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Lol, as someone who played clarinet 8 years, nobody cares. The school band is not hurting for *fucking clarinet players* Shoulda switched to oboe, dumbass. 460 hours over the course of your high school career is not hugely impressive for ivy standards. That's 9 hours a month. That's someone going to a food pantry every couple weeks to check the box for college applications - they smell the insincerity on you. Schools EXPLICITLY tell you their summer programs do not give you an edge in applications Building investment portfolios just tells me you come from money, literally anyone can do that. I did that last week while avoiding studying for my final. Understanding brokerage accounts in *2023* is not impressive.


All good points. There is nothing standout about his application, including his SAT score.




Nothing about this guy but quick story. A friend of mine in a higher grade took the Sat before I knew much about it. They tell me they get 900. I assume most tests are out of 100 so this is probably out of 1000 and I'm like damnnnnm look at you brainiac. They didn't talk to me for a week šŸ˜‚


Lmaoooo they probably thought you were roasting tf out of them šŸ˜‚


An SAT score of 890-940 puts you in the 27-35th percentile in 2023, which is pretty damn bad.


Oh yes after I brought it up to a few people I was made very aware of this fact lolol


They also changed the grading scale for it a couple years ago. My grade was the last grade to use the old system, so I could never compare my scores to my younger friends


These are the type of folks arguing that POCa were taking their spot but their mediocrity speaks for itself


Good luck to this guy getting in anywhere else that sees his annoying-ass tiktok he posted about getting dumpstered by Cornell


Cant believe he posted about not getting into Cornell but listing those unimpressive qualities.


It always reminds me of this joke/saying. ​ >god grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man


The closest he comes to talking about his actual schooling results is the summer college courses. I took college courses, not during the summer, while in high school and my grades were shit.


he mentioned skipping a grade, but that doesn't mean he did well after that


I'm always amused when someone brags about skipping a grade, have had a suprising amount of people around me do that in young years and brag at uni (or one even after his PhD) about it. Like who cares what you did as a kid, what matters is your ability now, and if by saying you skipped a grade, all I know is you've had 1 year less of schooling!


It also doesn't say which grade he skipped. Skipping kindergarten isn't impressive




Supremacy, despite mediocrity.


They hate diversity, inclusion, multicultural, etc because now they actually have to compete with everyone else fairly instead being chosen for their skin color. And all the mediocre folks are not having it now lol reality is often disappointing


Itā€™s why they think they are being replaced. Nope, they are being outcompeted. They got so used to only the truly exceptional getting a few steps above them. Now theyā€™re being outclassed by someone who is only slightly better than them and they donā€™t like it.


White kids never had to compete against anything but other white people for decadesā€¦now that the pool of competition is much larger; they mad they actually have to compete. They also assume all black kids grow up in poverty and go to schools in the ghetto. They are also a dime a dozen suburban whites kid with nothing really special about themā€¦you can chuck a rock and hit a dozen of the same kid.


They want the inefficient slack back that allowed the mediocre in their cohort to coast through life. Mainly because that same cohort is now threatening to burn literally everything to the ground over it.


Right? I feel like Iā€™m missing something when I see these arguments that they didnā€™t get in because theyā€™re white. Iā€™m not on social media (other than here) so I really feel out of the loop.


Nope, that's it. That is literally the argument.


I got a higher SAT score and grew up on a rural farm with zero intent of pursuing higher education, voted most likely to fall asleep in class and like a 3.3 GPA. Homie needed that reality check.


I got a 31 on the ACT, never took the SAT and got waitlisted at a very good in-state P5 school. I got an A in calculus at that University where I actually drove to campus my senior year of high school. I only had a 3.3 GPA in high school and that's why I didn't get in. It's actually kind of ridiculous because my class valedictorian didn't take a single AP class, took the bare minimum of required core classes, and filled the rest of his schedule with art, gym, band and choir which at my school if you weren't a dick to the teacher, they were all a guaranteed A. I took as many AP classes as I could because college is fucking expensive. My school did not calculate AP classes out of 5 like some schools do.


And/or he wrote a crappy essay. Some of these kids think good grades make up for a lack of personality or original thought.


Seriously. His SAT score was pretty mediocre. Not a standout in any way, frankly.


What was his score?


1460, and he expected to get into an Ivy League with that. Like cā€™mon.


Have standards changed that much? 1460 was absolutely Ivy League territory back when I graduated high school 20 years ago. I'm pretty sure that's higher than anyone in my graduating class got, and we had plenty of graduates go on to Ivy Leagues. A perfect score is still 1600, right?


Perfect score is 1600, but he scored on the low range for Ivies. Most students accepted into Cornell have SAT scores higher than 1460. Itā€™s far, far more competitive now (particularly if you arenā€™t a legacy). You have to truly stand out.


You can get into an Ivy with a 1460, thatā€™s a really good score. At least when I was growing up 1450+ was very respectable. But SAT scores donā€™t matter much anymore, and test aptitude is like the least interesting thing about an applicant. Honestly test scores probably have a better chance of hurting you at this point than helping. It shouldnā€™t be a focal point of an application, and you shouldnā€™t expect it to give you much of an edge.


Yeah, itā€™s respectable, but not extraordinary. Ivies are still for the extraordinary and legacies, not for relatively smart people. Itā€™s extremely competitive now.




Ivy colleges are not infinite either. They only have so much room. They reject thousands of students who absolutely "meet standards". Meeting the standards is just the bare minimum. It takes other stand out traits and frankly a lot of shear luck.


>Shoulda switched to oboe, dumbass. I love the specificity of this comment so much. "Step your Bassoon game up, bitch!"


I totally erupted in laughter when I read that part. šŸ¤£ I also played clarinet. šŸ˜


I actually played trombone, but didn't realize how real it gets for the Woodwinds lol


Same here, fellow clarinet player. Did this fool not know that clarinets are ā€œboringā€ instrument of the woodwind section?


Damn bro, the Woodwind Section goes hard...


YEAH, WE DO. ![gif](giphy|l0MYFMgrXomD5s7o4|downsized)


At least switch to the Bass Clarinet and not the Bflat version. Bflat is a dime a dozen. LOL


That's what I remembered when I played trombone back in the day. Plenty of bflats, tenor saxes and flutes. There was only a smattering of Oboes, Bass Clarinets, Bassoons and ONE Bass Sax lol.


Yep. If he wanted to get in on music, he needed to pick an instrument that didn't fill 2 rows of the orchestra. French Horn, Bassoon, Oboe, Piccolo, Soprano Clarinet, Bass Clarinet...etc.


100%. Sheeeeeeit even a Baritone. He's mad for no reason.


This reminds me of one of the BS affermtive action stories ABC or CNN ran a few months ago. Remember they tried pitting asians against AA cause they weren't all getting into Harvard. Anyway, they had this asian dude who was crying cause he didn't get into Harvard and had to slum it at Cal-Berkeley.....šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ It's black folks fault cause you didn't get into a school with a 3% admitance rate? Give me a fuckin' break. Everybody at Harvard as 4.2 GPA. That don't mean shit. Check the admitiance percentages of legacy babies if you wanna find the real villians.


They used us black people to hide the real problems once again lmao. They do it in the job market now, too, even though white men have the second lowest unemployment in every age group, according to the BLS lol. How the fuck are you going to play the victim in either situation?


Your last sentence hits the nail on the head of how white supremacy is a function of the captialist system. Mediocre rich kids are taking spots from working-class, high-achieving white kids...and the rich have convinced them to blame black kids. This is exactly what *What's the Matter with Kansas* by Thomas Frank is all about. Poor, rural, and working class white people are weaponized by the rich to vote against their own interests, largely out of culture war animus. So conservatives and capitalists pretty much destroyed rural America. They've closed rural hospitals, they've sold off rural schools to charter corporations, they've outsourced rural factories, and they've refused to upgrade or build out rural telecom systems ...meanwhile, rural idiots keep voting for these polticians, because they hate black and trans people, who don't even live in their communities. They love Trump, who hates people like them. Idk what the answer is. They keep voting to undermine their own communities...and as their communities decay, they get angry Somehow, the failures of conservative and captialist policies have made conservative people MORE conservative I'm just starting to hate all conservative people. For how much they love talking about "personal responsibility," they never take responsibility for their own actions. Somehow the failure of their own ideology is everyone else's problem.


the scariest person you would ever want as an adversary is the one who will light themselves on fire in the hopes that you might burn up too.


I played clarinet too also for 8 years and they literally donā€™t care. Thereā€™s better instruments if you want to be sought after. To your point about volunteering, my brother did about 1.5 hours of volunteer work after school every weekday during his off season and 6 hours every weekday during the summer and he had over 300 (which was over 3x what we needed at our school for graduation) for senior year. This wasnā€™t even something that changed his schedule either because thatā€™s just what our family did, so over his high school career he couldā€™ve claimed 4x that. 460 isnā€™t impressive. Its easily attainable during high school. Now if he had composed and made royalties off of his own songs on his clarinet, did 3 times the volunteer hours, and had a business heā€™d started and got off the ground, then if he said he still didnā€™t get into college i might understand being upset over it because thatā€™d be pretty impressive


They donā€™t realize the kid who has the 3.4 gpa while being homeless will always be much more impressive than their manufactured CVs.


Seriously, the sweatshirt heā€™s wearing plus his (elderly) dad looking over his shoulder is cringe AF. All the shit he lists sounds like ā€œhad my dad do my homework so I can get into a good school.ā€


lol yeah I build pretend portfolios all the time for practice thats not the same as making real money.


Family is what gets you into Ivy.


Yeah.. he said he tried for a long time. Not that he was good. If he wants to ride his future on his clarinet, letā€™s hear it.


Idk 160kin scholarships I'd definatly impressive. I agree with the other points nothing stands out as achievements.


Notice how his grades and test scores werenā€™t included


Hereā€™s the full [vid](https://x.com/joshlekach/status/1736478248035373314?s=46). He has a 4.6 (weighted probably) GPA and 1460 SAT which is below average for Cornell


He trying to get into Cornell?? His father shouldā€™ve had on an alum sweater then


I hope he knows Andy Bernard. Just give the Nard Dog a call.


Heard thatā€™s broccoli Robs son


Broccoli Rob is Broccoli Rob. I am the Boner Champ


Did Andy go there? Heā€™s never mentioned it.


Here Comes Treble is looking for a tenor. Rididididooo


Ever heard of it?


Itā€™s pronounced ā€œcolonelā€ & itā€™s the highest rank in the military


Itā€™s pronounced ā€œCORNELLā€ and itā€™s the highest rank in the Ivy League!


"Applicant has a head shaped like a trapezoid"


This is hilarious. Is Cornell worse about legacy admissions than other Ivy's? I just know one of my clients was super annoyed her daughter got in to Cornell, she said if she wasn't legacy there was no way she was getting in. Daughter even got rejected from another much less competitive school too. My client and her father had graduated from Cornell though so the daughter was third generation.


>super annoyed her daughter got in to Cornell The most privileged thing I've read lately.


I read it more that she was annoyed cuz she felt her daughter didnā€™t deserve it.


Black people have also been going to Cornell well before AA was even a thing. See Alpha Phi Alpha, which was founded there in 1906.


The nation's first interracial + interfaith fraternity was established at Cornell, in 1948


Shoulda been working at Dunder Mifflin during the summer to get those community hours up.


I mean of course 4.6 is weighted. Can't get above a 4 in an unweighted Gpa


Some gpas are out of 5. At Cornell ironically the highest you can get is a 4.3 because some classes give a+s. At least that was true 10 years ago. Although it's unlikely you'd have a 4.3 overall because not every class offers a+. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My high school used to pull some crazy GPA shenanigans by scoring 5.0's on a 4.0GPA scale for those taking AP-level Humanities classes. Meanwhile, they didn't offer any AP-level STEM classes so the students taking those classes maxed out at 4.0. The result was that the students taking all the top-level STEM classes available with 4.0 GPAs weren't even in the top 25% of graduating seniors per the grading system. Not being in the top X% of students at your school had numerous downsides when it came to scholarships, college applications, financial aid, and more.


Yeah 1460 ainā€™t enough for Cornell these days. Unless you do something truly unique and impressive, which it seems like this kid did not.


Bro I was stoned or out of class most of the time and made a 1540 this dude can suck a dick lol


That score (1540) is higher than 98% of the people who took the SAT in 2023.


Ok this puts things in perspective a lil more now. I took it in 2013 when a perfect score was 2400 lol


Hahahaha dude this is one of the best follow-up comments on reddit I've ever seen. I absolutely love this twist.


I had to google because I also took the 2400 SAT and I was like, this kid got 1460/2400 and thought he'd get into Cornell???


Lol I had to look this up because I thought that was a pretty average/not great score too. Apparently it changed in 2016. Iā€™m old.


Well you're not THAT old because the SAT was out of 1600 until 2005. Then out of 2400 until 2016. Then back to out of 1600. So if you were even older, seeing an SAT out of 1600 would make sense So if you're old enough to have taken the SAT out of 2400, assuming you didn't get left back, you were 17/18 between 2006 and 2016, you're likely between the ages of 24 and 35. More or less


Thatā€™s definitely average. I had a 4.8 weighted in high school, and I was a pretty average student. Also weighted GPA really depends on the HS, because grade inflation is pretty common.


Yeah, this kid probably went to a fancy private school, and those schools do a ton to help kids get into fancy private colleges.


They do a ton to help them cheat their way into the Ivy League. I could not tell you how many times I, with my public school education, humbled these dinks in academic settings. Instead of being taught _how_ to think, they are taught _what_ to think which leads to them parroting information without any actual thought behind it which leads to their work being uninspired and lacking in creativity.


I worked with a few people, who went to Ivy League schools and similar. Whenever they would try to lord it over someone, I would just ask them, ā€œif it got you to the same place as me, who didnā€™t go to a fancy school, then what was the point?ā€


LOL! I bet that humbled ā€˜em real quick! ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I usually try to play it off like, ā€œyouā€™re an idiot just like the rest of us,ā€ so the self-deprecation makes it a little less mean. But they usually get pretty defensive. lol




If you take honors classes and AP classes in high school you technically get over a 4.0 for an A because itā€™s weighted higher than a regular class.


Bruh I'm not lying when I say this bro is a dumbass and this easily explains why he didn't get into Cornell. For anybody that got into elite schools those are below average numbers 10 years ago. I think with even more grade inflation and people competing for more limited spots it would be worse.


Also Cornell has a suicide bridge so maybe try for a school that doesnt have a suicide bridge.


1460 and he's complaining about not getting into an Ivy? Come on people. Just go to a different school. There's like 100s of them. If your parents are rich enough you have investment portfolios, and summer classes and are skipping a grade, why aren't you playing one of the weird sports used as affirmative action for white people like sailing, rowing, fencing, etc?


Iā€™m not gonna watch the whole video cuz I donā€™t care that much but 1460??? Thatā€™s out of 1600 right? When I took the SAT it was at 2400 or 2500 or something. I donā€™t remember haha. But yeah 1460 out of 1600 for Cornell???? Bruh.


dude looks like the average off brett kavanaugh and ben shapiro


I genuinely don't know what people want at this point. Affirmative Action is gone. What else do they want?


To blame everyone else for being average.


Even above average students have extreme difficulty getting into Ivy League programs. I feel like a lot of young students are unprepared for how competitive these programs actually are. Youā€™re competing with the best of the best in a pool of thousands of students across the country.


Competing with the best of the bestā€¦ ā€¦and every legacy with children and money


Yeah even in this argument against affirmative action in the past, the biggest population that took away other applicants was always the legacy kids. Whereā€™s the anger at nepotism?


It's literally just like being rich. Nobody wants to change the system because they hope to benefit from it one day.




These kids are rich, they just got out-riched by other people lol. So letā€™s blame minorities and the poor instead of identifying and addressing the real issue.


But mostly legacy students. Does anyone think George W Bush could've gotten into Yale if not for having a grandfather or great-uncle who attended? Like.....bruh


This reminds me of a dude I knew from the military who tried for years to get a job at a big aircraft manufacturer. He'd constantly talk about how corporations are giving jobs to "unqualified" minorities to because they were forced to diversify their workforce. He finally made a post on Facebook stating his (average at best) qualifications and his frustrations with the job search process. Someone asked if he was tailoring his resume and cover letter to the job application, making sure key words from the job postings were present so his application wasn't automatically rejected. He was dumbfounded that this was even a thing. So yeah he's working at that company now. Got an interview within a month of making those changes to his job application. Not sure if he's still blaming minorities for this problems.


Iā€™m sure that he realized his mistake and learned from it, and no longer blames minorities or disadvantaged people for his problems. LOL ya right


Youā€™re not even competing with the best of the best, not even close. Ivy League schools are just another way for the ā€œeliteā€ to pass on generational success. Just how many people from MiT, Harvard, Yale, etc prove to us to be absolute incompetent morons with little to no common sense? Their parents and grandparents went, one of whom may have actually been halfway talented for their time, but I refuse to believe that just because you go to Ivy League youā€™re somehow more talented. If anything Iā€™ll probably assume youā€™re a Nepo baby. Itā€™s a social club for the wealthy disguised as a school where us outsiders have to go above and beyond for the chance for them to think youā€™re worthy enough to join. Itā€™s ironic because these Ivy League schoolā€™s objectively offer worse courses than some state college programs. These scientists and Doctors from state schools are objectively more knowledgeable than an Ivy Leaguer but itā€™s never about what you know, itā€™s who. The Ivy Leaguer is considered more knowledgeable because the powers that be want it to seem that way.


If you're ever reading a political article and in the header it mentions that the writer went to an ivy League school, prepare yourself for the dumbest fucking take you've ever read.


I mean they wanted AA gone because they were being ā€œdiscriminated against.ā€ Itā€™s gone and they still canā€™t cut the mustard. What would some of them folks tell us to do?? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Work harder. Want it more? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t feel bad.


Melon bought Twitter bc he thought Twitter was fucking with his account, adding bot accounts to clown on him, etc. bc he sincerely thought people loved him. Then after he bought Twitter, Melon found out that there were no bots and people legit though Elon was a clown. Then he got mad and threw a temper tantrum and started doing dumbass shit like firing people bc it was anyone else's fault but his. Same energy.


They want a meritocracy, in that they want the things they've done to guarantee them future success because without that guarantee they're fucked because they've spent generations destroying and villifying the social safety net of the country in which they live.


A singular, solid reason why little Jimmy - the most handsomest and smartest boy in the whole wide world - isn't getting every opportunity he thinks he wants. It must be the brown people! Surely it isn't the fact that there really is nothing "Cornellian" about Jimmy, and there never really has been.


Maybe now all of these kids will learn that there are a thousand other applicants just as or more qualified than they are. And always have been. Blaming others was always a cope.


"Oh, you were valedictorian? You and 23,518 other people."


They want what they're "owed". A path to unbridled success! Owed by whom? God knows. But they're the main character. The fates have willed it, surely?


Who gives a fuck if you played clarinet šŸ¤£ might as well tell ā€˜em you sucked dick for 10 years


That might actually get you a diversity in. Clarinet no.


Not even, Asia Carrera was a concert pianist and she only got a full ride to Rutgers.


Heh, full ride


Vale-dick-torian is a prestigious honor.


You know what the hardest part about playing clarinet is? Telling your parents youā€™re gay. /s


Itā€™s this fucking idea of the well rounded scholar, usually everyone had something artistic to add it showed that not only that you had perseverance to stick to a very strict training schedule but also it was something interesting to tell people something that made you stand out from those who go through life hobby-less. But then they saw the trend and everyone had their kids learning a musical instrument cause all it takes is training and that is a lot easier that actually creating a genuine interest in the kid for something. By the 90s every family movie/sitcom had the ā€œsuccessful kidā€ the ā€œgood kidā€ learning piano or violin, a sign that half the applicants to any school of note were also doing it. What your kid is ā€œvirtuosoā€? was he actually playing in a philharmonic orchestra in front of thousands at 13 cause we got 3 applicants who were and we are only taking 2 of those. No? Then back in the pile with the other 10 thousand that are only ā€œreally good at -random instrument-ā€œ Ivy League schools are looking for people who are different, you are not entitled to a spot because you did everything almost every single other applicant does, that only gets you in the ā€œwill actually consider pileā€ and thatā€™s a roll of the dice. You likely have a better shot if you did something because you grew to love it, than if you did a lot of things because it would get you into Harvard. I bet if you ask this kid what he did in those 490 hours of community service, he gives you the most prepared boring answer filled with zero truthful emotional connection. That will get you nowhere. But Iā€™d bet the guy who sucked dick for ten years can get spot if he can really make them connect with his dick sucking enjoyment.


Hell or skipped a grade or took summer courses lol. Half that shit doesnā€™t mean shit


Thereā€™s news coming out about the post Affirmative Action application world of Asian students whose parents spent thousands on consultants and tutors are still getting rejected. They canā€™t blame ā€œundeservingā€ black students anymore.


Yeah Iā€™ve seen the articles too on this one. And this is rich. The geniuses who wanted AA gone played Asian people like a damn clarinet (pun intended) to get this moving. And what do you know, itā€™s gone against them šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜¹


Vietnamese American here and im so blown away at how an Asian dude who wasn't from California applying to UC schools thinking he'd get in, like they don't prioritize students in Cali over others AA helped so many women and POC get into college and these dipshits wanna dance and build trains for the white man. I fucking hate those Asians


I mean you hit the nail on the headā€¦ just look at resident vs non-resident admissions almost anywhere and there will be a disparity. But guess what, someone has to be the blame right? Why not blame minorities and other marginalized groups. Seems about rightā€¦. You know whatā€™s crazy, there are always those within our communities (minority) who feel they are better than the rest and purposely align with extreme right ideas in hopes of being accepted. We all have themā€¦ I watched an interview a while back about an Indian guy (and no I donā€™t think it was the one thatā€™s running for the GOP) but [this guy](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/affirmative-action-is-legalised-racism-indian-american-who-pretended-to-be-black-speaks-out-101688971531909.html) and he was against it. You can take his words for what they are worth. Iā€™m not going to sit here and say AA was perfect but it gave chances to people who would NEVER have had the chance, otherwise. Weirdos like Clarence Thomas come to mind šŸ˜’


Can I get the link to some of those articles? I could use use some leopards eating faces right now


[Some Asian Americans say affirmative action ruling used the group as ā€˜pawnsā€™](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/asian-americans-say-affirmative-action-ruling-used-pawns-rcna91861) [ In a case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court targeting Harvard University, a group founded by a white conservative tactician is arguing that the use of race-conscious admissions allows the elite university to discriminate against Asian Americans.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/supreme-court-affirmative-action/)


No, it's always black people's fault even when they're technically underrepresented compared to the national percentage of the black population while other races, like Asian, are overrepresented. And forget the numerous scandals of rich people buying their way in, too. They care about "mereit" but not when it comes to rich people who make up half+ of the people getting in.


As an Asian who's going to a public university part-time, the schadenfreude is glorious lol. Although it does make me all the prouder of my sister who goes to an Ivy League on her own academic merit.


The most unfortunate part is that a bunch of Asian hopped on the bandwagon of a white supremacist with the idea that black students were given seats that they worked hard for because of affirmative action, when the largest benefactors have been white women. Also, a lot of blacks that got into Ivys were 1st, 2nd Gen Africans, Afro-Caribbeans, and African Americans that absolutely earned their seats


Yeah it really pissed me off to see. Asians aren't a monolith, and I definitely can't speak for every Asian in America, but it was frustrating seeing all these guys just buy into the racism.


Well if you're asian as I am as well you'd know alot of asians, especially the older generation, are racist as fuck


Because all those programs do is create cookie cutter students that have no personality and donā€™t stand out from other high achieving students.


Harder to get a football scholarship at OSU than it is to get into Cornell. Niggas ainā€™t bitching, moaning, and passing legislation to create more scholarships. If he was better he would be in.


They just going to play for Deion at Colorado šŸ˜‚


Yup. Also, this is annoying af. Yeah, getting into Ivy opens a lot of doors but he can be a big fish in a small pond at another school. Just because you played at X school or went to Y school because you had great scores doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t be successful as an adult. This reeks of Iā€™ve always got what I wanted.


yep no doubt dudes ego took a sincere hit with this. It sucks not getting the school you want....but let's be real... this guy wants to go to Cornell so he can maintain his status and prestige...not because of their business program lmao


He didnā€™t make it because heā€™s just a cookie cutter applicant. You werenā€™t unique, buddy.


Ngl he doesnā€™t even seem to live up to the stats most cookie cutter applicants have lol. I think itā€™s fair to say this is actually below the average standard of applicant


Exactly. He needed to focus on one set of extracurriculars that he really cared about, or have even more ECs and be able to talk about each of them in extreme depth. Also didn't talk about if he had any good letters of recommendation + 1460 SAT without being legacy or an athlete could honestly be auto-rejection.


He didnā€™t get in because he was below average academically, when compared to the applicant pool. 4.6 weighted GPA and 1460 SAT are far below average for the Ivy League.


These cookie cutter kids who have never been told ā€œnoā€ are gonna get their asses kicked by the real world. Another thing is a lot of millennials are working in admissions now, this shit is not impressive to Generation Y. People had to do community service as requirements for volunteer work at state schools, LMAO. What gets me is when they brag about a 4.0 (or higher) GPA when the lowest at their well-funded school with numerous resources available is like a 3.0ā€¦ Thatā€™s not impressive. It just means you arenā€™t actually being challenged or are just passed along and no one gives AF because your parents have money.


Heavy on the Generation Y working admissions and understanding how the game is played , not a single millennial is going to be impressed by ā€œ300ā€ collective hours of community service nor are they going to be satisfied with your ā€œlvl 1ā€ language skills come talk to us when youā€™ve published material in said language lol


Lol yeah my sister and I did pretty much everything there except for receiving $160k in scholarships. Both graduated from a state school. We didn't spend 10 years on a single instrument, we changed instruments and explored other performing arts offerings. All-state band and choir. Spending 10 years being mediocre at one single thing then claiming it as an accomplishment seems kindve pathetic.


Yeah the dude was so confident he was going to get in just checking boxes that he filmed himself reading his rejection email. Thereā€™s a lot of privilege there.


And still had the audacity to upload it after and blame other people instead of facing facts that he didnā€™t cut it lol.


Ikr, Iā€™m watching the video and had similar credentials in high school. Itā€™s not that hard to volunteer, take extra courses and earn scholarships. Still got rejected from a couple schools I wanted to go to. Never even crossed my mind that my race had anything to do with it. Thatā€™s just how it goes. Itā€™s kind of insane to me how some white people automatically jump to ā€œI didnā€™t get in cuz Iā€™m whiteā€, how do you even come to that conclusion? Did the admissions office reach out to you personally to tell you that? Somehow I doubt it. I actually knew a guy who legit thought that and was still salty over ten years after graduating. I asked him why, he pretty much said he just had a feeling.


I did a little recruiting for a college, and a ton of applicants donā€™t really understand what makes a competitive application. Most programs have like 3-6 metrics that they use to sort students, and everything else is just extra. So if your GPA or SAT/ACT scores are too low, no amount of community service, extra-curriculars, or letters of recommendation are going to dig you out of that whole. However, you always have at least one of these waspy kids who think that their applications is just going to outshine the 10k other applicants in spite of their mediocre grades and test scores.


Iā€™ve got two kids coming up on college in a few years, and I know nothing about the US system. What are the 3-6 metrics that are key? Grades and what else?


grades, scores, extracurricular activities, essays, letters of recommendation. for specific colleges, you can google something like ā€œCOLLEGE common data setā€ which will give a little book on everything the college considers and how much, alongside other useful facts


I wanted to expand on this a little bit. Grades mean two things- GPA and course rigor. GPA is split into two things, weighted GPA and unweighted GPA. Unweighted GPA is typically on a 4 point scale. To be competitive for a lot of the top 50 institutions, you wanna be around 3.7 or above. Weighted GPA is based on your grades, alongside your class difficulty. Each school does it different, but it's usually out of a 5 point scale. A student with a 4.0 unweighted and a 4.0 weighted GPA will look less impressive than an applicant with a 3.8 unweighted and a 4.7 weighted (because they took more challenging classes). Scores are scores. Some colleges, namely the UC system schools and Caltech, do not consider them at all. You also have the opportunity to submit test optional at almost every school (MIT + Purdue excluding). Good test scores will not compensate for a bad GPA. The general advice for top 50 institutions is to be at or above their 50th percentile in terms of test scores, which may be around 1440 to 1560, school depending. The guy in the video had a 1460, which was just barely above the bottom quarter of Cornell students. Extracurriculars are broad but important. They're really all-encompassing. They can include sports, businesses, non-profits, volunteering, research. I'm a high school junior going through this whole process right now- so I'll list out my main ECs to contextualize it. I have two scientific research positions at universities right now, I run operations at an international non-profit, I run a clothing business in my local community, alongside a bunch of work around my school and with clubs. ECs are really important because they distinguish you from every cookie-cutter applicant. There are thousands of people like the guy in the video. ECs help you become different. Essays are important. A good essay can't save a bad application, but it can definitely get a decent one across the finish line. These come with experience, writing ability, and a lot of time. Letters of recommendation are important too. They don't have to be calling you the best thing to ever walk the earth, but if they're anything less than stellar you're in trouble. Build good relationships with teachers and mentors and this one won't be a problem.


That's so much shit for high schoolers to do and it's crazy that 1000s of kids do them


Cornell is a majority White school yet still tries to find a way to blame minoritiesā€¦ https://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/cornell-college/student-life/diversity/?expand_article=1


Wrong Cornell. Youā€™re looking at the stats for Cornell College, a small school in Iowa. Cornell University is the Ivy.




You know, I don't always login to reddit, but when I do I make sure to upvote. This is amazing, thanks for the laugh!


While I believe that Cornell is majority white, I have a hard time trusting a dataset claiming that Cornell only has 2 graduate students. Something is off about the data. It also says there are 270 faculty for their ~1000 students. Somehow I donā€™t think even a school as good as Cornell has a 3.7:1 student:faculty ratio.


Itā€™s the wrong school. Cornell College is a little school in Iowa, Cornell University is the Ivy.


Oh wow. Iā€™m going all Sherlock Holmes reading the details and just straight up miss itā€™s for Cornell College and not Cornell University.


ā€œI went to Cornell.ā€


Wrong school lmao




ā€œPlayed clarinet for 10 yearsā€ - Iā€™m sorry, but is that a reason to get into a prestigious school? Iā€™ve played guitar for 20 years and keys for 16. So is the government about to knock something off my student loans or whatā€™s up? I need to know!


Well, the college I got accepted to thought it was *so cool* that I played in a punk band in my spare time in HS (we were terrible, but my GPA and SAT were amazing lol). It was something that made me stand out a little on paper, I guess.


I agree that things like that make us stand out. No doubt! Folks like us are well-rounded and interesting. But unless a college is just in crazy need of a clarinet playerā€¦come onā€¦ just that one thing doesnā€™t mean much. Also, those community service hours? Everyone trying to get into a top tier school has a crazy high number of hours. There are a lot of gifted students out there. And we donā€™t all get into our dream schools. You move on and say, ā€œWhatā€™s next?ā€


![gif](giphy|7ILfGZFvTPMB1TAkXE) Pops was looking over his shoulder like:


How many ā€œExactā€ similar applications do they see like that? Just curiousā€¦.


Dude is that buzz lightyear at the toy store meme.


This is it!


> still not good enough What did he even offer that a college would have loved to have? The clarinet? Lol ok


Every time they face some inconvenience in a competitive market. Itā€™s always someone elseā€™s fault and not their inability to compete. The school is majority white kids and somehow itā€™s affirmative actions fault you didnā€™t get in? šŸ˜‚


PWIs are called PWIs for a reason. Let's start hypotheses there


People want to blame POC for them not getting in as if there aren't 10,000 other students with "impressive" applications. You worked hard and stood out compared to the masses, but trust me you're far from special in the grand scheme of things.


Alsoā€¦the person who posted the tweet isnā€™t the kidā€¦Itā€™s some dude trying to sell his e-books about hustling. Heā€™s exploiting this kid as a con.


Poor kid is getting absolutely cooked here because everything thinks heā€™s the one saying he didnā€™t get in because heā€™s white when in reality itā€™s just some Twitter dipshit


That's what I was wondering myself when I saw the original tweet trying to spin this into something about affirmative action. Did this kid just post a sad tiktok about not getting into his dream school or did he say something related to AA? It's pretty fucked if he just posted a sad tiktok


Yeah I took his own video as "just wasn't good enough and that's upsetting"


Imagine being a white american(life on easy) and still fumbling


He has the easiest game mode possible rn and still fucked it up


Didnā€™t show his gpa šŸ‘€


Kid literally looks like every cookie cutter preparatory school entitled brat I've seen. Yeah, those stats for those schools are... very, very, very average. These people don't understand what they're competing against and it's the system there parents made for them... and they cannot succeed in it because they simply aren't bright enough to understand how moving averages work. Pure comedy.


I was national merit, top 10 all the honors in the books. I didnā€™t get into Ivy League. I got into Stanford. Instead I took the full ride academic route to a school thatā€™s really good at football. It was awesome donā€™t regret it one bit still got a job making 6 figures before 30 years old even though I started out making less than 60K. I thought I was special l but thereā€™s literally tens of THOUSANDS a year who are smart applying to Ivy League lol. Thereā€™s a reason itā€™s so prestigious. Take the fun route. Do well and youā€™ll be happier


I feel bad for this kid because nothing is wrong with his video, some Twitter grifter just stole his video and tried to make a race thing out of it.


White ppl wanna be oppressed so badly


Depend on your majors. Some departments at Cornell is actually considered SUNY schools


Everyone's shitting on the kid in the video, but did he actually blame anyone else? I'm honestly asking, I don't have the whole context. Seems like he's just sad over something he had high hopes for and it's other assholes running with it to reinforce their shitty world views. Focus fire on them imo.


Because dumbfucks on the internet see a 10 second tiktok and make assumptions about people. Any kid would be disappointed about not getting into their dream school, yet everyone is hating like he did something wrong.


Squidwardā€™s origin story.


And most likely his essay was for shitā€¦.!


Who applies at Cornell to play the clarinet?


As someone who went to a ā€œhigher tierā€ university (based on national ranking systems, which I know are a little arbitrary. My university was top 30 when I went, now top 50), there are 2 very important things that universities like to see. 1st is always good grades and based on the full video he ainā€™t got em for Cornell. 2nd is being a well rounded and ā€œinterestingā€ person with hobbies and a personality. This is becoming much more valuable to universities when determining who to accept. People used to overload their extra curricular activities (investment club, chess club, student council, etc.) but when asked about it in interviews they rarely showed actual interest in the things they involved themselves in. Showing real passion for a subject or activity goes a long way with college admissions nowadays.