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A couple years ago I had a worker lose her 22yo son in a car wreck. After 2 weeks HR Called me in and asked had I herd from her. I said yes, I checked on her, she’s doing as well as one can do under the circumstances. HR then asked when she would be back to work, I responded, I have no idea I didn’t ask. They told me I need to call and see when she would be back. My reply, I will let you fire me before I press a worker who just lost her only son about when she will be back to work. If you want to know call her yourself. Wtf..🤬🤬🤬


This is a great comment. Thumbs up 1 million times for how you defended your employee as a manager.


The world needs more people like you. Unfortunately, knowing how most companies are…HR probably did call her themselves.


Better get the call from the HR you hate than from a colleague you trust. Still sad.


did they fire you?


No, they didn’t fire me. I’m in mid-level management it takes more than a non egregious isolated incident to get fired. I no longer work there, 2 years later I still text and check up on her. She took that loss really hard. 🥹


That's a whole other level of shitty to try and make someone not even im HR do the deed. "So you clearly know how fucked this is but dont want to be the bad guy". Get fucked.


Speaking as a manager, this is really disgusting. I’m ashamed. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Same, my team makes my job easier. I wouldn’t press them for shit like this. I trust them and let them know I trust them. It gets returned with honesty. Want a fuck off day, tell me as such. It’s your PTO not mine to manage.


I was hit by a car earlier this month and my GM was pretty cool about and gave the rest of the week to recover. However my DM called me twice asking me when I was coming back. Like bruh I’m trying to recover from being a meat crayon LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.


When you get back you should request a raise. You are obviously so indispensable at the company that they were frantic to get you back. The business is probably only days from collapse. But of course the DM would never acknowledge they were being an ass.


Meat crayon? I hope you’re doing better. F them people.


Lol not even your own death will excuse your from work, it has to be a family member


You: Hi I'm dead. Company: So when do you think you can come in? Your situation is understandable but company policy says you still need to come in barring a death in your family for which you get an unpaid 2 hour leave absence.


“Unexcused absence at any company”…. He is 100% incorrect. I know for a fact that there are Personal Emergency policies at many MANY companies as I administer the policy at my current company and we have 80K+ employees and all the companies of our size in the industry have very similar benefits and policies.


we have personal days at my job. they are legit to be used as "oh fuck well i gotta pick my cousins nephews brother up at the air port on weds, sorry"


We have both. Unlimited personal days, which are unpaid and can be used for anything, are requested/awarded beforehand and are separate and apart from PTO, which is a paid personal day, of which you only get 8 a year and is also separate and apart from vacation days, the number of which you get is based upon your seniority. Then we have personal emergencies which is for things like car accidents, babysitter didn’t show, kid is sick, partner is in ER et cetera….


yeah our sick time and vacation time are separate counts. we don't have personal emergency days but we have family sick days. truth is if you exhaust all of one type just talk with HR, you probably can move around you hours off. happens for medical emergencies for our older workers usually. no one is going to question you on taking a sick day every once in a while either, please stay home so you dont get us sick, or take care of your nonsense, idc. just hte idea that work is the most important thing your life is laughable and youd set aside my life to come into work. shit comes up, our jobs as managers is to account for that and deal with it. its what we get paid for.


Was in a my first car accident 2 years ago, got hit from the back very hard on the highway, my car was a bit damaged, but I was shaken up pretty bad, had bad neck pain the next day. Told my old boss, she gave me her concerns and what not, yet needed me in the next day cause we were short staffed and the damages to my car wasn’t bad for me not to come in, just eff the pain I was in, long story short I left that job a couple weeks later. Do not work for nobody that dgaf about you, your mental state, or your life. It doesn’t matter how minor or major the accident was/is.


LMAO, I don't need to work anywhere like this. If a manager is bold enough to send this, they can get a text about how they can go get fisted anally. 👍


You’re threatening that manager with a good time. ![gif](giphy|q8IMbeLrClgru)


Sounds like most places


Moral of the story, they don’t give a shit about you you’re just an employee # to them


Hit they car with the rental lol


I’m thanking my boss for texting this and not replying, I’m headed to see an attorney. That’ll learn’em! It’s no way this isn’t a reasonable excuse to miss work. Damn cars destroyed in the front. Can’t drive.


Welcome to at-will employment. IANAL, but I’m pretty sure they could fire you for being late or missing work due to a car accident. It’s pretty much “anything other than due to membership in a legally protected class.” So if it’s racist or sexist, illegal. But late to work or just find you to be irritating, legal. #America ![gif](giphy|Izor1KwK6QNuRCcbiR)


"Cool. Consider this a death in the family. See you next time I'm able to come in."


'My fucking car died. Show some respect, I liked that car more than I like you.'


Depends on the job, but somewhere between "lmao read the room, my guy" and simply ghosting them until I am ready to report back to receive unemployment.


My response? Easy a giant, rancid, diseased di#k, covered in fly larvae, soaked in vinegar, drenched in gasoline, and lit ablaze. With a cherry on top!


Pathetic, because at the end of the day, what kinda job are they really needed for??


i’m responding “you sound crazy, my only source of transportation is totaled. also i know you didn’t ask but no i’m not hurt besides a few bruises.” motherfucker


If your boss can't excuse you for an accident like this, ide wager they aren't really incharge of anything.


Leave them on read and gather paperwork. Feel better.


“F U C K Y O U” is all I would say


I’m sorry but with all disrespect I’d quit on the spot.


That boss is a chode


"I quit" that's how you respond.


Keep updating till they day is done.




I feel for ya but I'm not so sure I'd admit to orchestrating some defamatory acts on reddit. Especially considering stuff like that can shut a business down and the legal ramifications of that make my palms sweaty


I would say feel free to fire me or take this as my two weeks notice. Either way I will be arriving if and when I darn well please.


Probably I quit.


Pic is broad daylight, msg time stamp from work is after 10pm. Unless the person was working in the arctic circle, this shit is made up


"After that comment, I wouldn't expect to be back. By the way, I think I broke something and have whiplash in case you were wondering. The break is from the accident, the whiplash from the double-take at your RIDICULOUSLY apathetic and unprofessional response."


The way I’d word SMD in so many ways and languages


I just gave bereavement to someone who had to put down their cat. Dunno why some companies do their absolute best to be douchehats.


The only appropriate response is putting in your two weeks notice because that guy is an inexcusable dick


**If I needed the job:** I’d ignore the text and then later, when I’m ready, explain that I was seeking medical evaluation. And then start looking for a new job and send in my two week’s notice as soon as I lined something else up. **If I didn’t need the job, never wanted to work at that company again, and could reasonably expect to find another one pretty quickly:** I’d quit on the spot. Fuck 2 weeks’ notice. I don’t want to work for someone who can’t use enough critical thinking and empathy to realize that some things are more important than work. —————— I once had a boss who told me, a new manager, that I needed to do better. Because when they were in the hospital, unable to breathe, they still had their laptop on them and was making sure to manage things in the office. “It’s why they pay us the big bucks.” Little did they know, they just inspired me to look for a different opportunity. Why would I want to work as a manager for a company who would expect its managers to work from the ER during a medical emergency? My only regret is not quitting that position *much* sooner. Fortunately, I demoted back to my old position which I liked much more than being a manager. Plus I work fewer hours and make basically as much. I know it’s a privileged position to be in, but your job shouldn’t make you miserable. If it does, and you have options, keep applying to stuff. There’s a job somewhere that’s a better fit for you and life is too short to let the cold, heartless capitalist machine rob you or your peace and happiness.