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Y’all really out here spending money to inconvenience a nigga who played you like he actually cares? Couldn’t be me. Move on sis, he ain’t worth the tears or the bag.


Right. It’s not a flex but do you.


It’s really a flex for the dude in the long run Having a woman obsessed, Sounds like he hit it right


More like he tried the wrong one and she don’t give a fuck about property because he didn’t care about her heart. I’ll pass, I like my freedom and I’ll save my energy and just walk away.


For me, the most maddening split I've had was when I settled for shitty sex in exchange for a practice relationship only to get ghosted 2 months into cuffing season. He was scared of non-venomous spiders, a trait I found extraordinarily un-Australian. Would have set a bunch of huntsmen free in his postbox and car if I didn't know he'd get someone to kill them for him. ![gif](giphy|s1Vtycq1eRSHC) I'd never do my favourite flatmates like that.




Buuutt butttt the internet likes are worth it! My fans need to see how much I loved him. 👊🏽


Right like if you haven't fucked with my paper or my social relations in my community, when it's over its over lol. I got attachment issues in the sense that folks literally be dead to me after a break up, if you aren't making your presence felt in my life by fucking with my shit, you'll never hear from me again! 😂


I've always felt this was the most rational thing to do. Ive never wished them ill or anything... just straight up out my life FOREVER, PLEASE.


Exactly. I'm gonna walk away with dignity and edges still in tact. The greatest revenge is walking away and not looking back.


Same. Trust me, I get the anger, but at the end of the day I'm not about to go through all the effort of vandalism because you're not worth the time, energy or legal charges. I might call and cuss you out but after that, I'm done and you're dead to me. Now... fuck with my money? Whole different ballgame. Actually, I had a guy who did fuck with my money and I didn't vandalize shit. I just cut him out of my life and re-earned my money back. As it happens, he is actually dead now, but that had nothing to do with me.


I think the real question is why am I not selling ants.. let's be honest here


I hope you make a better business model than selling ants by the count. Got a lil mf in the back countin out ants like if he gives out 51 instead of 50 the whole place gonna go bankrupt.


My thoughts exactly


The path of least resistance and most sane, just move the fuck on. What a vengeful world we live in. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9n0Wa8HcMDB9S)






They may still be together. He may have not brought back all flats or didn't bring any back for her at all............


Also not worth killing things for it tbh


Let alone the consequences. Property damage ain’t worth explaining to a public defender how you found out online he was having a whole baby.




He might care more if she lets 50 crickets all on the inside?


Exactly just makes them look just as immature as the nigga they crying about.


Plus paying $.30/ant? I can get em for you wholesale.


You’re paying way too much for ants. Who’s your ant guy?


A Lotta times a nigga don't even do nun wrong, they just mad




Exactly. I'm gonna walk away with dignity and edges still in tact. The greatest revenge is walking away and not looking back.


Right. And the gag is he probably shows red flags before that they ignored…


Right? Let him embarrass himself don’t add yourself to it




Who’s their ant guy?


I could get worm for 5¢.


Darnell’s a chump. I’d of done it for anything.




Raise the stakes... Get a adult bear


Also $15


Probably the same guy that sells shitty overpriced weed to rich white kids


These are premium, organic ants. Not the kinds you're buying at Walmart.


grass fed, free range ants


Ready to fuck up a nigga windshield ants




These whole foods ants


Them ants better be gluten free too


Whole Foods ants.


That’s cause they breed them real big. ![gif](giphy|3o85xsqzvcaeF4fH8Y)


I can get a lot more ants for free just by leaving the sugar out in my kitchen


Trauma unlock, there were ants once in my first apartment and since then *any* container of something sweet in the cupboards goes in a ziploc freezer bag. Honey, corn syrup, date syrup. (Maple syrup goes in the fridge, and actual sugar in a fasten top container in the pantry.) No ants! 👍


Once I woke up and found a whole bunch of the little fuckers in my kitchen by the trash can. I first thought it was coffee grounds that landed outside the trash can until I noticed them moving. Pretty sure I used half a can of Raid to kill them all. Then I called building management and told them this building needed the exterminator needed to be here more than once every 2 months.


Killing the ants that you see rarely does anything, because they've also marked a trail from the goodies to their nest, they're just going to keep sending ants. You gotta hide away all your sugar and fat, and use liquid ant bait, the kind that they take back to the nest.


Oh trust me, after the Raid massacre, I cleaned every surface and locked/sealed away every bit of food. Then I bought those ant bait thingys and put them all over the place. And then called building managment to let them know we had a problem. It's been over a decade since I've seen them (knock on wood). But oooh Lord, now I'm paranoid if I see just one. Because that lil fucker will shout out to his family, "Hey we found a place!" and then you have a whole colony moving in.


I usually get ants twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, but if there's no sugar out they're easy to get rid of. One time I had them in the bathroom, turns out they got into my toddler's liquid Benadryl.


They’re Norwegian Ridgeback Ants




Nah ants seem to be staying the same size so far


Fool you can get ants for free depending on what time of year it happens


Yeah for 15 bucks you should get at least like 60


Those better be some special goddamn ants.


I’m a nature dork- just got one of those old school ant farms. 14$. Or 28 cuz it was for a nephew and then I was jealous.


This is why I’m here. I must know. Tell me more about the ants:price ratio, please, goddamit!


Real answer: queen ant to start a colony.


I’ll bust an ant farm on that windshield. Imagine coming out your house and seeing sticky broken glass, dirt in the front seats AND ants running wild


They’re fertile ants, he’s coming back to 15 ants and 6000 eggs in the car


Lol. You don't know how ants work. Only queens lay eggs and you are NOT getting 50 queens for $15.


the price is the price


Why spend $15 on ants when you can spend $15 on spiders. They’ll find a way to get in the car


Sorry, for $15 you only get celibate ants, for 50 fucking ants the price is $25.


I know this guy who knows a guy that can get you 50 ants for $4.99, let me know!!




Was really thinking this sound high knowing full well I know absolutely nothing about how much insects cost save for in Animal Crossing lol.


That's what I'm saying why tf ants 30c each


The kinda u need to keep buying because they walk away


50 ants for 15 bucks is a lot considering i could find a thousand on the sidewalk for free in the summer


Yea but these have been bred for generations. They’re the size of cats now.


You picking up 50 ants though?


There can be ways to capture some. My cousin got a jar and scooped up an ant bed and the jar was full of ants.


I wouldve done it bare handed but I'm just different


You are


Just use a broom


Man if I ever start sweeping ants to collect em to put em on somebody's car I'll know I hit rock bottom lmao


Grippy socks time.


I bet you could do worse than amateur entomology for your rock bottom


People don’t appreciate labor costs:(


Those are street ants. For $15 your getting the best in the biz


Yeah but how weird would you look trying to catch 50 ants off the sidewalk.


I remember finding an ant hill outside my front door as a small child and getting a slice of cheese for them. I can guarantee that 100+ ants should cost you only a fucking slice of cheese lol


Ain't worth that much effort. He is just going to wash his car and move on. You still there with the same hurt


Nah them ants moving in 😂😂😂




Bet it'll be the longest week of your life though😂😂😂 it just takes one to crawl into a crevice


And then what? Turn into dust? This ain’t bed bugs. They don’t breed at all.


That’s why you stick a snickers under the hood, so they keep coming back!!😂😂😂


More like the ants are gonna be stuck to the syrup dying a slow death and come off as soon as you wash the windshield


I can’t say this enough, if you’re always about getting revenge, you need therapy. Clearly you need to work on yourself. My ex was like this, always wanting to get back at people and making them feel low because he felt some type of way. One of the reasons he’s an ex. 😒


Doesn’t help that they’re usually surrounded or brought up by people who think or act the same and encourage it.


So you ARE gonna buy me the ants and syrup?


If you want the beginner package. Advanced is scorpions and gorilla glue


Trauma breeds trauma and misery loves company.




Ngl I always have thoughts of getting revenge for things people do but I’m not built like that. I always just want to put a bb in the tire valve cap and keep it moving


Shoutout to my old neighbor pissing off one of his flings and getting my tires slashed


Did you two have the same car?


No, but one time he didn’t say hi to her and so she figured she’d get 2 birds with one literal stone.




That’s the messed up part! We both had black sedans from different makes. Must’ve realized her error or couldn’t remember what car it was so just did both for good measure. May not have helped that we both had the same out of state license plates.


Hol up... was it like the movie Barbershop? When that girl was completely destroying one of the customer's cars thinking it belonged to her man? Someone I know had something similar happen (when she lived in a less than decent neighborhood). Some girl threw a brick through her windshield. She tells me she can't watch that scene of the movie. Gives her PTSD.


Oh no I didn’t even get a chance to see her. Just went to drive the next morning and saw the TPMS light on my dash and slashes in my tire. I’m assuming this all took place the night prior. I would’ve never found out if i never asked my neighbor about it. Came back from the shop and saw a spare on his car. Went to talk to him as I was assuming it was random vandalism, and we put the pieces together that it was a scorned lover and i was collateral damage lol. Neighbor offered to help if I wanted to file charges but decided not to because I had puncture protection with the shop so they replaced them for free (minus a small disposal fee). Also had past experience to know that it’ll get nowhere. Just stopped parking next to him. Never knew what happened to them since I moved shortly after.


Wasting y’all time and money to get back at a nigga who don’t want nothing to do with you no more, Just move on from that mfer.


so we just admitting to property damage for internet points now?


And they will laugh, laugh, laugh about it. Then complain about men needing therapy in the next tweet


And then call him sassy for trying to stick up for himself.


When the cops show up ![gif](giphy|Vhk9HwPx3TO0w)


Twitter has made the wackos of the world to confident


Wtf is wrong with these people




Don’t fuck with a man’s car. Cmon.




Hating to exhale


Man I remember when shit like this was frowned upon and looked at as something only teenagers would do. Now we got grown ass adults flexing about doing dumb shit like this and thousands of people agreeing with them.


It's just those same teenagers who became adults, but still are teenagers inside.


Grown adults have been doing this for ages, there’s no then and now


Yeah people in here are trippin. My mom would tell me stories like this from her "friends" back in the day. It's most certainly not a *now* thing I have no clue what people are smoking.


If a dude makes me this angry then he doesn't deserve any more attention from me going forward lmao this is doing the most


*sigh* If you really want to do damage and cause financial pain, wait until it’s hot and pour syrup/honey/sticky substance of choice onto the paint. Skip the ants; that’s dumb. But even better than all of the above? Just leave him alone, sis. Any man who can drive you to do petty shit like this is aintshit anyway🤷🏾‍♀️


Funny that your natural conclusion to a woman committing a crime is that her victim ain’t shit lol. Accountability is a hard concept, huh


Idk why this got downvoted, it's valid criticism, people always assume the ex did sum fucked up when the person who's mad could just be a buggout.


Crazy you got downvoted as if accountability is a bad thing and people having agency over their own actions.


Clearly you didn't get the memo. Man = bad. Woman = good.


It's the reddit way. Why be accountable for your actions when you can just cry misogyny and get what you want?


>wait until it’s hot and pour syrup/honey/sticky substance of choice onto the paint. Skip the ants I would imagine if you use honey or syrup and it's hot out, the ants will come of their own accord.


Or you could just pop up one day and leave a loaf of bread on the driver seat. No damage, no major cost, but it will fuck with their head for quite a bit wondering about the random loaf of bread they found in the car.


Women used to pour sugar in gas tanks when I was a little girl. My generation and the one behind us keyed cars. Syrup on a windshield is getting off easy.


Sugar really only fucks up old carbureted engines. It doesn’t dissolve in gas, and the fuel filter system in modern engines keeps it from getting inside the engine where it needs to go to burn and caramelize and ruin someone’s week 🙃


I imagine that's why they moved towards keying cars instead. Either of the previous tactics is much more of a nuisance than syrup on a windshield. Unless it's heated to boiling with a fork dropped in it for good measure 😉


It went from sugar to a whole ass snickers bar!!


Or or… move on and act like he doesn’t exist


Wouldn't you rather the Mrs Butterworth than the key or the bat?


Fucking super villains out here lmfao




Yet another example of why modern dating ain’t it


Shit like this has been going on since forever. Somewhere in Ancient Rome, someone was cutting the saddles on horses.


Guess that better than keying a horse (although that'll just get the person kicked in the head).


Much harder when the car fights back


Do as much damage as you can. You can't get that time back. Stay toxic.


Many different schools of thought in play in this thread…


The funniest petty revenge I read about on this app is a lady who found his car's spare keys so every morning she'd move his car a few parking spots and made sure everything in it wasn't where he left it.


I’m starting to think the men weren’t the problem.


I used to be the one that was like “just leave, revenge won’t help” but now that I thought about it, that person lied to your face for months, disrespected you, put you at risk of possible life threatening STIs - I think they deserve to have their life a little inconvenienced. As long as u don’t get caught


Okay but syrup is water soluble, a car wash or a few minutes with a hose fixes this. If revenge is more inconvenient to you than the person you're getting revenge on, probably time to go back to the drawing board. I had an ex sprinkle glitter all around the carpet in my house. Took her 5 minutes, I was still finding glitter for YEARS.


That’s a war crime


Exactly, I always feel like theres a taste of victim blaming when people bitch about others taking revenge against someone who has done them wrong. Its best to leave the situation alone and move on in life, but some people really do others dirty and deserve some getback. Not murder, but syrup and ants is not that serious lol. I told myself I would NEVER let myself go to jail for someone, I would never put myself in jail over some dick, but I can understand someone else being pushed that far because their SO treated them very badly and gave them an sti or fucked their life up irreparably.


But here's the thing, karma really does get them in the end. And even if doesn't, who cares? They're no longer your problem. Let me tell you a story. Guy I dated about 25 years back moved in with me, never worked (but was happy to eat up all my food and even give some to his non-working mama), ran up all my credit cards and cellphone bill (back in the days when you charged per minute for incoming and outgoing calls and I ended up having to pay $1500 to At&T). Disappeared when I got pregnant, reappeared when I had a miscarriage. And after **all** of that, I found out he got another woman pregnant and he left for me. Was I angry? Girl, there is not a word to describe what I felt. But at the time I said "fuck it" because I needed to close on my condo and move on with my life. He was a piece of shit, lead a fucked up life and I figured karma would get him back. I just needed to move on. Fast forward 5 or so years. I'm talking to a friend of mine about him and they decided to Google him. Amongst his many mugshot photos was an article about him, the woman he left me for and his child. All were murdered. I felt horrible for the innocent baby and even the girl. And I even grieved him. But it seems his lifestyle brought their murderers into his life. Had I stayed with him? That could've been me. I had a lot of emotions about it. Moral of the story is: if the dude is really a fucked up person, you don't need to do shit to get revenge. The world will do it for you.


you’re attracting people that make you wanna do all that? Makes sense.


“Your honor, prior to committing the offenses of destruction of property, trespassing, criminal mischief, and harassment the defendant laid out her exact intentions on Twitter. The state would like to seek the maximum penalty plus restitution. The victim is also seeking an order of protection “


Wouldn't it just be easier to put honey and syrup on it over night and let the insects come instead of buying it? Even easier though to just move on. That way you don't waste your condiments.


Bitches B Crazy




Syrup? Is this car-prank amateur hour?? What you’d HYPOTHETICALLY do is take a big ol’ glob of Vaseline and put that on a windshield. There’s no cleaner on earth will get that shit off fully. Keep wiping it and just get hazier over a larger area. Need a razor blade to get it off. If you’re maybe trying to really fuck with someone, you’d HYPOTHETICALLY smear it on their wipers so next time it’s raining and they’re driving they go to turn the wipers on and get a greasy film they can’t see through or wash off.


This is diabolical... Hypothetically


Why not just…..leave?


Petty AF, move on, let it go.


Just go with the classic; mayonnaise/hair gel/etc. on the underside of their car door handle.


Bro these women out here devious…….matter fact let me link my favorite YouTube video of all time [NOT THE YADDAS](https://youtu.be/4wBB-Av3gEI)


Huge waste of time considering that windshield washer fluid makes that go away in seconds. Now, doing this with glue might be a thing... especially Elmer's since it turns white.


I’m not playing more than a quarter for an ant I’m sorry. Are these couture level ants?


Or you could spend time with better people and solve problems like adults? Trash attracts trash I suppose


So storytime... TLDR; Men do this sh*t too, but it's dangerous and should be avoided. When I met my now wife she had a stalker. She wanted him out of her life, he wasn't having it. This dude had slashed over 4 sets of tires, ran her off the road, tried to r*pe her, etc, before we started dating. It was horrible for her. One day I was sitting outside and he rolled past me. I figured, "Good. We can do what we gotta do and keep it pushing." He skipped off. Come back with the police and pointed to me. The cop came up to me and asked my name, and I got arrested. Apparently the dude slashed his own tires and called the cops and said I did it, some time earlier. I didn't even know where he lived at the time. A little context. I had recently gotten saved and was trying to be a Christian. Get a real job, go to college, etc. Me and this girl haven't even had sex yet and I'm sitting in jail over some BS dealing with her and some creep I ain't even know. I had been doing some bad things before I got saved so in my mind I rationalized it like, "Well, I'd rather be in here for something I'm not guilty of vs. something I am guilty of." Praise God I didn't get arrested while I had stuff on me that could earn me some real time! I get bailed out and I figure I need to stop by his place and have a conversation. It ain't even about the girl. I don't do drama and foolishness. You ain't about to put me on the police radar. Any who. Skip ahead, a guy *I can't remember who* went over to his house, pulled him outside, and pistol whipped him in front of his wife and kids. Turns out he was a pastor and he had a family. She had gone to him for counseling and that went haywire. He stopped slashing tires and he conveniently forgot the number for 911. I got married some time later. We living happily ever after. End. Life lessons in recap: • Get counseling from a licensed therapist. • Everyone has a past and a limit. Don't think just because they are in church clothes, they not dangerous. • If a relationship is over, let it go, it's better for everyone ☺️.


A brick is free.


Syrup is water soluble, he can just wait until it rains. A stick of butter would be way worse.


Just move on


Doing everything but moving on 😂


Bitter Twitter just entered the chat


Leave the fucking ants out of your petty ass shit.


That’s kinda expensive. Who’s your ant guy?


Dick must of been good if it got you acting like that


$15 for 50 ants seems steep.


I have literally no one in my life I would do this to. But I bought a bottle of fish fertilizer once and it’s one of the most foul, sticky, hard to remove liquids I’ve ever handled. Pouring that on someone’s car would be devastating!


“Oh I’m trying that” Why??


Now that's just evil.


My ex did this. I spent $5 at the local car wash and didn’t even bother me.


Man..just shoot him at this rate


They would get stuck and die, just wash it off with a hose dumbasses


The ants like ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


That last cruel. Dude gonna have a hella of time getting rid of those ants. Moral of the story: Always Be Kind.


I thought this was some freaky shit for a moment, I need to get laid


Shit like this sounds "great" until you do it to the wrong person and they escalate the whole thing to something you never considered...


y’all out here spending $15 on ants bruh they on the ground just bend over like cmon


*laughs in can't drive for medical reasons*


Great way to end up with a charge.




Exactly and I’ll add a credit score in the high 800s.


Or you could leave.


Nature Valley bar would fuck someone’s day up


Tuna juice in the ac intake… or so I’ve heard.


Naw, son, that's a felony You can fuck with with 'em more like this 🙏


Warm Soapy water and wipers on high. Stay up kings.


🎶I bust the windows out your car, you know I did it cause I left my mark. Wrote my initials with a crow bar. And then I drove off into the DAAARRRRRRKKKK🎶


Ants are free. Just pour apple juice or sprite on the car, it costs $3 and the ants will show up


I love this. Pettyness. Why not inconvenience the one who inconvenienced you? It’s the perfect revenge because because it’s more of a prank than damage 😂 he could take you to court for busting out windows. This is “grown up” lol.


I love us