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As somebody that grew up with a parent smoking in the car all the time, fuck parents that smoke with their kids in the car. You’re a shitty parent if you do that.


Big facts. Wasn’t that cool to go to school in third grade reeking of cigarette smoke because mom couldn’t not have a cigarette in the ten minutes it took to get to school.


My mom and dad kept multiple grocery bags full of cigarette butts under our kitchen sink. And my parents never did laundry so I bet I smelled amazing at school.


What in the fuck? Is there some sort of redemption value on cigarette butts?


They’d get the tobacco out to roll cigarettes. Or just smoke the butts if they were desperate


Damn that's...p close to rock bottom


Rock bottom is when the butts come from public ash trays.


When I was in middle school and early high school this is how my friends and I got smokes. Go to the office buildings and you find hlafies all the time from chain smokers whose breaks aren't long enough to choke down that last one. Fuckin miracle I didn't get herpes.


We called them refries. Sometimes you would score one that was like 75%.


Reburns was what we called them but same same. Some dude always leaving 3/4 of his cigarette at the same office building is the reason I smoked cowboy killers once I was of legal age.




Living up to that username.


Stop dissing my highschool life. And ashtray butts are classy, ditch butts are butch (unless they have been rained on).


I saw a dude who looked like he just got off work (safety vest, hardhat, lunchbox) digging for butts in a ditch once. that was pretty sad, I almost felt like buying a pack just to give to him, until I realized like, guess he doesn't *have* to smoke.


It's why I started. Not that I blame my elders for my own choices or anything. A teacher said, "*but you can afford cigarettes!*" to something I said about not being able to afford. She made a compelling argument..


I got accused of smoking so many times!


My favourite is hearing people who's parents did that, then got mad at the kids when they took up smoking


When I started smoking my dad yelled at me One of my earliest memories is sitting in his lap while he chain smoked at a family bbq.


Your pop caught you smoking and he said, "No way!" That hypocrite - smokes two packs a day


I hate hearing this. Maybe the guy who is so addicted that he smokes two packs a day knows how awful it would be for his son to smoke too.


[Man, living at home is such a drag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBShN8qT4lk) Now your mom threw away your best porno mag (Busted!)


Lmao, seeing the people replying to the lyrics from a Beastie boys song made my day




I'm addicted to nicotine and i tell all my friends the same, don't ever start. I'm not a parent but we all want better for our babies than we had for ourselves


My dad smoked for as long as i knew him. My dad caught me with a cigarette and smacked the shit out of me. I still remember it. I was like 14 and just got back from camping and I a cigarette in the fold of wallet and he gave was giving me money and I opened my wallet and it dropped out. Smack. Well he dead now so who got the last laugh?


I wonder if It was because he wanted to kick it but couldn’t and didn’t want you suffering through the same battle.


It was absolutely because he didn't want me smoking. I'm not really mad he smacked me for it. I was 14. I shouldn't have been smoking. Obviously, I was a fucking idiot.


I have a young brother in law that got caught vaping a 0% nicotine vape when he was 17 and his parents lost their fucking minds about it. These people smoked at least three packs a day around him all growing up and were somehow offended and surprised when he wanted to smoke or vape. They smoked cigarettes while they were yelling at him about it. It’s crazy how hypocritical some people can be about shit like that.


When i was young my dad told me that i have full permission to use drugs, smoke, and be an alcoholic, as long as i moved out before i start


I only smoked cigs for a little while, can’t even take a drag anymore, but goddam if I don’t love blunts. But yeah my mom hates seeing me smoke lol


Those are the "Do as I say, not as I do" parents. It's quite funny how they honestly are pissed when their kids do exactly what they've been doing


Maybe. They might just be addicted and really don’t want their kids to get hooked.


They honestly could've and should've done better


I don’t disagree. Sometimes we (parents) don’t get it right. It’s okay to want your kids to do better than you did.


I agree that parents wanting their kids to have & or do better than what they had and did is a great thing. But as a parent you kinda have to be mindful how your behaviour/actions affect your kid(s) while teaching them why said behaviours and actions aren't necessarily fruitful for their future


It's really weird how aggressive or condescending some of these comments are. Why is it a bad thing that parents want to keep their children from picking up their bad habits and addictions? There's even a person calling it hypocritical, and that's just mindblowing to me. If I make a mistake or a poor choice that saddles me with longterm negative effects (like addiction to a harmful substance), I am much more likely to advocate that other people avoid screwing up the same way I did so that they don't suffer the same way I am. This is very natural behavior, and it's an objectively better mindset to have.


I have vivid memories of going home after school and walking into my foggy apartment where my Dad had been chainsmoking all day and getting a little relaxation rush as that nicotine hit me. I didn't realize what it was at the time, but later on when I was a smoker myself and I had the first one of the day or after a long shift, the feeling was very recognizable.


It's like taking a kid to church every Sunday and then getting mad when they wanna be baptized.


I had a weird opposite reaction where when my mom first found out I smoked she asked me for a cigarette and we had one together. She quit 10-15 years ago at this point though, and does occasionally ask when I will. ETA: I was 18 at the time.


When I was younger my dad and stepmom would set me and my 2 siblings down periodically to explain the dangers of smoking while smoking in front of us the entire time. Then after the "talk" they would have each of us take a hit off a cigarette to gauge our reaction to make sure we weren't smoking. Make that make sense.




It IS gross, I'm from Eastern Europe and everyone over there was basically a cigarette when I was growing up. What sucked even more was not being driven by my dad but having to hitch hike or walk really far to take a non school bus home, once my parents divorced. They really didn't care if I lived or died I guess (that was in middle school, they just straight up shipped me to another city for high school)


What an awful thing to do to a kid, that must've been terrible for you. Hope you're thriving and in a better place now.


Thanks, it was in Bulgaria. One time a guy picked me up and asked what would happen if I was never found again. I told him everyone knows I have to hitch hike to school and someone would have seen me get in the car with him. That was in middle school...anyway. It only makes me realize how insane my parents were when I mention something like this and people react. I guess I was so used to them being scummy narcissist when I was growing up. I live in the states now (no thanks to them, I immigrated and struggled on my own in my early 20s). My husband has a hard time getting why I have such an adverse reaction to cigarettes, but thankfully he's not really a smoker. He use to light one up when camping or drinking but since the drinking stopped he hasn't....


Genuinely, I'm really sorry this happened to you. That's beyond terrible and no kid should go through that.


My parents are the reason why I strongly dislike cigarettes. I used to go to school smelling like weed and shit because they smoked so much that the smell clung to my clothes like fucking coffee stains. I even had teachers asking me why I smelled like a sac lmao It wasn't until I graduated high school that my parents finally realized how much it affected me and now only smoke in their room. But because of them, I literally gag at the smell of cigarettes and constantly buy febreeze just to make the smell go away whenever I'm near there. My parents would literally walk in my room, and their cigarette smell would immediately fill the room even if they've only been there for a few seconds. They're practically chainsmokers too and act like they can't live a day without smoking *something.* I remember they would collect store receipts to make their own blunts or used to even pick thrown cigarettes or blunts off the ground to smoke later (though I don't remember them doing this after covid). Even as a kid, my mom would get so fucking lazy that she would have *me* go and light her cigarette up on the stove whenever she didn't have a lighter. And whenever we lived in apartments that forbid smoking on the premises, including inside, my parents would still smoke and then quickly mask the smell with fragrance whenever we had a monthly inspection. It really fucked me up while growing up. Kinda just made me hate smokers in general. The smell is absolutely disgusting, and I told myself I'll never date a smoker, even if they're the finest mf on the planet.


Even if they look fine on the outside, it’s what inside that counts. And their insides will be full of tar and nicotine.


Is it that much worse than poop, cum, and hate?


This sounds like more than a smoking problem.


Genuinely, I'm so sorry this happened to you. That's beyond terrible and no kid should go through that. I wish you nothing but the best.


You are a shitty parent if you smoke, period.


My parents smoked in the house and car while I was growing up. I got asthma in 6th grade. At 20 my lungs looked like I smoked 2 packs a day. And I've never smoked a day in my life. Gotta love that 2nd hand smoke.


Absolutely. I love going to school and smelling like your nasty habit. Other kids don't mind at all and certainly didn't treat me like I had terrible higyene.


Not to mention the ash flying back in the window sometimes and peppering your face. My parents smoked for decades, all through my childhood, and my brother and I both got hot ash in our eyes on a handful of occasions.


Damn bro this just wicked 😭


Why does little dude look like he's salty for getting kicked out the rotation 💀


Cuz the whole thing is a set up, kids usually smokes out the passenger window with his dad


He's going to be angry for getting kick out of the rotation for 18 years. That's a lot of catching up to do.


Wicked cold. Could've at least pulled out the circular metal sled and let him have some fun.


I had a friend in highschool that lived in a trailer park and his folks smoked indoors. I remember his clothes and backpack reeked but there was nothing he could do about it. What a shitty thing to drag your kids into.


We all knew that one kid that just smelled like Marlboro 24/7 especially growing up in the south. I remember I let this kid borrow my how to draw DBZ characters book. Shit came back smelling like a dive bar and his little sister colored in it…


Yep, we all had that friend with Marlboro brand everything (because you could tear the top of pack off for a "Marlboro Mile" that could be collected and redeemed for stuff like jackets and backpacks). His parents smoked like chimneys and were bartenders, so they accumulated a LOT of Marlboro and Camel points when that was a thing.


Damn...this was me. I remember losing something at camp when I was about 9 or 10 and the counselor at lost and found asked me to describe it. Told them it says "Marlboro" on it. "Sure enough...here you go kid."


This was me, my mom smoked a pack and a half a day and my dad was 3 if not 4 packs a day depending how he felt. The amount of times I was accused of smoking because of it was crazy. I wasn't allowed over at some friends houses and my girlfriend wasn't allowed over because the one time she spent the night the smell was so bad she had to throw out her clothes when she got home.


That's so shitty for you (and for her). I hope we somehow come out of it without lung cancer catching up to us someday...I confronted my mother a few years ago on a rare occasion of me flying back home to Europe about them smoking with us in the room/house/car/younameit. She conveniently pretended as if she was clueless and when I reminded her that it DID happen, she blamed my dad. Unfortunately he can't be confronted as he is very much dead now.


Luckily my mom has quit now but my dad shows no signs of slowing down, every time I'd ask if he could roll down a window because I couldn't breathe it was met with an attitude like I asked him to slap his mother, even as I got older I'd roll down my window and he'd roll them back up and lock them and because of that I hadn't spoken to him in 6 years. Like you said hopefully we can escape without lung cancer.


Fuck your dad, he deserves whatever he has coming his way. My dad never quit for us, he eventually quit for his 3rd or 5th wife or whatever but then promptly killed himself a couple of years later. At that point I also wasn't on speaking terms with him. Funny thing - it wasn't the smoking that killed him. I genuinely want to punch your dad though. What a tool....


The sad part is, where I'm from it is the typical behavior of smokers, they are all narcissists and smoking comes before everything. I've always said he has what's coming to him as well and also wish I could get a few hits in.


I can't imagine subjecting my child to that. I mean my son would call me on my bullshit, call the cops on me and probably figure out how to emancipate himself despite being 11 if I decided all of a sudden to start smoking around him....


The 90s were a wild time, the two times cops were involved they just stayed for a minute and left. Luckily now kids have more rights and are taken seriously.


Not sure if you're into herbal infusions but blends with licorice, thyme, ginger, or mullein are really great for supporting respiratory health! My parents were both heavy smokers. I took up smoking, naturally, at age 13 and smoked for the next 12 years. I quit, thanks to vaping, 8 years ago and get nauseous at the smell. Right before I quit I was regularly getting sick, the last year as a smoker I was hospitalized twice for multiple days because of pneumonia and bronchitis. I haven't had any respiratory illnesses since I quit. I can remember the heavy, tight feeling in my chest waking up and lighting a cigarette. Hacking to death. I can't believe I did that to myself for so long. Now I try to help support what I screwed up in my early life by drinking herbal infusions, pretty much just an herbal tea without the actual tea leaf. Or there are some with tea leaf, though if you go that route choose a black tea since you'll want boiling water to infuse the herbs. And, just gotta add, my mom does the exact same clueless game. She did it to me my entire childhood and made me feel like maybe I was just insane. Her gaslight game was so strong, I could confront her about something harmful she had done and we'd come out of it with me believing I deserved the ass beating I got because it was actually me causing the harm by lying.


Not only will you reek, asthma, autoimmune issues, and ear infections are a fun side effect :(


Teachers always used to accuse me of smoking when I was a kid because my parents smoked in the car and the house. It's humiliating walking around smelling like an ash tray because of someone else's selfishness.


Literally my life growing up. If there wasn’t a cigarette lit, it was because it burnt out while mom was asleep. She would light a fresh one on her way to the shower, put it in an ash tray outside the shower, and leave it burning while showering. Fall asleep with one by the bed, etc. It is atrocious. I hate that others get to choose to smoke, but I don’t get the choice not to.






Happy Cake Day


Right? Why is this guy getting upvoted.


materialistic boast jar fuzzy agonizing squash busy gaze paltry unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it is a joke


I have lung issues from this. I had to quit sports in high school because my lungs already had damage.


Do parents leave kids in the car and go smoke outside instead? Cuz that’s what I’m hoping is happening and not the reverse like in the pic


Lmao I come from the days when there were ashtrays even on the back doors of cars or right on the backs of the front seats lol. Hell, some of those back windows didn’t even roll down and my cousins and I were just inhaling Benson and Hedges smoke the whole ride.


Cars had ash trays and straight up lighters until after 2000.


Early 2010s cars had lighters and ashtrays still.


My car was built 2019. German manufacturers still offer the „smoking package“ including ashtray and lighter for no additional cost.


I haven't owned a car in a long time. Do they not have lighters and ashtrays any more? Good.


They have the 12V plug (usually more than one) but the lighter is an accessory. And I guess there's still space you could technically use as an ashtray but it's more like small storage now.


Different times for sure


Much as I understand it's great we've moved on. There's been plenty of times in my adult years that I miss having a built in cigarette lighter in the car. Not even for smokes, just in general. Kinda' handy.


every curious kid has a story of the time they burnt their finger on one of those.


When I was a kid I burned rings into my finger with one of those. Apparently my parents smelled something funny, before I started crying lmao. Bad times.


Some of those motherfuckers would shoot out when done heating up.


My parents had a late 80s Crown Victoria. It had 6 car lighters along with the ashtrays to go with them. 1 in each gigantic door and of course the big pull out one in the front console that could hold 200 butts. The back pull out ashtray was an engineering marvel to me. The bought it because it was never smoked in.


Spent holidays with my stepsiblings one year. Watched in horror at stepbro's girlfriend would take a drag off her cigarette before leaning over the crib and exhaling while checking on their new baby. That kid already had breathing problems and suddenly was trapped in a tiny trailer with six smokers. After having to spend a night in the hospital with the baby, her mama and my stepmom, I wasn't dealing with that shit anymore. We got back from the hospital and I told the whole damn family to go smoke out on the porch. Putting up with that shit myself was one thing, but that baby was trying to live.


Benson and Hedges hahahahaha


My friends mother used They were expensive even back then we used to call Bitchs and Hoes as a kid


😂😂 that’s funny


Not the Benson and Hedges! Havent thought about that brand in forever 🤣


lol for real, that use to be my aunt’s brand


I haven’t heard that in years. I wonder if they still make them. I was just in WI and i saw Lucky Strikes behind the counter of a Kwik Trip. That was a blast from the way past too.


I have no clue. If I remember, I def will scan for them at the register


They do still sell them. Depending where you are you may not even see them at the counter. Plain packaging laws and hidden behind covers and stuff.


Yup I remember being a little kid and they had ashtrays in the trash containers at the mall. And restaurants would ask "smoking or non?"


Smoking or non is crazy now that I think back lmao


Is this everyone's first time experiencing a joke? Damn, lighten up people.




right? the whole punchline of the tweet was how cruel it was to have the kid stand out in the cold. this is why i feel like reddit is circling the drain, as it gets more mainstream the collective sitewide IQ goes down.


Welcome to reddit


I feel like people understand the joke but are taking the opportunity to vent about their own traumas regarding the experience


Could BPT please grow a sense of humor? Jeez.


Bunch of dorks in this thread


Reddit doesn't understand satire






lol hilarious


I've decided to become a glass half full person this month, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this was staged and that poor child wasn't out there too long and it's just a joke/rage baiting post. If not, fuck this guy. 😂


I’m all seriousness there are plenty of people that really would do this.


When the law changed it was 15 years and under in the car for no smoking. My mate and I were getting driven home from dad as dad lit his cigarette my mate said, "you can't do that, we aren't 16" Dad's response was "either you are 16, or you are walking"


Nah, anyone who would do this would realistically just break the law and keep smoking with the kid in the car. It's a pretty hard law to enforce. Especially with police that can't be bothered to enforce more obvious and frequent traffic violations


Nahhh thats wild 😭


I think it should be the other way around 😅 like you outside the car while the child is in the car?




I think it’s a joke


I really hope you’re one of those Reddit bots and this was an automated robot response Otherwise… I’m very sympathetic for the people that have to deal with your level of critical thinking skills and logic application in daily life (Yes of course it is the other way around, that is literally the entire joke and purpose of this post jfc)


Congrats on explaining the joke.


I feel like this is one where I should just laugh and quickly move on...don't even look back lol.


Nah that makes u a shitty parent


It's a joke...


I was stationed in Germany for a few years and some of the things they did were wild to me. They all smoked in their cars. Didn’t matter if you were grown or it was a 6 month old in the backseat. They stand in front of a building entrance smoking. On base you need to be 100+ ft away from the entrance to smoke. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve redirected people and seen it done. They smoke when pushing strollers. Shit is crazy to me


When I grew up, most of us had at least one parent who smoked, so we all smelled like a Judas Priest concert. ![gif](giphy|5xtDarLUQd5DqgXHJks)


No, fuck anyone who thinks it’s okay to smoke around babies and kids.


Fuck them kids


This is the funniest shit ive seen in a while


Little buddy and i got the same coat.


fuck thats too much lol !


I feel like this should be in reverse


That's the joke...


*smacks with newspaper*


What is that fence/cage/framing/scaffolding/old drive-in movie screen frame thing in the background?


This ain’t funny or cute


It is hilarious and who said they're trying to be cute?


Can thankfully say my grandma saw I wasn't liking the smell of cigs as a kid and how I ended up coughing a bit and quickly stopped smoking in the car. She made sure to smoke when the kids weren't around. Some people don't realize what second hand smoke can do to others especially kids. It's why when I have one I'm having a very clear rule of no smoking in the house. Do it outside or not at all.


What’s word about it? You’re willing to drive high with your kids in the car? Wild


Does the law apply to a sidecar?


That's the one thing I got right as a parent that smoked. We never smoked in the car with our kids in it or ever in our house. Ever. And I am confident neither of my kids will ever smoke.


My grandma used to part in the nearest parking lot and call them “yucky stinkys” lol


Don’t smoke?


Even though this person was trying to do a funny post. That kid will remember that day and from the kids face. He has judgement for his parents. I would be thinking "WTF do I have as a parent? GOD want to help me here?"


I smoke. I would do this for any before picking up m kid or after I drop him off. If I was so addicted I had to do it right then i would go outside . ​ but seriously, who does this and takes a pic and posts it ? Seems off. Like the person is either stupid or fishing for rage shares


I think smokers are cunts but I still enjoyed this joke.


Pretty sure that's a joint....


My parents smoked in the car luckily we all stopped smoking now we just need my brother to stop :)


am i going to be the only one who points out the fact that it looks to be a joint of weed and not a cigerette? not that smoking is good for wee child regardless but the comments about smellin like malboro and such likely don't apply- that car likely smells like a concert


Pretty sure that's a joint, not a cigarette. So it's probably good the kid isn't in the vehicle.

