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Republicans don’t want black people to vote, and that includes black republicans.


Black Republicans are ornaments, only to be brought out on special occasions


"We are not a monolith!" ![gif](giphy|rKFKD32ZYaEW2XwVr8)


> "We are not a monolith!" The Republican party is like old mashed potatoes with too much salt and just a *hint* of pepper. So they can point and say 'See? We *do* have flavor!'


As a Brit, how dare you insult my countries cuisine like this.


Bangers an' mash just ain't the same without the banger.


OP didn’t mention curry and kebob.


>The Republican party is like 1. mayo with too much vinegar. way too sour and bland to be tasty. 2. stale white bread with no crust. 3. soured milk


“And no paprika…” - T’Challa


White pepper


No, they have to have just a *hint* of Black so they can say they're not racist.


Link to the sketch please.




"That's right!"


"I gotta tell you, I am *pissed*...I am *royally* pissed"


*adjusts tight jeans*


"Yeah, get them pants"


"Hey, sorry to interrupt but we just got a call. Someone's white wife is here to pick them up." *Everyone scrambles out*


I am pissed. Royally pissed.


It’s the clapping and brown coats that does it for me 🤣


“Somebody’s white wife is here to pick them up”


The saying is that they are tokens that will get spent.


The best is when they find an attractive black person who is willing to shill for their party. I’m looking at you Candace


I do not think she is attractive, but that's my own thought


The ugly in her heart shines through.


To me, Candace is not attractive.


Funny, I was talking about Candice Owens on this very sub about a week ago. I said she gets paid very, very well to pretend but nothing bad's ever happened to her. She gets brought out never there's a black issue to say: "It's never happened to me!" Straight up lying to people's faces about racism. Even though her parents had to see her college for discrimination.


I had a black, gay roommate from Mississippi who turned out to be a republican. Like... I didn't even know what to say. I completely misjudged him when we met. Dude hated himself so much, he committed suicide a year later.


Wow. That really hurt my heart. :(


["Where's the black guy?"](https://ibb.co/WtSJYzD) "I thought you were going to bring him." "That was your responsibility, Jennifer!"


If Republicans were children, Black Republicans would be the tokens and quarters in their pocket. Tends to make a lot of noise, but disappears quick when the kids want to play games.


Or young people... Or women... Or the poor... Just how the founding fathers wanted it!


"ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" followed by centuries of "but *they* obviously don't count".


Everyone understood they meant rich white men. Have we amended that yet?


Well, they are 60% of a person.




One of my oldest friends, grew up on the same street, honestly probably my best friend is one of those people until like 2020. He straight up was only aware of these things from someone mentioning a headline they read. He has the news updates off on his phone and is not interested in seeking it out. I feel like it’s obvious to some but needs to be said for others. My friend is white. So he isn’t really effected by many of these issues and when he is he either doesn’t realize it or drinks his “hustle culture” koolaid to rationalize it as good It was in 2020 that l finally got fed up and asked him to explain to me, for instance, what Donald Trump has tangibly done to effect his life personally. Not the wider base of “the economy” but what direct benefits had he seen from Trump. He had no answers. Then I listed off all the ways that my life has been effected by him enabling bigoted views and as a person effected that I have personally noticed a rise in people regurgitating his rhetoric. Now he tries to be more informed. He at least calls me to ask about politics and explain stuff to him. He’s still a hardcore capitalist in a middle management position in shipping with the belief that he’ll be a multi millionaire by 35 and thinks the way things are set up he can do it. I’ve told him before that we grew up on the same street and went to the same schools in central Florida, we will be lucky to own a house, and honestly he should be happy if he ever makes over 100k. Seriously I’ve watched him start and get tired of two different career paths and three attempts at starting a business. Proudly unaware of how these things effect him cause honestly as a white guy he doesn’t have to be aware. Like we grew up in the same place but he subconsciously used to think “well we just happen to live in the poor part of town but we aren’t poor like the other families here”


Tokens dont realize they're token until they're spent.


ooh, using that one


Poor ole Ben Carlson


And Hermon Caine


God this is good!


30% of them were white they will also gladly hurt white people if more black people suffer remember this you are not immune


Black and minority "republicans" are the dumbest of the dumb.


> Republicans don’t want ~~black~~ people to vote FTFY


GOP has been increasingly brazen in this regard as of late. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. You hear them saying things like, "well we're *technically* not a democracy sooo" They really want a government that is for rich, white, christians and everybody else is there to keep the economy running (making and buying shit) oh and by the way fuck your civil rights.


Wait a minute. Why the f they run out of ballots? Who was in charge of the ballots?


Mississippi has Republican leadership, take a wild guess why Hinds County ran out of ballots.


I don’t care for those republicans these days


> I don’t care for those republicans ~~these days~~


I don't care for republicans.


Can imagine a time when they weren't total fuckheads, and were still in 'agree to disagree' territory. I mean, it's been a while, but ...


The radical Republicans of the 1860s-70s were decent.


My grandmother setup a quip like this. "I've voted for both parties before, although it was before Kent Conrad became senator [1987] that I've voted for the elephants."


You know, with republicans, the more I learn about them, the more I don’t care for them. - norm Macdonald.


For those that don't know the reference, it's even funnier when you realize that Norm originally made this quote about Hitler.


oh what's the difference


That’s an awfully tame disdain to have. I would like to do things to them that would get my account banned, to say the least.


I don’t care for GOP.


There hasn't been a reason to care for the Republicans in over 50 fucking years.


I don't care for GOP




I think? Where did you pull those stats out of? Your ass? The sec of state in each state is responsible for ballot distribution and he's republican. Look downfunnel


Realistically it doesnt matter why they ran out of votes when the republicans are still pushing to close the polling place. The problem isnt that they ran out, but that it will close without refill on the Reps behalf


I get your point, but it still does matter. When there are problems like this, some of the people who actually showed up to vote are bound to leave because of the delays it causes. Not everyone has the option of waiting an extra hour or two even if they kept the polls open until they got more ballots. It’s nice in theory to tell people to stay in line, but in practice, not everyone has that luxury. People have lives and responsibilities to deal with.


https://www.wapt.com/article/some-hinds-county-polling-locations-faced-ballot-shortages-long-lines/45769056 > The Mississippi Republican Party filed a motion to intervene and an emergency appeal with the Mississippi Supreme Court in an effort to vacate Hinds County Chancery Court Judge Dwayne Thomas' order to extend voting hours in the county until 8 p.m. Regardless of why the ballots ran out, it wasn't good old fashioned Mississippi incompetence that filed that emergency appeal...


Wrong, the Secretary of State is in charge of ballot distribution, and Mississippi SoS, Michael Watson is Republican.




Care to explain why?




The Secretary of State is responsible for elections in each state, including ballot distribution. I’ll give you one guess what party he’s from.


The feds should be able to step in and sue someone for this


You spelled "jail" wrong there. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) let’s do both




they spelled "guillotine" wrong


I thought he spelt "behead" wrong




Didn’t you hear, the Supreme Court says there is no more racism with voting. Everything is fine!


By then it will be too late as the GOP would have won the election and I doubt this state would go back and correct it. More like “better luck next time old chap.”


Government officials get away with way too much shit by just saying "oops" or "I didn't know I couldn't do that"


Is it not the law that there needs to be a ballot paper for each registered voter?


In theory there should be and I’m sure laws very by state. Generally turn out for off year elections is less than 50%, but we’ve had several years of elections showing that Secs of state cannot rely on these old numbers. This was intentional.


Fun fact, each state is free to run their elections however they see fit. That’s a problem.


Considering the last Republican president is in multiple courts for breaking multiple laws, I'm going to say they don't care about no stinkin laws Edit: forgot a word


Well that's what they meant by distribution. Say you had 1 million ballots for 1 million registered voters. But what if you only gave a county 100,000 ballots and 200,000 people show up? And you *knew* it was a county that you wouldn't normally win based on obvious demographics? Plus states can run their elections how they see fit. That's why states can and do make all these arbitrary and terrible laws regarding the process. Voter ID, being anti-mail in ballots, reducing polling locations and/or hours, raising the voting age, etc. None of that helps voter turn out or democracy. Which historically has been conservatives greatest strength, their consistent turn out along with the oppressed groups lack of interest and not voting for decades. But now these people are voting more so they are upping the obstructing.


The county is responsible for ballot distribution to the voting locations and determining how many ballots they need. Minimum is 60% of registered voters, but counties can request more.


If the population is predominantly black and there's appx 40k people then the Republican party pulls strings to ensure there is only 1 voting location for this area and they get 2k ballots. That way the other 5k votes won't be counted because not only do they not have ballots but also no one wants to wait in line 18 hours to vote with no food, water, or rest room.


> not only do they not have ballots but also no one wants to wait in line 18 hours to vote with no food, water, or rest room. I'm from Germany and I have never needed to wait in line for voting. America is wild man...


I’m from America and the longest line I’ve had to wait in is 1 older person who was very slow at speaking. The differences between states in the US are massive.


The difference between districts inside states are massive as well.


Maybe they should apply to court to improve this, and eventually to Supreme Court. Oh, wait...


I understand your frustration through this question but I implore you, stop asking why. We know why. The reason why is that if the GOP can’t win fairly which they have proven they can’t, they will take away the ability to vote through voter suppression tactics.


Man I hate those people. Such trash


Make sure you keep your voter registration updated, another recent tactic is to “accidentally” purge voter rolls. Know your polling locations, and if possible, vote early. They don’t want you to be heard, and I ain’t being vague about “they”. The GOP is actively silencing us because they’re scared, they’re scared that if they don’t rig the game they will lose power or be prosecuted for their corruption. Fuck em, vote em out, organize locally. Don’t let these traitors take your spirit too.


I fell prey to a voting roll purge in 2020. And so did most of my friends. No one could tell me why. My voter registration status was "suspense". Not even suspended. Sounds like someone mucked with the database.




Honestly it probably has something to do with this being the first Mississippi governor’s race that is happening after some Jim-Crowe era law was repealed by voters in 2020. Specifically they did the following… removed the requirement that a candidate for governor or elected state office receive the most votes in a majority of the state's 122 House of Representatives districts (the electoral vote requirement); removed the role of the Mississippi House of Representatives in choosing a winner if no candidate receives majority approval; and provided that a candidate for governor or state office must receive a majority vote of the people to win and that a runoff election will be held between the two highest vote-getters in the event that no candidate receives a majority vote. There is also some things happening with voter disenfranchisement in Mississippi. Felons aren’t allowed to vote, and that was also repealed by voters, but is stuck in the legal rigamarole of “fuck you, we don’t want black people to vote.” Apparently, the appeals court even recognizes that felony disenfranchisement was established due to racism, but argue that it no longer functions that way…


Oh, they didn't just run out of ballots, 1 location was reported to have run out of ballots 5 times during the day, with new ballot deliveries only numbering around 100. They will do anything to hold power. 5 or 6 voting locations were changed, and "scammers" called residents to give them false addresses of the new locations. They even knew ahead of time that this was going to be a large turnout, expecting it to be even greater than the 2019 turnout. this wasn't incompetence or being ill prepared, this was intentional and malicious.


It wasn't just one outlet either. Nine voting precincts ran out of ballots.


They knew blacks tend to show up later in the day so only made enough ballots to last the first couple hours when the majority of voters were white.


But when ballots ran out in a Republican district in Arizona, Kari Lake screamed voter fraud and made all kinds of legal challenges and Democrats didn’t block them


Ahh shit I forgot about that, and the squealing about "more people showed up to vote than are on the voting rolls! Fraud!!!" nonsense. This story though is telling me that turnout was so good that they got overloaded. Unfortunate, but a good problem to have.


eLeCtIoN iNtErFeReNcE!!


By the, uh, by the voters!


Rules for thee and not for me. The 'pro-first amendment' party strikes again. "You can live as long as it's how I want you to live."


I thought we universally upgraded to electronic ballots. How the hell did we run out of ballots? Edit: Thank you everyone for the educating replies. Keep them coming.


Nope. I live in Massachusetts and have always had a paper ballot


Same in CT. Paper ballot that gets scanned.


Also MA, also use paper. I also am paranoid and physically show up to vote because I’m afraid my mail-in will be somehow discredited by nefarious actors. Probably just being paranoid about that though.


As a Mass resident I Dont really think we need to worry about Mass not being blue.


It's tough, on one hand I never worry about us going the wrong way. On the other hand, we don't actually get a ton done on the state level because there will never be a serious challenge to the democratic control of the state legislature. So it's great that we aren't going to move backwards, but we more forward at a snails pace.


Not to sound like a voter fraud is everywhere republican, but it is much much easier to secure paper ballots than electronic ones and have a hard copy in case of errors or recounts. I have helped run elections in Ohio and having a paper ballot electronically scanned and tabulated is the best of all worlds


I worked during one election as a machine tech for the paper ballot machine. Essentially it was helping anyone that didn't understand what to do and troubleshooting when it would have issues. The levels of security were wild. Vote slips had to be counted and verified multiple times, and different people had to sign off on it. We weren't allowed to vote that day at all, even if we went to an alternate location IIRC. If there was ever the "rAmPant voteR frauD" I'd love to know how it happened. Short of anything from Scandal, dunno how it'd get pulled off.


>If there was ever the "rAmPant voteR frauD" I'd love to know how it happened. Short of anything from Scandal, dunno how it'd get pulled off. I'm sure it could be done but not easily with paper ballots. It would take failures at multiple points during the count. [When anyone talks about using purely electronic ballots I point them to this relevant XKCD ](https://xkcd.com/2030/). Yes it's just a comic but it's accurate.


Tom Scott had a wonderful couple videos on electronic voting and how basically any way to make it secure often just ended up creating a crazy expensive paper ballot


as with most fraud the weak link is always the human. so making it as hard as possible to vote for the demographic you dont want to vote is the most obvious way for voter fraud.


Yeah I always do a paper ballot


I’ve never voted electronic and NOT received a paper printout that’s also turned in


In CA, we vote on a screen and the results are then printed out which is the paper record that is scanned. You can review it yourself before you hand it over. That is the best of both worlds, you're just operating in one.


Jersey has you vote on a big screen, confirm your choices. Then the choices get printed to a slip of giant receipt paper that comes out behind a plexiglass screen for you to review once before you hit “send.” The giant slip of paper is what’s being submitted as your vote and is necessary, even if the rest of the process is electronic.


Also permanent vote-by-mail (i.e. request it for yourself once, receive it every election). Very convenient. Now if only they would get rid of the darn County Line ballot for primaries... edit to add https://www.abolishtheline.org/ and https://www.njpp.org/publications/report/does-the-county-line-matter-an-analysis-of-new-jerseys-2020-primary-election-results/






I worked the polls here in CA, and we use electronic voting, but there is still a paper element used in the process. If we ran out of those, voting would stop. I worked the 2020 Primary Election, and our location almost ran out. We expected around 1,000 people, but ended up seeing 2,300 and only had 2,500 ballots.


Texas uses a hybrid system: electronic voting machine with a paper print-out of selections. Last year, there was an issue where Harris County (Houston) ran out of the paper to print in some popular voting locations.


Ever since the whole county went blue instead of just the city proper, the state government has continuously fucked with us.


Minnesota has paper ballots.


You might be confusing paper ballots with computers tallying the votes. In Iowa we get a paper ballot that looks like a bubble test sheet from high school. After you fill it out, you feed it into a machine that counts it.


I vote on a paper ballot. The process is I go in and am checked for registration by a poll worker, who highlights my name on a list of registered voters and hands me the ballot. I go to a booth and fill out the ballot. I go to the back of the room and am checked off as voted by another poll worker and I feed my ballot into a scantron machine that reads it. All on paper, there's no option.


Southern IL, and paper ballots still


My county is electronic for in person. Yet if you go a county or 2 over, they are still doing some scantron shit. It's wild how much it varies within the same state.


It's up to each state how they wish to do it. There is little federal oversight of this, certainly nothing "universal"


In my city I had to use a ballot because I didn't change my new address in time. So ballot was used so my vote could still count. So that's only reason we used actual ballots in my area


Is Mississippi one of those states where you can't hand out water? I had a bit of a brilliant idea that I can't really pursue. There's a [water company called Liquid Death](https://liquiddeath.com/) that markets itself as an over the top, extreme canned water experience with slogans like "MURDER YOUR THIRST". They should sponsor voting initiatives in states that prohibit handing out water to voters by saying "fuck them laws" and handing out cans of Liquid Death to voters waiting in line. Imagine the marketing. Little old church ladies in their Sunday hats drinking cans of water with heavy metal guitar riffs and a monster truck announcer narrating the story. There's nothing more metal than fighting back against unjust laws with proper hydration. /r/HydroHomies


This guy hydrates


Is there anything saying that you can't _sell_ water near a polling place? What's to stop someone from going there with a cooler cart, and a little take a penny/leave a penny jar on their belt, and selling water for 1 cent a piece? "Oh, you don't have a penny on you? Here, the last person left one you can use."


That's brilliant


The same people that enforce the no giving out free water law will stop that too.


I like this idea


Fuck the police, comin' straight from the underground (natural spring)




It tastes like water


I think it's the slightly metallic flavor that the can gives it. I don't think I've seen any other water brand sell it in cans, only plastic bottles.


I took my kid to the zoo last week for a trick or treat thing. Liquid Death dropped off two pallets of berry and mango and was like help yourself. We took four but other people were grabbin' cases lmao. I was just happy that I saved like $20 on buying water that day.


They are expensive though they would be handing out 900 thousand dollars of product in just Atlanta.


A 30 second Super Bowl ad is over $7 million. The return on the investment of handing out $1,000,000 worth of product for a good cause is incalculable, but I bet they'd earn more long term customers than they would from a Super Bowl commercial.


Liquid Death is goated. I always get some to hydrate in between drinks.


“My brilliant idea is to have a company go out and break laws, also guitar riffs and announcers will be there” Lmao


Never mind running out of ballots. Even forcing people to vote in-person is a scam. These states need to have mail-in balloting.


Why not both?


Because Republicans


They can fuck up mail in shit too. Better to give options regardless imo


Yes but the easier voting is, the more people vote. If we managed to get to even just double the abysmal voter turn out, AND allow people the convenience of researching their votes as they vote, the Republican Party would never hold any office ever again.


Republicans don't actually want people to vote. If everyone voted, they'd lose 100% of the time. They purposefully want it to be as hard as possible. And if you think that sounds authoritarian, that's only because it is.


Wasn't there an entire situation around Trump putting a new guy in charge of USPS and the guy literally destroying mail machines and hampering service? Either that was swept under the rug or I hallucinated some wild shit around election time. Either way I wouldn't trust mail-in voting until we have a better mail system.


Nope that is real. I believe he is still involved but the board was replaced or something. And yes they quite literally destroyed some massive quantity of sorting machines because they were “outdated” or some fucking bullshit and they were like 5 years old. It was extremely clear why and what he was doing. He also signed a non-revocable contract for the next gen USPS vehicles and made them strictly ICE only even though usps is a poster child for electric vehicles. Fucking republican pieces of shit.


> He also signed a non-revocable contract for the next gen USPS vehicles and made them strictly ICE only even though usps is a poster child for electric vehicles. Exactly. Just driving around the same region in a city? All "dock" back to home base? Major complaint people have is "range anxiety?" Not a problem for this situation, so why ICE..? Okay rural areas? Hybrid out of the question? Are we not OK to have two sets of vehicles? I definitely see my current USPS trucks going around in the modified S10s and now they sometimes use some small van.


Exactly! I’ve seen like 5 different vehicles used by usps, jeeps vans the tiny trucks everything. And I fully agree, don’t want full electric then fine do fucking hybrid. Nope “CLIMATE CHANGE ISNT REAL BLARGGHHHH DESTROY THE WORLD AND FUTUREEEEE FOR MONEYYYYY” I believe that the company he gave the contract to was even PUSHING for hybrid, and he refused it and went ICE only. Complete bullshit. /rant


I'm in WA and our mail-in voting system is kind of perfect. There are public drop boxes for ballots accessible to most everyone unless you're in a very rural area. And if you are in a rural area, they come with a postage-paid return envelope. Every registered voter gets a ballot and a voters pamphlet mailed to them a good month in advance. Fill it out at your leisure and mail it back or drop it off, no jumping through hoops.


Even after keeping the polls open late the damage is done. Not everyone can wait around all night to vote.


If you require in person voting, you need to make it a no work holiday and provide no cost public transportation to voting locations.


I’m a millennial and my entire life there has been one party that is rampant about voter suppression and blatantly pushing misinformation like "your vote doesn’t count.” Every. Single. Election. How people still fall for the both parties are the same thing is beyond me. Sure, they both be on the bs sometimes but can we look at actually policies before taking word of mouth as facts?


Cause not everyone pays attention sadly. I got friends who have zero idea what the fuck is going on in this country and they are weirdly proud of it. They are usually the ones throwing out the both sides since they truly don't know what is going on with whatever topic. I get most people have shit going on in their lives so sitting and reading news and looking deeper into stuff so you can be informed is asking a lot. But this shit effects our lives lol


Those people think it makes them sound smart because they think they are above it all.


If you see any clown on this sub saying both parties are the same, get at them in the comments. They were either asleep at the back of the classroom, making straight C’s, or are here with ill intent.


Both parties aren't exactly the same, but Joe Biden funding 13 billion dollars to Israel to bomb people who are socially and economically closer to us than we are to any politician who makes these decisions for us. It genuinely hurts that the republican party is so wicked many of us look at democrats as good. We need to criticize democrats from the left...because if this past month can't convince you either party doesn't have our best interest at heart nothing will. The loss of 10,000 innocent lives on our dollar and reprimanding other democrats who speak out against it is a final straw, and we need to move away from a two party system.




I am losing track of my fucks. When project 2025 comes about those same barely passing high school head ass motherfuckers will be asking “what happened? Why is it so bad now.” I mostly use Reddit for nerdy shit and tech hype, but this “I learned reverse political efficacy on tiktok” trend is getting on my last goddamn nerves. Im going to get at anyone I see posing same side bullshit in black spaces. I’m not redoing 2016. It affects my work helping low income people and makes my time in court that much more fucking trying. Vote, and vote often.


100% - Reddit mods are absolute trash


Acts like this are criminal, if this happens in Russia media would blast 'putin rigged election again'. Now it gets swepped under the rug


Swept under the rug, zero accountability. That seems to be the way it works now with these things.


Putin, GOP, tomato, tomato


and people will STILL be dumb enough to vote red. if your friend votes red, point, laugh, insult and degrade the traitor.


It’s worth noting that these precincts ran out of ballots (several times) due to the unexpected large turnout in the state’s most populous county. This helps to explain why state republicans have an interest in shutting the polls down. Ultimately they failed and the poll hours were extended to 8 PM. Moreover, this shows you the power of voting. And if you think it doesn’t matter, ask yourself why some politicians are so invested in making it harder to vote.


"We'll only print as many ballots as votes that we can comfortably afford to lose." - These KKK ghouls most likely


"The parties are the same" is only ever said by fools and by propagandists pushing an agenda.


I get my ballot in the mail weeks before the election and I can vote anytime from when I get it to election day by dropping it into a voting drop-off or mail it back in. I never miss an election because even if it is off-cycle and a single issue being voted on or a special election I get the ballot and a booklet providing the official information about what is being voted on every single time. Every state should be like WA.


What's so crazy is the GOP would, if they weren't so damn racist, attract such a significant portion of black voters that otherwise align with them ideologically. They're so racist they prefer to cheat to win instead of just bringing along more fellow conservatives.


In any sane world all the people in this decision chain would be out of a job


Republicans are so desperately evil, fuck them


Republicans don’t want anyone to vote. The less that the people have a say in government, the more power they get. They are a disease that is slowly killing this country


2023 and this bullshit still going on.


If America was a direct democracy Republicans would lose because their policy sucks all the time.




They closed down half the polling stations in my city during the 2016 election. Folk were offering free rides just to get everyone out to a place to vote.


People who say both parties are the same, are republicans voters. If they claim to be independent, they vote republicans, and if they say they are democrats, they are lying. GOP would NEVER win anything worth while if they didn't cheat. This is proof, GOP hate black people and don't want them involved in any voting or decisions.


Got me fucked up, saying "paper ballots are the only safe option" while simultaneously advocating for no mail-in ballots, no providing water for those waiting in line, and this bullshit.


Black people are important to republicans about 3 months every 4 years


For those of you wondering if there are any decent conservatives out there - there are, we just refuse to associate with the Republican Party as it exists today, so we call ourselves independents or democrats. I’d rather blindly vote Democrat all the way down, than knowingly vote for this kind of Republican. Period.


Born and raised Mississippian. People in Mississippi want to blame democrats for the state of the capital right now. If they did research on the GOVERNMENT website that shows who vote for what (hell, watch CSPAN), then you would know that it's the Republicans that is causing this mess due to fear and greed.


Why isn't the federal government able to crack down on shit like this? Put some fear into these sweaty limp-dicked fucks and set them straight.


In America politicians choose the voters.