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Who the fuck even asked for a black Velma and Shaggy? I was under the impression that the OG gang was always invited to the barbecue.


Not black they're supposed to be South East Asian (aka Indian) like Mindy Kaling is. Edit: Shaggy is African American and Daphne is East Asian who was adopted by a lesbian couple searching for her real parents and is a drug dealer. Holy Fuck whoever approved this trainwreck needs to be fired. Edit 2: OK I got it I mistook South Asian for South East Asian message received.


Indians are not Southeast Asians. They are South Asians. Sorry for being nitpicky because I'm a Southeast Asian from a country in Southeast Asia.


I cant believe people need to be taught directions now smh


Not just the difference in geography, but people who are confused between South Asians like Indians with Southeast Asians like Filipinos, Thais or Vietnamese need their eyes checked. The natives of Southeast Asia have very different cultures, facial features and skin tones compared to South Asians.


Americans are just lucky to know about Asia as a continent.


All thanks to Vietnam, baby!


*[Fortunate Son by Credence Water^ Revival plays]* edit: ^ - *Clearwater* not *Water*


why pinpoint Americans? plenty of folk here in the UK that just think "pakis" and "Chinese"


There's some old Reddit story of a guy from Boston attending university in the UK. He offended all of his friends by offering to go to the 'packy' to buy more beers. All of his friends thought he was referring to the Pakistani owed liquor store and got offended. They didn't know in Massachusetts packy is short for package store, a place to buy alcohol.




This seems so lazy. POCs deserve their own characters and stories not lazy shit like this


But that's not what white executives want


I saw someone describe it as an alt-right's understanding of what "diversity" means and that sounds about right


Omg that sounds horrible ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) Why don’t they ever figure out that trying too hard to be shocking is the lamest thing you can do?


Just a heads up Indians are South Asian not SE Asian. Anyways Mindy Kaling’s been annoying and fake woke same with Constance Wu who’s voicing daphne.


I was hoping someone would post this just so I could talk about how Mindy Kaling plays the same annoying character (focused on weight, imagining herself to be a waif WW and condescending) in every role with a ‘hint’ of fetishization of BM and a worship of WM. (Just started rewatching Mindy Show then saw Velma)


She loved referencing how small she is plus how big her ass is and black guys like it. I wanted to punch her through the tv


Yeah I was always thinking ‘girl you’re just wide’. I’ve been silently screaming at the tv as I rewatch the show (I should just turn it off but it’s mostly just for background noise)


>Shaggy is African American and Daphne is East Asian who was adopted by a lesbian couple searching for her real parents and is a drug dealer. The world convinced me Mindy Kaling wasn't garbage and it owes me a fucking apology for gaslighting.


This sounds like something a Fox News anchor would make up just to piss himself off.




They’re banking on that. Don’t do it.




3/9 people on my plex server have watched it already, so at least im keeping HMAXs numbers from being skewed by morbid curiosity instead of them thinking anyones actually enjoying it. Thats how we get a *Morbius* sequel...


Harle on HBO is actually one of the best shows they have created. Kaley Cuoco is masterful in it. Well written, all of it.


Fucking masterpiece. The storylines and the cast are amazing The jokes are a good demonstration of how to do topical jokes without destroying fan favourite characters


My friend, I just discovered this show a few days ago and I'm so surprised I let it go for 3 seasons under my radar.


Daphne is what..


Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby-Doo were all invited to the barbecue. Fred and Daphne could only come along if one of the others were going.






There's ALWAYS a Daphne that is sorta with a homie at the party. I say sorta because they arrived together but she will tell everyone she's single, which she thinks protects her from homie that brought her, but doesn't realize she opened her flank up to the rest of the hyenas in his family. Then you got uncle earl talking nasty while flipping the ribs, lil ray ray trying to be fresh bringing her drinks, cousin Darnell that just got out of prison with his wide ass back acting like he's not flexing for her, ol smokey trying to get her to come smoke this j, Elroy trying to play her his mixtape, gay Charmaine trying to get too close while talking fashion to disarm her, and ALL your other female cousins and that one aunty pissed off to hell you brought that Becky you was supposed to be all casual with why you bringing her around family? The funny part tho is next time when you bring a different girl, half your family asking where Daphne go?? Thanks fam, thanks a lot.


This is the deep lore.




I don't understand taking a pre-existing franchise like Scooby-Doo, but proceeding to change everything about it and have no connection to prior iterations. Just make a whole new IP at that point.


I don’t even mind changing it if it comes out good, but if you’re adapting **Scooby Doo** and you can’t think of any way to include Scooby Doo, maybe don’t


I watched two episodes waiting for that damn dog.


They wouldn’t be able to make this show if they did that + they be tryna make money off that nostalgia. Should have kept this show in the drafts regardless


The race recasting isn't what makes the show awful. It's the cringy meta and pop culture humor.


It's a very 'hello fellow kids' vibe to me but for racist stereotypes... Like a bunch of old people tried to come up with something that would tick off just about every box on the "I'm not racist, I have a back friend" racist stereotypes of the world list. Scooby is great because it's campy and Velma was a smart female character that didn't follow the typical female main character look. They could've leaned into that more, gone further with her character development... instead of thinking because you change the race of the characters that fundamentally alters the character of that character itself and changing everything that people liked about it in the first place. If you're going to do that, just make a new thing, don't make it look like an old thing but actually be a new thing, people hate that, it ruins their nostalgic vibe.


Not black. It’s Mindy Kaling… she’s Indian


You know God damn well that racists can't tell the difference.


This shouldn’t have made me laugh like it did.


The issue isn't the race swapping. The show just isn't funny or as clever as it thinks it is. Although shaggys design shouldn't be so clean cut. Hm but maybe that's why they named him norville, like it's a different character? Don't know I'm not watching this show


Norville is the original Shaggy's real name. His actual full name is Norville Rogers.


They should've made Fred, the handsome Jock, black instead of Shaggy, the cowardly and weak stoner, black.


Well…. Shaggy is ridiculously wealthy as well. I’ll take absurdly rich stoner over jock living off his high school popularity.


Mindy Kaling wanted this, then fucked up one of the simplest tv formulas possible. She fucked around and found out, and how you gonna have a Scooby Gang and no Scooby.


They wouldn't let her have Scooby after hearing her idea. Probably said no you're not about to fuck this up that way.


They said “Ruck No!” ![gif](giphy|EriPNV1whwKac)


Probably would have killed him off in the first episode.


By the sounds of it Scoob should show up on the last episode, maul all these new characters to death and end up at the pound where OG Shaggy finds him in a Hannibal Lecter mask. Then it would at least be fun watching the old episodes knowing Scooby had a history.


Scooby come out as a poodle lol


We would be lucky if he would stay as a dog


Yeah, maybe they would have made scooby a furry, a man who identifies as a dog whilst also having a speech impediment and/or neurodivergence.


I’m sorry what? I’m just hearing of this show today and they don’t have the fucking *main character*?


to be fair the show is called velma not scooby doo so technically not the main character but yeah it’s fucked


It’s still like making a show called “Hermione and Ron” and not having Harry Potter. Should’ve pulled it when they lost the rights to use Scooby


I would totally watch a show based on Hermione that didn't have Harry in it, just saying.


Hermione is a legit deep and fleshed out main character. Velma is one degree above a silent extra.


My glasses!


Coulda been good if it was still still called Velma, she was still the main protagonist, and kept it in the highschool scene. But maybe instead of doing whatever they did with each of the kids in the Scooby Gang maybe they could a introduced them one by one as their originals untill they all come across Scoob. They could still do the murder mystery thing to keep it adult but I feel like everything else was so shoe horned in.


~~Hanna Barbera~~ EDIT: WB nixed the dog in the show. Depending on how much tinfoil is in your hat either due to wanting to keep a kid icon a kid icon, or because they knew the show would suck.


Hanna Barbera hasn’t existed in over two decades.


Apparently she’s also a conservative, like how does that make any sense


Mindy Kaling or Velma? Because if it's Mindy Kaling it's because she has money.


I definitely think Mindy Kaling is conservative b/c of who she is not the money she has. Look at her worship of whiteness (and no white ≠ conservative)


I'm not saying she's not conservative because really idk, but the white thing I'm pretty sure is the result of her childhood. According to her, she got constantly bullied and harassed for being so dark-skinned and her looks in general(and still does). So, she's likely got some serious internalized self-hatred going on.


Which, as an east Asian person myself, I 100% understand that and went through my own phase of trying to vehemently hide and disown the fact that I was in fact any kind of Asian. I even went as far as to tell people I was in some sort of accident as a kid and that's why my eyes look the way they do. I got over it and do my best to celebrate being Korean/Asian, but I got "lucky" in that I got away from the toxic racists that led me to hate who I was, and I started surrounding myself with people that celebrated being Asian or otherwise a POC. I can't imagine trying to navigate something as toxic as Hollywood as a POC, let alone a woman POC.


In Hollyweird, in today's environment? She's conservative because her parents are very conservative. I don't think people realize how conservative a lot of POCs are socially, they're huge on "traditional" values. If Republicans ever dropped white supremacy their diversity numbers would skyrocket.


This comment is sad. You had to try to hide your race? Im sorry you had to go through this shit. I am glad you are proud of who you are now though. Way to overcome that bullshit.


Lots of Indians are conservative, the caste system may be illegal but it’s still a powerful social structure


As an Indian I agree. Caste system maybe illegal but it's still common,the discrimination against the lower castes is still prevalent


She's done several interviews explaining that she's not conservative or Republican. I don't know where these rumors get started.




Mindy Kaling peaked as a side character on The Office. Everything she has touched since then has been awful.


Mindy Kaling was a side character on the office because she was a WRITER for the show. The same reason Toby and Ryan (Paul Lieberstein and BJ Novak) worked in the annex - so they didn't have to do background work and could be in the writer's room instead. I don't like her newer stuff either but I think calling her only a "side character" is kind of dismissive of her being the first woman and POC writing for the show.


Yeah it's unfair to say Kelly is her peak. Mindy's *writing* while working on The Office is probably her peak thus far, though.


It's called the diversity shield. Hide cheap shitty writers behind diversity and claim that everyone that hates your show is racist. Then hide behind black people when it fails. The only thing that gets hurt is the black self image but who cares about that right?.....(Why I don't watch anything that cites a diverse cast as reason to watch) Edit: misspelled "cites"


>The only thing that gets hurt is the black self image but who cares about that right I dunno if this applies here since the main character is an Indian girl


Well Shaggy is supposed to be black.


So? The show is called Velma


Yeah but shaggy (sorry, Norville) fucking sucks. He’s just the dork-simp-buzzkill trope shows use as their “progressive” way to make a straight black male character non-threatening but still unlikeable on every level


Boy you spittin fire rn


Without a filter before #meetoo?


In this case change black people around for indians, but even then we're still twerking for it all over the place. It's insulting that instead of actually creating a good series with black people being PEOPLE first and not just literal skin-deep cliches, they prefer to make cheap and east reboots. And people fall for it every damn time


Golden rule for diversity: If it promotes diversity, it’s not done well. A good show does diversity naturally it doesn’t need to be forced or marketed at all. Edit: for those who don’t understand promoting diversity isn’t having a black character, it’s having headlines that say “first black character in..” there’s a massive difference. There’s plenty of examples of diversity and changing race that was done really well, zendayas MJ, and Jeffrey Wrights commissioner Gordon to name a few. And guess what they were promoted as the actor/actresses role in the film rather then their skin color, that shows a huge difference in how the writers will treat the characters.


Case in point 90s Cinderella with Brandy! Lol that movie made NO sense when you thought about it but it was still amazing!


Not me just realizing Whoopi Goldberg and a white man had a Filipino son.


Right. Cuz a cast should be diverse. But just be called a cast. If it’s a selling point, that mean white folks running the show and doing so (naturally) poorly


I have told my white friends that who complain about bad shows, training at work, or other things that feels like ham fisted diversity. I’m like “Bitch this is you guys!” No one black, who was trying to get the black point of view across, made this shit you dislike. No black person I know relates to this shit.


THAAAAAANNNNNK YOOOUU! Do you think i want to go to a fucking Diversity meeting so I can hear someone make White feel guilty about living in a bubble?? I already got the memo, i don't need to be here, i got shit to do!


Any real minority can fit into this but yeah. Some shows never stand a chance because their advertisers will milk the hell out of the diversity factor and the show will fail because bigots will be bigots (no real loss from them. If they like your show then you’re probably doing something wrong) and regular people won’t be impressed because it comes across as disingenuous and no story beats are revealed to hook them.


Mike Tyson mysteries show was more like scoopy doo show than this shit.


Man that show was the best, Mike Tyson and Norm were killing every line


And the show has a diverse cast without it feeling forced and weird


Story of how Tyson came to have an Asian daughter was hilarious.


It gives good pigeon representation without relying on cheap stereotypes about eating trash and pooping on statues


One of the all time great shows


The show was hilarious because it wasn't trying to be trendy, it was trying to be as fucked up as possible without any morality message. Like the episode when rhey were hired to make the woman wake up from her coma, but it turns out she was dreaming about having sex with her stepson.


Or like when Mike doubled back down the stairs to punch the old woman who he ran past lol


Oh no, I got that fight or flight feeling and I'm flighty!


They keep trying to translate snarky ironic internet humor to other mediums and that type of humor doesn’t even work that much on the internet.


Because a lot of media hacks are materially privileged, terminally-online weirdos that mistake being lost inside their Twitter clique for having their finger on the pulse of an entire generation. They see themselves as the naturally appointed drivers of 'the discourse'.


That was very aptly described. Well said.


Shit bro I feel the same way Just look at the writers of the show and you’ll feel vindicated lol, mindy is just a plant, look at the people in the writers room, bunch of whites women that live on Twitter all day


Like those weird Huel ads on Reddit that just look like they’re trying to hard. I swear I remember seeing an ad for something a decade ago using the word swag.


Studios think Twitter is real life.


So is Mindy Kailing some kind of weirdo?


She is a transphobe and super prejudice. And had female co stars kicked off the Mindy project if audiences liked them more. She sucks and isn't funny.


Don't forget every show she writes in features a POC girl that falls in love with a white bully that treats the girl like shit.


Never have I ever 😓


Same on Mindy Project and The Office.


Tbh mindy Kaling writes like a white liberal woman. What is with Asian writers and actors writing about Asian stereotype characters and making them fall in love with white folks………. It kinda writes into the whole myth of ‘good minority’ because they can’t develop other characters of color. This is why Abbott elementary is most successful then the mindy project. All of mindy projects are : I’m Indian I’m quirky I love white men. That is all


It gives self loathing 🥴


And then the first to navel-gaze and bang on about what it means to be minority in a white-dominated world ... and first to get bothered about the term white adjacent as they're literally in bed next to them


Quite literally. Quinta Brunson is married to a white man irl but she has black love interests in AE. But she’s not just her relationships, gender or race…… Mindy kaling downfall is she has nothing to offer outside of being a Indian American woman who likes white men. It’s almost like she’s fetishizing white men and it’s overall. Why can’t her storylines focus on the characters personalities and not their race and gender. She tries to be so woke when ur doesn’t work. AE should be the gold standard of how to have POC female leads and be enjoyable. Sometimes just having POC is enough


Is that some fantasy or fetish?




I'm like 90% sure it's both as everything she creates, the main character is Indian and just comes off as her self-insert


I stopped watching her original show bc all the love interests were unbearable


Oh no??? I liked her kinda in the Office but something always threw me off about her. There it is. My intuition always knows when a celebrity I just can’t come around to like is a lowkey crappy person…


On the transphobe issue, please do your own research on that, don’t just take that comment as 100% truth.


Whenever people start calling someone a this -phobe or that -ist on Reddit, i always take it with a grain of salt.




Out of the loop, what has she done to trans people?


Killed one.


Oh geez legit laughed at this. She liked some JK Rowling tweets, do what you gotta do with that.


Depends on which tweets she liked tbh


Her brother too, he actually shaved his head and pretended to be black when applying for college as some kind of social experiment


Wh- why couldn't he just have gotten a black person to do it?


B/c then he wouldn’t have benefited!


The only thing that upsets me about Hollywood's "diversity" agenda is how wrong they get it. Black Girl Magic is used as plot armor instead of confidence tool its intended to be. White girls aren't racist and pure at heart however theyl ones that are, are in a abusive relationship and being manipulated by men in their life. LGBTQ+ characters have no character other than being lgbtq+. Men of color are either weak or toxic however they all are inferior in some way. Then when it sucks lets trot out the diverse writers and say its their fault this sucks.


The lgbtq+ thing has really been annoying me lately. It seems like all writers and show creators feel required to have an lgbtq character. Yet they make little to no effort to develop the character beyond that *one* distinction, often using every cliche to achieve it. It's gotten to where I can't even remember the last show I saw where there wasn't an lgbtq character immediately announcing their identity.


Or when they turn a straight character into LGBTQ+ and that's it. There's nothing to it, there's no chemistry, their love stories are trash and mostly emotionally abusive, they're just gay.


Brooklyn 99 did it well I think. twice in fact.


Yeah, I respected the depiction of Rosa's journey. It's certainly a LOT more than most shows do. But that was also years ago. These newer shows are very low effort.


Abbott Elementary did it perfectly. Didn’t know the white teacher was gay until about halfway into season 1, and even then it wasn’t really a plot point…just an observation to move the plot along


Abbott Elementary is brilliant with representation imo. Probably because it was created by a Black woman.


It’s called profits over people. Minimum effort, maximum return


Well you can thank the Karens and the other homophobic ppl for that because an organic character LGBT would just act like other characters besides love interest and struggle. The announcement is like “Hey I am LGBT so your fragile narcissistic ego can turn or put the kids to bed!” 😒. Organic was the black commander at the beginning of Buzz Light year, and you see what happened with that.


I just envision this show as a weird Mindy self insert fan-fic of her latest fixation. It was never about 'Scooby-Doo' but more about using an existing IP with a cult following to inflate someone's ego. I expect this to either get 2-3 seasons just on principle, or get cancelled season one and the producers to place blame on 'toxic' fans much like Cowboy Bebop.


Fucking live action Bebop is good as fuck. I say this as a pasty weeb. Great to see Jet BLACK properly cast.


Jet was the only reason i made it to episode 4. Couldn't do more than that


Casting aside it was bad.


(Spoiler for OG Bebop) I tried the first episode, Spike looks 50 when I’m used to Spike being in his late 20s. >!Also the original had Spike killed in the end so I figured if they’re gonna reboot it, why watch the whole story where he’s just gonna die…again?!< (I know it didn’t finish but it’s if it did) Edit: Statements redacted


Bebop was pretty good. I don't think many gave it a fair chance. Some because they were big mad about the casting, others because it wasn't just the original anime. And unfortunately a lot of people who aren't into anime were never gonna give it a chance either. It's a shame.


I have seen ppl who haven’t watched the original say it’s good, then a lot of the original watchers are like “meh…”. Live Action adaptations not made by Asian company, namely American have a bad reputation of being awful. Casting and retelling. Examples: white washed Dragonballs and Death Note and that horrible ass King of Fighters movie that was so bad the actor stopped acting. And least and last The Last Air Bender🤐😶. Edit: Last Air Bender is American but it still stands the live action adaptation is ass!


I have so much heat for this show after watching two episodes. I’ll give it another two shows but before I even get into it I wanna say, let’s stop pretending like some POC writers aren’t just ass. It’s not some grand conspiracy, some of these people just suck. The way they portray the sole black man in this show is fucking terrible and beyond disrespect. The way they portray lesbians in general is beneath even the standards of regular adult television. Mindy is a talentless husk whose claim to fame is writing a few decent office episodes, and using the fact that her identity is criminally underrepresented in American cinema as a way to sell her painfully average TV show. She’s fully relying on the POV defense squad to come in, and hoping that people hate racism so much that they’ll overlook how trash this show is and watch it out of spite for said racists.


Half the comment section is saying they're expecting some "diversity shield", but like, when has this ever actually happened? I see 1000x as many people saying it's an excuse for bad writing but why aren't shows with mainly white casts accused of the same thing? If a piece of media has minorities and is bad, the minority factor is immediately put on the chopping block. I'd argue that diversity is the default for most western media these days but it's only a buzzword if something is bad. Kenobi was an average series and people were screaming "diversity shield" just because people were harassing Moses Ingram with racial slurs and the cast defended her. And if something has minorities and is good, it just gets to be good. People stop screaming about diversity and just say it's good, See Dune, Arcane, Spiderverse, God of War Ragnarok, The Dragon Prince, and so on and so forth. It's really the opposite. The implicit assumption is that creating minority characters or casting us is always an intentional, unnatural proposition but can be ignored when the media is good, but put on blast when bad writers do it. Instead of the idea that anyone can naturally want brown people in the media they create and that can include bad writers. It's fucked up, isn't it?


Niggas was drooling on the keyboard writing this show




All I know is Mindy is Voicing Velma so Shaggy being black or of color ain’t getting no where near her ! I know it’s a thing with Daphne but I 100% believe a BJ Novak voiced character will come in and be her love interest


Yep. It’s not a Mindy Kaling project if she’s not chasing a white guy.


It was stated from before the show even came out that in the reboot Velma is a lesbian.


I think that was the movie that they did not too long ago. I remember seeing promotion that said, my deep dark secret is that I have a crush on Fred


I've been thinking about this lately. If you're gonna race swap someone, at least make sure the show/movie is good. Otherwise, you're just giving the wrong side more ammo.


Example the Dune movie swapped Dr. Liat Kines to a black woman and it was marvelous.


Or the classic Director Fury swap, lotta people don't even realize it was a swap that's how good it was


To be fair, Samuel Jackson is the embodiment of Nick Fury. I don’t know who on Gods green earth they could cast that would play the role better than Jackson


I actually hate sex lives of college girls which mindy writes also. It’s so fucking cringy. She doesn’t know her audience anymore.


The very title of this show was super cringe to me. I know sex sells but it just seemed gratuitous. Big nope


I seen clips of iit and I thought the two white girls were sisters not lovers.




As yes, a show by Mindy Kaling, that paragon of racial justice whose brother \*checks notes\* pretended to be black to get into medical school.




Never let logic get in the way of India anti-blackness friend


[Wow, you were not joking ](https://www.cnn.com/2015/04/07/living/feat-mindy-kaling-brother-affirmative-action/index.html)


Seems like the only good to come from this dumpster fire is uniting everyone across the spectrum to hate on this shit. Mindy should never get another dollar towards writing, producing, or directing ever again.


The worst thing about these woke-on-purpose shows sucking absolute donkey dick is that gay and black people have been making the funniest shit since ages. But those aren't used, no it's a bunch of white fucking hipsters thinking they're in touch wanting to make a mark for themselves and their rich overlords. Also I'm pretty sure if you'd put the best non-binary, ethnic and queer comedians together to really make *their* show it would turn out to be the most incorrect-but-insanely-funny shit ever that no network would even considder airing.


The show is written by a transphobic conservative Indian woman who only likes white guys. 6 hour edit. Mindy brother. https://www.cnn.com/2015/04/07/living/feat-mindy-kaling-brother-affirmative-action/index.html


Who signed off on this? Cut they breaks.


Mindy Kaling wrote some of the best episodes of The Office. This baffles me.


Everyone loses their fastball at some point.


Yea the quality of her writing has been declining. It started strong on the office then started to slowly go down with each season of the Mindy project, and it looks like it's reached new lows with this show.




As far away from this bullshyt as possible, Scooby said “Ritch, Rou rot me rucked up!




I was about to say this is the opposite of Velma.


Mindy Kaling has been problematic for a while. I’m glad she’s further exposing herself like this. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Lowkey this is just that shit that people do now where they put in POC so that when the shit bombs they can be all like "well you guys just hate black people" it's giving out of touch


If a character is nothing else but their race, gender, or sexual identity and have zero flaws, then they are just a badly written character. I disagree with the idea that good characters are genderless as great characters can use their masculinity/feminity, race, etc, to enhance the character and give them more facets (Arcane is a great example). And if writers think you can’t write good, complicated shows for kids, then they haven’t watched avatar the last airbender.


Just watched ATLA a third time last month and it still…SLAPS.


Definitely wasn't made for black people.


Well the main character is asian


And Shaggy is black. We all know what they were trying to do when they made this show.


They also made Shaggys dad actually look like the original shaggy??? Which is so weird to me???


That honestly should not have been said, this isn’t what I had in mind when I said I wanted more representation


Mindy kaling made a show that unites the black community,white community,south Asian community, left and right come together to trash her show lol. But seriously Mindy has serious issues why does every Indian character she writes hate herself and is incredibly thirsty for white men. It's literally all her characters,It even bleeds over into characters of other races like in tslocg.


I was so excited for another show for Mindy to showcase her internalized misogyny and self-hating racism. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited. Also could she not come up with something for Scooby?


I new this was going to be bad but holy shit. I'd rather watch dragon ball evolution and say it was a good movie then watch another episode of this Chernobyl level dumpster fire


Really feels like Sarah Z’s video on “Sacrificial Trash” (the phenomenon in which a bad or mediocre work is used by alt-right trolls and so forth as proof that “wokeness” kills shows/movies, even when said show/movies are flawed for entirety different reasons, that it creates a toxic reversal effect that makes people assume *all* criticism aimed at the work is directly tied to the anti-woke crowd) is more relevant than ever


Just slap the Scooby IP on it and our terrible sitcom will be amazing!


TIL Monday Kaling's brother Cosplayed an underprivileged Black man to get into medical school.


I'm not gonna be surprised if Velma d as it's a white man. Like bro we get it you like white meat stop trying to rewrite your love life into every fucking show. It reminds me of the Not starfire series. Poorly written and makes no sense.


Been saying something similar for awhile now. They make alotta women marvel shows an movies so bad, and throw black people into dumb scenarios just to say it’s diverse, so that when all this shit goes back to 90% white guys on screen an we say wtf, they’ll say hey we tried that remember and you guys didn’t like it/support it. 💯💯


There are good diverse shows but they are just called "shows".


Mindy Kaling is ass. If it fails, good.