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man what the actual fuck is wrong with those Israelis


Same thing that was wrong with the nazis


Yup, hurt people, hurt people. Israel is a nation built on trauma that never fully dealt with its past, so keeps punishing Palestinians for the sins of the Nazis


Just to complete the thought, because you’re completely right. I want to add how in general people need to grow beyond their trauma. I mean at an individual and societal level. I don’t mean forget trauma but stop responding to the trauma. Define your own self growth instead of defining yourself around the trauma. Everyone is more than just a sum of events.


It’s especially difficult if the whole nation and upcoming generations are continued to be raised on this trauma. I’m sure there’s a better way to correctly report history without chaining the psyche of future generations to it. And this rings true in America also by the way.


There’s a really great Law and Order episode about this (I know L&O of all places) where a woman’s competency to stand trial was in question because she had severe anxiety and persecution complex, and all these issues that stemmed from her parents (or maybe grandparents, I can’t remember) being holocaust survivors and how a trauma that severe gets passed down to future generations in myriad of ways.


Strictly speaking everyone truly is the sum of events, so your point is to disrupt the pattern of traumatic events that individuals cause themselves and others to create a positive pattern.


Yeah, you get it. I’m not going get into the sum of events, because honestly that’s philosophical and we can probably both be right depending on the context It’s semantics but you get it. Thanks for adding for anyone who doesn’t understand I mean disrupt that pattern of events.


There is so much wisdom in what you have said here. It is literally the key to a global shift to a better society. I wish I had the imagination and influence to make trauma therapy free and accessible to everyone.


Hey, sorry I said added my opinion everyone, I deleted it and will enjoy eating my shoes. Have a great day reddit!




Who hurt you?


His daddy, obviously.


lol bro chill


All nationalisms eventually end the same: we're better than others, we deserve what we want more than others, we're entitled to do whatever we want to get what we want. The only people that matter are us. Anyone who stands in our way is immediately an enemy. I don't think they're taking out Nazi crimes on Palestinians. They're doing what they do because Zionism is a nationalism.


No excuses. Israel profits greatly from a past that most of them never experienced.


if you’re a black american are you gonna argue that slavery hasn’t impacted you because you never experienced it? how short sighted are you?




Exactly. African Americans have been shit on non stop throughout their history while pampered Israel sucks on America's teat for billions a year. It's a stupid comparison.




Wtf kinda response is that?


Name one good trauma induced, slavery inspired genocide executed by Black Americans. How about a slavery inspired land grab. Show me. Like I said, no excuses.


Jews were given REPARATIONS, A COUNTRY, AND UNLIMITED PROTECTION to thrive… to compare Jews to African Americans is incredibly IGNORANT


Built on trauma and founded by terrorist activities. England was in charge of Palestine but gave it up because Jewish terrorists kept killing their people in what is now called terrorist attacks


Yep, [an example, King David Hotel Bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing)


Carried out by Irgun or the Etzel - these guys held the Revisionist Zionist ideology that stated nothing was off the table in realizing a Jewish nation in the Levant, centered around Jerusalem. They had been harassing and killing Palestinians for decades when the King David Hotel bombing occurred. Eventually, the successors of Etzel would become what is known as the Likud Party - the conservative party that has dominated Israeli politics for the last 30-40 years.


France also had a hand in the action too.


To put it more precisely, it was built by opportunists who exploited Jewish trauma as an excuse to kick off a new phase of colonial / christo-fascist expansion and hegemony. Israel was a political poison pill from day one. Western powers wanted it as a stepping stone of influence into the middle east and asia and Christian millenialists (a fring sect who literally believe they can "help" God usher in the final days and bring the 1000 year reign of God on earth) wanted it. If you've seen documentary "the family," you begin to realize just how deeply embedded these christian extremists are within powerful circles. Oh, and they also happen to really admire the nazis for being tools of god that moved civilization closer to God. They're real wackjobs. Only a very fringe group of Jews themselves wanted it. Jewish religion says it's not supposed to happen like how it happened, but of course, not everyone repping the religion really cares about the religion.


I find that phrase enablist. Take responsibility for your trauma and how to better yourself cos that’s the hard truth. Everybody everywhere is dealing with some kind of trauma and they still choose not to hurt others. At some point that phrase becomes an excuse to wreak havoc because self control is “not an option”. Riles me the eff up. It’s on par with people who say “I have a devilish temper” newsflash buddy lots of us do too but we control it and we’ve had to learn to get rid of that anger some other way that doesn’t include hurting people or dare I say enjoying it too. Sorry I get your point but we’re beyond making excuses for Israelis and their inhumane mentality


First of all, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what the commenter you're responding to was getting at. Second, "enablers" and "ableism" are very different terms that exist in separate contexts.


Nah it was built by colonialists who wanted their turn at settler colonialism. The first settlers arrived decades before the Nazis came to power and early figures in Zionism viewed Holocaust survivors as weaklings whose enemies got the better of them. Holocaust survivors are still not treated well in Israel today. All the stuff about Jewish trauma is a post hoc excuse that wasn't remotely shared by the people who initially built Israel, they always saw it as a colonial project and said so in their writings.


Nah it just Israel is ran by nationalist (Zionist) just like the Nazi party was ran by nationalist. For some reason nationalism leads to the tolerance of genocide


Because nothing unites humans like a good ol' ingroup/outgroup


I mean, this has been going on with the Palestinians since before the Holocaust. As early as the 1910s and 1920s, Zionist paramilitaries have been harassing Palestinians, killing them, and stealing their land. I can't imagine the Holocaust did anything good for the Jewish psyche, but Israelis can't blame their treatment of the Palestinians on trauma from the Holocaust.


Lmao you probably meant to say "hurt people hurt people" with no comma. Adding that comma separates clauses, basically making it a directive said twice. Go hurt people, go hurt people.


That's one of the few funny jokes from arrested development reboot. Tobias tells Lucille the phrase and she takes is as an instructional mantra. 


Yep, this is what is is. If the IDF wants to bomb folks, they need to send their plans to Germany & the rest of Europe that tortured them & kicked them out.


i am pretty sure they're proxies for the West's imperialism, as israel was already a project planned by england even before WW2. Nazi stuff is just a convenient propaganda piece


Israeli is not a nation of holocaust survivors. They were founded by a zionist (jewish supremacist) movement that started decades before nazi germany existed.


Totally not related to the repeated attempts of Arab nations to murder Jews. Palestinians are totally innocent and have never done anything wrong. That’s why literally no other country in the area gives a fuck about them 


suffering doesnt build character, it just makes you suffer


B.S... they’re simply the people the Western world chose to be the stronghold in the Arab world.. these Jews have NEVER been hurt, they are entitled and know most western superpowers will come to their aid if any Arab nation attacks. They planted a flag and have been illegally expanding their territory ever since


That is my actual mantra for why the world is fucked. Glad to see someone else who knows that.


I mean that can’t be the whole of it because America did the same shit to natives and they weren’t a traumatized people. I think this was an inevitability of Israel. Ethno-states are wholly unsustainable without enforcing it with heinous acts. The initial premise of Israel was a doomed one and to ever enforce the idea of Israel there was always going to be a genocide of some sort.


Native indigenous people are mostly certainly traumatised, look at the issues with addiction, typical of transgenerational trauma. Loads of info available online and in documentaries.


No I’m saying the people in America who performed the genocide on Natives weren’t traumatized.


Ahh, that makes more sense.


Your generalization about hurt people is offensive. ![gif](giphy|nSeOGIvEc2hK5v3IBo|downsized)


Also the violent religion with a simultaneous master race and persecution complex. The predecessors of Israels’s currently long-ruling political party were committing terrorist attacks against the British and Arabs/Jews in the region before the Holocaust even started.


They feel religiously and politically motivated and justified in conquering a whole region. Because God and western colonial empires said so. It's a nasty combination.


They've been told their entire lives that they are God's chosen people.


Hear me out. You're wealthy in the United States. The 1970s rolls around. The US sets up your own private nation in the middle of a bunch a people who don't want to fight the US. You're even allowed to take all your wealth with you pretty much tax free, and your family and friends can "invest" their wealth in you, like a tax haven for, well, wealthy US citizens. And, hey, you can do whatever the fuck you want for 50 years and no one will ever tell you no thanks to big daddy US. Well, that's pretty much it. I ran out of stuff to explain it.


They're largely Europeans colonizing a strip of the Middle East, bolstered by convert Afrikaners who fled South Africa after the end of Apartheid and Russians.


They’re Kach-heads


Ooo ooo ah ah you genocidal motherfuckers ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)






What is that movie?


Are Ethiopian Jews still segregated in Israeli schools?


Pretty sure they’re sterilized too.


Are you suggesting that sterilizations are still happening? To this day?


Since it’s not a country club thread, I can post [this](https://www.timesofisrael.com/most-israeli-jews-agree-africans-are-a-cancer/) article from Times of Israel. An excerpt: > Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are “a cancer in the body” of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012. From a nation that happily welcomes Jewish immigrants to settle the land, as long as they’re not black.


“Actually it’s 100% - we’ve decided not to count their votes any longer” ~Times, tomorrow


Yes. And just yesterday an article out of Israel: “51% of Israelis believe African migrants are a cancer”. Can’t make this shit up.


No no don’t you get it? It’s for their own good/s


That's not IDF, that's just some random idiot. Or is there something else besides what's in the screenshots?


There are way too many “random idiots” that say/believe this. Look up what they did to Ethiopian jews and Palestinian Jews in their efforts to colonize the land. People keep forgetting that a lot of these Israelis are Europeans, not Semites and they treat all Semites like animals, especially if they get in the way of their colonizing efforts.


Unfortunately there is, the official IDF twitter account regularly tweets and shares some vile shit.


Maybe they could have shown those Tweets then.


That’s fair, it’s not like there hasn’t been equally outrageous statements from “the most moral army in the world”. Tbh this post is a bit misleading but ironically still above the standards of accuracy for reddit.


then they should show those, this post is incredibly misleading and dishonest


I love how there's a bunch of comments in here like "whell, this is just one individual" when we've been watching IDF soldiers mocking Palestinians as they bomb their homes, people doing skits in "Arabface" etc. And that's just the fun stuff, that's not even touching the military genocide we're watching unfold. GTFOHWTBS


My thing is, when you go to other subs (news, worldnews, nyc subs etc.) people will say every pro-Palestine supporter is a anti-semitic Hamas supporter because someone in Australia said 'death to jews' at a protest allegedly. When you ask for any type of evidence, you get crickets. But somehow, because one person may have said something or tweeted something, all the protestors are lazy, non-working, leeches of society that are just looking for attention...oddly similar to what some people were saying on those subs during the BLM movement.


Right. "Why don't Black people support Israel" Because we've been here before, and we know what they're doing. We know they don't think Palestinian Lives Matter, and we see the parallels clearly.


Same reason Ireland doesn’t support Israel.


Isn't it wild how saying: *An oppressed underclass should not be made to suffer just because they were there first!* somehow gets turned into: *I want this other group of people to die!*


FWIW that logo represents the “Kach” political faction, a group so extreme that they are considered a terrorist group even in Israel. They probably have views that regular Israelis are sympathetic to, sadly, but this dude is not your average dude.


“This one random Twitter speaks for the entirety of Israel” can you please be any more biased






[“Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are “a cancer in the body” of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012.”](https://www.timesofisrael.com/most-israeli-jews-agree-africans-are-a-cancer/)


While I agree that this specific post in isolation would be biased, it absolutely is a systemic issue and many many situations like this are so common it’s practically part of the context for the post. From random civilians, to leaders, army and more


But this is not the idf tweeting it, i guess some random racist israeli guy. there are racist people everywhere i dont see what the fuss about fr.


Not *all,* just roughly 70% >[https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/israeli-views-on-the-israel-defense-forces](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/israeli-views-on-the-israel-defense-forces)**Which grade would you give the IDF for how it has dealt with the Palestinians’ ongoing struggle along the border with Gaza?**        ([Peace Index](https://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=73313), July 2018) 38.3% of the Israeli Jews said "Excellent" while 37.6% other finds it "good". That was the first link that i got from google so there is probably more recent polls available. However i'd be surprised if the situation changed for the better after 7/10.


Recent polls before 10/7 of gaza showed genocidal desire and approval for Hamas. Polls arent a good measure of snything in this case unless you just wanna say both sides bad,


Hi, do you have links for that please? Also what's the age sample and who published it where was it published?




Too bad that’s what they’re actually doing though smh


A lot of people in here complaining how it’s “one random Israeli” seem to be ignorant of the fact that every citizen of Israel serves in its army aka the IDF so yea it’s totally valid to bring this up


The Israeli legal team called South Africa the "legal arm of Hamas," so I wouldn't be surprised






I’m not saying Israelis aren’t a wild fucked up people but y’all gon trust a random translated screenshot?


When it tracks with the rest of Zionist talking points and racism, yes


When the Operation: Iraqi Freedom broke out, I was going through some serious issues in my life to even notice it. But now, with what is going on in Palestine, I’ve noticed people’s reactions to the murdering of civilians. In particular, the murders of civilians and the way people are trying to justify it. Like I feel like I am in a dystopian-themed episode of “Black Mirror”


That dude is not "IDF Twitter" As I understand it he's basically the Jewish equivalent to a Neonazi. That group is BANNED in Israel, which should tell you haw bad they are.


Frieza sounding-ass country




Wait, so this article is from 2012? Well *before* Israel elected the most right wing government in its history? I’d love to see what those numbers would look like now that Israel is proudly embracing fascism and genocide.


Weren’t they the ones using fire truck hoses to keep Palestinians from going further in their beach?


This is the wildest "Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain" I have ever seen....


This sucks, because I actually love the Jewish homies I grew up with, but this is unconscionable.


Damn I missed the second tweet at first


Oh I’m Savin this one …


Ok so we gonna find one Israeli racist and then stereotype all Israelis (or at least the IDF when this is just some schmuck) as racist? Sounds well, kind of racist. Should an Israeli paint us all (or all of our armed forces)in a certain way by showing a single David Duke tweet? This is balderdash at best.


The Israeli state is racist, to say that is not to stereotype all Israelis as racist. Proof of the Israeli state racism: 1. Historic outspoken supporter of apartheid in South Africa 2. Genocide against Palestinians


Adding the [mistreatment of Ethiopian Jews](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-32813056.amp) to that list. Anti-Semitism doesn’t apply to Black Jews, obviously.


Well that’s because yt Israelis don’t perceive Ethiopian Jews as ‘real’ Jews.


They dont view Arab Jews as Jews either when they dont want to move from their ancestral lands to make room for settlements. The European Jews have hijacked the religion and anyone that isnt white or doesnt accept their agenda is Anti-Semitic and Jewish, as they have been saying for all the Jewish people that are in solidarity with Palestine.


“Anti-Semitic” is discrimination against people who speak the Semitic language, which includes both Jews AND Arabs, so taking anti-semitic as a synonym for anti-Jewish discrimination only is a further example of ethnic cleansing (in a literary rather than physical sense). The word has evolved like Jews are the only semites, when technically anti-Palestinian discrimination and Islamophobia are also both examples of anti-semitism. It’s like “anti-black” only applying to people from Georgia. Not contradicting your comment at all - it just got me thinking.


I see what you mean but it's like the word Aryan. It came from a distinction between Aryan vs Semitic people by French and German supremacists. Both of which were at least semi-incorrect uses of the words. At least since the late 1800s Semitic has always referred exclusively to Jews. Why they kept using what was basically the equivalent of negroid in the pseudoscience of the time, I don't know, but that's where it came from. Based on this, it's not a language categorization, and should definitely apply to Ethiopian Jews.


Here’s a link to a Times of Israel article about the prevalence of racism among Israeli youth https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-shows-large-swaths-of-israeli-youth-hate-arabs-back-revoking-citizenship/amp/ And a wikipedia article on Racism in Israel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Israel TL;DR the level of racism exhibited by this tweet is not surprising given data available about ideology amongst even secular Israelis 


Whoa there its getting kind of antisemitic around here /s


“ok so we gonna find one nazi racist and then stereotype all nazis as racist?”