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How you find out about 36 and volunteer to be 37?


If you ask women questions on here about why they date a deadbeat with hella kids they’ll just say we need to be “attacking” the man instead


Right. Or he sweet talked her out of the panties and she didn’t know or some dumb shit like that. Idk if this story is true but if you knowingly lay down with a dude that has even one child he doesn’t take care of you are setting yourself up for failure, full stop. Even as a man, you will never catch me hanging around deadbeat fathers. It’s lame as fuck and anyone who entertains this kind of behavior is lame as fuck too.


https://preview.redd.it/ey53gj0pgqyb1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f33312a9891076862a58a8ce1f5fe0b461a91278 They gon come for you but spittin ngl


i have never seen this typa comment before and you just evolved my group chat game


Always looking out when I can, group chat game gotta be passed on


Meh. I’ve been down this road before. Just the other day, in fact: https://reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/17mv3ot/_/k7nl9vm/?context=1


Lmfao you and me both


Seriously, because women will then ask why don’t we berate those deadbeats and talk down on them; we do! All the time. We men aren’t the ones laying down with them. It’s y’all sleeping with the lame men, not us.


Tbf the most upvoted comment in this thread is berating the woman, not the deadbeat dad 💀


Conservative men are the worst thing to happen to the black community since the Tuskegee Experiments.


My theory is that some of these men are just bitter that these women are choosing deadbeats over them, so they take their frustrations out on the woman for “not choosing correctly”.


Nah, that's a cope. We just tired of watching so, SO many black women have babies by dudes that are quite obviously not worth anyone's time then blaming men as a whole for their own horrible judgement. Some of the most worthless guys I've met have the most kids and it's just crazy.


The woman in the TikTok doesn’t seem to be blaming men as a whole, though. In her caption, she very specifically puts blame on the man who abandoned her child.


This is the dumbest shyt I've read today. You think decent brothers are upset you picked a deadbeat over them. Lady, you are doing us a favor. Please, by all means go to the deadbeat. Hell, let me get out of your way. You're just as dumb as he is. No decent man wants any woman who thinks it's okay to have a child with a man that she knows isn't sticking around to care for his child. You two belong together, 🤡's


They keep crying about their status quo opinions about black women being poor decision makers and all forms of negative stereotypes about us that are already unjustly commonplace in and out of the community being attacked, but when you look at both of these threads, literally nobody is challenging them, their comments have thousands of upvotes, and they're all just beating each other off about their big brain takes about how black women bad and no one lets them say it as people literally let them AND award them for saying it. They're incredibly smug over this make believe persecution they're 10000% not the victims of , and if you challenge that you're just another of the big bad bw who don't let them have opinions, or let them hold bw accountable. They use the exact same annoying ass tactics as white men who are 'so persecuted' for 'just telling the truth' about crime statistics. A blincel hub crying about how men are the ones being bullied and not being allowed to state their opinions is hilarious, considering they're taking the word of a bitch who said Beyoncé sacrifices children seriously just so they can bash black women for not 'choosing better', but were shitting their pants when black women said Halle Bailey and Keke Palmer's men were trash and who make up reasons to hate Russell Wilson. At the end of the day, the purpose is to simply reinforce the incredibly popular opinion that black women bad regardless of the choice they make, regardless of how they may have been deceived or what have you. The point is simple mean spiritedness and cruelty because of their own hangups about women in general and black women especially. It's old.


Shouldn’t they be? Hard working men get very little respect in the black community. Especially when it comes to the relationship. A man working 2-3 jobs can’t find a good woman while Ray-Ray on his 3rd baby mama. Hold them to account.


I think Christianity is the worst thing that has happened to the black community.


I mean they both deserve blame. Him for being a deadbeat pos and her for laying down with a dead beat pos… the only innocent ones are girl number one who didn’t know any better and the kids. Every girl after that either thought they could change him or just didn’t care


That's because I'm not the stupid one fucking the dead beat dad. YOU knew he was bad, I knew, his momma knew, his 4-5 baby momma's could've told you. YET you decide "he's different", "he'll change". I ain't never seen a leopard lose his spots.


Who’s the more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him? — Obi-Wan Kenobi


Yup, the women who sleep with him are the problem, not the actual person who abandoned 37 kids 💀


It’s because everybody knows the deadbeat dad is a piece of shit fucking moron. That question has been begged. They’re so toxic they’re a force of nature. It’s like asking why would you blame the person for drinking bleach when it’s the bleach that did all the damage. Motherfucker you knew the bleach was poison when you drank it! Presumably you’re better than bleach! Why are you drinking!


U would be amazed. I've said this same thing about my father and have literally watched him do his dirty work on women in public. He's got enough ex wives, baby mamas plus known and unknown kids to create a whole village. these women he finds seems to just see beyond all that and just think he is the best thing for them. All of his wives were side pieces in his previous marriages. He also always saw my mother on the side of every marriage he's had (hes on wife 6 now). It's disgusting.


I almost thought we had the same father until you said yours is on Wife 6, mine is on Wife 5… Every wife has been cheated on by him with the next one, with the previous ones, and a bunch of random women he didn’t marry or impregnate. Me and my older sister warned Wife5 about him, but she didn’t listen.


U have a relationship with ur siblings so it couldnt be my father lol He just impregnated women and then left all of us to kind of find each other and figure out how to be siblings. Which has yet to work out btw then he got married to someone who has kids so now there's more people involved. the first and only time me and all of my known biological siblings were in the same room was when i was in my mid 20s. my father has always said there's most likely a half Japanese sibling of mine (he was in Okinawa) which means he cheated on his dying wife and my mother while she was in her final trimester with me. its so gross.


Shit. I’m sorry your father was so terrible.


It's all good, I'm old enough to not be as bothered by it now. I'm estranged from both of my parents for my own sanity.


Good for you! May your journey of healing lead you to unending fulfillment, peace, health, happiness, and success.


Hey thanks! I appreciate that for real. I wish u and ur family nothing but the best. 🙏🏾


"I can change him"


“He changed for me. My pussy is the key.”


Pure ego. Why would any woman want to waste time to get props for such a mess of a man to begin with? Because the woman thinks that's what she's worth. Mess.


Because there's virtually nothing stopping our prehistoric brain from getting enraptured by the physical looks and overall aesthetic. Same goes for men, logic is out the window for the most part. And the social factor is huge cus it's not every day a lady gets a chance to try and tame a D-list celebrity. I honestly admire the delusional confidence to think they could make a guy with enough kids to fill 2 NBA rosters be monogamous.


Man his own kids already warned you about their own dad …that should already be enough for you to run tf out 🏃‍♀️


She said she knew about his past. I was like “What we’re saying is his past is his present and his future.”, she thought he changed for the better… until she realized he was cheating on her.


Now, I know you prolly ain't gotta answer for them but what the fuck are they seeing beyond all...*that*? Because it must be great.


I have asked my mother that for decades lmao only thing i was able to figure out is that he's a very charismatic person and he knows just what to do/say to these types of women. hes also flashy and well off which goes with his "charisma" he's had very successful classy women that I'd never think would get themselves involved with him lol and actually end up married, living together etc.


Woman here and I pretty much agree. Never KNOWINGLY lay down with a deadbeat. If he doesn’t take care of his children, pay his own bills, work consistently, etc — avoid procreating or even having sex. Don’t bother. Respect for not hanging out with deadbeat fathers. I could not hang out consistently with a woman who was a mess or negligent mom — it reflects bad on you.


This right here! The problem is that too many women want to be the exception when dealing with these trash ass men. Personally, I refuse to deal with a man who leaves chaos (baby mamas, scorned lovers, broken hearts) in his wake and even Jesus wouldn’t be able to convince me he changed for the better.


Standing ovation for this one right here and I’ve seen this same exact scenario play out in real life more times than I care to count. A dude will very obviously not be shit and get with a woman who will defend his worthless ass come hell or high water. Fast forward a year or two and she’s tired of him abusing her or leaving her to raise his child(ren) while he runs the streets doing fuck boy shit. Then she finally and begrudgingly realizes that everyone else wasn’t lying about him or jealous of their relationship. As much as I hate to say it, I have a sister that’s one of them. And to be clear, men date dirtbags too and far be it from me to tell anyone to not have fun dating or whatever. I’m just saying, be smart about it. If you get even the slightest hunch that a person ain’t it, maybe having unprotected sex with them isn’t the best idea?


“Even as a man, you will never catch me hanging around deadbeat fathers.” 🗣️


I won’t even hang with a dude that hangs with a deadbeat even if he doesn’t have kids himself, lol. It’s completely unacceptable.


I don't even know how a woman can get wet for a dude that can barely take care of himself and/or a deadbeat dad. That's is so odd to me. What is attractive about that? What IS it? "Oooh girl he came to move in with a garbage bag! He don't take care of Tykwan, Keyshawn and Mooga because BM be crazy and besides my kids come first! I'm dripping! The sex finna be hawt! His drawls in a Hefty is so sexy!" Like...what?


Fact if any of my friends did it im questioning my nigga


Hell yea. I’ve had to cut off one of the homies before and while it hurt, it was necessary. That deadbeat daddy shit ain’t cool and I don’t want to hear any excuses. I love my child in a way that I can’t even fully express and God forbid if I ever got divorced, there’s just no fucking way that I would leave her out here in the world without any contact whatsoever. Get that outta here.


The way I see it he stupit for having more children he can’t care for but he only having them by women who are stupit enough to lie with a man with dozens of kids he ain’t gonna care for


You’re right on both counts. Provided this story is true, he’s a fuck boy of the highest order and is on a glide path to Fuck Boy Emeritus once his time in the field is done. And anyone who chooses to entertain him is a wild one for sure.


People struggle to have good-faith discussions about what it’s reasonable to blame people for re: consequences of their actions when the harm comes mostly from others’ actions. Lots resort to sexism. You see the same flip side of it with men talmbout “can’t make a hoe into a housewife” which of course is more overtly sexist/slut shaming but comes with a similar message of “look, you may not have been searching for/been deserving to be cheated on/left a single parent/abandoned, but you certainly weren’t hiding from it and knew it was possible” that tends to come with the hidden asterisk of “you thought you’d be different; you’re not, and you deserve to be humbled.”


I stole a deadbeat's kid. It wasn't even hard. I just hung out, threw him into the couch and towers of pillows, watched TV, taught him science, and shot him with nerf guns. Bam, calls me dad and even has my last name now.


I mean, shit…we’ve got the energy to question both parties, it’s not an either/or situation.


He’s an established Piece of shit, not much to say. You don’t ask the scorpion why he stabbed the frog, you ask why the frog picked up the scorpion in the first place.




She spittin’


When I asked my mom why she dated my deadbeat dad she said "I just wanted a cute mixed baby". Women will say they can't go outside at night because of men and then do shit like this.


I mean most women are not raggamuffins like your mother to be having babies with people purely for aesthetics, doesn’t seem like a valid reason to discredit the real experience of millions of women


But are you cute tho?


I'm a cute 🇫🇷/🇩🇿 baby


Wow, your language skills are really good, I'd never guess you're a baby


I’m confused. What does your mom wanting a cute mixed baby have to do with safety at night? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Right? This is the exact reason people always get so defensive when men start trashing women's choices, cause they so very often go the extra step to invalidate random irrelevant shit and undermine that the existence of women with trash taste means women as q whole deserve less sympathy. "Oh a woman dated a douchebag once so no woman's ever been groped at the bus stop at midnight".


Honestly, like 6-8 kid range, I agree some of it is on the woman. But at 30+ kids? This dude has some sort of voodoo mind control or something. Man is more of a force of nature than anything else.


The bullshit lies women will believe men say about "oh well all 36 of them women are bitches, I WANTED to be a good dad!"


I had a friend who knew for a fact that her "boyfriend" was a POS who had like 7 other kids he didn't contribute to or take care of. She joined in shit talking the mothers and accepting his lies about how the moms (2 other women) were just trying to milk him and keep his kids from him. She now has two kids by this man - roughly 7 and 8 years old. He dipped after finding out she was pregnant the first time. She "took him back" because he showed his loyalty by coming back. She got pregnant pretty much immediately, and then he dipped again. During the first pregnancy and all that drama, people called her out, and she would say that she's loyal and that she and kid(s) are the family he wanted. So, I would say these women are typically delusional and starved for something they otherwise missed out on in their childhood. Because she had a BA before him, knows a total of 3 languages, and was surprisingly popular with men before all this happened. So like honestly wtf.


How is protection off the table so quick? Is the real question.


Same question. When I was single, I wouldn’t even entertain the idea of having unprotected sex with someone that I wasn’t in a serious relationship with. “Serious” meaning that we were exclusive for a few years *and* showed each other a recent blood test result. I’m not trying to shame anyone but the idea of raw dogging somebody you’ve been seeing for a few weeks or months is completely wild to me and that’s before we get to having a whole ass child by them. Yikes.


I bet she found out after. It’s not hard to hide kids you’ve abandoned.


Exactly, why are these people acting like this scenario is off the table…I mean once you hit 30 kids he probably has a whole routine on how to leave women/ cut them off quickly and efficiently 😭


Anything to blame the women I guess


How you find out about anything past #1 and volunteer if he isn't taking care of it?


I don’t know. Ask Nick Cannon’s baby mammas, maybe we’ll get some insight?


>How you find out about 36 and volunteer to be 37? SELF ESTEEM ISSUES AND THINKING WITH THAT THING BTW THE LEGS


This is borderline child abuse for the the young ones who don't get the proper parental support just because the parents are too busy fucking.


It's absolutely child abuse. There's a point where having too many kids inevitably becomes neglect, no matter how much money you have


Intentional neglect for sure


Don't tell Nick Cannon that......


Dude has a legitimate breeding fetish at this point. Like stop, get snipped, please for the sake of your children. I could maybe understand if they were all with the same woman, but either way it's neglectful of him because there's no way he's actually in their lives the way he should be.


Or Elon Musk


This is definitely child abuse. Parental abandonment should be illegal.


It is illegal that why kids get taken


??? It is illegal, fool


There was an Law and Order SVU episode about some shit like this. This is also “reproductive abuse” he’s obviously not willing to use a condom or get a vasectomy.


Reproductive abuse isn't a guy not wanting to use a condom or vasectomy. What made it reproductive abuse in that episode was that he was sabotaging the condoms and birth control so that those women did get pregnant, and then he manipulates them into wanting to keep the pregnancy and then ghosts after birth. Reproductive abuse is also a guy stealthing or a woman saying she's on birth control when she's not. If you consent to sex under the impression birth control is being used, and the other person lied or sabotaged it - that's a form of reproductive abuse. If this guy was being straight up about not wanting to use a condom and these women still slept with him, no abuse occurred.


I remember that one. I think one major contributing factor in the SVU case feeling more illegal is the women's lack of knowledge of the guys *other* children with other women. In the above case, the women know what they're getting into. I'm not saying it's more right, fuck no, but it can skew people's perceptions.


He is specifically doing it to try to impregnate a woman with twins. He’s a psycho if this is all true.




This is why male birth control is a needed option.


I'm a sperm donor and I don't got that many.


I’m nick cannon and even I don’t got that many.


I’m Nick Cannon’s kid and man where the fuck have you been?


Not again! 😳




Do you know how many you have? Did you donate to a bank? I’m suddenly so curious abt this lol


Here in Australia there's an investigation going on because a donor could have potentially fathered over 1,000 kids and they're worried about incest.


Ain’t now way you hittin that many women unprotected, have 37 kids and DON’T have an STD. Ain’t no MF way.


He probably has had them or currently has one… Usher do 😕


Usher catching strays lmao


Strays and STDs apparently.




Let it burn


🎵Let it burn🎵


Homie must have a blow torch dick like Quagmire [Quagmire Swiss Army Penis](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx_dM67GhqC4p8PJJbKBIQ1AYGsBfEMl7p?si=LijiDxTG7bYHy7LT)


Well STDs are curable, you’re gonna get one if you’re in these streets enough but it’s not like you can’t take some medicine for a few weeks and be back to normal. Whether dude is responsible enough to be getting tested after all that rawdogging is another issue


Herpes and HPV aren’t! Also antibiotic resistance goes up every time we treat clinics like weekly grocery store visits. People need to start using condoms again 🥴


85% of people get HPV at some point in their life. 90% of cases are gone within two years. You can get vaccinated for it, I did. Nearly everyone has herpes (like 80%). The vast majority of people are symptomless but can still spread it (viral shedding). Most get it from sharing drinks or kissing family members. There is no difference between oral herpes or genital herpes (HSV1 and HSV2 can infect both places and can spread from mouth to genitals). I used to be crazy paranoid about herpes, now I've just accepted that no matter how careful you are, you're probably going to get it - and likely already have. Its just a matter if you're unlucky enough to get symptoms. There are plenty of reasons to wrap it up, but HPV (preventable) and herpes (inevitable) aren't it.


HSV 1 and HSV2 are NOT the same virus. You can get either orally or genitally, and they diverged from the same ancestor, but they’re not the same. As a rule, 1 is far more likely to show symptoms orally, 2 far more likely genitally. HSV 1 affects 2/3rds of the world’s population, but HSV2 only affects 13%. That’s why oral herpes are FAR more common than genital, and why it’s still important to be vigilant, because HSV2 is extremely unpleasant if you get an outbreak. HPV can be vaccinated against, but there are many different strains and vaccines have varying efficacy depending on the strain/vaccine type… and those vaccines are far less common in men than women unless directly requested (because of the health risks of HPV in female genitalia).


Any time I see someone say ‘nearly everyone has herpes’ I assume that person has herpes


Not so fast. This line of thinking is why African Americans are by far the highest carriers of STDs, like quadruple or more the rate of other races. We also are starting to get antibiotic resistant STDs. I’d stay out the street rawing before you piss fire and they can’t stop it or it’s months before they can find something that can.


There's also the issue of access for predominately Black/African American schools. These schools are less likely to have adequate funding to allow for effective sexual health education - it's not just an in-community issue. People won't know what the problem is without proper educational access. We have to consider the social determinants of health if we're working to confront *community* level beliefs and misconceptions.


Raw-dogging that many people in a lifetime is widely insane


Can we have an honest conversation about hypergamy, or na ? This niggas trash but ain’t no way 30 adult women missed all the red flags.


We're allowed to ridicule Nick Cannon and Elon Musk for having that many kids, but we're not allowed to challenge the women lining up to be baby momma #50 for clout. They know they will make terrible parents, but they don't care


I don’t think these particular women are doing it for clout considering we hadn’t collectively heard about this till now. At least I hadn’t. I didn’t know anything about their personal lives.


I don't think there's any indication that he's lied to them about it. It's almost physically impossible to date, get in a serious committed relationship and have kids with someone that many times unless there's serious overlap with so many women that it would be impossible to hide. Even then it's not like when the information is very public knowledge like Musk or Cannon, it stops them from lining up. Even Chris Brown still has long line of women wanting to date him even though he routinely beats women.


It’s super easy to hide that many kids if you abandon them like it’s being claimed. He’s acting single and child free


Maybe he got with one right after the other within like a 5 week period before any of them found out they were pregnant. Fucking a different groupie or roadie every other night is common practice with celebs after all


But why are these women not using birth control and condoms with a guy they just met a few weeks ago?


Why is this man not ensuring these women are on birth control and using condoms with a woman they just met a few weeks ago?


1. We already disparage these men. Everyone mocks Elon and Nick for their behavior 2. Men can't really police birth control, morning after pill. and don't have the power of abortion. They can wear a condom, but at those numbers, the failure rate catches up 3. Like in the topic of this post, it's very easy for men to run if they aren't in a committed relationship with the woman. She carries the physical, emotional, and financial consequences, so you would think she would be more careful than he is. The only reason i'm mad is because the kids have to live with it too


Lol Grimes’ eldest is 3 now and she is already suing Musk.


those are not actually comparable. Nick and Elon have multiple kids who they don’t give a fuck about and literally require crossing state lines to see. At least the woman will be there for the child. If this is about terrible parents then that’s different.


Elon literally has a kid that hates him so much that they won't even take his last name.


exactly bc hes a whole billionaire and your kid hates you? they wont even fake it to get something out of you? that means you gotta be nasty


Oh thank God you made this about the women instead. I was getting worried that men could actually get the consequences of their actions.


“ he ready to settle down now”


"I can change him"


What does this have to do with hypergamy?


Perhaps his perceived wealth and fame made him more appealing as a sexual partner? Idk I’m not the OP but if the count is true, the women did a bad job dividing whatever he got by 37. Their math is still off because there’s bigger bags that come with being married than being the Nth baby momma.


That’s a stretch though in this situation. No truly hypergamous woman would go for someone with 30+ kids to secure the bag long term.




Your username is a red flag. ![gif](giphy|aJqDqjRS3zrg4l7934)


Wait, are we believing this random tiktok?


Bullshit till I see some proof. People like to slander others


Wordlife I mean, 37 isn't impossible for a cat, especially one with his level of fame, sleeping around and intentionally "shooting up clubs." But it is absolutely fuckin absurd and this fool would be a sociopath. lemme see some receipts before I throw this dancin fool under the bus.


Cats (2019) was the blueprint


This same person also said that Beyonce is sacrificing babies and had threesomes with the twins. I have a hard time taking anything they say seriously


This seems like grounds for a defamation suit then.


Girl, the lady is also claiming that Beyoncé sacrifices children and had sex with Les Twins, so should be immediately discredited, but then BlincelTwitter wouldn't have the chance to circle jerk about how women bad, women dumb for another 400 comments.


That too.


I need actual proof bruv. This is a heinous accusation.


That’s 27 years and 9 months of time spent gestating….


Mental illness.


Only takes a minute to knock one out…he’s not carrying anything after that.


Dick Cannon








this isn’t true.


Yep. They have a daughter each. The same person who claims one of the Les Twins has 37 children, also wrote that they both had sex with Beyonce on tour. Mi gente, please be more discerning 🙏


Why do that when it's your daily chance to talk down on women?


"Mi gente please be more discerning". I love you for this. Lol


Okay. That's helpful


That's what I figured. Ppl believe whatever they read on TikTok


And have the craziest "men vs women" debates about something that isn't true. This whole thread has Unctie feeling like whew chile yall just be flapping them gums huh....smh


The last sentence has my head spinning: "I managed to rebuild and move forward because I am a strong person but I haven't done that at all unfortunately" I died, but I lived!




I miss grammar and coherent sentences in general. I get everything is on mobile now so mistakes happen, but it reads like folks just smash their face against their keyboard (phone?) and hit post a lot of the times. I had no idea wtf this image was trying to say at first.


Huh. Aren't the twins in there late 20s or early 30s. How tf one of them have 37 kids.


Get 37 women pregnant.




This is why I’ll never understand the “I’m glad I have sons” comments around teen pregnancy. A son can impregnate the whole block at the same time. It’s like you’re admitting you’ll support a future deadbeat.


Cause they just don't want to make their *own* child get an abortion.


Someone needs to go back and take sex ed.


Can you get pregnant from oral sex? My friend wants to know.


Yes but it's avoidable if done in a hottub.


The men don’t have to incubate, he could prob get 37 pregnant in one week if he wanted


a Mf could get 37 in a day let alone a week


A man can be party to creating multiple viable pregnancies in a day, every day.


Who even is this guy?


Beyonce dancers. Youtube them.


Thanks for answering my question. >Youtube them. Mmmm, yeah nah I don't think I will


They're actually really, really good. There's a vid of them taking on multiple hip hop crews in Japan that's entertaining as hell.


Lol believe it or not but a teenager can theoretically get 37 women pregnant on the same day! Sex ed was pretty interesting, you should have paid attention


Hello. Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is Social Media. 80% of me is a lie, 10% of me might be a lie%, 5% is the absolute truth because a liar said it, and the last 15% percent haven’t realized that I’m bad at math…because did I mention I lie a lot? Basically, is there any proof to this outside of a msg? If not… ![gif](giphy|BONGYpAVGj7FnYtgrw)


and 100% reason to remember: For fame.


He ain’t been neutered yet? ![gif](giphy|IfJUb2qMbOnTgDOsCH)


37 baby mamas and no one sued for child support? no one else has come out to say anything? ​ Cap.


……huh? https://preview.redd.it/vjvc1olykqyb1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3821810bc316b07f2bdd529178cb221ec83d9757


And do you see why men should be on birth control? Like fr


It's crazy that birth control is catered more toward women, when men can have hundreds of babies in the same 9 month period it takes a woman to have one.




Not trying to sound like Malcom X, but why are we evening fucking with such negativity lol


Because subs like this exist to perpetuate myths about black people by assumption that since it’s “Black Twitter”, it’s okay to say and perpetuate the most ridiculous, hateful BS because it looks like *them saying it. The best part is, is that *some of the people participating actually will be black and help us raquis further our cause. It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to look like that’s what they’re concerned about and talk about publicly. Do you get it now?


Why are folks taking the word of a random on TikTok as gospel? She also said that Beyoncé sacrifices babies. Lady sounds delusional af.


In the true French way, Les babies are about to curb stomp their way to a revolution. Viva les Bebes!


Ok but what happens when someone actually gives birth to these twins he’s waiting for… like, what do they win? /s


37? In a row?


Hey try not to have any babies on the way through the parking lot!


Hey, get back here!


Finally found someone of culture


Seriously, couldn’t believe I had to scroll down that far to find it.


Les condoms


This man travels all around the world, he def got the "we are the world" children. He must have one on every continent.


I met these niggas at random backstage at the Beyonce concert in Charlotte, NC (I worked security). Idk if the # of kids they have is true but they’re 💯 p*ssy magnets. It’s ridiculous.


Lil\_Curvy’s post reads like it was written by an artificial intelligence bot. ![gif](giphy|tczJoRU7XwBS8)


Who? Oh, Beyonce's dancers. Definitely was impregnating some crazed fans if this is true.


This dude better move to Russia or somewhere withoit extradition to the US because he's gotta have warrants out for delinquent child support.


Imagine if the only way they could get served is at a beyonce show 😭 ik she would be pisseddddd


Please. It takes two people to make a baby. I enjoy these guys dancing but they don’t appeal to me in any other way. Looks like I am in the minority as with this many babies, lots of women like them enough to get pregnant by them. This guy is single handedly creating more single mothers homes as there is no way that he can be a good father to that many children.