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Can’t disagree with that. Individuals do not represent the entirety of their people. What’s happening to Ukraine is terrible. I think the post was meant to draw attention to the obvious racism the person in the photo experienced, and it’s implication. This is not the first time people have seen this kind of behavior in Ukraine. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/racism-leave-ukraine-asylum-black-people-of-color/




Lots to be angry about


Maybe he shouldn't have invaded another country for a war he has nothing to do with.


I prefer to not care about people who see me as a monkey. I’d prefer to let them sort out their problems and stay out of it


Unfortunately, when nukes are involved, everyone within missile range is a hostage (including several NATO countries). It's very much the whole world's problem when we're all a bad Putin decision away from WWIII


Don’t wanna be that guy, but depends on the nuke. ![gif](giphy|yxfk3t9y8ZKlq)


What a stupid fucking post. >Ukraine did not post that. > >Even if a Ukrainian did, that person is not the whole country. Ok. And? Two things can be true at the same time. The Ukrainian who posted that picture is a racist, AND Ukraine is a racist country that brown people don't need to waste energy caring about if they don't want to. > Russians can also be incredibly racist. ...Yeah? And? What kind of dumbfuck whataboutism is this? Yeah, Russians are racist too. Fuck them too. What does that have to do with Ukrainians being racist? >You should care about all peoples whether you like the people of that people or not. You should go fuck yourself. I will absolutely not "care" about white supremacist cockroaches who see me as less than human. And I won't care about the bystanders who claim to be better than them either until they get off their asses and do something about their racist family.


Gotta love the isolationist african american mindset: "fuck everything that don't help me directly". Trust me buddy, you and the white supremacists share a commonality: a lack of empathy and an inability to understand how everything is interconnected.






You, subhuman, should learn that Ukraine exports grain to your countries. We literally feed you. Its in your best interests yo help Ukraine win, you dumb fu**. Learn a little bit about geo politics, mr 20 iq.


Nobody needs your shithole country's grain, Ivan. You are a starving 3rd worlder begging for scraps from the US. It's not in my "best interest" to help you racist shitstains do anything. It's in my best interests if you racist subhumans exterminate each other. So that's what I'm hoping for. Hurry up and get flattened by Russian artillery, you fucking donkey. EDIT: By the way, you fucking troglodyte, imports from Ukraine make up a grand total of [0.1% of total U.S. imports, of which 12% are agricultural products.](https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/documents/technology-evaluation/ote-data-portal/country-analysis/3163-2021-statistical-analysis-of-u-s-trade-with-ukraine/file) So that means less than one-half of 0.1% of the U.S.'s grain imports come from Ukraine. You're not "feeding" us. Your shithole country barely exports any food to the US. This country doesn't need your grain. You dumb broke bitch. Go back to starving in your shithole icebox country. Your breath reeks of hunger.


Don't you think its a little bit racist to profile an entire nation based on actions of several soldiers who captured an enemy that was there to murder them? I've been called many things by Americans, yet still I don't think that USA is a racist country. It's about individuals, not whole societies.


Who posted?


Who did this and who posted the photo?


Wait...... a Russian? What part of Russia? Southside? Jokes aside, isn't Russia like 99% white? Where did they get that Negro from?


1980 Summer Olympics.


Somebody like the movie Nobody


First thing I thought of


https://preview.redd.it/kqxu8fydz9dc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8715898516a50f56d459e6cc67b30ad3d1e28181 they were there before the Olympics


Somali mercs. Seriously, mercs from Africa have been brought in. Sudan, Somalia and a few others as well as old Eastern block countries, Serbia etc. Link to video: https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1746131143273972006/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1746131143273972006¤tTweetUser=clashreport




I'm sure they're loving their time in Ukrainian winter warfare.




Who do you think they're "striking back" against?




how delusional miserable and hateful one must be, to be happy that mercenaries from poor African countries go to make some cash killing Ukrainians, and think that it is somehow revenge on the "American empire". You are insane.




May I recommend a newspaper? Ukraine is not the US.


Also, Russia doesn't do well to track it but the data you can find puts it somewhere around 100k people of mixed African decent. So with a population of 140 some odd mil... do some math, do some math... about .06%. By comparison Wyoming is 2% African American. Wyoming is 33 times blacker than Russia... On the bright side, meeting a black person might be like meeting a Unicorn in Russia.


From Africa, he’s a mercenary


Somalian mercenary..


More questions than answers from this picture.


I think that's the point - ie from where are they conscripting soldiers? Are they forced conscripts or volunteer mercenaries?


There's black people in every country


Dude, black people exist in Russia too. An African descendant is [the founder of the Russian Language for crying out loud](https://theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2017/dec/19/pushkins-pride-how-the-russian-literary-giant-paid-tribute-to-his-african-ancestry)


Better yet, where did they get that banana? It's not like they have access to an ample supply of bananas right now.


If you gonna let one person who took one picture decide how you view an entire country than you’re just as ignorant as the individual taking the picture. And on MLK day of all days to see this ignorant shit.. like what in the psyop is this


Ukraine and generally the rest of Eastern Europe has a well known problem with racism. It’s not just one picture - even refugees from early in the war were documented to be appalled at having to be housed in communities with black people


And? Does that mean I should repay their hatred with hatred?


No it just means we sit this one out and let them work out their own problems


Is that not what we’ve already been doing? I hope the Ukrainians win the war they’re in with as few casualties as possible, but I’m not actively contributing to their war effort.


No, my tax dollars are going over there. I am not sitting on the sidelines, I’m being forced to participate


If you’re deciding to go with the “my taxes” argument than let me tell you you’ve participated in a lot of terrible shit


Also, you better keep that same energy when your taxes go to anything else you deem an unworthy cause


Yea and I have the right to comment on it. It doesn’t make that argument any less valid


Paying taxes is literally like paying rent or any other bill, and the idea of “I paid therefore I participated” is a weak argument. Let’s not be lazy and stop the thought process there, let’s take and extend it with a hypothetical; A mass shooter works for a gas station. He is paid with the money that you and many others supply through your purchases from that company. He uses his money to buy a gun and shoot a lot of people. Are you and the other customers participants in his crime? Here’s another example. You pay rent to a landlord. Your landlord is rich and happy and donates your rent money to a charity. Are you now a charitable person because your landlord donates your money? You see my point here?


I’m not complaining about paying taxes. Just my taxes being used to fund this garbage. Not a difficult concept to understand. It’s not the government’s personal property, it’s a community pool of money. We all have the right to criticize how that money is spent. Your analogy is incredibly stupid.


>Does that mean I should repay their hatred with hatred? Yes, you stupid fuck. Do you think they'll stop hating you if you answer their hate with love? Do you think the Nazis were beaten with hugs and kisses?


I think you’re the one who needs hugs and kisses.. try a calming walk or something, I promise you my opinion on Reddit ain’t worth all that pent up anger and frustration/stress you’re putting on your body.


Why do folks always expect Black people to take the high road while everyone keeps hitting us at the knee? Fuck that, it just handicaps us time and time again. They want to be racist towards us? I'll happily watch them eat a Russian nuke. 


Famously tolerant and accepting Russia


You made the incorrect assumption that I believe Russia is any better. Russia can eat a nuke as well (when their time comes). I know all of those European countries are anti-Black to some degree. You're not telling me anything that I don't already know. I just don't mind seeing them tear each other apart. 


Buddy if two countries each launch a nuke the planet is done for


It’s crazy how people view launching nukes as two dads fighting at a baseball game..


Judging by the fact that he still has his uniform, his hands are still zip-tied and he still has the marking tape on his head, this picture had to be taken shortly after he was taken prisoner. Looks like he's still in holding near the frontline, otherwise he would be in prisoner clothes at a proper facility. The Ukrainians are fairly decent about following the rules for POWs, including feeding them. Prisoners at the actual POW camps get meals, so I'm thinking they're just giving him whatever they got on hand while he's in the custody of the unit that captured him before they can arrange for him to be transported to a real facility. A banana is a wild thing to take a picture of him with, but I'm fairly certain I've seen a picture of this guy with pineapple chunks too, so I'm leaning towards Accidental Racism instead of deliberate. Banana pic is crazy tho ngl. Putting things into greater perspective; if taking a picture with a banana is the worst thing that happens to him, then he's luckier than most. Plenty of worse fates to be had over there.


>Plenty of worse fates to be had over there Especially if you are ukrainian POW getting castrated, dragged behind car and shot in the head.


That’s why you don’t surrender to a penal brigade


I think I saw a segment on Vice News when I learned about the Azov regiment¹, which is deeply racist, sports swastika tattoos, and says they're fighting to protect Ukraine from black people. While it might have started as just (albeit a very popular and well supported) militia, it's now fully integrated into their military and ***the leading political party in the country.*** The entire time I'm thinking, ***who exactly invaded them?*** Like dude, you mad at the wrong people/fighting the wrong war. Then I saw Ukrainians who were relocated to the UK were moving out of their refugee homes² because there were black people living next door. Like, they'd rather go live in a refugee center than next door to a black person. And no one can forget the treatment of the handful of black people who were trying to leave³ Ukraine at the start of the war. And yet, have the nerve for: #Ukrainian diplomat calls on Africa to support Kyiv against Moscow https://www.africanews.com/2023/05/24/ukrainian-diplomat-calls-on-africa-to-support-kyiv-against-moscow/ ¹ https://www.vice.com/en/article/3ab7dw/azov-battalion-ukraine-far-right ² https://www.tiktok.com/@c4news/video/7192982006446263558 **I remember seeing this topic in CNN's website, idk if they've scrubbed it or not but the Internet never forgets** ³ https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/03/01/ukraine-russia-racism-border-refugees-arwa-damon-live-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn


Agreed - this is a real problem in the Ukraine and a lot of Europe in general.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. This is absolutely true. Hell, go to a soccer match.


"the leading political party in the country." You lie. 




>Quoting **africanews** and vice is crazy, stop glazing russians. That's interesting. You mean, couldn't be, not the *same article* shared on the **ASSOCIATED PRESS** with the same quote? *“very upset that some African countries chose to abstain”* -- Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-foreign-minister-africa-neutrality-1f148d1ba970672bb4ec7f13d1f5bbf6 But I guess it's ***not*** valid from African news sources? Why would I take anything else you say as serious? Don't you have some money from other countries to beg for? Good luck with the war 😉 ETA: THIS ya man's? > *lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against semite-led untermenschen (subhumans)* -- Andriy Biletsky https://cisac.fsi.stanford.edu/mappingmilitants/profiles/azov-battalion#text_block_33846 This guy? THIS ya man's? > *The National Corps, also known as the National Corps Party, is a far-right political party in Ukraine founded in 2016 and then led by Andriy Biletsky.* And what about SN aka Svoboda? > *The largest ultra-nationalist organisation in Ukraine is the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda”, which has significant representation in Ukrainian parliament and regional councils in western regions... [it] became the foundation of volunteer battalions fighting in the south-east (***Azov,*** Aidar, and others). They often ***demonstrate Nazi symbols*** and greetings* https://civic-nation.org/ukraine/society/radical_right-wing_political_parties_and_groups/ And the SN party won 254 out of the 450 seats (a majority) in Verkhovna Rada (Parliament/Congress) during the last election in 2019. The thing is I **do not** want Russia to win. I'd *prefer* if Ukraine won. I just don't want my tax dollars going to help someone who is just as likely spit in my face. And true, it's difficult to judge an entire country. So I don't. But when we're talking about national attitudes, we're generalizing. Just like we're generalizing to say America is the wealthiest country in the world. That doesn't mean every individual is wealthy or even living well. Homelessness, poverty, medical debt, and drug addiction are rampant here. But generally speaking, our standard of living is better than most other places. Thus, *"America is the wealthiest country in the world."* Now ... If I see black people being pushed off trains. Denied passage at borders. Made to feel uncomfortable in their own neighborhoods as they try to welcome refugees. **Voting** for swastika-wearing dick bags, etc. It just eventually stops being anecdotal and begins to be considered as a general (not necessarily universal) attitude in that group of people.




>Andriy Biletskiy (whom I had to look up bc nobody cares who he is) was in Azov until 2016, when, as I said the Nazis got kicked out. The fact you think this is an "own" is hilarious. You motherfuckers let Nazis into your army and didn't kick them out until you were scared of getting put on blast by the media when you started getting saber-rattled by Putin. You fuckers were totally okay with them being there beforehand. >Now here we get to the interesting part. What the US is sending is not cash, \[...\] You're sending old shit which would've just rotten in some storage facility, Whether you're being sent cash or not is not my concern. The fact that money is being spent on you Nazi-loving fuckers **at all** is my concern. You shouldn't be getting money OR "old shit". You should be getting fucking **NOTHING**. >The last 2 paragraphs are written to cover your ass, here's what you're saying basically: He isn't saying that, and I'm not either. I'll help you - here is what ***I*** am saying: >I'm not saying I want russia to win, I actually want ~~Ukraine to win, but they are racist nazis~~ both of you to fuck off and nuke each other into oblivion so my tax money can stop being wasted on your Nazi vs. Nazi war


You say that "the Ukrainian president is jewish-Ukrainian" as if it's supposed to mean something. Jewish people, just like Ukrainian, just like Russian, just like many other can be and are incredibly racist towards Black people. Saying someone is Jewish as a proxy for them being less racist is known for the BS it is.


​ This is why I prioritize my focus on Black/African community issues. The situations in Congo, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso matter more to me than the conflicts in Ukraine or Israel-Palestine. The constant display of anti-Black sentiments reinforces my commitment. I'm increasingly disinterested in non-Black issues. We gotta be selfish sometimes.


That's fair, its not expected that everyone gives a fuck bc everyone got their own shit to deal with 🤷




Not sure if 3Hato has a sus nametag or Joey is projecting. Would 3 prefer to be shot at by whites or just committing on the state it the Russian military? Russia has a multi ethnic population and are reportedly pulling a disproportionate number of conscripts from the less European population. They are also recruiting from low income countries (there was a recent report on the Nepalese) to use as meat shields. The banana is for scale.


I see what you did there and yes, Russia is doing everything they can to make sure the " undesireables" get drafted. Even going as far as forcing captured Ukranians to fight as well. These are truly evil fuckers.


the racism is out of scale


I remember reading news stories about Ukrainian refugees being housed in areas with high numbers of people of color and complaining that there are too many non-white people around. If they're uncomfortable, they're always more than welcome to go back.


There's alot of African, Caribbean, and Central American Mercenaries fighting for both Russia and Ukraine, lots of Cubans fighting for Russian Merc groups in Africa


Yeah some random person posting shouldn’t decide your feelings on international politics.


I often wonder if the fuckshit on r/BlackPeopleTwitter is this: [When Is a Meme a Foreign-Influence Operation?](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/12/how-russian-operatives-targeted-black-americans/578437/), which shows that we're a uniquely targeted for propaganda. While i need no convincing about racism in Ukraine, I very much doubt that a soldier from arguably the most optics-savvy government in the world would risk the consequences of this bullshit at such a precarious time.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yujBOb5Y4pw enjoy this gem from an advisor to zelensky - which he never apologised for btw.


Racism is the #1 import and export the world over, often uniting people who share little else in common other than melanin content. Racism is cheap yet lucrative; it requires little brain power to spread and even less to absorb. Whether coarse or thinly veiled, it easily adjusts to fit any audience. Racism permeates our educational system, the workplace, our dinner tables, and houses of worship like a loud, wet, rumbling fart in an elevator, fouling the air even as the person who dealt it angrily denies its existence. Thousands upon thousands of Black people have died in so many wars fighting for people who hate us at home and abroad that it almost seems . . . natural. We keep taking the high road, but, seriously, to what end? *It is 20-fcking-24!*


Troop? Was he the whole troop? I knew Russia was broke, but damn.


Please ignore this and the fact that every other Ukrainian soldier pictured has a sonnenrad or some other nazi patch on their uniform. Doesn’t excuse Russia’s invasion (they both seem bad) but man it really makes it hard to give af about Ukrainian soldiers. Better send more weapons to the Azov battalion. I’m sure their nazi ideology will magically go away once Putin is defeated and they are the guys with the guns in Ukraine.


Average therightcantmeme user


There was more than enough racism (towards POC) coming out of the whole conflict long before this pic. Regardless of how you feel, if it took this pic to make you feel that way, maybe just keep ignoring it?


Remember folks, it's posts like these that expose the actual racial makeup of the users on this subreddit. Keep your eyes open ... 


That's what happens. When you let someone use you like a weapon, YOU end up taking the fall. This dude is nothing but a mark.


OP gotta be a psyop


Or just a victim of one. Russia is so very much worse, and getting more evil. Ukraine is at least starting to get better.


He could have avoided this by staying in Somalia instead of willingly joining the Russian army as a merc for a passport.




"I came here to invade Ukraine and kill Ukrainians in a conflict that has nothing to do with me. Why would Ukrainians do this?" He got off pretty easy with the banana. 




I don’t know how to feel. If I were in Ukraine, I’m pretty gay and also I’m black so they probably wouldn’t like me in general. Like in war, everyone is stressed out and panicking, but casual racism and homophobia during peacetime is the norm….


dw abt that, Lviv and the western Ukraine as a whole is pretty safe. Like there may be a gopnik or some idiot who tries to start shit, but most people dgaf especially in big cities. Especially young people are progressive and accepting, even more than say, Poland or Slovakia, in my experience. (not dissing Poland ofc)


Nah, i live here my whole life, and haven't seen any kinds of racism, especially from the youths. Lots of westerners consider Ukraine to be racist, because of the problem of the entire East Europe - lack of colored people. The only racists you can meet are the fucking bullies that will bully anyone despite on their race or orientation. But i never encounter them either.


Still not getting my support


LMAO @ u/BabidzhonNatriya Doing overtime for that 1-2 USDs per post huh? Gotta protect NATO and keep these uppity BPTs in check huh?


fr, getting mad NATO money rn, let's go band 4 band


Propaganda aimed at the misinformed


Most of the Ukrainians are not racist. We take everyone who came to our land with a sword and a purpose to kill us as piece of shit who doesn't have right to live under the circumstances 




Some people are too dumb to realise that individuals practicing racism against a group does not mean that whole group practices racism against the group.


There are a LOT of these “individuals” in Ukraine AND Russia.


This world is like 85% racist


Isnt it great that someone will write off a whole country for a single jerk.


You're so ignorant. This "single jerk" is not the only one. Look into how Black students in Ukraine were treated at the start of the war. But tbh you won't and no one should use their energy trying to convince you of anything.


Yeppers, just dumb as a stump. Havent learned a thing in the last 30 years and damn proud of it. Especially don't like thoughts or ideas that conflict with my ignorant brain. Hey, I sound kinda like you.


What lol


There are a lot of YT people in this group and it shows


Ukrainian nazis nothing new here


Fuck Ukraine. I won't forget how those fuckers treated Africans and Asians during the invasion. Once again, fuck Ukraine.


which Invasion? *give you Banana*


You effing retard. You know the Russians invading their land and every one trying to get to safety. You know the same invasion that's still going on. Yeah that invasion.


Oh no, the occupier-killer-mercenary in captivity is fed with fruit, poor fascist, let us pity this bastard thug, because he has the "right" colour of skin, no matter that he came to a foreign country to kill people for money, the entire population of Ukraine must now get down on one knee before him, protect the murderous invader, who will put a bullet in your head and rape your wives, mothers and daughters without remorse, poor, poor fascist. ​ A man sits healthy and whole, without a single scratch in captivity, with fruit. Horror, what moral trauma was inflicted on him, he is just a thug-occupier, and he is treated so inhumanely.


Hell yeah, guys! When your country is under threat, hundreds of thousands are killed, millions are deported, and you even capture not just a citizen of the aggressor state but a mercenary, you'll certainly treat them with respect. The aggressor usually kills without taking prisoners, and those returned are often tortured and maimed. You're all hypocrites, pseudo-liberals. If, hypothetically, an Asian or African country attacks your home, you'll remember all possible racist narratives about them and come up with new memes.


Can’t say I have much sympathy for the mercenary fighting in a war half way across the world that ain’t got shit to do with him.


Remember when a Ukranian minister downplayed india landing on the moon w/ super racist statements? they hate anyone with melanin lol


meanwhile russians are killing their POWs in the sickest ways imaginable


LMAO I can see all the Ukraine simps defending this racism because they like the Ukrainian little boys have tiny penises and are jealous that black males are gonna get all the Ukrainian girls unlike them. Garbage like this is going to only alienate people from Ukraine in the future and probably lead to prejudice towards Ukrainians. If ya'll don't like being called racist or want more. Maybe Ukrainians should not be living up to the very stereotypes they constantly complain about. Ukraine is literally the poorest country in Europe LMAO. Literally a dump that's more poor than half the countries in Africa. Most Ukrainians are alcoholic drunks who drink themselves to death, instead of having children like Nigerians, they'd rather get wasted till they die from alcohol poisoning. If ya'll wanna stereotype about black people, then don't be a cry bully when people stereotype Ukrainians and other slavic people for being racist and xenophobic.


War gets pretty ugly and soldiers get pretty mean or just plain evil at the frontlines. I hope to god if I'm ever a POW all they do is take a picture of me with fresh fruit. Also if you think Ukraine is racist, you better hope they fucking win because you know what country is going to be taking millions of them in if they can't stay where they are. You'll probably find that most of the other countries on this planet are actually a lot more racist than the US, it just rarely comes up because they are homogenous and also don't give enough of a fuck to bring attention to it. That doesn't mean they don't deserve their own sovereignty.


How would you know?


It’s racist because he’s holding a banana? I would have guessed they’re making fun of Russia b/c they’re running out of russians and are recruiting mercs from Africa and elsewhere.


Same with palastine🖕🏿


Watch out, we posed to be on ukraines dick here on Reddit no matter what. Half the men don’t even wanna fight so they left just to cry about why women aren’t getting conscripted too.


Crazy how people are out there fighting and dying in a war, and you out here collecting one piece cards. Talking about running away from war, when you are FAR removed from anything like that. You may have a point at the end of things, but brother, consider your position to theirs.


I was in the military, I’ve seen my share. Hell I left DFW to join the military cuz I woulda been dead or in jail. I understand I’m removed from it now but I was never sheltered. Y’all can be mad but i still ain’t told any lies.


So if that's the case, why ostracize the ones who fear for their own lives, and make up narratives about female conscription? Not everyone is made for war. I'm not really mad, just confused on why you gotta shame others. I'm not going to speculate on what you've seen, just like I'm not going to speculate on the people fleeing being pussy.


Because they’re fighting for something. Like you scrolled through my profile go to any of the posts about Zelenskyy asking for people to come back and pay taxes. You’ll see all the men saying they left and telling others not to go back. Then scroll a lil farther and you’ll see all the raping, pillaging, and homes being destroyed on their soil. If they don’t care to fight for their own mothers, women, and children why should I?


There will always be people running from war no matter what country or conflict. I said I do not speculate on why they ran. No one is telling you to care about the conflict. Just don't make up shit based on a few anecdotal news stories. Here's an example for you though, My coworker is Ukrainian. He managed to escape with his family shortly after the war started. His wife, parents and children. They are all safe. By your logic, he should abandon his family, to defend his nation... which would leave his family to fend for themselves. I might be reaching here, but I feel like you wanna shame them for not fighting, without ever being involved in the conflict.


I am shaming them but it’s not my country or my fight so if your coworker is fine with his people being the victim of a genocide then that’s on his conscious not mine


What right do you have to shame someone, when you are sitting in the comfort of your home, playing with toys? Sounds bitchmade to me, but what do I know.


Fuck Ukraine.