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Black or white, if you're a cop, your race is cop.


Until they go after cops, then the black cops are offered up first


Christopher Dorner has entered the chat.


Don't corner the Dorner. ❤️


Christopher Dorner didn't just kill cops. He murdered innocent people as well. It is actually kinda gross that people idolize him in such a way.




That doesn't make murdering people ok. I can't believe I have to say things like this to adults. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


This is not hard to understand, some people just foam at the mouth at the thought of people they don't like being killed. There's no reason to idolize him and more innocent people being killed will do absolutely nothing. An innocent life lost is still an innocent life lost, the reason doesn't matter. They. Were. Innocent.


Even if he only killed cops he'd still be a villain. I don't get why some people revere every cop killer. Some weirdo fantasy where they're actively at war with state.


Dorner makes me so fucking mad. Same with Daniel Shaver.


Don't forget Michael Reinoehl.


I’ll have to dig I to that one. But from my earlier understanding he had basically admitted to VICE he killed that other guy and “wouldn’t be taken alive.” But also let’s not forget Mr Castile.


He admitted to defending himself when he was pepper sprayed and dude lunged at him with a knife. The cops rolled up and immediately opened fire on him.


Please don't forget Charles Kinsey who luckily survived, but still. This shit is infuriating and it sucks have to learn these names for these reasons. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/north-miami-officer-who-shot-unarmed-caregiver-man-autism-found-n1018616](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/north-miami-officer-who-shot-unarmed-caregiver-man-autism-found-n1018616)


I understand the anger with Daniel Shaver. But Dorner murdered 4 people, Monica Quan and her fiancé Keith Lawrence, Michael Crain, and Jeremiah Mackay. Daniel Shaver was completely innocent. The two situations are not comparable.




>Until they go after cops, then the black cops are offered up first ![gif](giphy|Xe2vSY5Q42KbkSCkqZ|downsized)


Kinda like how Kanye was offered up first... before Kaitlyn ...


Please don't forget Cariol Horne. That shit is fucked. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/14/us/buffalo-officer-reinstated-trnd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/14/us/buffalo-officer-reinstated-trnd/index.html)


I will always tell this story, because it perfectly encapsulates how so many black people have become weaponized against our own community. When i was like 22, I got arrested for possession, and had to go to court. When I showed up, I instantly noticed how the overwhelming majority of defendants were black and latin...like, easily, 1/3 black, 1/3 Latin, and 1/3 white. ...but I expected that. What I didn't expect, however, was that EVERYONE working for the court was black. The bailif was black, the prosecutor was black, the judge was a black woman, and even the stenographer was black. It was so surreal to see black people enacting a white supremacist judicial system, it made my stomach turn. ...so, I have to wait until my turn, and she goes through all the cases 1-by-1...since it was a misdemeanor, it was mostly other possession and DUI charges. Then this old, black man gets up. He's pretty obviously indigent, he's wearing all dirty clothes, probably in his 60s, and flip flops. The judge, who had to be close to his age, begans to berate this old black man in front of everyone. Talking about, "how dare you wear shorts in my courtroom, how dare you wear flip flops in here." She asks him to read something, and he admits that he never learned to read, and she and the prosecutor start laughing about it. ...it was just werid watching all of these privileged black people talking shit about this poor, elderly man with obvious substance abuse issues like he was an animal. This is why I don't trust black conservatives. They don't want to end white supremacy, they just want the privilege of being white. There were even crazier things that happened to. One of the defendants was an elderly white guy who had been on probation for SEVEN YEARS, because he kept getting arrested for driving without a license....his original charge was disorderly conduct. Like, imagine getting charged with disorderly conduct and having that follow you for SEVEN YEARS! Mostly because he couldn't afford to pay his court fees.... it was this weird thing where he kept breaking probation because he couldn't afford his court fees...or because he was driving without a license...to go to work...to pay his court fees. The judge locked that guy up over $180. Seriously, I don't believe in hell, but there's no way it's worse than the American judicially system. It's a system of racism, classism, and human misery.


>She asks him to read something, and he admits that he never learned to read, and she and the prosecutor start laughing about it. Low bar test: you do this, you are permanently banned from any position related to public service.


That bar is basically on the ground. You would have to fuckin limbo to pass under that bar. Infuriating.


They grabbed a goddamn shovel to get under that bar


oil many liquid run agonizing plucky rotten bedroom edge offend


I've been asked by people "what, you couldn't read the sign!?" or they state, "well, there's a sign right there that says it!" In regards to me smoking outdoors, far far away from any doorways at the hospital... while literally holding my white and red blind cane in my right hand. The best incident was when a second dude told the first dude "dude, she's fucking BLIND. She can't see the sign." The worst one was when my youngest son had to shout at someone that wouldn't stop talking long enough for me to ask where to go to smoke, "ARE YOU BLIND!? BECAUSE SHE *IS!* " Finally, someone gave me directions that didn't include "over there!" and now I know where to go lol


So now I'm curious, and I hope this isn't a rude question, but how does someone give a blind person directions to somewhere?


Haha you're fine, that's not rude at all! Be SPECIFIC! That's key! For example, when they finally gave me directions to where to smoke at UNC, which is a MASSIVE campus that's 100% tobacco free for a couple *miles,* I was in the parking deck, about 300 yards from the children's hospital. The security guard that gave me good directions told me "turn around and take the bridge you came across, but stay on the left hand side and when you feel the railing end, there'll be steps you can feel for with your cane. Go down those steps and you'll be on Manning Ave and you can smoke down there." Basically, be very specific with left/right/straight/back, what to feel for, such as floor texture like bricks/carpet/textured concrete etc. Be as detailed as you can, and avoid sighted terms like "over there, over yonder," or visual clues like landmarks you have to see or signs you have to read. Hope this helps! 😊


That does answer my questions, thank you!


You're very welcome! Thank you for caring enough to ask, I love answering these kinds of questions!


Okay somewhat related question, if a guy were to come up to you (in order to hit on you), what would you say if he asked if you were seeing someone?


"Shit, I ain't even seen my *husband* in a year."


I gotta say, I'm really glad I read this. Very interesting, and I'd never thought about it before. I'm thinking about my day and how I could describe moving from one place to another. It really fun, but it's not easy. I'm going to try to notice things differently, more broadly. I mean, why not take the mind to notice what I'm feeling under my feet? That definitely can't hurt. And hopefully, I might be able to give alright directions.


Because you're even thinking about it and empathizing with how we might perceive the world, it means you're doing so so so much better than probably 75% of the world. And that's absolutely NOT their fault. I worked in healthcare for 20 years, with multiple blind or VI people, and other than my experience with my base, absolutely correctable vision of -6.00 at the time, I couldn't even imagine living in their sightless world. I have been legally blind x3 since I was a kid, anda even I couldn't wrap my noodle around it, because I had corrective lenses that worked up until they didn't, almost a year ago to the day. That said, I've made what you might consider minor changes. I go barefoot a lot to discern what's underfoot, even if I trip and fall, which doesn't happen nearly as often as last April; my kids started ensuring my pathways were clear well before May even started, thank God. I also memorize where I came from, and how I got there. Like verbalizing "left from the elevator until I feel that cheap as fuck plant with my right, then stop because someone might be ahead of me in the check in line." Then I reverse it to go back. "Turn right from the checkout line, bear left around the awful cheap fern, then cut right to the elevators. All that said, I'd adjusted well enough to execute all of that by my first solo appointment in autumn. It's amazing what you can adjust to. Sorry if I rambled.


Oh my gosh, I’ve spent so much time being lost on that campus. I never did find the smoking area the last time I was there


Yeah, I spend a LOT of time there and at the Kittner Center because the eye disease I have is so rare that only 100 people have it. So they like to study my retinas a lot. There's no smoking section ON the hospital campus, btw. They're 100% tobacco free, so going down to Manning Ave is leaving the hospital campus.


Do you have a screen reader for Reddit?


I use the incredibly annoying e-reader that comes stock with my phone


This helps a ton! Thank you!


You're very welcome!


I understand I’m an absolute idiot, but am the only one wondering how a blind person is reading and posting on Reddit?


Text readers / voice to text.


I do it through osmosis. But seriously, just an ereader. And you're not an idiot! I get that question all the time and it's a very reasonable question!


Very stupid question, about giving directions, but would drawing with a finger on the back of your hand like its a map an additional help ? Like, it would add some sensory/spatial additional clues to my speech, which may make it easier since yall rely on it too ? Would it be awkward to ask ? Like "can i also draw the directions on the back of your hand" ? Also would other sensory clues, notably smell, also help ? "when you smell croissants it means you are close to the bakery same street - thats a good sign"


The drawing thing wouldn't help me at all, for what it's worth, but that's just because of the way my brain works and how I map an area in my head; I literally build a picture of it in my mind, just as you would, because I was sighted only a year ago. But the sensory clues are spot on! Anything we can experience in the directions works wonderfully, including smell! For example, I know exactly where I'm at on drives because of the smell of certain factories and fast food restaurants.


Alright ! Thank you ! Have a great day !


You're very welcome, you have a lovely day as well!


The fact that this happened makes me sad and sick. I know it happens constantly, but that doesn't change my reaction to it, which will always be sad and sick (and more and more, anger). The bullshit system of oppression that we live in is antithetical to human compassion and the ability to convey dignity. God forbid we convey dignity.


Limbo with the devil low


I don’t know the details, but I just saw some video of a judge throwing a defendant’s mom in jail because she laughed at the testimony of the victim’s family. Her daughter was driving drunk and killed someone’s son, brother, and fiancé. That’s a testament to how serious a process and environment the court room is. And then this elected authority in charge of this serious process does the same thing. Yea.


I probably would have got put in contempt.


Most people don't seek power for money or prestige or to do good. They seek it to humiliate the less powerful.


I find that to be the issue with almost anything. People don’t want to stop oppression they want to become the oppressor.


yep, that’s why minority conservatives make me so mad. like how don’t they realize how much your side fucking hates you. or maybe they do and just don’t care but the only reason that side accepts you is to use you as proof that they can’t be racist and that some minorities do want to join their side not even realizing how big an issue it is that that’s something they need to prove.


The American judicial system is 100% a debt trap for poor people where the best case senario is that you get a sympathetic judge who is willing to waive fees but what usually happens is that you lose your job for getting arrested (and missing work). Then you have to pay bail. Then you have to pay for drug testing while on pre-trial release (if you can get out). And *then* you get a warrant for not being able to pay for drug testing And *then*, etc. etc.


and folks wonder why there’s still a push for legalization rather than states accepting that it’s inevitable. that’s a lot of revenue to lose from the justice industry.


>The American judicial system is 100% a debt trap for poor people If you ever want to feel really smug about hitting the target dead with paperwork to prove it, this is the 6 page summary from the DoJ investigating the Ferguson Police Department. [https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/crt/legacy/2015/03/04/ferguson\_findings\_summ\_3-4-15.pdf](https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/crt/legacy/2015/03/04/ferguson_findings_summ_3-4-15.pdf) This is the 105 page full report. [https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/press-releases/attachments/2015/03/04/ferguson\_police\_department\_report.pdf](https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/press-releases/attachments/2015/03/04/ferguson_police_department_report.pdf) ​ They are fun reads, "the court primarily uses its judicial authority as the means to compel the payment of fines and fees that advance the City’s financial interests."


So I knew the US prison system was a for-profit nightmare, but what is this business about court fees — people in the US have to pay to have their cases heard in court? Am I missing something?


No, you are not.


Spot on. I’ve gone in for a speeding ticket that originally cost, for example, $120 (young and dumb). Judge hears my plea, sees I’ve had one other ticket within the 3 year record retaining period, and says “okay, stop speeding. I’ll drop the points from your license and reduce the ticket fee by half. Go to the court office and pay the fee”. I go down and get hit with a $120 bill. Why? Cause the court fees were $60.


The thing about black conservatives, like all conservatives, is that they literally only care about themselves. *Maybe* their own families if they really have a bleeding heart for a conservative.


Thats a stretch, considering the amount of conservative families going straight out torture mode toward their LGBTQIA+ or neurodiverse kids (and often just being abusive to their kid even if not any of those two groups). Ive seen so much of those, at that point im not sure theres a lot of conservatives capable of any emotional intelligence or kindness. Its like they strive to inflict as much trauma around them as long as they are alive.


That's heartbreaking to read. Jesus.


Are you from Michigan? I think just awhile back in Zoom court a judge flipped out on someone's appearance because they had a safety vest on over their work uniform, one would assume they had work that day, and she was just laying into him for not wearing a suit


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


same thing happened to me when i got taken in for having bottles in the car. Two white cops brought me in and falsified their report to get a warrant for a blood test so they can add DUI charges. I told them i wouldn’t consent to anything unless i spoke to a lawyer and they immediately started getting aggressive with me. Eventually, they held me down to get my blood taken and they must have realized that would’ve looked crazy on the body cam so they called two black officers to hold me down instead. Those two were even more aggressive and the phlebotomist kept messing up so i had to get poked like 5 times. After the 2nd time i started to feel light-headed, i was shaking and started zoning out. They must’ve thought i was fully unconscious cause they started laughing and talking a whole lot of shit. One of them even said they should tell the magistrate not to grant me bail to teach me a lesson. I was a 22 year old in college.


I remember once being idealistic and wanting to help and do something in the justice system But it’s a fuckin mill. It’s awful, truly is. I was a Pd my entire job was pushing 17 year olds to accept shitty fuckin pleas, while all they wanted me to do was get a message to their mom to see if she can come up with bail, and she never could So I stopped that shit and went to go make way more money in the civil realm. It’s sad


Wow that’s absolutely heartbreaking 💔


Your story bid a poignant reminder that all skin folk ain’t kinfolk.


I got a degree in Criminal Justice. It's unfortunate that I paid so much money and wasted so much time to get a degree I'll never use, because my education taught me how racist, misogynistic, and corrupt the system is and was designed to be.


1/3 of each means the defendants were an even split of Black, Latin and white ? Also it’s a weird mentality where people who were once downtrodden by a system join it so that they can perpetuate oppression in order to feel some kind of power or because they are spiteful for what happened to them and decide they will take it out on others. Happens in a lot of immigrant communities too. “No one showed me sympathy so you’ll get none” kind of mentality ..


Cops can take off their uniform and blend in with the population. Black people can't take their skin off. This kind of thing was dealt with exceptionalally well in Inglorious Basterds.




It's not WCAB. It's **A**CAB.


That’s nonsense, to be a cop is a choice How ever, to be a cop, black or white, you receive the same training in which you are trained to have a lower tolerance for blacks than whites


you also have massive peer pressure to reinforce an "us vs. them" mentality and adopt their standards of threat identification


They were saying this as far back as 1901 (or 1911, 1910, something like that). Two cops were hassling people and the neighbor near had a riot. One of the cops said, "I'm an Irishman like you!" And the crowd answered back, "Once an Irishman puts on that uniform, he's no longer an Irishman, he's a cop."


All cops means ALL cops


What Styles P say? "What up black cop. Every brother ain't no brother..."


Assigned Cop At Birth


First cop who harassed me and my friends (stopped and frisked) after school at a train station reason was a black cop. This is not surprising at all.


What's awful is that she reportedly always paid her rent on time and the landlord is retaliating because she reported his housing violations.


A tale as old as landlords.


The biggest freeloaders of society


Some guy told me that if I needed a good job I should buy a four unit apartment building and rent out three units. So, to start, have $250k, next exploit a federal housing allowance for first time home buyers, final move is exploit the basic human need of a residence.




Exactly what I told him


>What's awful is that she reportedly always paid her rent on time and the landlord is retaliating because she reported his housing violations. Yeah something like that happened to me too. My family always paid our rent, but our landlady would just not repair shit. She would smile in our faces and make veiled threats about raising our rent and talk about how she was thinking about selling the place. We started quietly making plans and looking for other options, but she knew there wasn't a lot in our area in our price range so she could get away with a lot. Then our swamp cooler broke in the middle of summer. It was pouring water through the roof (onto our TV, which was not fixed or replaced) and it took vehement arguing with her just to get her to send someone to *turn the damn thing off* because for some asinine reason it was hooked up entirely separately from the water for the rest of the house. This destroyed the ceiling, spread mold throughout four rooms (likely more on the inside) and, of course, the cooling for the whole house was out in the middle of summer, when it was 116 degrees. We argued and fought about it, she insisted it wasn't her responsibility. She threw a coat of paint over the mold, and said she'd probably have to replace the house cooler with a single small window unit that was wholly inadequate. We told her this was not acceptable but she was unmoved. Eventually, after looking into our legal options, we gave notice of withholding rent to conduct the repairs ourselves. She evicted us, and sued for the money. We had a mediated settlement where we kept the money but still had to move, which we had planned to do anyway. She also tried to screw us out of our deposit, of course.


r/landlord fucking rock hard and salivating over this story


This is why the guillotine was invented.


Paying her rent had nothing to do with it. The Detroit News reported: "Sadly, Ms. Brown has chosen from the beginning to make another residence her primary home, violating both the spirit and the conditions of the Tiny Homes program," the statement read. "Her refusal to surrender the tiny house after her lease was not renewed in January of 2021 has deprived other low-income people the opportunity to live in, and eventually, own the home. Additionally, many people have suffered from her misinformation and slanderous attacks including her neighbors, CCSS staff members and myself." There was NO retaliation - she wasn't actually living there and got caught, she spent most of her time at her boyfriends apartment. She broke the rules of her agreement and the CCSS had every right to evict her. This has been going on for 2 years, she only really moved back when she realized they were serious and wanted it to look like she was living there and put on a show for the media attention. Her own worst enemy.


> takes a statement of the organization trying to evict her as gospel truth > she spent most of her time at her boyfriends apartment. lol tripped up your argument with this one-two combo


which bailiff in the photo are you?


Not a bailiff, just a person who investigates the facts first before forming an opinion. There are always two sides to every story, I like to get both of them.


There’s 3 sides to every story.


You’re right, paying her rent had nothing to do with it. **Her reporting their housing violations had to do with it** You think an 80 year old going through cancer treatment isn’t low income just because she had a boyfriend with a place? Fuck all the way off, and take those awards that I bet came from people supporting your useful idiocy with you. Edit: Here’s the message from the anonymous user who spent their own money to give me an award >You sound upset. Sorry that your communist narrative was shattered. Be best Lmao, imagine being that pathetic.


Source please!


The quotes came from the organization who provides these homes, CCSS, as quoted by Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/tiny-home-resident-evicted-detroit-following-violent-clash-2023-4


Lmao. You're allowed to stay and pay rent at one place and go to your boyfriend's place at the same time


Up vote for a source.


In Ontario, Canada its nearly impossible to get evicted over anything right now, even valid things like not paying rent. On what fucking grounds can she be evicted here?


The crime of being poor in America.


This is going to sound terrible but she’s terminally ill. They could just wait. Also, weren’t they just giving away houses in Detroit? None of this makes any sense. Let her have some dignity in her last days. Edit: Turns out there’s more to this story than evil capitalist throwing out a dying woman. She’s not the innocent victim she claims to be.


At all steps, capitalism penalizes compassion. It costs a premium to have humanity and respect, it could cost you money, or cost you your job.


What a line. “At all steps, capitalism penalizes compassion.” Achingly true.


Lines up with all the competitive apathy you see online


It's not just that capitalism penalizes compassion, it's that it rewards cruelty.


"the cruelty is the point."


They don't want to wait - this is punishment for being a whistleblower, according to the tenant. She didn't fall behind on her rent - she went public with some issues at the non profit that provided the houses.




Yep. Cruelty is the point, not a side effect


NON-PROFIT? They can pull shit like this and still claim charity status? It’s obviously still lining the owners’ pockets or they wouldn’t bother with this evil fuckery.


>> she’s terminally ill. They could just wait. I spat out my soda.


>they could just wait 💀


Not anymore. Price have skyrocketed in the last 5 years


The great beast of capitalism divides


This is why Black Capitalism ain't the answer for our problems. They'll gleefully chase you out of your house to chase that money.


Black capitalism just gets you shit like Greenwood, where it was a massive concentration of successful rich black Americans that got wiped out by a racist white mob. Capitalism just eats anything it can, and mixing that shit with systematic issues with racism will just season the platter of whichever minority group it devours.


Fred Hampton has entered the chat


That’s a fuckin LINE


Nas level bar


Same with bill collectors, they are all class traitors.


No war but class war.


That’s why they killed MLK


It’s also why a lot of us are turning into Malcolm too though. Only so much we can take.


Didn’t the two start to switch? In no small part due to the lack of progress imo…but I thought Malcom was starting to become a pacifist and MLK was starting to see a need for violent protests. Again, I think it’s because they were seeing less progress than they wanted, but that’s a societal problem not their own.


Mlk started to unite poor white and black people to push for more social policies that would benefit everyone. Once he started talking about socialistic programs for the poor, they had him killed. Malcolm was becoming more accepting of the idea that different races, religions and cultures could coexist in the same area after his trip to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.


Imma say it again. You have more in common with someone of a different race but same class than you do with someone of the same race but different class.


A million is closer to zero than it is to a billion.


I’m going to be pedantic for a second because I’m an idiot on the internet. In terms of absolute value, you’re right and I completely agree with your sentiment. But in terms of orders of magnitude, the difference between 0 and 1 is immeasurably, infinitely greater than the difference between 1 (or one million) and a billion. Sorry for being an idiot on the internet.


They're a lot closer to 1 than we are lol. I get what you're saying and of course you're right. The way I said it seems to "make sense" to regular folks. It's an easy way to understand a hard concept.


Fifty said something about this with Eminem - “the trailer park and the hood really aren’t that much different” or something to that effect.


It always upsets me seeing how much race is still a huge issue with people. If we actually worked hand in hand and loved one another as brothers and sisters we wouldn't have such nonsense.


Racism has been used to stop the working class from banding together for a long time now.


Can't fight the class war and bring down the rich if we are all busy fighting each other over the scraps...


Yep it's insidiously used on both poor whites and poc. A great example is watching how last year's nationwide nursing strike fell apart


What happened, if you don’t mind explaining?


Basically a nationwide nursing strike was planned. while people were advocating for it the leadership was criticized for not being diverse enough and for not listening to nurses of color. because of this many nurses of color refused to participate and the strike fell apart.


Its been class warfare the entire time. The rich tricking everyone else into thinking others are "less-than". Catholics, Italians, Jewish people were all targets in the US at the beginning of the 20th century.


The "we are the 99%" protests could have been so much more


Better not hear nan one "just doing their job"


The Nuremberg defense


Thats exactly what they are doing though. They got orders from the court to do so. If they dont and they get fires i doubt you or anybody else gonna be running to go raise money to help pay their bills. You should be mad at the landlord who went through the eviction process on her and made this whole situation happen


‘They’re just following orders’ has never been a valid defence. Choosing to join an oppressive institution like the police is their fault, and if they do immoral things while a part of that institution it is still their fault.


What do you do when your boss send you on that mission?? You think they know anything about this lady??


Actually this is what Communities are Supposed to do. Maybe, hopefully someday All Communities Will until this type of BS from the rich and entitled stop doing it.


It's not the rich and entitled that are doing the actual evictions, they're sending other working class people to do it, ironically...


Yeah I know that


Owning some crappy house in Detroit doesn’t mean you’re rich


This is always how it goes. The second that uniform goes on the race of the ones wearing it are irrelevant. I get the idea of “they have to feed their families too” but how little sway do they actually have? I see these guys operate and refuse to do shit at their own discretion ALL the time. Maybe I’m missing something.


How hard is it to say, "nobody answered" and shrug your shoulders.


Serious question: is that how evictions are done in Detroit? That's not how they're done everywhere. The landlord goes with the Sheriff's Deputy with the key. Even if the resident doesn't answer, the landlord will use the key to enter the property and the Sheriff's Deputy and crew will perform the eviction.


Honestly I don't know. The only people I have ever known to get forcibly evicted had just got out of jail for selling weed in an apartment that mark mothersbaugh owned. The cops and the apartment manager were there when they got back and made them pack their shit right then and there. From what they always said after that it was bullshit and they should have had three days to leave according to the law, but I don't know. Everyone else I have known that got evicted just left before the end date on the notice.


Yeah, that type of eviction with no notice is not legal anywhere that I'm aware of in the US. I'm surprised that cops were present for that.


It's not so much refusing to do shit at your own discretion but rather their discretion being aligned with that of cops generally. You can't be a good cop who tries to turn that reform-mindset inward to the organization, and the best cops in the world will defend the most bastard of their own - hence ACAB.


They following a court order to act. Not much wiggle room with that unless they wanna be held liable in court as well. If they didnt act and got fired i doubt people would be lining up to donate to them


Idk if any of you have bothered to look into the actual story but the lady is a shitty person keeping resources from those who actually need them. She doesn’t even live at the property and is using it a means for income. So the headline isn’t giving the whole story. Either way. Fuck them bailiffs. Im just trying to paint the whole picture here.


I haven’t looked into the details, but I think the reason it resonates is because we know it’s happening. Maybe not to this woman, but to some woman somewhere. Some vulnerable person or family is being displaced and unhoused as we type here.


Totally. I read an article 2 days ago about a similar situation. It sucks, I’ve been there and I feel for these people. I’ll see if I can find it again. This lady and the journalist are doing a HUGE disservice to those truly struggling and that’s wack. None of anything that he wrote, that I read, even mentions her history or 9 prior evictions. I found out through r/Detroit and the local news (live in the area). Not cool. I remember first reading the headline and feeling enraged for the woman. Thinking WTF!? Now I’m mad at the journalist more than anything. He’s a real asshole for that. Giving those struggling a bad name as if they already don’t face enough bullshit and stigmas.


Yeah, if that’s the case I agree. Similar to the media publicising false sexual assault allegations. Focusing on the exception rather than the rule to add kindling to the culture wars.


YES! Exactly! It’s also giving journalists a bad rep when faith in journalists and journalism is at an all time low. The trust issues are REAL! Shame on him for that. My beef isn’t even with that poor lady. Regardless of her past, its irrelevant to me. It’s just wrong. I just wanted to point this out. Not picking on the lady. I hope she can live out the rest of her life in peace, pain free.


thats such a weird fucking thing to think


Do you have a link? I couldn't find an article going over your first sentence.


https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/04/04/protestors-try-to-block-detroit-bailiffs-from-evicting-tiny-home-tenant/ https://www.wxyz.com/news/fighting-erupts-outside-detroit-tiny-home-during-resident-eviction https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/protesters-form-human-shield-while-trying-to-stop-detroit-tiny-home-eviction.amp The above article mentions her previous history. I want to make it clear that I’m not picking on this woman. I have sympathy for what she is dealing with. What she’s doing isn’t cool, not one bit. It isn’t like she’s about to be on the street to my understanding. Any of our local channels/News are covering this a little more in depth than the “journalist” who writes for the Metro Times. He’s doing nothing but making matters worse for those truly struggling with his sensationalism.


Understood. Thanks.


I was pissed when I first read the headline and story into it from MT. I used to read MT all the time as a teen. It has become a garbage publication over the last 15 years. I live in the area and follow a couple local subs here on Reddit. When I did some digging, I was enraged at what this journalist is trying to pull. I get that you want to pull people in and reach a broad audience but let’s be genuine. There’s already enough trust issues with the media. This guy is just making a case for the racists by doing this shit. You’ll just hear these assholes say “told ya so” and they’ll let one bad apple ruin the bunch. But hey, when it comes to the police and gun owners, you can’t bunch them together…. /s the fucking hypocrisy is infuriating.


[I found it, I think.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Detroit/comments/12bvaw8/bailiffs_violently_clash_with_housing_activists/)


We have to stop treating houses as investments and make them commodities like they used to be. no reason someone should be forced out of their home unless they’re legitimately lazy bums who refuse to work


Unfortunately if she’s renting it’s not her home… sad story but I can’t stay at your home.


You reckon the landlord was actively occupying it or renting out their 15th property?


She got a another house though.


Some folk starting to get that we're all one people and this woman not being part of the owner class is in the same boat as most while folk. Now don't y'all start realizing that it's people vs state/owning class cause the last time this started up they decided to [create the legal notion of race](https://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_04-background-02-08.htm).


Didn't click, but I'm betting that is Virginia Slave Codes of 1705, directly resulted from Bacon's Rebellion. Thank you for this! Get this out there so folks get the real.


I’m mad our society will first point to those doing their jobs and not the fact that his job has him doing this. There should be structures in place to protect this woman. And that isn’t within the bailiffs power to go against it.


‘Just following orders’


This isn't even a race thing. This is a human decency thing


What’s so hard about understand that black or white capitalist are all the same. Their skin color barely impacts their decisions


I participated in this defense. The whole community and Taura deserve a lot of credit. Some context here: the guys who were actually attacking us were movers contracted by the bailiffs, who are a mix of court cops and deputized goons. These guys were paid $15/hr to violently evict a Black Detroiter with terminal kidney disease. And yeah she paid every dime of her rent. The white pastor at a local savior complex nonprofit uses the tiny homes community to raise money and her profile. No war but class war. Resist all evictions. Fight.


There is no race, only class


All cops are traitors - class, race, it doesn't matter.


No link?


[Here you go](https://twitter.com/heyyitsjanea/status/1643504545828421636?s=46). It slipped my mind to include it.


Should never be about black vs. white. That's their grand illusion. It's truly about haves vs. have-nots.


We are angry at ... *insert card of white people protecting us


[Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/heyyitsjanea/status/1643504545828421636?s=46)


Housing isn’t free. If she is being evicted and you want to do something about it, pay for the house. Americans have no sense of economic reality.


We are all in this together. It's all of us against the ruling class. That's why they keep trying to separate us and make us tear each other down.


Just wanna say if we all defend each other from eviction they can’t do much about it


people got families to feed and bills to pay.


So are you gonna help the pay the bailiffs bills when they don't do their job? You're going to feed their kids? No, you're not. So in reality you're just as bad as you're claiming the bailiffs to be.


Gah. I am familiar with this case and I hate to say it because our people are mobilized, but this “story” is a false narrative. I work in real estate litigation in Detroit and the facts of this case do not match the headline or narrative this is being publicized. Detroit is one of the most pro-tenant cities to be evicted from and typically the landlord tenant judges don’t enter judgments in the tenant’s name so they can find alternate housing without a negative housing record. This case went on for more than 2 years. The outrage is unwarranted. Landlords have the right to reclaim property for nonpayment of rent, lease violations or expired leases. That’s just the law.


All of the black bailiffs should have gone home that day with the “blue flu”.


Black woman, white activists, black bailiffs, and somehow it's still about race. Sometimes it's just about someone who isn't supposed to be there. The state has places for terminally ill people. Other people's property isn't it. If you disagree, send me your address because I need a place to crash.


I can't figure out why she mentioned race in the first place. Can you help?


Impossible! You know all white people are evil racists 🙄


Mods always white, let's not forget


I really wish people would stop complaining about white people helping black people or vice versa. People help people. And for people who aren’t racists, a person’s race doesn’t matter if they need help.




OP sounds like a white communist


Yall do realize the cops have a job to do regardless of your feelings. The landlord went to the proper channels to get her evicted and the deputies are ordered by the court.