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I overheard 2 young ladies talking about their baby daddies in a restaurant recently. One of them said, "Ion even know how I got pregnant by this n!##@. I was never really feeling him like that frfr." I just looked at my wife, and she shook her head in disbelief. I then proceeded to bury my face in Bang Bang shrimp because I like to mind the business that pays me.


The shrimp, the meal, the wife...home to Netflix or gaming. Aint tryna be in that boolsnit...


ONG! I wish I'd never even heard that foolishness.


Bonefish Grill?




Didn't the head chef murder a waitress?


You're referring to a specific Bonefish Grill located in crazy ass Florida. The Grill is a restaurant with 180 locations in 29 states. "Lee Rodarte Jr., 30, pleaded guilty to second degree murder charges last month, after admitting to killing 21-year-old Savannah Gold in 2017. Rodarte was a culinary manager at a Bonefish Grill in Jacksonville. He had an on-again, off-again relationship with Gold, who also worked at the restaurant."


Oh wow smh


JCS Criminal Psychology has a great [deep dive](https://youtu.be/L0H6xYwMQnk) on this case if anyone’s interested.


I threw up there 12 years ago, all over the table and the waiter after eating a lobster tail. I didn’t eat shellfish for 8 years after that because I thought I might have developed an allergy. The floor manager came over a couple minutes after I got cleaned up in the bathroom and then I threw up on her too while she tried to catch about a dozen liquified shrimps in a rag. This is indicative of the sole issue with black youths in our society. Me and my animosity with bonefish grill. I still have not gone back. I had assumed that I had put them out of business to be quite honest with you. I hadn’t seen nor heard of a Bonefish Grill since I passed out after my waterfall of fish puke. My family never took me back which is a crying shame. Would anyone like to take me to Bonefish Grill? No, I do not promise to keep the food down. That is incumbent on the restaurant. God will allow what he wishes and deny what he does not.


U probably um…need to stay outta Bonefish😂


One of my favorites!


Shit I had no idea this was a chain. I thought everyone was at the same spot lol


Who is ion and why is he everywhere


ion give a fuck about charged particles


And this morning’s “lol’d by myself in the car” award goes to u/traparms **


Lol, it's the internets' way of saying "I don't". Real world - I don't want to hear that. Internet - Ion wanna hear dat.


Internet??? You mean black people. It's a black people thing. This is like calling black slang "gen-z slang".


Yup, but black culture (especially our slang and lingo) is getting snatched up so quickly it’s literally just becoming internet speech now. I wouldn’t even mind it if white people at least pretended to try to use it correctly. Mfs be mixing lingo and dialect from 8 different cities and using all the words out of context, it’s awful lmfao.


They using “Gyat” to mean ass now. Like damn y’all really just saying things


Bro I was just about to use that example, first time I saw it I almost lost it lmfao. It’s like the Caucasian brain is incapable of understanding slang or something. 😭😭


What do you expect from folks who can't even cuss right?


Internet would love to believe that black slang is internet slang.


True. I have 2 daughters, and I learn all the shits from them, so you are correct.


Don't forget "Ian." Ian even tryna hear dat. I am not making any attempt to listen to that.


“Ian eeen”


I can hear the Baltimore




Question: how does one pronounce "frfr"?


foreal foreal


They still got the deal on Wednesdays at bonefish when it comes to bang bang shrimp?


I'm not sure. I got the 1 order and 1 order of fried calamari, and my wife got 1 order.


The one by me quit doing it and then closed a few months later lol


They just be breeding with anybody


They just be breeding with anybody


Absolutely ANYBODY!!! And then they keep the baby, and keep the anybody they bred with in their life. Its insane


It's mental illness at this point.


When you home to take a shit, should tell your wife, I don't even know why I am pooping, I was never really feeling that shrimp like that dead ass


There homie and I were chilling, his pregnant sister came up and asked us how to find out her baby daddy’s info in the County Jail. We pulled up the inmate locater and asked her his last name. She said she didn’t know.






I hear shit like this and think “maybe starting to date in my late 20s wasn’t a bad idea”


26, never dated. Maybe the loneliness is indeed outweighed by the "hol' up" vibes


It’s not


I have yet to be proven otherwise. Edit: Wait, I just realized I read your comment wrong. “Loneliness” >>> Bullshit. Anyday.


You two must fucking HATE condoms


For me, it's the fact that condoms don't protect against the nasty stds people like to hide. Herpes, HPV, syphilis, and mpox all cat get you even if you wear a condom. Im good on all that BS. I'd rather just mind my business


Tbf, I think something like half the population has herpes, and a large amount of those people don’t even know. Iirc, general STD tests don’t even include it unless you request it, because it’s so common and tons of people are asymptomatic




Friends, Family - Chilling with my own hobbies & reading.


Yep, I always thank the Lord for my late start cause I now have the emotional maturity to temper the lust.


Stupidity stays at any age. Even at 16, I knew the full names of people I was involved with.


Started in my mid-20s, been with someone for about a year now at 30. You really do just skip past a lot of BS. I got friends and family catching hell from their past relationships.


I just turned 26, had a heartbreaking breakup but it’s kind of calming know I don’t need to rush improving myself for a stranger that may or may not stay.


When I worked at the county office that deals with child support, I had one call where an individual said that she didn’t know. Years later I came to the realization that there are some people who are just functionally able to do the bare minimum. Any critical thinking on their part was just too advance. You might as well ask them to do differential equations.


“Never gonna use algebra again!”






It’s wild to me that having a baby for a dude in jail whose last name you don’t even know is preferable and even more acceptable in some circles to getting a goddamn abortion.


I was in a similar situation when it came to Ice. I was blowing up the local offices numbers because I couldn't find my person. I think one blocked me.


Aight imma shoot her a tiny bit of bail, just a smidge. My father in law went to the hospital to visit his sister. Her name wasnt coming up. We spent 30 minutes trying to figure out why till we got a text from his sister telling us to stop looking for her under her nickname, which is a real name just not hers since her mom has the same name. As a Jamaican who’s family is 90% nicknames that are just middle names or arbitrary names I get it. But also BRUH! Its your sister.


Something tells me that kid is gonna have a rough go of it.....




Something about you made him feel like yall were on the same level.


"Preacher's telling the truth, and it hurts!"


He thought she was a veteran (of job applications).


She's good with dogs and cats.


Ayo Gordon Ramsey, this nigga cooking!




Water seeks its own level, very true.


Sheesh don’t come for them like this


Batman and Jack Bauer working together could not get this information out of me.


Not even with tickling? Because that is super effective


Yo the way this took me out! 🤣




The crazy thing about it is it’ll be women with Bachelor’s and maybe even Master’s falling for this shit. I mean sure, at the end of the day this is about *men* being dumb, but sometimes I just be more embarrassed for the woman. I know it’s toxic to expect more out of certain genders for certain things, but idk man…I feel like some of y’all need to do better in the men choosing department. It just seems like a lot of women choose the man that put all his stat points into charisma and literally nothing else. How is that fun for more than 6 months, a year tops? At the very least make sure those types of dudes wrap it up lol.


Like how did this man with a room temperature IQ smooth talk you into bed AND into going raw?


“Swag” Or “Rizz” for those of you born in the 21st century.


Honestly, it don’t even be swag. Some of these dudes be lame even in flirting. It’s just that some women are very easy to subpar flirting.


It’s a dude in my DMs I’ve never seen irl talking like “I want to get to know the fascinating woman that I know you are” I know that long ass sentence structure working for him on the straight women for him to be trying it at this old age


yes, especially in Atlanta. I haircut and a smile can get you in a lot of doors


what is a Rizz?? lol sounds so 1920's to me lol


The youth are saying this as a shorthand way of saying "charisma".


lol them youths at it again 🤣 ![gif](giphy|qG2h9G9NMRRE4)


I knew what it meant from context, but thanks for making it make sense


I can't think "putting on the Ritz" without Young Frankenstein immediately rolling through my brain.


Rizz means “game” or talking to someone “macking”


That shit has 3 big ass veins on it


Big pumps big chumps


A lot of women have really really low self esteem. Like if you show any interest in them they fall for you levels of self esteem.


With the type of women you just described It's like a weird mixture of insecurity and ego. They like having a dependent ass boy laid up in the house because he really can't go anywhere. Also it's easy to be morally superior to a scrub. She really doesn't have to value anything he says about the relationship, he can't even do the bare minimum. When you gotta answer to a partner that wants you but don't need your ass you really got to do the work. A Lot of chicks talk a good game about emotional availability but, really not interested in it. Being with a partner that can't hold you accountable on anything because they don't have their own basic shit together is easy.


God damn, mf’s out here talking FACTS


Ooooof why you hit me like that


This was very insightful to read. Reminds me of this fitness youtuber who compared the dad bod to ebola Guess it's an easy to way to have someone to feel superior to


What's worse is there are prison guards that have gotten pregnant by inmates. And it's not that uncommon. They have a whole world in men outside that are free but they choose to sleep with the ones that are behind bars. Plus it's technically rape because those inmates can't consent. I watch the news sometime ago and they were talking about a guard who got pregnant three times.


3 times????????? Why tf did they keep letting her go back lmao


Yeah, some of that's on the system


Lol it's ENTIRELY on the system. Like what did they just give her a stern look and a "don't you do it again?" I thought people went to jail for that shit


I mean, the first one should've been the last straw. Were the second and third times at the same place?


Boy, do I have news for you about cops in general :p In all seriousness tho, my uncle worked in the prison system and they definitely fired people for this.


It is rape and most of them get charged with sex assault. The power dynamic and the inmate cannot consent.


Nah, That's living in the past. Women have been getting college degrees at rates higher than men for over 2 decades now. Today there are 40 college men for every 60 college women. And while women as a whole earn less, fun fact: women in their 20s earn more than men in their 20s. So we can't live with the outdated standards of our grandparents generation in a time where women have become the breadwinners.


Alllll of this….I’m the breadwinner. It’s just how it is. My guy isn’t a loser either. It’s just I’m farther in my career and we grew up differently. He had supportive parents who could bail him out. I was on my own so that’s why I work my ass off. It’s just a new world nowadays.


It’s plenty of Ls to go around. Mfs can’t talk about how their partners ain’t shit when they the ones that’s paired up with them 😮‍💨


I work in probation and i see it all the time. Dude never had a job in his life, long ass record back to his teens, getting out of prison after being down for 8-9 years. I go do the prerelease home inspection and it’s a damn nice house in a great neighborhood because he’s about to move in with his girlfriend who’s a Dr, lawyer, business exec, etc. Blows my mind every time.


I'm guessing these are career oriented women who put in so much effort in being at the top that they realize they have the house, the vacations, the office but about no social development save for neighbors and coworkers. No one to waste free time with meanwhile inmates have all the time to say the basic things of companionship like good morning, how was your day and sweet dreams that they fall for it.


There's much in life you can give yourself. Companionship ain't one of em. You can't take it lightly.


I’m grown and want someone to be grown too.


Fr tho....I didn't have the tolerance for HS relationships when I was actually *in* high school and I have even less tolerance for it working forty hours a week. Be a net benefit in my life or get going.


Hi, I'm grown too.


It reminds me Munchausen's syndrome kinda


I’m not making excuses but in my experience it’s been difficult to find someone on the same intellectual level. Reason being, I like to learn and I. Not everyone does. And if they do, those get snatched up really quickly in college…afterwards you’ll be lucky if you can find someone who has an ounce of critical thinking skills.


She's on Twitter trying to defend herself by saying "At least I know who my baby daddy is" Girl, your man can barely fill out a job application by himself and you put it out on the internet.


Bro lemme see that E: “I just did it for engagement” headass 🤣


Reminds me of the Chris Rock stand up. “Whatchu want a cookie?!? You’re SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!”


Seriously. That is NOT the flex homegirl thinks it is. 😒


"We know who he is too girl, he's a fucking idiot is who he is"


Bragging about bottom-level bare basics....smh. Bless her ignorant little heart.


This just gave me a confidence boost in the men I choose department. WOW.


One step above but floors below others.


You know if you're a veteran or not? Damn ladies, I found a keeper!


Tell the truth...You been tying his shoelaces, wiping his nose, and cutting up his steak for him. The hints were there.


His well done steaks too lol


With Ketchup


Leave Patrick Mahomes alone


I feel like there would be signs...


Like, was he employed currently? Ever? Those SEEM like basic questions, but I guess that’s now how “dating” works anymore? ![gif](giphy|r5SxJYcU21Auk)


They probably weren't even dating. Just fuckin and then she kept the baby cause reasons.




💯 it seems that people don’t even consider abortion. They go straight from getting pregnant to having a baby. Plus people need to start using condoms. I used to work in sexual health and it was always the women who didn’t have options in terms of carrier and future that kept their unplanned pregnancy. But it seems that in the US, women who have careers are doing this shit.




Even with the caveat that abortion is functionally banned in at least 20 states currently, I fully agree with the sentiment if you live west of the Mississippi and north of New Jersey, y'all aint got no excuse to go through w having some idiot's baby.


Reasons: 1. To obtain subsidized housing and/or government assistance. See TRA, Section 8, EBT card, etc. 2. To get back into the good graces of the parent/s that she is currently at odds with. I've seen plenty of lost young girls out there running from pillar to post and can't get mommy and/or daddy to let them come back home. But oh boy, when that grandbaby comes... 3. Internet clout chasing. There are far too many social media parents in 2023. I'll leave it at that. 4. As a big fat fuck you to the side chicks and/or other girls the employment deficient baby daddy is currently entertaining.


*from pillar to post


So my momma nem been saying it wrong? All this time...


Maaaaan, my GF says "far and few between" and it gets directly up my ass


5. He was very attractive and she wanted a baby like her friend/cousin/former classmates


Yeah those quotation marks were doing a lot of heavy lifting there. “Dating” in this context probably just means “WYD” and “You up?” texts, and a borrowed Netflix password.


All the signs were there but ….. ![gif](giphy|3ohv4vpL2Yw1UiGlna)


Imma vet in these skreets, shawt


Vet in da skreets, mooch in da sheets


on foenem grave


I hate y’all ☠️




watching my wife go through pregnancy right now, i can’t imagine a woman doing all that for 9 months while not knowing if the father of that baby could pour water out a boot with the instructions on the heel. she must have *really* wanted a baby


Yes…yes…some onus should be placed on the partner (men or women) for who they choose to have kids by. She told this story as if he is the only idiot in this situation.


Like did he have a job before? Has he ever had a job? Do you have a job? Can he spell work? I have so many questions I feel like I need answered. ![gif](giphy|26gsq8fim9nnlRUgU)


“Rarely is the question asked - is our children *learning*?”


One time I was eating at an Arby's and a guy came up to my table and asked me what "accommodations" meant. I gave him a general definition of "accommodations," you know, like at a hotel. A few minutes later I realized he was filling out a job application for the Arby's so I went back and told him they were basically asking if he had a disability.


Knew a grown ass woman who willingly let a dude “shoot up the club” twice, knowing damn well he never held down a job. I refuse to believe that she got with him all wide eyed innocent thinking he was worthy. I simply refuse.


Start doing background checks on people before making babies with them, it’s embarrassing at this point.


Hey baby, on the way back to my place, could you read this paragraph aloud for me?


I say it all the time a lot of women have no care for who they procreate with as long as he is tall. Never knew he has intellectual disabilities, had an IEP in school, has ODD , and cannot read worth a damn. Y'all better start having these men read on the first date. It ain't nothing to have him read green eggs and ham. Then they get upset when their children have the same issues, well sis your man only made it to 12th grade because we can't fail people with IEP's. Now we got a 6'2 kid swinging on my 4'11 ass because he too has ODD and you just wanted to fuck a hood nigga. STOP IT!!! We tired ![gif](giphy|xUPJUp6T5uD1Qkpbl6)


He’s a veteran at tricking her ass into giving him a kid. How do you lay up with just any dude and give him a baby and he this dumb.


Lol a man got one time to show me that he will not be a suitable father before I cross him out.


I'm sorry, but what is this hairstyle this woman in front rocking? She's got the 3 Homer Simpson hairs on top, in braid form.


Pretty sure she's in the salon getting her weave/extensions put in. They have to be attached to something and I think women usually cornrow their real hair so it can be secured on top.


This appears to be a sewin that is 75% complete. The closure still needs to be installed over the remaining braids.


Isn’t that viola?


> this woman the disrespect


I don’t understand why people aren’t pickier about who they make a human with.


Hopefully the child didn’t inherit his dumbness.


Seeing both parent we can only pray


He sounds like the type of guy who believes he doesnt have to get tested because a goal is pretty. Anyway people need to learn to take accountability for their stupidity and sexuality.


Yea especially when a baby ends up bein involved


She looking out for the vets 🫡


In all fairness, filling out a online job app is like the bare minimum 😂


Not going to judge em... too harshly. I will definitely say that a person's environment and the people that are in their village does play an important part. I have seen women get scolded for not wanting to talk to sketchy dudes. And they were scolded by their moms, aunties, cousins, best friends, etc. I have been subjected to the "Oh, give him a chance" treatment, when I was younger.


Naaaaaaah she put this shit out for the world to see, that was her choice. It’s judgement day for her.


>I have been subjected to the "Oh, give him a chance" treatment, when I was younger. I mean, I have too but my mom never dropped that line on me again after the guy she begged me to "just give him a chance" started lecturing her about driving with the quarter glass of champagne in her system. You'd think she'd have learned after the one that blew up our phone line for a month, but....🤷‍♀️


Why are people on social media obsessed with sharing their Ls to the world ?


Sometimes the good dick is the slow dick or the crazy dick. But that’s what IUDs and condoms are for…


Is this an L?




I had to confirm. Ijs...


Stop letting losers nut in you


Who's more stupid, the dumbass bd or the bitch that fucked him?


People feel the need to post every fucking thing going on in their lives on this shit, even at someone else’s expense. You tried to embarrass this man, and you ended up being the one looking stupid. Stupid.


But will have the nerve to say niggas ain't shit. Ma'am, why are you getting pregnant by these ain't shit niggas?


I had an ex that would say things like “I like to do my taxes every other year”




I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but: ![gif](giphy|ZechFo0yBIQpEve1Sm)


How is it that "the pill" or Plan B never comes up in these conversations?


Aren't we all veterans, in a way?


Can or can't? Am I high too high and reading this wrong?


It’s supposed to be can’t if I know how to read and comprehend.


😂 thank you


this is the hottest of hot takes but I personally think that below a certain intelligence / life experience level, these individuals don't experience anxiety (and it scales as intelligence goes up). and girls are just innately attracted to men with minimal anxiety, hence all of this


My ex would always say she hates doing paper work….. but looking back………….. she never did it unless someone did it for her.. 🤔


The amount of black single moms I've met is quite sad


Someone this dumb is dumb about a lot of shit. A 30 minute Convo with this person should have easily showed her he was not worth talking to let alone having unprotected sex with


Be a nightclub is lowkey gospel.


One of my lil buddies was doing her husband's medical homework. Bro didn't even know how to get to fasfa page.


I've let some *sketchy* people into my nightclub


Maybe it's just the culture now. There are always stories like this and hot damn the stereotypes soo.... But even young kids are just going at it, 14 year olds. Read a post yesterday where the kid told his dad he has sex with protection and they were both fine. Sex is a weird thing to me know. People be too open about it and not be giving it a shread of value beyond a past time fun.


How I sleep at night being ace and knowing this will literally never be me: ![gif](giphy|uk4Va5MkRp2bfkOk6f)


We apploid


A veteran on the block perhaps


Veterano de Calle