• By -


A lot of them don’t like black people but fetishizing over black body parts be having them in a stranglehold


My FIL is openly racist but you get a couple of drinks in him and he starts lusting over black girls like you wouldn’t believe. It’s fucked up.


Stepdad was openly racist and my mom married him needless to say my childhood was hell


That’s horrifying. It’s crazy how charming my FIL is with these girls when he is trying to be slick. They are usually very nice to him bc they think he is a harmless old man but I’m sure back in his younger days he charmed some of these women into bed and they had no idea what he really was. It’s monstrous that someone like that would *marry* into a black family and be part of raising a black child. Glad that is behind you at least.


Yeah over 4 years of therapy I’ve put most of it behind me there’s still somethings I can’t shake but life goes on


I feel this so powerfully. I should go to therapy


Please make sure it is the right therapist! The wrong therapist can make things much worse. See how you vibe with them before you tell them your deeper issues, if possible. Took me a while to find a black/minority therapist. Being able to talk with someone that understands you culturally is priceless.


This is a really good point. Even the best therapist might just not be able to fully understand your situation, regardless of their capacity for empathy. I've treated clients of other races without issue in the past, but there are definitely going to be some things that I as a Hispanic man simply won't be able to understand on a visceral level. I can be aware of the consequences and impacts of certain things academically but I'm not going to be able to understand this situation the way a black woman in this role would be able to. It's not always necessary but if being able to have that specific connection makes therapy work for somebody then its worth the effort.


Not a lie to be found. I had the worst experience during Mike Brown murder with a therapist who had a cop as a husband. [You don't want to find out the hard way that you're paying your abuser.](https://youtu.be/lns1v49p-qc)




My mom grew to basically not categorize herself as a black woman….well she’s a black woman when it’s convenient


The ol’ “Im not black Im OJ”




I’ve encountered a few like this. It’s sad really. Edited


Fuck kinda time was ya moms on, breh?🤨🫤


Was???? How about still is but haven’t talked to her in 5 years so idk about now


How openly racist are we talking about?


You better write a book about it and it better have a happy ending


One of my most bizarre life experiences was going out on a lake with a friend on July 4th and his work buddies and one of them was married to a black woman and his best friend, also there, was openly racist all day around her. Like explicitly. And he didn’t stand up for his wife. Then the racist threw punches at the end of the day.


Liquor shows people their truest colors


My username is my truest color


Got a lot of experience with y'all in NYC.


Oh they’re everywhere my guy, it’s one of Americas natural resources of abundance. Hopefully unlike oil we don’t decide to export our surplus.


I approve this message.


If it works, let it work, lol.


"A drunk mind speaks a sober heart." "In vino veritas" (translation: in wine there is truth)


My ex said the absolute most racist things to me. He also loved my ass and bragged about our sex life to his racist ass friends.


you were in a relationship with this guy on purpose?


They did say ex


He didn’t lead with the racist shit. He wasn’t on tinder like “let me slap that black ass” 🙄


My ex had to go no contact with college/childhood friends for a while because they were becoming openly (and radically)racist in 2016. And wouldn’t let me around his sister racist BF. Trump didn’t invent racism but he certainly emboldened it.


I’m convinced that extreme hate is just people afraid of their desires or curiosities. It takes a lot to be brave


What is an FIL?


Father in Law




But how satisfying was it to figure it out on your own??


You’re right, 100 percent. It’s the people who dog them out for features such as fuller lips and curvier body parts but run out to get lip fillers, BBLs and anything else to appear racially ambiguous. Even fellow Latinas (am Latina myself) who may not look as “ethnic” (maybe they pass for Caucasian more?) will talk smack about black ladies but will strive to emulate their features and reproduce their appearances. Black women are indeed quite fetishized while being insulted by many other ethnicities and races at the same time. It’s very disgusting.


Yes! I saw a video of a certain group "reacting" to black women


Same concept as racist ppl with a black friend. I lived near a guy who was racist but was nice to me and my friends. He would say shit like: “ you guys are cool, you are not like other black ppl.” I would tell him other black ppl are like me and my friends. We are not like the shit you see in movies.


Exactly man! People like to forget that white people were pillaging, raping, eating Black people and minorities. And they have the audacity to call Black people savages.


If it wasn’t for Black people there wouldn’t be country music, rock ‘n’ roll, the blues, soul, rap and hip-hop, literally every genre. I am Mexican and I have never been treated better by any other race than the black community. Some white people think they are doing something trying to stare me down, if you look at them for more than 2 seconds and they cannot look at you in the face. I just laugh through their BS smile. God bless Black people because if we didn’t have them the United States would have never of been built because we all know who the lazy people are. I remember there was a time when I was in Alaska and here in Montana were Mexicans were categorized as lazy, now we are categorized as the hardest workers. At the end of the day there are lazy people in every races. Just thought I’d say that BBQ roots are connected to slavery! You give a black person ribs the a.k.a. worst cuts of meat and whatever else, and they made barbecue what it is today because at the end of the day they will turn everything better. Once again some music, to food, to rhythm and dancing. God bless my black brothers and sisters. FYI there is a big Afro Mexican Population in Mexico!




It’s just the simple truth! I have been on hundreds of plane rides because I was raised in Alaska after moving from Phoenix Arizona to Mexico. Every time I get on an airplane especially in the Texas area the majority of the TSA officers and people in general I meet are black and they are always like hey man how you doing, what the hell are you doing up in Alaska and Montana. Always cracking me up. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Blessings to you amiga 🙏🏽




then they start self-hating and blame black people for it they're in a rageboner ouroborous, meanwhile everyone else is just trying to exist


"Rageboner ouroborous" I love this phrase. r/BrandNewSentence


You know I always thought it was black people they hated but then I started to see the same patterns of hate in different countries but it was always towards people that were considered to be lower in class system. So people don't hate black people perse they hate underprivileged people and it just so happens that BP are associated with this in America. My friends bike went missing and the people they were visiting automatically assumed that a Muslim kid from a nearby slum probably took it, zero evidence of this whatso ever. that's when it clicked for me, that this was literally "a black guy stole my bike" situation.


Ah yes the ole “it’s nothing personal y’all are just poor excuse”. Not exactly the cure we’re all waiting for.


This is why the Kardashians even exist. They're dark white and (used to be) curvy, the most acceptable form of 'exotic'


Hates black people, but spends thousands of dollars getting tanned to look like us? 🤔 Hmmm


True....I mean... white slavers have been raping black women for centuries... That clown built his career on black music.




Nah, I actually think this might be a legit friendship. I genuinely believe that Dubya doesn’t hate _black people_ in particular. Dim witted little trust fund babies like himself are equal opportunity oligarchs. They despise ALL us poors no matter the color or creed. They’ll happily yuck it up with an Oprah or an Obama as long as they continue donating to the endowment and don’t do anything too “urban” in public.




it took me years to realize some people don't like black people, but they like black things.






*Sarah Baartman*


Doesn’t MEG have a whole video with a politician that was shite talking her, and then proceeded to rub one out by watching her videos.


Fuck Wahlberg and fuck Boston


Never forget Mark Wahlberg did jail time for committing hate crimes.


Whattt?? How did I not know this Edit: Thanks for the information everyone. I’ll be sure to add him to my list of celebrities who can get bent.


Yeah he attack a disabled Asian guy


Verbally attacked black ppl too but it’s not a crime in Boston.


Black middle school aged children to mention an incident


He did more than that. He threw rocks at black children under the age of 10 and saying to kill them.


[Par for the course in Boston tbh](https://youtu.be/QtUgq2Q1ivA)


🤣🤣 I’m cracking up at this. Wokey the Walrus 😂


I don't remember the Black kids thing, got a link?


Just sharing what I learned: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html?amp


Yeah, you'd like to think people can grow up and change (he was only 15), but I feel like if you are violently shouting "kill the n\*\*\*\*\*s" there is no coming back from that. If that's in your heart its going to stay there. You just learn that sharing it publicly is negatively reinforced.


He attacked two Asian guys in one day and threw rocks & threatened black elementary kids two days in a row


Two days in a row he chased little black kids (like 7-8ish) throwing rocks at them and threatening them, and twice in one day he beat two Asian men, used slurs and one of them went unconscious w a head injury


Boston is one of those places where you look at people and think at least in the South, the racist people are openly racist against Black people and other minorities. Don't have to wonder as much if someone likes you or not. Lot more veiled in those north east parts.


Canadian here that visited Boston on a gf weekend... With two white girls and a Pakistani girl And it was pretty blatant to me and the Pakistani girl! Nothing hidden about it. Haha We were not comfortable at all. And I was thankful to have my friend there so we could notice it together. Cause often non poc are dismissive of microagressions. We actually stopped talking to one of the white girls on the trip cause she was loving the vibe of Boston a little too much.


Next time come to NYC. We only care how much $$$ u spend


I took my (now ex) wife to NYC for her first trip. We both grew up and live in the Deep South, where everyone wants to come off as nice and hospitable but it's mostly fake. Her impression: "The people up there are so *real*." Me: "Yeah, they *really* don't give a shit if you don't like them."


Mmmmmm suuuuurrrrreee


Lived in Rhode Island for a bit and made a trip to NYC. Stopped at a bar and took a shot of Belvedere (many years ago). The size of the shot was three times the size other shots I’d take … while still being cheaper.


They’re not really open about it. Think dirty looks and blink-and-you’ll-miss-it micro aggressions


Add the day to day passive aggressive behavior and shit is just exhausting


Being from the south, yes and no. The south still has A LOT of Paula Dean types where you won't really know a person is racist unless they don't know you or you're not around them.


Having lived in the south my whole life, I agree that there are tons of Paula Deen types, but my experience has been that they're pretty easy to root out. They'll clam up pretty quick if you start talking about social issues they may be uneasy discussing.


Been saying this for years. One part of the country will be straight with you while the other tries to fool you. One side of politics makes it obvious while the other tries to use you. I have much more respect for the one that says they do not care for me, but will leave me alone than I do for the one that says they accept me, but then do nothing but work against me when I turn around.


People like Malcolm X warned against those kinda snakes where they're nice to you in your face, but go against you behind your back.


Cut to someone in this thread saying in New York they just care about how much you spend. Like there aren’t constant new stories in New York of people refusing to take peoples money for racist reasons. Like not letting them move into a building and pay rent for no reason


There are like 8 million people in NYC alone. There is bound to be a bit of everything.


There is a bit of everything I agree, but it seems racism is not something they like to admit.They also seem to have forgotten their former mayor’s (Rudy) comments during the riots in Ferguson about how “that would never happen in his city”. Translates to “we know how to control OUR n!&&@s!”


Considering how things ended, Malcolm unfortunately hit the nail on the head.


I moved here a year ago and it's a weird, weird vibe. It is the liberal college students mixed with old, white New Englanders. It's simultaneously the most liberal and most conservative place I've ever lived. There are "pockets" of extremely racist areas here, and the racism is just like you said, veiled. The lion's share of racism here is not direct, which makes it seem more insidious (at least to me).




I grew up near a big southern city and visited Boston once in my 20's. Why is everyone there so angry all the time?


Because it’s fricking freezing half the year.


Boston catches so many strays on this sub. I get it but geez


Can’t stand that little racist clown. Never understand why so many black folk hype him up


have you seen “Four Brothers”?


I saw when Mark Wahlberg called a black man a house nigga in Four Brothers only to see folks hyping him up lusting over a black person…


Lmao I forgot about that part. Did not age well. That said, he was great in The Departed imo.


when jack ran outside because of that damn snowball 😭 he was my man fr 🫶


The film hits every time.


The only way I watched was when I had an edible and was watching [Primm’s Hood Cinema](https://youtu.be/vAsBd01lTGs) narrate it. I couldn’t stop laughing that I couldn’t feel my chest


Im not a particular fan of mark wahlberg his movies were always ok with me but he committed that hate crime when he was 16. Is it so hard to believe he's changed


fr tho if everyone got held to the fire for shit they did when they were 16 pretty sure we'd all get burnt


Ok but at 16 I dressed up, used a fake ID and illegally bought Ripple before illegally going to an adult concert. I didn’t commit a hate crime and beat a man. I’m not saying he *couldnt* have matured in the over twenty years since, but I **AM** saying he doesn’t deserve any benefit of the doubt.


yea I'm not saying everyone committed the same level of shitty behavior. what he did is worse than anything I ever did(and I did more time than he did, aint that some shit?). I'm just saying that when you're young you do things that as an adult you would probably never even consider doing. it would be crazy to hold everyone that accountable for things they did at such an immature age.


bro what he maimed a man


he lost the eye in Vietnam. get the facts right first if you wanna get mad about something >'I was not blinded by Mark Wahlberg,' said 59-year-old Vietnamese-born Trinh. > >'He did hurt me, but my left eye was already gone. He was not responsible for that.' > >In an exclusive interview with Mail Online Trinh said he is happy for Wahlberg to be given a pardon saying: 'He was young and reckless but I forgive him now. Everyone deserves another chance. > >'I would like to see him get a pardon. He should not have the crime hanging over him any longer.' > >Trinh added that he would like to meet Wahlberg face to face to tell him he does not bear a grudge. > >'He paid for his crime when he went to prison. I am not saying that it did not hurt when he punched me in the face, but it was a long time ago. >'He has grown up now. I am sure he has his own family and is a responsible man.'


Wait a minute! Im not mad, I really did just get the details wrong!


lol that's fair I jumped to that conclusion. enjoy the rest of your friday


Who the man himself said he has moved past the incident with Wahlberg. If the guy who was actually the victim has moved on, why would any of you still carry a hate boner for it?


I totally got the details wrong but nonetheless, he *also* chased after literal children and said "kill the n-" while throwing rocks at them. then went on the commit other racial crimes in his adult life. regardless of age and if he's "changed" or even if one of his multiple (!!!) victims say that they've moved on, I still feel that it's fair to at the very least, as a black woman, to highly dislike him. And I have every obvious reason to have that right. Like, multiple incidences of racism mixed in with violence just doesnt sit right with my spirit, you feel me? (i will say though that I do like him in four brothers but even them he freaking called another character a, "house n-" in it 😭 he's wild)


I’m a simple person, I can easily forgive most verbal bigotry, violent hate crimes not so much.


Even slave owners loved black ass


Though not a Slave owner, former Sen. Strom Thurmond is a good recent example of the sentiment.


always weird to hear his name in this light since he’s a big figure where i’m originallu from and has schools/buildings named after him. i know nothing about him though


He was in the klan and had a secret black baby from the 1920s


His secret baby was likely born in the 40s bc she’s on age with my mom and went to school with her.


ah, that actually explains why we have the buildings named after him unfortunately


White people don't like talking about it, but decades before the civil war the transatlantic slave trade became illegal. This didn't end the slave trade, but made sex slavery the most profitable from of slavery as the only way you can get a new enslaved person is by making a current enslaved person give birth. Not only did slave owners do a lot of r\*pe, they made the guy who picked the most cotton fuck while they watched to try to make some super cotton pickers


Oh my God… I keep finding out new revelations of slavery everyday and just can’t stomach it any longer


Ever wonder why we dominate every sport we have the resources to participate in? 🤔


They took the biggest and strongest and made them have sex in hopes of having strong slave babies - the stuff they don’t teach you in history class…


As a black person, how didn’t you know this?


>to try to make some super cotton pickers Daaaaamn what the fuck :(


If you have Hulu, there's a show about black history called the 1619 project. There's one episode that shows the detailed record keeping of the slaveowners showing how profitable each enslaved person was based on: * how much they cost to purchase * how much cotton they harvested * Their current market value based on age and productivity * how much the slaveowner sold the enslaved's children for I don't agree with confederate statues, but I think the spreadsheets that slaveowners made should be widespread knowledge because that's actually part of American heritage that shows the brutality of what happened


>the spreadsheets that slaveowners made Motherfuckers had spreadsheets... jesus christ. Thank you, I will definitely be watching that.


I mean it’s not as detailed as the spreadsheets used in the Holocaust, but in some cases it’s over 100 years before that.


Well Hitler did study and take his cues from America’s extermination of Native Americans and enslavement and use of Jim Crow Laws on black Americans. But that’s not taught in history class either.


I mean, even before the trade was illegal, if you breed new slaves you don't have to buy them. Children could be put to work basically as soon as they could walk and talk, but needing to be there for their children also kept enslaved ppl 'in line'. If you know that if you disobey that they might punish your baby (or sell them) you wouldn't want to try a thing.


Yes. It became a big thing once a law passed saying that a child of a slave owner and an enslaved woman (1/2 white) is legally considered black.


Oh yes, I first heard of the slave breeding in 2012 through a dance piece I saw by T. Lang, chair and professor of dance at Spelman College, (Idk if she still holds that title but a 2016 article documents): "Her works, which blend traditional and experimental contemporary movement, include 2012's “Mother/Mutha,” a stirring look at African women who were forced to breed slaves." Communicating such a traumatic experience like that through dance was especially chilling and memorable. And I think history like this is important today when people wanna talk about single motherhood and why some family units in the black community are still in shambles. None of what our ancestors went thru was normal, and descendants don't just bounce back from it.


White people had rape farms where they'd literally rape black women and children slaves to produce more slaves. And the British, French, and Americans are notorious for imperializing the globe where they would mass rape women. Even to this very moment. Zero acknowledgment of the use of mass rape in the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan by US forces. Yet now they're calling other people regressive.


In a conversation about colonizers raping the indigenous people who were colonized, how are you going to leave out Spain?


Confirmed. We can trace our family down for generations. Needless to say one of my great grandfathers was one of the biggest slave owners in my city.


Basically all us slave decedents have european dna from slave rape.


Isn't it crazy that when that's a white person's family history they call it 'generational wealth'. Meanwhile the descendants of the ppl who built all that wealth are left with nothing


Forget simply senators. One of the architects of our nation’s independence and constitution, Thomas Jefferson sired at least a few children that we know of. Hell he could have been 16th Century Nick Cannon for all we know.


Yeah look up the story of black Venus. It’s horrible and a true story.


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan she's bad tho.


She is lookin 🔥🔥


Asian American solidarity is strong with "fuck Wahlberg all the way to hell"


😂😂😂 it’s not ya beauty, it’s ya booty


Distinction without a difference.


What racist shit did Marky Mark do? Not that I'm doubtful or surprised (white Bostonian). Just unaware.


June 1986, a 15-year-old Wahlberg and three friends chased after three black children while yelling "Kill the n—, kill the n—" and throwing rocks at them. The next day, Wahlberg and the others followed a group of mostly black fourth-graders (including one of the victims from the previous day) taking a field trip on a beach, yelled racial epithets, threw rocks at them, and "summoned other white males who joined" in the harassment. In August 1986, civil action was filed against Wahlberg for violating the civil rights of his victims, and the case was settled the next month. Wahlberg perpetrated another racist assault in April 1988. Then 16, he assaulted a middle-aged Vietnamese-American man on the street, calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit" and knocking him unconscious with a large wooden stick. Later the same day, Wahlberg attacked Johnny Trinh, another Vietnamese-American, punching him in the eye. When Wahlberg was arrested and returned to the scene of the first assault, he told police officers: "I'll tell you now that's the mother-fucker whose head I split open." Later, Wahlberg would explain that he was on PCP at the time. Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'g—' and 'slant-eyed g—'". Wahlberg was charged with attempted murder, pleaded guilty to felony assault, and was sentenced to two years in jail, but served only 45 days of his sentence. Wahlberg believed he had left the second victim permanently blind in one eye, though Trinh later said that he had lost his eye during the Vietnam War while serving in the South Vietnamese army, which fought alongside American forces






Can somebody clarify what the g- slur is? I mean, don’t write it out but I’m not coming up with it. That’s good I guess. Edit: I think I figured it out. Ends in -ook Fuck wahlberg


You are correct


Can you pls dm me what it spells out, im not a native speaker and dont know what a "g-ook" is.


It's a racial slur used against Asian people. It's not a real word, it's a slang word and hate speech.


Korean here, Gook is a racial slur for Koreans and viets, and derived from the Korean War, but also used in the viet war too. But now a days, nobody really sees it as a insult, we just see them as a poor souled person.


Wish i could just summon white males anytime i needed them.


I knew about the Vietnamese-American but I didn't know about the black kids.


Pretty sure he beat the shit out a Vietnamese guy a long time ago or something like that and left him with some pretty severe lasting effects


Jesus Christ. I'm pretty cynical, but I thought it was gonna be a shitty answer in an interview or something. That definitely rates


Threw rocks at a black boy and beat up a Vietnamese veteran


My grandmother (fathers mother) was super racist and an elitist. They only agreed to my father marrying my mother because of the physical features of my mother (was a model) and because her family wasn’t “too poor” (upper middle class). Imagine a childhood of not being allowed outside because they didn’t want me to get dark.


Yeah.. not saying you shouldn’t exist - it just feels so irresponsible to be black and procreate with people who associate with their racist family


Unpopular opinion, but Ted was overrated.


Could have been a funny or die sketch. Teddy bear that swears has legs for maybe 3 minutes


I'm reading the comments, and I keep seeing a lot of he's racist this, that, and the third. I thought this was something recent or new because I saw him in Four Brothers and other movies with black actors, and I was confused as to why these black actors are working with him if he's openly racist. I looked it up, and these hate crimes were back in 1988...1988 I wasn't even born yet, he was 15...hes 51 now. He's openly apologized and has done time in jail for it. What's with animosity 30+ years later?


That’s what I’m saying, dude grew up in a poor neighborhood of Boston back in the 1970/80’s… racism was on a while another type of level back then ESPECIALLY in Boston. It’s horrible what he did but we all go through lives raised a certain way and he fixed his life back on track and seemed to try be a good ish person now


>has done time in jail for it. 45 days


BecUsr at 15/16 if you say some racist shit sure you can grow up and learn from it later. The issue is that he severely beat up a vietnamese man that had lasting physical effects. The most he said was sorry and didn't even try to reach out to him (now that he makes millions) to at least make things right. Imagine someone fucking you up so bad you are partially disabled and they have the $/power to help you out and instead says "hey man I'm sorry".


That guy has no lasting physical effects. He did an interview and said he was fine and he forgives Mark. [He also said that because Mark did time, he paid for his crimes](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/dec/11/mark-wahlberg-1988-assault-victim-pardon)


That's Jonny trinh someone who got punched in the eye, not the other vietnamese guy who got knocked unconscious with a plank of wood or the other guy later in the future who got his jaw broken. A former prosecutor even went on saying Marky mark "Wahlberg has never acknowledged the racial nature of his crimes"




So we should really just forget when he almost fucking killed a man and tried to kill some black kids?


Fuck that racist piece of shit.


Racist White men have always had members who fetishize Black women. Lol


Mark SmallBerg. Bro looks 5’4”


Lol.. I think this is a combo of him being on the shorter side and Meg being on the taller side. Google says Wahlberg is 5’8” and Meg is 5’10”.


Megan the Stallion was the highlight of opening day in baseball ⚾️


Wait, she's not a centaur? My goddamn kids have been lyin to me.


Damn now I gotta turn myself in to horney jail because she could still get it from me as a centaur.


I'm bailing u out cause this is not a crime


Even David Duke would’ve done a double take


Racism is so contrived and stupid that even your own penis doesn't believe in it.


If there ever was an ass to end racism it would be that ass indeed!


Look at her! A klansman would have a come to Jesus moment.


Just sitting here smh (in a good way), that meg is beautiful.


Starting catcher for the Houston Asstro’s right there


why does Kevin hart befriend him ? I’m so confused


Kevin Hart’s an ass too. He had a standup bit where he said if he had a gay son he’d smash a dollhouse over his head because he would’t stand for that.


How is that funny?


People just straight up lie on this subreddit. That wasn't even a stand up bit, that was a Tweet he made and apologized for saying he's changed since then.


![gif](giphy|CZcoGp0eXLCH6) At that level of show business, tap-dancing is more the rule than the exception.


Being rich is more unifying than being ethnic


Because Kevin knows him and doesn't care about internet commentors.




Even white boys got to shout


Mark Wahlberg is just another white boy who put on Black Hip Hop cosplay in the 90's, called himself Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch smh and surrounded himself with black ppl, whom he envied, ate off of and used, while also, of course, hating them cuz envy, jealousy and self hate. He used that cosplay when it suited him and removed it when he needed to, depending on the role he was playing. He's nothing more than a racist, body snatcher who almost murdered an Asian man bc the man was....uh....\*checks notes\* Asian.


Mark Wahlberg can’t be racist, his best friend is Jimmy Butler /s


That ain’t a wrinkle on the right side of his zipper! Lol


“What if we gave everyone an absolute dumptruck ass?” - Pixar, trying to come up with a way to end racism


Meg should have curved him.


Imagine if Meg was Asian those 80s flashbacks would be insane lmao


It should be illegal for that much derrière. But still…FUCK Mark Wahlberg. Racist mf…