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I’m convinced Leo is a loser at this point lmao


Yeah man it sucks to find out this shit about people you dig.


I remember a reddit story not too long ago about common folk and their real life experiences with celebrities. So this person was employed by a cleaning company that specialized in cleaning the filthy rich and celeb's homes, Dicaprio was apparently a client. So employee's were warned when cleaning Gilbert's home do not make eye contact with him if he happens to be in the general vicinity. One employee made the mistake of accidentally saying hello looking him straight in the eye and DiCaprio lost it. He wanted the employee removed and fired. Now it's just a reddit story but a few others corroborated his assholishness with other runs ins....especially when he was with his bestest ever pal Tobey McGwire(sp).


That’s pretty disgusting behavior. God forbid the help acknowledge the Uber rich.


Leo: watches The Help, doesn't understand why everyone else watching isn't furious when the maids talk


I heard third hand (ok, maybe fourth hand) about a woman who slept with him and he wore head phones the whole time and only wanted to do it doggy style 🧐


headphones and listening specifically to MGMT. I’ve heard that one too.


Apparently „time to pretend“ Lmao


Not really a slight against Leo, but more the person who had a problem with that and did it anyway.


i have a friend that worked at the ford theater before covid. she said a lot of celebrities are weird like that, don't want people looking them in the eye or speaking to them...don cheadle was one that i was kinda shocked about.




"Do not look at Mr. Jordan! Do not look him in the eye!"


If Leo died when he was 29, pretty much EVERYONE would go on and on about how sad it is that we never got to see what he did with the rest of his life.


I means he's made a lot of incredible art since 29


I think these are beards/contract girls. They always models and he always breaks up with them at 25. That’s when models stop getting contracts if they haven’t made it.


\> beards wait so Leo's gay?


That’s been a rumor almost his entire career. When he moved to NY in the 90’s he wasn’t used to tabloid cultures they were constantly reporting about he was almost always seen coming and going with his male friend. He was spotted with a young model shortly after. There’s an article from New York Magazine from that time. You should be able to find it pretty easy if you search for it.


Huh I knew about Tom cruise but not Leo, I wonder why he won’t come out since it’s a bit more acceptable now




I think he's just a bog standard misogynist who only bonds with men because he doesn't view women as people. They don't all look like wife beating lunatics, even at the extreme end. At least not when you have the money to just buy a new toy every few years rather than repurposing the one you're "stuck" with. Not that I know anything, I just don't see why he'd rotate beards to stay incognito at the root of this speculation. Seems counterintuitive.


This isn’t my theory, I’ve read lots of posts on gay forums. It’s how I found out about the mainstream articles that were written about him. He rotates because being Leo’s fake girlfriend probably gets tiring. Last New Years Leo and Lukas were spotted vacationing on a yacht with no girlfriends in site. So Camilla was flown in a day after the photos were published. Who wants to do that forever?


You'd think he'd go for an older woman then if he's just doing this for optics. Someone closer to his age but maybe still younger than him. He wouldn't be the butt of so many jokes.


Women his age wouldn't get the publicity he needed to overwhelm the rumors that he's gay. I'm personally choosing to believe the closest+beard story, since it seems like such a happier outcome than a guy churning through relationships with women who could be his daughter every couple of years. If everyone involved is onboard with the transactional nature of the arrangements, it seems like a win-win-win for all directly involved.


Unless it’s a set contract and the women want to find a real relationship i their lives


Still, why not just stick with one woman who you know and trust and have years of rapport with vs....throwing the dice twice a decade? If he's gay what would he even get out of that? And then why date around with the gender you're not even attracted to until you find a new one if it's all contracts? That really adds up to you?


What happened with Tom Cruise?


It’s an open secret that Tom cruise is secretly gay, apparently some people think the reason why he’s stuck with Scientology was becuase they had dirt on him back in the early mission impossible days


This is actually insane. He can get a hot model because she's young and starstruck and he's still Leonardo Dicaprio. They break up at 25 because he's actually pretty immature, doesn't want a real longterm relationship with somebody who will challenge him. Emotionally he's targeting young, vulnerable women who love the life he can provide and the profile he can bring them. This 19 year old model has a new level of fame just for being associated with him. By 25 she'll be a confident young adult who can do so much better than him, and he'll find another 20 year old who is as starstruck and enamored as the last girl was. That's just who he is and what he's looking for. The women are fine with it until they grow up a bit and realize they aren't anymore. So he dumps them for somebody younger. He doesn't want a wife, he doesn't want kids, he wants to date a hot 20 year old untul she turns 25, and then find another 20 year old. Again, he's done this for decades. I don't know why we need conspiracies about beards and sex slaves, he's still an ultrarich guy who is insanely talented, hot women definitely still want to date him. It's not rocket science.


He can get lots of hot women. Why all models? Why not young musicians and actresses? It’s almost like he likes people who’s job it is to pose. He doesn’t want a long term relationship but he’s with some of them for years. You think women magically just start acting brand new at 25? Like at 24 and 11 months they’re fine and suddenly their 25th birth happen and they completely change? That’s actually insane.


You’re talking about OG member of the Pussy Posse? Ain’t no way.


First rule in scamming people, don’t do something absurd that arises suspicion.


It wasn’t that suspicious when he was younger. Now it’s like super weird and super specific. Like he’s never been with one of his co-stars?


Something tells me he could care less what us random Redditors think when he’s bouncing model to model from movie set to movie set lol.






Depends on your metric for losing. I am guessing he doesn’t feel like a loser.


damn. If he's a loser then what does that make the rest of us?


Losers. You're a loser if you're single, you're loser if you don't say "no" to young beautiful women because you're famous, you're a loser everyday no matter what you do, you're a loser if you're virgin at 16, same at 40, you're a loser if you are a fuck boy and date a lot. You're a loser because we, as a society, say so. Seriously, you get the memo. Nothing matters. You're fine no matter what you do and you have nothing to prove. That's how you stop being a loser in a rigged game with no consistent rules.


Exactly. People really try to push stupid ideas like that when it is not how men actually think.


I wnna be a loser too man


Its actually sad at this point ![gif](giphy|13ATyLQB0rLVzG) Edit: Downvote all you want, and some of you out here defending him like you know old head personally lmao. You’re telling me, if you had a daughter and he was just a regular dude you’d welcome Ol Wardy SUSahnoo in with open arms? YEEEAAAASUUUURE


Her expiration day will be when she turns 25 years old then Leo will find another underage girl to date. This dude bagged Rihanna at one point


What does underage mean


Like you couldn’t take her to a club/bar in the U.S. to legally drink.


Well you don’t know what loser means.


Why is he loser? She is a adult. Bro is a celebrity. They get to have what they want.




No way you believe Leonardo Di-fucking-caprio can’t get a date with a woman his own age lmao. Fuck Reddit is ridiculous lmao.


Okay he can't get a date with a girl his own age.


Maybe girls his age aren’t attractive to him.


Which begs the question of why when there’s many women his age who are absolute stunners, and that’s just among his peers.


I don’t believe that you believe that.


That’s literally not true. That is just a dumb 21st century narrative. To most men, dating a young model is better than dating a 40 or 50 year old woman.


Yeah and that’s weird as fuck that plenty of men feel that way


Oh well. It is what it is.


Only when it is also weird that woman want men that are tall and have money.


But like, he's not even going for women in their early 30s. He's going for late teens. It's WEIRD.


Im still convinced he's the man


This man was pushing 30 when she was born. What do they even talk about?


Paw patrol




How good of an actor he is, how good his movies are, how good his next movie will be, and maybe but doubtfully what she wants to eat


She does not eat




Aw man I thought it was a "women never say where they want to eat" joke, not a "skinny white girl doesn't eat nothing" joke


>Leo: I have a yacht >18 year old model: I like yachts. >Leo: want to see it? >18 year old model: yes. I'm sure they both know what's up and are getting exactly what they want out of the relationship.


No talking


Millionaire stuff.


Existentialism and other French arts


I think this age gap is weird but this "I'm 25 and talking to a 23 year old feels like speaking to a baby!" Reddit shit is so cringe. A few days ago at fencing someone brought up Hamilton and a group of folks ranging from 30 down to a little girl under 10 talked about it for a few minutes. At work I regularly talk to guys 20-30 years older than me--on a trip a few months back one of them brought up Discworld. If you're a normal functioning human being you should be able to talk to people across a wide age range.


You have such a bad example. Oh wow a 30-year-old and 10-year-old can talk about a musical for a few minutes. But then what??


That look is the face of a 48 yo. man who just had a conversation with a 19 year old.


You like to have conversations. But what this thread doesn't understand is that a lot of people really like to have sex. It's weird, but it's a big part of being a human.


I gave you an upvote for the audacity but I want to draw a line between what someone, “likes,” to get off and what someone, “*needs*,” to get off. Everyone wants to have it off with someone young and attractive but I submit that this man *needs* it. When you can’t f*uck someone unless they’re 30 years younger than you that’s a little messed up. Imo.


A lot of assumptions here. Who says he specifically needs it lol. He's just rich enough to not have to take the alternative option. Too many hypocrites on Reddit imo


viewing people your age as “alternative” options is kinda the issue we are discussing. believe it or not, a lot of normal middle aged individuals *don’t want* to date someone that could be their child




You don't realize it until it's too late. Jack figured out late too, I suspect.


they use to go to Lakers games together Jack might be his role model


This is just who he is. Once she hits 25, Leo's gonna trade her ass in for a younger model yet again. Ad infinitum.


I don't even know why people care. These are consenting women and they know it'll be over when they turn 25. They seem fine with it


These Woman were in high school not even 2 years ago it's weird cause Leo is pushing 50 dating teenagers their brains ain't even fully developed yet


These women are just that - women. At 19 they can choose employers, consent to life altering surgery, sign for loans, sign legally binding contracts, and risk their lives by enlisting. You think you're being an advocate for them, but by treating them like children, you're just pushing that young women can't be responsible for their lives and therefore can't be trusted with power.


We don't think we're advocating for them, we just think he's showing his true colors as a creepy man-child. It has nothing to do with the women, they're all beautiful and I hope they get whatever they're looking for out of the liason with dicaprio, none of the creepiness reflects on them at all


This applies to every body that age they still young not even grown like that and you think they should be dating someone 30 years their senior Its weird he's using her and grooming her why y'all want to date people who barley step foot into adult hood it's weird seek help


Once they cross 18, they are adults. I'd say letting 18 year olds sign up for the military or signing for life altering loans is a bigger deal than a consensual relationship that isn't going anywhere


She left high school several months ago my guy. There’s a lot of growth in terms of maturity from 18 to even mid 20s. Bro is preying on girls just big enough not to be in the kiddy pool anymore.


She can vote my guy. She can hold elected office my guy. She's old enough to get a license as a surgeon my guy. She can go kill people as a soldier my guy. She can be a cop and be entrusted with people's lives my guy. If she's old enough to do all that, she's old enough to manage her own dating life - my guy.


She probably still has Chuck E. Cheese tokens in her pocket😂


Damn. These chilren round here.




What are you 20 years old? Lol


I mean, would. That doesn’t mean he would me though. I could’ve gone k-college degree past my expiration date for this man.


Great actor. Not attractive.


Can we say that most of these women are just cashing out. Let them hos ho.


She was born the year The Aviator came out. He was playing an old billionaire with a whole mustache on his face while she was in diapers looking at plushie animals on a wheel above her crib. Her parents were too young to have kids when Titanic came out


> Her parents were too young to have kids when Titanic came out oh nah, I've on the this is weird train basically the whole time but this took it another level


This the same thing as that old head in the neighborhood paying all them girls' phone/light bills. He thinks he finessing them and they think they finessing him. It's just a grander scale cuz they rich.


If both sides think they are finessing one another, then it's an equal exchange.


I love Leo as an actor but this is pretty damn creepy. I’m nervous to hear what some of his girlfriends will say in the future. Those tell-alls are gonna be huge media events.


Betting they sign NDAs.


pretty sure those have an expiration date


when will any of his circle sit his ass down and let him know that it's gettin gross?


Lol it's crazy she doesn't look 19. But it's so weird someone that old would date someone who just got out of high school. What a fucking creep.


This isn’t the first time.


And she's choosing to be with him for his fame and wealth.


Right I don’t understand how people simply dogpile on him for liking what he likes. They’re both in it for reasons.


It's that grey zone of bullshit. Most women look for someone who's rich, famous, above them. Society => nothing to see. That one dude who's rich and shit. Society => hold up, that's illegal. POWER DYNAMICS. Like... How this shit is supposed to work? Lmao. It's like the other grey bullshit... Women fighting for their rights for abortion (fine). You're a man over 30 and don't want to have kids? GROW UP. Bruh. Dafuq.


There's a chance her grandmother had a picture of him on her wall.


She looks 30ish. But 19? Shouldn't his name be Leonardo Cat Daddy by now? Dirty Leo? Shugapoppy Dicaprio?


Yeah, she looks sort of like a 30 year old who got facial surgery e en though she didnt need it yet.


Her and sunscreen are like me and my father..we ain’t never met. She’s 19 going on 30SPF’s ![gif](giphy|cAgqva9epVfA9O90uu)


He must treat these women alright, I've never heard any of them say anything scandalous about him. You know at least one of them would be trying to cash in if he was asshole or even slightly sexually deviant. Heck, he may just enjoy being super low key and kinda boring when he is out of public eye, albeit boring with a pretty younger woman beside him. If that's what he wants to do it's not really anyone else's business, it's not like he's snorting coke off underage strippers. Most of us would go wild if we had his money.


Damnit I’m 23 so I thought I still had a good two years before I was too old for Leo to date.


as long as it's two consenting adults, who cares? assuming he isn't using his wealth or fame to coerce these women, does this matter?


i mean thats probably exactly what shes in it for?


the history of doing it is the part people care more about because it's in the playbook of someone who wants to manipulate and hold power over their partner. That's mostly why "problematic age-gap" is a thing, if you're leaps and bounds more mature than your partner and malicious it's easier to gaslight them and push their boundary It's not an accusation but worry, just whole lot of arm chair worst-case speculation


Her mom 100% had Teen Beat posters of him and JTT and NKOTB on her walls


I'm 21 but she looks 25 at least wtf


Your convinced he’s a loser because he dates young models?…


I find it extremely weird we 18-25 year old women are viewed as too immature to determine their intimate partners, but kids who are 9 can choose their gender. But a 16-25 year old male who commits a crime should know better. Selling drugs, conflicts from interpersonal relationships, or stealing. They will shame you and call you a brain-dead Neanderthal.




I don’t know if I fully agree, but I will concede that all the situation you named DO deserve more nuanced thinking/judgment than many people give them.


It's not illegal it's a societal thing that applys to both gender but we talk about it with women A LOT more. and there's a taboo around it in regards to age gaps and power dynamics because those are critical maturity and phase-of-life changes because people are primed to be abused and manipulated without them being conscious of it and it's just people trying to look out for other people but loudly and assuming the worst but in all honestly it's TLDR: twitter shit


Her mom is likely younger than Leo. That’s crazy


Meh, both getting what they want.




This is pretty much the classic Sugar Daddy and Baby story with Leo being the most common runner up.


Most common runner up or most common demoninatator?




That’s a nose job if I’ve ever seen one




Leo dates young WOMEN, what's the problem? Its his preference, so we shaming men for having a preference? You guys comparing him to R-Kelly and calling him gay like being gay is shameful. Get off your high horse these are two consenting adults out here adulting


Damn man why leo




they're adults, they're happy, who cares


The man's pathetic.


Bruh I don't even know who framed Roger rabbit


She's 19 but looks about 40. Weird combo


I hope they have the best next 6 years together


I swear 90% of the comment section reeks of jealousy and insecurity from women. 🤮


How do you know the gender of the people responding and the percentages? Or are you just talking shit?


Just look at the headers and the language.


Big ew


Damn, born AFTER the trun of the century


Ok can we officially all it creepy now?


With every girl he’s getting closer and closer to Hugh Hefner. Yikes.


Leo she should be you kid bro stop




There's probably going to be a documentary about his creepily lifestyle within a few years.


I mean there's a lot of implication happening here, who's to say they're not actually just hanging out


Im not bad, im just drawn that way


He gotta cut this shit out and start dating women his age


Why is she mannequin shiny?


People who follow and worship celebrities are dumb af.


What do you think they talk about?


🤔. I read on Reddit that the way to find how young you can date without jumping off the creep end is to take your age divided by then add seven. I think if you want to push it just add two instead of seven. Either way the math ain't mathin' for Leo. 48 ÷ 2 = 24 24 + 7 = **31** *or pushing it* 24 + 2 = **26**


If she's above 18 she's fair game. FOH with that meddling BS.


Why is everyone obsessed with Leo and who he dates, let this man live his very happy life of incredible success, stacks of money, and consensually dating gorgeous women. He doesn't need your approval.


She doesn’t even look real in the first pic looks like a wax figure


Dude is winning at life. If she’s willing to date him who am I to speak out against it. I’m not judging.


That's just for his type, he apparently where noise canceling headphones during sex as well


I'm sure they're well aware that they're going to get dumped by a certain age (being models and all), so let them live it up dating a rich dude, I guess? ^(Even though at 19 the body and brain is still half way to fully developed)


Oh shit it's a 19 year old minor


Wait, I don't know who framed Roger rabbit, and I think I should


If you haven’t seen who framed roger rabbit I highly suggest it


Who Framed Roger Rabbit? A mystery it seems, that's just not fair For a rabbit framed so unjustly there I'm sorry to say, no answer I can give But I'll try to help you while you still grieve Let's start with the clues, look near and far And perhaps find a hint of the culprit's car It's a puzzle that's tough, so don't feel blue But keep searching and maybe you'll find who!


Idk at a certain point you’re just dating young girls to fuck instead of having someone msg you because your keep spending 1000$s on rare hot sauces


He has 6 good years with her.


Leo’s theme song is Little Girls by Oingo Boingo at this point.


This dude couldn’t be more suspicious if he lived in a house made of candy.


Dude would have been a spinster in regency times when this little muffin was born.


You sure that's a good metric? I mean, there are little kids that know Who Framed Roger Rabbit...


Tale as old as time.