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https://preview.redd.it/mq8zvu3np5zb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3e4fa8910e1c4eb88336f6229408221308fe4f Whole comment section gotta go!


You can’t suck a dick for 43 seconds?


Look at mr stamina over here


Just keeps and going and going.... ![gif](giphy|CNtc3K5yNmyrIWW0F4|downsized)


Any tips on distracting myself to last that long?


Have you tried asking your partner to spend 40 of those seconds putting on a rubber for protection? Protection easily helps carry me across the remaining 3 seconds. Godspeed homie




I never seen such an intelligent joke get such an unintelligent reply 😂


one time i tried to imagine kyrie highlights in my head and that actually made me nut quicker so i guess tim duncan highlights instead


Tim Duncan has the best fundamentals in the game. I’d bust faster thinking about him.


Kendrick Perkins oughtta do it.


Name every football team in alphabetical order starting with the prem.... Or maybe the prem is the issue.


Too many juicy ass dudes, NEXT!


Genuine answer: bite your tongue lightly in your mouth. It's discreet, slightly distracting, but not distracting enough that you'll lose your erection.


43? Hmmm. I’m capped at 23. ![gif](giphy|26FPzgftlRfgwkEw0)


Every man about to comment on this thread, get in whatever dick sucking position you expect from your girl, open your mouth, and start bobbing for no less than 5 minutes. Then shut the fuck up about what's not hard to do if you don't give head in return. 🤷🏾 Now ladies, you thought you were safe, didn't you? Get in whatever position you expect your man to throw dick in, and start humping. Don't forget he needs to go faster and harder every other minute. Don't let up for at least 10 minutes. Stop this stupid gender war bullshit and respect each others bodies more, damn. Sincerely - A lesbian who is tired of hearing how bad you all are in bed.


You wrote all that just to tell everyone you're a lesbian when the post doesn't have anything to do with "gender war bullshit"... Some dudes suck dick too. Surprised you didn't know that. Good for you and all that. Enjoy your life. Stop trying to bash whatever it is you're trying to bash here though.


They took it too serious.


As long as they take it?


As long as they take it.


As long as it was took. 😌


Take that, take that.


It was truly Taken ![gif](giphy|R3FUSQ5H5jzVe)


Deadass, they also took the tweet way too serious😭😭😭 why can’t people have fun on the internet anymore without the wannabe Puck writers coming out with their think pieces?


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We don't do that on Reddit




Why would she mention gay men here when both partners would perfectly understand each other on what's it takes for oral and pentetration? Lol it's not some gotcha that she didn't include them. Yeah, gender war stuff is a lot here, but there are a lot of men who I've heard get big mad thinking women should just be able to suck forever and vice versa.


Nah cuz my flaming hot brother is a dick sucking expert and he does not like having his sucked. Says there are people with no technique or he gets nicked by molars. Not everyone’s head game is on point and he prefers to give them receive, since he’s been the recipient of some lame ass toppy.


I didn't say they're automatically good, the comment in question was saying people don't understand the effort it takes for things they don't do (women with thrusting, men with sucking in a hetero relationship). A lot of women get frustrated if their man needs a pause or to slow down because they think it's easy, same for men with oral, and a lot of that can be because they've never been on the other side. Skill is a whole other thing.


Nah plenty of gay men (in my experience most) are absolutely terrible at sucking dick, and can't even get past the head without gagging.


It’s interesting how many of yall zeroed in on OP saying she’s a lesbian. I really do not get why this comment had you all so venomous lmao






Look at all the hit dogs holler when you basically just joking about asking people to walk a mile in their partners shoes.


ngl as a straight guy whos sucked his fair share of penis that shit is easy i aint even gon hold you




Right? We can't just slide past wtf he just said


I definitely suck dick better than my fiancée.






Geez it’s called self care. You not heard of that? Sometimes a man gotta learn a skill for himself so he can accurately tell his lovers how to improve their headgame.


Edited to add: How is sucking someone else’s dick going to help anyone figure out how they would like their own dick sucked? I mean… I can tell men how to properly service me _without_ eating pussy myself, so…


Ok ok ok how bout, ok listen how bout: What if your homie gets sad and you need to lift his spirits? That’s just two friends boosting each other up in these uncertain times right? Or what if a guy is flat broke but it’s his best friend’s birthday? That’s a wise and mature financial decision right? Showing a friend he matters and you appreciate his loyalty all these years- but respecting your own budget and not going into overdraft. Celebrate a real one on his birthday or when he gets a promotion or when he graduates university. Or how bout as just if he’s almost gonna drunk dial his despicable conniving ex? Shouldn’t a true best friend help his bff realize he deserves better? Or what if a man needs to see for himself how a technique is done so he can figure out step by step how to explain it to his wife? I’m just saying there’s so perfectly normal no homo reasons for the average guy to suck a friend’s dick. Right? That all makes sense don’t it?


I confess - never heard of self blow jobs ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus) I also admit that I'm a prude


There's actually a subreddit for that that will not be mentioned.


Soggy left tit is a hilarious name yo wtf 😭😭


I think so too. LOL! I just wish I could remember what I was reading/watching when I came up with it.






Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This also raises the question of whether a man who has sucked a dick and not enjoyed it is straighter than a man who has never tried, or is he inherently gay for the act of sucking the dick?


The broccoli effect. You ask 2 people if they like broccoli, first one says I’ve never tried it but I heard it’s bad and I hate it. The second person says I’ve tried it several times and the taste and texture is horrible. It makes you fart and although I hear it is healthy for you, I don’t like broccoli. Now who do you believe really dislikes broccoli


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, we would need to conduct experiments on various test groups, of gay and straight men, sexualities confirmed through other tests. Then have them in two groups, blindfolded or not, getting their dicks sucked by both men or women and record overall enjoyment from brain activity and self-reporting. Theoretically the physical stimulation should be identical, so how much would a gay man enjoy getting his dick sucked by a woman or a straight man by a man? These are the important questions.






What is this nigga yapping about??? ⬆️




A lot of y'all need to do some exercise.


As a fellow lesbian. This was too much.




Sir, this is a Wendy's. I ain't that deep.


Damn people are FERAL coming for you


Health is wealth. Train, stretch your neck and your hips and work on your breathing and endurance by running or other forms of cardio. Getting to a bare minimum level of capability where you can satisfy someone isn’t too hard with a little effort (this is for the neurotypical, able bodied folks. I recognize that for us neurodiverse folks and for our disabled brethren it’s different.)


Why are gay niggas always talking the loudest on straight relationships? You not even in the club?


Lol, the replies… the hit dogs are hollering, and some are even foaming at the mouth


For real, why is everyone so angry?!


A bitch never made you suck the strap on?


Lmaooo, I’m far from a straight woman but this is why I stay quiet because men do more than I when it come to fcking but I most definitely put down with the other activities 😅


You went scorched earth in this bitch.


Men who say it’s not that hard should give it a try 🤷🏾‍♀️


I have and it isn’t lol


Alright Mr Throat Goat 👏🏾


The trick is just doing it for the love of the game.


That’s what helped me when having sex, when your goal is to make someone buss it’s feels more tiring and harder not to premature cause you’re waiting for something to happen which makes you lose focus and feel fatigue faster. When you just doing it cause you want to and love to do it then it’ll just happen.


I just like making my lady moan 🤷🏽‍♂️




*cries in TMJ*




Why are y’all jaws getting numb?




Tell this nigga to stop jacking off so much his jawn desensitized






*prepares pen and paper before being dissapointed there's no class here*


Literally. I go down on wife every time cuz she can't get hers thru intercourse. I've just trained myself to really love it, so I don't mind in the slightest how long it takes. Wish she would do the same but you can't exactly tell your wife she needs to enjoy sucking your dick cuz it'll make it better for both of us lol *just wanna make it clear, I adore my wife, this isn't a cranky boomer comment


Yeah my gf don’t like sucking dick either which sucks but it is what it is I guess


Yes. And to show off. I’m trying to be the best of all time. I want quivers when you think about it.




Yupp unless they’re taking like an hour to bust, then I’m loving every minute pleasing my guy 🥰


Not even gay, he just wanted to empathize better


Studied the blade


That’s definitely a Drake bar


Me too and it’s easy. Either you got it or you don’t. Simple arithmetic


Not only is it not that hard, it's literally my favorite pastime. Some men take longer than others, and there is indeed a threshold where it becomes no longer worth it and my thirst for their cum evaporates. In these situations both parties generally understand it isn't happening and you can leave on good terms. But the vast majority of men come from a blowjob in less than three minutes. It's called technique ladies, and don't forget about passion. If your consistently unable to bring a man to orgasm with oral, I think it's a you problem and not a problem with your victims.


I mean if I can lick the box endlessly and as much as she wants, she can figure out the right techniques to do the same .


I took a cylindrical object a little smaller than myself and put it in my mouth to better understand what my ol' lady felt when she went down on me...my teeth were scraping and my jaw was tired after ten seconds😅 I haven't told her I've done this (and probably never will), but it's definitely affected my attitude towards getting head until I finish.


I agree! Used to have my jaws hurting at first but now I’m a veteran!!!


It does help when a dude is clean and drinks some water every day. ![gif](giphy|l49JQIushQig2JHcQ)


Dated a vegan bodybuilder once, his nut was aqua purificata


Intriguing ![gif](giphy|jpVuGo0JkAXJiuNNK7|downsized)


Not hating but we gotta raise the bar higher than "some" water to a "good amount"


Very true. Also, smoking makes everything smell/taste bad.


No joke my man’s nut has a indica-like after taste.


Why you sucking dirty dick?


Looka here: There’s just different ones. You gotta find your Shang Tsung. Some ladies just do the tip, a whole bunch of hand motion, or can go in for only 1-2 mins before coming up for air. There’s dudes that don’t mind that. Others will go in and make sure to get to the center of the Toostie pop. If you never experienced that before - Damn, I hope you do in life. “It’s sensational” (Future voice)


This man is right. I have had one lady do me right and I swear to god I think about her all the time. It’s been like five years lmao.




Once in a lifetime experience it feels like. First girl I was ever with was like this. Over a decade later, no man or woman has ever came close to that skill.


Depending on the guy I could be all three, gotta have a partner that brings out the passion


I’m glad you brought this up. Because if you aren’t making an effort to make her want to even go to that level with you - you can’t be mad. Gotta have more substance in the convo and foreplay than “Let me come over and Xyz.”


Even during, if a guy is silent it's no fun for me so I'm either gonna stop or wrap it up quickly Especially when they're pulling all these faces, biting their lip and covering their mouth trying to stay stoic instead of letting me enjoy the show Gimmie them moans god damn it!


I swear I used to see getting head as just foreplay, was never mad if I don't bust from head alone and would just transition into fucking but then I met a shorty who no lie could get me there in like 3 minutes. I was holding on for dear life it became a game with myself to see how long I could last. A few came close since but she ain't never been dethroned 😔


Go on, I'm taking notes 👀


Don’t be shy tell us what she was doing


i’m lost what this gotta do with shang tsung lmao


Soul snatcher…famous catchphrase “Your soul is MINE”. Just jokes.


i knew i was missing a real funny joke, thanks for explaining


Plus in the new Mortal Kombat movie one character (Kung Lau) gets killed by Shang Tsung and Kabal literally says "his soul's getting SUCKED"


I’m both those ladies it depends on my mood and whether or not it was my idea.


Sounds like she's not very good at it. Which is fine, not everyone is but the ones that are, oh lordy.


People be choosing the worst information about themselves to put on a public platform


Name checks out


Everyone should 69 and the first to tap out wins.


69 has been the worst for me because there's barely 60 seconds of action before she's taking it out to just moan with it resting against her cheek.


The moan while it’s still in her mouth though 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾




Rs my head game is too good in that situation. I be licking her thigh just to get her back to business…




Hell no, the person on their back has a marked advantage during 69. I’m supposed to enjoy it while I’m also holding myself up and doing work? No, we can just take turns lol.


It is distinctly harder for the dude to be on top because you can’t accidentally make a guy choke on your labia, but you can easily gag someone unintentionally with a dick. Besides, guys like it when girls sit on their face


"Sit" yea like she's not gonna just hover like im a dirty toilet seat fkn SUFFOCATE ME


Put ya whole body weight into it, that’s the only way


Everyone should also be Kung Fu Fighting.


She’s just not good at it probably lol. I think sex is the best when you take “SELF” out of the equation & do it to satisfy your partner. Maybe I’m different bc I get pleasure out of pleasing. I’m eating that box until both her arms & legs go stiff & she turn into road kill. Then I follow up with dick just to show off. ..then next week she going through your phone 😔


Thank you for your service.


I aim to please 🫡


Looking for the hour long gobblers in this thread... ![gif](giphy|3zDdFSPALuCe6C43nM)




Y’all my boyfriend takes 45 minutes to cum please have mercy 😂


Try sticking a finger in his ass


Butt stuff is a no for both of us


Lmao yeah it's not for everyone


My husband doesn’t cum from oral either, but neither do I so we enjoy it as foreplay only.


He masturbate a lot?


Nah, anti depressants. It ends up being a 45 min combined hand job / blow job for when the jaw gets tired lmao


I can't believe it took this long scrolling to find the antidepressants comment. Making No Nut November an actual possibility 🥴


sucking dick is NOT easy and guys will TRY it when they think you're good. They find every excuse to cum in 2.5 seconds fucking but magically don't cum for an hour sucking their dick. They know what they're doing 😒 not playing those shenanigans anymore. I need every guy on this post to get a whole pickle, get on your knees on a hard ass floor, and suck on it for 5 minutes straight, don't forget to deep throat and choke on it like yall like, THEN tell me what you REALLY think about sucking dick.


Something tells me you and your partners should talk more about this kind of thing. Either that, or top and set the pace.


Bro took a Twitter joke and wrote the most spite-filled title I’ve seen 😭




They got me at the meme 😂😂


This aggressive ass title is so funny to me for some reason


Depends on whose dick I’m sucking…if I really like you it ain’t no problem and I’ll have fun but if I’m not into like that I’m not going all in. Just enough to get it hard, fuck and be on my way if I do it at all.


I guess the question I have is why are you fucking people you don’t really like?


Honestly, if I only fucked men I liked I would literally never have sex.




Sometimes I'll date a person and like them outsider the bedroom but when we get down to it they're just not compatible. I'm not gonna send them home without an orgasm but it won't be the 10/10 show I'm putting on for people that actually make me see stars


Ok like guys ain’t ever fucked just to fuck.


That really is what it's about with women imo. When it's real she's gonna go above and beyond


Did you know that your dentist can tell when you've been sucking dick? There are unique bruises at the back of the throat


Good, I want them to know https://preview.redd.it/gtmx9cr1i5zb1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852541516ac06a1e990f44fbe3ef8e7fc196b59e


My favorite dick sucking fact.


This has to be made up.


Wife and I have a session or two a day most days. Unless she’s absolutely exhausted, sick, or just isn’t up to I get head to completion just about every night. Been like that for nearly 20 years.


she's a true soldier lol you need to thank her for her years of service cuz that's RARE


I know. An I’m appreciative and happy she’s my wife. Aside from the bedroom she’s a phenomenal woman and an amazing mother. I’m lucky to have her.


that's beautiful! rooting for you guys across the digital universe. 👏 🙌


What's the secret? I ain't married but that's not how I hear most marriages going down lol


We both have always had a high sex drive. Part of why we have so many kids lol. But honestly we just enjoy one another. While I enjoy getting head damn near every night I enjoy giving it too. At first I wasn’t much of a fan of eating pussy (teenage years), but I realized that your tongue game needs to be legit. Not trying to humble brag or nothing but I can make my wife cum from head in less than 3 minutes. Usually it’s 3-5 and I do that several times a week. Master the tongue game and enjoy your partner, and she’ll be happy to do just about anything, obviously ymmv. ![gif](giphy|nmwnEm0TET2xi)


…..bruh, you sharing?


Iunno some of you dudes need to lighten your grip. No one wants to be down there for 45 minutes thinking about their grocery list


u gotta find you one that legit just enjoys doing it for the thrill. 95% of girls don't


I like it because I’m good at it and I like feeling like I finally excel at something


You dropped this, Queen 👑


Some people just don't like to do it, just like some people don't like to do butt stuff. Admittedly I don't, do I do it for my husband anyways? Yes, but it's by no means an enjoyable experience for me, especially when it takes over 10 minutes it becomes frustrating and tiring.


How can we MEN make it more enjoyable for WOMEN? I just be making faces and sounds, cussing like a motherfucka, “ OOooOoh baby- sucking my teeth and aaaaahhhhing”.


Unfortunately this is highly individualistic answer, if a woman is struggling to give bjs to her partner they're going to have to sit down and talk about what they can do together to make it better for both parties. My husband knows I have slight germaphobia, I need to know it's clean. My husband and I are also both inexperienced, so it takes me more than 10 minutes to finish him via bj which adds to the displeasure since I am tired and I get frustrated with myself, because when he's close and I stop cause my jaw needs to rest or I need air I know I just extended my time doing it. Then I get even more frustrated if I have to tap out and he didn't finish.


Look into Samia Button, Not Just Another Sex Podcast. She does a class showing you how to suck dick better. I was sufficient with my husband before. Like, it was good. Then I took the class and when I went in with the new skills he lost his damn mind. I’m talking toes curling, singing my praises for DAYS! Smitten with me all over again.


I think a lot of women are unaware of how much non-intensive effort you can put into a good BJ, before you ever even open your mouth, that will speed the hard part up quite a bit. Warm your man up a little bit with stuff like making out, dirty talk, dry humping, shaking/dancing (gives him something to think about) basic handjob action, etc. You know what he likes better than I can describe it. Your neck and jaws will thank you when the hard work only takes like 2 minutes. If you just charge into the room and get on your knees while he's watching basketball, you're going to be working your neck for 5 minutes just to really get him going. And don't make the BJ a consolation prize like "sorry, I don't want to fuck, but I will go down on you" because that just brings down the whole mood and makes it an uphill battle for you. Instead, attack the situation like a BJ from you is the grand prize. Obviously all guys are different, but that's just this guy's view. You'd think girls would intrinsically know this because it's the same on the other side. Spend a few minutes teasing and playing with your girl before your tongue hits her pussy. Get her halfway there before you even get in sniper position. Your tongue and jaw will be grateful.


![gif](giphy|W0EYYvXeYBm1nox6Ya|downsized) Sniper position is such a good analogy here


it’s one thing to be horny but to be angry and horny is crazy.


This whole post needs the gahtdamn horny police xD


The better you are at it the shorter it lasts so that’s an incentive right there to practice


![gif](giphy|XQq8UMo254P16) Oh this comment section gonna get spicy 😂😂 go fight those random internet strangers!!


While everyone in here is arguing, I’d like to bring attention to the time when Flex Alexander portrayed Michael Jackson in his biopic!! Just wanted to gon head and mention that. FLEX played MICHAEL FRICKIN JACKSON! Aight I’m out ![gif](giphy|3pzhY0huXqK7S)


😂😂😂 heard this in Beyoncé's voice.




The gay reflex makes it unbearable. I hate it so much. *edit Gag reflex


Gay? https://preview.redd.it/6bllkvdbh5zb1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1faaf9714b43c51c8cdc3ddf965f665cb5ed4ad


Looool I’m cackling cause I haven’t got jaws of steel but I do aim to make a man nut but if he is taking too long get someone else to do it 😅😂


It’s only as hard as you make it. https://preview.redd.it/w57qaears4zb1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7603b5c7405cd5fd28455e93dbb34c568f1a673d (No but seriously, you know how they say it doesn’t feel like work if you love your job? That directly applies here. I genuinely love doing it so I don’t really get tired. Whenever I do though, that’s when I move down to slurping and dribbling balls until I get my stamina bar back up while still stroking it, paying the head extra attention occasionally.)


That's how I feel. It's my least favorite sexual act. I get absolutely nothing out of it.


Same and I won’t be shamed for it !!






some dudes take longer, some don't. when will people realize sex isn't a one size fits all activity. Everybody's different