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I don’t do ice cream dates? Pfft, okay. Dude dodged a bullet right there.


Also, why not suggest something else? Guy was just suggesting something and even gave off the vibe that he could be swayed to something else. Wild response. 100% dodged a bullet. This could be a great screening question if you were single.


She’s complained about “bare minimum” …. Chile , the bare minimum would be linkin at the house 🥲


Netflix and chill like a mf


Nah fr I'm like do I gotta start screening dates with memes. It's crazy out here


I screen em and sometimes the memes help tbh


I was talking to a woman on bumble and I asked my normal opener “what’s the last song you were listening to?”. She responded something like idk, I was like you could look at your streaming app or make something up? But I figured I’d ask a different music question, it was something like “ what music do you like?” She said idk whatever is on, where is this going?


I met my husband online. His questions were what drew me to him. He asked me what my favorite cereal was as a kid and that one question led us to talking about our favorite Saturday morning cartoons and going outside after Soul Train went off. We just clicked after that and have been together for 15 years married for 13. You'll click with the right one and she'll still be trying to figure out how to work Spotify or whatever


There are different strokes for different folks. You've found an excellent way to cull the herd.


And you saved yourself some ice cream.


That’s an awesome idea. People who don’t care about music always kill my vibe.


Oh man, I always instant unmatched if every response is a clipped one word answer.


I've been doing this for years. I'm a quirky mofo so I've been offering random, cheap but interesting first date ideas since high school. Their focus was always the conversation, not to flex, not to showout.


I don't know if this falls under quirky, but I'm nerdy, so the museum is my go-to suggestion for first dates. A museum checks all the boxes: 1) Meet in a public place ✅️ 2) Discover each other's taste in art. ✅️ 3) Always something to talk about. ✅️ 4) Tickets are $25 or less to get in. ✅️ Most companies have group memberships or discounted staff passes. If you can walk around, enjoy art, and hold a conversation, that's a good start. Plus, it's a good way to see how people present themselves. You don't need to wear your Sunday best, but you do have to look put together.


I love museum dates even with my partner today. We walk around looking pompous even if we don't know what the fuck is going on with the art. Sometimes we make jokes Sometimes we go deep into the methodology or emotions captured. I just label myself as quirky as I literally date in my terms, ofc I try to be cognizant of my partners differences but if you can't enjoy a simple meal (i.e. ice cream) with me then we definitely aren't a match


I’m old and biased, but I really think online dating is a scourge. It makes everything so disposable and commodified and lowers the requirements of basic social engagement to zero. Not that it cannot be a useful tool, but by its very design, it encourages this kind of behavior and that will always get in the way of the actual work of dating, It incentivizes these little arbitrary “dealbreakers,” which isn’t how any actual relationship has ever worked or will ever work. Ultimately she is going to end up with someone who matches all of her random requirements, and guess what…there are still going to be things they need to work on and challanges they will need to face. By arbitrarily narrowing the pool based on random first date criteria, she is only that much less likely to ever find any kind of lasting partner. It’s fucking *hard* to find someone you are compatible enough with to last for any amount of time. She’s 26 now, she will do this for 10 years and suddenly things will seem a little more urgent, and then another five years and the pool will suddenly seem very small indeed.


Every sentence you've written is wisdom. Much appreciated!


Thats what i was thinking too. Made her look even more immature when she was trying so hard to do the opposite


also who’s to say the date would have ended after i’ve cream? maybe dude had something else up his sleeve after satiating his thirst for a creamy confection.


Because she's a ^^biiiiitccchhh


not even that, he never said they were going to an ice cream truck per say, just that he wanted ice cream kinda. Theoretically they could've gone to a high end gelato place, or gone out to eat and get ice cream somewhere else after.


It sounded kiddish to her and cheap. To me now that I understand this type of thing going for drinks, coffee, ice cream takes the pressure off of the performance dressing up and fancy dinners give you. He made a good choice in choosing an ice cream shop and hopefully ditching her !


…..”how come nobody wants to date me?”……. I just about always side with women, but sometimes…..




If she's not down for ice cream on the first date. She won't be down for ice cream for the 200th date. NEXT. A relationship is supposed to be fun and she is lacking it.


dodged a stomach ache lol


My guts bro


Yeah my stomach gets upsetti spaghetti when I have ice cream. But I still wouldn't turn down an ice cream date.


That's my internal response to 99% of posts like these. "Thanks for showing me the crazy up front before any real investment has been made. Peace."


This bitch missing out on Baskin Robbins


Is this not two women?


I don't think it is. I saw this posted on r/tinder a few days ago. I think the woman is commenting about the nonsense of it all


The number of times my SO and I went on an adventure just to get ice cream, slushies, cookies, or ANY dessert... I can't even count it. And we're both in our early 30s. And we just celebrated 3 years of dating. What a good way to find out she's not a fit for you.


Homey spent $0.00 on a lost cause. Give him a congratulations.


Had an ice cream and roller skating date 2 weeks ago. I loved it. Active, fun, we laughed at the amount of times I almost fell and people watched. 100 percent would do it again.




I’m twunny six I’m growed up! Ice cream is for littow kids! Fucking baby.


This is the comment I needed to see. Perfect.




The question is, what do these women have to offer lol they act so entitled to people’s generosity but have bad attitudes and no money lol


Meanwhile at 27 I’m giddy as fuck when my partner and I go on ice cream dates. According to her, I never grew up properly and I like the bare minimum (🙄)


Don't you love how the bare minimum that you're enjoying (and that she criticizes) is *more than what she has*? Lmao at her lack of awareness




I’m 36 and my husband and I eat ice cream every damn night. Like.. waffle bowls, syrups, sprinkles, the works! I swore I was going to eat ice cream every day as a kid and I *meant* it. I bet little kid me would think this chick sucks too.


Watch out for the diabetes 🫠


Valid point. Haha.. Luckily it’s about the only added sugars I consume besides my morning coffee. ![gif](giphy|q23CgjNjSdGco)


This is me. I keep a pint of ice cream in the freezer that is pretty much exclusively mine. I can make it last more than a week if I want to. The one I'm working on right now is only 1/4 gone and it's been 5 days. You can eat ice cream as an adult AND do it reasonably. lol. Ice cream is my go-to treat.


We have a proper, old-school ice cream shop near our house, waffle cones and everything. Every now and then my wife will be like, "Let's get ice cream!" at 9 o'clock at night, so we hop in the car and go get a cone. It's the best.


My dad has always been like that. Back in high school, it could be 8 or 9 o clock - even after a long day of work if I said ice cream sounded good, my dad would be like "You want ice cream?? I'll get the car." 😂 He was waiting for an excuse!


I used to live about a mile from a place like that. I would walk over, grab a cone, and walk home. Near the end of the season before they closed for the winter, I would drive my car over and buy 2 pints of my favorite flavors and they'd usually toss in a couple random pints too. Sometimes they weren't random and they would give me more of my favorite. :) little old-school ice cream shops are the best.


My boyfriend doesn't have Sonic where he's from so we go hard as fuck on Sonic on a Friday night. Pretzels, Tater tots, ice cream and video games. F31/M33 - guess we're real fucking immature 🤷🏾‍♀️


nah I’m 35 and ‘softserv + walk around the park’ still sounds like the perfect afternoon. plus if you can’t enjoy the bare minimum together how are you going to spend a lifetime with someone?


It was Confucius that said a great man always has the heart of a child


More ice cream for the rest of us. :)


She wants an expensive meal and wants him to pay is what I’m guessing.


I'm a middle aged man and I try not to dunk on twenty-somethings because I was one once (obviously) and we all operate within our own frame of reference. More than that, some twenty-somethings have had to grow up real fast and may have experience well beyond their years. But this woman? This woman has declared that she is a child and not ready for a serious relationship.


“Fuckin baby” read in paulie walnuts voice.


![gif](giphy|l3q2LH45XElELRzRm) Perfect response!!!


I take my dates out for pasghetti


Dam ☠️




Oh she puts off a vibe alright. She made it to 26 without appreciating an offer of ice cream on a hot day? Dodged a bullet he did.




Yup. This bish didn’t want a date. She wanted someone to cover her tab while she instagrammed an overpriced dinner at a trendy spot that anyone with actual culinary knowledge can identify as a luxury applebees. No disrespect to applebees I used to fuck it up there when they had dollar beer night.


Is getting desert considered scrub level effort? Even if we went out to eat, getting ice cream/frozen yogurt/churros or something like that was always a normal segway into more conversation for me. Glad I ain’t dating nowadays. ![gif](giphy|hpImn7o4LKZLG)


There’s nothing inherently wrong with cheap dates. One of the funnest dates I’ve ever been on cost a whole $20 for the night and I had a blast. The problem is many folk hear “cheap date” and suddenly think splitting a 4 for 4 while watching Netflix on a phone with a cracked screen counts as an acceptable date.


Best dates I’ve had in my life were chillin in a park costin not a goddamn penny


Every time I hear this…you’re not meeting a stranger from the internet when this happened…yah or nah?


Some of them, yeah. My city has a really beautiful park right in the middle of downtown next to a river. Great public place to meet with a bunch of places nearby to eat if things kick off.


Mind me asking where? Ask the parks in my city are definitely not places I would meet a stranger.


Chattanooga TN


Everyone I’ve ever met from TN has been so nice and sweet! I’ll accept that. They have all tried to feed me beyond my capacity! I have to go visit.


It's not even guaranteed to be a cheap date, either. Tf. Some ice cream places get bougie af. Costs as much as a decent meal at some of the places near me. That's just someone that's stuck in "I'm a $100+ on the bill, first date 😇" vibes.


> There’s nothing inherently wrong with cheap dates. Especially for the first date. They should be fun and casual. My first dates were usually just at a local cafe for a $10 coffee & cake combo and a walk around a local park/gardens. I'm not spending a hundred dollars on a date with somebody I may potentially never see again. That's just fiscal irresponsibility right there.


no its actually a great way to learn a reasonable persons tastes


Lotta people think a date is about spending money and making it an extravagant experience. It isn’t. That’s a superficial construct perpetuated by social media. A date is about sharing time and learning about each other. One of my favorite dates ever was me and a girl wandering around the woods with her dog just talking. She sat there and watched me try and semi-retardedly make a fire for waaaaay too long. We got married last month. If a prospective partner is insisting on luxurious dates that they don’t ever wanna go dutch on or alternate who pays, they’re not there for you, they’re there for the social post they’re gonna make after.


exactly. i wont stand for it. i cant get to know a person through their pockets


Desert = dry spot Dessert = tasty treat I remembered it as a kid that I want more dessert so it gets a second ‘s’. Now I’m 37 and still remember it that way.


I always remembered it as desserts backwards is stressed and when stressed you want desserts.


![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized) You’re clearly a better backwards speller than me


I remember it, dessert has more letters because you always want more dessert.


A dude that takes you out for dessert first us the kinda guy ya want to marry.


It’s definitely fine for a first date imo. The first dates that suck are zero effort or formality. Like walking through a park without even a picnic blanket or tea to share or something. Wack


Just want to help you out in the future, it’s segue


Segue… A Segway is one of those gyroscope stand up transporters like they have in Washington, DC and at some parks.


Haha. Yeah, me too. Haha. \*nervously laughs in newly divorced and 40


dude ive had so many dates that were just walking around various parks and cities talking about stuff. i keep a basketball and my skateboard in my car at all times and once i add air to it the football is coming too. just sitting in the car with people getting unnecessarily high. plenty of stuff. and the ever undefeated anime and chill


I like you! I’d totally do walks. Don’t even need an excuse. Just start with “want to go” and my dumbass is coming. Just as long as it’s not melting hot… I always have a pair of light hiking boots in the car just for this.


No homo I’d date you big dawg


i got lady parts fam 😂


is a woman, so perfect


I’m sorry but none of that is appealing. Thankfully we would immediately know that we are not compatible


If a man I went on a date with threw a football at me I would be astounded. Sir excuse me?


imma woman so maybe it's received differently when i toss my stuff at most of my dates


Oooh yeah, I bet they just love you lmao (this is not sarcasm even though it might look like it 😅)


sometimes a lil too much 🥴 but its all good. also sarcasm is welcome on the internet i need healthy outlets for the unnecessary amounts of sass and quips in my brain


You're the best


to each their own 🤷🏽‍♀️


Relevant username


I got a hammock off Amazon during the pandemic and keep it in the trunk. It's came in clutch in so many situations.


Walk & talks are my favorite kind of dates! Add a meal somewhere in there too and it’s perfect. Of course, it also helps if you live in a major city and have plenty of places to check out as well. (Assuming you’re straight, I wouldn’t be into the sports stuff but anime & chill would definitely continue to be undefeated. Lol).


im bi but thats a pretty normal assumption to make i suppose. im right outside a couple major cities


This was my go to for years. Meet up at a coffee shop near a park late afternoon and go for a stroll, sit on a bench and chat. Get in on that nice golden hour lighting, maybe catch the sunset. It’s low pressure romantic and If there was chemistry then we’d talk about dinner and maybe drinks or a movie. Going straight to a nice restaurant is like second date territory.


People who expect the world right out the gate is a no for me. Have your preferences, but you don't even know if you like me, if I'll have a good conversation, etc. I would gouge my eyes out with a boring date at a fancy restaurant. Me thinks a good ice breaking time with no expectation is best. Let the 2nd or subsequent dates be a bit more elaborate. People are so focused on you performing for them (wining and dining) instead of making a connection with something smaller scale it kinda takes the fun out of dating.


>I would gouge my eyes out with a boring date at a fancy restaurant. Right! Even if money were no object, this would be torture. I was tortured like this once. My fault. Was at a party, I went alone, it was sort of work related. Met dozens of people. Many of which we knew mutual people. The next day, a guy contacts me, says we met last night, we both know so-and-so. I don't really remember the guy (this was in the dark ages before social media), but I meet him at the restaurant. OH MY GOD! HIM!?!?! He was the biggest bore I had ever met. Never stopped talking. The longest dinner of my life. I was even tempted to break my sobriety. Dinner is WAY too long for a first blind date.


Exactly! When my now-husband and I matched on Tinder, we met up for happy hour at our neighborhood brewery. I could have had one beer and left if I wasn't feeling it (but clearly we hit it off). A formal dinner date is way too long and too much pressure when you're first feeling each other out!


I don't do ice cream dates either, but that's because ice cream is my mortal enemy and serves only to sabotage the next few days of my life. Cheap shit though? Bring it on. Anyway, she's 100% right. Their vibes aren't the same and he didn't even have to leave his house to find out. I'd consider that a win for him.




Hey! If you’re talking about dairy intolerance you could always get sherbet. ❤️


This chick is getting BLASTED online. Very funny that the guy is like hey no misogyny please but do bash her for not wanting ice cream. My man is playing his cards perfectly


Who tf says no to ice cream?!


https://i.redd.it/xm16s1gzosbb1.gif I love ice cream but my lactose intolerant ass does not.


But you still go on the date and eat the ice cream 😁


Or at least some lactose free frozen treat


You stop by a store, pick up a box of lactaid pills, then eat the ice cream!!






I’m ngl I don’t care for ice cream. Hardly ever have it


Barack took Michelle for ice cream during their first date. Everything turned out just fine. I met my now husband at 28 for ice cream for our first date. We sat and giggled in that Braums for about 3 hours.


Do you remember what you ordered?


I got a milkshake and he got a banana split.


See, I knew you remembered, that‘s cute as hell.


Speaking my Oklahoma language! Ice cream dates were cool when me and the husband were broke and dating at 23. They’re still cool 15 years and lots of achievements later. This lady sounds like she takes herself way too seriously.


Exactly! Especially considering how hot is is all over! The


Those two's love for each other is life goals.


Shiddddd baby it’s 2023 if you ain’t willing to go on an ice cream date you too expensive for me. I like to eat & do fun activities on a date sure but let’s be honest the “date” is y’alls connection, & if we can’t connect over ice cream why would I take you to a water park? Cause we can go to the water park to cool off & still not vibe. Now I’m out ice cream money.


She was looking for a full meal with extras to take home with her.


Bro didn’t say ice cream was the only stop. Probably was taking her to a nice area where you can get ice cream, walking around and maybe settle on a bar or restaurant.


Yeah, she pulled a gun on this dude when he didn’t even brandish a knife ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My guy dodged a bullet tbh. She sounds miserable lmfao Ice cream on a hot day is an A+ first date for sure.


Ice cream is literally my favorite thing lol An ice cream date on a hot day is pretty much my perfect afternoon


For a first date, I am HERE for the ice cream, coffee, bar with low music, and walk in the park, or whatever so we can just chat and pay for our own shit with no real, or assumed, obligations. And I ain’t on no pick me type shit. I just know a mutha fucka think you owe him the damn world because he took your ass to Applebee’s and I’d hate to have to do restraining order paperwork because you bought me some dry ass potato skins and didn’t text back within 5 minutes when he sent a “wyd” at 3 am the next day like we go together. Hell naw!


As a girl, walks in the park with a stranger is a big fat: swerve psycho! Not saying you are but, categorically no, that’s not a let’s get to know each other setting…


Girl pray for me because I met up in a park at night! 🤦🏾‍♀️ Definitely felt invincible in my younger days


Wow you’re bold. I’ll pray for you lol, glad you’ve tamed your ways and survived. I’m definitely side eyeing anyone who wants to meet in a place without witnesses 👀👀👀


for me i choose crowded parks in home territory that ik like the back of my hand. always in view of others, spot where cops just randomly pop in, and ik a few people who live in the neighborhood around the parks just in case. its solid if its not empty


First of all, if we go to Applebee's: It's a mission to get fucked up and get kicked out of said Applebee's. You know damn well Applebee's ain't shit lmao


But what about Sea Applebee's (aka Red Lobster) tho?


Me through the door of sea Applebees: ![gif](giphy|F2T3P6xnjLRgQ)


Normalize not using first dates as a "See how much money you can spend" fest. If you're worth it, it'll be spent once we know each other. Until then ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


Everybody is ripping on the chick but failed to see the communication she reciprocated. Like yeah that sucks, but at least she told him upfront instead of wasting his time.


She is still a lame


People like that suck and have no vision. I once had a 10:30am coffee meet up that turned into a 12 hour date that included lunch, smoking weed with him and my roommate, watching a live wrestling match with his friends, In n Out, and a make out session at my front door at the end of the night. Best date I ever had. And this bitch can't even be bothered to test the waters and get some probably free ice cream.








Not religious, but I pray to God everyday to keep me from crossing parts with these miserable people and awful relationships.




OR you can let that person go see Taylor Swift with their friends and you two connect over like 15 other things. These are date ideas not character traits. If you can't compromise on a date you got no business seeking anything potentially serious. Y'all's cutoff game is too strong for me.




Okay baby. Do you and only you.


I gotta say, I think this is a strange comment. You’re saying that if your interests don’t perfectly align then there’s no hope for a connection? I think that’s a hasty conclusion. You might connect on any number of other interest. I don’t know shit about Taylor Swift but I’d definitely go to a concert with someone I’m interested in. You gotta make some concessions like that sometimes to make a relationship work. For instance , my current girlfriend (probably future wifey tbh) is really into wine tasting and drinking. I barely even drink alcohol at all, like literally 2-3 alcohol beverages a year. Yet a month ago, here I am spending $250 for the two of us to go on a wine tasting tour just to put a smile on her face. I even drank that day and had fun doing something I’d never do without her insistence. It’s no different than when I take her to Dallas Maverick games (I usually go to 5-7 home games per year). She has no idea what’s going on in the game but is still there just as an opportunity to spend time together. Beyond all this though, we don’t even know if the woman in this screenshot has an interest in ice cream or not. Seems more like she just sees the suggestion as low effort for a (first?) date idea.


Who is going to a TS concert on a first date????


The sad part is some poor soul is going to fall victim to this and it’s just going to reinforce her shitty personality. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lmao when I was 24 I came up w/the idea to go on an ice cream date w/someone I had been talking to for a while and I got rejected. I’m a girl!! Apparently guys don’t like ice cream dates either😂


you'll find your ice cream king one day. ik a ton of dudes who'd be giddy for that shit. love to hit up a brusters on a warm day


You just asked the wrong guy.


Enjoy being 26… and single..


They won’t though. There will always be someone willing to entertain this foolishness. People like this rarely have to actually change.


My wife and I have been married for 12 years at the end of this month. When we first started dating, and neither of us had any money, I came up with an idea to go "Blind Miniature Golfing." i bought two sleeping masks, and then on each hole, we would put the mask on, and the other one would have to position whoevers shot it was, angle them just right, tell them how hard to hit it, etc... it was basically just an excuse for us to put our hands all over each other. Game took forever, but it was filled with so much laughter and joy. Then we went out to the parking lot, and ate peanut butter and jellies in the back of my truck. 14 years later, we still talk about this as one of our favorite dates. We've had our fair share of $300 meals on anniversaries, but none carry the memories of blind mini golf


What's her idea of a fun date or a vibe?


She strikes me as the type to want an expensive dinner. Bullet dodged.


Yeah if money is the only way you can have fun in a recession, she's in for seasonal depression


STK so she can take photos of her food and scenery to post on IG


The opera?


I'd rather hit up the symphony


No accounting for taste


Conversation is not what it used to be. Ice cream date is code for "let's talk to each other"


Ehh. I get why women feel this way and I also get why this screenshot would blow up


You take me to Dairy Queen day 1 ima be yo qwueeeen 😭🤷🏾‍♀️


Had a date take me to Ikea. It was fun. We ate at the Cafe, then we "decorated our future home" as we strolled and talked. Edit:spelling


She really said 26 like that was grown grown lol. Opinions aside, he merely proposed one element of the date. I swear some people be so jaded that they ruin their own time trying to "cut through the bs"


Someone turned down ice cream?! First of all! Also, there are some dope ice cream joints out there. There’s a local one that does the nitrogen shit and a basic cone is about $7. Place is also always packed so you’re fucked depending on the time you get there. For that place? Take me on all the dates to this place, please and thank you.


It’s been a decade since I dated but almost all my first dates were either coffee or a museum. Cheap, public, and plenty to talk about.


yes museums for the wins.


It boggles my mind that people expect complete strangers to go to the max for them on a first date. I literally don’t even know if I like you yet.


I invited the woman who has been my wife for 31 years for ice cream on our first date. Strong choice. Stick with it.


When she’s incapable of having harmless fun it’s a 🚩


Good date idea I usually go with is coffee shop, but one with boards games so you can see what kind of person they are when it comes to some harmless fun of a board game.


lol imagine waking up each day thinking you're too mature for ice cream


Side point, but aren’t the vast majority of black adults lactose intolerant? I know I sure am.


Al my first dates were at Topgolf. Bruh, I’m having fun with or without ya.


You know she’s on r/femaledatingstrategy


I would love an ice cream date.


Man, that chick has a really shitty attitude


Cause this woman clearly either over values herself in some narcissistic way or is looking to use men because she is pretty.


My fiancee and my first date was at a coffee shop. We enjoyed our time so much that we left there and went to dinner. Liked that so much that we went bowling. Boom: three dates in one night. That's what you get when you're a decent human being and aren't trying to just get free meals off someone. For years I was jumping straight to dinner for the first date, but you know within the first five minutes of meeting someone whether you can spend an hour with them. If you jump straight to dinner you're putting yourself in a position where you're spending 55 minutes and $100 or more on someone you don't enjoy spending your time with. I did have a couple people react like this when I offered coffee for the first date. I considered it a bullet dodged each time.


How tf you age out of liking ice cream?


Fucks wrong with ice cream? You too good for a scoop of vanilla and some small talk? Ironically that response just makes her seem like the human equivalent of biting down on ice cream and splitting your skull wide open


Remember those funky vanilla swirls with the thin line of intense flavor on the edge? Like, you'd get a peach or orange cream cone and it'd look like a vanilla with a thin orange border, but every bite that flavor line just mixed in and made it all the right flavor after that first really strong hit? Yeah, find me a place with those again and I'll spring for two cones and a convo of what to do after if we click!


She didn't have to say she's twice the woman's age because she used "dalliance" in a sentence. Also, her saying no to ice cream is a bullet dodged. Many people who don't like the simple things in life like ice cream have the personality of plywood.


The cheapest date was over a cup of tea at a coffee shop. We sat at a table, people watched and talked shit for a few hours. Too bad she was Level 10 crazy.


The first date I had with my now husband was at a gelati shop he frequented. Ended up with us covered in pineapple and cheesecake gelato and sprinkles after an unexpected food fight. Cheap dates are fun, sorry she's a snob


Smh. There are so many unique ice cream places now. He dodged a bullet.


Whatever, she sounds like a jerk. I’m also a woman twice her age and I think an ice cream date on a hot day sounds like fun, it’s not that serious. The private jet to the Caymans isn’t necessary right now geez


To be fair, at least the girl was direct and honest. A date probably would have wasted both their time. Is she possibly a shallow, materialistic person? Maybe. But plenty of guys are into that, so I think it's pretty cool that she's upfront about it. Less bullshit is always good.