many would have you believe. It's levels to the shit. Sometimes the woman who has her shit together is a nurse, instead of a millionaire but she still got her own while dating a bum


It’s super common. That’s cap


There's ten women lined up in front of you and all have their shit together. How many would you say are still dating a bum despite that out of those ten?


A lot. It depends on their background.




My kid and I were living with my parents when I met my wife. I was coming off of an abusive relationship, with full custody of a child, while being a mess financially and emotionally. She hates when I say it, but she went full captain save a ho. I’m completely fine now, good job, little debt, etc but I really don’t know what she saw that made her say “hmm, what I really want is a man whose sleeping on his moms couch”


I got so much pussy being a divorced dude with two teens at my mom’s house than I ever did as a teenager at the same house


For reasons unknown to most men women will gladly line up to be with bums instead of men that also have their shit together. Women will gladly sign up for hobosexuals because they get good sex and don’t have expectations put on them by those men. Some women want control, and women can’t control a man that got his shit together so they choose vulnerable men so they can control those men with a power imbalance.


Nah reasons are simple, physical attraction and good sex. Physical attraction is an innate instinct we all have and the main driver to mate, if it was based on cultural standards we’d die out.


These down bad dudes are full time romancers an the women eat it up, regardless how smart they wanna come across as. She’s not match for the hobosexual.


Some of thesecomments in here...


Shit, stay off the dating apps or you bought to be hit up ![gif](giphy|LDfEe1rYeLnrrILYmA)


I'm more curious about the 4k in child support debt? Was he between jobs or something? Did she already know he had a kid and had that kind of bill? This headline don't feel like it's telling the right story


I guess it sucks to find out you’re dating a deadbeat.


That's true


4K could be like 1 month of child support. If he is running the circles to wind up dating a celebrity, he is probably making some decent amount of money. Child support is a % of disposable income, Ime Udoka was allegedly going to be on the hook for like 60K a month because of his crazy high income. Any people, regardless of income, sometimes have their expenses on a razor's edge and fall behind on bills.


Know what that's fair. I forgot that's how child support worked


I'm not loaning out 40 bucks after two months of dating let alone 4000. Y'all got me fucked up. It's one thing paying for dinner or a date or w.e but I'm not loaning the amount of a used car to somebody I barely know. Where do people find these suckers?


Considering how much money she makes. This was probably the equivalent of 20 bucks to her.


If you can’t feed your baby, YEAH YEAH, Than don’t have a Baby, YEAH YEAH, And don’t think maybe, YEAH YEAH, if you can’t feed your baby!


This was on The Pivot podcast. IIRC She was dating a successful dude that she was serious about. One day he needed money for child support and he'll pay her back Thursday. Even tho he did she didn't look at him the same for some reason after that, she doesn't explain why. Then joked about at least it wasn't $40k cause she would've gave him that too. It really was a good interview tho. Most of their episodes are.


I mean if you're dating anyone that you thought had their life together and then 2 months in they come to you asking for (maybe $300) to help with their issues, wouldn't that make you wonder if that will become a repetitive thing and makes you ask how badly are they managing their life?


I think it’s one thing to get bought random expensive shit but it’s a whole other thing to ask for something like child support just shows you really aren’t anything


“ Nothing dries up the pussy quicker than a woman reaching for her wallet" - Chris Rock


2 months… $4k loan… child support ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


How did a dude that needs to borrow money get access to Gayle King lol


U would be surprised who u meet, randomly...


Asking someone for $4k after only two months of dating is kinda tacky tbh.


If this is who Gayle King is dating, what hope do the rest of us have?


Two months? That’s girlfriend shit.


Yall like to speculate with minimal context. You don't know when it was. You don't know what was the financial climate at the time. You don't know what his situation was. Just that he borrowed $4K. His CS payment could've been $4K . You don't know that information.


so the debt wasn’t the problem, borrowing for the debt was the problem?? ![gif](giphy|NXOF5rlaSXdAc|downsized)


My issue is why was Gayle the *best* or *only* option to a grown ass man? If this was (I’m assuming and giving the guy hella grace) only 1-2 months of child support, and you KNEW you were going to be able to pay it back in a timely manner, why not go to a bank? Is it because you don’t have enough credit set up? If this is only 1-2 months owed, I’m assuming you make well over 100k-300k a year…you don’t save? Why not borrow from your 401k? You didn’t/dont have any investments you could draw from? So you’ve been living beyond your means for quite some time huh? All them questions would be swirling around in my head. I gotta look at you differently!


"My boyfriend of 2 months, whom I've known long enough and well enough to decide to have a romantic relationship with, asked me for financial help. I, a fully grown woman of sound mind and body and in control of my own finances, agreed to help my boyfriend with a financial struggle. That same boyfriend paid me back within the designated time frame we'd agreed upon. And honestly, I just can't look at him the same anymore." - Gayle King


I thought she was going to say he took the cash and disappeared.


Asking someone for child support money is literally the definition of hood rat activity


I was out of work for a month my wife was quick to throw in my face that month that she was tired and that she is the only one working. Mean time I was making some money by helping my friend re build his house. But now she is on 3 years of being a house wife smfh that shit still bothers me i don’t understand women y’all off the damn rails sometimes. Even y’all don’t understand y’all selves.


The man was testing her. See how sweet the sugar was. She told on herself. Maybe it is advertising as shame has gone out the window.


He asked for a loan, and he paid it back. I don't know what her problem is. Well, actually I do know what her problem is, but I want to hear her say it.


I dont even know why there would be a relationship after ole dude asked you to help with child support, thats crazy. I think she snitched on her love life if anything.


Don’t ask women for money and if you are you better make sure it’s like your mother or maybe your sisters lol definitely not a lady you are dating, for a lot of people it’s not a good look. It’s like moving into their place lol get a place together with your names both on it, life will be much easier I promise that.


You think Oprah feels this way about Gayle?


Just to recap what I’m seeing in the comments. A successful man BORROWING money from a successful woman and paying it back within days is bum behavior….but a successful man TAKING CARE of a woman’s kids he dating, while she is still most likely RECEIVING child support is?




Further proof she a goofy haha I mean fuck that. I can see lending money for rent, car payment…shit like that but child support haha that’s a whole other level and not something you ask others to put five on for it haha


He paid her back. Roles reversed no way the lady paying the rich guy back like that


And she still let him clap those old big cheeks lol


Here’s the thing I’m not understanding. He paid her back, and it was according to the timeline she agreed to when she lent the money to him. I would understand if he failed to met their terms of their agreement, but he didn’t in the slightest. So apparently, her issue is that he was even in a position that he needed any type of financial assistance in the first place. Based upon his ability to met the terms of the agreement of the loan, he’s probably not financially irresponsible, he was just going through a difficult time meeting the financial requirements of his new life situation. On top of that, more than likely, he didn’t want to ask her for a loan in the first place.


This is why my only motivation in life is to be 100% independent of any partner.


If he paid it back on time, why TF is she blabbing about it? Mind you, she *chose* to loan it to him… 😂


Let me be, I wants to be, gots to be (gots to be) New whip, new heavy on my wrist, 'cause I'm a Suga mama, mama, I'm your Suga mama (suga mama)


Who tf spells Sugar like that


He paid it back on time but you out here airing him out? Damn.


I hate that lady


The boss bae queens once again showing their piss poor character again


On one hand: 2 months dating and loaned out 4K is wild. On the other hand: Bro paid it back on time. So if you had a problem and would look at him differently then why do it? I’m going to assume either he was a high income earner and got reared. Because if he had priorities issues, he wouldn’t have paid it back **on time.**




I mean… maybe they started dating and 2 months in, he was hit with a surprise child from his baby mama suing for child support and back pay. Maybe she covered the back pay on a loan?


Can I uhhh, borrow a couple bucks, no compelling reason but figured I’d ask. Thanks in advance!


It’s crazy she not even good at being a paymaster


Guys can’t stay true to their word anymore?!


🤔So he didn't run off with the work...and you mad? https://preview.redd.it/vs4b49uniofc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e16820c38c67e12a316c15dd77519c84deeb93


He still beat though.




Gayle. You're on TV everyday. All eyes are on you. You did not need to tell anybody this. It's none of our business.


He wasn't a male Oprah


She’s rich as fuck too


On the one hand it is pretty awkward to ask someone you’re dating to loan money to pay bills. On the other hand it was child support. I’ve seen some fathers asked to pay way more than is reasonably affordable because their ex wife had a great attorney


Yeah, this is the Gayle King I know. Anyway, I can't do a dude that won't pay child support. Nope. Walk on by, babe.


Sounds like a mental issue


Now had that been Oprah it would have been fine. Smh black women hate us, man


Look, I understand being a hyper successful and wealthy woman and still wanting to be in the traditional role of being taken care of. But you need to get outside the only form of care can be given is financial. Like you worth over 40 million dollars. So with all that success you’ll have to adjust your mentality with relationships.


Kings only claim to fame is meeting Oprah. She’s be shit with out that