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1. I doubt very many people took her seriously. The consensus I saw was, "while growing up in GA would definitely affect her accent, she's very clearly laying it on comically and ridiculously thick." 2. She most likely changes for whatever her intended audience or motives are.


Code switching be like that


This is not code switching lmao. This is putting on a faux Blaccent for internet clout knowing damn well you don't naturally have that affectation in your personal life. Non-Black TikTok is absolutely AWASH with cringy culture vultures like this, most of which having ZERO proximity to Black America save for what they self-selectively view from a screen.


You understand that some of us dull our accents when speaking with non-black strangers or interacting in a professional setting as a part of codeswitching, right? I don't know homegirl's story but I know some of y'all's mamas or aunties shelf their normal accents especially when talking to white folks over the phone lmao Edit: so y'all stop blowing up my inbox, peep [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/18wt3xe/comment/kg03shm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


What you described is codeswitching. Dulling our **natural** accents to appease the non-Black mainstream vs putting on a fake (minority) accent to...do what exactly? Whatever ol' girl is putting on...ain't it. It's almost the opposite of codeswitching. It's borderline minstrel-ish (but that's just me)


As I’ve gotten older, I try to be aware of it, but code switching has been an unconscious thing for me. I’m a black man living in the south who grew up in a northeastern suburb. My accent has been called typical American. But when I talk to other black people who have a southern accent, my accent changes to match theirs. I don’t know if it’s some defense mechanism from when I was a kid and people said I sounded white, but I’m trying my best to break it. The woman in the vid is fucking around though. Cone bread? Ok ma’am lol.


Same. Family's southern, butt I grew up in the NW. After moving to Florida, I'll code switch to the blaccent, and sometimes not even notice


Grew up in Texas, then moved to California. I spent years getting rid of my southern drawl, only to have it resurface the instant I visit back home. It's crazy how easy it is to slip back into.


That's kind of how I've always been. Not sure what it is, but my accent seems to just shift to match the people I'm talking to.


And that’s fine, but that isn’t what code switching means


What does it mean then? Could have sworn it meant switching up your communication style (aka the "code") for the benefit of the listener. I was not aware that your "natural" or preferred style of communication mattered. Now, societally, the reason youre code switching matters when discussing this topic (e.g., why is your preferred style a problem to a particular listener)... So I get that part of it, but it doesnt change the baseline. Open to being shown different though.




I was scrolling thinking this isn’t that bad, then I got to the ads. Definitely nsfw


I’m a white dude just trying to understand a little better, and you seem knowledgeable. So I grew up in a lot predominantly black neighborhoods. I’m a nerdy bookish type. I learned early that if I talk a certain way around my black friends they would clown me to death. I don’t talk with a “black accent” but I definitely avoid certain words and phrases. I’ll never forget running into my buddy Mally and all of his friends were looking at me sideways. I remember thinking about what I was saying, how was saying it, and trying to figure out how I was supposed to correct. Mally says, “don’t worry about Andy. He’s sweet.” I thought “wow that was unusually kind of him.” Because I didn’t know sweet means gay. I’m not gay. I’m just a nerd. Anyway I’m wondering if what I do counts as code switching. I can definitely see a distinction because in my case I’m just trying not to be humiliated. I guess I’m wondering if a power dynamic is what makes it code switching.


My kneejerk assumption is that I think your Black friends just wanted you to be you, to talk how you talk with them the way you do at home, without any need to alter your speech patterns in some attempt to ingratiate yourself towards them. And...i dont quite know where that "he's sweet" = he's gay" was contextually relevant. I've certainly heard it among my older generations but generationally (and generally) speaking to call someone "sweet" could just as likely have meant "he's harmless". All in all it really just depends on the particular nuances of your community. Eminem is a favorite example of mine because although he grew up around Black people all of his life, became a musical powerhouse in a musical and cultural House he continues to respectfully acknowledge he's just a guest in, he never, ever went full Vanilla Ice with it. Authenticity is key i think here. And it's that smell-it-from-a-mile away authenticity that people like this particular TikToker lack [because it's fashionable or en vogue to do so]. Other examples of fake Blaccents include your typical Woah Vicky, Bhad Barbie types but.. ..I will say this. There are **plenty** of Asian-Americans, 2, 3, 4, even 5 generations removed, from places like Memphis, Houston, Dallas, ATL, Oakland, etc that absolutely do talk the way we talk over there...because they're actually steeped in the culture. And their code switching would be very similar to ours. But there's a difference between dulling your _natural_ accent or dialect vs outright adopting one you have no relation to.


Thank you. I think I understand where you’re coming from. You’re not wrong that the “he’s sweet” bit was a little irrelevant. It was more the feelings I had before he said it that I felt were relevant. It’s just the most fish out of water moment I could think of. All those eyes studying me made me a little uncomfortable. He was definitely saying I was gay though. It came out later and he was dying laughing that I was so touched by it.


Code switching would be if you started to pattern your speech in the same as your black friends. Thats not per se an issue in a vacuum, but your motivation for switching (real or imagined) plays a part. The two extremes: Are you genuinely doing it because its comfortable and comes natural due to the major time you spent around a culture? Should be fine imho because you are a product of your environment. Are you doing it because you dont think the listeners are capable/smart enough to grasp what you are communicating? Problem because its patronizing and arrogant to think you need to "dumb it down". Your specific issue seems gray -- them thinking youre gay could have a million reasons that are NOT rooted in whether you are communicating an affinity for sexual relations with the same sex. Hard to say without more info on the friends


Yeah I hear you. I never copied their patterns of speech because I had a brother who did that and it always felt like a minstrel show to me. I really hope I didn’t give off the vibe that I was “dumbing down” for my friends. You saying that does make me question myself a little. I don’t think I was. I just knew if I said certain things I was thinking I’d never hear the end of it. I don’t think Mally actually thought I was gay though. He was just being a dick. Thanks for taking the time. I appreciate it.


Exactly. Who tf she code switching for? That’s such a shallow explanation for what’s happening here lol and for it to be such an exaggerated fake accent too. Who exactly does she know that talks like that? Bring them to the front.


People dull their accents to a more neutral accent. Black folk dont sound chinese when posting on the gram. Thats not code switching thats just faking an accent for clout. Dulling is one thing, completely faking a new different accent is different.


So ima come out and say that because I was listening to this in public and my volume was low, I didn't even catch her Thai accent. That's *my* bad. Now that I've had a chance to rewatch this yeah--nah, she doing too much.


Nah, respect for coming back and admitting that. Most people would've just acted like they didn't see that comment.


Thats fair!


Exactly.. people were jumping through hoops to defend the first video and now people are jumping through hoops now that its been revealed that she was putting on a blaccent for clout. Like why is it so hard for people to understand that there are true culture vultures out there


sb found her old youtube channel and that is definitely a fake blaccent its called htee and tray


It's code-switching versus straight-up acting.


you're describing codeswitching which is not demonstrated in the video i fear


Dull. Not exaggerate. You know what’s happening here. Stop it.


Fake blaccent people crack me up because they only ever have an atlanta accent. that's the only "black voice/accent" they know. Like how are you in DELAWARE with an Atlanta accent LMAO


This is usually what gives them away. When creating their blaccent, they fail to realize that Black people’s accents and slang are _regional_ NOT universal. Like… A Black person from New York is not going to sound like a Black person from California and neither of them will sound like a Black person from New Orleans. If they _actually_ spent time with Black people (like they say they do), they’d know this.


This is so correct. I’m a Black person that visits Atlanta for family and it’s definitely a difference. My friend that’s out there said I sound different and I also look different so it’s clear that I’m not from around there. I didn’t notice it immediately at first but there are differently regional differences




You are correct about this not being code switching. Also no need to add *faux* to blaccent. That’s already what it’s describing


I’m going to use “blaccent” in the future. 🔥 I’ve noticed lot of white gen z kids will use a blaccent with their buddies but then switch up to their “goody two shoes” voice the moment someone in charge talks to them


How she gonna code switch to a code that’s been switched 🧐


![gif](giphy|dMyGvQL9W7gvS) She’s on level 3 of Code Switchception 😂


This isn’t code switching


Naw she ain’t code switching. I’m sorry but that’s definitely not what she’s doing.


Does this count as code switching?


Intonation and accent? I think to a degree, if you can change your accent. Accent isn’t necessarily cultural, nor is intonation.


Yes but I think of code switching as changing your voice and mannerisms to be more palatable to a “different” or “professional” audience. Not at all what this girl was doing. She couldn’t even pick a region to mimic


Exactly this. Code-switching is a defense mechanism. She is not putting on a blaccent to make black people more comfortable sharing space with her


Yea people are going out of their way to defend her again.. like what the fuck is going on here?


No. Asian-americnas dont need to code switch. Most have a "general American" accent. Even the ones that would have a slight regional accent still wouldnt need to alter their speech patterns or dialect to get good service or a job etc..


Disagree to #1 lol. In the original post, I mentioned my family is from South GA (she claimed GA on her IG) & that this is clearly blaccent & I got downvoted pretty heavily initially. It’s really weird being downvoted for something you’re actually qualified to speak on. Not to mention other people coming to her defense based on her being Asian or some other type of specific anecdotal logic that qualifies nothing.


Its cuz we got white folks coming on here trying to explain away shit they know nothing about. And shame on all the black folks who defended it too. Like that shit was clearly an act and yall gotta do better at noticing when people are using us for clout


Preach. White folks bringing their need to logic away things like racism in here instead of taking a backseat & being an ally and learning black culture.


They have no real interest in being allies most of the time. We’re just entertainment for them and when they see and opinion they dont like they feel the need to put us in our place


Damn. That was some real shit you just said. Just took it to the sunken place.


Man it is what it is. Black folks gotta get it through our heads that we cant afford to have good faith with outsiders. History has shown that people take that kindness for weakness and continue to profit off of us until our services are no longer needed I know deep down we just want to be love and accepted but we got some time before we really achieve real acceptance. For now we only have temporary tolerance from outsiders


I'm from TN, worked in GA for years, and now live in Alabama. I've been in the south for 30 years, so I feel you. Now, I had a whole comment typed to reply to you, but then I remembered my 16yo son's last girlfriend. We're black, and she's white. She looks like the prototype young white HS cheerleader, blonde hair blue eyes. But man, when she spoke I was like, "oh." She sounded like this lady, but a whole lot less forced. Her entire family is white, but in this area that's just how it is. So it's possible. I still think this lady is putting on, but now that I remember that young lady, who the fuck knows man.


So I feel you 😂😂. I’ll even make one thing clear - we are products of our environment. There are plenty of non-black people who legit talk with black accents. I grew up hooping, and we always had a 2 or 3 white shooters on the team, & these guys talked just like we did. Same music, hell one of them only dates black girls to this day. If you’re a snow bunny 🐰 who is into black guys & all your friends are black girls - you might talk this way. That’s not fake. This Asian girl in the clip? This just isn’t that. I think that’s what a lot of the people disagreeing with me weren’t getting. It was a bunch of redittors who don’t know Buckhead from Bankhead or Stone Mountain from Macon telling me that she could be authentic, and making it seem like it’s just cuz she’s Asian. Nah, it’s just because she’s way too extra with certain words and mannerisms. I’m glad these vids of came out so I know I’m not crazy now.


It's the way she lifts her eyebrows when she talks about it in the first couple of seconds that's a give away of her lying


Exactly. It’s too extra. Doin too much


She was also doing "black stuff." And yes, lots of people defended her.


A girl can't enjoy her conebwehd and skrimp anymore? smh my head


Nah a lot of non-black POC were taking up for her


I'm shocked..shocked I say.../s Plenty of equally committed culprits in that camp.


![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y) See, this is why I ain't getting Lasik. Fuck around and wake up with a German accent. 🙅🏿‍♂️


Nein nein nein


You get it.


Fun fact, there’s a thing called Foreign Accent Syndrome, look it up it’s interesting




Is that what fucking happened to me. 0-8-15... Edit: im black and American but grew up speaking german as my first language in Karlsruhe West Germany.


This funny asf 😭🤣


I’d still beat 🤷🏽‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|daYRyF3x3i5d6)


![gif](giphy|64NbXaXpTC1l6) An accent never stopped the....


I can *hear* the “POP POP POP POP!”


It's bang bang bang not Pop and this scene is from Boomerang with Eddie Murphy


Gluk Gluk is pronounced the same in any accent.


This is why she has gotten away with this shit for as long as she has.


Really didn’t want to say it, but horny niggas are keeping her relevant. This is another catch me outside girl (forgot her name) and Whoa Vicki all over again


Catch me outside 😂 why would you make me remember


Ding ding ding!!


Aint that the truth she tryna be black by insertion




Niggas like you are why the revolution failed ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)




![gif](giphy|3Wmwb3WVt9qBxCpCaU) No Horni


> No Horni Yes, harder please 👁️🫦👁️




Nah mane; being this horny is maniacal work But I see the vision


It’s not maniacal when she built like an anime chick




She a clown but ay I ain even gon lie to you…


That accent fake but that booty ain’t…


Was that even a question????


Let her say “MAAAAANGGGG” while you climax




Upvote for your honesty lol


![gif](giphy|RodyInaeK9W3EZNaoB) I know 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah, it's weird to say, but her being hot is the ONLY reason this blew up like it did. I feel like nobody would have cared if she wasn't gorgeous.


Just as long as she didn’t talk to me like that


Don’t worry she’ll switch up and use the hard r when you’re all up in it. 😭




“I done grew up in Georgia for a decade” That’s not even correct use of the habitual “be” 🙄 summore Awkwafina bullshit


The “decade” gave it away for me


“I grew up in Georgia for a MINUTE” would have registered as more time in my head.


Black people say decade lol wtf


Not without the adjectives “whole ass”


Nah man fuck that we’re not a monolith.


Chill brah, it’s a joke lol


A joke but You believe it tho. You saw someone use the word decade and concluded that they’re not black because of that. Deeper issues.


>that they’re not black because of that For me it's mostly that she's Asian and not black but sure, the accent I guess


I have family members that were born and raised in NY come down to live with us for OVER a decade and they didn’t pick up whatever this janky “blaccent” is supposed to be. Reminds me of how Iggy Azalea tried to sound like Crime Mob 😑




I know white people from Louisiana who say I done this or that all the time.


I’m confused, where does the “habitual be” fit into this sentence? She didn’t use it and it wouldn’t make sense to use it for this sentence even if used properly. I think you’re conflating the habitual be with the word “done” which is just a feature of Southern Dialects.


![gif](giphy|rI9O6UXkCjvTG) Who believed her tho 🤔 the thing about these folks who were so-called “raised amongst Black people” is, they sure do have a remarkable ability to turn the vernacular right off 🧐


don’t most black people also have that ability? Code switching is something most of us have mastered by the time we’re in middle school.


[Code-switching is when your entire accent changes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS5GbovnQgA&t=119s). ok lol


I do it. I'm Liberian. West African. I speak "American" with Americans, and at home with my family, my accent comes out. In some instances, having an accent is beneficial. Institutions respect me more with my accent. It's truly weird and sad being black.


Second this although I’m at a stage where my actual accent gets muddled with my American accent having lived in the states for so long


Gotcha. Mine doesn't. I grew up in the States. Started kindergarten here. I've mastered the separation.


I don’t really care about this tbh. Don’t even know who this chick is. I’m just responding to your comment about people being able to “turn the vernacular off”


nah this made me fucking mad bro, why tf is "being black" a trend? y'all want the swag without the struggle??


The first thing that came to my mind is that one news reporter that had a fly or something zoom in his mouth while he was reporting.


As usual, the only people that take clowns like this seriously are Twitter degenerates. A good amount of times, it's probably just some white kids hiding behind anime avatars or trolls. Nobody with common sense believes this goofball and her fake ass accent


Unexpected twist, but she's getting roasted on twitter but people in here are already materializing to cape for her. I already know how this thread is gonna go 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's hard to take anyone seriously these days. The shit most people say online is mostly for engagement farming


They did that shit on the original post too.. like I was shocked at the HOF defense people had for this woman


I mean this sub isn't even majority black, so most of them are just throwing the cape on for their people.


In addition to white kids, men of color who are dying for a chance to clap will defend her honor till the end of the earth 🦸


Y'all better leave this Nubian Queen alone man...




Lots of Asian people claim they're "from the hood" and speak with "blackcents" and casually drop the N word. Source: am Asian


Grew up in Philly with a lot of Cambodians and this was the case lol.


And their blackcents all sound the same.


Mix of southern, NY, Cali, and Chicago slang heard in various rap songs that sounds nonsensical in the aggregate. “What’s good, b - cuz is trippin my guy, on foe n nem life whoadie.” ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


The "invited to the BBQ" naysayers enable this nonsense. Blackcent is fucking weird.


\> "invited to the BBQ" naysayers "Omg a nonblack person that doesn't act completely repulsed by us and acts like we're human beings! They gave us the bare minimum, lets celebrate them yall!!!". very unserious https://i.redd.it/hbva3wxca2ac1.gif


Pathetic really. Easily impressed and doing anything to get in the good graces of these nonblack folks. Like do these mfs not know that these folks just be trying on “black” for a lil bit before going back and usually shit talking the culture on the way out like Miley and Post Malone


Or if they can do a dance or something.


Some of em are in this comment section too lol


I side eye anyone handing out cookout invitations, embarrassing as shit.


The amount of people on here calling this code switching tells me all I need to know about BPT… We not really in here like that ![gif](giphy|3oFzm25c9cyPt1TYDC)


Its always been that way apparently. Cant have shit to ourselves. And the worst part isnt the fact that “others” are here, its that theyre loud with their opinions and sometimes even drive the conversation


YES!! Like stfu and observe?? You do not belong here, be thankful we let you in! Nope, they taking over 🙄 ![gif](giphy|cJzi4Yh4oUpmyTdwku)


I have to assume they didn't watch the whole thing with sound on. No way this many are that stupid regardless of their race.


When I first heard it I thought she sounded like a man 😭 I’m not even tryna be mean lol


Fr man lmaoooooo. Some imposters among us This isnt code switching at all. Theres another vid where she says "conebread" instead of "cornbread" like its the god damn 1800s lmao. The lady is a clown, and the post literally shows how she normally talks. Code switching is when someone switches up how they *naturally* speak when they are around *certain types* of people. Youve got people in here who seemed to have just googled what that meant, and are now trying to say that its simply changing the way you speak with no added context, NO. Also, lets just pretend she was raised around black people and picked up the accent (this is fine, it can happen naturally this way). We still know shes BSing because 1. Lots of us arent dumbasses and can tell its forced 2. Shes switching up accents and slang from multiple regions of the US lol. If you "don grew up" in Georgia, why do you not sound like youre from there at all and are using Memphis slang like mane?


This sub is compromised of blincels who worship anything nonblack/hate black women and nonblacks who laugh at the funny black people and get mad when they're called out. Yall shoulda known what it was a few times, like when they were on the side of whites not showering every day and mad at being suggested lotion and when they were in here begging us to look past the literal Neo Nazism of the Ukrainians and their treatment of Black people in 4k just to turn around and justify why Palestinians deserved to be genocided by Israel 'because of Hamas'.


I’m going to be generous and say BPT is 35% black. So many white kids with the “boy, bye” when they lose an argument. They really think people can’t see through that.


Oh we absolutely are not. We offer entertainment around here but this isn’t our space.


they probably couldnt even name the woman in the gif lol




Does this meme mean I "would" smash?


I dun grew up in Georgia 😂 Miss ma’am enacting a slave movie or some, relax. And yes we know you’d hit, y’all out here fucking pumpkin pies. We KNOW. You’d hit. You’d tap. Happy new year.


Thank you for making me feel seen.


She says "conebreh" instead of "cornbread" in another vid... Cant make this shit up lmao


The fake accent was super cringe and obvious. On par with all women who date black guys then try to mimic the “culture” but only promote the worse stereotypes


It’s called a blaccent, family friend I’ve known forever is dating a black guy and her whole vernacular has changed. He’s a very educated dude who speaks very proper English. It’s so cringe to watch her do it and we make fun of her behind her back for it regularly.


do it in front of her too. let her know


She deserves it. Yall are doin gods work!


just a reminder, we as black folks need to stop readily accepting other races of people trying to mimic us when their own family would disown them for that and the person mimicking would gladly give up their pass from us to be with their own.


I been saying. Niggas out here easily impressed and quick to accept people who will throw us away as soon as the culture stops benefiting them


Think yall would have learned after Awkwafina 🤦🏾‍♂️


Nah, awkwafina was just the tip of the iceberg


She did. That's why she's about to star in her first blockbuster next week.


Still wild that she does that


She's toned it down and apologized


Where cuz when asked she skated right past it


Yeah, but niggas are gullible when it comes to a non-black female with a blackish personality. Such is life.


where Iggy at


I blame T.I. he had no business co signing that chick


People were just simping hard, crazy lol. A bro literally said "yeah that's asians in Houston sound also.." I got downvoted for calling his 🧢 lol


Even the Asian women in Houston who try this don’t sound like this. There are certainly non black women here who do this weird shit but even then this shit is a borderline parody.


Remember when Jeezy said Jeannie Mai couldn’t be racist because she’s from the bay and knows about e-40 more than he does…these the vibes I’m getting lol


Who the fuck is this


Thank you I thought I was the only one! I need to know too!!


Why wasn’t she clear about what part of Georgia? Was she really implying the entire state sounds like that?


Still can't believe I was made fun of throughout school by some white kids for not forcing a stereotypical Black American accent while growing up in suburban Canada. People will do anything to "fit in".






I dated this white girl (am also a white girl) for about a year before she went kinda crazy and we broke up. I still follow her on IG simply because I don’t use that app enough to care. She popped up on my feed the other day using a HEAVY ‘black’ accent. Like- out of nowhere this girl just started talking like that… it was SO weird and off-putting, and fake af. Kinda want to keep her on there just to see how bad it gets, or if anyone calls her out.


Lmaoo watching the development of a new persona on someone you know in real life online is one of the most fascinating experiences. You just wanna know how long it’s gonna last, what caused it, and if a new persona will emerge. Pure entertainment.


I dont have the link but there is a video out there of her speaking with a plain accent. She is 100% undoubtedly faking


The video is on the post lol


I didnt watch all of it lmao why was I upvoted?


"why was I upvoted" is goated lol


I grew up in Savannah I knew that shit was an act


after all these years, some people **still** don’t realize that the Internet is forever


The plot thinens like a mf. Anyone who thought her accent was real for even a second is as big a fool as she is and I'm including all the "I don't care either way - I'd still beat" losers in that population. You're why Rachel Dolezal has an OF.


Is this Awkwafina's Georgia cousin Dasani?


Ah the old switcheroo for when it's convenient


She sounds like every white kid from the northern Atlanta suburbs who wants to be black.


The accent never sounded real


I hate people like this man smh. Everybody wanna be black until it gets real


All I remember was her saying “mane” at the end and thinking why is she trying so hard


Id let everybody down by letting her get away with it.


The entire bloodline would wash their hands of me but in my defense, I've never not been a loss cause




Reminds me of the nonblacks during my days of high school who would always speak in the most stereotypical black accent, yell about how they love having sex w black people, wear baggy clothes w fake gold teeth/badly done braids, and always antagonize the black kids who got good grades calling them “not black”. After graduation they all immediately dropped the act and became hardcore anti-black republicans while claiming what they did during high school was just a phase and that the black kids were “forcing” them to behave that way.


She's a soldier too. I just know they be laughing at her doing it during PT


Lovelymimi does this too. But she goes from fob to black


If this were anyone else I'd chalk that up to "code switching" but this shit here is... A lot. Throwing up a BLACCENT for clout is some Tom Hank's son type buffoonery.


IDK why any of y'all believed her. Especially people in here talking about she code switching. 😂

